#' Plot an nmr_dataset_1D
#' @family plotting functions
#' @param x a [nmr_dataset_1D] object
#' @param chemshift_range range of the chemical shifts to be included. Can be of length 3
#' to include the resolution in the third element (e.g. `c(0.2, 0.8, 0.005)`)
#' @param NMRExperiment A character vector with the NMRExperiments to include. Use "all" to include all experiments.
#' @param quantile_plot If `TRUE` plot the 10\%, 50\%, 90\% percentiles of the spectra as reference.
#' If two numbers between 0 and 1 are given then a custom percentile can be plotted
#' @param quantile_colors A vector with the colors for each of the quantiles
#' @param ... arguments passed to [ggplot2::aes] (or to [ggplot2::aes_string], being deprecated).
#' @param interactive if `TRUE` return an interactive plotly plot, otherwise return a ggplot one.
#' @return The plot
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dir_to_demo_dataset <- system.file("dataset-demo", package = "AlpsNMR")
#' # dataset <- nmr_read_samples_dir(dir_to_demo_dataset)
#' # dataset_1D <- nmr_interpolate_1D(dataset, axis = c(min = -0.5, max = 10, by = 2.3E-4))
#' # plot(dataset_1D)
plot.nmr_dataset_1D <- function(x,
NMRExperiment = NULL,
chemshift_range = NULL,
interactive = FALSE,
quantile_plot = NULL,
quantile_colors = NULL,
...) {
is_aes_string <- is_using_aes_string(...)
if (is_aes_string) {
"!" = "Passing aes_string arguments to plot(nmr_dataset, ...) is deprecated.",
"i" = "Please pass aes arguments instead"
.frequency = "regularly",
.frequency_id = "plotting_with_aes_string",
NMRExperiment = NMRExperiment,
chemshift_range = chemshift_range,
interactive = interactive,
quantile_plot = quantile_plot,
quantile_colors = quantile_colors,
} else {
if (!(is.null(quantile_plot) || identical(quantile_plot, FALSE))) {
"!" = "Plotting quantiles is not available in plot() anymore",
"i" = "Please open an issue at https://github.com/sipss/AlpsNMR/issues if you need this feature back"
.frequency = "regularly",
.frequency_id = "plotting_with_aes_string",
NMRExperiment = NMRExperiment,
chemshift_range = chemshift_range,
interactive = interactive,
is_using_aes_string <- function(...) {
tryCatch({ # Detect if using deprecated aes_string.
dotdotdot_aes <- list(...)
all_chr <- purrr::map_lgl(dotdotdot_aes, is.character)
if (length(all_chr) == 0) {
} else {
error = function(e) {
plot_with_aes <- function(
NMRExperiment = NULL,
chemshift_range = NULL,
interactive = FALSE,
...) {
if (interactive) {
require_pkgs("plotly", msgs = c("i" = "Otherwise, you can set interactive=FALSE."))
if (is.null(chemshift_range)) {
chemshift_range <- range(x$axis)
} else if (length(chemshift_range) == 2) {
chemshift_range <- range(chemshift_range)
} else if (length(chemshift_range) == 3) {
chemshift_range <-
c(range(chemshift_range[seq_len(2)]), chemshift_range[3])
} else {
stop("chemshift_range should be a numeric vector of length 2 or 3.")
if (is.null(NMRExperiment)) {
if (x$num_samples > 20) {
NMRExperiment <- sample(names(x), size = 10)
} else {
NMRExperiment <- names(x)
} else if (identical(NMRExperiment, "all")) {
NMRExperiment <- names(x)
columns_to_request <- c("NMRExperiment", get_vars_from_aes(...))
longdf <- tidy(
NMRExperiment = NMRExperiment,
chemshift_range = chemshift_range,
columns = columns_to_request
dots_aes_args <- prepare_aes(...)
gplt <- ggplot2::ggplot(longdf) +
ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(!!!dots_aes_args)) +
ggplot2::labs(x = "Chemical Shift (ppm)", y = "Intensity (a.u.)") +
ggplot2::scale_x_reverse(limits = rev(chemshift_range[seq_len(2)])) +
ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::label_number(scale_cut = scales::cut_si("")))
if (interactive) {
output <- plotly::ggplotly(gplt)
} else {
output <- gplt
prepare_aes <- function(...) {
dots_aes_args <- rlang::enquos(...)
if (!"color" %in% names(dots_aes_args) && !"colour" %in% names(dots_aes_args)) {
dots_aes_args[["colour"]] <- rlang::new_quosure(
expr = rlang::expr(.data$NMRExperiment),
env = rlang::base_env()
dots_aes_args[["x"]] <- rlang::new_quosure(
expr = rlang::expr(.data$chemshift)
dots_aes_args[["y"]] <- rlang::new_quosure(
expr = rlang::expr(.data$intensity)
dots_aes_args[["group"]] <- rlang::new_quosure(
expr = rlang::expr(.data$NMRExperiment)
# deprecated
plot_with_aes_string <- function(
NMRExperiment = NULL,
chemshift_range = NULL,
interactive = FALSE,
quantile_plot = NULL,
quantile_colors = NULL,
...) {
if (interactive) {
require_pkgs("plotly", msgs = c("i" = "Otherwise, you can set interactive=FALSE."))
if (is.null(chemshift_range)) {
chemshift_range <- range(x$axis)
} else if (length(chemshift_range) == 2) {
chemshift_range <- range(chemshift_range)
} else if (length(chemshift_range) == 3) {
chemshift_range <-
c(range(chemshift_range[seq_len(2)]), chemshift_range[3])
} else {
stop("chemshift_range should be a numeric vector of length 2 or 3.")
if (is.null(NMRExperiment)) {
if (x$num_samples > 20) {
NMRExperiment <- sample(names(x), size = 10)
} else {
NMRExperiment <- names(x)
} else if (identical(NMRExperiment, "all")) {
NMRExperiment <- names(x)
aes_str <- as.character(list(...))
columns_to_request <- c("NMRExperiment", get_vars_from_aes_string(aes_str))
longdf <- tidy(
NMRExperiment = NMRExperiment,
chemshift_range = chemshift_range,
columns = columns_to_request
fixed_aes <- list(
x = "chemshift",
y = "intensity",
group = "NMRExperiment"
dotdotdot_aes <- list(...)
all_aes <- c(fixed_aes, dotdotdot_aes)
if (!"color" %in% names(all_aes) && !"colour" %in% names(all_aes)) {
all_aes <- c(all_aes, list(color = "NMRExperiment"))
linera <- NULL
if (is.null(quantile_plot) || identical(quantile_plot, FALSE)) {
quantile_plot <- NULL
} else {
if (isTRUE(quantile_plot)) {
quantile_plot <- c(0.1, 0.5, 0.9)
if (is.null(quantile_colors)) {
if (length(quantile_plot) %% 2 == 0) {
# even number of quantiles.
tmp <-
grDevices::gray.colors(length(quantile_plot) / 2,
start = 0.5,
end = 0.8
quantile_colors <- c(rev(tmp), tmp)
} else {
tmp <-
grDevices::gray.colors(ceiling(length(quantile_plot) / 2),
start = 0.5,
end = 0.8
quantile_colors <- c(rev(tmp[2:length(tmp)]), tmp)
stopifnot(length(quantile_plot) == length(quantile_colors))
decimate_qspectra <- decimate_axis(
xaxis = x$axis,
xrange = chemshift_range
q_spectra <-
apply(x$data_1r[, decimate_qspectra], 2, function(x) {
stats::quantile(x, quantile_plot)
linera <-
NMRExperiment = rep(
paste0("Quantile ", 100 * quantile_plot, "%"),
each = sum(decimate_qspectra)
color = rep(quantile_colors, each = sum(decimate_qspectra)),
chemshift = rep(x$axis[decimate_qspectra],
times = length(quantile_plot)
intensity = as.numeric(t(q_spectra))
gplt <- ggplot2::ggplot(longdf)
if (!is.null(quantile_plot)) {
gplt <- gplt +
data = linera,
x = "chemshift",
y = "intensity",
group = "NMRExperiment"
color = linera$color,
# out of aes so it does not show up in the legend
size = 1,
linetype = "dashed"
gplt <- gplt +
ggplot2::geom_line(do.call(ggplot2::aes_string, all_aes)) +
ggplot2::labs(x = "Chemical Shift (ppm)", y = "Intensity (a.u.)") +
ggplot2::scale_x_reverse(limits = rev(chemshift_range[seq_len(2)])) +
ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::label_number(scale_cut = scales::cut_si("")))
if (interactive) {
output <- plotly::ggplotly(gplt)
} else {
output <- gplt
#' Get a tidy data frame from nmr_data object
#' This dataframe is useful for plotting with ggplot, although it may be very
#' long and therefore use a lot of RAM.
#' @param x an \code{\link{nmr_dataset_1D}} object
#' @param NMRExperiment A character vector with the NMRExperiments to include. `NULL` means all.
#' @param chemshift_range range of the chemical shifts to be included. Can be of length 3
#' to include the resolution in the third element (e.g. `c(0.2, 0.8, 0.005)`)
#' @param columns A character vector with the metadata columns to get, use `NULL` to get all of them.
#' @param matrix_name A string with the matrix name, typically "data_1r"
#' @param axis_name A string with the axis name, for now "axis" is the only valid option
#' @param ... Ignored
#' @return A data frame with `NMRExperiment`, `chemshift`, `intensity` and any additional column requested
#' @importFrom generics tidy
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dir_to_demo_dataset <- system.file("dataset-demo", package = "AlpsNMR")
#' dataset <- nmr_read_samples_dir(dir_to_demo_dataset)
#' dataset_1D <- nmr_interpolate_1D(dataset, axis = c(min = -1.0, max = 1.6, by = 2.3E-4))
#' dummy_metadata <- system.file("dataset-demo", "dummy_metadata.xlsx", package = "AlpsNMR")
#' NMRExp_SubjID <- readxl::read_excel(dummy_metadata, sheet = 1)
#' dataset_1D <- nmr_meta_add(dataset_1D, NMRExp_SubjID)
#' df_for_ggplot <- tidy(dataset_1D, chemshift_range = c(1.2, 1.4), columns = "SubjectID")
#' head(df_for_ggplot)
tidy.nmr_dataset_1D <-
NMRExperiment = NULL,
chemshift_range = NULL,
columns = character(0L),
matrix_name = "data_1r",
axis_name = "axis",
...) {
if (is.null(NMRExperiment)) {
NMRExperiment <- names(x)
sample_idx <- seq_along(NMRExperiment)
} else {
sample_idx <- match(NMRExperiment, names(x))
chemshift_in_range <- decimate_axis(
xaxis = x[[axis_name]],
xrange = chemshift_range
meta_df <- nmr_meta_get(x, columns = columns)
chemshifts <- x[[axis_name]][chemshift_in_range]
mat <- x[[matrix_name]][sample_idx, chemshift_in_range, drop = FALSE]
rownames(mat) <- colnames(mat) <- NULL
raw_data <- reshape2::melt(mat)
raw_data$Var1 <- NMRExperiment[raw_data$Var1]
raw_data$Var2 <- chemshifts[raw_data$Var2]
colnames(raw_data) <- c("NMRExperiment", "chemshift", "intensity")
result <- dplyr::left_join(raw_data, meta_df, by = "NMRExperiment")
get_vars_from_aes_string <- function(aes_str) {
if (length(aes_str) == 0) {
get_vars_from_aes <- function(...) {
quos <- rlang::enquos(...)
if (length(quos) == 0) {
decimate_axis <- function(xaxis, xrange = NULL) {
if (is.null(xrange)) {
xrange <- range(xaxis)
# make sure we have min-max
if (is.na(xrange[1])) {
xrange[1] <- min(xaxis)
if (is.na(xrange[2])) {
xrange[2] <- max(xaxis)
xrange_minmax <- range(xrange[seq_len(2)])
x_in_range <-
xaxis >= xrange_minmax[1] & xaxis <= xrange_minmax[2]
points_in_range <- sum(x_in_range)
if (length(xrange) == 3 && !is.na(xrange[3])) {
max_points <- ceiling(diff(xrange_minmax) / xrange[3])
} else {
max_points <- points_in_range
if (points_in_range > max_points) {
decimate_factor <- ceiling(points_in_range / max_points)
} else {
decimate_factor <- 1
decimate_vector <- rep(c(TRUE, rep(FALSE, decimate_factor - 1)),
length.out = length(xaxis)
decimated_axis_bool <- x_in_range & decimate_vector
#' Plot a dataset into a HTML file
#' Uses WebGL for performance
#' @family plotting nmr datasets
#' @param nmr_dataset An [nmr_dataset_1D]
#' @param html_filename The output HTML filename to be created
#' @param overwrite Overwrite the lib/ directory (use `NULL` to prompt the user)
#' @inheritDotParams plot.nmr_dataset_1D
#' @return the html filename created
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dir_to_demo_dataset <- system.file("dataset-demo", package = "AlpsNMR")
#' # dataset <- nmr_read_samples_dir(dir_to_demo_dataset)
#' # dataset_1D <- nmr_interpolate_1D(dataset, axis = c(min = -0.5, max = 10, by = 2.3E-4))
#' # html_plot <- plot_webgl(dataset_1D, "html_plot.html")
plot_webgl <- function(nmr_dataset, html_filename, overwrite = NULL, ...) {
plt <- plot(nmr_dataset, ...)
plot_interactive(plt = plt, html_filename = html_filename, overwrite = overwrite)
#' Plots in WebGL
#' @family plotting functions
#' @param plt A plot created with plotly or ggplot2
#' @param html_filename The file name where the plot will be saved
#' @param overwrite Overwrite the lib/ directory (use `NULL` to prompt the user)
#' @return The html_filename
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dir_to_demo_dataset <- system.file("dataset-demo", package = "AlpsNMR")
#' dataset <- nmr_read_samples_dir(dir_to_demo_dataset)
#' dataset_1D <- nmr_interpolate_1D(dataset, axis = c(min = -0.5, max = 10, by = 2.3E-4))
#' # plot <- plot(dataset_1D)
#' # html_plot_interactive <- plot_interactive(plot, "html_plot_interactive.html")
plot_interactive <- function(plt, html_filename, overwrite = NULL) {
# Check if lib folder exists
basedir <- dirname(html_filename)
libdir <- file.path(basedir, "lib")
libdir_exists <- dir.exists(libdir)
if (is.null(overwrite) && libdir_exists) {
if (interactive()) {
# warning user before some contents of lib folder could be destroyed
rlang::inform("{libdir} folder already exists, plot_interactive will replace it. Continue? [y/n]:")
response <- scan("stdin", character(), n = 1)
overwrite <- response %in% c("y", "Y")
} else {
overwrite <- FALSE
if (libdir_exists && isFALSE(overwrite)) {
rlang::abort(message = c("plot_interactive aborted", "x" = "{libdir} folder already exists, use overwrite=TRUE"))
html = htmltools::as.tags(
x = plotly::toWebGL(plt),
standalone = TRUE
file = html_filename
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.