#' @title Plot a Genomic Region showing HiC, Features, Genes and Coverage
#' @description Plot a region with showing HiC, Features, Genes and Coverage
#' @details
#' Convenience function for plotting a common set of tracks. All tracks are
#' optional. For more fine control, users are advised to simply use Gviz
#' directly.
#' The primary tracks defined in this function are H (HiC), F (features), G
#' (genes), and C (coverage). Axis and Ideogram tracks are an additional part of
#' this visualisation, with the Ideogram also being optional
#' Use all tracks specific to this dataset to generate a simple visualisation.
#' In descending order the tracks displayed will be:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item HiC Interactions (if supplied)
#' \item Regulatory features
#' \item Genes/genes
#' \item Coverage tracks as supplied
#' }
#' All tracks are optional and will simply be omitted if no data is supplied.
#' See individual sections below for a more detailed explanation of each track
#' If wanting a single track of genes, simply pass a GRanges object in the
#' format specified for a \link[Gviz]{GeneRegionTrack}. Passing a GRangesList
#' with the same format will yield an individual track for each list element,
#' with each track shown by default as a separate colour. This can be used for
#' showing Up/Down-regulated genes, or Detected/Undetected genes.
#' If passing a BigWigFileList for the coverage track, each file within the
#' object will be drawn on a separate track. If specified, the same y-limits
#' will be applied to each track
#' If passing a list of BigWigFileList
#' objects, each list element will be drawn as a single track with the
#' individual files within each BigWigFileList overlaid within each track.
#' Cytogenetic band information must be in the structure required by
#' \link[Gviz]{IdeogramTrack}, with data for both GRCh37 and GRCh38 provided in
#' this package (\link{grch37.cytobands}, \link{grch38.cytobands}).
#' A highlight overlay over the GRanges provided as the `gr` argument will be
#' added if a colour is provided. If set to NULL, no highlight will be added.
#' @section Displaying HiC Interactions:
#' The available arguments for displaying HiC Interactions are defined below.
#' If `hic` is supplied, a single \link[GenomicInteractions]{InteractionTrack}
#' will be added displaying
#' all interactions with an anchor within the range specified by `gr`.
#' Only interactions with an anchor explicitly overlapping `gr` will be shown.
#' If no interactions are found within `gr`, the track will not be displayed.
#' The **plotting range will expand to incorporate these interactions**, with
#' the paramater `max` providing an upper limit on the displayed range.
#' \describe{
#' \item{hic}{This is the `GInteractions` object required for inclusion of
#' a HiC track in the final output. Will be ignored if not supplied}
#' \item{hiccol}{Determines the colours used for display of anchors and
#' interactions}
#' \item{hicsize}{Relative size of the track compared to others}
#' \item{hicname}{The name to display on the LHS panel}
#' \item{max}{The maximum width of the plotted region. If multiple long-range
#' interactions are identified, this provides an upper limit for the display.
#' This defaults to `10Mb`.}
#' }
#' @section Displaying Features:
#' If wanting to add an \link[Gviz]{AnnotationTrack} with regions defined as
#' 'features', the following arguments are highly relevant.
#' All are ignored if `features` is not provided.
#' \describe{
#' \item{features}{A named `GRangesList`. Each element will be considered as
#' a separate feature and drawn as a block in a distinct colour. Any `mcols`
#' data will be ignored.}
#' \item{featcol}{A **named** vector (or list) providing a colour for each
#' element of `features`}
#' \item{featname}{The name to display on the LHS panel}
#' \item{featstack}{Stacking to be applied to all supplied features}
#' \item{featsize}{Relative size of the track compared to others}
#' }
#' @section Displaying Genes And Transcripts:
#' To display genes or transcripts, simply provide a single `GRanges` object if
#' you wish to display all genes on a single track.
#' The `mcols` element of this object should contain the columns `feature`,
#' `gene`, `exon`, `transcript` and `symbol` as seen on the
#' \link[Gviz]{GeneRegionTrack} help page.
#' Alternatively, a `GRangesList` can be provided to display genes on separate
#' tracks based on their category.
#' This can be useful for separating and colouring Up/Down regulated genes in a
#' precise way.
#' All elements should be as described above.
#' Again, all parameters associated with this track-set will be ignored of no
#' object is supplied to this argument.
#' \describe{
#' \item{genes}{A `GRanges` or `GRangesList` object as described above}
#' \item{genecol}{A single colour if supplying a `GRanges` object, or a
#' **named** vector/list of colours matching the `GRangesList`}
#' \item{genesize}{Relative size of the track compared to others}
#' \item{collapseTranscripts}{Passed to all tracks. See the GeneRegionTrack
#' section in \link[Gviz]{settings} for detail regarding possible arguments.
#' If genes is a `GRangesList`, can be a **named** vector/list with names
#' matching the names of the `genes` object.
#' }
#' }
#' @section Displaying Coverage Tracks:
#' This section contains the most flexibility and can take two types of input.
#' The first option is a `BigWigFileList`, which will lead to each BigWig file
#' being plotted on it's own track.
#' An alternative is a list of `BigWigFileList` objects.
#' In this case, each list element will be plotted as a separate track,
#' with all individual `BigWig` files within each list element
#' overlaid within the relevant track.
#' In addition to the coverage tracks, annotations can be added to each
#' `BigWigFileList` in the form of coloured ranges, indicating anything of the
#' users choice. Common usage may be to indicate regions with binding of a
#' ChIP target is found to be detected, unchanged, gained or lost.
#' \describe{
#' \item{coverage}{A `BigWigFileList` or `list` of `BigWigFileList` objects.
#' A single `BigWigFileList` will be displayed with each individual file on a
#' separate track with independent y-axes. Each element of the
#' `BigWigFileList` **must be named** and these names will be displayed on the
#' LHS panels
#' A list of `BigWigFileList` objects will be displayed with each list element
#' as a separate track, with any `BigWig` files overlaid using the same
#' y-axis. The list **must be named** with these names displayed on the LHS
#' panel. Each internal `BigWig` within a `BigWigFileList` must also be named.
#' }
#' \item{covtype}{Currently only lines (`covtype = "l"`) and
#' heatmaps (`covtype = "heatmap"`) are supported. Colours can be
#' specified using the arguments below}
#' \item{linecol}{Can be a single colour applied to all tracks, or a *named*
#' vector (or list) of colours. If `coverage` is a single `BigWigFileList`,
#' these names should match the names of this object exactly.
#' If `coverage` is a list of `BigWigFileList` objects, `linecol` should be
#' a list with matching names. Each element of this list should also be a
#' **named** vector with names that exactly match those of each corresponding
#' `BigWigFileList`.}
#' \item{gradient}{A colour gradient applied to all heatmap tracks. No
#' specific structure is required beyond a vector of colours.}
#' \item{covsize}{Relative size of the tracks compared to others}
#' \item{ylim}{Can be a vector of length 2 applied to all coverage tracks.
#' Alternatively, if passing a list of `BigWigFlieList` objects to the
#' `coverage` argument, this can be a **named** list of numeric vectors with
#' names matching `coverage`}
#' \item{annotation}{Each `BigWigFileList` needs annotations to be passed to
#' this argument as a **named** `GRangesList`, with names being used to
#' associate unique colours with that set of ranges. If `coverage` is a
#' `BigWigFileList` a simple `GRangesList` would be supplied and a single
#' 'annotation' track will appear at the top of the set of coverage tracks.
#' If `coverage` is a `list`, then a **named** list of `GRangesList` objects
#' should be supplied, with each being displayed above the corresponding track
#' from the `coverage` object.}
#' \item{annotcol}{A vector of colours corresponding to all names within all
#' `GRangesList` elements supplied as `annotation`. It is assumed that the
#' same colour scheme will be applied to all annotation tracks and, as such,
#' the colours should **not** be provided as a list which matches the
#' coverage tracks. Instead, every named element anywhere in the annotation
#' GRanges, across all of the tracks must be included as a colour}
#' \item{annotsize}{Relative size of the tracks compared to others}
#' }
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(rtracklayer)
#' ## Make sure we have the cytobands active
#' data(grch37.cytobands)
#' ## Prepare the HiC, promoter & transcript information
#' data(ex_hic, ex_trans, ex_prom)
#' ex_features <- GRangesList(Promoter = ex_prom)
#' featcol <- c(Promoter = "red")
#' ## Prepare the coverage
#' fl <- system.file(
#' "extdata", "bigwig", c("ex1.bw", "ex2.bw"), package = "extraChIPs"
#' )
#' bwfl <- BigWigFileList(fl)
#' names(bwfl) <- c("ex1", "ex2")
#' bw_col <- c(ex1 = "#4B0055", ex2 = "#007094")
#' ## Define the plotting range
#' gr <- GRanges("chr10:103862000-103900000")
#' ## Now create the basic plot
#' plotHFGC(
#' gr,
#' hic = ex_hic, features = ex_features, genes = ex_trans, coverage = bwfl,
#' featcol = featcol, linecol = bw_col, cytobands = grch37.cytobands
#' )
#' plotHFGC(
#' gr,
#' hic = ex_hic, features = ex_features, genes = ex_trans, coverage = bwfl,
#' featcol = featcol, linecol = bw_col, cytobands = grch37.cytobands,
#' maxTrans = 1
#' )
#' }
#' @return
#' A Gviz object
#' @param gr The range(s) of interest. Must be on a single chromosome
#' @param hic Any HiC interactions to be included as a GenomicInteractions
#' object. If not supplied, no HiC track will be drawn.
#' @param features A named GRangesList or list of GRangesList objects. Each
#' GRangesList should contain features in each element which will drawn on the
#' same track. If providing a list, each GRangesList within the list will drawn
#' on a separate track. If this argument is not specified, no feature track will
#' be drawn. Features will be drawn with colours provided in `featcol`.
#' @param genes A GRanges object with exon structure for each transcript/gene.
#' If not included, no track will be drawn for gene/transcript structure.
#' The expected mcols in this object are `type`, `gene`, `exon` `transcript`
#' and `symbol`. See data(ex_trans) for an example.
#' @param coverage A named list of BigWigFileList objects containing the
#' primary tracks to show coverage for. Each list element will be drawn on a
#' separate track, with elements within each BigWigFileList shown on the same
#' track. List names will become track names. Alternatively, a single
#' BigWigFileList will plot all individual files on separate tracks.
#' If not included, no coverage tracks will be drawn.
#' @param annotation Annotations for the coverage track(s).
#' A single GRangesList if coverage is a BigWigListList.
#' If coverage is supplied as a list of BigWigFileLists, a named list of
#' GRangesList objects for each coverage track being annotatated. Names must
#' match those given for coverage.
#' @param zoom Multiplicative factor for zooming in and out
#' @param shift Shift the plot. Applied after zooming
#' @param axistrack logical. Add an AxisTrack()
#' @param cytobands Cytogenetic bands to be displayed on each chromosome.
#' See data('grch37.cytobands') for the correct format. Only drawn if a
#' cytobands data.frame is provided.
#' @param max The maximum width of the plotting region. Given that the width of
#' the final plotting window will be determined by any HiC interactions, this
#' argument excludes any interactions beyond this distance. Plotting can be
#' somewhat slow if any long range interactions are included. Ignored if no HiC
#' interactions are supplied.
#' @param fontsize Applied across all tracks
#' @param hiccol list with names `"anchors"` and `"interactions"`. Colours
#' are passed to these elements
#' @param featcol Named vector (or list) of colours for each feature. Must be
#' provided if drawing features
#' @param genecol Named vector (or list) of colours for each gene category
#' @param annotcol Colours matching the coverage annotations
#' @param covtype The plot type for coverage. Currently only lines ("l")
#' and heatmaps ("heatmap") are supported
#' @param linecol If passing a BigWigFileList to coverage, a vector of colours.
#' If passing a list of BigWigFileList objects to coverage, a list of colours
#' with structure that matches the object being passed to coverage, i.e. a
#' named list of the same length, with elements who's length matches each
#' BigWigFileList. Only used if covtype = "l".
#' @param gradient Colour gradient for heatmaps
#' @param highlight Outline colour for the highlight track. Setting this to
#' `NULL` will remove the highlight
#' @param hicsize,featsize,genesize,covsize,annotsize
#' Relative sizes for each track (hic, features, genes, coverage & annotation)
#' @param hicname,featname Names displayed in the LHS panel
#' @param featstack Stacking for the fature track
#' @param ylim If a numeric vector, this will be passed to all coverage tracks.
#' Alternatively, a named list of y-limits for each coverage track with names
#' that match those in each element of the coverage list.
#' @param ... Passed to \link[Gviz]{DataTrack} for the **coverage tracks** only.
#' Useful arguments may be things like `legend`
#' @param cex.title Passed to all tracks
#' @param rotation.title Passed to all tracks
#' @param col.title Passed to all tracks
#' @param background.title Passed to all tracks
#' @param collapseTranscripts Passed to \link[Gviz]{GeneRegionTrack} for the
#' genes track. Defaults to `"auto"` for automatic setting. If the number of
#' transcripts to be plotted is > `maxtrans`, the argument will be
#' automatically set to `"meta"`, otherwise this will be passed as `FALSE` which
#' will show all transcripts.
#' @param maxTrans Only used if `collapseTranscripts` is set to "auto".
#' @param title.width Expansion factor passed to \link[Gviz]{plotTracks}, and
#' used to widen the panels on the LHS of all tracks.
#' Can have unpredictable effects on the font
#' size of y-axis limits due to the algorithm applied by `plotTracks`
#' @importFrom methods slot
#' @importFrom InteractionSet anchors
#' @importFrom GenomicInteractions calculateDistances
#' @importFrom grDevices hcl.colors
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @export
plotHFGC <- function(
gr, hic, features, genes, coverage, annotation,
zoom = 1, shift = 0, max = 1e7, axistrack = TRUE, cytobands,
covtype = c("l", "heatmap"),
linecol = c(), gradient = hcl.colors(101, "viridis"),
hiccol = list(anchors = "lightblue", interactions = "red"),
featcol, genecol, annotcol, highlight = "blue",
hicsize = 1, featsize = 1, genesize = 1, covsize = 4, annotsize = 0.5,
hicname = "HiC", featname = "Features",
featstack = c("full", "hide", "dense", "squish", "pack"),
collapseTranscripts = "auto", maxTrans = 12,
ylim = NULL, ...,
fontsize = 12, cex.title = 0.8, rotation.title = 0, col.title = "white",
background.title = "lightgray",
title.width = 1.5
) {
if (!requireNamespace('Gviz', quietly = TRUE))
stop("Please install 'Gviz' to use this function.")
## Argument checks
## Add checks for standard chromosomes!!!
covtype <- match.arg(covtype)
checkArgs <- .checkHFGCArgs(
gr = gr, zoom = zoom, shift = shift, hic = hic, features = features,
genes = genes, coverage = coverage, annotation = annotation,
axistrack = axistrack, cytobands = cytobands, max = max,
hiccol = hiccol, linecol = linecol, genecol = genecol,
featcol = featcol, annotcol = annotcol, type = covtype, ylim = ylim,
collapseTranscripts = collapseTranscripts, maxTrans = maxTrans
## Add a step for restricting to standard chromosomes!!!
## Form the HiC track, including all interactions beyond the max
hic_track <- .makeHiCTrack(
hic, gr, fontsize, hicsize, cex.title, rotation.title, hiccol, hicname,
col.title, background.title
## If interactions were found, reset the plot range. This should be the
## maximum of all interactions < max or the initial range
plot_range <- range(gr)
if (width(plot_range) > max)
warning("Provided range is wider than the max permitted. Highlights may be unpredictable")
if (length(hic_track)) {
hic <- slot(hic_track, "giobject")
anchors <- anchors(hic[calculateDistances(hic) < max])
anchors <- unlist(GRangesList(anchors))
plot_range <- range(c(anchors, gr), ignore.strand = TRUE)
## Now resize/shift as required
max_width <- min(max, zoom*width(plot_range))
plot_range <- resize(plot_range, max_width, fix = "center")
plot_range <- shift(plot_range, shift)
## Form the IdeogramTrack
ideo_track <- .makeIdeoTrack(plot_range, cytobands, fontsize)
## Form the features track
featstack <- match.arg(featstack)
if (missing(features)) {
feature_track <- NULL
} else {
if (is(features, "GRangesList")) {
feature_track <- .makeFeatureTrack(
features, plot_range, fontsize, featcol, featsize, cex.title,
rotation.title, featname, featstack, col.title, background.title
if (is(features, "list")) {
## Only update using featnames if names are provided for every element
if (length(featname) != length(features))
featname <- names(features)
feature_track <- lapply(
function(i) {
x <- names(features)[[i]]
features[[x]], plot_range, fontsize, featcol[[x]],
featsize, cex.title, rotation.title, featname[[i]],
featstack, col.title, background.title
## Form the genes tracks. NB: This will be a list of tracks
gene_tracks <- .makeGeneTracks(
genes, plot_range, collapseTranscripts, fontsize, genecol, genesize,
cex.title, rotation.title, col.title, background.title, maxTrans
## The coverage tracks NB: This will be list of tracks
cov_tracks <- .makeCoverageTracks(
coverage, plot_range, fontsize, covtype, linecol, gradient, covsize,
cex.title, rotation.title, ylim, col.title, background.title, ...
cov_tracks <- .addAnnotations(
annotation, plot_range, cov_tracks, coverage, annotcol, annotsize,
col.title, background.title
## Add the highlight track if wanted. Include features, genes & coverage
hl_track <- c(hic_track, feature_track, gene_tracks, cov_tracks)
hl_track <- hl_track[!vapply(hl_track, is.null, logical(1))]
if (!is.null(highlight)) {
gr <- subsetByOverlaps(gr, plot_range)
if (length(gr)) {
hl_track <- Gviz::HighlightTrack(
trackList = hl_track, range = gr, col = highlight,
fill = "#FFFFFF00", inBackground = FALSE
} else {
message("No ranges able to be highlighted")
plot_list <- list()
if (!is.null(ideo_track)) plot_list <- list(ideo_track)
if (axistrack)
plot_list <- c(
plot_list, Gviz::GenomeAxisTrack(plot_range, fontsize = fontsize)
plot_list <- c(plot_list, hl_track)
from = start(plot_range), end(plot_range), title.width = title.width
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb genome seqnames
#' @importFrom rtracklayer ucscGenomes
.makeIdeoTrack <- function(.gr, .bands, .fontsize) {
if (missing(.bands)) return(NULL)
## Checks have been done in .checkHFGCArgs
gen <- as.character(unique(genome(.gr)))
chr <- as.character(unique(seqnames(.gr)))
chromosome = chr, genome = gen, name = chr, bands = .bands,
fontsize = .fontsize
#' @importFrom GenomicInteractions anchorOne anchorTwo
#' @importFrom GenomicInteractions GenomicInteractions InteractionTrack
#' @importFrom IRanges subsetByOverlaps
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqnames
.makeHiCTrack <- function(
.hic, .gr, .fontsize, .tracksize, .cex, .rot, .col, .name, .col.title,
) {
if (missing(.hic)) return(NULL)
## Checks have been performed previously on any provided object & params
## Just keep cis interactions on the chromosome of interest
.hic <- subsetByOverlaps(.hic, .gr)
if (length(.hic) == 0) return(NULL)
chr <- as.character(seqnames(.gr))[[1]]
cis <- seqnames(anchorOne(.hic)) == chr & seqnames(anchorTwo(.hic)) == chr
if (sum(cis) == 0) return(NULL)
.hic <- .hic[cis]
track <- InteractionTrack(
x = GenomicInteractions(.hic),
chromosome = chr,
name = .name
track@dp@pars$size <- .tracksize
track@dp@pars$fontsize <- .fontsize
track@dp@pars$fontcolor.title <- .col.title
track@dp@pars$background.title <- .bg.title
track@dp@pars$cex.title <- .cex
track@dp@pars$rotation.title <- .rot
track@dp@pars$col.anchors.line <- .col[["anchors"]]
track@dp@pars$col.anchors.fill <- .col[["anchors"]]
track@dp@pars$col.interactions <- .col[["interactions"]]
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom stringr str_trim
.addAnnotations <- function(
.annotation, .gr, .cov_tracks, .coverage, .fill, .size, .col.title,
) {
if (missing(.annotation) | is.null(.cov_tracks)) return(.cov_tracks)
## Set everything grey if no colour is specified
if (missing(.fill)) .fill <- "grey"
if (is(.coverage, "BigWigFileList")) {
## Here we just add another feature track. Input will be a single GRList
fontsize <- .cov_tracks[[1]]@dp@pars$fontsize
cex <- .cov_tracks[[1]]@dp@pars$cex.title
annot_track <- .makeFeatureTrack(
.annotation, .gr, fontsize, .fill, .size, cex, 0, .name = c(),
.stacking = "full", .col.title, .bg.title
annot_track@name <- ""
tracks <- c(list(annot_track), .cov_tracks)
if (is(.coverage, "list")) {
## Here we just add a feature track before any coverage tracks
## Find the common names
cov2add <- intersect(names(.annotation), names(.coverage))
if (length(cov2add) == 0) return(.cov_tracks)
tracks <- lapply(
function(x) {
nm <- str_trim(x@name)
if (!nm %in% cov2add) return(x)
fontsize <- x@dp@pars$fontsize
cex <- x@dp@pars$cex.title
annot_track <- .makeFeatureTrack(
.annotation[[nm]], .gr, fontsize, .fill, .size, cex, 0, "",
"full",.col.title, .bg.title
# annot_track@name <- nm
c(list(annot_track), x)
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @importFrom IRanges subsetByOverlaps
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @importFrom S4Vectors endoapply
.makeFeatureTrack <- function(
.features, .gr, .fontsize, .fill, .tracksize, .cex, .rot, .name,
.stacking, .col.title, .bg.title
) {
if (missing(.features)) return(NULL)
if (missing(.fill)) {
pos <- ((seq_along(.features) - 1) %% 8) + 1 # Use modulo for recursion
.fill <- brewer.pal(8, "Set2")[pos]
names(.fill) <- names(.features)
.fill <- unlist(.fill)[names(.features)]
.features <- endoapply(.features, setNames, NULL) ## Makes the unlist safer
.features <- granges(unlist(.features))
.features$feature <- names(.features)
.features <- subsetByOverlaps(.features, .gr)
if (length(.features) == 0) return(NULL)
## Change the name later
range = .features, name = .name, stacking = .stacking,
col = "transparent", fill = .fill[.features$feature],
feature = .features$feature,
## Tidy setting this up later & also tidy the colour setting
## These can likely go in the @dp@pars
fontsize = .fontsize, cex.title = .cex, col.title = .col.title,
background.title = .bg.title, rotation.title = .rot,
size = .tracksize
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @importFrom stringr str_to_title str_pad str_count
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom IRanges subsetByOverlaps
.makeGeneTracks <- function(
.genes, .gr, .collapse, .fontsize, .col, .tracksize, .cex, .rot,
.col.title, .bg.title, .max_trans
) {
if (missing(.genes)) return(list(NULL))
gene <- c() # Avoid an R CMD check error
if (is(.genes, "GRanges")) {
## If a single GRanges object, just return a single track
if (missing(.col)) .col <- "#FFD58A"
ids <- subsetByOverlaps(.genes, .gr)$gene
if (length(ids) == 0) return(list(NULL))
.genes <- subset(.genes, gene %in% ids)
if (.collapse == "auto") {
## Check for the maximum at every genomic position
n_trans <- max(max(coverage(.genes)))
if (n_trans > .max_trans) {
.collapse <- "meta"
} else {
.collapse <- FALSE
trackList <- Gviz::GeneRegionTrack(
.genes, name = "Genes", transcriptAnnotation = "symbol",
collapseTranscripts = .collapse, size = .tracksize,
fontsize = .fontsize, col = "transparent", fill = .col[[1]],
cex.title = .cex, rotation.title = .rot,
col.title = .col.title, background.title = .bg.title
## Below will only execute if .genes is a GRangesList
ids <- lapply(.genes, subsetByOverlaps, .gr)
ids <- unlist( lapply(ids, function(x) x$gene) )
if (length(ids) == 0) return(list(NULL))
.genes <- lapply(.genes, subset, gene %in% ids)
.genes <- .genes[vapply(.genes, length, integer(1)) > 0]
## Make a default set of colours for the gene tracks
if (missing(.col)) {
n <- 9L # Set1 contains 9 colours
pos <- ((seq_along(.genes) - 1) %% n) + 1 # Use modulo for recursion
.col <- structure(brewer.pal(n, "Set1")[pos], names = names(.genes))
.col <- .col[names(.genes)]
## Setup the collapseTranscripts argument if we just have a vector
if (length(.collapse) == 1) {
.collapse <- rep(.collapse[[1]], length(.genes))
names(.collapse) <- names(.genes)
trackList <- lapply(
function(x) {
nm <- x
ids <- subsetByOverlaps(.genes[[x]], .gr)$gene
gt <- subset(.genes[[x]], gene %in% ids)
cl <- .collapse[[x]]
if (cl == "auto") {
n_trans <- max(max(coverage(gt)))
if (n_trans > .max_trans) {
cl <- "meta"
} else {
cl <- FALSE
## This just helps the weird alignment algorithm
if (.rot == 0) nm <- str_pad(x, min(str_count(x) + 4, 12))
gt, name = str_to_title(nm),
transcriptAnnotation = "symbol",
collapseTranscripts = cl,
size = .tracksize, fontsize = .fontsize, col = .col[[x]],
fill = .col[[x]], cex.title = .cex, rotation.title = .rot,
col.title = .col.title, background.title = .bg.title
#' @importFrom rtracklayer import.bw
#' @importFrom S4Vectors mcols
#' @importFrom stringr str_count str_pad
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlevels keepSeqlevels
#' @import GenomicRanges
.makeCoverageTracks <- function(
.coverage, .gr, .fontsize, .type = c("l", "heatmap"), .linecol,
.gradient, .tracksize, .cex, .rot, .ylim, .col.title, .bg.title, ...
) {
## Always returns a list
if (missing(.coverage)) return(list(NULL))
if (is.null(.coverage)) return(list(NULL))
.type <- match.arg(.type)
## Split a single BigWigFileList. This will give a list of BigWigFileLists
## (which is a little unexpected). After this step, we will always(!) have a
## named S3 list of BigWigFileList objects
is_single_list <- is(.coverage, "BigWigFileList")
if (is_single_list) .coverage <- split(.coverage, f = names(.coverage))
# Make sure all seqinfo objects are compatible with the ranges
seq_levels <- lapply(.coverage, function(x) lapply(x, seqlevels))
seq_levels <- unique(unlist(seq_levels))
gr_levels <- as.character(seqnames(.gr))
.gr <- .gr[gr_levels %in% seq_levels]
stopifnot(length(.gr) > 0)
seq_levels <- intersect(seq_levels, gr_levels)
.gr <- keepSeqlevels(.gr, seq_levels)
## Ensure .linecol is a list of the same structure as .coverage
.linecol <- .assignColours(.coverage, .linecol, .type)
## Ensure the .ylim is a list of the same structure as .coverage
.ylim <- .assignLimits(.coverage, .ylim)
tracks <- lapply(
function(x) {
## groups need to be unset if drawing a heatmap
nm <- names(.coverage[[x]])
grp <- NULL
if (.type == "l") grp <- factor(nm, levels = nm)
## Now import each file within each list element
cov <- lapply(nm, function(f) {
data <- import.bw(.coverage[[x]][[f]], which = .gr)
colnames(mcols(data)) <- f
cov <- cov[vapply(cov, length, integer(1)) > 0]
if (length(cov) == 0) return(NULL)
nm <- x
## This just helps the weird alignment algorithm
if (.rot == 0) nm <- str_pad(x, min(str_count(x) + 4, 12))
range = unlist(GRangesList(cov)),
name = nm, groups = grp, type = .type,
fontsize = .fontsize, col = .linecol[[x]], gradient = .gradient,
showSampleNames = .type == "heatmap", # Always set for heatmaps
size = .tracksize, cex.title = .cex, rotation.title = .rot,
.cex.axis = 0.95 * .cex, ylim = .ylim[[x]],
col.title = .col.title, col.axis = .col.title,
background.title = .bg.title, ...
.assignLimits <- function(.coverage, .ylim) {
lim <- list() # An empty list
if (is.list(.ylim)) {
## If .ylim is already a list, just make sure the names are present
lim <- lapply(.ylim, range)
if (is.null(names(.ylim))) names(lim) <- names(.coverage)
## If .ylim is a simple vector, return a list with this as each element
if (is.numeric(.ylim)) lim <- lapply(.coverage, function(x) range(.ylim))
## If no limits are provided, return a list which matches .coverage
## Each element will be a NULL which is then passed to ylim for auto-limits
if (is.null(.ylim)) {
lim <- vector("list", length(.coverage))
names(lim) <- names(.coverage)
.assignColours <- function(.coverage, .linecol, .type) {
## Coverage will always be a list of BigWigFileLists
## If the initial object was a single BWFL, then all will internally
## have a length of 1. If this is the case, the required structure is a list
## of length == length(coverage), with all elements as a single value
## Alternatively, if the original object was a list of BWFL objects, we need
## a list of colours with the same names as coverage, and with matching
## lengths. This gives the structure in essence:
## We need a list with the same names as coverage, and elements which have
## matching lengths. Even in the case of a heatmap. However, in this case
## all elements will be null
if (.type == "heatmap") {
cols <- vector("list", length(.coverage))
names(cols) <- names(.coverage)
if (is.null(.linecol)) {
## Assign default colours from GViz using a recursion strategy
defCols <- c(
"#0080ff", "#ff00ff", "darkgreen", "#ff0000", "orange", "#00ff00",
cols <- lapply(
function(x) {
n <- length(x)
# Use modulo for recursion if n > 6
ind <- ((seq_len(n) - 1) %% 6) + 1
## If the function has progressed this far, we are using the supplied colours
## If the initial input was a BWFL, a vector will have been provided. Split
## this into a named list. If a named list was provided, return the same
all_single <- all(vapply(.coverage, length, integer(1)) == 1)
if (all_single) {
cols <- unlist(.linecol) # In case we have a list
## Names will have been checked if they are present
if (is.null(names(cols))) names(cols) <- names(.coverage)
## If the coverage was a list of BWFL objects, .linecol must have been a
## list which matches the structure exactly. This will have been checked in
## the first steps of the function and can be returned as is
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom S4Vectors mcols
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqnames
.checkHFGCArgs <- function(
gr, zoom, shift, hic, features, genes, coverage, annotation, axistrack,
cytobands, max, hiccol, linecol, genecol, featcol, annotcol, type, ylim,
collapseTranscripts, maxTrans
) {
msg <- c()
if (!is(gr, "GRanges")) {
msg <- c(msg, "'gr' must be a GRanges object.\n")
} else {
if (length(gr) == 0) msg <- c(msg, "Cannot be an empty range\n")
seq_names <- as.character(unique(seqnames(gr)))
if (length(seq_names) > 1)
msg <- c(msg, "All ranges must be on the same chromosome\n")
nums <- as.numeric(c(zoom, shift, max))
if (any(is.na(nums)))
msg <- c(
msg, "zoom/shift/max must be numeric or coercible to numeric\n"
if (!missing(hic)) {
if (!is(hic, "GInteractions"))
msg <- c(msg, "'hic' must be provided as a GInteractions object\n")
colargs <- c("anchors", "interactions")
if (!is(hiccol, "list") | !all(colargs %in% names(hiccol)))
msg <- c(
msg, paste("'hiccols' must be a list with name:", colargs, "\n")
msg <- .checkFeatures(msg, features, featcol)
msg <- .checkGenes(msg, genes, genecol, collapseTranscripts, maxTrans)
msg <- .checkCoverage(
msg, coverage, linecol, type, annotation, annotcol, ylim
bools <- c(axistrack)
if (!is.logical(bools)) msg <- c(msg, "axistrack must be logical values")
if (!missing(cytobands)) {
band_cols <- c("chrom", "chromStart", "chromEnd", "name", "gieStain")
if (!is(cytobands, "data.frame"))
msg <- c(msg, "cytobands must be supplied as a data.frame\n")
if (!all(band_cols %in% colnames(cytobands)))
msg <- c(
"Columns in cytobands must be exactly:",
paste(band_cols, collapse = ", "), "\n"
if (!seq_names %in% cytobands$chrom)
msg <- c(msg, "seqnames not found in cytobands\n")
if (is.null(msg)) return(TRUE)
.checkCoverage <- function(
msg, coverage, linecol, type, annotation, annotcol, ylim
) {
if (missing(coverage)) return(msg)
if (!any(is(coverage, "list"), is(coverage, "BigWigFileList")))
return(c(msg, "'coverage' should be a BigWigFileList or a list\n"))
## Add checks for coverage. This can be a list of BigWigFileLists, or a
## single BigWigFileList
if (is(coverage, "list")) {
chk <- vapply(coverage, is, logical(1), class2 = "BigWigFileList")
if (!all(chk))
msg <- c(
msg, "All elements of 'coverage' must be a BigWigFileList\n"
if ("" %in% names(coverage))
msg <- c(msg, "'coverage' must a be a named list\n")
nm <- lapply(coverage, names)
if (any(vapply(nm, is.null, logical(1))))
msg <- c(msg, "All individual bigwig files must be named\n")
if (!is.null(linecol) & type == "l") {
## If we have BigWigFileList, we need a vector or list of colours
## the same length. If named, names must match
if (is(coverage, "BigWigFileList")) {
linecol <- unlist(linecol)
covnames <- names(coverage)
if (length(linecol) != length(coverage))
msg <- c(
"linecol must be the same length as the coverage tracks\n"
if (!is.null(names(linecol)) & !all(covnames %in% names(linecol)))
msg <- c(
msg, "All elements of coverage must be named in linecol\n"
## If passing a list of BigWigFileList objects colours must be a list of
## the same length. Each element must also be NULL, or match
if (is(coverage, "list")) {
nm <- names(coverage)
if (!is.list(linecol)) {
msg <- c(msg, "linecol must be a named list\n")
} else {
if (!all(nm %in% names(linecol))) {
msg <- c(
"All elements of coverage must be named in linecol\n"
} else {
cov_len <- vapply(coverage, length, integer(1))
col_len <- vapply(linecol, length, integer(1))
cov_len <- cov_len[names(which(col_len > 0))]
if (!all(cov_len == col_len[names(cov_len)]))
msg <- c(
"All elements of linecol must be NULL,",
"or match coverage\n"
match_names <- mapply(
function(x, y) all(names(x) %in% names(y)),
x = coverage, y = linecol
if (!all(match_names)) msg <- c(
"All elements within coverage must have a matching colour\n"
if (!is.null(ylim)) {
if (is(coverage, "list")) {
# If coverage is a list, ylim can be a vector passed to all elements
# or a named list of numerics
if (!is(ylim, "list")) {
if (length(ylim) < 2 | !is.numeric(ylim))
msg <- c(
"ylim can be a named list or numeric vector of",
"length >= 2\n"
} else {
if (!all(names(coverage) %in% names(ylim)))
msg <- c(
"All elements of coverage must also be named in ylim\n"
if (!all(vapply(ylim, length, integer(1)) >= 2))
msg <- c(
"All supplied elements of ylim must be of length >= 2\n"
if (is(coverage, "BigWigFileList")) {
if (length(ylim) < 2 | !is.numeric(ylim))
msg <- c(
"ylim should be passed as a numeric vector of length >= 2"
if (missing(annotation)) return(msg)
all_annot <- c()
## We need to check that it's a GRangesList if coverage is a BigWigFileList
## This would then be plotted as a single track above all coverage tracks
if (is(coverage, "BigWigFileList")) {
if (!is(annotation, "GRangesList")) {
msg <- c(msg, "annotation must be a GRangesList\n")
} else {
all_annot <- names(annotation)
## Or a list of GRangesLists if coverage is a list of BigWigFileLists
if (is(coverage, "list")) {
if (!is(annotation, "list")) {
msg <- c(msg, "annotation must be a list of GRangesList objects\n")
} else {
is_grl <- vapply(annotation, is, logical(1), class2 = "GRangesList")
if (!all(is_grl)) {
msg <- c(
msg, "annotation must be a list of GRangesList objects\n"
} else {
all_annot <- unlist(lapply(annotation, names))
if (missing(annotcol)) return(msg)
## Also we need to check that colours match if specified. For a single BWFL
## we need a simple vector of colours. For a list of BWFLs we need the same!
if (!missing(annotcol)) {
all_cols <- names(annotcol)
miss <- setdiff(all_annot, all_cols)
if (length(miss) > 0)
msg <- c(msg, "Colours not specified for ", miss, "\n")
.checkGenes <- function(msg, genes, genecol, collapseTranscripts, maxTrans) {
if (missing(genes)) return(msg)
if (!is(genes, "GenomicRanges_OR_GRangesList"))
msg <- c(msg, "genes must be a 'GRanges' or 'GRangesList' object\n")
reqd_mcols <- c("gene", "exon", "transcript", "symbol")
trans_vals <- c(
"TRUE", "T", "FALSE", "F", "gene", "longest", "shortest", "meta", "auto"
if (is(genes, "GRangesList")) {
nm <- names(genes)
if (length(nm) != length(genes)) {
msg <- c(
msg, "All elements of the 'genes' GRangesList must be named \n"
chk_mcols <- vapply(
function(x) all(reqd_mcols %in% .mcolnames(x)),
if (!all(chk_mcols))
msg <- c(
"The 'genes' GRangesList must have the columns",
c("gene", "exon", "transcript", "symbol"), format = ""
if (!missing(genecol)) {
chkColNames <- (
all(names(genes) %in% names(genecol)) | length(genecol) == 1
if (!chkColNames) msg <- c(
"All elements of the 'genes' GRangesList should have a",
"named colour in 'genecol'\n"
## collapseTranscripts can be a logical vector or list
## An logical vector is fine & only alternatives need to be checked
if (!is.logical(collapseTranscripts)) {
if (length(collapseTranscripts) > 1) {
## Check the names
if (!all(nm %in% names(collapseTranscripts)))
msg <- c(
"All elements of the 'genes' GRangesList must be",
"named in collapseTranscripts\n"
## Check the values which aren't logical
is_log <- vapply(collapseTranscripts, is.logical, logical(1))
ct <- unlist(collapseTranscripts[!is_log])
if (!all(ct %in% trans_vals)) {
msg <- c(
"collapseTranscripts can only be logical or one of",
"gene, longest, shortest or meta\n"
if (any(ct == "auto") & !is.numeric(maxTrans)) {
msg <- c(msg, "'maxTrans' must be numeric")
if (is(genes, "GRanges")) {
chk_cols <- all(reqd_mcols %in% .mcolnames(genes))
if (!chk_cols)
msg <- c(
"The 'genes' GRanges object must have the columns",
c("gene", "exon", "transcript", "symbol"), format = ""
## Check the values
if (!is.logical(collapseTranscripts)) {
if (!all(collapseTranscripts %in% trans_vals))
msg <- c(
"collapseTranscripts can only be logical or one of",
"gene, longest, shortest or meta\n"
.checkFeatures <- function(msg, features, featcol) {
if (missing(features)) return(msg)
if (!any(is(features, "GRangesList"), is(features, "list"))) {
msg <- c(msg, "'features' must be a GRangesList or list")
## These two checks apply if features is either a GRangesList or list
if ("" %in% names(features) | length(names(features)) != length(features))
msg <- c(
msg, "All elements of 'features' must be explicitly named\n"
if (!missing(featcol)) {
if (!all(names(features) %in% names(featcol)))
msg <- c(
msg, "All elements of 'features' must be in 'featcol'\n"
if (is(features, "list")) {
all_grl <- all(vapply(features, is, logical(1), class2 = "GRangesList"))
if (!all_grl)
msg <- c(msg, "All elements of features must be a GRangesList")
# All elements must be a named GRangesList
all_named <- all(
vapply(features, function(x) !"" %in% names(x), logical(1)),
function(x) length(names(x)) == length(x),
if (!all_named)
msg <- c(msg, "All GRangesList elements of features must be named")
# featcol must be a named list with identical names in each element
named_cols <- mapply(
function(x, y) all(names(x) %in% names(y)),
x = features, y = featcol
if (!all(named_cols))
msg <- c(msg, "All features must have a named colour")
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