## Source car:::ConjComp
car_ConjComp <- function (X, Z = diag(nrow(X)), ip = diag(nrow(X))){
xq <- qr(t(Z) %*% ip %*% X)
if (xq$rank == 0)
Z %*% qr.Q(xq, complete = TRUE)[, -(1:xq$rank)]
## Source car:::relatives
car_relatives <- function (term, names, factors)
is.relative <- function(term1, term2) {
all(!(factors[, term1] & (!factors[, term2])))
if (length(names) == 1)
which.term <- which(term == names)
function(term2) is.relative(term, term2))]
#' @importFrom stats pchisq
organiseStats = function (resultList, test.stat)
statsList <- lapply(resultList, "[[", "stats")
s <- do.call(rbind, statsList)
coefList <- lapply(resultList, "[[", "coef")
cf <- do.call(rbind, coefList)
SEList <- lapply(resultList, "[[", "stdErr")
stdErr <- do.call(rbind, SEList)
if (test.stat == "Wald") {
chisqList <- lapply(resultList, "[[", "chisq")
chisq <- do.call(rbind, chisqList)
dfList <- lapply(resultList, "[[", "df")
df <- do.call(rbind, dfList)
pvals <- pchisq(chisq, df = df, lower.tail = FALSE)
colnames(df) <- colnames(chisq)
colnames(pvals) <- colnames(chisq)
s <- list(res = s, coef = cf, stdErr = stdErr, Chisq = chisq,
Df = df, pvals = pvals)
else if (test.stat == "F") {
NumDF <- lapply(resultList, function(x) x$test[, 1])
NumDF <- do.call(rbind, NumDF)
DenDF <- lapply(resultList, function(x) x$test[, 2])
DenDF <- do.call(rbind, DenDF)
Fval <- lapply(resultList, function(x) x$test[, 3])
Fval <- do.call(rbind, Fval)
pvals <- lapply(resultList, function(x) x$test[, 4])
pvals <- do.call(rbind, pvals)
if (ncol(NumDF) == 1) {
colnames(NumDF) <- colnames(DenDF) <- colnames(Fval) <- colnames(pvals) <- rownames(resultList[[1]]$test)
s <- list(res = s, coef = cf, stdErr = stdErr, NumDF = NumDF,
DenDF = DenDF, Fval = Fval, pvals = pvals)
else {
LRT <- lapply(resultList, "[[", "test")
LRT <- do.call(rbind, LRT)
chisq <- LRT[, 1, drop = FALSE]
df <- LRT[, 2, drop = FALSE]
pvals <- LRT[, 3, drop = FALSE]
colnames(chisq) <- colnames(df) <- colnames(pvals) <- "LRT"
s <- list(res = s, coef = cf, stdErr = stdErr, Chisq = chisq,
Df = df, pvals = pvals)
hyp_matrix = function (fullFormula, metadata, LHS)
reduced2 <- lme4::nobars(fullFormula)
fac <- attr(terms(reduced2), "factors")
data2 <- metadata
data2[, LHS] <- rep(0, nrow(data2))
dm2 <- model.matrix(reduced2, data2)
assign <- attr(dm2, "assign")
term.labels <- attr(terms(reduced2), "term.labels")
p <- length(assign)
I.p <- diag(p)
n.terms <- length(term.labels)
hyp.matrix.1 <- hyp.matrix.2 <- list()
for (i in seq_len(n.terms)) {
which.term <- i
subs.term <- which(assign == which.term)
relatives <- car_relatives(term.labels[i], term.labels,
subs.relatives <- NULL
for (relative in relatives) subs.relatives <- c(subs.relatives,
which(assign == relative))
hyp.matrix.1[[i]] <- I.p[subs.relatives, , drop = FALSE]
hyp.matrix.2[[i]] <- I.p[c(subs.relatives, subs.term),
, drop = FALSE]
names(hyp.matrix.1) <- term.labels
return(list(hyp.matrix.1 = hyp.matrix.1, hyp.matrix.2 = hyp.matrix.2))
lmer_wald = function (fixef, hyp.matrix, vcov.)
hyp.matrix.1 <- hyp.matrix[[1]]
hyp.matrix.2 <- hyp.matrix[[2]]
hyp.list <- lapply(seq_along(hyp.matrix.1), function(i) {
hyp.matrix.term <- if (nrow(hyp.matrix.1[[i]]) == 0) {
else t(car_ConjComp(t(hyp.matrix.1[[i]]), t(hyp.matrix.2[[i]]),
hyp.matrix.term <- hyp.matrix.term[!apply(hyp.matrix.term,
1, function(x) all(x == 0)), , drop = FALSE]
b <- fixef
V <- vcov.
chi_val <- lapply(hyp.list, function(L) {
as.vector(t(L %*% b) %*% solve(L %*% V %*% t(L)) %*%
(L %*% b))
df <- unlist(lapply(hyp.list, NROW))
list(chisq = setNames(unlist(chi_val), names(hyp.matrix.1)),
df = df)
# From https://github.com/easystats/parameters
lme4_standard_error = function (model)
rand.se <- lme4::ranef(model, condVar = TRUE)
n.groupings <- length(rand.se)
for (m in 1:n.groupings) {
vars.m <- attr(rand.se[[m]], "postVar")
K <- dim(vars.m)[1]
J <- dim(vars.m)[3]
names.full <- dimnames(rand.se[[m]])
rand.se[[m]] <- array(NA, c(J, K))
for (j in 1:J) {
rand.se[[m]][j, ] <- sqrt(diag(as.matrix(vars.m[,
, j])))
dimnames(rand.se[[m]]) <- list(names.full[[1]], names.full[[2]])
glmmTMB_standard_error = function (model){
rand.se <- glmmTMB::ranef(model, condVar = TRUE)$cond
n.groupings <- length(rand.se)
for (m in 1:n.groupings) {
vars.m <- attr(rand.se[[m]], "condVar")
K <- dim(vars.m)[1]
J <- dim(vars.m)[3]
names.full <- dimnames(rand.se[[m]])
rand.se[[m]] <- array(NA, c(J, K))
for (j in 1:J) {
rand.se[[m]][j, ] <- sqrt(diag(as.matrix(vars.m[,
, j])))
dimnames(rand.se[[m]]) <- list(names.full[[1]], names.full[[2]])
#' Get matrix from tibble
#' @importFrom purrr map2_dfc
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_wider
#' @importFrom dplyr join_by
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
glmmTMB_to_confidence_intervals_random_effects = function(fit){
ster = glmmTMB_standard_error(fit)
ster = map2_dfr(
ster, names(ster),
~ .x |>
as_tibble(rownames = "group_id") |>
"group_id" |>
c(sprintf("%s__%s", .y, colnames(.x)))
) |>
pivot_longer(-group_id, names_to = "parameter", values_to = "CI")
mod = glmmTMB::ranef(fit, condVar=TRUE)$cond
mod = map2_dfr(
mod, names(mod),
~ .x |>
as_tibble(rownames = "group_id") |>
"group_id" |>
c(sprintf("%s__%s", .y, colnames(.x)))
) |>
pivot_longer(-group_id, names_to = "parameter", values_to = "mode")
mod |>
left_join(ster, join_by(group_id, parameter)) |>
mutate(lower = mode - CI, upper = mode + CI) |>
select(-CI) |>
tidyr::unite("parameter", c(group_id, parameter), sep="_") |>
pivot_wider(names_from = parameter, values_from = c(lower, mode, upper), names_glue = "{parameter}__{.value}")
#' Get matrix from tibble
#' @importFrom purrr map2_dfc
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_wider
#' @importFrom dplyr join_by
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
lmer_to_confidence_intervals_random_effects = function(fit){
ster = lme4_standard_error(fit)
ster = map2_dfr(
ster, names(ster),
~ .x |>
as_tibble(rownames = "group_id") |>
"group_id" |>
c(sprintf("%s__%s", .y, colnames(.x)))
) |>
pivot_longer(-group_id, names_to = "parameter", values_to = "CI")
mod = lme4::ranef(fit, condVar=TRUE)
mod = map2_dfr(
mod, names(mod),
~ .x |>
as_tibble(rownames = "group_id") |>
"group_id" |>
c(sprintf("%s__%s", .y, colnames(.x)))
) |>
pivot_longer(-group_id, names_to = "parameter", values_to = "mode")
mod |>
left_join(ster, join_by(group_id, parameter)) |>
mutate(lower = mode - CI, upper = mode + CI) |>
select(-CI) |>
tidyr::unite("parameter", c(group_id, parameter), sep="_") |>
pivot_wider(names_from = parameter, values_from = c(lower, mode, upper), names_glue = "{parameter}__{.value}")
glmmTMBcore = function (geneList, fullFormula, reduced, data, family, control,
offset, modelData, designMatrix, hyp.matrix, ...)
data[, "count"] <- geneList
fit <- try(suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(glmmTMB::glmmTMB(fullFormula,
data, family, control = control, offset = offset, ...))),
silent = TRUE)
if (!inherits(fit, "try-error")) {
singular <- conv <- NA
stdErr <- suppressWarnings(coef(summary(fit))$cond[, 2])
vcov. <- vcov(fit)$cond
if(vcov. |> as.numeric() |> is.nan() |> all())
return(list(stats = NA, coef = NA, stdErr = NA, chisq = NA,
df = NA, predict = NA, optinfo = NA, ci_random_effect_df = NA,
message = "vcov. failed to calculate", tryErrors = fit[1]))
fixedEffects <- glmmTMB::fixef(fit)$cond
disp <- glmmTMB::sigma(fit)
msg <- fit$fit$message
stats <- setNames(c(disp, AIC(fit), as.numeric(logLik(fit))),
c("Dispersion", "AIC", "logLik"))
if (is.null(reduced)) {
test <- lmer_wald(fixedEffects, hyp.matrix, vcov.)
else {
fit2 <- try(suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(glmmTMB::glmmTMB(reduced,
data, family, control = control, offset = offset,
...))), silent = TRUE)
if (!inherits(fit2, "try-error")) {
lrt <- anova(fit, fit2)
test <- list(chisq = setNames(lrt$Chisq[2], "LRT"),
df = lrt[2, "Chi Df"])
else {
test <- list(chisq = NA, df = NA)
newY <- predict(fit, newdata = modelData, re.form = NA)
a <- designMatrix %*% vcov.
b <- as.matrix(a %*% t(designMatrix))
predVar <- diag(b)
newSE <- suppressWarnings(sqrt(predVar))
newLCI <- exp(newY - newSE * 1.96)
newUCI <- exp(newY + newSE * 1.96)
predictdf <- c(exp(newY), newLCI, newUCI)
ci_random_effect_df = glmmTMB_to_confidence_intervals_random_effects(fit)
stats = stats,
coef = fixedEffects,
stdErr = stdErr,
chisq = test$chisq,
df = test$df,
predict = predictdf,
optinfo = c(singular, conv),
ci_random_effect_df = ci_random_effect_df,
message = msg,
tryErrors = ""))
else {
return(list(stats = NA, coef = NA, stdErr = NA, chisq = NA,
df = NA, predict = NA, optinfo = NA, ci_random_effect_df = NA, message = "COMPLETE FIT ERROR", tryErrors = fit[1]))
glmerCore = function (geneList, fullFormula, reduced, data, control, offset,
modelData, designMatrix, hyp.matrix, max_rows_for_matrix_multiplication = Inf, return_fit =FALSE, ...)
data[, "count"] <- geneList$y
disp <- geneList$dispersion
fit <- try(suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(lme4::glmer(fullFormula,
data = data, control = control, offset = offset, family = MASS::negative.binomial(theta = 1/disp),
...))), silent = TRUE)
# If errors return
if (inherits(fit, "try-error"))
return(list(stats = NA, coef = NA, stdErr = NA, chisq = NA,
df = NA, predict = NA, optinfo = NA, tryErrors = fit[1]))
# Otherwise keep going
if (length(attr(fit@pp$X, "msgRankdrop")) > 0) {
return(list(stats = NA, predict = NA, optinfo = NA,
tryErrors = attr(fit@pp$X, "msgRankdrop")))
stdErr <- suppressWarnings(coef(summary(fit))[, 2])
singular <- as.numeric(lme4::isSingular(fit))
conv <- length(slot(fit, "optinfo")$conv$lme4$messages)
vcov. <- suppressWarnings(as.matrix(vcov(fit, complete = FALSE)))
fixedEffects <- lme4::fixef(fit)
stats <- setNames(c(disp, AIC(fit), as.numeric(logLik(fit))),
c("Dispersion", "AIC", "logLik"))
if (is.null(reduced)) {
test <- lmer_wald(fixedEffects, hyp.matrix, vcov.)
else {
fit2 <- try(suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(lme4::glmer(reduced,
data = data, control = control, offset = offset,
family = MASS::negative.binomial(theta = 1/disp),
...))), silent = TRUE)
if (!inherits(fit2, "try-error")) {
lrt <- anova(fit, fit2)
test <- list(chisq = setNames(lrt$Chisq[2], "LRT"),
df = lrt$Df[2])
else {
test <- list(chisq = NA, df = NA)
newY <- predict(fit, newdata = modelData, re.form = NA)
a <- designMatrix %*% vcov.
b <- as.matrix(a %*% t(designMatrix))
predVar <- diag(b)
newSE <- sqrt(predVar)
newLCI <- exp(newY - newSE * 1.96)
newUCI <- exp(newY + newSE * 1.96)
predictdf <- c(exp(newY), newLCI, newUCI)
ci_random_effect_df = lmer_to_confidence_intervals_random_effects(fit)
return_list =
stats = stats,
coef = fixedEffects,
stdErr = stdErr,
chisq = test$chisq,
df = test$df,
predict = predictdf,
optinfo = c(singular, conv),
ci_random_effect_df = ci_random_effect_df,
tryErrors = ""
# If fit not needed do not return
if(!return_fit) {
} else {
return_list$fit = fit
# From glmmSeq
# Class definitions
setClassUnion("character_or_list", c("character", "list"))
setClassUnion("df_or_matrix", c("data.frame", "matrix"))
setClassUnion("list_or_matrix", c("list", "matrix"))
setClassUnion("formulaOrNULL", c("formula", "NULL"))
#' An S4 class to define the glmmSeq output
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @slot info List including the matched call, dispersions, offset, designMatrix
#' @slot formula The model formula
#' @slot stats Statistics from fitted models
#' @slot predict Predicted values
#' @slot reduced Optional reduced formula for LRT
#' @slot countdata The input expression data with count data in rows
#' @slot metadata The input metadata
#' @slot modelData Model data for predictions
#' @slot optInfo Information on whether the model was singular or converged
#' @slot errors Any errors
#' @slot vars List of variables stored from the original call, including the
#' `id` variable (by default automatically identified from the random effect
#' term in the model) and `removeSingles` argument
setClass("GlmmSeq", slots = list(
info = "list",
formula = "formula",
stats = "list_or_matrix",
predict = "df_or_matrix",
reduced = "formulaOrNULL",
countdata = "df_or_matrix",
metadata = "df_or_matrix",
modelData = "df_or_matrix",
optInfo = "matrix",
errors = "character_or_list",
vars = "list"
glmmSeq = function (modelFormula, countdata, metadata, id = NULL, dispersion = NA,
sizeFactors = NULL, reduced = NULL, modelData = NULL, designMatrix = NULL,
method = c("lme4", "glmmTMB"), control = NULL, family = glmmTMB::nbinom2,
cores = 1, removeSingles = FALSE, zeroCount = 0.125, verbose = TRUE,
returnList = FALSE, progress = FALSE, max_rows_for_matrix_multiplication = Inf, avoid_forking = FALSE, ...)
glmmcall <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
method <- match.arg(method)
if (is.null(control)) {
control <- switch(method, lme4 = lme4::glmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa"),
glmmTMB = glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl())
countdata <- as.matrix(countdata)
if (length(lme4::findbars(modelFormula)) == 0) {
stop("No random effects terms specified in formula")
if (ncol(countdata) != nrow(metadata)) {
stop("countdata columns different size to metadata rows")
if (!is.null(sizeFactors) & ncol(countdata) != length(sizeFactors)) {
stop("Different sizeFactors length")
if (!is.numeric(zeroCount))
stop("zeroCount must be numeric")
if (zeroCount < 0)
stop("zeroCount must be >= 0")
if (zeroCount > 0)
countdata[countdata == 0] <- zeroCount
fullFormula <- update.formula(modelFormula, count ~ ., simplify = FALSE)
subFormula <- lme4::subbars(modelFormula)
variables <- rownames(attr(terms(subFormula), "factors"))
subsetMetadata <- metadata[, variables, drop=FALSE]
if (is.null(id)) {
fb <- lme4::findbars(modelFormula)
id <- sub(".*[|]", "", fb)
id <- gsub(" ", "", id)
ids <- as.character(metadata[, id])
if (removeSingles) {
nonSingles <- names(table(ids))[table(ids) > 1]
nonSingleIDs <- ids %in% nonSingles
countdata <- countdata[, nonSingleIDs, drop=FALSE]
sizeFactors <- sizeFactors[nonSingleIDs]
subsetMetadata <- subsetMetadata[nonSingleIDs, , drop=FALSE]
ids <- ids[nonSingleIDs]
if (!is.null(sizeFactors))
offset <- log(sizeFactors)
else offset <- NULL
if (verbose)
message(paste0("\nn = ", length(ids), " samples, ", length(unique(ids)),
" individuals\n"))
FEformula <- lme4::nobars(modelFormula)
if (is.null(modelData)) {
reducedVars <- rownames(attr(terms(FEformula), "factors"))
varLevels <- lapply(reducedVars, function(x) {
if (is.factor(metadata[, x])) {
return(levels(subsetMetadata[, x]))
else {
sort(unique(subsetMetadata[, x]))
modelData <- expand.grid(varLevels)
colnames(modelData) <- reducedVars
if (method == "glmmTMB") {
na_matrix = rep(NA, nrow(modelData) * length(id)) |> matrix(ncol = length(id))
colnames(na_matrix) = id
modelData <- modelData |> cbind(na_matrix)
if (is.null(designMatrix)) {
designMatrix <- model.matrix(FEformula, modelData)
if (is.null(reduced)) {
test.stat <- "Wald"
hyp.matrix <- hyp_matrix(fullFormula, metadata, "count")
else {
if (length(lme4::findbars(reduced)) == 0) {
stop("No random effects terms specified in reduced formula")
subReduced <- lme4::subbars(reduced)
redvars <- rownames(attr(terms(subReduced), "factors"))
if (any(!redvars %in% variables)) {
stop("Extra terms in reduced formula not found full formula")
reduced <- update.formula(reduced, count ~ ., simplify = FALSE)
test.stat <- "LRT"
hyp.matrix <- NULL
start <- Sys.time()
# If matrix is too big because model is too big
rows_to_sample = sample(seq_len(nrow(designMatrix)), min(max_rows_for_matrix_multiplication, nrow(designMatrix)))
if(length(rows_to_sample) < nrow(designMatrix)) warning(sprintf("tidybulk says: for calculating p-value the combination of covariates has been limited to 10000 rather than %d othwerwise a matrix multiplication in the glmmSeq would overflow the momery available for arrays.", nrow(designMatrix)))
designMatrix = designMatrix[rows_to_sample,,drop=FALSE]
modelData = modelData[rows_to_sample,,drop=FALSE]
if (method == "lme4") {
# FASTER - Stefano
control$calc.derivs = FALSE
if (!all(rownames(countdata) %in% names(dispersion))) {
stop("Some dispersion values are missing")
fullList <- lapply(rownames(countdata), function(i) {
list(y = countdata[i, ], dispersion = dispersion[i])
if(cores == 1){
resultList <- lapply(fullList, function(geneList) {
glmerCore(geneList, fullFormula, reduced,
subsetMetadata, control, offset, modelData,
designMatrix, hyp.matrix, max_rows_for_matrix_multiplication = max_rows_for_matrix_multiplication, ...)
else if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows" & cores > 1) {
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores)
dots <- list(...)
varlist <- c("glmerCore", "fullList", "fullFormula",
"reduced", "subsetMetadata", "control", "modelData",
"offset", "designMatrix", "hyp.matrix", "dots")
clusterExport(cl, varlist = varlist, envir = environment())
if (progress) {
# Check if package is installed, otherwise install
resultList <- pbapply::pblapply(fullList, function(geneList) {
args <- c(list(geneList = geneList, fullFormula = fullFormula,
reduced = reduced, data = subsetMetadata,
control = control, offset = offset, modelData = modelData,
designMatrix = designMatrix, hyp.matrix = hyp.matrix, max_rows_for_matrix_multiplication = max_rows_for_matrix_multiplication),
do.call(glmerCore, args)
}, cl = cl)
names(resultList) <- rownames(countdata)
noErr <- vapply(resultList, function(x) x$tryErrors == "", FUN.VALUE = TRUE)
else {
resultList <- parLapply(cl = cl, fullList, function(geneList) {
args <- c(list(geneList = geneList, fullFormula = fullFormula,
reduced = reduced, data = subsetMetadata,
control = control, offset = offset, modelData = modelData,
designMatrix = designMatrix, hyp.matrix = hyp.matrix, max_rows_for_matrix_multiplication = max_rows_for_matrix_multiplication),
do.call(glmerCore, args)
names(resultList) <- rownames(countdata)
noErr <- vapply(resultList, function(x) x$tryErrors == "", FUN.VALUE = TRUE)
else {
cl = parallel::makeCluster(cores, type = "PSOCK")
#clusterExport(cl, list("varname1", "varname2"),envir=environment())
resultList <- parallel::clusterApply(
function(geneList) {
glmerCore(geneList, fullFormula, reduced,
subsetMetadata, control, offset, modelData,
designMatrix, hyp.matrix, max_rows_for_matrix_multiplication = max_rows_for_matrix_multiplication, ...)
else if (progress) {
# Check if package is installed, otherwise install
resultList <- pbmcapply::pbmclapply(fullList, function(geneList) {
glmerCore(geneList, fullFormula, reduced,
subsetMetadata, control, offset, modelData,
designMatrix, hyp.matrix, max_rows_for_matrix_multiplication = max_rows_for_matrix_multiplication, ...)
}, mc.cores = cores)
if ("value" %in% names(resultList)) resultList <- resultList$value
else {
resultList <- mclapply(fullList, function(geneList) {
glmerCore(geneList, fullFormula, reduced,
subsetMetadata, control, offset, modelData,
designMatrix, hyp.matrix, max_rows_for_matrix_multiplication = max_rows_for_matrix_multiplication, ...)
}, mc.cores = cores)
else {
# FASTER - Stefano
fullList <- lapply(rownames(countdata), function(i) {
countdata[i, ]
if(cores == 1){
resultList <- lapply(fullList, function(geneList) {
glmmTMBcore(geneList, fullFormula, reduced,
subsetMetadata, family, control, offset,
modelData, designMatrix, hyp.matrix, ...)
else if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows" & cores > 1) {
cl <- makeCluster(cores)
dots <- list(...)
varlist <- c("glmmTMBcore", "fullList", "fullFormula",
"reduced", "subsetMetadata", "family", "control",
"modelData", "offset", "designMatrix", "hyp.matrix",
parallel::clusterExport(cl, varlist = varlist, envir = environment())
if (progress) {
# Check if package is installed, otherwise install
resultList <- pbapply::pblapply(fullList, function(geneList) {
args <- c(list(geneList = geneList, fullFormula = fullFormula,
reduced = reduced, data = subsetMetadata,
family = family, control = control, offset = offset,
modelData = modelData, designMatrix = designMatrix,
hyp.matrix = hyp.matrix), dots)
do.call(glmmTMBcore, args)
}, cl = cl)
else {
resultList <- parLapply(cl = cl, fullList, function(geneList) {
args <- c(list(geneList = geneList, fullFormula = fullFormula,
reduced = reduced, data = subsetMetadata,
family = family, control = control, offset = offset,
modelData = modelData, designMatrix = designMatrix,
hyp.matrix = hyp.matrix), dots)
do.call(glmmTMBcore, args)
else {
if (progress) {
# Check if package is installed, otherwise install
resultList <- pbmcapply::pbmclapply(fullList, function(geneList) {
glmmTMBcore(geneList, fullFormula, reduced,
subsetMetadata, family, control, offset,
modelData, designMatrix, hyp.matrix, ...)
}, mc.cores = cores)
if ("value" %in% names(resultList)) resultList <- resultList$value
else {
resultList <- mclapply(fullList, function(geneList) {
glmmTMBcore(geneList, fullFormula, reduced,
subsetMetadata, family, control, offset,
modelData, designMatrix, hyp.matrix, ...)
}, mc.cores = cores)
# Premature return
if (returnList) return(resultList)
names(resultList) <- rownames(countdata)
noErr <- vapply(resultList, function(x) x$tryErrors == "", FUN.VALUE = TRUE)
if (sum(noErr) == 0) {
message("All genes returned an error. Check call. Check sufficient data in each group")
outputErrors <- vapply(resultList[!noErr], function(x) {
}, FUN.VALUE = c("test"))
end <- Sys.time()
if (verbose)
print(end - start)
predList <- lapply(resultList[noErr], "[[", "predict")
outputPredict <- do.call(rbind, predList)
outLabels <- apply(modelData, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = "_"))
colnames(outputPredict) <- c(paste0("y_", outLabels), paste0("LCI_",
outLabels), paste0("UCI_", outLabels))
optInfo <- t(vapply(resultList[noErr], function(x) {
setNames(x$optinfo, c("Singular", "Conv"))
}, FUN.VALUE = c(1, 1)))
s <- organiseStats(resultList[noErr], "Wald")
meanExp <- rowMeans(log2(countdata[noErr, , drop = FALSE] + 1))
# Add coeff for random effects
ci_random_effect_df =
lapply(resultList[noErr], function(x) x$ci_random_effect_df)
s$coef = s$coef |> cbind(ci_random_effect_df )
s$res <- cbind(s$res, meanExp)
if (method == "lme4") {
if (sum(!noErr) != 0) {
if (verbose)
message(paste("Errors in", sum(!noErr), "gene(s):",
paste(names(noErr)[!noErr], collapse = ", ")))
outputErrors <- vapply(resultList[!noErr], function(x) {
}, FUN.VALUE = c("test"))
else {
outputErrors <- c("No errors")
else {
err <- is.na(s$res[, "AIC"])
if (any(err)) {
if (verbose)
message(paste("Errors in", sum(err), "gene(s):",
paste(names(err)[err], collapse = ", ")))
outputErrors <- vapply(resultList[err], function(x) {
}, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
else outputErrors <- c("No errors")
new("GlmmSeq", info = list(call = glmmcall, offset = offset,
designMatrix = designMatrix, method = method, control = control,
family = substitute(family), test.stat = test.stat,
dispersion = dispersion), formula = fullFormula, stats = s,
predict = outputPredict, reduced = reduced, countdata = countdata,
metadata = subsetMetadata, modelData = modelData, optInfo = optInfo,
errors = outputErrors, vars = list(id = id, removeSingles = removeSingles))
# From GlmmSeq
#' Summarise a 'glmmSeq'/'lmmSeq' object
#' Summarise results from [glmmSeq] or [lmmSeq] analysis
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param object an object of class `"GlmmSeq"` or `"lmmSeq"`
#' @param gene an optional character value specifying a single gene whose
#' results are summarised
#' @param digits integer, used for number formatting
#' @param ... arguments to be passed to other methods
#' @return
#' If `gene=NULL` a dataframe of results for all genes is returned. Otherwise
#' the output of GLMM or LMM model results for a single gene including
#' coefficients, test statistics, p-values is printed and the dataframe for all
#' genes is returned invisibly.
#' @seealso [glmmSeq()], [lmmSeq()]
summary_lmmSeq <- function(object,
gene = NULL,
digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), ...) {
if (is.null(gene)) {
statSet <- names(object@stats)
gp <- lapply(statSet, function(i) {
out <- object@stats[[i]]
if (i %in% c("Chisq", "Fval", "Df", "NumDF", "DenDF")) colnames(out) <- paste(i, colnames(out), sep = "_")
if (i == "pvals") colnames(out) <- paste0("P_", colnames(out))
if (i == "stdErr") colnames(out) <- paste0("se_", colnames(out))
do.call(cbind, gp)
} else {
out <- lapply(object@stats, function(i) i[gene, ])
if (is(object, "GlmmSeq")) {
cat("Generalised linear mixed model\n")
cat(paste0("Method: ", object@info$method, "\n"))
if (object@info$method == "lme4") {
cat("Family: Negative Binomial\n")
} else {
cat(paste0("Family: ", object@info$family, "\n"))
} else {
cat("Linear mixed model\n")
cat("Formula: ")
cat("\nFixed effects:\n")
cfdf <- data.frame(Estimate = out$coef,
`Std. Error` = out$stdErr, check.names = FALSE)
print(cfdf, digits = digits)
if (object@info$test.stat == "Wald") {
cat("\nAnalysis of Deviance Table (Type II Wald chisquare tests)\n")
testdf <- data.frame(Chisq = out$Chisq, Df = out$Df,
`Pr(>Chisq)` = out$pvals,
row.names = colnames(object@stats$Chisq),
check.names = FALSE)
} else if (object@info$test.stat == "LRT") {
cat("\nLikelihood ratio test\nReduced formula: ")
testdf <- data.frame(Chisq = out$Chisq, Df = out$Df,
`Pr(>Chisq)` = out$pvals,
row.names = " ",
check.names = FALSE)
} else {
cat("\nType III Analysis of Variance Table with Satterthwaite's method\n")
testdf <- data.frame(NumDF = out$NumDF, DenDF = out$DenDF,
`F value` = out$Fval, `Pr(>F)` = out$pvals,
row.names = colnames(object@stats$Fval),
check.names = FALSE)
print(testdf, digits = digits)
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