#' Get K-mean clusters to a tibble
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @import tibble
#' @importFrom stats kmeans
#' @importFrom rlang :=
#' @param .data A tibble
#' @param .abundance A column symbol with the value the clustering is based on (e.g., `count`)
#' @param .feature A column symbol. The column that is represents entities to cluster (i.e., normally samples)
#' @param .element A column symbol. The column that is used to calculate distance (i.e., normally genes)
#' @param of_samples A boolean
#' @param transform A function that will tranform the counts, by default it is log1p for RNA sequencing data, but for avoinding tranformation you can use identity
#' @param ... Further parameters passed to the function kmeans
#' @return A tibble with additional columns
get_clusters_kmeans_bulk_SE <-
of_samples = TRUE,
transform = log1p,
...) {
# Check if centers is in dots
dots_args = rlang::dots_list(...)
if ("centers" %in% names(dots_args) %>% not())
stop("tidybulk says: for kmeans you need to provide the \"centers\" integer argument")
.data %>%
# Check if log transform is needed
transform() %>%
# Decide if of samples or transcripts
of_samples ~ t(.),
~ (.)
) %>%
# Wrap the do.call because of the centrers check
do.call(kmeans, list(x = (.), iter.max = 1000) %>% c(dots_args))
} %$%
#' Get SNN shared nearest neighbour clusters to a tibble
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @import tibble
#' @importFrom rlang :=
#' @param .data A tibble
#' @param .abundance A column symbol with the value the clustering is based on (e.g., `count`)
#' @param .feature A column symbol. The column that is represents entities to cluster (i.e., normally samples)
#' @param .element A column symbol. The column that is used to calculate distance (i.e., normally genes)
#' @param of_samples A boolean
#' @param transform A function that will tranform the counts, by default it is log1p for RNA sequencing data, but for avoinding tranformation you can use identity
#' @param ... Further parameters passed to the function kmeans
#' @return A tibble with additional columns
get_clusters_SNN_bulk_SE <-
of_samples = TRUE,
transform = log1p,
...) {
# Check if package is installed, otherwise install
check_and_install_packages(c("cluster", "Seurat", "KernSmooth"))
ndims = min(c(nrow(.data), ncol(.data), 30))-1
.data %>%
Seurat::CreateSeuratObject() %>%
Seurat::ScaleData(display.progress = TRUE,
num.cores = 4,
do.par = TRUE) %>%
Seurat::FindVariableFeatures(selection.method = "vst") %>%
Seurat::RunPCA(npcs = ndims) %>%
Seurat::FindNeighbors(dims = 1:ndims) %>%
Seurat::FindClusters(method = "igraph", ...) %>%
.[["seurat_clusters"]] %$%
#' Get dimensionality information to a tibble using MDS
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @import tibble
#' @importFrom purrr map_dfr
#' @importFrom rlang :=
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @param .data A tibble
#' @param .abundance A column symbol with the value the clustering is based on (e.g., `count`)
#' @param .dims A integer vector corresponding to principal components of interest (e.g., 1:6)
#' @param .feature A column symbol. The column that is represents entities to cluster (i.e., normally genes)
#' @param .element A column symbol. The column that is used to calculate distance (i.e., normally samples)
#' @param top An integer. How many top genes to select
#' @param of_samples A boolean
#' @param transform A function that will tranform the counts, by default it is log1p for RNA sequencing data, but for avoinding tranformation you can use identity
#' @param scale A boolean
#' @return A tibble with additional columns
get_reduced_dimensions_MDS_bulk_SE <-
.dims = 2,
top = 500,
of_samples = TRUE,
transform = log1p,
scale = NULL # This is only a dummy argument for making it compatibble with PCA
) {
# Comply with CRAN NOTES
. = NULL
# Get components from dims
components = 1:.dims
# Convert components to components list
if((length(components) %% 2) != 0 ) components = components %>% append(components[1])
components_list = split(components, ceiling(seq_along(components)/2))
# Loop over components list and calculate MDS. (I have to make this process more elegant)
mds_object =
components_list %>%
~ .data %>%
limma::plotMDS(dim.plot = .x, plot = FALSE, top = top)
# Return
raw_result = mds_object,
result =
mds_object, components_list,
~ {
# Change of function from Bioconductor 3_13 of plotMDS
my_rownames = .x %>% when(
"distance.matrix.squared" %in% names(.x) ~ .x$distance.matrix.squared,
~ .x$distance.matrix
) %>%
tibble(my_rownames, .x$x, .x$y) %>%
sample := my_rownames,
!!as.symbol(.y[1]) := `.x$x`,
!!as.symbol(.y[2]) := `.x$y`
) %>%
gather(Component, `Component value`,-sample)
) %>%
distinct() %>%
spread(Component, `Component value`) %>%
setNames(c((.) %>% select(1) %>% colnames(),
paste0("Dim", (.) %>% select(-1) %>% colnames())
)) %>%
#' Get principal component information to a tibble using PCA
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @import tibble
#' @importFrom rlang :=
#' @importFrom stats prcomp
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @importFrom magrittr divide_by
#' @param .data A tibble
#' @param .abundance A column symbol with the value the clustering is based on (e.g., `count`)
#' @param .dims A integer vector corresponding to principal components of interest (e.g., 1:6)
#' @param .feature A column symbol. The column that is represents entities to cluster (i.e., normally genes)
#' @param .element A column symbol. The column that is used to calculate distance (i.e., normally samples)
#' @param top An integer. How many top genes to select
#' @param of_samples A boolean
#' @param transform A function that will tranform the counts, by default it is log1p for RNA sequencing data, but for avoinding tranformation you can use identity
#' @param scale A boolean
#' @param ... Further parameters passed to the function prcomp
#' @return A tibble with additional columns
get_reduced_dimensions_PCA_bulk_SE <-
.dims = 2,
top = 500,
of_samples = TRUE,
transform = log1p,
scale = FALSE,
...) {
# Comply with CRAN NOTES
. = NULL
# Get components from dims
components = 1:.dims
prcomp_obj =
.data %>%
# check that there are non-NA genes for enough samples
when(# First condition
(.) %>% nrow == 0 ~ stop(
"tidybulk says: In calculating PCA there is no gene that have non NA values is all samples"
# Second condition
(.) %>% nrow < 100 ~ {
tidybulk says: In PCA correlation there is < 100 genes that have non NA values is all samples.
The correlation calculation would not be reliable,
we suggest to partition the dataset for sample clusters.
~ (.)) %>%
t() %>%
# Calculate principal components
prcomp(scale = scale, ...)
# Return
raw_result = prcomp_obj,
result =
prcomp_obj %>%
# Anonymous function - Prints fraction of variance
# input: PCA object
# output: PCA object
message("Fraction of variance explained by the selected principal components")
(.) %$% sdev %>% pow(2) %>% # Eigen value
divide_by(sum(.)) %>%
`[` (components) %>%
enframe() %>%
select(-name) %>%
rename(`Fraction of variance` = value) %>%
mutate(PC = components) %>%
capture.output() %>% paste0(collapse = "\n") %>% message()
} %$%
# Parse the PCA results to a tibble
x %>%
as_tibble(rownames = "sample") %>%
select(sprintf("PC%s", components))
#' Get principal component information to a tibble using tSNE
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @import tibble
#' @importFrom rlang :=
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @param .data A tibble
#' @param .abundance A column symbol with the value the clustering is based on (e.g., `count`)
#' @param .dims A integer vector corresponding to principal components of interest (e.g., 1:6)
#' @param .feature A column symbol. The column that is represents entities to cluster (i.e., normally genes)
#' @param .element A column symbol. The column that is used to calculate distance (i.e., normally samples)
#' @param top An integer. How many top genes to select
#' @param of_samples A boolean
#' @param transform A function that will tranform the counts, by default it is log1p for RNA sequencing data, but for avoinding tranformation you can use identity
#' @param scale A boolean
#' @param ... Further parameters passed to the function Rtsne
#' @return A tibble with additional columns
get_reduced_dimensions_TSNE_bulk_SE <-
.dims = 2,
top = 500,
of_samples = TRUE,
transform = log1p,
scale = NULL, # This is only a dummy argument for making it compatibble with PCA
...) {
# Comply with CRAN NOTES
. = NULL
# To avoid dplyr complications
# Evaluate ...
arguments <- list(...)
if (!"check_duplicates" %in% names(arguments))
arguments = arguments %>% c(check_duplicates = FALSE)
if (!"verbose" %in% names(arguments))
arguments = arguments %>% c(verbose = TRUE)
if (!"dims" %in% names(arguments))
arguments = arguments %>% c(dims = .dims)
# Check if package is installed, otherwise install
# Set perprexity to not be too high
if (!"perplexity" %in% names(arguments))
arguments = arguments %>% c(perplexity = ((
.data %>% ncol() %>% sum(-1)
) / 3 / 2) %>% floor() %>% min(30))
# If not enough samples stop
if (arguments$perplexity <= 2)
stop("tidybulk says: You don't have enough samples to run tSNE")
# Calculate the most variable genes, from plotMDS Limma
tsne_obj = do.call(Rtsne::Rtsne, c(list(t(.data)), arguments))
raw_result = tsne_obj,
result = tsne_obj %$%
Y %>%
as_tibble(.name_repair = "minimal") %>%
setNames(c("tSNE1", "tSNE2")) %>%
# add element name
dplyr::mutate(sample = !!.data %>% colnames) %>%
#' Get UMAP
#' @keywords internal
#' @import tibble
#' @importFrom rlang :=
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @param .data A tibble
#' @param .abundance A column symbol with the value the clustering is based on (e.g., `count`)
#' @param .dims A integer vector corresponding to principal components of interest (e.g., 1:6)
#' @param .feature A column symbol. The column that is represents entities to cluster (i.e., normally genes)
#' @param .element A column symbol. The column that is used to calculate distance (i.e., normally samples)
#' @param top An integer. How many top genes to select
#' @param of_samples A boolean
#' @param transform A function that will tranform the counts, by default it is log1p for RNA sequencing data, but for avoinding tranformation you can use identity
#' @param calculate_for_pca_dimensions An integer of length one. The number of PCA dimensions to based the UMAP calculatio on. If NULL all variable features are considered
#' @param ... Further parameters passed to the function uwot::tumap
#' @return A tibble with additional columns
get_reduced_dimensions_UMAP_bulk_SE <-
.dims = 2,
top = 500,
of_samples = TRUE,
transform = log1p,
scale = NULL, # This is only a dummy argument for making it compatibble with PCA
calculate_for_pca_dimensions = min(20, top),
...) {
# Comply with CRAN NOTES
. = NULL
# To avoid dplyr complications
# Evaluate ...
arguments <- list(...)
# if (!"check_duplicates" %in% names(arguments))
# arguments = arguments %>% c(check_duplicates = FALSE)
if (!"dims" %in% names(arguments))
arguments = arguments %>% c(n_components = .dims)
if (!"init" %in% names(arguments))
arguments = arguments %>% c(init = "spca")
# Check if package is installed, otherwise install
# Calculate based on PCA
df_UMAP =
.data %>%
t() %>%
# Calculate principal components
prcomp(scale = scale) %$%
# Parse the PCA results to a tibble
x %>%
# Calculate based on all features
df_UMAP = .data
umap_obj = do.call(uwot::tumap, c(list(df_UMAP), arguments))
raw_result = umap_obj,
result = umap_obj %>%
as_tibble(.name_repair = "minimal") %>%
setNames(c("UMAP1", "UMAP2")) %>%
# add element name
dplyr::mutate(sample = !!.data %>% colnames) %>%
counts_scaled_exist_SE = function(.data){
("tt_columns" %in% (.data %>%
attr("internal") %>% names())) &&
.data %>%
attr("internal") %$%
tt_columns %>%
names() %>%
grep("scaled", .) %>%
length() %>%
get_assay_scaled_if_exists_SE = function(.data){
.data %>%
attr("internal") %$%
tt_columns %$%
.abundance_scaled %>%
.data %>%
assays() %>%
names() %>%
filter_if_abundant_were_identified = function(.data){
.data %>%
# Filter abundant if performed
".abundant" %in% (rowData(.data) %>% colnames()) ~ .data[rowData(.data)[,".abundant"],],
~ {
warning("tidybulk says: highly abundant transcripts were not identified (i.e. identify_abundant()) or filtered (i.e., keep_abundant), therefore this operation will be performed on unfiltered data. In rare occasions this could be wanted. In standard whole-transcriptome workflows is generally unwanted.")
#' Identify variable genes for dimensionality reduction
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param .data A tibble
#' @param .sample A character name of the sample column
#' @param .transcript A character name of the transcript/gene column
#' @param .abundance A character name of the read count column
#' @param top An integer. How many top genes to select
#' @param transform A function that will tranform the counts, by default it is log1p for RNA sequencing data, but for avoinding tranformation you can use identity
#' @return A tibble filtered genes
keep_variable_transcripts_SE = function(.data,
top = 500,
transform = log1p) {
# Manage Inf
top = min(top, .data %>% nrow)
message(sprintf("Getting the %s most variable genes", top))
x =
.data %>%
# Check if log transform is needed
s <- rowMeans((x - rowMeans(x, na.rm=TRUE)) ^ 2, na.rm=TRUE)
o <- order(s, decreasing = TRUE)
x <- x[o[1L:top], , drop = FALSE]
variable_trancripts = rownames(x)
#' Drop redundant elements (e.g., samples) for which feature (e.g., genes) aboundances are correlated
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @import tibble
#' @importFrom rlang :=
#' @param .data A tibble
#' @param correlation_threshold A real number between 0 and 1
#' @param top An integer. How many top genes to select
#' @param of_samples A boolean
#' @return A tibble with redundant elements removed
remove_redundancy_elements_through_correlation_SE <- function(.data,
correlation_threshold = 0.9,
of_samples = TRUE) {
# Comply with CRAN NOTES
. = NULL
# Check if package is installed, otherwise install
# Get the redundant data frame
.data %>%
# check that there are non-NA genes for enough samples
when(# First condition
(.) %>% nrow == 0 ~ stop(
"tidybulk says: In calculating correlation there is no gene that have non NA values is all samples"
# Second condition
(.) %>% nrow < 100 ~ {
"tidybulk says: In calculating correlation there is < 100 genes (that have non NA values) is all samples.
The correlation calculation might not be reliable"
~ (.)) %>%
as_tibble(rownames="transcript") %>%
# Prepare the data frame
gather(sample,abundance,-transcript) %>%
of_samples ~ dplyr::rename(., rc = abundance,
element = sample,
feature = transcript) ,
~ dplyr::rename(., rc = abundance,
element = transcript,
feature = sample)
) %>%
# Is this necessary?
mutate_if(is.factor, as.character) %>%
# Run pairwise correlation and return a tibble
sort = TRUE,
diag = FALSE,
upper = FALSE
) %>%
filter(correlation > correlation_threshold) %>%
distinct(item1) %>%
#' Identifies the closest pairs in a MDS context and return one of them
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @importFrom stats dist
#' @param .data A tibble
#' @param of_samples A boolean
#' @return A tibble with pairs dropped
remove_redundancy_elements_though_reduced_dimensions_SE <-
function(.data) {
# This function identifies the closest pairs and return one of them
# Calculate distances
.data %>%
dist() %>%
# Prepare matrix
as.matrix() %>%
as_tibble(rownames = "sample a") %>%
gather(`sample b`, dist,-`sample a`) %>%
filter(`sample a` != `sample b`) %>%
# Sort the elements of the two columns to avoid eliminating all samples
rowwise() %>%
`sample 1` = c(`sample a`, `sample b`) %>% sort() %>% `[`(1),
`sample 2` = c(`sample a`, `sample b`) %>% sort() %>% `[`(2)
) %>%
ungroup() %>%
select(`sample 1`, `sample 2`, dist) %>%
distinct() %>%
# Select closestpairs
select_closest_pairs %>%
# Select pair to keep
#' Get differential transcription information to a tibble using edgeR.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @import tibble
#' @importFrom magrittr set_colnames
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix
#' @importFrom purrr when
#' @importFrom magrittr extract2
#' @param .data A tibble
#' @param .formula a formula with no response variable, referring only to numeric variables
#' @param .contrasts A character vector. See edgeR makeContrasts specification for the parameter `contrasts`. If contrasts are not present the first covariate is the one the model is tested against (e.g., ~ factor_of_interest)
#' @param method A string character. Either "edgeR_quasi_likelihood" (i.e., QLF), "edgeR_likelihood_ratio" (i.e., LRT)
#' @param test_above_log2_fold_change A positive real value. This works for edgeR and limma_voom methods. It uses the `treat` function, which tests that the difference in abundance is bigger than this threshold rather than zero \url{https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19176553}.
#' @param scaling_method A character string. The scaling method passed to the backend function (i.e., edgeR::calcNormFactors; "TMM","TMMwsp","RLE","upperquartile")
#' @param omit_contrast_in_colnames If just one contrast is specified you can choose to omit the contrast label in the colnames.
#' @return A tibble with edgeR results
get_differential_transcript_abundance_bulk_SE <- function(.data,
.abundance = NULL,
.contrasts = NULL,
method = "edgeR_quasi_likelihood",
test_above_log2_fold_change = NULL,
scaling_method = "TMM",
omit_contrast_in_colnames = FALSE,
prefix = "",
...) {
.abundance = enquo(.abundance)
# Check if omit_contrast_in_colnames is correctly setup
if(omit_contrast_in_colnames & length(.contrasts) > 1){
warning("tidybulk says: you can omit contrasts in column names only when maximum one contrast is present")
omit_contrast_in_colnames = FALSE
# Create design matrix
design =
object = .formula,
data = sample_annotation
# Replace `:` with ___ because it creates error with edgeR
if(design |> colnames() |> str_detect(":") |> any()) {
message("tidybulk says: the interaction term `:` has been replaced with `___` in the design matrix, in order to work with edgeR.")
colnames(design) = design |> colnames() |> str_replace(":", "___")
# Print the design column names in case I want contrasts
"tidybulk says: The design column names are \"%s\"",
design %>% colnames %>% paste(collapse = ", ")
my_contrasts =
.contrasts %>%
ifelse_pipe(length(.) > 0,
~ limma::makeContrasts(contrasts = .x, levels = design),
# Check if package is installed, otherwise install
# If no assay is specified take first
my_assay = ifelse(
.data |>
assayNames() |>
edgeR_object =
.data |>
assay(my_assay) |>
edgeR::DGEList() %>%
# Scale data if method is not "none"
scaling_method != "none" ~ (.) %>% edgeR::calcNormFactors(method = scaling_method),
~ (.)
) %>%
# select method
tolower(method) == "edger_likelihood_ratio" ~ (.) %>% edgeR::estimateDisp(design) %>% edgeR::glmFit(design),
tolower(method) == "edger_quasi_likelihood" ~ (.) %>% edgeR::estimateDisp(design) %>% edgeR::glmQLFit(design),
tolower(method) == "edger_robust_likelihood_ratio" ~ (.) %>% edgeR::estimateGLMRobustDisp(design) %>% edgeR::glmFit(design)
# Return
result_raw = edgeR_object,
result =
edgeR_object %>%
# If I have multiple .contrasts merge the results
my_contrasts %>% is.null | omit_contrast_in_colnames,
# Simple comparison
~ .x %>%
# select method
!is.null(test_above_log2_fold_change) ~ (.) %>% edgeR::glmTreat(coef = 2, contrast = my_contrasts, lfc=test_above_log2_fold_change),
tolower(method) %in% c("edger_likelihood_ratio", "edger_robust_likelihood_ratio") ~ (.) %>% edgeR::glmLRT(coef = 2, contrast = my_contrasts) ,
tolower(method) == "edger_quasi_likelihood" ~ (.) %>% edgeR::glmQLFTest(coef = 2, contrast = my_contrasts)
) %>%
# Convert to tibble
edgeR::topTags(n = Inf) %$%
table %>%
as_tibble(rownames = "transcript") %>%
# # Mark DE genes
# mutate(significant = FDR < significance_threshold) %>%
# Arrange
# Multiple comparisons
~ {
edgeR_obj = .x
1:ncol(my_contrasts) %>%
~ edgeR_obj %>%
# select method
!is.null(test_above_log2_fold_change) ~ (.) %>% edgeR::glmTreat(coef = 2, contrast = my_contrasts[, .x], lfc=test_above_log2_fold_change),
tolower(method) %in% c("edger_likelihood_ratio", "edger_robust_likelihood_ratio") ~ (.) %>% edgeR::glmLRT(coef = 2, contrast = my_contrasts[, .x]) ,
tolower(method) == "edger_quasi_likelihood" ~ (.) %>% edgeR::glmQLFTest(coef = 2, contrast = my_contrasts[, .x])
) %>%
# Convert to tibble
edgeR::topTags(n = Inf) %$%
table %>%
as_tibble(rownames = "transcript") %>%
mutate(constrast = colnames(my_contrasts)[.x])
# %>%
# # Mark DE genes
# mutate(significant = FDR < significance_threshold)
) %>%
pivot_wider(values_from = -c(transcript, constrast),
names_from = constrast, names_sep = "___")
) %>%
# Attach prefix
sprintf("%s%s", prefix, colnames(.)[2:ncol(.)])
#' Get differential transcription information to a tibble using voom.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @import tibble
#' @importFrom magrittr set_colnames
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix
#' @importFrom purrr when
#' @param .data A tibble
#' @param .formula a formula with no response variable, referring only to numeric variables
#' @param .contrasts A character vector. See voom makeContrasts specification for the parameter `contrasts`. If contrasts are not present the first covariate is the one the model is tested against (e.g., ~ factor_of_interest)
#' @param method A string character. Either "limma_voom", "limma_voom_sample_weights"
#' @param scaling_method A character string. The scaling method passed to the backend function (i.e., edgeR::calcNormFactors; "TMM","TMMwsp","RLE","upperquartile")
#' @param omit_contrast_in_colnames If just one contrast is specified you can choose to omit the contrast label in the colnames.
#' @return A tibble with voom results
get_differential_transcript_abundance_bulk_voom_SE <- function(.data,
.abundance = NULL,
.contrasts = NULL,
method = NULL,
test_above_log2_fold_change = NULL,
scaling_method = "TMM",
omit_contrast_in_colnames = FALSE,
prefix = "") {
.abundance = enquo(.abundance)
# Check if omit_contrast_in_colnames is correctly setup
if(omit_contrast_in_colnames & length(.contrasts) > 1){
warning("tidybulk says: you can omit contrasts in column names only when maximum one contrast is present")
omit_contrast_in_colnames = FALSE
# Create design matrix
design =
object = .formula,
data = sample_annotation
# Print the design column names in case I want contrasts
"tidybulk says: The design column names are \"%s\"",
design %>% colnames %>% paste(collapse = ", ")
# Check if package is installed, otherwise install
my_contrasts =
.contrasts %>%
ifelse_pipe(length(.) > 0,
~ limma::makeContrasts(contrasts = .x, levels = design),
# If no assay is specified take first
my_assay = ifelse(
.data |>
assayNames() |>
voom_object =
.data %>%
assay(my_assay) |>
edgeR::DGEList() %>%
# Scale data if method is not "none"
scaling_method != "none" ~ (.) %>% edgeR::calcNormFactors(method = scaling_method),
~ (.)
) %>%
# select method
tolower(method) == "limma_voom" ~ (.) %>% limma::voom(design, plot=FALSE),
tolower(method) == "limma_voom_sample_weights" ~ (.) %>% limma::voomWithQualityWeights(design, plot=FALSE)
) %>%
# Return
result_raw = voom_object,
result =
voom_object %>%
# If I have multiple .contrasts merge the results
my_contrasts %>% is.null | omit_contrast_in_colnames,
# Simple comparison
~ .x %>%
# Contrasts
limma::contrasts.fit(contrasts=my_contrasts, coefficients = when(my_contrasts, is.null(.) ~ 2)) %>%
limma::eBayes() %>%
!is.null(test_above_log2_fold_change) ~ (.) %>%
limma::treat(lfc=test_above_log2_fold_change) %>%
limma::topTreat(n = Inf),
~ (.) %>% limma::topTable(n = Inf)
) %>%
# Convert to tibble
as_tibble(rownames = "transcript") %>%
# # Mark DE genes
# mutate(significant = adj.P.Val < significance_threshold) %>%
# Arrange
# Multiple comparisons
~ {
voom_obj = .x
1:ncol(my_contrasts) %>%
~ voom_obj %>%
# Contrasts
limma::contrasts.fit(contrasts=my_contrasts[, .x]) %>%
limma::eBayes() %>%
!is.null(test_above_log2_fold_change) ~ (.) %>%
limma::treat(lfc=test_above_log2_fold_change) %>%
limma::topTreat(n = Inf),
~ (.) %>% limma::topTable(n = Inf)
) %>%
# Convert to tibble
as_tibble(rownames = "transcript") %>%
mutate(constrast = colnames(my_contrasts)[.x])
# %>%
# # Mark DE genes
# mutate(significant = adj.P.Val < significance_threshold)
) %>%
pivot_wider(values_from = -c(transcript, constrast),
names_from = constrast, names_sep = "___")
) %>%
# Attach prefix
sprintf("%s%s", prefix, colnames(.)[2:ncol(.)])
#' Get differential transcription information to a tibble using glmmSeq
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @import tibble
#' @importFrom magrittr set_colnames
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix
#' @importFrom purrr when
#' @param .data A tibble
#' @param .formula a formula with no response variable, referring only to numeric variables
#' @param .contrasts A character vector. See edgeR makeContrasts specification for the parameter `contrasts`. If contrasts are not present the first covariate is the one the model is tested against (e.g., ~ factor_of_interest)
#' @param method A string character. Either "edgeR_quasi_likelihood" (i.e., QLF), "edgeR_likelihood_ratio" (i.e., LRT)
#' @param scaling_method A character string. The scaling method passed to the backend function (i.e., edgeR::calcNormFactors; "TMM","TMMwsp","RLE","upperquartile")
#' @param .scaling_factor A tidyeval (column name) for the precalculated TMM scaling
#' @param omit_contrast_in_colnames If just one contrast is specified you can choose to omit the contrast label in the colnames.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for glmmSeq
#' @return A tibble with glmmSeq results
get_differential_transcript_abundance_glmmSeq_SE <- function(.data,
.abundance = NULL,
.contrasts = NULL,
sample_annotation ,
test_above_log2_fold_change = NULL,
scaling_method = "TMM",
.scaling_factor = NULL,
omit_contrast_in_colnames = FALSE,
prefix = "",
.dispersion = NULL,
...) {
.abundance = enquo(.abundance)
.dispersion = enquo(.dispersion)
.scaling_factor = enquo(.scaling_factor)
# Check if contrasts are of the same form
.contrasts %>% is.null %>% not() &
.contrasts %>% class %>% equals("list") %>% not()
stop("tidybulk says: for DESeq2 the list of constrasts should be given in the form list(c(\"condition_column\",\"condition1\",\"condition2\")) i.e. list(c(\"genotype\",\"knockout\",\"wildtype\"))")
# Check if omit_contrast_in_colnames is correctly setup
if(omit_contrast_in_colnames & length(.contrasts) > 1){
warning("tidybulk says: you can omit contrasts in column names only when maximum one contrast is present")
omit_contrast_in_colnames = FALSE
# # Check if package is installed, otherwise install
# if (find.package("edgeR", quiet = TRUE) %>% length %>% equals(0)) {
# message("tidybulk says: Installing edgeR needed for differential transcript abundance analyses")
# if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
# install.packages("BiocManager", repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org")
# BiocManager::install("edgeR", ask = FALSE)
# }
# Check if package is installed, otherwise install
# If no assay is specified take first
my_assay = ifelse(
.data |>
assayNames() |>
metadata =
.data |>
counts =
.data %>%
# Create design matrix for dispersion, removing random effects
design =
object = .formula |> lme4::nobars(),
data = metadata
if(.dispersion |> quo_is_symbolic())
dispersion = rowData(.data)[,quo_name(.dispersion),drop=FALSE] |> as_tibble(rownames = feature__$name) |> deframe()
dispersion = counts |> edgeR::estimateDisp(design = design) %$% tagwise.dispersion |> setNames(rownames(counts))
# # Check dispersion
# if(!names(dispersion) |> sort() |> identical(
# rownames(counts) |>
# sort()
# )) stop("tidybulk says: The features in the dispersion vector do not overlap with the feature in the assay")
# Make sure the order matches the counts
dispersion = dispersion[rownames(counts)]
# Scaling
if(.scaling_factor |> quo_is_symbolic())
sizeFactors = .data |> pivot_sample() |> pull(!!.scaling_factor)
sizeFactors <- counts |> edgeR::calcNormFactors(method = scaling_method)
glmmSeq_object =
glmmSeq( .formula,
countdata = counts ,
metadata = metadata |> as.data.frame(),
dispersion = dispersion,
sizeFactors = sizeFactors,
progress = TRUE,
method = method |> str_remove("(?i)^glmmSeq_" ),
glmmSeq_object |>
summary_lmmSeq() |>
as_tibble(rownames = "transcript") |>
mutate(across(starts_with("P_"), list(adjusted = function(x) p.adjust(x, method="BH")), .names = "{.col}_{.fn}")) |>
# Attach attributes
reattach_internals(.data) %>%
# select method
memorise_methods_used("glmmSeq") %>%
# # Add raw object
# attach_to_internals(glmmSeq_object, "glmmSeq") %>%
# # Communicate the attribute added
# {
# rlang::inform("tidybulk says: to access the raw results (fitted GLM) do `attr(..., \"internals\")$glmmSeq`", .frequency_id = "Access DE results glmmSeq", .frequency = "once")
# (.)
# } %>%
# Attach prefix
sprintf("%s%s", prefix, colnames(.)[2:ncol(.)])
)) |>
list() |>
setNames("result") |>
c(list(result_raw = glmmSeq_object))
#' Get differential transcription information to a tibble using DESeq2
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @import tibble
#' @importFrom magrittr set_colnames
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix
#' @importFrom purrr when
#' @param .data A tibble
#' @param .formula a formula with no response variable, referring only to numeric variables
#' @param .contrasts A character vector. See edgeR makeContrasts specification for the parameter `contrasts`. If contrasts are not present the first covariate is the one the model is tested against (e.g., ~ factor_of_interest)
#' @param method A string character. Either "edgeR_quasi_likelihood" (i.e., QLF), "edgeR_likelihood_ratio" (i.e., LRT)
#' @param scaling_method A character string. The scaling method passed to the backend function (i.e., edgeR::calcNormFactors; "TMM","TMMwsp","RLE","upperquartile")
#' @param omit_contrast_in_colnames If just one contrast is specified you can choose to omit the contrast label in the colnames.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for DESeq2
#' @return A tibble with DESeq2 results
get_differential_transcript_abundance_deseq2_SE <- function(.data,
.abundance = NULL,
.contrasts = NULL,
method = "deseq2",
test_above_log2_fold_change = NULL,
scaling_method = "TMM",
omit_contrast_in_colnames = FALSE,
prefix = "",
...) {
.abundance = enquo(.abundance)
# Check if contrasts are of the same form
.contrasts %>% is.null %>% not() &
.contrasts %>% class %>% equals("list") %>% not()
stop("tidybulk says: for DESeq2 the list of constrasts should be given in the form list(c(\"condition_column\",\"condition1\",\"condition2\")) i.e. list(c(\"genotype\",\"knockout\",\"wildtype\"))")
# Check if omit_contrast_in_colnames is correctly setup
if(omit_contrast_in_colnames & length(.contrasts) > 1){
warning("tidybulk says: you can omit contrasts in column names only when maximum one contrast is present")
omit_contrast_in_colnames = FALSE
# Check if package is installed, otherwise install
if (is.null(test_above_log2_fold_change)) {
test_above_log2_fold_change <- 0
my_contrasts = .contrasts
# If no assay is specified take first
my_assay = ifelse(
.data |>
assayNames() |>
deseq2_object =
# DESeq2
countData = .data |> assay(my_assay),
colData = colData(.data),
design = .formula
) %>%
# Return
result_raw = deseq2_object,
result =
# Read ft object
deseq2_object %>%
# If I have multiple .contrasts merge the results
# Simple comparison continuous
(my_contrasts %>% is.null ) &
(deseq2_object@colData[,parse_formula(.formula)[1]] %>%
class %in% c("numeric", "integer", "double")) ~
(.) %>%
DESeq2::results(lfcThreshold=test_above_log2_fold_change) %>%
as_tibble(rownames = "transcript"),
# Simple comparison discrete
my_contrasts %>% is.null ~
(.) %>%
DESeq2::results(contrast = c(
deseq2_object@colData[,parse_formula(.formula)[1]] %>% as.factor() %>% levels %>% .[2],
deseq2_object@colData[,parse_formula(.formula)[1]] %>% as.factor() %>% levels %>% .[1]
), lfcThreshold=test_above_log2_fold_change) %>%
as_tibble(rownames = "transcript"),
# Simple comparison discrete
my_contrasts %>% is.null %>% not() & omit_contrast_in_colnames ~
(.) %>%
DESeq2::results(contrast = my_contrasts[[1]], lfcThreshold=test_above_log2_fold_change)%>%
as_tibble(rownames = "transcript"),
# Multiple comparisons NOT USED AT THE MOMENT
~ {
deseq2_obj = (.)
1:length(my_contrasts) %>%
~ deseq2_obj %>%
# select method
DESeq2::results(contrast = my_contrasts[[.x]], lfcThreshold=test_above_log2_fold_change) %>%
# Convert to tibble
as_tibble(rownames = "transcript") %>%
mutate(constrast = sprintf("%s %s-%s", my_contrasts[[.x]][1], my_contrasts[[.x]][2], my_contrasts[[.x]][3]) )
) %>%
pivot_wider(values_from = -c(transcript, constrast),
names_from = constrast, names_sep = "___")
) %>%
# Attach prefix
sprintf("%s%s", prefix, colnames(.)[2:ncol(.)])
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom stringr str_remove
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all
multivariable_differential_tissue_composition_SE = function(
results_regression =
deconvoluted %>%
as_tibble(rownames = "sample") %>%
# Replace 0s - before
mutate(across(starts_with(method), function(.x) if_else(.x==0, min_detected_proportion, .x))) %>%
mutate(across(starts_with(method), boot::logit)) %>%
# Rename columns - after
str_remove(colnames(.), sprintf("%s:", method)) %>%
str_replace_all("[ \\(\\)]", "___")
) %>%
# Beta or Cox
grepl("Surv", .my_formula) %>% any ~ {
# Check if package is installed, otherwise install
check_and_install_packages(c("survival", "boot"))
(.) %>%
survival::coxph(.my_formula, .) %>%
} ,
~ {
(.) %>%
lm(.my_formula, .) %>%
broom::tidy() %>%
filter(term != "(Intercept)")
# Join results
deconvoluted %>%
as_tibble(rownames = "sample") %>%
names_prefix = sprintf("%s: ", method),
cols = starts_with(method),
names_to = ".cell_type",
values_to = ".proportion"
) %>%
tidyr::nest(cell_type_proportions = -.cell_type) %>%
results_regression %>%
univariable_differential_tissue_composition_SE = function(
deconvoluted %>%
as_tibble(rownames = "sample") %>%
# Test
names_prefix = sprintf("%s: ", method),
cols = starts_with(method),
names_to = ".cell_type",
values_to = ".proportion"
) %>%
# Replace 0s
mutate(.proportion_0_corrected = if_else(.proportion==0, min_detected_proportion, .proportion)) %>%
# Test survival
tidyr::nest(cell_type_proportions = -.cell_type) %>%
mutate(surv_test = map(
~ {
if(pull(., .proportion_0_corrected) %>% unique %>% length %>% `<=` (3)) return(NULL)
# See if regression if censored or not
.x %>%
grepl("Surv", .my_formula) %>% any ~ {
# Check if package is installed, otherwise install
check_and_install_packages(c("survival", "boot"))
(.) %>%
mutate(.proportion_0_corrected = .proportion_0_corrected %>% boot::logit()) %>%
survival::coxph(.my_formula, .) %>%
broom::tidy() %>%
} ,
~ {
# Check if package is installed, otherwise install
(.) %>%
betareg::betareg(.my_formula, .) %>%
broom::tidy() %>%
filter(component != "precision") %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = term, values_from = c(estimate, std.error, statistic, p.value)) %>%
select(-c(`std.error_(Intercept)`, `statistic_(Intercept)`, `p.value_(Intercept)`)) %>%
)) %>%
unnest(surv_test, keep_empty = TRUE)
.resolve_complete_confounders_of_non_interest_df <- function(df, ...){
combination_of_factors_of_NON_interest =
# Factors
df |>
as_tibble(rownames = ".sample") |>
select(...) |>
suppressWarnings() |>
colnames() |>
# Combinations
combn(2) |>
t() |>
as_tibble() |>
set_names(c("factor_1", "factor_2"))
for(i in combination_of_factors_of_NON_interest |> nrow() |> seq_len()){
df =
df |>
#' Resolve Complete Confounders of Non-Interest
#' This function processes a SummarizedExperiment object to handle confounders
#' that are not of interest in the analysis. It deals with two factors, adjusting
#' the data by nesting and summarizing over these factors.
#' @importFrom rlang enquo
#' @importFrom rlang quo_name
#' @importFrom rlang !!
#' @importFrom tidyr unnest
#' @importFrom tidyr nest
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @importFrom dplyr arrange
#' @importFrom dplyr slice
#' @importFrom dplyr pull
#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @importFrom purrr map_int
#' @importFrom dplyr if_else
#' @param se A SummarizedExperiment object that contains the data to be processed.
#' @param .factor_1 A symbol or quosure representing the first factor variable in `se`.
#' @param .factor_2 A symbol or quosure representing the second factor variable in `se`.
#' @return A modified SummarizedExperiment object with confounders resolved.
#' @examples
#' # Not run:
#' # se is a SummarizedExperiment object
#' resolve_complete_confounders_of_non_interest(se, .factor_1 = factor1, .factor_2 = factor2)
#' @noRd
resolve_complete_confounders_of_non_interest_pair_df <- function(df, .factor_1, .factor_2){
.factor_1 <- enquo(.factor_1)
.factor_2 <- enquo(.factor_2)
cd =
df |>
as_tibble() |>
rowid_to_column() |>
distinct(rowid, !!.factor_1, !!.factor_2) |>
nest(se_data = -c(!!.factor_1, !!.factor_2)) |>
nest(data = -!!.factor_1) |>
mutate(n1 = map_int(data, ~ .x |> distinct(!!.factor_2) |> nrow())) |>
unnest(data) |>
# Nest data excluding .factor_2 and count distinct .factor_1 values
nest(data = -!!.factor_2) |>
mutate(n2 = map_int(data, ~ .x |> distinct(!!.factor_1) |> nrow())) |>
# Choose a dummy value for .factor_2 based on sorting by n1 + n2
dummy_factor_2 <- cd |> arrange(desc(n1 + n2)) |> slice(1) |> pull(!!.factor_2)
# Messages if I have confounders
if(cd |> filter(n1 + n2 < 3) |> nrow() > 0){
message(sprintf("tidybulk says: IMPORTANT! the columns %s and %s, have been corrected for complete confounders and now are NOT interpretable, and cannot be used in hypothesis testing.", quo_name(.factor_1), quo_name(.factor_2)))
"tidybulk says: The value(s) %s in column %s from sample(s) %s, has been changed to %s.",
cd |> filter(n1 + n2 < 3) |> pull(!!.factor_2),
cd |> filter(n1 + n2 < 3) |> pull(se_data) |> map(colnames) |> unlist(),
# Replace .factor_2 with dummy_factor_2 where n1 + n2 is less than 3 and unnest
cd = cd |>
mutate(!!.factor_2 := if_else(n1 + n2 < 3, dummy_factor_2, !!.factor_2))
df[,c(quo_name(.factor_1), quo_name(.factor_2))] =
cd |>
unnest(se_data) |>
arrange(rowid) |>
select(!!.factor_1, !!.factor_2)
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