#' @import hdf5r
h5addAttr.str <- function(h5group, attr.name, attr.val) {
dtype <- H5T_STRING$new(type = "c", size = Inf)
dtype <- dtype$set_cset(cset = "unknown")
space <- H5S$new(type = "scalar")
h5group$create_attr(attr_name = attr.name, dtype = dtype, space = space)
attr <- h5group$attr_open_by_name(attr_name = attr.name, ".")
#' @import hdf5r
h5addAttr.str_array <- function(h5group, attr.name, attr.val) {
dtype <- H5T_STRING$new(type = "c", size = Inf)
dtype <- dtype$set_cset(cset = "unknown")
space <- H5S$new(type = "simple", dims = length(attr.val), maxdims = length(attr.val))
h5group$create_attr(attr_name = attr.name, dtype = dtype, space = space)
attr <- h5group$attr_open_by_name(attr_name = attr.name, ".")
#' @import hdf5r
write.HD5DF <- function(h5file,
compression_level = 0) {
string.dtype <- H5T_STRING$new(type = "c", size = Inf)
string.dtype <- string.dtype$set_cset(cset = "unknown")
DF <- as.data.frame(DF)
h5group <- h5file$create_group(gname)
h5addAttr.str(h5group, "_index", "index")
h5addAttr.str(h5group, "encoding-version", "0.1.0")
h5addAttr.str(h5group, "encoding-type", "dataframe")
if (0 < NCOL(DF)) {
# noncat.num.vars <- which(apply(DF, 2, is.numeric))
noncat.num.vars <- which(sapply(names(DF), function(nn) is.numeric(DF[[nn]])))
cat.vars <- which(sapply(names(DF), function(nn) length(unique(DF[[nn]])) < 128))
# cat.vars <- which(apply(DF, 2, function(x) length(unique(x)) < 128))
cat.vars <- setdiff(cat.vars, noncat.num.vars)
noncat.vars <- setdiff(1:NCOL(DF), c(cat.vars, noncat.num.vars))
cn <- colnames(DF)
catDF <- DF[, cat.vars, drop = FALSE]
catDF <- apply(catDF, 2, as.character)
catDF[is.na(catDF)] <- "NA"
numDF <- DF[, noncat.num.vars, drop = FALSE]
numDF <- apply(numDF, 2, as.numeric)
numDF[is.na(numDF)] <- NA
nonNumDF <- DF[, noncat.vars, drop = FALSE]
nonNumDF <- apply(nonNumDF, 2, as.character)
nonNumDF[is.na(nonNumDF)] <- NA
if (length(cn) == 0) {
dtype <- H5T_STRING$new(type = "c", size = Inf)
dtype <- dtype$set_cset(cset = "unknown")
space <- H5S$new(type = "simple", dims = 0, maxdims = 10)
h5group$create_attr(attr_name = "column-order", dtype = dtype, space = space)
} else {
h5addAttr.str_array(h5group, "column-order", cn)
if (length(cat.vars) > 0) {
cat <- h5group$create_group("__categories")
for (i in 1:length(cat.vars)) {
x <- catDF[, i]
l <- sort(unique(x))
v <- match(x, l) - 1
dtype <- H5T_STRING$new(type = "c", size = Inf)
dtype <- dtype$set_cset(cset = "unknown")
l.enum <- cat$create_dataset(colnames(DF)[cat.vars[i]], l,
gzip_level = compression_level,
dtype = dtype
dtype <- H5T_ENUM$new(labels = c("FALSE", "TRUE"), values = 0:1)
space <- H5S$new(type = "scalar")
res <- l.enum$create_attr(attr_name = "ordered", dtype = dtype, space = space)
attr <- l.enum$attr_open_by_name(attr_name = "ordered", ".")
l.vec <- h5group$create_dataset(colnames(DF)[cat.vars[i]], as.integer(v),
gzip_level = compression_level, dtype = h5types$H5T_NATIVE_INT8
ref <- cat$create_reference(name = colnames(DF)[cat.vars[i]])
dtype <- guess_dtype(ref)
space <- H5S$new(type = "scalar")
res <- l.vec$create_attr(
attr_name = "categories", dtype = dtype,
space = space
attr <- l.vec$attr_open_by_name(attr_name = "categories", ".")
if (length(noncat.num.vars) > 0) {
for (i in 1:NCOL(numDF)) {
x <- numDF[, i]
nn <- colnames(numDF)[i]
h5group$create_dataset(nn, as.single(x),
gzip_level = compression_level,
dtype = h5types$H5T_IEEE_F32LE
if (length(noncat.vars) > 0) {
for (i in 1:NCOL(nonNumDF)) {
x <- nonNumDF[, i]
nn <- colnames(nonNumDF)[i]
dtype <- H5T_STRING$new(type = "c", size = Inf)
dtype <- dtype$set_cset(cset = "unknown")
h5group$create_dataset(nn, x,
gzip_level = compression_level,
dtype = string.dtype
} else {
dtype <- H5T_STRING$new(type = "c", size = Inf)
dtype <- dtype$set_cset(cset = "unknown")
space <- H5S$new(type = "simple", dims = 0, maxdims = 10)
h5group$create_attr(attr_name = "column-order", dtype = dtype, space = space)
index <- rownames(DF)
if (length(unique(index)) < length(index)) {
index <- make.names(index, unique = TRUE)
h5group$create_dataset("index", index, gzip_level = compression_level, dtype = string.dtype)
#' @import hdf5r
write.HD5SpMat <- function(h5file,
compression_level = 0) {
X <- Matrix::t(as(X, "dMatrix"))
Xgroup <- h5file$create_group(gname)
Xgroup$create_dataset("indices", X@i, gzip_level = compression_level, dtype = h5types$H5T_NATIVE_INT32)
Xgroup$create_dataset("indptr", X@p, gzip_level = compression_level, dtype = h5types$H5T_NATIVE_INT32)
Xgroup$create_dataset("data", as.single(X@x),
gzip_level = compression_level,
dtype = h5types$H5T_IEEE_F32LE
h5addAttr.str(Xgroup, "encoding-type", "csc_matrix")
h5addAttr.str(Xgroup, "encoding-version", "0.1.0")
h5attr(Xgroup, "shape") <- dim(X)
#' @import hdf5r
write.HD5List <- function(h5file,
depth = 1,
max_depth = 5,
compression_level = 0) {
h5group <- h5file$create_group(gname)
obj_list <- as.list(obj_list)
obj_list <- obj_list[match(unique(names(obj_list)), names(obj_list))]
# string.dtype <- H5T_STRING$new(type = "c", size = 100)
# string.dtype <- string.dtype$set_cset(cset = "unknown")
for (nn in names(obj_list)) {
obj <- obj_list[[nn]]
if ((sum(sapply(c("list", "SimpleList"), function(x) {
return(length(which(is(obj) ==
x)) != 0)
})) != 0) & (depth < max_depth)) {
write.HD5List(h5group, nn, obj,
depth = depth + 1, max_depth = max_depth,
compression_level = compression_level
} else if (sum(sapply(c("data.frame", "DataFrame", "DFrame"), function(x) {
return(length(which(is(obj) ==
x)) != 0)
})) != 0) {
write.HD5DF(h5group, nn, obj, compression_level = compression_level)
} else if (is.sparseMatrix(obj)) {
write.HD5SpMat(h5group, nn, obj, compression_level = compression_level)
} else if (is.matrix(obj) | is.numeric(obj)) {
h5group$create_dataset(nn, obj, gzip_level = compression_level, dtype = h5types$H5T_IEEE_F32LE)
} else if (is.character(obj) & length(obj) == 1) {
h5group$create_dataset(nn, obj, gzip_level = compression_level, dtype = H5T_STRING$new(type = "c", size = stringi::stri_length(obj)))
# h5group$create_dataset(nn, obj, gzip_level = compression_level, dtype = string.dtype)
} else {
h5group[[nn]] <- obj
#' @import hdf5r
read.HD5DF <- function(h5file,
compression_level = 0) {
h5group <- h5file[[gname]]
if (!(h5group$attr_open_by_name("encoding-type", ".")$read() == "dataframe")) {
err <- sprintf("%s is not a dataframe.\n", gname)
key <- h5group$attr_open_by_name("_index", ".")$read()
attr <- h5attributes(h5group[[key]])
rn <- import.h5.data.slot(h5group, gname = key, attr)
if (h5file$attr_exists_by_name(obj_name = gname, attr_name = "column-order")) {
cn <- h5group$attr_open_by_name("column-order", ".")
if (cn$get_storage_size() == 0) {
DF <- DataFrame(row.names = rn)
column.names <- cn$read()
vars <- vector("list", length(column.names))
names(vars) <- column.names
for (vn in names(vars)) {
attr <- h5attributes(h5group[[vn]])
v <- import.h5.data.slot(h5group, vn, attr)
# v[v == -1] <- NA
vars[[vn]] <- v
if ("__categories" %in% names(h5group)) {
cat <- h5group[["__categories"]]
for (nn in names(cat)) {
if (!(nn %in% column.names)) {
attr <- h5attributes(cat[[nn]])
l <- import.h5.data.slot(cat, nn, attr)
vars[[nn]] <- factor(l[vars[[nn]] + 1], l)
DF <- DataFrame(vars)
rownames(DF) <- rn
} else {
DF <- DataFrame(row.names = rn)
#' @import hdf5r
read.HD5SpMat <- function(h5file,
compression_level = 0) {
h5group <- h5file[[gname]]
attr <- h5attributes(h5group)
if (!(("encoding-type" %in% names(attr)) & (attr[["encoding-type"]] %in% c(
)))) {
err <- sprintf("%s is not a sparse matrix.\n", gname)
data <- h5group[["data"]]$read()
indices <- h5group[["indices"]]$read()
indptr <- h5group[["indptr"]]$read()
Dims <- attr$shape
if (attr[["encoding-type"]] == "csc_matrix") {
csc_sort_indices_inplace(indptr, indices, data)
Xt <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = indices + 1, p = indptr, x = data, dims = Dims)
X <- Matrix::t(Xt)
} else if (attr[["encoding-type"]] == "csr_matrix") {
csc_sort_indices_inplace(indptr, indices, data)
Xt <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(j = indices + 1, p = indptr, x = data, dims = Dims)
X <- Matrix::t(Xt)
X <- as(X, "dMatrix")
#' @import hdf5r
read.HD5Categorial <- function(h5file,
compression_level = 0) {
h5group <- h5file[[gname]]
codes <- h5group[["codes"]]$read()
categories <- h5group[["categories"]]$read()
idx <- codes + 1
idx[idx <= 0] <- NA
vals <- categories[idx]
f <- factor(vals, categories)
#' @import hdf5r
read.HD5Dict <- function(h5file,
compression_level = 0) {
ll <- read.HD5List(h5file = h5file, gname = gname, compression_level = compression_level)
#' @import hdf5r
read.HD5StringArray <- function(h5file,
compression_level = 0) {
arr <- h5file[[gname]]$read()
#' @import hdf5r
read.HD5List <- function(h5file,
depth = 1,
max_depth = 5,
compression_level = 0) {
h5group <- h5file[[gname]]
obj_names <- names(h5group)
L.out <- vector("list", length(obj_names))
names(L.out) <- obj_names
if (length(obj_names) > 0) {
for (nn in obj_names) {
attr <- h5attributes(h5group[[nn]])
if (length(attr) > 0 & ("encoding-type" %in% names(attr))) {
obj <- import.h5.data.slot(h5group, nn, attr)
} else if (h5group[[nn]]$get_obj_type() == 2 & (depth < max_depth)) {
obj <- read.HD5List(h5group, nn,
compression_level = compression_level,
depth = depth + 1
} else {
obj <- h5group[[nn]]$read()
L.out[[nn]] <- obj
filter.mask <- sapply(L.out, function(x) is.null(x))
if (sum(filter.mask) > 0) {
L.out <- L.out[!filter.mask]
#' @import hdf5r
#' @export
ACE2AnnData <- function(ace,
main_assay = NULL,
full.export = TRUE,
compression_level = 0) {
# Ensure it can be case as an ACE object
ace <- as(ace, "ACTIONetExperiment")
if (is.null(main_assay)) {
if ("default_assay" %in% names(metadata(ace))) {
message(sprintf("Input main_assay is NULL. Setting main_assay to the metadata(ace)[['default_assay']]"))
main_assay <- metadata(ace)[["default_assay"]]
} else {
if ("logcounts" %in% names(assays(ace))) {
main_assay <- "logcounts"
} else {
main_assay <- "counts"
message(sprintf("Input main_assay is NULL. Setting main_assay to %s", main_assay))
if (!(main_assay %in% names(assays(ace)))) {
err <- sprintf("Input main_assay (%s) does not exist in assays(ace).", main_assay)
if (file.exists(file)) {
if (is.null(colnames(ace))) {
colnames(ace) <- .default_colnames(NCOL(ace))
if (is.null(rownames(ace))) {
rownames(ace) <- .default_rownames(NROW(ace))
colnames(ace) <- ucn <- ACTIONetExperiment:::.make_chars_unique(colnames(ace))
rownames(ace) <- urn <- ACTIONetExperiment:::.make_chars_unique(rownames(ace))
for (nn in names(SummarizedExperiment::assays(ace))) {
dimnames(SummarizedExperiment::assays(ace)[[nn]]) <- list(urn, ucn)
h5file <- H5File$new(file, mode = "w")
## Write X (assays in ace, in either sparse or dense format)
if (is.null(main_assay)) {
main_mat <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = c(), j = c(), dims = dim(ace))
write.HD5SpMat(h5file, gname = "X", main_mat, compression_level = compression_level)
} else {
if (!(main_assay %in% names(SummarizedExperiment::assays(ace)))) {
err <- sprintf("'main_assay' is not in assays of ace'.\n")
main_mat <- SummarizedExperiment::assays(ace)[[main_assay]]
if (is.sparseMatrix(main_mat)) {
write.HD5SpMat(h5file, gname = "X", main_mat, compression_level = compression_level)
} else {
h5file$create_dataset("X", main_mat, gzip_level = compression_level, dtype = h5types$H5T_IEEE_F32LE)
remaining.assays <- setdiff(names(SummarizedExperiment::assays(ace)), main_assay)
if ((full.export == T) & (0 < length(remaining.assays))) {
layers <- h5file$create_group("layers")
for (an in remaining.assays) {
Xr <- SummarizedExperiment::assays(ace)[[an]]
if (is.sparseMatrix(Xr)) {
write.HD5SpMat(layers, gname = an, Xr, compression_level = compression_level)
} else {
layers$create_dataset(an, Xr, gzip_level = compression_level, dtype = h5types$H5T_IEEE_F32LE)
uns <- h5file$create_group("uns")
obsm_annot <- uns$create_group("obsm_annot")
varm_annot <- uns$create_group("varm_annot")
metadata(ace)$main_assay <- main_assay
obj_list <- metadata(ace)
write.HD5List(uns, "metadata", obj_list, depth = 1, max_depth = 10, compression_level = compression_level)
## Write obs (colData() in ace)
obs.DF <- as.data.frame(SummarizedExperiment::colData(ace))
if (0 < NCOL(obs.DF)) {
obs.DF <- as.data.frame(lapply(SummarizedExperiment::colData(ace), function(x) {
if (is.numeric(x) & (!is.null(names(x))) & (length(unique(names(x))) < length(x) / 2)) {
return(factor(names(x), names(x)[match(unique(x), x)]))
} else {
rownames(obs.DF) <- colnames(ace)
write.HD5DF(h5file, gname = "obs", obs.DF, compression_level = compression_level)
## Write var (matching rowData() in ace)
var.DF <- as.data.frame(SummarizedExperiment::rowData(ace))
rownames(var.DF) <- rownames(ace)
if (is(ace, "RangedSummarizedExperiment")) {
GR <- rowRanges(ace)
GR.df <- GenomicRanges::as.data.frame(GR)
if (nrow(GR.df) == nrow(var.DF)) {
BED <- data.frame(chr = as.character(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(GR)), start = start(GR), end = end(GR))
var.DF <- cbind(BED, elementMetadata(GR), var.DF)
metadata(ace)$genome <- genome(ace)
write.HD5DF(h5file, "var", var.DF, compression_level = compression_level)
## Write subset of obsm related to the cell embeddings (Dim=2 or 3)
obsm <- h5file$create_group("obsm")
obsm.mats <- colMaps(ace)
obsm.public.idx <- which(colMapTypes(ace) != "internal")
if (length(obsm.public.idx) > 0) {
obsm.subset <- obsm.mats[obsm.public.idx]
for (i in 1:length(obsm.subset)) {
nn <- names(obsm.subset)[[i]]
Y <- Matrix::t(obsm.subset[[i]])
isDimRed <- (NROW(Y) <= 3) | (colMapTypes(ace)[[nn]] == "embedding")
if (isDimRed) {
# AD_nn <- paste("X", nn, sep = "_")
AD_nn <- nn
} else {
AD_nn <- nn
if (is.matrix(Y)) {
obsm$create_dataset(AD_nn, Y, gzip_level = compression_level, dtype = h5types$H5T_IEEE_F32LE)
} else {
write.HD5SpMat(obsm, AD_nn, Y, compression_level)
factor_info <- obsm_annot$create_group(AD_nn)
factor_info[["type"]] <- colMapTypes(ace)[[nn]]
factor.meta.DF <- colMapMeta(ace)[[nn]]
if (NCOL(factor.meta.DF) > 0) {
write.HD5DF(factor_info, "annotatation", factor.meta.DF, compression_level = 0)
varm <- h5file$create_group("varm")
varm.mats <- rowMaps(ace)
varm.public.idx <- which(rowMapTypes(ace) != "internal")
if (length(varm.public.idx) > 0) {
varm.subset <- varm.mats[varm.public.idx]
for (i in 1:length(varm.subset)) {
nn <- names(varm.subset)[[i]]
Y <- Matrix::t(varm.subset[[i]])
if (is.matrix(Y)) {
varm$create_dataset(nn, Y, gzip_level = compression_level, dtype = h5types$H5T_IEEE_F32LE)
} else {
write.HD5SpMat(varm, nn, Y, compression_level)
factor_info <- varm_annot$create_group(nn)
factor_info[["type"]] <- rowMapTypes(ace)[[nn]]
factor.meta.DF <- rowMapMeta(ace)[[nn]]
if (NCOL(factor.meta.DF) > 0) {
write.HD5DF(factor_info, "annotatation", factor.meta.DF, compression_level = 0)
if (full.export) {
print("Full export mode")
if (length(obsm.public.idx) < length(obsm.mats)) {
obsm.private.idx <- setdiff(1:length(obsm.mats), obsm.public.idx)
if (length(obsm.private.idx) > 0) {
obsm.subset <- obsm.mats[obsm.private.idx]
for (i in 1:length(obsm.subset)) {
nn <- names(obsm.subset)[[i]]
Y <- Matrix::t(obsm.subset[[i]])
if (is.matrix(Y)) {
obsm$create_dataset(nn, Y, gzip_level = compression_level, dtype = h5types$H5T_IEEE_F32LE)
} else {
write.HD5SpMat(obsm, nn, Y, compression_level)
factor_info <- obsm_annot$create_group(nn)
factor_info[["type"]] <- colMapTypes(ace)[[nn]]
factor.meta.DF <- colMapMeta(ace)[[nn]]
if (NCOL(factor.meta.DF) > 0) {
write.HD5DF(factor_info, "annotation", factor.meta.DF, compression_level = 0)
if (length(varm.public.idx) < length(varm.mats)) {
varm.private.idx <- setdiff(1:length(varm.mats), varm.public.idx)
if (length(varm.private.idx) > 0) {
varm.subset <- varm.mats[varm.private.idx]
for (i in 1:length(varm.subset)) {
nn <- names(varm.subset)[[i]]
Y <- Matrix::t(varm.subset[[i]])
if (is.matrix(Y)) {
varm$create_dataset(nn, Y, gzip_level = compression_level, dtype = h5types$H5T_IEEE_F32LE)
} else {
write.HD5SpMat(varm, nn, Y, compression_level)
factor_info <- varm_annot$create_group(nn)
factor_info[["type"]] <- rowMapTypes(ace)[[nn]]
factor.meta.DF <- rowMapMeta(ace)[[nn]]
if (NCOL(factor.meta.DF) > 0) {
write.HD5DF(factor_info, "annotatation", factor.meta.DF, compression_level = 0)
# Export 'obsp'-associated matrices, i.e. colNets(): obs in AnnData ~ cols in SCE
# ~ cells => cell-cell networks (such as ACTIONet)
CN <- colNets(ace)
if ((length(CN) > 0)) {
obsp <- h5file$create_group("obsp")
CN <- lapply(CN, function(x) as(x, "dMatrix"))
for (i in 1:length(CN)) {
write.HD5SpMat(obsp, gname = names(CN)[[i]], CN[[i]], compression_level = compression_level)
# Export 'varp'-associated matrices, i.e. rowNets(): var in AnnData ~ rows in SCE
# ~ genes => gene-gene networks (such as SCINET)
RN <- rowNets(ace)
if ((length(RN) > 0)) {
varp <- h5file$create_group("varp")
RN <- lapply(RN, function(x) as(x, "dMatrix"))
for (i in 1:length(RN)) {
write.HD5SpMat(varp, gname = names(RN)[[i]], RN[[i]], compression_level = compression_level)
import.h5.data.slot <- function(h5file, gname, attr) {
if (length(attr) == 0 || !("encoding-type" %in% names(attr))) {
X <- h5file[[gname]]$read()
} else {
if (attr[["encoding-type"]] == "array") {
X <- h5file[[gname]]$read()
} else if (attr[["encoding-type"]] == "dataframe") {
X <- as.matrix(read.HD5DF(h5file = h5file, gname = gname))
} else if (attr[["encoding-type"]] %in% c("csr_matrix", "csc_matrix")) {
X <- read.HD5SpMat(h5file = h5file, gname = gname)
} else if (attr[["encoding-type"]] == "categorical") {
X <- read.HD5Categorial(h5file = h5file, gname = gname)
} else if (attr[["encoding-type"]] == "string-array") {
X <- read.HD5StringArray(h5file = h5file, gname = gname)
} else if (attr[["encoding-type"]] == "dict") {
X <- read.HD5Dict(h5file = h5file, gname = gname)
} else if (attr[["encoding-type"]] == "string") {
X <- read.HD5StringArray(h5file = h5file, gname = gname)
} else if (attr[["encoding-type"]] == "numeric-scalar") {
X <- h5file[[gname]]$read()
} else {
stop(sprintf("Unknown format %s for X", attr[["encoding-type"]]))
#' @import hdf5r
#' @export
AnnData2ACE <- function(file,
import_X = TRUE) {
h5file <- H5File$new(file, mode = "r")
objs <- names(h5file)
input_assays <- list()
if ("layers" %in% objs) {
layers <- h5file[["layers"]]
# additional_assays <- vector("list", length(names(layers)))
# names(additional_assays) <- names(layers)
input_assays <- vector("list", length(names(layers)))
names(input_assays) <- names(layers)
for (an in names(layers)) {
attr <- h5attributes(layers[[an]])
# additional_assays[[an]] <- import.h5.data.slot(layers, an, attr)
input_assays[[an]] <- import.h5.data.slot(layers, an, attr)
# input_assays <- c(input_assays, additional_assays)
if (length(input_assays) == 0 && import_X == FALSE) {
stop("input file has no assays.")
} else if (import_X == TRUE) {
X.attr <- h5attributes(h5file[["X"]])
X <- import.h5.data.slot(h5file, "X", X.attr)
# input_assays <- list(X)
# names(input_assays) <- main_assay
input_assays <- c(list("X" = X), input_assays)
default_assay_name <- names(input_assays)[1]
if ("obs" %in% objs) {
obs.DF <- read.HD5DF(h5file = h5file, gname = "obs")
} else {
obs.DF <- DataFrame(row.names = paste("Cell", 1:NCOL(X), sep = ""))
if ("var" %in% objs) {
var.DF <- read.HD5DF(h5file = h5file, gname = "var")
} else {
var.DF <- DataFrame(row.names = paste("Gene", 1:NROW(X), sep = ""))
input_assays <- lapply(input_assays, function(X) {
rownames(X) <- rownames(var.DF)
colnames(X) <- rownames(obs.DF)
ace <- ACTIONetExperiment(assays = input_assays, rowData = var.DF, colData = obs.DF)
metadata(ace)[["default_assay"]] <- default_assay_name
var.DF <- rowData(ace)
if (ncol(var.DF) > 0) {
if (all(colnames(var.DF) %in% c("chr", "start", "end"))) {
GR <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(var.DF, keep.extra.columns = T)
SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges(ace) <- GR
if ("obsm" %in% objs) {
obsm <- h5file[["obsm"]]
for (mn in names(obsm)) {
attr <- h5attributes(obsm[[mn]])
Xr <- import.h5.data.slot(obsm, mn, attr)
if (sum(grepl(pattern = "^X_", mn))) {
nn <- stringr::str_sub(mn, start = 3)
} else {
nn <- mn
if (nrow(Xr) != ncol(ace)) {
Xr <- Matrix::t(Xr)
colMaps(ace)[[nn]] <- Xr
if ("varm" %in% objs) {
varm <- h5file[["varm"]]
for (nn in names(varm)) {
attr <- h5attributes(varm[[nn]])
Xr <- import.h5.data.slot(varm, nn, attr)
if (nrow(Xr) != nrow(ace)) {
Xr <- Matrix::t(Xr)
rowMaps(ace)[[nn]] <- Xr
if ("obsp" %in% objs) {
obsp <- h5file[["obsp"]]
for (pn in names(obsp)) {
attr <- h5attributes(obsp[[pn]])
Net <- import.h5.data.slot(obsp, pn, attr)
colNets(ace)[[pn]] <- Net
if ("varp" %in% objs) {
varp <- h5file[["varp"]]
for (pn in names(varp)) {
attr <- h5attributes(varp[[pn]])
Net <- import.h5.data.slot(varp, pn, attr)
rowNets(ace)[[pn]] <- Net
if ("uns" %in% objs) {
uns <- h5file[["uns"]]
if ("obsm_annot" %in% names(uns)) {
# Import obs annotations
obsm_annot <- uns[["obsm_annot"]]
for (nn in names(obsm_annot)) {
factor_annot <- obsm_annot[[nn]]
colMapTypes(ace)[[nn]] <- factor_annot[["type"]]$read()
if ("annotation" %in% names(factor_annot)) {
DF <- read.HD5DF(factor_annot, "annotation")
colMapMeta(ace)[[nn]] <- DF
if ("varm_annot" %in% names(uns)) {
# Import obs annotations
var_annot <- uns[["varm_annot"]]
for (nn in names(var_annot)) {
factor_annot <- var_annot[[nn]]
rowMapTypes(ace)[[nn]] <- factor_annot[["type"]]$read()
if ("annotation" %in% names(factor_annot)) {
DF <- read.HD5DF(factor_annot, "annotation")
rowMapMeta(ace)[[nn]] <- DF
if ("metadata" %in% names(uns)) {
meta_data_objs <- read.HD5List(uns, "metadata",
depth = 1, max_depth = 10,
compression_level = compression_level
} else {
meta_data_objs <- NULL
meta <- read.HD5List(h5file = h5file, gname = "uns")
meta <- meta[setdiff(names(meta), c("obsm_annot", "varm_annot", "metadata"))]
if (!is.null(meta_data_objs)) {
if (length(meta) == 0) {
meta <- meta_data_objs
} else {
meta <- c(meta_data_objs, meta)
metadata(ace) <- meta
if (!("logcounts" %in% names(assays(ace))) & ("X" %in% names(assays(ace)))) {
X <- assays(ace)[["X"]]
max_samples <- min(100, min(dim(X)))
subX <- X[1:max_samples, 1:max_samples]
x <- as.numeric(subX)
if (length(setdiff(unique(x), 0:max(round(x) + 1))) == 0) {
if (!("counts" %in% names(assays(ace)))) {
names(assays(ace))[which(names(assays(ace)) == "X")] <- "counts"
} else {
if (!("logcounts" %in% names(assays(ace)))) {
names(assays(ace))[which(names(assays(ace)) == "X")] <- "logcounts"
metadata(ace)[["default_assay"]] <- "logcounts"
} else {
metadata(ace)[["default_assay"]] <- "X"
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