#' Design (RT)-PCR assays
#' \code{designAssays()} combines primers to (RT)-PCR assays from an
#' \code{RprimerOligo} object.
#' If probes are present in the input dataset,
#' only assays with a probe present between the primer pair will be kept.
#' @param x
#' An \code{RprimerOligo} object, which can be with or without probes.
#' @param length
#' Amplicon length range, a numeric vector [40, 5000], defaults to
#' \code{c(65, 120)}.
#' @param tmDifferencePrimers
#' Maximum allowed difference between the mean tm of the forward and reverse
#' primer (in Celcius degrees, as an absolute value). Defaults to \code{NULL},
#' which means that primers will be paired regardless of their tm.
#' @return
#' An \code{RprimerAssay} object, containing the following information:
#' \describe{
#' \item{start}{Position where the assay starts.}
#' \item{end}{Position where the assay ends.}
#' \item{length}{Length of the amplicon.}
#' \item{totalDegeneracy}{Total number of oligos in the assay.}
#' \item{score}{Average oligo score. The best
#' possible score is 0 and the worst possible score is 9.
#' See \code{?oligos} for more information about the scoring system.}
#' \item{startFwd}{Start position of the forward primer.}
#' \item{endFwd}{End positon of the forward primer.}
#' \item{lengthFwd}{Length of the forward primer.}
#' \item{iupacSequenceFwd}{Forward primer sequence in IUPAC format
#' (i.e. with ambiguous bases).}
#' \item{identityFwd}{For ambiguous primers: average identity of the
#' forward primer. For mixed primers: average identity of the 5' (consensus)
#' part of the forward primer. The value can range from 0 to 1.}
#' \item{coverageFwd}{For ambiguous primers: average coverage of the
#' forward primer. For mixed primers: average coverage of the 3' (degenerate)
#' part of the forward primer. The value can range from 0 to 1.}
#' \item{degeneracyFwd}{Number of sequence variants of the forward primer.}
#' \item{gcContentMeanFwd}{Mean GC-content of all sequence variants of the
#' forward primer.}
#' \item{gcContentRangeFwd}{Range in GC-content of all sequence variants of
#' the forward primer.}
#' \item{tmMeanFwd}{Mean tm of all sequence variants of the forward primer
#' (in Celcius degrees).}
#' \item{tmRangeFwd}{Range in tm of all sequence variants of the forward
#' primer (in Celcius degrees).}
#' \item{deltaGMeanFwd}{Mean delta G of all sequence variants of the
#' forward primer (in kcal/mol).}
#' \item{deltaGRangeFwd}{Range in delta G of all sequence variants of the
#' forward primer (in kcal/mol).}
#' \item{sequenceFwd}{All sequence variants of the forward primer.}
#' \item{gcContentFwd}{GC-content of all sequence variants of the forward
#' primer.}
#' \item{tmFwd}{Tm of all sequence variants of the forward primer
#' (in Celcius degrees).}
#' \item{deltaGFwd}{Delta G of all sequence variants
#' of the forward primer (in kcal/mol).}
#' \item{methodFwd}{Design method used to generate the forward
#' primer: "ambiguous" or "mixedFwd".}
#' \item{startRev}{Start position of the reverse primer.}
#' \item{endRev}{End positon of the reverse primer.}
#' \item{lengthRev}{Length of the reverse primer.}
#' \item{iupacSequenceRev}{Reverse primer sequence in IUPAC format
#' (i.e. with ambiguous bases).}
#' \item{identityRev}{For ambiguous primers: average identity of the
#' reverse primer. For mixed primers: average identity of the 5' (consensus)
#' part of the reverse primer. The value can range from 0 to 1.}
#' \item{coverageRev}{For ambiguous primers: average coverage of the
#' reverse primer. For mixed primers: average coverage of the 3' (degenerate)
#' part of the reverse primer. The value can range from 0 to 1.}
#' \item{degeneracyRev}{Number of sequence variants of the reverse primer.}
#' \item{gcContentMeanRev}{Mean GC-content of all sequence variants of the
#' reverse primer.}
#' \item{gcContentRangeRev}{Range in GC-content of all sequence variants of
#' the reverse primer.}
#' \item{tmMeanRev}{Mean tm of all sequence variants of the reverse primer
#' (in Celcius degrees).}
#' \item{tmRangeRev}{Range in tm of all sequence variants of the reverse
#' primer (in Celcius degrees).}
#' \item{deltaGMeanRev}{Mean delta G of all sequence variants of the
#' reverse primer (in kcal/mol).}
#' \item{deltaGRangeRev}{Range in delta G of all sequence variants of the
#' reverse primer (in kcal/mol).}
#' \item{sequenceRev}{All sequence variants of the reverse primer.}
#' \item{gcContentRev}{GC-content of all sequence variants of the reverse
#' primer.}
#' \item{tmRev}{Tm of all sequence variants of the reverse primer
#' (in Celcius degrees).}
#' \item{deltaGRev}{Delta G of all sequence variants
#' of the reverse primer (in kcal/mol).}
#' \item{methodRev}{Design method used to generate the forward
#' primer: "ambiguous" or "mixedRev.}
#' \item{roiStart}{Start position of the input consensus profile
#' used for oligo design.}
#' \item{roiEnd}{End position of the input consensus profile used
#' for oligo design.}
#' }
#' If a probe is included in the input \code{RprimerOligo} object,
#' the following columns are also included:
#' \describe{
#' \item{startPr}{Start position of the probe.}
#' \item{endPr}{End positon of the probe.}
#' \item{lengthPr}{Length of the probe.}
#' \item{iupacSequencePr}{Probe sequence in plus sense, in IUPAC format.}
#' \item{iupacSequenceRcPr}{Probe sequence in minus sense,
#' in IUPAC format.}
#' \item{identityPr}{For ambiguous primers: average identity of the
#' probe. For mixed primers: average identity of the 5' (consensus)
#' part of the probe. The value can range from 0 to 1.}
#' \item{coveragePr}{For ambiguous primers: average coverage of the
#' probe. For mixed primers: average coverage of the 3' (degenerate)
#' part of the probe. The value can range from 0 to 1.}
#' \item{degeneracyPr}{Number of sequence variants of the probe.}
#' \item{gcContentMeanPr}{Mean GC-content of all sequence variants of the
#' probe.}
#' \item{gcContentRangePr}{Range in GC-content of all sequence variants of
#' the probe.}
#' \item{tmMeanPr}{Mean tm of all sequence variants of the probe
#' (in Celcius degrees).}
#' \item{tmRangePr}{Range in tm of all sequence variants of the forward
#' primer (in Celcius degrees).}
#' \item{deltaGMeanPr}{Mean delta G of all sequence variants of the
#' probe (in kcal/mol).}
#' \item{deltaGRangePr}{Range in delta G of all sequence variants of the
#' probe (in kcal/mol).}
#' \item{sequencePr}{All sequence variants of the probe, in plus sense.}
#' \item{sequenceRcPr}{All sequence variants of the probe, in minus sense.}
#' \item{gcContentPr}{GC-content of all sequence variants of the probe.}
#' \item{tmPr}{Tm of all sequence variants of the probe
#' (in Celcius degrees).}
#' \item{deltaGPr}{Delta G of all sequence variants
#' of the probe (in kcal/mol).}
#' \item{methodPr}{Design method used to generate the probe.}
#' \item{plusPr}{If the probe is valid in plus sense.}
#' \item{minusPr}{If the probe is valid in minus sense.}
#' }
#' An error message will return if no assays are found.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("exampleRprimerOligo")
#' ## Design assays using default settings
#' designAssays(exampleRprimerOligo)
#' ## Modify the length range
#' designAssays(exampleRprimerOligo, length = c(1000, 2000))
designAssays <- function(x, length = c(65, 120), tmDifferencePrimers = NULL) {
if (!methods::is(x, "RprimerOligo")) {
stop("'x' must be an RprimerOligo object.", call. = FALSE)
if (!(min(length) >= 40 && max(length) <= 5000)) {
stop("'length' must be from 40 to 5000.", call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(tmDifferencePrimers) && !is.numeric(tmDifferencePrimers)) {
"'tmDifferencePrimers must be either 'NULL' or a number.",
.call = FALSE
x <- as.data.frame(x)
assays <- .combinePrimers(
x[x$type == "primer", , drop = FALSE],
if (any(x$type == "probe")) {
assays <- .addProbes(assays, x[x$type == "probe", , drop = FALSE])
assays <- .beautifyPrimers(assays)
if (any(x$type == "probe")) {
assays <- .beautifyProbes(assays)
if (any(x$type == "probe")) {
assays$score <- assays$score / 3
} else {
assays$score <- assays$score / 2
# Helpers ======================================================================
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' data("exampleRprimerOligo")
#' x <- exampleRprimerOligo
#' .pairPrimers(x)
.pairPrimers <- function(x) {
fwd <- x[x$fwd, , drop = FALSE]
rev <- x[x$rev, , drop = FALSE]
pairs <- expand.grid(
fwd$iupacSequence, rev$iupacSequenceRc,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
names(pairs) <- c("fwd", "rev")
fwdMatch <- x[x$method == "ambiguous" | x$method == "mixedFwd", , drop = FALSE]
fwd <- fwdMatch[match(pairs$fwd, fwdMatch$iupacSequence), , drop = FALSE]
revMatch <- x[x$method == "ambiguous" | x$method == "mixedRev", , drop = FALSE]
rev <- revMatch[match(pairs$rev, revMatch$iupacSequenceRc), , drop = FALSE]
names(fwd) <- paste0(names(fwd), "Fwd")
names(rev) <- paste0(names(rev), "Rev")
cbind(fwd, rev)
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' data("exampleRprimerOligo")
#' x <- exampleRprimerOligo
#' .combinePrimers(x)
.combinePrimers <- function(x,
length = c(65, 120),
tmDifferencePrimers = NULL) {
assays <- .pairPrimers(x)
ampLength <- assays$endRev - assays$startFwd + 1
start <- assays$startFwd
end <- assays$endRev
totalDegeneracy <- assays$degeneracyFwd + assays$degeneracyRev
score <- assays$scoreFwd + assays$scoreRev
assays <- cbind(
start, end,
"length" = ampLength, totalDegeneracy, score,
assays <- assays[assays$length >= min(length), , drop = FALSE]
assays <- assays[assays$length <= max(length), , drop = FALSE]
if (!is.null(tmDifferencePrimers)) {
tmDifferencePrimers <- abs(tmDifferencePrimers)
tmDifference <- abs(assays$tmMeanFwd - assays$tmMeanRev)
assays <- assays[tmDifference <= tmDifferencePrimers, , drop = FALSE]
if (nrow(assays) == 0L) {
stop("No assays were found.", call. = FALSE)
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' data("exampleRprimerOligo")
#' x <- exampleRprimerOligo
#' assays <- .combinePrimers(x)
#' .identifyProbes(assays, x[x$type == "probe", , drop = FALSE])
.identifyProbes <- function(x, probes) {
lapply(seq_len(nrow(x)), \(i) {
from <- x$endFwd[[i]] + 1
to <- x$startRev[[i]] - 1
probes[probes$start >= from & probes$end <= to, , drop = FALSE]
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' data("exampleRprimerOligo")
#' x <- exampleRprimerOligo
#' probes <- .identifyProbes(assays, x[x$type == "probe", , drop = FALSE])
#' .extractProbes(assays, probes)
.extractProbes <- function(x, probes) {
nProbes <- vapply(probes, nrow, integer(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
select <- lapply(seq_along(nProbes), \(x) {
rep(x, nProbes[[x]])
select <- unlist(select)
x <- x[select, , drop = FALSE]
if (nrow(x) == 0L) {
stop("No assays with probes could be generated.", call. = FALSE)
probes <- do.call("rbind", probes)
names(probes) <- paste0(names(probes), "Pr")
x <- cbind(x, probes)
x$totalDegeneracy <- x$totalDegeneracy + probes$degeneracyPr
x$score <- x$score + probes$scorePr
if (nrow(x) == 0L) {
stop("No assays with probes could be generated.", call. = FALSE)
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' data("exampleRprimerOligo")
#' x <- exampleRprimerOligo
#' assays <- .combinePrimers(x)
#' .addProbes(assays, x[x$type == "probe", , drop = FALSE])
.addProbes <- function(x, probes) {
probeCandidates <- .identifyProbes(x, probes)
.extractProbes(x, probeCandidates)
#' @noRd
.beautifyPrimers <- function(x) {
drop <- c(
"typeFwd", "fwdFwd", "revFwd", "typeRev", "fwdRev", "revRev",
"iupacSequenceRcFwd", "sequenceRcFwd", "iupacSequenceRev",
"sequenceRev", "scoreFwd", "scoreRev", "roiStartFwd", "roiEndFwd"
x <- x[!(names(x) %in% drop)]
names(x) %in% c("iupacSequenceRcRev", "sequenceRcRev")
] <- c("iupacSequenceRev", "sequenceRev")
names(x) %in% c("roiStartRev", "roiEndRev")
] <- c("roiStart", "roiEnd")
x <- x[order(x$start), ]
rownames(x) <- NULL
#' @noRd
.beautifyProbes <- function(x) {
drop <- c("typePr", "scorePr", "roiStartPr", "roiEndPr")
x <- x[!(names(x) %in% drop)]
rename <- c("fwdPr", "revPr")
names(x)[names(x) %in% rename] <- c("plusPr", "minusPr")
moveToLast <- c("roiStart", "roiEnd")
x <- x[c(setdiff(names(x), moveToLast), moveToLast)]
moveToFirst <- c("start", "end", "length")
x <- x[c(moveToFirst, setdiff(names(x), moveToFirst))]
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