#' @title Plot Overlaps Between List Elements
#' @description Plot Overlaps between list elements as an upset or Venn diagram
#' @details
#' This function should give the capability to show overlaps for any number of
#' replicates or groups, or a list of items such as gene names.
#' For n = 2, a scaled Venn Diagram will be produced, however no scaling is
#' implemented for n = 3
#' UpSet plots are possible for any lists with length > 1, and are the only
#' implemented possibility for lists > 3.
#' If the input is a `GRangesList` an additional boxplot can be requested
#' using any numeric column within the existing `mcols()` element.
#' Values will be summarised across all elements using the requested function
#' and the boxplot will be included as an upper panel above the intersections
#' @return
#' Either a VennDiagram (i.e. grid) object, or a ComplexUpset plot
#' @param x GRangesList of S3 list able to be coerced to character vectors
#' @param type The type of plot to be produced
#' @param var Column to summarised as a boxplot in an upper panel
#' (UpSet plot only)
#' @param f Summarisation function. Must return a single value from any
#' numeric vector
#' @param set_col Colours to be assigned to each set
#' @param ... Passed to \link[VennDiagram]{draw.pairwise.venn} (or
#' `draw.single/triple.venn`) for Venn Diagrams, and to
#' \link[ComplexUpset]{upset} for UpSet plots
#' @param .sort_sets passed to `sort_sets` in \link[ComplexUpset]{upset}
#' @param ignore.strand Passed to \link[GenomicRanges]{reduce}
#' @param merge_within Passed to \link{makeConsensus}
#' @param sz_sets Text size for set size labels. Passed internally to
#' `geom_text(size = sz_sets)`
#' @param hj_sets Horizontal adjustment of set size labels
#' @param exp_sets X-axis expansion for set size panel
#' @examples
#' ## Examples using a list of character vectors
#' ex <- list(
#' x = letters[1:5], y = letters[c(6:15, 26)], z = letters[c(2, 10:25)]
#' )
#' plotOverlaps(ex, type = "upset")
#' plotOverlaps(ex, type = "venn", set_col = 1:3, alpha = 0.3)
#' plotOverlaps(ex, type = "upset", set_col = 1:3, labeller = stringr::str_to_title)
#' plotOverlaps(ex[1:2])
#' ## GRangesList object will produce a boxplot of summarised values in the
#' ## upper panel
#' data("peaks")
#' grl <- peaks[1:3]
#' names(grl) <- gsub("_peaks.+", "", names(grl))
#' plotOverlaps(grl, type = 'upset', var = 'score', f = 'max')
#' ## If only two samples are present, a VennDiagram will be produced
#' plotOverlaps(grl[1:2], set_col = c("green", "blue"))
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @importFrom S4Vectors endoapply mcols
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_cols
#' @importFrom rlang list2 := !! sym
#' @importFrom ComplexUpset upset
#' @import ggplot2
#' @rdname plotOverlaps-methods
#' @aliases plotOverlaps
#' @export
signature = "GRangesList",
x, type = c("auto", "venn", "upset"), var = NULL,
f = c("mean", "median", "max", "min", "sd"),
set_col = NULL, ..., .sort_sets = "ascending", hj_sets = 1.15,
sz_sets = 3.5, exp_sets = 0.25, merge_within = 1L, ignore.strand = TRUE
) {
stopifnot(is(x, "GRangesList"))
nm <- names(x)
n <- length(x)
stopifnot(length(nm) == n)
type <- match.arg(type)
if (type == "auto") type <- ifelse(n > 3, "upset", "venn")
if (n == 1 & type == "upset")
stop("UpSet plots can only be drawn using more than one group")
if (!is.null(var)) var <- match.arg(var[[1]], .mcolnames(x[[1]]))
# Collapse as required
gr <- makeConsensus(
x, var = var, merge_within = merge_within, ignore.strand = ignore.strand
if (is.null(var) | type == "venn") {
## Form a character list & plot
l <- lapply(nm, function(x) as.character(gr)[mcols(gr)[[x]]])
names(l) <- nm
l, type, set_col = set_col, .sort_sets = .sort_sets,
hj_sets = hj_sets, sz_sets = sz_sets, exp_sets = exp_sets, ...
} else {
if (!is.numeric(mcols(x[[1]])[[var]]))
stop(var, " must contain numeric values")
## Setup the df
tbl <- as_tibble(gr)
f <- match.arg(f)
f <- match.fun(f)
if (is(tbl[[var]], "list"))
tbl[[var]] <- vapply(tbl[[var]], f, numeric(1))
## Setup the boxplot & key inputs
ann <- list2(
"{var}" := list(
aes = aes(x = !!sym("intersection"), y = !!sym(var)),
geom = geom_boxplot(na.rm = TRUE)
ip <- list(data = tbl, intersect = nm, annotations = ann)
## Add default arguments, respecting any supplied
dotArgs <- .parseDotArgs(set_col, n, nm, ...)
if (!"set_sizes" %in% names(dotArgs))
dotArgs$set_sizes <- .makeSetSizes(hj_sets, sz_sets, exp_sets)
dotArgs$sort_sets <- .sort_sets
ip <- ip[!names(ip) %in% names(dotArgs)]
p <- do.call("upset", c(ip, dotArgs))
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom ComplexUpset upset
#' @importFrom grid grid.newpage
#' @rdname plotOverlaps-methods
#' @aliases plotOverlaps
#' @export
signature = "list",
x, type = c("auto", "venn", "upset"), set_col = NULL, ...,
.sort_sets = 'ascending', hj_sets = 1.15, sz_sets = 3.5, exp_sets = 0.25
) {
stopifnot(length(names(x)) == length(x))
n <- length(x)
nm <- names(x)
type <- match.arg(type)
if (type == "auto") type <- ifelse(n > 3, "upset", "venn")
x <- lapply(x, as.character)
x <- lapply(x, unique)
if (type == "upset") {
count <- c()
if (n == 1)
stop("UpSet plots can only be drawn using more than one group")
## Setup the df
all_vals <- unique(unlist(x))
df <- lapply(x, function(i) as.integer(all_vals %in% i))
## Ensure colnames are respected
col_names <- names(df)
df <- as.data.frame(df, row.names = all_vals)
colnames(df) <- col_names
ip <- list(data = df, intersect = names(df))
## Add default arguments, respecting any supplied
dotArgs <- .parseDotArgs(set_col, n, nm, ...)
if (!"set_sizes" %in% names(dotArgs))
dotArgs$set_sizes <- .makeSetSizes(hj_sets, sz_sets, exp_sets)
dotArgs$sort_sets <- .sort_sets
p <- do.call("upset", c(ip, dotArgs))
if (type == "venn") {
if (n == 1) p <- .plotSingleVenn(x, fill = set_col, ...)
if (n == 2) p <- .plotDoubleVenn(x, fill = set_col, ...)
if (n == 3) p <- .plotTripleVenn(x, fill = set_col, ...)
#' @importFrom VennDiagram draw.single.venn
.plotSingleVenn <- function(x, ...) {
stopifnot(length(x) == 1)
draw.single.venn(area = length(x[[1]]), category = names(x)[[1]], ...)
#' @importFrom VennDiagram draw.pairwise.venn
.plotDoubleVenn <- function(x, ...) {
stopifnot(length(x) == 2)
plotArgs <- setNames(lapply(x, length), c("area1", "area2"))
plotArgs$cross.area <- sum(duplicated(unlist(x)))
plotArgs$category <- names(x)
allowed <- c("gList1", "margin", names(formals(draw.pairwise.venn)))
dotArgs <- list(...)
dotArgs <- dotArgs[names(dotArgs) %in% allowed]
do.call("draw.pairwise.venn", c(plotArgs, dotArgs))
#' @importFrom VennDiagram draw.triple.venn
.plotTripleVenn <- function(x, ...) {
stopifnot(length(x) == 3)
plotArgs <- setNames(lapply(x, length), paste0("area", seq_len(3)))
plotArgs$n12 <- sum(duplicated(unlist(x[c(1, 2)])))
plotArgs$n13 <- sum(duplicated(unlist(x[c(1, 3)])))
plotArgs$n23 <- sum(duplicated(unlist(x[c(2, 3)])))
plotArgs$n123 <- sum(table(unlist(x)) == 3)
plotArgs$category <- names(x)
plotArgs$overrideTriple <- TRUE
allowed <- c("gList1", "margin", names(formals(draw.triple.venn)))
dotArgs <- list(...)
dotArgs <- dotArgs[names(dotArgs) %in% allowed]
do.call("draw.triple.venn", c(plotArgs, dotArgs))
#' @importFrom ComplexUpset upset_set_size
#' @importFrom scales comma
#' @importFrom rlang sym !!
.makeSetSizes <- function(hj, sz, exp) {
upset_set_size() +
aes(label = comma(after_stat(!!sym("count")))), stat = 'count',
hjust = hj, size = sz
) +
scale_y_reverse(expand = expansion(c(exp, 0)))
#' @importFrom ComplexUpset upset upset_default_themes upset_data upset_query
.parseDotArgs <- function(set_col, n, nm, ...) {
dotArgs <- list(...)
allowed <- unique(names(c(formals(upset), formals(upset_data))))
dotArgs <- dotArgs[names(dotArgs) %in% allowed]
if (!'themes' %in% names(dotArgs)) {
dotArgs$themes <- upset_default_themes(panel.grid = element_blank())
## There is currently an issue with ComplexUpset. This places theme arguments
## which are not supported beyond ggplot2 3.5.0. This will remove them
valid_theme_args <- names(formals(theme))
dotArgs$themes <- lapply(
\(x) lapply(x, \(y) do.call("theme", y[names(y) %in% valid_theme_args]))
if (!is.null(set_col)) {
## Respect any existing set queries
existing_sets <- unlist(
lapply(dotArgs$queries, function(x) x$set)
set_col <- rep(set_col, n)
names(set_col)[seq_len(n)] <- nm
ql <- lapply(
setdiff(nm, existing_sets),
function(i) upset_query(set = i, fill = set_col[[i]])
dotArgs$queries <- c(dotArgs$queries, ql)
#' @importFrom S4Vectors mcols
#' @keywords internal
.mcolnames <- function(x) {colnames(mcols(x))}
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