context("Merge two runs")
childFeatures <- function(){
df <- data.table(transition_group_id = 4618L,
feature_id = bit64::as.integer64(c("7675762503084486466", "8133647188324775335", "436075290410024368",
"1709365655702457288", "7174847956052480089")),
RT = c(5237.8, 5282.2, 5393.2, 5514.4, 5155.9),
intensity = c(229.707813, 0.9945442, 29.670797, 2.622945, 4.2806256),
leftWidth = c(5217.35, 5278.8, 5365.9, 5497.3, 5137.975),
rightWidth = c(5261.7, 5302.7, 5420.5, 5521.2, 5171.25),
peak_group_rank = c(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L),
m_score = c(5.692e-05, 5.039e-02, 0.201, 0.33, 0.36201),
key = "transition_group_id")
dataPath <- system.file("extdata", package = "DIAlignR")
params <- paramsDIAlignR()
params[["maxPeptideFdr"]] <- 0.05
params[["keepFlanks"]] <- TRUE
params[["XICfilter"]] <- "none"; params[["kernelLen"]] <- 0L
params[["globalAlignment"]] <- "loess"
params[["globalAlignmentFdr"]] <- 0.05
params[["context"]] <- "experiment-wide"
params[["baseSubtraction"]] <- TRUE
fileInfo <- getRunNames(dataPath = dataPath, params = params)
mzPntrs <- list2env(getMZMLpointers(fileInfo))
precursors <- getPrecursors(fileInfo, oswMerged = TRUE, params[["runType"]], params[["context"]], params[["maxPeptideFdr"]])
precursors <- precursors[precursors$peptide_id %in% c("7040", "9861", "14383"),]
peptideIDs <- c(7040L, 9861L, 14383L)
peptideScores <- getPeptideScores(fileInfo, peptides = peptideIDs, TRUE, "DIA_Proteomics", "experiment-wide")
masters <- paste("master", 1:(nrow(fileInfo)-1), sep = "")
peptideScores <- lapply(peptideIDs, function(pep) {x <- peptideScores[.(pep)][,-c(1L)]
x <- data.table::rbindlist(list(x, data.table("run" = masters, "score" = NA_real_, "pvalue" = NA_real_,
"qvalue" = NA_real_)), use.names=TRUE)
setkeyv(x, "run"); x})
names(peptideScores) <- as.character(peptideIDs)
features <- getFeatures(fileInfo, maxFdrQuery = 0.05, runType = "DIA_Proteomics")
masterFeatures <- dummyFeatures(precursors, masters, FALSE)
features <-, list(features, masterFeatures))
multipeptide <- getMultipeptide(precursors, features, masters = NULL)
prec2chromIndex <- getChromatogramIndices(fileInfo, precursors, mzPntrs)
masterChromIndex <- dummyChromIndex(precursors, masters)
prec2chromIndex <-, list(prec2chromIndex, masterChromIndex))
mergeName <- "master2"
adaptiveRTs <- new.env()
refRuns <- new.env()
expect_warning(getNodeRun(runA="run1", runB="run2", mergeName, dataPath = ".", fileInfo, features,
mzPntrs, prec2chromIndex, precursors, params,
adaptiveRTs, refRuns, multipeptide, peptideScores, ropenms),
"Chromatogram indices for 7040 are missing.")
expect_identical(ls(mzPntrs), c("master2", "run0", "run1", "run2"))
expect_is(mzPntrs[["master2"]], "SQLiteConnection")
for(run in names(mzPntrs)) DBI::dbDisconnect(mzPntrs[[run]])
expect_equal(features$master2[3,], childFeatures()[1,], tolerance = 1e-04)
expect_equal(features$master2[c(9, 15), c(1,3,4,8)],
data.table(transition_group_id = c(9719L, 9720L), RT = 2594.85, intensity = c(14.62899, 20.94305),
m_score = c(1.041916e-03, 5.692077e-05), key = "transition_group_id"), tolerance = 1e-04)
expect_identical(fileInfo["master2", "chromatogramFile"], file.path(".", "xics", "master2.chrom.sqMass"))
expect_identical(fileInfo["master2", "runName"], "master2")
expect_identical(prec2chromIndex$master2[,"transition_group_id"][[1]], c(32L, 9719L, 9720L, 4618L))
expect_identical(prec2chromIndex$master2[,"chromatogramIndex"][[1]], list(rep(NA_integer_, 6), 0:5, 6:11, 12:17))
expect_equal(adaptiveRTs[["run1_run2"]], 77.0036, tolerance = 1e-04)
expect_equal(adaptiveRTs[["run2_run1"]], 76.25354, tolerance = 1e-04)
expect_identical(refRuns[["master2"]], data.table("var1" = c(2L,1L,1L), "var2" = c("32","9720","4618")))
expect_equal(.subset2(multipeptide[["9861"]], "m_score")[13:14], c(1.041916e-03, 5.692077e-05), tolerance = 1e-04)
expect_equal(peptideScores[["9861"]][2,"pvalue"][[1]], 5.603183e-05, tolerance = 1e-04)
expect_equal(peptideScores[["14383"]][2,"pvalue"][[1]], 5.603183e-05, tolerance = 1e-04)
data(masterXICs_DIAlignR, package="DIAlignR")
con <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname = file.path(".", "xics", "master2.chrom.sqMass"))
outData <- extractXIC_group2(con, 12:17)
for(i in 1:6){
expect_equal(outData[[i]][,1], masterXICs_DIAlignR[[1]][[i]][[1]], tolerance = 1e-04)
expect_equal(outData[[i]][,2], masterXICs_DIAlignR[[1]][[i]][[2]], tolerance = 1e-04)
outData <- readRDS("master2_av.rds", refhook = NULL)
for(i in 1:3) expect_equal(outData[[3]][,i], masterXICs_DIAlignR[[2]][,i+2], tolerance = 1e-04)
file.remove(file.path("xics", "master2.chrom.sqMass"))
unlink("xics", recursive = TRUE)
data(masterXICs_DIAlignR, package="DIAlignR")
newXICs <- masterXICs_DIAlignR
params <- paramsDIAlignR()
params[["baseSubtraction"]] <- TRUE
dataPath <- system.file("extdata", package = "DIAlignR")
fileInfo <- getRunNames(dataPath = dataPath)
features <- getFeatures(fileInfo, maxFdrQuery = 1.00, runType = "DIA_Proteomics")
df.ref <- features[["run1"]]
i.ref <- df.ref[.(4618L), which = TRUE]
df.eXp <- features[["run2"]]
i.eXp <- df.eXp[.(4618L), which = TRUE]
outData <- getChildFeature(newXICs[[1]], newXICs[[2]][,3:5], df.ref, df.eXp,
i.ref, i.eXp, params)
df <- lapply(childFeatures(), identity)
expect_equal(outData, df, tolerance = 1e-03)
# Case2
df.ref <- data.table::data.table(transition_group_id = 14665L, feature_id = bit64::as.integer64("6702615365967536760"),
RT=4996.956, intensity=25.24766, leftWidth=4970.4, rightWidth=5038.794,
peak_group_rank=1L, m_score=0.0002879308)
i.ref <- 1L
df.eXp <- data.table::data.table(transition_group_id = 14665L, feature_id = bit64::NA_integer64_, RT=NA_real_,
intensity=NA_real_, leftWidth=NA_real_, rightWidth=NA_real_,
peak_group_rank=NA_integer_, m_score=NA_real_)
i.eXp <- numeric(0)
alignedVec <- matrix(c(4970.400, 4976.175, 4973.288, 4996.956, 4999.225, 4998.091,5038.794, 5039.737, 5039.266), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
outData <- getChildFeature(list(matrix(c(NA_real_,NA_real_), ncol = 2)), alignedVec, df.ref, df.eXp,
i.ref, i.eXp, params)
expect_equal(outData, NULL)
# Case3
params$transitionIntensity <- TRUE
dataPath <- system.file("extdata", package = "DIAlignR")
fileInfo <- getRunNames(dataPath = dataPath)
features <- getTransitions(fileInfo, maxFdrQuery = 1.00, runType = "DIA_Proteomics")
df.ref <- features[["run1"]]
i.ref <- df.ref[.(4618L), which = TRUE]
df.eXp <- features[["run2"]]
i.eXp <- df.eXp[.(4618L), which = TRUE]
outData <- getChildFeature(newXICs[[1]], newXICs[[2]][,3:5], df.ref, df.eXp,
i.ref, i.eXp, params)
expect_equal(outData[["intensity"]][[1]], c(58.25721, 68.23171, 47.26885, 21.85735, 21.03737, 13.05533), tolerance = 1e-03)
outData$intensity <- sapply(outData$intensity, sum)
df <- lapply(childFeatures(), identity)
expect_equal(outData, df, tolerance = 1e-03)
data(masterXICs_DIAlignR, package="DIAlignR")
newXICs <- masterXICs_DIAlignR
timeParent <- newXICs[[2]][, c("tAligned.ref", "alignedChildTime")]
colnames(timeParent) <- c("tAligned", "alignedChildTime")
params <- paramsDIAlignR()
params[["baseSubtraction"]] <- TRUE
df <- data.frame(transition_group_id = 4618L,
feature_id = bit64::as.integer64(1:5),
RT = c(5238.35, 5395.79, 5519.05, 5022.30, 5054.13),
intensity = c(310.01, 94.8768, 15.8803, 74.6494, 115.591),
leftWidth = c(5220.758, 5367.551, 5500.687, 5005.685, 5036.41),
rightWidth = c(5261.723, 5422.168, 5524.584, 5046.651, 5077.375),
peak_group_rank = c(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L),
m_score = c(5.692e-05, 0.201, 0.33, 0.367, 0.368))
outData <- trfrParentFeature(newXICs[[1]], timeParent, df, 1:5, params)
eXpData <- matrix(c(c(5237.8, 5393.2, 5514.4, 4997.2, 5026.2),
c(229.707813, 29.670797, 2.622945, 24.580870, 15.672424),
c(5217.35, 5365.9, 5497.3, 4980.1, 5010.8),
c(5261.7, 5420.5, 5521.2, 5019.4, 5048.4)), ncol = 4L)
expect_equal(outData[,1:4], eXpData, tolerance = 1e-04)
#TODO: Think about a test where missing value may occur
dataPath <- system.file("extdata", package = "DIAlignR")
params <- paramsDIAlignR()
fileInfo <- getRunNames(dataPath = dataPath, params = params)
features <- getFeatures(fileInfo, maxFdrQuery = 1.00, runType = "DIA_Proteomics")
mzPntrs <- getMZMLpointers(fileInfo)
precursors <- data.table(transition_group_id = 4618L, peptide_id = 14383L,
sequence = "QFNNTDIVLLEDFQK", charge = 3L,
group_label = "14299_QFNNTDIVLLEDFQK/3",
transition_ids = list(27706:27711))
peptideScores <- getPeptideScores(fileInfo, peptides = 14383L, TRUE, "DIA_Proteomics", "experiment-wide")
peptideScores <- lapply(14383L, function(pep) dplyr::filter(peptideScores, .data$peptide_id == pep))
names(peptideScores) <- as.character(14383L)
prec2chromIndex <- getChromatogramIndices(fileInfo, precursors, mzPntrs)
refRun <- data.frame(2, "4618")
params <- paramsDIAlignR()
params[["kernelLen"]] <- 0L
params[["polyOrd"]] <- 4L
params[["keepFlanks"]] <- TRUE
params[["globalAlignment"]] <- "linear"
params[["samples4gradient"]] <- 100L
outData <- getChildXICs(runA = "run2", runB="run1", fileInfo, features, mzPntrs, precursors,
prec2chromIndex, refRun, peptideScores, params)
for(con in mzPntrs) DBI::dbDisconnect(con)
expData <- masterXICs_DIAlignR
expect_identical(names(outData[[1]][[1]]), "4618")
expect_identical(dim(outData[[2]][[1]]), c(204L, 3L))
expect_equal(outData[[3]], list(ab = 80.58908, ba = 79.22248), tolerance = 1e-04)
# Fetch 1st peptide's aligned time vectors
expect_equal(outData[[2]][[1]][1:6,3], c(4963.05, 4966.45, 4969.85, 4973.25,
4976.65, 4980.05), tolerance = 1e-04)
expect_equal(outData[[2]][[1]][15:20,3], c(5010.85, 5014.25, 5016.8, 5019.35, 5022.75, 5025.3), tolerance = 1e-02)
expect_equal(outData[[2]][[1]][50:55,3], c(5106.4, 5108.975, 5111.55, 5114.1, 5116.65, 5120.05), tolerance = 1e-02)
expect_equal(outData[[2]][[1]][199:204,3], c(5567.25, 5570.7, 5574.1, 5576.65, 5579.2, 5582.7), tolerance = 1e-02)
# Fetch 1st peptide's precursorID 4618 's 2nd fragment-ion
expect_equal(outData[[1]][[1]][["4618"]][[2]][1:5,2], c(0.1968677, 1.4567888, 1.1024035, 1.0237436, 0.3937056), tolerance = 1e-02)
expect_equal(outData[[1]][[1]][["4618"]][[2]][100:105,2], c(0.7480956, 0.7185537, 0.5118452, 0.3445192, 0.5610699, 0.50399), tolerance = 1e-02)
expect_equal(outData[[1]][[1]][["4618"]][[2]][174:177,2], c(0.3149763, 0.4921656, 0.5807825, 0.3543722), tolerance = 1e-02)
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