# Package: SpatialPCA
# Version: 1.1.0
# Date : 2021-10-27
# Title : Spatially Aware Dimension Reduction for Spatial Transcriptomics
# Authors: L. Shang and X. Zhou
# Contacts: shanglu@umich.edu
# University of Michigan, Department of Biostatistics
#' Obtain PCA low dimensional components for dimension reduction methods comparison.
#' @param expr Normalized gene expression g by n matrix. g is gene number, n is sample size.
#' @param PCnum Number of PCs.
#' @return A d by n matrix of low dimensional components from PCA. d is number of low dimensional components, n is sample size.
#' @export
get_PCA = function(expr,PCnum){
k = dim(expr)[1]
for(i_k in 1:k){
Z_pca = t(A_ini) %*% output_sub_mean
#' Obtain NMF low dimensional components for dimension reduction methods comparison.
#' @param count Count expression g by n matrix. g is gene number, n is sample size.
#' @param PCnum Number of PCs.
#' @return A d by n matrix of low dimensional components from NMF. d is number of low dimensional components, which is same as number of Spatial PCs in SpatialPCA. n is sample size.
#' @export
get_NMF = function(count, PCnum){
#expr = log(count+1) # non negative
sce <- SingleCellExperiment(list(counts=count))
sce <- logNormCounts(sce)
#sce <- runNMF(sce,ncomponents = PCnum)
res <- scater::calculateNMF(sce, ncomponents = PCnum)
Z_NMF = t(res)
#' @title Obtain clustering cluster labels through louvain method.
#' @description This function performs louvain clustering on input low dimensional components.
#' @param clusternum The desired number of clusters the user wants to obtain.
#' @param latent_dat A d by n matrix of low dimensional components, d is number of PCs, n is number of spots.
#' @param knearest An integers, number of nearest neighbors for KNN graph construction in louvain clustering.
#' @return The cluster labels.
#' @export
louvain_clustering = function(clusternum, latent_dat,knearest=100){
# suppressMessages(require(FNN))
# suppressMessages(require(igraph))
# suppressMessages(require(bluster))
PCvalues = latent_dat
info.spatial = as.data.frame(t(PCvalues))
colnames(info.spatial) = paste0("factor", 1:nrow(PCvalues))
knn.norm = FNN::get.knn(as.matrix(t(PCvalues)), k = knearest)
knn.norm = data.frame(from = rep(1:nrow(knn.norm$nn.index),
k=knearest), to = as.vector(knn.norm$nn.index), weight = 1/(1 + as.vector(knn.norm$nn.dist)))
nw.norm = igraph::graph_from_data_frame(knn.norm, directed = FALSE)
nw.norm = igraph::simplify(nw.norm)
lc.norm = igraph::cluster_louvain(nw.norm)
merged <- bluster::mergeCommunities(nw.norm, lc.norm$membership, number=clusternum)
clusterlabel = as.character(as.integer(as.factor(paste0("cluster",merged))))
#' @title Obtain clustering cluster labels through walktrap method.
#' @description This function performs walktrap clustering on input low dimensional components.
#' @param clusternum The desired number of clusters the user wants to obtain.
#' @param latent_dat A d by n matrix of low dimensional components, d is number of PCs, n is number of spots.
#' @param knearest An integers, number of nearest neighbors for SNN graph construction in walktrap clustering.
#' @return The cluster labels.
#' @export
walktrap_clustering = function(clusternum, latent_dat,knearest=100){
# suppressMessages(require(bluster))
# suppressMessages(require(igraph))
PCvalues = latent_dat
g <- bluster::makeSNNGraph(as.matrix(t(PCvalues)),k = knearest)
#clusters <- igraph::cluster_fast_greedy(g)$membership
g_walk <- igraph::cluster_walktrap(g)
cluster_label_new = as.character(igraph::cut_at(g_walk, no=clusternum))
#' @title Refine clustering results for 10x ST or Visium data.
#' @description This function refines spatial clustering of ST or Visium data.
#' @param clusterlabels The cluster label obtained (e.g. from louvain method or walktrap method).
#' @param location A n by 2 location matrix of spots.
#' @param shape Select shape='hexagon' for Visium data, 'square' for ST data.
#' @return The refined cluster labels.
#' @export
refine_cluster_10x = function(clusterlabels, location, shape="square"){
dis_df = as.matrix(dist(location))
num_obs = 4
}else if(shape == "hexagon"){
num_obs = 6
print("Select shape='hexagon' for Visium data, 'square' for ST data.")
refined_pred = clusterlabels
for(i in 1:length(clusterlabels)){
nearby_spot_ind = order(dis_df[i,])[1:(num_obs+1)]
labels_nearby_spot_ind = refined_pred[nearby_spot_ind] # use updated cluster
spot_of_interest = refined_pred[i]
labels_table = table(labels_nearby_spot_ind)
if( labels_table[spot_of_interest]<num_obs/2 & max(labels_table)>num_obs/2){
refined_pred[i] = names(labels_table)[which.max(labels_table)]
refined_pred[i] = spot_of_interest
#' @title Visualize PCs on their locations.
#' @description This function visualizes the low dimensional component values.
#' @param location A n cell by k dimension of location matrix. n is cell number, k=2 if the spots are on 2D space.
#' @param PCs A d by n matrix of low dimensional components.
#' @param textmethod A text string of the name of method used to extract latent factors, e.g. "SpatialPCA" or "PCA". It will be shown as the title of the figures.
#' @param pointsize The point size of each location for visualization.
#' @param textsize The text size in the figure legend.
#' @return A list of ggplot objects for factor value plots.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
plot_factor_value = function(location, PCs,textmethod,pointsize=2,textsize=15){
location = as.data.frame(location)
p = list()
for(k in 1:PCnum){
locc1 = location[,1]
locc2 = location[,2]
PC_value = PCs[k,]
datt = data.frame(PC_value, locc1, locc2)
p[[k]] = ggplot(datt, aes(x = locc1, y = locc2, color = PC_value)) +
geom_point(size=pointsize, alpha = 1) +
scale_color_gradientn(colours = c("#4E84C4", "#FFDB6D")) +
ggtitle(paste0(textmethod," PC ",k))+
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = textsize),
text = element_text(size = textsize),
#axis.title = element_text(face="bold"),
#axis.text.x=element_text(size = 22) ,
legend.position = "bottom")
#' @title Visualize cluster labels on locations.
#' @description This function visualizes cluster labels on locations.
#' @param location A n by k matrix of spot locations.
#' @param clusterlabel A vector of cluster labels for spots.
#' @param pointsize An integer, the point size of each spot.
#' @param textsize An integer, the text size in the legend.
#' @param title_in A character string, the title you want to display at the top of the figure.
#' @param color_in A vector of colors for each cluster.
#' @param legend A character string, the position of the figure legend. Select from "top", "bottom","left" or "right".
#' @return A ggplot object.
#' @export
plot_cluster = function(location, clusterlabel, pointsize=3,text_size=15 ,title_in,color_in,legend="none"){
cluster = clusterlabel
datt = data.frame(cluster, loc_x, loc_y)
p = ggplot(datt, aes(x = location[,1], y = location[,2], color = cluster)) +
geom_point( alpha = 1,size=pointsize) +
scale_color_manual(values = color_in)+
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = text_size, face = "bold"),
text = element_text(size = text_size),
#axis.title = element_text(face="bold"),
#axis.text.x=element_text(size = 15) ,
legend.position =legend)
#' @title Visualize RGB plot from tSNE.
#' @description We summarized the inferred low dimensional components into three tSNE components and visualized the three resulting components with red/green/blue (RGB) colors in the RGB plot.
#' @param location A n by k location matrix. n is spot number.
#' @param latent_dat A d by n matrix of low dimensional components.
#' @param pointsize The point size of each spot.
#' @param textsize The text size in the legend.
#' @return A list.
#' \item{RGB}{A data frame with five columns: x coordinate, y coordinate, R, G, and B color index}
#' \item{figure}{A ggplot object for RGB plot from tSNE}
#' @import Rtsne
#' @export
plot_RGB_tSNE=function(location, latent_dat,pointsize=2,textsize=15){
# suppressMessages(require(Rtsne))
info = as.data.frame(location)
colnames(info) = c("sdimx","sdimy")
PCvalues = latent_dat
tsne <- Rtsne(t(PCvalues),dims=3,check_duplicates = FALSE)
r = (tsne$Y[,1]-min(tsne$Y[,1]))/(max(tsne$Y[,1])-min(tsne$Y[,1]))
g = (tsne$Y[,2]-min(tsne$Y[,2]))/(max(tsne$Y[,2])-min(tsne$Y[,2]))
b = (tsne$Y[,3]-min(tsne$Y[,3]))/(max(tsne$Y[,3])-min(tsne$Y[,3]))
x = info$sdimx
y = info$sdimy
dat = data.frame(x,y,r,g,b)
p1=ggplot(data=dat, aes(x=x, y=y, col=rgb(r,g,b))) +
geom_point(size=pointsize) +
ggtitle(paste0("RGB tSNE"))+
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = textsize),
text = element_text(size = textsize),
#axis.title = element_text(face="bold"),
#axis.text.x=element_text(size = 22) ,
legend.position = "bottom")
#' @title Visualize RGB plot from UMAP.
#' @description We summarized the inferred low dimensional components into three UMAP. components and visualized the three resulting components with red/green/blue (RGB) colors in the RGB plot.
#' @param location A n by k location matrix. n is spot number.
#' @param latent_dat A d by n matrix of low dimensional components.
#' @param pointsize The point size of each spot.
#' @param textsize The text size in the legend.
#' @return A list.
#' \item{RGB}{A data frame with five columns: x coordinate, y coordinate, R, G, and B color index}
#' \item{figure}{A ggplot object for RGB plot from UMAP.}
#' @import umap
#' @export
plot_RGB_UMAP=function(location, latent_dat,pointsize=2,textsize=15){
# suppressMessages(require(umap))
info = as.data.frame(location)
colnames(info) = c("sdimx","sdimy")
PCvalues = latent_dat
umap <- umap(t(PCvalues),n_components = 3)
r = (umap$layout[,1]-min(umap$layout[,1]))/(max(umap$layout[,1])-min(umap$layout[,1]))
g = (umap$layout[,2]-min(umap$layout[,2]))/(max(umap$layout[,2])-min(umap$layout[,2]))
b = (umap$layout[,3]-min(umap$layout[,3]))/(max(umap$layout[,3])-min(umap$layout[,3]))
x = info$sdimx
y = info$sdimy
dat = data.frame(x,y,r,g,b)
p1=ggplot(data=dat, aes(x=x, y=y, col=rgb(r,g,b))) +
geom_point(size=pointsize) +
ggtitle(paste0("RGB UMAP"))+
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = textsize),
text = element_text(size = textsize),
#axis.title = element_text(face="bold"),
#axis.text.x=element_text(size = 22) ,
legend.position = "bottom")
#' @title Visualize pseudotimes on locations.
#' @description This function visualizes pseudotimes on locations.
#' @param pseudotime A length n vector of pseudotime inferred from Slingshot.
#' @param location A n by 2 data frame of spot locations.
#' @param clusterlabels A vector of integers, the cluster labels for each spot
#' @param gridnum Number of grids that evenly segment the whole tissue section.
#' @param color_in A vector of character strings representing colors for each cluster.
#' @param pointsize An integer, the point size of each spot
#' @param arrowlength An integer, the length of arrows inside a grid between one spot with smallest pseudotime and largest pseudotime.
#' @param arrowsize An integer, the size of arrows inside a grid between one spot with smallest pseudotime and largest pseudotime.
#' @param textsize An integer, the size of text in the figure.
#' @return A ggplot object.
#' \item{Pseudotime}{A ggplot object visualizing pseudotime on locations.}
#' \item{Arrowplot1}{A ggplot object for arrows pointing from smallest pseudotime and largest pseudotime in each grid.}
#' \item{Arrowplot2}{A ggplot object for arrows pointing from largest pseudotime and smallest pseudotime in each grid.}
#' \item{Arrowoverlay1}{A ggplot object for arrows pointing from smallest pseudotime and largest pseudotime in each grid, overlayed on clustering plot.}
#' \item{Arrowoverlay2}{A ggplot object for arrows pointing from largest pseudotime and smallest pseudotime in each grid, overlayed on clustering plot.}
#' @export
plot_trajectory = function(pseudotime, location,clusterlabels,gridnum,color_in,pointsize=5 ,arrowlength=0.2,arrowsize=1,textsize=22){
info = as.data.frame(location)
colnames(info) = c("sdimx","sdimy")
grids = gridnum
min_x = min(info$sdimx)
min_y = min(info$sdimy)
max_x = max(info$sdimx)
max_y = max(info$sdimy)
x_anchor = c()
for(x_i in 1:(grids+1)){
space_x = (max_x - min_x)/grids
x_anchor[x_i] = min_x+(x_i-1)*space_x
y_anchor = c()
for(y_i in 1:(grids+1)){
space_y = (max_y - min_y)/grids
y_anchor[y_i] = min_y+(y_i-1)*space_y
# label square by num_x, num_y
count = 0
squares = list()
direction_pseudotime_point = list()
start_x_dat = c()
start_y_dat = c()
end_x_dat = c()
end_y_dat = c()
for(num_x in 1:grids){
for(num_y in 1:grids){
filter_x = which(info$sdimx >= x_anchor[num_x] & info$sdimx <= x_anchor[num_x+1])
filter_y = which(info$sdimy >= y_anchor[num_y] & info$sdimy <= y_anchor[num_y+1])
# find points in each grid
points_in_grid = intersect(filter_x, filter_y)
# find min pseudotime and max pseudotime in each grid
if(length(points_in_grid)>1 & sum(which.min(pseudotime_use[points_in_grid]))>0){
count = count + 1
squares[[count]]= intersect(filter_x, filter_y)
direction_pseudotime_point[[count]] = list()
direction_pseudotime_point[[count]]$min_point = info[squares[[count]][which.min(pseudotime_use[squares[[count]]])],]
direction_pseudotime_point[[count]]$max_point = info[squares[[count]][which.max(pseudotime_use[squares[[count]]])],]
start_x_dat[count] = unlist(direction_pseudotime_point[[count]]$min_point$sdimx)
start_y_dat[count] = unlist(direction_pseudotime_point[[count]]$min_point$sdimy)
end_x_dat[count] = unlist(direction_pseudotime_point[[count]]$max_point$sdimx)
end_y_dat[count] = unlist(direction_pseudotime_point[[count]]$max_point$sdimy)
loc1 = info$sdimx
loc2 = info$sdimy
time = pseudotime_use+0.01
datt = data.frame(time, loc1, loc2)
datt2 = data.frame(start_x_dat, start_y_dat, end_x_dat, end_y_dat)
p01=ggplot(datt, aes(x = loc1, y = loc2, color = time)) +
geom_point( alpha = 1,size=pointsize) +
scale_color_gradientn(colours = c("red", "green")) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = textsize, face = "bold"),
text = element_text(size = textsize),
legend.position = "bottom")
p02= ggplot()+
geom_segment(aes(x = start_x_dat, y = start_y_dat, xend = end_x_dat, yend = end_y_dat,colour = "black"),
arrow = arrow(length = unit(arrowlength,"cm")),size=arrowsize,color="black",data = datt2) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = textsize, face = "bold"),
text = element_text(size = textsize),
legend.position = "bottom")
p03= ggplot()+
geom_segment(aes(x = end_x_dat, y = end_y_dat, xend = start_x_dat, yend = start_y_dat,colour = "black"),
arrow = arrow(length = unit(arrowlength,"cm")),size=arrowsize,color="black",data = datt2) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = textsize, face = "bold"),
text = element_text(size = textsize),
legend.position = "bottom")
time = pseudotime_use+0.1
datt1 = data.frame(time, loc1, loc2)
p1 = ggplot(datt1, aes(x = loc1, y = loc2)) +
geom_point( alpha =1,size=pointsize,aes(color=clusterlabels)) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = textsize, face = "bold"),
text = element_text(size = textsize),
legend.position = "bottom")
datt2 = data.frame(start_x_dat, start_y_dat, end_x_dat, end_y_dat)
p2= geom_segment(aes(x = start_x_dat, y = start_y_dat, xend = end_x_dat, yend = end_y_dat,colour = "segment"),
arrow = arrow(length = unit(arrowlength,"cm")),size=arrowsize,arrow.fill="black",data = datt2)
time = pseudotime_use+0.1
datt1 = data.frame(time, loc1, loc2)
p1 = ggplot(datt1, aes(x = loc1, y = loc2)) +
geom_point( alpha =1,size=pointsize,aes(color=clusterlabels)) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = textsize, face = "bold"),
text = element_text(size = textsize),
legend.position = "bottom")
datt2 = data.frame(start_x_dat, start_y_dat, end_x_dat, end_y_dat)
p2= geom_segment(aes(x = end_x_dat, y = end_y_dat, xend = start_x_dat, yend = start_y_dat,colour = "segment"),
arrow = arrow(length = unit(arrowlength,"cm")),size=arrowsize,arrow.fill="black",data = datt2)
#' @title Calculate CHAOS score to measure clustering performance.
#' @description CHAOS score measures the spatial continuity of the detected spatial domains.
#' Lower CHAOS score indicates better spatial domian clustering performance.
#' @param clusterlabel Cluster labels.
#' @param location A n by k matrix of spatial locations.
#' @return A numeric value for CHAOS score.
#' @import parallel
#' @export
fx_CHAOS = function(clusterlabel, location){
# require(parallel)
NAs = which(is.na(clusterlabel))
matched_location = matched_location[-NAs,]
matched_location = scale(matched_location)
dist_val = rep(0,length(unique(clusterlabel)))
count = 0
for(k in unique(clusterlabel)){
count = count + 1
location_cluster = matched_location[which(clusterlabel == k),]
results = mclapply(1:dim(location_cluster)[1], fx_1NN, location_in=location_cluster,mc.cores = 5)
dist_val[count] = sum(unlist(results))
dist_val = na.omit(dist_val)
#' @title Calculate PAS score to measure clustering performance.
#' @description PAS score measures the randomness of the spots that located outside of the spatial region where it was clustered to.
#' Lower PAS score indicates better spatial domian clustering performance.
#' @param clusterlabel Cluster labels.
#' @param location A n by k matrix of spatial locations.
#' @return A numeric value for PAS score.
#' @import parallel
#' @export
fx_PAS = function(clusterlabel, location){
# require(parallel)
NAs = which(is.na(clusterlabel))
matched_location = matched_location[-NAs,]
results = mclapply(1:dim(matched_location)[1], fx_kNN, location_in=matched_location,k=10,cluster_in=clusterlabel, mc.cores = 5)
#' @import pdist
fx_1NN = function(i,location_in){
# library(pdist)
line_i = rep(0,dim(location_in)[1])
line_i = pdist(location_in[i,],location_in[-i,])@dist
#' @import pdist
fx_kNN = function(i,location_in,k,cluster_in){
line_i = rep(0,dim(location_in)[1])
line_i = pdist(location_in[i,],location_in[-i,])@dist
ind = order(line_i)[1:k]
cluster_use = cluster_in[-i]
if(sum(cluster_use[ind] != cluster_in[i])>(k/2)){
# mapDrugToColor<-function(annotations){
# colorsVector = ifelse(annotations["category"]=="Cluster1",
# "red", ifelse(annotations["category"]=="Cluster2",
# "orange",ifelse(annotations["category"]=="Cluster3",
# "yellow",ifelse(annotations["category"]=="Cluster4",
# "green",ifelse(annotations["category"]=="Cluster5",
# "blue",ifelse(annotations["category"]=="Cluster6",
# "purple",ifelse(annotations["category"]=="Cluster7",
# "skyblue",ifelse(annotations["category"]=="Cluster8",
# "black","grey"))))))))
# return(colorsVector)
# }
# testHeatmap3<-function(logCPM, annotations) {
# sampleColors = mapDrugToColor(annotations)
# # Assign just column annotations
# heatmap3(logCPM, margins=c(10,10),
# ColSideColors=sampleColors,scale="none",
# col = colorRampPalette(c( "#0072B2","#F0E442", "#D16103"))(1024),
# Rowv=NA,
# Colv=NA,
# xlab = "Cell ID",
# ylab = "Marker genes",
# showColDendro = F,
# showRowDendro = F)
# #Assign column annotations and make a custom legend for them
# heatmap3(logCPM, margins=c(10,10), ColSideColors=sampleColors,
# scale="none",
# col = colorRampPalette(c( "#0072B2", "#F0E442","#D16103"))(1024),
# legendfun=function()showLegend(legend=paste0("Cluster",1:7), col=c("red", "orange", "yellow","green","blue","purple","skyblue"), cex=1),
# Rowv=NA,
# Colv=NA,
# xlab = "Cell ID",
# ylab = "Marker genes",
# showColDendro = F,
# showRowDendro = F)
# #Assign column annotations as a mini-graph instead of colors,
# #and use the built-in labeling for them
# ColSideAnn<-data.frame(Cluster=annotations[["category"]])
# heatmap3(logCPM, ColSideAnn=ColSideAnn,
# #ColSideFun=function(x)showAnn(x),
# margins=c(10,10),
# ColSideWidth=0.8,
# Rowv=NA,
# Colv=NA,
# xlab = "Cell ID",
# ylab = "Marker genes",
# showColDendro = F,
# showRowDendro = F)
# }
# plot_celltype_barplot_total100 = function(clusternum, celltypes, meta_data_RCTD,method,color_in,textsize=22){
# if(method == "SpatialPCA"){
# percentage = matrix(0,clusternum,celltypes)
# for(k in 1:clusternum){
# metadata_sub = meta_data_RCTD[which(meta_data_RCTD$SpatialPCA_Louvain==k ),]
# match_type = metadata_sub$celltype
# percentage[k,] = round(unlist(table(match_type))/dim(meta_data_RCTD)[1]*100,2)
# }
# }else if (method == "PCA"){
# percentage = matrix(0,clusternum,celltypes)
# for(k in 1:clusternum){
# metadata_sub = meta_data_RCTD[which(meta_data_RCTD$PCA_Louvain==k ),]
# match_type = metadata_sub$celltype
# percentage[k,] = round(unlist(table(match_type))/dim(meta_data_RCTD)[1]*100,2)
# }
# }else if (method == "NMF"){
# percentage = matrix(0,clusternum,celltypes)
# for(k in 1:clusternum){
# metadata_sub = meta_data_RCTD[which(meta_data_RCTD$NMF_Louvain==k ),]
# match_type = metadata_sub$celltype
# percentage[k,] = round(unlist(table(match_type))/dim(meta_data_RCTD)[1]*100,2)
# }
# }else if (method == "HMRF"){
# percentage = matrix(0,clusternum,celltypes)
# for(k in 1:clusternum){
# metadata_sub = meta_data_RCTD[which(meta_data_RCTD$HMRF==k ),]
# match_type = metadata_sub$celltype
# percentage[k,] = round(unlist(table(match_type))/dim(meta_data_RCTD)[1]*100,2)
# }
# }
# celltype = names(table(match_type))
# rownames(percentage) = paste0("Cluster",1:clusternum)
# colnames(percentage) = names(table(match_type))
# percentage_vec = c(percentage)
# cluster = c(rep(c(paste0("Cluster",1:clusternum)),celltypes))
# celltype = c(rep(celltype,each=clusternum))
# dat = data.frame(cluster, percentage_vec,celltype)
# dat$cluster = factor(cluster, level=paste0("Cluster",1:clusternum))
# p = ggplot(dat, aes(y = percentage_vec,
# x = factor(cluster), fill = celltype)) + ## global aes
# scale_fill_manual(values=color_in)+
# geom_bar(position="stack", stat="identity",width=0.8,color="grey2") +
# theme_classic()+xlab("")+ylab("")+
# theme(plot.title = element_text(size = textsize),
# text = element_text(size = textsize),
# #axis.title = element_text(face="bold"),
# #axis.text.x=element_text(size = 12,angle = 60,hjust = 1) ,
# #axis.text.x=element_blank(),
# legend.position = "right")# +
# p
# }
# plot_celltype_barplot_each100 = function(clusternum, celltypes, meta_data_RCTD,method,color_in,textsize=22){
# if(method == "SpatialPCA"){
# percentage = matrix(0,clusternum,celltypes)
# for(k in 1:clusternum){
# metadata_sub = meta_data_RCTD[which(meta_data_RCTD$SpatialPCA_Louvain==k ),]
# match_type = metadata_sub$celltype
# percentage[k,] = round(unlist(table(match_type))/dim(metadata_sub)[1]*100,2)
# }
# }else if (method == "PCA"){
# percentage = matrix(0,clusternum,celltypes)
# for(k in 1:clusternum){
# metadata_sub = meta_data_RCTD[which(meta_data_RCTD$PCA_Louvain==k ),]
# match_type = metadata_sub$celltype
# percentage[k,] = round(unlist(table(match_type))/dim(metadata_sub)[1]*100,2)
# }
# }else if (method == "NMF"){
# percentage = matrix(0,clusternum,celltypes)
# for(k in 1:clusternum){
# metadata_sub = meta_data_RCTD[which(meta_data_RCTD$NMF_Louvain==k ),]
# match_type = metadata_sub$celltype
# percentage[k,] = round(unlist(table(match_type))/dim(metadata_sub)[1]*100,2)
# }
# }else if (method == "HMRF"){
# percentage = matrix(0,clusternum,celltypes)
# for(k in 1:clusternum){
# metadata_sub = meta_data_RCTD[which(meta_data_RCTD$HMRF==k ),]
# match_type = metadata_sub$celltype
# percentage[k,] = round(unlist(table(match_type))/dim(metadata_sub)[1]*100,2)
# }
# }
# celltype = names(table(match_type))
# rownames(percentage) = paste0("Cluster",1:clusternum)
# percentage_vec = c(percentage)
# cluster = c(rep(c(paste0("Cluster",1:clusternum)),celltypes))
# celltype = c(rep(celltype,each=clusternum))
# dat = data.frame(cluster, percentage_vec,celltype)
# dat$cluster = factor(cluster, level=paste0("Cluster",1:clusternum))
# p = ggplot(dat, aes(y = percentage_vec,
# x = factor(cluster), fill = celltype)) + ## global aes
# scale_fill_manual(values=color_in)+
# geom_bar(position="stack", stat="identity",width=0.8,color="grey2") +
# theme_classic()+xlab("")+ylab("")+
# theme(plot.title = element_text(size = textsize),
# text = element_text(size = textsize),
# #axis.title = element_text(face="bold"),
# #axis.text.x=element_text(size = 12,angle = 60,hjust = 1) ,
# #axis.text.x=element_blank(),
# legend.position = "right")# +
# p
# }
# #' @title Obtain each cluster label visualized on locations.
# #' @description This function visualizes each cluster label on locations.
# #' @param loc_x: A vector of x coordiantes.
# #' @param loc_y: A vector of y coordinates.
# #' @param clusterlabel_in: A vector of integers, the cluster labels for each cell.
# #' @param pointsize: An integer, the point size of each cell.
# #' @param textsize: An integer, the text size in the legend.
# #' @param title_in: A character string, the title you want to display at the top of the figure.
# #' @param color_in: A vector of colors for each cluster.
# #' @return A list of ggplot objects.
# #' @export
# plot_each_cluster = function(loc_x,loc_y, clusterlabel_in, pointsize=3,text_size=15 ,title_in,color_in){
# x = loc_x
# y = loc_y
# cluster = clusterlabel_in
# count = 0
# p=list()
# for(subcluster in 1:length(unique(cluster))){
# count = count + 1
# print(count)
# clusters = rep("Other_clusters",length(cluster))
# clusters[which(as.character(cluster)==as.character(subcluster))]=paste0("cluster_",subcluster)
# datt = data.frame(clusters, x, y)
# p[[count]] = ggplot(datt, aes(x = x, y = y, color = clusters)) +
# geom_point( alpha = 0.8,size=pointsize) +
# scale_colour_manual(values = c("#FFDB6D", "#4E84C4")) +
# ggtitle(paste0(title_in))+
# theme_void()+
# theme(plot.title = element_text(size = text_size),
# text = element_text(size = text_size),
# #axis.title = element_text(face="bold"),
# #axis.text.x=element_text(size = 22) ,
# legend.position = "bottom")
# }
# p
# }
# #' @title Obtain louvain clustering cluster labels.
# #' @description This function performs louvain clustering on input low dimensional components.
# #' @param knearest: A vector of integers, number of nearest neighbors for KNN graph construction in louvain clustering.
# #' @param latent_dat: A d by n matrix of low dimensional components.
# #' @return A list of clustering results.
# #' \item{cluster_label}{a list of cluster labels, each corresponds to the vector of nearest neighbors.}
# #' \item{cluster_num}{a list of total number of clusters in each cluster label.}
# #' @export
# louvain_clustering = function(knearest, latent_dat){
# set.seed(1234)
# suppressMessages(require(FNN))
# suppressMessages(require(igraph))
# PCvalues = latent_dat
# info.spatial = as.data.frame(t(PCvalues))
# colnames(info.spatial) = paste0("factor", 1:nrow(PCvalues))
# N_k_nearest=knearest
# clusterlabel = list()
# p=list()
# count = 0
# max_num = c()
# for(k_nearest in N_k_nearest){
# count = count + 1
# print(count)
# knn.norm = get.knn(as.matrix(t(PCvalues)), k = k_nearest)
# knn.norm = data.frame(from = rep(1:nrow(knn.norm$nn.index),
# k=k_nearest), to = as.vector(knn.norm$nn.index), weight = 1/(1 + as.vector(knn.norm$nn.dist)))
# nw.norm = graph_from_data_frame(knn.norm, directed = FALSE)
# nw.norm = simplify(nw.norm)
# lc.norm = cluster_louvain(nw.norm)
# info.spatial$louvain = as.factor(membership(lc.norm))
# max_num[count] = max(membership(lc.norm))
# clusterlabel[[count]] = as.character(info.spatial$louvain)
# }
# return(list("cluster_label"=clusterlabel, "cluster_num"= max_num))
# }
# #' @title Obtain walktrap clustering cluster labels.
# #' @description This function performs walktrap clustering on input low dimensional components.
# #' @param knearest: A vector of integers, number of nearest neighbors for SNN graph construction in walktrap clustering.
# #' @param latent_dat: A d by n matrix of low dimensional components.
# #' @return A list of clustering results.
# #' \item{cluster_label}{a list of cluster labels, each corresponding to the vector of nearest neighbors}
# #' \item{cluster_num}{a list of total number of clusters in each cluster label.}
# #' @export
# walktrap_clustering = function(knearest, latent_dat){
# set.seed(1234)
# suppressMessages(require(bluster))
# suppressMessages(require(igraph))
# PCvalues = latent_dat
# info.spatial = as.data.frame(t(PCvalues))
# colnames(info.spatial) = paste0("factor", 1:nrow(PCvalues))
# N_k_nearest=knearest
# clusterlabel = list()
# p=list()
# count = 0
# max_num = c()
# for(k_nearest in N_k_nearest){
# count = count + 1
# print(count)
# g <- makeSNNGraph(as.matrix(t(PCvalues)),k = k_nearest)
# clusters <- igraph::cluster_fast_greedy(g)$membership
# g_walk <- igraph::cluster_walktrap(g)
# info.spatial$walk = as.factor(membership(g_walk))
# max_num[count] = max(membership(g_walk))
# clusterlabel[[count]] = as.character(info.spatial$walk)
# }
# return(list("cluster_label"=clusterlabel, "cluster_num"= max_num))
# }
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