
Defines functions alignToRoot alignToMaster traverseDown setRootRank traverseUp ancesTree cutTree getNodeIDs getTree nrDesc

Documented in alignToMaster getNodeIDs getTree nrDesc traverseDown traverseUp

#' Number of descendants
#' Get the number of descendants for each node in the tree.
#' @author Shubham Gupta, \email{shubh.gupta@mail.utoronto.ca}
#' @importFrom ape Ntip
#' @param tree (phylo) a phylogenetic tree.
#' @return (numeric)
#' @seealso \code{\link[ape]{Ntip}, \link{getNodeIDs}}
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' m <- matrix(c(0,1,2,3, 1,0,1.5,1.5, 2,1.5,0,1, 3,1.5,1,0), byrow = TRUE,
#'             ncol = 4, dimnames = list(c("run1", "run2", "run3", "run4"),
#'                                       c("run1", "run2", "run3", "run4")))
#' distMat <- as.dist(m, diag = FALSE, upper = FALSE)
#' \dontrun{
#' tree <- getTree(distMat)
#' getNodeIDs(tree)
#' nrDesc(tree)
#' }
nrDesc <- function(tree) {
  res <- numeric(max(tree$edge))
  res[1:Ntip(tree)] <- 1L
  for (i in postorder(tree)) {
    tmp <- tree$edge[i,1]
    res[tmp] <- res[tmp] + res[tree$edge[i, 2]]

# nr_desc(k)
# phangorn::Descendants(k, node = "6", type = "children")
# getMRCA(k, c("1", "4"))

#' Create a phylogenetic tree
#' Builds a phylogenetic tree from the distance matrix using UPGMA algorithm.
#' @author Shubham Gupta, \email{shubh.gupta@mail.utoronto.ca}
#' ORCID: 0000-0003-3500-8152
#' License: (c) Author (2020) + GPL-3
#' Date: 2020-05-31
#' @import phangorn ape
#' @param distMat (dist) a pairwise distance matrix.
#' @return (phylo) a tree.
#' @seealso \code{\link[phangorn]{upgma}, \link{getNodeIDs}}
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' m <- matrix(c(0,1,2,3, 1,0,1.5,1.5, 2,1.5,0,1, 3,1.5,1,0), byrow = TRUE,
#'             ncol = 4, dimnames = list(c("run1", "run2", "run3", "run4"),
#'                                       c("run1", "run2", "run3", "run4")))
#' distMat <- as.dist(m, diag = FALSE, upper = FALSE)
#' \dontrun{
#' tree <- getTree(distMat)
#' }
#' tree <- ape::read.tree(text = "(run1:9,(run2:7,run0:2)master2:5)master1;")
#' plot(tree, type = "phylogram", show.node.label = TRUE)
#' ape::axisPhylo(1)
#' plot(tree, type = "unrooted", show.node.label = TRUE)
#' ape::edgelabels(tree$edge.length)
#' tree <- ape::nj(distMat) # Neighbor-Joining tree
#' plot(tree, type = "unrooted", show.node.label = TRUE)
#' ape::edgelabels(tree$edge.length)
getTree <- function(distMat, method = "average", prefix = "master"){
  tree <- phangorn::upgma(distMat, method) # Use "single" to have it closely associate with MST.
  tree <- ape::reorder.phylo(tree, "postorder")
  tree <- ape::makeNodeLabel(tree, method = "number", prefix = prefix)
  message("alignment order of runs in Newick format:")

#' Get node IDs from tree
#' @author Shubham Gupta, \email{shubh.gupta@mail.utoronto.ca}
#' ORCID: 0000-0003-3500-8152
#' License: (c) Author (2020) + GPL-3
#' Date: 2020-05-31
#' @param tree (phylo) a phylogenetic tree.
#' @return (integer) a vector with names being node IDs.
#' @seealso \code{\link{getTree}}
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' m <- matrix(c(0,1,2,3, 1,0,1.5,1.5, 2,1.5,0,1, 3,1.5,1,0), byrow = TRUE,
#'             ncol = 4, dimnames = list(c("run1", "run2", "run3", "run4"),
#'                                       c("run1", "run2", "run3", "run4")))
#' distMat <- as.dist(m)
#' \dontrun{
#' tree <- getTree(distMat)
#' getNodeIDs(tree)
#' }
getNodeIDs <- function(tree){
  nodeIDs <- seq(from = 1L, to = length(tree$tip.label) + tree$Nnode)
  names(nodeIDs) <- c(tree$tip.label, tree$node.label)

# tree <- ape::read.tree(text = "(run10:17283.43333,((run2:4113.166667,(run7:3396.25,(run4:2431.5,run5:2431.5)master10:964.75)master7:716.9166667)master3:2836.026515,((run8:2588.25,(run14:2033.5,run15:2033.5)master13:554.75)master5:1882.958333,((run9:2011.75,(run11:1854.5,run6:1854.5)master15:157.25)master8:1574.116667,((run0:2035,run3:2035)master11:1171.333333,(run13:2451.75,(run1:1542.5,run12:1542.5)master14:909.25)master12:754.5833333)master9:379.5333333)master6:885.3416667)master4:2477.984848)master2:10334.24015)master1;")
cutTree <- function(tree, parts){
  k1 <- stats::cutree(stats::as.hclust(tree), k = parts)
  st <- ape::subtrees(tree)
  o1 <- lapply(1:parts, function(i){
    leaves <- names(which(k1 == i))
    if(length(leaves) == 1) return (leaves)
    for(j in seq_along(st)){
      if(setequal(st[[j]]$tip.label, leaves)){
        return(ape::reorder.phylo(st[[j]], "postorder"))

ancesTree <- function(tree, stree){
  vertices <- getNodeIDs(stree)
  ord <- stree$edge[,2] # Traversal order
  num_merge <- length(ord)/2
  merge_start <- 2*(1:num_merge)-1
  for(i in merge_start){
    runA <- names(vertices)[vertices == ord[i]]
    runB <- names(vertices)[vertices == ord[i+1]]
    tree <- drop.tip(tree, tip = c(runA, runB), trim.internal = FALSE)

#' Traverses up from leaves to the root
#' @description {
#' While traversing from leaf to root node, at each node a master run is created.
#' Merged features and merged chromatograms from parent runs are estimated. Chromatograms are written on the disk
#' at dataPath/xics. For each precursor aligned parent time-vectors and corresponding child time-vector
#' are also calculated and written as *_av.rds at dataPath.
#'     Accesors to the new files are added to fileInfo, mzPntrs and prec2chromIndex. Features, reference
#' used for the alignment and adaptiveRTs of global alignments are also added to corresponding environment.
#' }
#' @author Shubham Gupta, \email{shubh.gupta@mail.utoronto.ca}
#' ORCID: 0000-0003-3500-8152
#' License: (c) Author (2020) + GPL-3
#' Date: 2020-07-01
#' @inheritParams progAlignRuns
#' @inheritParams getRefRun
#' @param tree (phylo) a phylogenetic tree.
#' @param fileInfo (data-frame) output of \code{\link{getRunNames}}.
#' @param features (list of data-frames) contains features and their properties identified in each run.
#' @param mzPntrs (list) a list of mzRpwiz.
#' @param prec2chromIndex (list) a list of dataframes having following columns: \cr
#' transition_group_id: it is PRECURSOR.ID from osw file. \cr
#' chromatogramIndex: index of chromatogram in mzML file.
#' @param precursors (data-frame) atleast two columns transition_group_id and transition_ids are required.
#' @param adaptiveRTs (environment) For each descendant-pair, it contains the window around the aligned
#'  retention time, within which features with m-score below aligned FDR are considered for quantification.
#' @param refRuns (environment) For each descendant-pair, the reference run is indicated by 1 or 2 for all the peptides.
#' @param multipeptide (environment) contains multiple data-frames that are collection of features
#'  associated with analytes. This is an output of \code{\link{getMultipeptide}}.
#' @return (None)
#' @seealso \code{\link{getTree}, \link{getNodeRun}}
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' dataPath <- system.file("extdata", package = "DIAlignR")
#' params <- paramsDIAlignR()
#' fileInfo <- getRunNames(dataPath = dataPath)
#' mzPntrs <- list2env(getMZMLpointers(fileInfo))
#' features <- list2env(getFeatures(fileInfo, maxFdrQuery = params[["maxFdrQuery"]], runType = params[["runType"]]))
#' precursors <- getPrecursors(fileInfo, oswMerged = TRUE, runType = params[["runType"]],
#'  context = "experiment-wide", maxPeptideFdr = params[["maxPeptideFdr"]])
#' precursors <- dplyr::arrange(precursors, .data$peptide_id, .data$transition_group_id)
#' peptideIDs <- unique(precursors$peptide_id)
#' peptideScores <- getPeptideScores(fileInfo, peptideIDs, oswMerged = TRUE, params[["runType"]], params[["context"]])
#' peptideScores <- lapply(peptideIDs, function(pep) dplyr::filter(peptideScores, .data$peptide_id == pep))
#' names(peptideScores) <- as.character(peptideIDs)
#' peptideScores <- list2env(peptideScores)
#' multipeptide <- getMultipeptide(precursors, features)
#' prec2chromIndex <- list2env(getChromatogramIndices(fileInfo, precursors, mzPntrs))
#' adaptiveRTs <- new.env()
#' refRuns <- new.env()
#' tree <- ape::read.tree(text = "(run1:9,(run2:7,run0:2)master2:5)master1;")
#' tree <- ape::reorder.phylo(tree, "postorder")
#' \dontrun{
#' ropenms <- get_ropenms(condaEnv = "envName", useConda=TRUE)
#' multipeptide <- traverseUp(tree, dataPath, fileInfo, features, mzPntrs, prec2chromIndex, precursors, params,
#'  adaptiveRTs, refRuns, multipeptide, peptideScores, ropenms)
#' for(run in names(mzPntrs)) DBI::dbDisconnect(mzPntrs[[run]])
#' # Cleanup
#' file.remove(list.files(dataPath, pattern = "*_av.rds", full.names = TRUE))
#' file.remove(list.files(file.path(dataPath, "xics"), pattern = "^master[0-9]+\\.chrom\\.sqMass$", full.names = TRUE))
#' }
traverseUp <- function(tree, dataPath, fileInfo, features, mzPntrs, prec2chromIndex, precursors,
                       params, adaptiveRTs, refRuns, multipeptide, peptideScores, ropenms, applyFun = lapply){
  vertices <- getNodeIDs(tree)
  ord <- tree$edge[,2] # Traversal order
  num_merge <- length(ord)/2
  merge_start <- 2*(1:num_merge)-1

  # Traverse to the root of all runs.
  for(i in merge_start){
    runA <- names(vertices)[vertices == ord[i]]
    runB <- names(vertices)[vertices == ord[i+1]]
    mergeName <- names(vertices)[vertices == ape::getMRCA(tree, c(ord[i], ord[i+1]))]
    message(runA, " + ", runB, " = ", mergeName)
    getNodeRun(runA, runB, mergeName, dataPath, fileInfo, features, mzPntrs, prec2chromIndex,
               precursors, params, adaptiveRTs, refRuns, multipeptide, peptideScores, ropenms, applyFun)

  assign("temp", fileInfo, envir = parent.frame(n = 1))
  with(parent.frame(n = 1), fileInfo <- temp)
  message("Created all master runs.")

setRootRank <- function(tree, dataPath, fileInfo, multipeptide, prec2chromIndex, mzPntrs, precursors,params){
  if(params[["chromFile"]] =="mzML") fetchXIC = extractXIC_group
  if(params[["chromFile"]] =="sqMass") fetchXIC = extractXIC_group2
  vertices <- getNodeIDs(tree)
  ord <- rev(tree$edge[,1])
  num_merge <- length(ord)/2

  # set alignment rank for the master1 run.
  master1 <- names(vertices)[vertices == ord[1]]
  peptideIDs <- unique(precursors$peptide_id)
  invisible(lapply(seq_along(peptideIDs), function(i){
    ##### Set alignment rank in the master1 #####
    peptide <- peptideIDs[i]
    df <- multipeptide[[i]]
    indices <- which(df$run == master1)
    refIdx <- indices[which(.subset2(df, "peak_group_rank")[indices] == 1L)]
    refIdx <- refIdx[which.min(.subset2(df, "m_score")[refIdx])]
    if(length(refIdx) == 0) return(NULL)
    set(df, refIdx, 10L, 1L)

    ##### Set alignment rank for other precursors #####
    idx <- precursors[.(peptide), which = TRUE]
    analytes <- .subset2(precursors, "transition_group_id")[idx]

      ##### Get XIC_group from reference run. if missing, return unaligned features #####
      chromIndices <- prec2chromIndex[[master1]][["chromatogramIndex"]][idx]
      if(any(is.na(unlist(chromIndices))) | is.null(unlist(chromIndices))){
        warning("Chromatogram indices for peptide ", peptide, " are missing in ", fileInfo[master1, "runName"])
        message("Skipping peptide ", peptide, " in ", master1)
      } else {
        XICs <- lapply(chromIndices, function(iM) fetchXIC(mzPntrs[[master1]], chromIndices = iM))
        names(XICs) <- as.character(analytes)
      setOtherPrecursors(df, refIdx, XICs, analytes, params)
  # Done
  message("master1 has set alignment ranks.")

#' Traverses down from the root to leaves
#' Features of the root node are propagated to all leaves node. Aligned features are set/added in the
#' multipeptide environment.
#' @author Shubham Gupta, \email{shubh.gupta@mail.utoronto.ca}
#' ORCID: 0000-0003-3500-8152
#' License: (c) Author (2020) + GPL-3
#' Date: 2020-07-01
#' @inheritParams traverseUp
#' @param analytes (integer) this vector contains transition_group_id from precursors. It must be of
#' the same length as of multipeptide.
#' @return (None)
#' @seealso \code{\link{traverseUp}, \link{alignToMaster}}
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' dataPath <- system.file("extdata", package = "DIAlignR")
#' params <- paramsDIAlignR()
#' fileInfo <- getRunNames(dataPath = dataPath)
#' mzPntrs <- list2env(getMZMLpointers(fileInfo))
#' features <- list2env(getFeatures(fileInfo, maxFdrQuery = params[["maxFdrQuery"]], runType = params[["runType"]]))
#' precursors <- getPrecursors(fileInfo, oswMerged = TRUE, runType = params[["runType"]],
#'  context = "experiment-wide", maxPeptideFdr = params[["maxPeptideFdr"]])
#' precursors <- dplyr::arrange(precursors, .data$peptide_id, .data$transition_group_id)
#' peptideIDs <- unique(precursors$peptide_id)
#' peptideScores <- getPeptideScores(fileInfo, peptideIDs, oswMerged = TRUE, params[["runType"]], params[["context"]])
#' peptideScores <- lapply(peptideIDs, function(pep) dplyr::filter(peptideScores, .data$peptide_id == pep))
#' names(peptideScores) <- as.character(peptideIDs)
#' prec2chromIndex <- list2env(getChromatogramIndices(fileInfo, precursors, mzPntrs))
#' multipeptide <- getMultipeptide(precursors, features)
#' adaptiveRTs <- new.env()
#' refRuns <- new.env()
#' tree <- ape::read.tree(text = "(run1:9,(run2:7,run0:2)master2:5)master1;")
#' tree <- ape::reorder.phylo(tree, "postorder")
#' \dontrun{
#' ropenms <- get_ropenms(condaEnv = "envName", useConda=TRUE)
#' multipeptide <- traverseUp(tree, dataPath, fileInfo, features, mzPntrs, prec2chromIndex, precursors, params,
#'  adaptiveRTs, refRuns, multipeptide, peptideScores, ropenms)
#' multipeptide <- getMultipeptide(precursors, features)
#' multipeptide <- traverseDown(tree, dataPath, fileInfo, multipeptide, prec2chromIndex, mzPntrs, precursors,
#'  adaptiveRTs, refRuns, params)
#' # Cleanup
#' for(run in names(mzPntrs)) DBI::dbDisconnect(mzPntrs[[run]])
#' file.remove(list.files(dataPath, pattern = "*_av.rds", full.names = TRUE))
#' file.remove(list.files(file.path(dataPath, "xics"), pattern = "^master[0-9]+\\.chrom\\.sqMass$", full.names = TRUE))
#' }
traverseDown <- function(tree, dataPath, fileInfo, multipeptide, prec2chromIndex, mzPntrs, precursors,
                         adaptiveRTs, refRuns, params, applyFun = lapply){
  vertices <- getNodeIDs(tree)
  ord <- rev(tree$edge[,1])
  num_merge <- length(ord)/2
  junctions <- 2*(1:num_merge)-1

  # Traverse from root to leaf node.
  for(i in junctions){
    pair <- phangorn::Descendants(tree, node = ord[i], type = "children")
    runA <- names(vertices)[vertices == pair[1]]
    runB <- names(vertices)[vertices == pair[2]]
    master <- names(vertices)[vertices == ord[i]]
    message("Mapping peaks from ", master, " to ",  runA, " and ", runB, ".")

    # Get parents to master aligned time vectors.
    filename <- file.path(dataPath, paste0(master, "_av.rds"))
    alignedVecs <- readRDS(file = filename)
    adaptiveRT <- max(adaptiveRTs[[paste(runA, runB, sep = "_")]],
                      adaptiveRTs[[paste(runB, runA, sep = "_")]])

    # Map master to runA
    refA <- refRuns[[master]][,1L][[1]]
    alignToMaster(master, runA, alignedVecs, refA, adaptiveRT, multipeptide,
                  prec2chromIndex, mzPntrs, fileInfo, precursors, params, applyFun)

    # Map master to runB
    refB <- as.integer(!(refA-1))+1L
    alignToMaster(master, runB, alignedVecs, refB, adaptiveRT, multipeptide,
                  prec2chromIndex, mzPntrs, fileInfo, precursors, params, applyFun)

  # Done
  message("master1 run has been propagated to all parents.")

#' Align descendants to master
#' During traverse-down, parent runs are aligned to the master/child run. This function performs the
#' alignment by already saved aligned parent-child time vectors. For the aligned peaks, alignment_rank is
#' set to 1 in multipeptide environment.
#' refRun is flipped if eXp is runB instead of runA.
#' @author Shubham Gupta, \email{shubh.gupta@mail.utoronto.ca}
#' ORCID: 0000-0003-3500-8152
#' License: (c) Author (2020) + GPL-3
#' Date: 2020-07-19
#' @inherit alignToMaster params
#' @inheritParams traverseDown
#' @inheritParams getChildXICs
#' @param ref (string) name of the descendant run. Must be in the rownames of fileInfo.
#' @param eXp (string) name of one of the parent run. Must be in the rownames of fileInfo.
#' @param alignedVecs (list of dataframes) Each dataframe contains aligned parents time-vectors and
#'  resulting child/master time vector for a precursor. This is the second element of
#'   \code{\link{getChildXICs}} output.
#' @return (None)
#' @seealso \code{\link{traverseUp}, \link{traverseDown}, \link{setAlignmentRank}}
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' dataPath <- system.file("extdata", package = "DIAlignR")
#' params <- paramsDIAlignR()
#' fileInfo <- DIAlignR::getRunNames(dataPath = dataPath)
#' mzPntrs <- list2env(getMZMLpointers(fileInfo))
#' features <- list2env(getFeatures(fileInfo, maxFdrQuery = 0.05, runType = "DIA_Proteomics"))
#' precursors <- getPrecursors(fileInfo, oswMerged = TRUE, runType = params[["runType"]],
#'  context = "experiment-wide", maxPeptideFdr = params[["maxPeptideFdr"]])
#' precursors <- dplyr::arrange(precursors, .data$peptide_id, .data$transition_group_id)
#' peptideIDs <- unique(precursors$peptide_id)
#' peptideScores <- getPeptideScores(fileInfo, peptideIDs, oswMerged = TRUE, params[["runType"]], params[["context"]])
#' peptideScores <- lapply(peptideIDs, function(pep) dplyr::filter(peptideScores, .data$peptide_id == pep))
#' names(peptideScores) <- as.character(peptideIDs)
#' prec2chromIndex <- list2env(getChromatogramIndices(fileInfo, precursors, mzPntrs))
#' multipeptide <- getMultipeptide(precursors, features)
#' prec2chromIndex <- list2env(getChromatogramIndices(fileInfo, precursors, mzPntrs))
#' adaptiveRTs <- new.env()
#' refRuns <- new.env()
#' tree <- ape::reorder.phylo(ape::read.tree(text = "(run1:7,run2:2)master1;"), "postorder")
#' \dontrun{
#' ropenms <- get_ropenms(condaEnv = "envName", useConda=TRUE)
#' multipeptide <- traverseUp(tree, dataPath, fileInfo, features, mzPntrs, prec2chromIndex, precursors, params,
#'  adaptiveRTs, refRuns, multipeptide, peptideScores, ropenms)
#' multipeptide <- getMultipeptide(precursors, features)
#' alignedVecs <- readRDS(file = file.path(dataPath, "master1_av.rds"))
#' adaptiveRT <- (adaptiveRTs[["run1_run2"]] + adaptiveRTs[["run2_run1"]])/2
#' multipeptide[["14383"]]$alignment_rank[multipeptide[["14383"]]$run == "master1"] <- 1L
#' multipeptide <- alignToMaster(ref = "master1", eXp = "run1", alignedVecs, refRuns[["master1"]][,1], adaptiveRT,
#'  multipeptide, prec2chromIndex, mzPntrs, fileInfo, precursors, params)
#' # Cleanup
#' for(run in names(mzPntrs)) DBI::dbDisconnect(mzPntrs[[run]])
#' file.remove(file.path(dataPath, "master1_av.rds"))
#' file.remove(file.path(dataPath, "xics", "master1.chrom.sqMass"))
#' }
alignToMaster <- function(ref, eXp, alignedVecs, refRun, adaptiveRT, multipeptide, prec2chromIndex,
                          mzPntrs, fileInfo, precursors, params, applyFun = lapply){
  peptideIDs <- unique(precursors$peptide_id)
  if(params[["chromFile"]] =="sqMass") {
    fetchXIC = extractXIC_group2
  } else if(params[["chromFile"]] =="mzML"){
    fetchXIC = extractXIC_group }

  # Aign each peptide to its parent
  num_of_batch <- ceiling(length(peptideIDs)/params[["batchSize"]])
  invisible(lapply(1:num_of_batch, function(iBatch){
    batchSize <- params[["batchSize"]]
    strt <- ((iBatch-1)*batchSize+1)
    stp <- min((iBatch*batchSize), length(multipeptide))
    ##### Get XICs for the batch from the experiment run #####
    XICs <- lapply(strt:stp, function(rownum){
      ##### Get transition_group_id for that peptideID #####
      idx <- which(precursors$peptide_id == peptideIDs[rownum])
      analytes <- precursors[idx, "transition_group_id"][[1]]
      ##### Get XIC_group from runA and runB. If missing, add NULL #####
      chromIndices <- prec2chromIndex[[eXp]][["chromatogramIndex"]][idx]
      nope <- any(is.na(unlist(chromIndices))) | is.null(unlist(chromIndices))
      if(nope) return(NULL)
      xics <- lapply(chromIndices, function(i1) fetchXIC(mzPntrs[[eXp]], i1))
      names(xics) <- as.character(analytes)

    # Align each peptide in multipeptide to its parent
    invisible(lapply(strt:stp, function(i){
      peptide <- peptideIDs[i]
      idx <- (i - (iBatch-1)*batchSize)
      alignedVec <- alignedVecs[[i]]
      df <- multipeptide[[i]]
      eXpIdx <- which(df[["run"]] == eXp)
      ##### Get XIC_group from reference run. if missing, return unaligned features #####
      XICs.eXp <- XICs[[idx]]
      analytes <- as.integer(names(XICs.eXp))

      ##### Check if any feature is below unaligned FDR. If present alignment_rank = 1. #####
      if(any(.subset2(df, "m_score")[eXpIdx] <=  params[["unalignedFDR"]], na.rm = TRUE)){
        tempi <- eXpIdx[which.min(df$m_score[eXpIdx])]
        set(df, tempi, 10L, 1L)
        if(is.null(XICs.eXp)) return(invisible(NULL))
        setOtherPrecursors(df, tempi, XICs.eXp, analytes, params)

        return(invisible(NULL)) # Try to  set alignment rank without chromatogram

        warning("Chromatogram indices for peptide ", peptide, " are missing in ", fileInfo[eXp, "runName"])
        message("Skipping peptide ", peptide, " in ", eXp)

      # Update alignment rank for the eXp.
      tAligned <- alignedVec[, c(3L, refRun[i])]
      indices <- which(df$run == ref)
      refIdx <- indices[which(.subset2(df, 10L)[indices] == 1L)]
      if(length(refIdx) == 0L) return(invisible(NULL))
      ss <- .subset2(df, "m_score")[refIdx]
      refIdx <- ifelse(all(is.na(ss)), refIdx[1], refIdx[which.min(ss)])
      setAlignmentRank(df, refIdx, eXp, tAligned, XICs.eXp, params, adaptiveRT)
      tempi <- eXpIdx[which(df$alignment_rank[eXpIdx] == 1L)]
      if(length(tempi) == 0L) return(invisible(NULL))
      setOtherPrecursors(df, tempi, XICs.eXp, analytes, params)
  message(eXp, " has been aligned to ", ref, ".")

alignToRoot <- function(precursors, features, master1, multipeptide, fileInfo, prec2chromIndex, mzPntrs,
                        params, applyFun = lapply){
  # Remove master runs from fileInfo.
  fileInfo <- fileInfo[c(grep("run", rownames(fileInfo)), which(rownames(fileInfo) == master1)),]

  # Calculate global alignment as star.
  peptideIDs <- unique(precursors$peptide_id)
  refRuns <- data.table("peptide_id" = peptideIDs, "run" = master1, key = "peptide_id")
  globalFits <- getGlobalFits(refRuns, features, fileInfo, params[["globalAlignment"]],
                              params[["globalAlignmentFdr"]], params[["globalAlignmentSpan"]], applyFun)
  RSE <- applyFun(globalFits, getRSE, params[["globalAlignment"]])
  globalFits <- applyFun(globalFits, extractFit, params[["globalAlignment"]])

  #### Star-align all runs to master1. ###########
  message("Performing reference-based alignment.")
  start_time <- Sys.time()
  num_of_batch <- ceiling(length(multipeptide)/params[["batchSize"]])
    lapply(1:num_of_batch, perBatch, peptideIDs, multipeptide, refRuns, precursors,
           prec2chromIndex, fileInfo, mzPntrs, params, globalFits, RSE, lapply)
shubham1637/DIAlign documentation built on March 27, 2023, 7:12 a.m.