#' @details `calculateGenesCE()` is used to calculate the discrepancy between
#' the expected probability of zero and the observed zeros across all cells
#' for each gene as *cross-entropy*: \eqn{-\sum_{c}{\mathbb{1}_{X_c == 0}
#' \log(p_c) - \mathbb{1}_{X_c != 0} \log(1 - p_c)}} where \eqn{X_c} is the
#' observed count and \eqn{p_c} the probability of zero
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @return `calculateGenesCE()` returns a named `array` with the *cross-entropy*
#' of each gene
#' @importFrom Rfast rowsums
#' @export
#' @rdname GenesStatistics
calculateGenesCE <- function(objCOTAN) {
# estimate Probabilities of 0 with internal function funProbZero
probZero <- getProbabilityOfZero(objCOTAN)
zeroOne <- as.matrix(getZeroOneProj(objCOTAN))
feg <- getNumOfExpressingCells(objCOTAN) == getNumCells(objCOTAN)
minusEntrM <- matrix(0.0, nrow = getNumGenes(objCOTAN),
ncol = getNumCells(objCOTAN))
minusEntrM[!feg, ] <- (zeroOne[!feg, ] * log(1.0 - probZero[!feg, ])) +
((1.0 - zeroOne[!feg, ]) * log(probZero[!feg, ]))
return(set_names(-rowsums(minusEntrM, parallel = TRUE) /
getNumCells(objCOTAN), getGenes(objCOTAN)))
#' @details `calculateGDIGivenS()` produces a `vector` with the *GDI* for each
#' column based on the `S` matrix (*Pearson's *\eqn{\chi^{2}}* test*)
#' @param S a `matrix` object
#' @param rowsFraction The fraction of rows that will be averaged to calculate
#' the `GDI`. Defaults to \eqn{5\%}
#' @returns `calculateGDIGivenS()` returns a `vector` with the *GDI* data for
#' each column of the input
#' @importFrom rlang set_names
#' @importFrom stats pchisq
#' @importFrom Rfast colSort
#' @importFrom Rfast colmeans
#' @noRd
calculateGDIGivenS <- function(S, rowsFraction = 0.05) {
topRows <- as.integer(max(1L:round(nrow(S) * rowsFraction, digits = 0L)))
pValue <- colSort(as.matrix(S), descending = TRUE)
logThis("S matrix sorted", logLevel = 3L)
pValue <- pValue[1L:topRows, , drop = FALSE]
pValue <- pchisq(as.matrix(pValue), df = 1L, lower.tail = FALSE)
GDI <- set_names(log(-log(colmeans(pValue, parallel = TRUE))), colnames(S))
#' @details `calculateGDIGivenCorr()` produces a `vector` with the *GDI* for
#' each column based on the given correlation matrix, using the *Pearson's
#' *\eqn{\chi^{2}}* test*
#' @param corr a `matrix` object, possibly a subset of the columns of the full
#' symmetric matrix
#' @param numDegreesOfFreedom a `int` that determines the number of degree of
#' freedom to use in the \eqn{\chi^{2}} test
#' @param rowsFraction The fraction of rows that will be averaged to calculate
#' the `GDI`. Defaults to \eqn{5\%}
#' @returns `calculateGDIGivenCorr()` returns a `vector` with the *GDI* data for
#' each column of the input
#' @export
#' @rdname GenesStatistics
calculateGDIGivenCorr <-
function(corr, numDegreesOfFreedom, rowsFraction = 0.05) {
return(calculateGDIGivenS(corr^2L * numDegreesOfFreedom,
rowsFraction = rowsFraction))
#' @details `calculateGDI()` produces a `data.frame` with the *GDI* for each
#' gene based on the `COEX` matrix
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @param statType Which statistics to use to compute the p-values. By default
#' it will use the `S` (*Pearson's *\eqn{\chi^{2}}* test*) otherwise the `G`
#' (*G-test*)
#' @param rowsFraction The fraction of rows that will be averaged to calculate
#' the `GDI`. Defaults to \eqn{5\%}
#' @returns `calculateGDI()` returns a `data.frame` with:
#' * `"sum.raw.norm"` the sum of the normalized data rows
#' * `"GDI"` the *GDI* data
#' * `"exp.cells"` the percentage of cells expressing the gene
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang set_names
#' @importFrom Matrix rowSums
#' @importFrom tibble column_to_rownames
#' @rdname GenesStatistics
calculateGDI <- function(objCOTAN, statType = "S", rowsFraction = 0.05) {
logThis("Calculate GDI dataframe: START", logLevel = 2L)
if (statType == "S") {
logThis("Using S", logLevel = 3L)
S <- calculateS(objCOTAN)
} else if (statType == "G") {
logThis("Using G", logLevel = 3L)
S <- calculateG(objCOTAN)
} else {
stop("Unrecognised stat type: must be either 'S' or 'G'")
GDI <- calculateGDIGivenS(S, rowsFraction = rowsFraction)
GDI <- set_names(as.data.frame(GDI), "GDI")
sumRawNorm <- log(rowSums(getNuNormData(objCOTAN)))
GDI <- merge(GDI, as.data.frame(list(sumRawNorm), col.names = "sum.raw.norm"),
by = "row.names", all.x = TRUE)
GDI <- column_to_rownames(GDI, var = "Row.names")
expCells <- getNumOfExpressingCells(objCOTAN) / getNumCells(objCOTAN) * 100.0
GDI <- merge(GDI, as.data.frame(list(expCells), col.names = "exp.cells"),
by = "row.names", all.x = TRUE)
GDI <- column_to_rownames(GDI, var = "Row.names")
GDI <- GDI[, c("sum.raw.norm", "GDI", "exp.cells")]
logThis("Calculate GDI dataframe: DONE", logLevel = 2L)
#' @details `calculatePValue()` computes the p-values for genes in the `COTAN`
#' object. It can be used genome-wide or by setting some specific genes of
#' interest. By default it computes the *p-values* using the `S` statistics
#' (\eqn{\chi^{2}})
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @param statType Which statistics to use to compute the p-values. By default
#' it will use the "S" (Pearson's \eqn{\chi^{2}} test) otherwise the "G"
#' (G-test)
#' @param geneSubsetCol an array of genes. It will be put in columns. If left
#' empty the function will do it genome-wide.
#' @param geneSubsetRow an array of genes. It will be put in rows. If left empty
#' the function will do it genome-wide.
#' @return `calculatePValue()` returns a *p-value* `matrix` as `dspMatrix`
#' @export
#' @importFrom Matrix forceSymmetric
#' @importFrom Matrix pack
#' @importClassesFrom Matrix dspMatrix
#' @rdname GenesStatistics
calculatePValue <- function(objCOTAN, statType = "S",
geneSubsetCol = vector(mode = "character"),
geneSubsetRow = vector(mode = "character")) {
geneSubsetCol <- handleNamesSubsets(getGenes(objCOTAN), geneSubsetCol)
geneSubsetRow <- handleNamesSubsets(getGenes(objCOTAN), geneSubsetRow)
if (statType == "S") {
logThis("Using S", logLevel = 3L)
S <- calculateS(objCOTAN,
geneSubsetCol = geneSubsetCol,
geneSubsetRow = geneSubsetRow)
} else if (statType == "G") {
logThis("Using G", logLevel = 3L)
S <- calculateG(objCOTAN,
geneSubsetCol = geneSubsetCol,
geneSubsetRow = geneSubsetRow)
} else {
stop("Unrecognised stat type: must be either 'S' or 'G'")
logThis("calculating PValues: START", logLevel = 2L)
allCols <- identical(geneSubsetCol, getGenes(objCOTAN))
allRows <- identical(geneSubsetRow, getGenes(objCOTAN))
strCol <- if (allCols) "genome wide" else "on a set of genes"
strRow <- if (allRows) "genome wide" else "on a set of genes"
logThis(paste("Get p-values", strCol, "on columns and", strRow, "on rows"),
logLevel = 2L)
pValues <- pchisq(as.matrix(S), df = 1L, lower.tail = FALSE)
if (allCols && allRows) {
pValues <- pack(forceSymmetric(pValues))
logThis("calculating PValues: DONE", logLevel = 2L)
#' @details `calculatePDI()` computes the p-values for genes in the `COTAN`
#' object using [calculatePValue()] and takes their
#' \eqn{\log{({-\log{(\cdot)}})}} to calculate the genes' *Pair Differential
#' Index*
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @param statType Which statistics to use to compute the p-values. By default
#' it will use the "S" (Pearson's \eqn{\chi^{2}} test) otherwise the "G"
#' (G-test)
#' @param geneSubsetCol an array of genes. It will be put in columns. If left
#' empty the function will do it genome-wide.
#' @param geneSubsetRow an array of genes. It will be put in rows. If left empty
#' the function will do it genome-wide.
#' @return `calculatePDI()` returns a *Pair Differential Index* `matrix` as
#' `dspMatrix`
#' @export
#' @rdname GenesStatistics
calculatePDI <- function(objCOTAN, statType = "S",
geneSubsetCol = vector(mode = "character"),
geneSubsetRow = vector(mode = "character")) {
pValues <- calculatePValue(objCOTAN, statType = statType,
geneSubsetCol = geneSubsetCol,
geneSubsetRow = geneSubsetRow)
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