
Defines functions sampleTracks filterOnCell maskTracks posTracks trackCenter maskPoint

Documented in filterOnCell maskPoint maskTracks sampleTracks

## maskTracks-methods
##' @name maskTracks
##' @aliases maskTracks filterOnCell sampleTracks
##' @title maskTracks
##' @rdname maskTracks-methods
##' @docType methods

##' @description apply binary image masks to lists of track lists
##' @usage
##' maskTracks(folder, trackll)
##' filterOnCell(trackll, numTracks = 0)
##' sampleTracks(trackll, num = 0)

##' @param folder Full path to the output files.
##' @param trackll A list of track lists.
##' @param numTracks Minimum number of required tracks in the trackll
##' @param num Number of tracks to randomly sample per trackl in trackll
##' @return masked tracks in trackll format
##' @examples
##' #Basic masking with folder path with image masks
##' folder = system.file('extdata','ImageJ',package='sojourner')
##' trackll = createTrackll(folder=folder, input=3)
##' trackll.masked <- maskTracks(folder = folder, trackll = trackll)
##' #Compare the masking effect
##' plotTrackOverlay(trackll)
##' plotTrackOverlay(trackll.masked)
##' #Plot mask
##' mask.list=list.files(path=folder,pattern='_MASK.tif',full.names=TRUE)
##' plotMask(folder)
##' #If Nuclear image is available
##' plotNucTrackOverlay(folder=folder,trackll=trackll)
##' plotNucTrackOverlay(folder=folder,trackll=trackll.masked)
##' #Plot mask
##' plotMask(folder=folder)

##' @details
##' IMPORTANT: It will take an extremely long time to mask large datasets. 
##' Filter/trim first using filterTrack() and trimTrack(), then mask using 
##' maskTracks(folder, trackll)! 
##' Note the mask file should have the same name as the output files with a 
##' '_MASK.tif' ending. 
##' If there are more mask files than trackll, masking will fail. If there are 
##' less mask files, trackls without masks will be deleted. Users can use 
##' plotMask() and plotTrackOverlay() to see the mask and its effect on 
##' screening tracks.
##' filterOnCell() eliminates all trackl in trackll that has less than 
##' numTracks tracks.
##' sampleTracks() randomly samples num number of tracks for each trackl in 
##' trackll.

##' @importFrom pixmap getChannels
##' @export maskTracks
##' @export filterOnCell
##' @export sampleTracks

## read in mask and derive positive pix form a mask
maskPoint = function(mask.file, plot = FALSE) {
    mask.file.name = basename(mask.file)
    # read in tiff mask library(rtiff)
    cat("Reading mask file    ", mask.file.name, "\n")
    # mask = rtiff::readTiff(fn = mask.file)
    mask = tiff2pixmap(fn = mask.file)
    # plot(mask)
    pospt = which(mask@red != 0, arr.ind = TRUE)
    pos.point = with(data.frame(pospt), data.frame(x = col, y = row))
    # horizontal is the same vertical is fliped as the pixels is counted
    # from upper left in the image, but is counted from lower left in the
    # plot.
    if (plot) {
        plot(x = pos.point$x, y = pos.point$y)
        # ggplot(pos.point,aes(x=x,y=y))+geom_point()

## Use each trajectory's geometric center as unit for clusterization.
## Each data point is an averaged trajectory.

trackCenter = function(trackll) {
    # arithmetic mean for geometric center (centroid)
    track.center = list()
    length(track.center) = length(trackll)
    names(track.center) = names(trackll)
    for (i in seq_along(trackll)) {
        track.center[[i]] = lapply(trackll[[i]], function(x) {
            # round coords
            apply(x, 2, function(coord) {

## track.center and pos.point should be one to one cooresponding
posTracks = function(track.center, pos.point) {
    # convert list to data.frame
    track.center.df = do.call(rbind.data.frame, track.center)
    names(track.center.df) = c("x", "y", "z", "Frame")
    # change rownames to number to avoid PC mac difference in rowname when
    # do.call rbind
    rownames(track.center.df) = seq(1, dim(track.center.df)[1])
    pos.tracks = plyr::match_df(track.center.df, pos.point, on = c("x", 


maskTracks = function(folder, trackll) {
    # read in mask
    maskl = list.files(path = folder, pattern = "_MASK.tif", full.names = TRUE)
    if (length(maskl) == 0) {
        cat("No image mask file ending '_MASK.tif' found.\n")
    if (length(maskl) > length(trackll)) {
        stop("More masks than trackl.\n")
    # make mask list and trackll one-to-one, delete extra trackl
    maskl.check = list()
    maskl.names = gsub("_MASK.tif", "", basename(maskl))
    trackll.names = gsub("[.].*", "", names(trackll))
    for (i in seq_along(trackll.names)) {
        found = FALSE
        for (j in seq_along(maskl.names)) {
            if (trackll.names[[i]] == maskl.names[[j]]) {
                maskl.check[[length(maskl.check) + 1]] = maskl[j]
                found = TRUE
        if (!found) {
                "mask not found. Trackl deleted from masked output.\n", 
                sep = " "))
            trackll[[i]] <- NULL
    maskl = maskl.check
    mask.track.index = list()
    length(mask.track.index) = length(trackll)
    names(mask.track.index) = names(trackll)
    masked.tracks = list()
    length(masked.tracks) = length(trackll)
    names(masked.tracks) = names(trackll)
    for (i in seq_along(trackll)) {
        ## Finds all track centers
        track.center = trackCenter(trackll)[[i]]
        ## Returns all positive mask pixel locations
        pos.point = maskPoint(maskl[[i]], plot = FALSE)
        ## Filters all positive track centers
        mask.track.index[[i]] = posTracks(track.center, pos.point)
        ## Collects track indexes to keep
        index = rownames(mask.track.index[[i]])
        ## Filters only such indexes in the raw trackll[i]
        masked.tracks[[i]] = lapply(trackll[i], function(x) {
    cat("\nAll files masked.\n")

# Function masks, separates by cell, displays cell areas and mean
# intensities, and filters.
# indexCell = function(folder, trackll, areaFilter = c(0, Inf), 
#     intensityFilter = c(0, Inf), export = FALSE, max.pixel = 128) {
#     # Read in mask
#     maskl = list.files(path = folder, pattern = "_MASK.tif", full.names = TRUE)
#     # Read in nuclear image
#     glowl = list.files(path = folder, pattern = "_Nuclei.tif", 
#         full.names = TRUE)
#     if (length(maskl) == 0) {
#         cat("No image mask file ending '_MASK.tif' found.\n")
#     }
#     if (length(maskl) > length(trackll)) {
#         stop("More masks than trackl.\n")
#     }
#     # Make mask list and trackll one-to-one and onto, delete extra trackl
#     maskl.check = list()
#     maskl.names = gsub("_MASK.tif", "", basename(maskl))
#     trackll.names = gsub("[.].*", "", names(trackll))
#     for (i in seq_along(trackll.names)) {
#         found = FALSE
#         for (j in seq_along(maskl.names)) {
#             if (trackll.names[[i]] == maskl.names[[j]]) {
#                 maskl.check[[length(maskl.check) + 1]] = maskl[j]
#                 found = TRUE
#                 break
#             }
#         }
#         if (!found) {
#             cat(paste(names(trackll)[[i]], 
#                 "mask not found. Trackl deleted from masked output.\n", 
#                 sep = " "))
#             trackll[[i]] <- NULL
#         }
#     }
#     maskl = maskl.check
#     # Instantiate new variables
#     masked.trackll = list()
#     raw.names = names(trackll)
#     cell.count = list()
#     length(cell.count) = length(trackll)
#     areas = list()
#     intensities = list()
#     ## Find all track centers
#     track.center = trackCenter(trackll)
#     # Loop through each trackl
#     for (i in seq_along(trackll)) {
#         ## Returns all positive mask pixel locations
#         invisible(capture.output(pos.point <- maskPoint(maskl[[i]], 
#             plot = FALSE)))
#         # Instantiate empty
#         binary.mat = matrix(rep(0, len = max.pixel * max.pixel), 
#             nrow = max.pixel)
#         # Fill with binary pospoints
#         for (m in seq_len(nrow(pos.point))) {
#             binary.mat[pos.point[[1]][[m]], pos.point[[2]][[m]]] = 1
#         }
#         # Calculate connected components and label accordingly
#         labeled.mat <- SDMTools::ConnCompLabel(binary.mat)
#         # image(t(labeled.mat[128:1,]),col=c('grey',
#         # rainbow(length(unique(labeled.mat))-1)))
#         pos.points.indexed = list()
#         length(pos.points.indexed) = max(labeled.mat)
#         # Convert labeled.mat to lists of pos.points per cell
#         for (j in seq_len(nrow(pos.point))) {
#             pos.points.indexed[[labeled.mat[pos.point[j, ]$x, pos.point[j, 
#                 ]$y]]] <- rbind(pos.points.indexed[[labeled.mat[pos.point[j, 
#                 ]$x, pos.point[j, ]$y]]], pos.point[j, ])
#         }
#         ## Display Area ##
#         cat(maskl.names[[i]], "\n", "Cell Areas (pixels squared): ", "\n", 
#             sep = "")
#         areal <- vapply(pos.points.indexed, nrow, FUN.VALUE=integer(1))
#         cat(cat(areal, sep = "\n"))
#         areas <- append(areas, areal)
#         ## Display Intensity ##
#         glow = t(matrix(pixmap::getChannels(rtiff::readTiff(glowl[[i]])), 
#             nrow = max.pixel, ncol = max.pixel))
#         raw.intensities = rep(list(list()), max(labeled.mat))
#         for (row in seq_len(nrow(labeled.mat))) {
#             for (col in seq_len(ncol(labeled.mat))) {
#                 if (labeled.mat[row, col] != 0) {
#                     raw.intensities[[labeled.mat[row, col]]][[length(
#                         raw.intensities[[labeled.mat[row, col]]]) + 1]] = 
#                         glow[row, col]
#                 }
#             }
#         }
#         cat("Cell Intensities (grayscale): ", "\n", sep = "")
#         intensityl <- list()
#         for (cell in seq_along(raw.intensities)) {
#             intensityl[[cell]] <- mean(unlist(raw.intensities[[cell]]))
#             cat(paste(intensityl[[cell]], "\n"))
#         }
#         cat("\n")
#         intensities <- append(intensities, intensityl)
#         # Update cell count per trackl
#         cell.count[[i]] <- length(pos.points.indexed)
#         # Loop through each cell
#         for (k in seq_along(pos.points.indexed)) {
#             mask.track.index = list()
#             length(mask.track.index) = length(trackll)
#             names(mask.track.index) = names(trackll)
#             ## Filters all positive track centers
#             mask.track.index[[k]] = posTracks(track.center[[i]], 
#                 pos.points.indexed[[k]])
#             ## Collects track indexes to keep
#             index = rownames(mask.track.index[[k]])
#             ## Filters only such indexes in the raw trackll[i]
#             masked.trackll[[length(masked.trackll) + 1]] = lapply(trackll[i], 
#                 function(x) {
#                   x[as.numeric(index)]
#                 })[[1]]
#         }
#     }
#     # print(areas, row.names = FALSE) print(intensities, row.names = FALSE)
#     # Edit the names with concatenated cell number to trackl names
#     masked.names = list()
#     for (c in seq_along(cell.count)) {
#         for (v in seq_len(cell.count[[c]])) {
#             masked.names[[length(masked.names) + 1]] <- paste(raw.names[c], 
#                 toString(v), sep = "_")
#         }
#     }
#     names(masked.trackll) <- masked.names
#     if (export) {
#         df <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 0))
#         colnames(df) <- c("Cell", "Area (pixel sq)", "Intensity (grayscale)")
#     }
#     # Filter
#     j = 1
#     for (i in seq_along(areas)) {
#         if (areas[[i]] > areaFilter[[2]] || areas[[i]] < areaFilter[[1]] || 
#             intensities[[i]] > intensityFilter[[2]] || intensities[[i]] < 
#             intensityFilter[[1]]) {
#             masked.trackll[[j]] <- NULL
#         } else {
#             if (export) {
#                 df[nrow(df) + 1, ] = list(names(masked.trackll)[[j]], 
#                     areas[[i]], 
#                     intensities[[i]])
#             }
#             j = j + 1
#         }
#     }
#     cat("\nOnly cell with areas between ", areaFilter[[1]], " and ", 
#         areaFilter[[2]], " pixels sq kept.", sep = "")
#     cat("\nOnly cell with avg intensities between ", intensityFilter[[1]], 
#         " and ", intensityFilter[[2]], " grayscale kept.", sep = "")
#     if (export) {
#         write.csv(df, file = "indexCell.csv")
#         cat("\nindexCell.csv exported to working directory.")
#     }
#     cat(paste("\n\nAll files masked,", 
#         "separated by cell indexes, and filters applied.\n"))
#     return(masked.trackll)
# }

filterOnCell = function(trackll, numTracks = 0) {
    if (numTracks == 0) {
        cat("\nEnter a lower limit for number of tracks.\n")
    } else {
        i = 1
        while (i != length(trackll)) {
            if (length(trackll[[i]]) < numTracks) {
                trackll[[i]] <- NULL
            } else {
                i = i + 1

sampleTracks = function(trackll, num = 0) {
    if (num == 0) {
        cat("\nEnter sample size.\n")
    } else {
        for (i in seq_along(trackll)) {
            trackll[[i]] <- sample(trackll[[i]], num)
sheng-liu/sojourner documentation built on April 2, 2021, 2:30 a.m.