#' @title Collapse a GRangesList adding multiple columns from each element
#' @description
#' Make consensus peaks and add individual columns from each original
#' GRangesList element
#' @details
#' Starting with a GRangesList, make a single GRanges object with select columns
#' from each element added to the new object
#' @param x GRangesList
#' @param var Column(s) to map onto the set of consensus peaks
#' @param collapse Columns specified here will be simplified into a single
#' column. Should only be character or factor columns
#' @param collapse_sep, String to separate values when collapsing columns
#' @param name_sep String to separate values when adding column names
#' @param include logical(1) Include the original ranges as character columns
#' @param ... Passed to makeConsensus
#' @return GRanges object with a set of consensus ranges across all list
#' elements and values from each element mapped to these consensus ranges.
#' If requested (`include = TRUE`) the original ranges are returned as
#' character columns, as there will be multiple NA values in each.
#' @examples
#' a <- GRanges(paste0("chr1:", seq(1, 61, by = 20)))
#' width(a) <- 5
#' a$logFC <- rnorm(length(a))
#' a_g <- as.list(paste("Gene", seq_along(a)))
#' a_g[[1]] <- c("Gene 0", a_g[[1]])
#' a$genes <- as(a_g, "CompressedList")
#' b <- GRanges("chr1:61-70")
#' b$logFC <- rnorm(1)
#' b$genes <- as(list("Gene 5"), "CompressedList")
#' grl <- GRangesList(A = a, B = b)
#' mapGrlCols(grl, var = "logFC")
#' ## This forms a union of overlapping rangesby default
#' ## Pass methods to makeConsensus() to change to regions with coverage == 2
#' mapGrlCols(grl, var = "logFC", method = "coverage", p = 1)
#' ## Columns can be collapsed to merge into a single column
#' mapGrlCols(grl, var = "logFC", collapse = "genes")
#' ## Original ranges can also be included
#' mapGrlCols(grl, collapse = "genes", include = TRUE)
#' @importFrom S4Vectors mcols mcols<-
#' @importFrom dplyr pick distinct
#' @importFrom tidyselect all_of
#' @export
mapGrlCols <- function(
x, var = NULL, collapse = NULL, collapse_sep = "; ", name_sep = "_",
include = FALSE, ...
stopifnot(is(x, "GRangesList") & length(x) > 1)
nm <- names(x)
stopifnot(length(nm) == length(x))
consensus <- granges(makeConsensus(x, ...))
if (is.null(var) & is.null(collapse)) return(consensus)
mcnames <- .mcolnames(x[[1]])
if (!is.null(var)) var <- match.arg(var, mcnames, several.ok = TRUE)
if (!is.null(collapse))
collapse <- match.arg(collapse, mcnames, several.ok = TRUE)
var <- unique(c(var, collapse))
map <- .mapHits(x, consensus)
map <- .addCols(x, map, var, collapse, collapse_sep, name_sep )
## Some ranges will map to multiple in one, but with the same values
if (include) {
# This returns the original ranges as characters to avoid NA issues
map[nm] <- lapply(nm, \(i) as.character(x[[i]])[map[[i]]])
} else {
## Just return the same values for the consensus, deleting these cols
map <- distinct(map, pick(-all_of(nm)))
gr <- consensus[map$consensus_peak]
df <- dplyr::select(map, -all_of(c("consensus_peak")))
mcols(gr) <- as.data.frame(df)
## Return any list columns as S4 lists again
list_cols <- names(which(vapply(df, is, logical(1), "list")))
mcols(gr)[list_cols] <- lapply(mcols(gr)[list_cols], as, "CompressedList")
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows arrange distinct
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_wider complete
#' @importFrom rlang sym syms !! !!!
#' @keywords internal
.mapHits <- function(x, consensus) {
nm <- names(x)
stopifnot(length(nm) == length(x))
ol <- lapply(x, findOverlaps, consensus)
ol <- lapply(ol, as.data.frame)
ol <- bind_rows(ol, .id = "query")
ol <- complete(ol, !!sym("subjectHits"))
ol <- pivot_wider(
ol, names_from = "query",
values_from = "queryHits", values_fill = NA, values_fn = list
ol <- .unnest_by_col(ol, nm, keep_empty = TRUE)
ol <- arrange(ol, !!sym("subjectHits"))
ol <- distinct(ol, !!sym("subjectHits"), !!!syms(nm), .keep_all = TRUE)
dplyr::select(ol, consensus_peak = !!sym("subjectHits"), all_of(nm))
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer unnest
#' @importFrom dplyr distinct summarise left_join arrange bind_cols
#' @importFrom rlang := !! sym
#' @keywords internal
.addCols <- function(x, map, var, collapse, collapse_sep, name_sep = "_") {
nm <- names(x)
if (is.character(collapse_sep)) {
collapse_sep <- as.list(rep_len(collapse_sep, length(collapse)))
names(collapse_sep) <- collapse
if (any(!collapse %in% names(collapse_sep))) stop(
"All columns being collapsed need a separator provided"
var_list <- lapply(
function(j) { ## j is each column specified in var
tbl_list <- lapply(
## i is each elements of x
function(i) .coerceList(mcols(x[[i]])[[j]])[map[[i]]]
names(tbl_list) <- paste(nm, j, sep = name_sep)
tbl <- as_tibble(tbl_list)
if (j %in% collapse) {
tbl$consensus_peak <- map$consensus_peak
tbl <- pivot_longer(
tbl, cols = -all_of("consensus_peak"), values_to = j
if (is.numeric(tbl[[j]])) stop("Collapsing numeric columns is not permitted")
tbl <- unnest(tbl, !!sym(j), keep_empty = TRUE)
tbl <- distinct(tbl, !!sym("consensus_peak"), !!sym(j))
tbl <- summarise(
"{j}" := paste(
sort(!!sym(j)), collapse = collapse_sep[[j]]
.by = !!sym("consensus_peak")
tbl <- left_join(
dplyr::select(map, !!sym("consensus_peak")), tbl,
by = "consensus_peak"
tbl <- arrange(tbl, !!sym("consensus_peak"))
tbl <- dplyr::select(tbl, !!sym(j))
df <- bind_cols(var_list)
bind_cols(map, df)
#' @keywords internal
.coerceList <- function(x) {
## Not sure shy vctrs::vec_proxy isn't working here
if (is(x, "List")) x <- as.list(x)
#' @importFrom tidyr unnest
#' @importFrom tidyselect all_of
#' @importFrom dplyr distinct pick
.unnest_by_col <- function(data, cols, ...) {
cols <- match.arg(cols, colnames(data), several.ok = TRUE)
for (i in cols) data <- unnest(data, all_of(i), ...)
distinct(data, pick(all_of(cols)), .keep_all = TRUE)
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