# copyright: Xi Wang (xi.wang@newcastle.edu.au)
## Class SeqGeneSet ##
SeqGeneSet <- setClass("SeqGeneSet",
representation = representation(
name = "character",
sourceFile = "character",
geneList = "character",
GS = "list",
GSNames = "character",
GSDescs = "character",
GSSize = "numeric",
GSSizeMin = "numeric",
GSSizeMax = "numeric",
GS.Excluded = "list",
GSNames.Excluded = "character",
GSDescs.Excluded = "character",
GSEA.ES = "numeric",
GSEA.ES.pos = "numeric",
GSEA.ES.perm = "matrix",
GSEA.score.cumsum = "matrix",
GSEA.normFlag = "logical",
GSEA.pval = "numeric",
GSEA.FWER = "numeric",
GSEA.FDR = "numeric",
sc.ES = "matrix",
sc.ES.perm = "matrix",
sc.normFlag = "logical",
scGSEA = "logical",
sc.pval = "matrix",
sc.FWER = "matrix",
sc.FDR = "matrix",
version = "Versions"),
prototype = prototype(
name = new("ScalarCharacter", NA),
version = new("Versions", "0.0.2"))
newGeneSets <- function(GS, GSNames, GSDescs, geneList, scGSEA = FALSE,
name = NA_character_, sourceFile = NA_character_,
GSSizeMin = 5, GSSizeMax = 1000) {
stopifnot( length(GS) == length(GSNames) & length(GS) == length(GSDescs))
stopifnot( max(unlist(GS)) <= length(geneList) )
GSSize = unlist(lapply(GS, length))
GSUse = GSSize >= GSSizeMin & GSSize <= GSSizeMax
GS <- new("SeqGeneSet", name = name, sourceFile = sourceFile, geneList = geneList,
GS = GS[GSUse], GSNames = GSNames[GSUse], GSDescs = GSDescs[GSUse],
GSSizeMin = GSSizeMin, GSSizeMax = GSSizeMax, GSSize = GSSize[GSUse],
GS.Excluded = GS[!GSUse], GSNames.Excluded = GSNames[!GSUse], GSDescs.Excluded = GSDescs[!GSUse],
GSEA.ES = numeric(0), GSEA.ES.pos = numeric(0),
GSEA.ES.perm = matrix(0, 0 ,0), GSEA.score.cumsum = matrix(0, 0 ,0),
GSEA.normFlag = FALSE, GSEA.pval = numeric(0),
GSEA.FWER = numeric(0), GSEA.FDR = numeric(0),
sc.ES = matrix(0, 0 ,0), sc.ES.perm = matrix(0, 0 ,0),
sc.normFlag = FALSE, scGSEA = scGSEA,
sc.pval = matrix(0, 0 ,0), sc.FWER = matrix(0, 0 ,0), sc.FDR = matrix(0, 0 ,0) )
function(object) {
if(!object@scGSEA) {
expr1 <- ifelse(length(object@GSEA.ES) > 0,
paste(selectSome(object@GSEA.ES, maxToShow=4), collapse=", "),
"not computed")
expr2 <- ifelse(length(object@GSEA.ES.pos) > 0,
paste(selectSome(object@GSEA.ES.pos, maxToShow=4), collapse=", "),
"not computed")
expr3 <- ifelse(ncol(object@GSEA.ES.perm) > 0,
paste(ncol(object@GSEA.ES.perm), "-time permutation", sep=""),
"not performed")
expr4 <- ifelse(object@GSEA.normFlag, "Yes", "No")
expr5 <- ifelse(length(object@GSEA.pval) > 0,
paste(selectSome(object@GSEA.pval, maxToShow=4), collapse=", "),
"not computed")
expr6 <- ifelse(length(object@GSEA.FWER) > 0,
paste(selectSome(object@GSEA.FWER, maxToShow=4), collapse=", "),
"not computed")
expr7 <- ifelse(length(object@GSEA.FDR) > 0,
paste(selectSome(object@GSEA.FDR, maxToShow=4), collapse=", "),
"not computed")
cat("SeqGeneSet object: ", object@name, "\n",
"GeneSetSourceFile: ", object@sourceFile, "\n",
"GeneSets: ", paste(selectSome(object@GSNames, maxToShow=4),
collapse="\n "), "\n",
" with the number of genes in respective sets: ",
paste(selectSome(object@GSSize, maxToShow=4), collapse=", "), "\n",
" brief descriptions: \n ",
paste(selectSome(object@GSDescs, maxToShow=4), collapse="\n "), "\n",
" # gene sets passed filter: ", size(object),
" (#genes >= ", object@GSSizeMin, " AND <= ", object@GSSizeMax, ")\n",
" # gene sets excluded: ", sizeOfExcludedGS(object),
" (#genes < ", object@GSSizeMin, " OR > ", object@GSSizeMax, ")\n",
"ES scores: ", expr1, "\n",
"ES postions: ", expr2, "\n",
"Permutated ES scores: ", expr3, "\n",
"ES scores normalized: ", expr4, "\n",
"ES p-value: ", expr5, "\n",
"ES FWER: ", expr6, "\n",
"ES FDR: ", expr7, "\n",
} else {
expr1 <- ifelse(length(object@sc.ES) > 0,
paste(nrow(object@sc.ES), "genesets by", ncol(object@sc.ES), "cells computed"),
"not computed")
expr2 <- ifelse(length(object@sc.ES.perm) > 0,
paste(nrow(object@sc.ES), "genesets by", ncol(object@sc.ES), "permutation times computed"),
"not computed")
expr3 <- ifelse(object@sc.normFlag, "Yes", "No")
expr4 <- ifelse(length(object@sc.pval) > 0,
paste(nrow(object@sc.pval), "genesets by ", ncol(object@sc.pval), " cells computed"),
"not computed")
expr5 <- ifelse(length(object@sc.FWER) > 0,
paste(nrow(object@sc.FWER), "genesets by ", ncol(object@sc.FWER), " cells computed"),
"not computed")
expr6 <- ifelse(length(object@sc.FDR) > 0,
paste(nrow(object@sc.FDR), "genesets by ", ncol(object@sc.FDR), " cells computed"),
"not computed")
cat("SeqGeneSet object: ", object@name, "\n",
"GeneSetSourceFile: ", object@sourceFile, "\n",
"GeneSets: ", paste(selectSome(object@GSNames, maxToShow=4),
collapse="\n "), "\n",
" with the number of genes in respective sets: ",
paste(selectSome(object@GSSize, maxToShow=4), collapse=", "), "\n",
" brief descriptions: \n ",
paste(selectSome(object@GSDescs, maxToShow=4), collapse="\n "), "\n",
" # gene sets passed filter: ", size(object),
" (#genes >= ", object@GSSizeMin, " AND <= ", object@GSSizeMax, ")\n",
" # gene sets excluded: ", sizeOfExcludedGS(object),
" (#genes < ", object@GSSizeMin, " OR > ", object@GSSizeMax, ")\n",
"sc-ES scores: ", expr1, "\n",
"Permutated sc-ES scores: ", expr2, "\n",
"sc-ES scores normalized: ", expr3, "\n",
"sc-ES p-value: ", expr4, "\n",
"sc-ES FWER: ", expr5, "\n",
"sc-ES FDR: ", expr6, "\n",
signature = signature(
x="SeqGeneSet", i="numeric"),
function(x, i, j, ..., drop=TRUE) {
stopifnot(all(i <= size(x)))
if (length(i) == 1 && drop)
GS <- x
GS@GS <- x@GS[i]
GS@GSNames <- x@GSNames[i]
GS@GSDescs <- x@GSDescs[i]
GS@GSSize <- x@GSSize[i]
GS@GS.Excluded <- list()
GSNames.Excluded <- character()
GSDescs.Excluded <- character()
if(length(x@GSEA.ES) > 0 )
if(length(x@GSEA.ES.pos) > 0)
GS@GSEA.ES.pos <- x@GSEA.ES.pos[i]
if(nrow(x@GSEA.ES.perm) > 0)
GS@GSEA.ES.perm <- x@GSEA.ES.perm[i,,drop=FALSE]
if(nrow(x@GSEA.score.cumsum) > 0)
GS@GSEA.score.cumsum <- x@GSEA.score.cumsum[i,,drop=FALSE]
if(length(x@GSEA.pval) > 0)
GS@GSEA.pval <- x@GSEA.pval[i]
if(length(x@GSEA.FDR) > 0)
if(length(x@GSEA.FWER) > 0)
if(nrow(x@sc.ES) > 0)
GS@sc.ES <- x@sc.ES[i,,drop=FALSE]
if(nrow(x@sc.ES.perm) > 0)
GS@sc.ES.perm <- x@sc.ES.perm[i,,drop=FALSE]
if(nrow(x@sc.pval) > 0)
GS@sc.pval <- x@sc.pval[i,,drop=FALSE]
if(nrow(x@sc.FWER) > 0)
GS@sc.FWER <- x@sc.FWER[i,,drop=FALSE]
if(nrow(x@sc.FDR) > 0)
GS@sc.FDR <- x@sc.FDR[i,,drop=FALSE]
} )
geneSetNames <- function(GS) {
stopifnot( is(GS, "SeqGeneSet"))
gsn <- GS@GSNames
names(gsn) <- GS@GSNames
geneSetDescs <- function(GS) {
stopifnot( is(GS, "SeqGeneSet"))
gsd <- GS@GSDescs
names(gsd) <- GS@GSNames
geneSetSize <- function(GS) {
stopifnot( is(GS, "SeqGeneSet"))
gss <- GS@GSSize
names(gss) <- GS@GSNames
size <- function(GS) {
stopifnot( is(GS, "SeqGeneSet"))
geneList <- function(GS) {
stopifnot( is(GS, "SeqGeneSet"))
sizeOfExcludedGS <- function(GS) {
stopifnot( is (GS, "SeqGeneSet") )
## Class ReadCountSet ##
ReadCountSet <- setClass( "ReadCountSet",
contains = "eSet",
representation = representation(
featureData_gene = "data.frame",
permute_NBstat_exon = "matrix",
permute_NBstat_gene = "matrix"
prototype = prototype( new( "VersionedBiobase",
versions = c( classVersion("eSet"),
ReadCountSet = "1.0.0" ) ) )
newReadCountSet <- function( readCounts, exonIDs, geneIDs ) {
readCounts <- as.matrix( readCounts )
if( any( round( readCounts ) != readCounts ) ){
stop( "The count data is not integer." )}
mode( readCounts ) <- "integer"
nRow <- nrow(readCounts)
phenoData <- annotatedDataFrameFrom( readCounts, byrow=FALSE )
featureData <- annotatedDataFrameFrom( readCounts, byrow=TRUE )
samples <- colnames(readCounts)
phenoData$label <- rep(1, length(samples))
phenoData$label[regexpr("C", samples)==1] <- 0
phenoData$label <- as.factor(phenoData$label)
varMetadata( phenoData )[ "label", "labelDescription" ] <- "label of samples (1's for cases, 0's for controls"
exonIDs <- as.character( exonIDs )
if( length(exonIDs) != nRow )
stop( "exonIDs must be of the same length as the number of columns in readCounts" )
geneIDs <- as.factor( geneIDs )
if( length(geneIDs) != nRow )
stop( "geneIDs must be of the same length as the number of columns in readCounts" )
featureData$exonIDs <- exonIDs
varMetadata( featureData )[ "exonIDs", "labelDescription" ] <- "exon ID (unique only within a gene)"
featureData$geneIDs <- geneIDs
varMetadata( featureData )[ "geneIDs", "labelDescription" ] <- "ID of gene to which the exon belongs"
featureData$testable <- rep( NA_real_, nRow )
varMetadata( featureData )[ "testable", "labelDescription" ] <- "slot indicating if an exon should be considered in the test"
featureData$prob_case <- rep( NA_real_, nRow )
varMetadata( featureData )[ "prob_case", "labelDescription" ] <- "expection of this exon's prob in a gene in the case group"
featureData$prob_ctrl <- rep( NA_real_, nRow )
varMetadata( featureData )[ "prob_ctrl", "labelDescription" ] <- "expection of this exon's prob in a gene in the control group"
featureData$var_case <- rep( NA_real_, nRow )
varMetadata( featureData )[ "var_case", "labelDescription" ] <- "variance of this exon's pron in the case group"
featureData$var_ctrl <- rep( NA_real_, nRow )
varMetadata( featureData )[ "var_ctrl", "labelDescription" ] <- "variance of this exon's pron in the control group"
featureData$NBstat <- rep( NA_real_, nRow )
varMetadata( featureData )[ "NBstat", "labelDescription" ] <- "NB stat for DE"
featureData$pvalue <- rep( NA_real_, nRow )
varMetadata( featureData )[ "pvalue", "labelDescription" ] <- "p-value from NB permutation"
featureData$padjust <- rep( NA_real_, nRow )
varMetadata( featureData )[ "padjust", "labelDescription" ] <- "adjusted p-value from NB permutation"
featureData_gene_NBstat <- rep( NA_real_, length(unique(geneIDs)))
featureData_gene_pval <- rep( NA_real_, length(unique(geneIDs)))
featureData_gene_padj <- rep( NA_real_, length(unique(geneIDs)))
RCS <- new( "ReadCountSet",
assayData = assayDataNew( "environment", counts=readCounts ),
phenoData = phenoData,
featureData = featureData,
featureData_gene = data.frame(NBstat = featureData_gene_NBstat,
pval = featureData_gene_pval,
padj = featureData_gene_padj,
row.names = unique(as.character(geneIDs))),
permute_NBstat_exon = matrix(0,0,0),
permute_NBstat_gene = matrix(0,0,0)
setValidity( "ReadCountSet", function( object ) {
if( ! "geneIDs" %in% names(fData(object)) )
return( "featureData does not contain a 'geneIDs' column.")
if( ! is( fData(object)$geneID, "factor" ) )
return( "The 'geneID' column in fData is not a factor." )
if( ! "exonIDs" %in% names(fData(object)) )
return( "featureData does not contain an 'exonIDs' column.")
if( ! is( fData(object)$exonIDs, "character" ) )
return( "The 'exonIDs' column in fData is not a character vector." )
if( !is(fData(object)$NBstat, "numeric")){
return( "The 'NBstat' values are not numeric")}
if( !is(fData(object)$pvalue, "numeric")){
return( "The 'pvalue' values are not numeric")}
if( !is(fData(object)$padjust, "numeric")){
return( "The 'padjust' values are not numeric")}
if( !is.integer( assayData(object)[["counts"]] ) )
return( "The count data is not in integer mode." )
if( any( assayData(object)[["counts"]] < 0 ) )
return( "The count data contains negative values." )
if( !is(object@featureData_gene , "data.frame")){
return( "The 'featureData_gene' is not data.frame")}
if( !is(object@permute_NBstat_exon , "matrix")){
return( "The 'permute_NBstat_exon' is not matrix")}
if( !is(object@permute_NBstat_gene , "matrix")){
return( "The 'permute_NBstat_gene' is not matrix")}
loadExonCountData <- function(case.files, control.files) {
nCase <- length(case.files)
nCtrl <- length(control.files)
sample.names <- c(paste('S',1:nCase,sep=""), paste('C',1:nCtrl,sep=""))
lf <- lapply(c(case.files, control.files), function(x) read.table(x, header = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
if (!all(sapply(lf[-1], function(x) all(x$V1 == lf[1]$V1))))
stop("Count files have differing gene ID column.")
dcounts <- sapply(lf, `[[`, "V2")
rownames(dcounts) <- lf[[1]][, 1]
colnames(dcounts) <- sample.names
# dcounts for EXONs, and gcounts for GENEs
dcounts <- dcounts[substr(rownames(dcounts), 1, 1) != "_", ]
geneIDs <- sapply(strsplit(rownames(dcounts), ":"), "[[", 1)
exonIDs <- paste("E", sapply(strsplit(rownames(dcounts), ":"), function(x) {
return(x[2])}), sep = "")
#gcounts <- do.call(rbind, tapply(1:nrow(dcounts), as.factor(geneIDs), function(rows) {colSums(dcounts[rows, , drop = FALSE]) } ))
idx <- order(geneIDs) # to make sure gene IDs are sorted in lexicographic order; otherwise will cause error in applying `tapply`
RCS <- newReadCountSet( dcounts[idx, ], exonIDs[idx], geneIDs[idx] )
label <- function( RCS ) {
stopifnot( is( RCS, "ReadCountSet" ) )
lb <- pData(RCS)$label
names( lb ) <- colnames( counts(RCS) )
setMethod("counts", signature(object="ReadCountSet"),
function( object ) {
RCS <- object
setReplaceMethod("counts", signature(object="ReadCountSet", value="matrix"),
function( object, value ) {
RCS <- object
assayData(RCS)[[ "counts" ]] <- value
geneID <- function( RCS ) {
stopifnot( is( RCS, "ReadCountSet" ) )
g <- fData(RCS)$geneIDs
names(g) <- rownames( counts(RCS) )
`geneID<-` <- function( RCS, value ) {
stopifnot( is( RCS, "ReadCountSet" ) )
fData(RCS)$geneIDs <- as.factor(value)
exonID <- function( RCS ) {
stopifnot( is( RCS, "ReadCountSet" ) )
g <- fData(RCS)$exonIDs
names(g) <- rownames( counts(RCS) )
`exonID<-` <- function( RCS, value ) {
stopifnot( is( RCS, "ReadCountSet" ) )
fData(RCS)$exonIDs <- as.character(value)
subsetByGenes <- function( RCS, genes ) {
stopifnot( is( RCS, "ReadCountSet" ) )
stopifnot( all( genes %in% levels(geneID(RCS)) ) )
indxExon <- as.character(geneID(RCS)) %in% genes
indxGene <- unique(as.character(geneID(RCS))) %in% genes
RCS2 <- RCS[ indxExon, ]
fData(RCS2)$geneIDs <- as.factor(as.character(fData(RCS2)$geneIDs))
RCS2@featureData_gene <- RCS@featureData_gene[indxGene,]
if( length(RCS@permute_NBstat_exon) ) {
RCS2@permute_NBstat_exon <- as.matrix(RCS@permute_NBstat_exon[indxExon, ])
RCS2@permute_NBstat_gene <- as.matrix(RCS@permute_NBstat_gene[indxGene, ])
} else {
RCS2@permute_NBstat_exon <- matrix(0,0,0)
RCS2@permute_NBstat_gene <- matrix(0,0,0)
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