#' A simple pseudotime analysis based on a linear model, that can create the pseudotime from the two varibales 'a' and 'b'
#' fit = loess( b~a )
#' The fitted values will be used as pseudotime and the pseudotiume is plotted
#' versus the two defininge variables to the file outpath/Pseudotime.png using the grouping color.
#' Pseudotime is depicted as bluered line indicating the orientation blue -> red.
#' The pseudotime will be added into the samples table and the correlation to
#' the pseudotime will be added to the annotation table (both replacing old data!).
#' The function returns the top/bottom (n) correlating genes.
#' The rolling mean values that are summing up only expression values from one group
#' are colored in the group colour all others are black.
#' @name pseudotimeTest3D
#' @aliases pseudotimeTest3D,BioData-method
#' @rdname pseudotimeTest3D-methods
#' @docType methods
#' @description Calculate and plot pseudotime relevant information.
#' @param x a BioData object (preferably a SingleCells object)
#' @param a the first time defining vector (e.g. a MDS dimension)
#' @param b the second time defining vector (e.g. a MDS dimension)
#' @patam c the third time defining vector (e.g. a MDS dimension)
#' @param grouping a samples grouping to color the Pseudotime plot.
#' @param outpath a outpath for the files default=x$outpath
#' @param n how many genes to plot on both sides default=100
#' @param plotGenes additional default genes to plot default=NULL
#' @param smooth roling smoothing window size (default 100)
#' @param invert invert the time before usage ( default=FALSE)
#' @param cleanFolder remove all files from the outpout folder before creating new ones (default FALSE)
#' @param plotType ( 'png', 'png_high_res', 'pdf' )
#' @param summaryPlot the name of the summary plot file ( default NULL no summary plot)
#' @title description of function pseudotimeTest3D
#' @export
if ( ! isGeneric('pseudotimeTest3D') ){setGeneric('pseudotimeTest3D', ## Name
function ( x, a, b, c,grouping, outpath=NULL, n=100, plotGenes=NULL, smooth=100,
invert=FALSE, cleanFolder=FALSE, plotType='png', summaryPlot=NULL ) {
) }
setMethod('pseudotimeTest3D', signature = c ('BioData'),
definition = function ( x, a, b,c, grouping, outpath=NULL, n=100, plotGenes=NULL,
smooth = 100, invert=FALSE, cleanFolder=FALSE, plotType='png' , summaryPlot=NULL ) {
openPlot <- function(fname) {
if ( plotType == 'pdf' ) {
grDevices::pdf( file=paste(fname,'pdf', sep="."), width=10, height=10 )
}else if (plotType == 'png_high_res' ){
grDevices::png ( file=paste(fname,'highRes','png', sep="."), width=1600, height=1600)
}else {
grDevices::png ( file=paste(fname,'png', sep="."), width=800, height=800)
if ( is.null( outpath )) {
outpath = x$outpath
if ( ! file.exists( outpath )) {
dir.create( outpath )
}else if ( cleanFolder) {
unlink(file.path( outpath ,"*.png") )
unlink(file.path( outpath ,"*.pdf") )
if ( is.null( names(a) )) {
stop( "This function needs names on the a vector" )
#newTime = pcaMethods::bpca( cbind(a,b,c), nPcs=1 )@scores
#o= order(newTime)
## would a partial loess work??
## identify turns
localLoess <- function (ids, a,b,c ) {
## return a 3d loess line part
ret = list()
n = names(a)
inp = list( a=a, b=b, c=c )
ranges = unlist(lapply( list(a,b,c), function(d) { r = range(d[ids]); r[2] - r[1]} ))
inp$order= c('a','b','c')[ order( ranges )]
ls = loess( inp[[inp$order[2]]][ids] ~ inp[[inp$order[1]]][ids] )
ret[[inp$order[1]]] = inp[[inp$order[1]]][ids]
ret[[inp$order[2]]] = predict( ls)
ls = loess( inp[[inp$order[3]]][ids] ~ inp[[inp$order[1]]][ids] )
ret[[inp$order[3]]] = predict( ls )
o = order(ret[[inp$order[1]]])
names(ret[['a']]) = n
RET = list( 'x' = ret$a[o], 'y' = ret$b[o], 'z' = ret$c[o])
# ret= list()
# ls = loess( b[o] ~ a[o] )
# ret$x = a[o]
# ret$y = predict( ls)
# ls = loess( c[o] ~a[o] )
# ret$z = predict( ls)
res = localLoess( 1:ncol(x$dat), a, b, c)
# partialRes = lapply(
# split(o,ceil(seq_along(o)/length(seq_along) /(length(o)/4))),
# localLoess, a,b,c )
time = FastWilcoxTest::euclidian_distances3d( res$x, res$y, res$z, sum=T )
## sum it up here
# d=lapply ( 2:length(time), function (i) { time[i] = time[i] + time[i-1];NULL } )
names(time) = names(a)[o]
m = match( names(a), names(time))
time= time[m]
rgl::plot3d( ret, col=gplots::bluered(length(o)) )
rgl::rgl.points( a,b,c, col= x$usedObj$colorRange[[grouping]][ x$samples[,grouping]])
fit$orig = fit$fitted.values
fit$fitted.values = time
openPlot( file.path( outpath,"Pseudotime" ) )
plot( a , b, col= x$usedObj$colorRange[[grouping]][ x$samples[,grouping]] , pch=16)
o = order( fit$fitted.values )
points( a[o], fit$orig[o] , lwd=1.5, col=gplots::bluered(length(a)), pch=16, cex=2 )
#lines( a, fit$fitted.values, lwd=1.5, col='red' )
# fit = lm( b~a )
# png ( file=file.path( outpath,"Pseudotime.png"), width=800, height=800)
# plot( a , b, col= x$usedObj$colorRange[[grouping]][ x$samples[,grouping]] )
# lines( a, fit$fitted.values, lwd=1.5, col='red' )
# dev.off()
dat = x$dat
dat@x[which(dat@x == -1)] = 0
fit$fitted.values = fit$fitted.values - min( fit$fitted.values )
traj.corGenes = FastWilcoxTest::CorMatrix( dat, fit$fitted.values )
names(traj.corGenes) = rownames(x)
x$annotation$cor2pseudotime = traj.corGenes
traj.corGenes =traj.corGenes[ which( ! is.na(traj.corGenes))]
genes = c( sort(names(traj.corGenes[order(traj.corGenes)[1:n]])), sort(names(traj.corGenes[order(traj.corGenes, decreasing=T)[1:n]])) )
## stable variables:
roll = function( x, smooth, type ) {
func = NULL
if ( type=='mean') {
func = function(start, x, smooth ) { ret= mean( as.vector(x[(start-smooth):start])); if ( is.na(ret)){browser();}; ret }
}else if ( type == 'table' ) {
func = function( start, x, smooth) { length(names(table(as.vector(x[(start-smooth):start])))) }
}else {
stop ( "the roll function needs either 'mean' or 'table' as type!" )
unlist(lapply ( (smooth+1):length(x), func, x, smooth ) )
o = order( fit$fitted.values ) ## time
X = roll ( fit$fitted.values[o], smooth, 'mean' )
colV = roll ( as.numeric(x$samples[o,grouping]), smooth , 'mean' )
colD = roll ( as.numeric(x$samples[o,grouping]), smooth , 'table' )
col = x$usedObj$colorRange[[grouping]][ round( colV ) ]
col[which(colD != 1)] = 'black'
## create a summary plot for all genee
if( ! is.null(summaryPlot)){
openPlot(file.path( outpath, paste(summaryPlot,sep="_",'top') ))
plot( min(X, na.rm=T), 0, xlim=c(min(X, na.rm=T), max(X, na.rm=T) ), ylim=c(0,1), xlab='pseudotime', ylab='smoothed normalized expression', col='white')
for( gname in sort(names(traj.corGenes[order(traj.corGenes)[1:n]])) ) {
Y = roll( dat[gname, o], smooth, 'mean' )
Y = Y - min(Y)
Y = Y / max(Y)
#lines(loess( Y ~ X, se=F , span=0.1), lwd=1, col= x$usedObj$colorRange[[grouping]][ col ] )
lines( X, Y, lwd=1, col= 'black' )
lapply( names(table( col)) , function(n) {
if ( n != 'black'){
lines( X[which(col == n)], Y[which(col==n)], lwd=1, col= n )
openPlot(file.path( outpath, paste(summaryPlot,sep="_",'bottom') ))
plot(min(X, na.rm=T), 0, xlim=c(min(X, na.rm=T), max(X, na.rm=T) ), ylim=c(0,1) , xlab='pseudotime', ylab='smoothed normalized expression',col='white')
for( gname in sort(names(traj.corGenes[order(traj.corGenes, decreasing=T)[1:n]])) ) {
Y = roll( dat[gname, o], smooth, 'mean' )
Y = Y - min(Y)
Y = Y / max(Y)
lines( X, Y, lwd=1, col= 'black' )
lapply( names(table( col)) , function(n) {
if ( n != 'black'){
lines( X[which(col == n)], Y[which(col==n)], lwd=1, col= n )
#lines(loess( Y ~ X, se=F , span=0.1), lwd=1, col= x$usedObj$colorRange[[grouping]][ col ] )
if ( is.null(summaryPlot)){
for ( gname in unique(c( plotGenes, genes ) ) ){
fname = paste(sep="_", gname, "traj.corGenes", smooth,"factor" )
Y = roll( dat[gname, o], smooth, 'mean' )
openPlot(file.path( outpath, fname))
plot(min(X, na.rm=T), 0, xlim=c(min(X, na.rm=T), max(X, na.rm=T) ),
ylim=c(min(Y), max(Y)) , xlab='pseudotime', ylab='smoothed expression',col='white')
lines( X, Y, lwd=5, col= 'black' )
lapply( names(table( col)) , function(n) {
if ( n != 'black'){
lines( X[which(col == n)], Y[which(col==n)], lwd=5, col= n )
#plot( x, y , main = gname, xlab='pseudotime', ylab='smoothed expression', type='l', lwd=5 )
#plot(loess( unlist(Y) ~ unlist(X), se=F , span=0.1), main = gname, col= col,
# xlab='pseudotime', ylab='smoothed expression', type='l', lwd=5 )
x$samples$Pseudotime = fit$fitted.values
} )
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