#' @title Calculations of genes statistics
#' @description A collection of functions returning various statistics
#' associated to the genes. In particular the *discrepancy* between the
#' expected probabilities of zero and their actual occurrences, both at single
#' gene level or looking at genes' pairs
#' @description To make the `GDI` more specific, it may be desirable to restrict
#' the set of genes against which `GDI` is computed to a selected subset, with
#' the recommendation to include a consistent fraction of cell-identity genes,
#' and possibly focusing on markers specific for the biological question of
#' interest (for instance neural cortex layering markers). In this case we
#' denote it as *Local Differentiation Index* (`LDI`) relative to the selected
#' subset.
#' @name GenesStatistics
#' @details `genesCoexSpace()` calculates genes groups based on the primary
#' markers and uses them to prepare the genes' `COEX` space `data.frame`.
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object.
#' @param primaryMarkers A vector of primary marker names.
#' @param numGenesPerMarker The number of genes correlated with the primary
#' markers that we want to consider. By default this is set to 25.
#' @returns `genesCoexSpace()` returns a `list` with:
#' * `"SecondaryMarkers"` a named `list` that for each secondary marker,
#' gives the `list` of primary markers that selected for it
#' * `"GCS"` the relevant subset of `COEX` `matrix`
#' * `"rankGenes"` a `data.frame` with the rank of each gene according to its
#' *p-value*
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang set_names
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @importFrom stats pchisq
#' @importFrom tibble rownames_to_column
#' @importFrom Rfast rowsums
#' @examples
#' data("test.dataset")
#' objCOTAN <- COTAN(raw = test.dataset)
#' objCOTAN <- proceedToCoex(objCOTAN, cores = 6L, saveObj = FALSE)
#' markers <- getGenes(objCOTAN)[sample(getNumGenes(objCOTAN), 10)]
#' GCS <- genesCoexSpace(objCOTAN, primaryMarkers = markers,
#' numGenesPerMarker = 15)
#' @rdname GenesStatistics
genesCoexSpace <-
function(objCOTAN, primaryMarkers, numGenesPerMarker = 25L) {
logThis("Calculating gene co-expression space - START", logLevel = 2L)
if (TRUE) {
genesBelong <- primaryMarkers %in% getGenes(objCOTAN)
if (!all(genesBelong)) {
warning("Genes [", toString(primaryMarkers[!genesBelong]),
"] are not present in the 'COTAN' object!")
primaryMarkers <- primaryMarkers[genesBelong]
pValue <- calculatePValue(objCOTAN, geneSubsetCol = primaryMarkers)
secondaryMarkers <- primaryMarkers
for (marker in primaryMarkers) {
lowestPValueGenesPos <-
order(pValue[, marker, drop = TRUE])[1L:numGenesPerMarker]
secondaryMarkers <- c(secondaryMarkers,
# now the secondary markers are unique and sorted accordingly
# to the original genes' list
secondaryMarkers <-
getGenes(objCOTAN)[getGenes(objCOTAN) %in% unique(secondaryMarkers)]
logThis(paste("Number of selected secondary markers:",
length(secondaryMarkers)), logLevel = 1L)
pValue <- pValue[secondaryMarkers, , drop = FALSE]
rankGenes <- data.frame()
for (marker in primaryMarkers) {
rankGenes <- setColumnInDF(rankGenes,
colToSet = rank(pValue[, marker, drop = TRUE],
ties.method = "first"),
colName = marker,
rowNames = secondaryMarkers)
# put on the left the smalles log(-log(pValues)) for each row
S <- calculateS(objCOTAN, geneSubsetRow = secondaryMarkers)
LDI <- calculateGDIGivenS(S = S, rowsFraction = 0.1)
lowLDIGenes <- LDI >= quantile(LDI, probs = 0.9)
goodGenes <- getGenes(objCOTAN) %in% names(LDI)[lowLDIGenes]
GCS <- as.matrix(getGenesCoex(objCOTAN,
genes = secondaryMarkers))[goodGenes, ]
GCS <- tanh(GCS * sqrt(getNumCells(objCOTAN)))
logThis(paste0("Number of columns (V set - secondary markers): ",
dim(GCS)[[2L]]), logLevel = 3L)
logThis(paste0("Number of rows (U set): ", dim(GCS)[[1L]]), logLevel = 3L)
logThis("Calculating gene co-expression space - DONE", logLevel = 2L)
return(list("SecondaryMarkers" = secondaryMarkers, "GCS" = GCS,
"rankGenes" = rankGenes))
#' @details `establishGenesClusters()` perform the genes' clustering based on a
#' pool of gene markers, using the genes' `COEX` space
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @param groupMarkers a named `list` with an element for each group comprised
#' of one or more marker genes
#' @param numGenesPerMarker the number of correlated genes to keep as other
#' markers (default 25)
#' @param kCuts the number of estimated *cluster* (this defines the height for
#' the tree cut)
#' @param distance type of distance to use. Default is `"cosine"`. Can be chosen
#' among those supported by [parallelDist::parDist()]
#' @param hclustMethod default is "ward.D2" but can be any method defined by
#' [stats::hclust()] function
#' @returns `establishGenesClusters()` a `list` of:
#' * `"g.space"` the genes' `COEX` space `data.frame`
#' * `"plot.eig"` the eigenvalues plot
#' * `"pca_clusters"` the *pca* components `data.frame`
#' * `"tree_plot"` the tree plot for the genes' `COEX` space
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang set_names
#' @importFrom dendextend set
#' @importFrom dendextend color_labels
#' @importFrom dendextend color_branches
#' @importFrom stats hclust
#' @importFrom stats cutree
#' @importFrom stats as.dendrogram
#' @importFrom stats order.dendrogram
#' @importFrom parallelDist parDist
#' @importFrom PCAtools pca
#' @importFrom PCAtools screeplot
#' @importFrom BiocSingular IrlbaParam
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom zeallot %<-%
#' @importFrom zeallot %->%
#' @examples
#' groupMarkers <- list(G1 = c("g-000010", "g-000020", "g-000030"),
#' G2 = c("g-000300"),
#' G3 = c("g-000510", "g-000530", "g-000550",
#' "g-000570", "g-000590"))
#' resList <- establishGenesClusters(objCOTAN, groupMarkers = groupMarkers,
#' numGenesPerMarker = 11)
#' @rdname GenesStatistics
establishGenesClusters <-
function(objCOTAN, groupMarkers, numGenesPerMarker = 25L,
kCuts = 6L, distance = "cosine", hclustMethod = "ward.D2") {
logThis("Establishing gene clusters - START", logLevel = 2L)
msg = "Group markers must have names for each group")
colVector <- getColorsVector(kCuts)
# Dropping the genes not present
filterGenes <- function(markers, genes) {
markers[markers %in% genes]
groupMarkers <- lapply(groupMarkers, filterGenes, getGenes(objCOTAN))
groupMarkers <- groupMarkers[!is.na(groupMarkers)]
primaryMarkers <- unlist(groupMarkers)
c(secondaryMarkers, GCS, rankGenes) %<-%
numGenesPerMarker = numGenesPerMarker,
primaryMarkers = primaryMarkers)
GCSPca <- pca(mat = GCS, rank = 10L,
transposed = TRUE, BSPARAM = IrlbaParam())
assert_that(identical(rownames(GCSPca[["rotated"]]), rownames(GCS)),
(ncol(GCSPca[["rotated"]]) == 10L),
msg = "Issues with pca output")
SMRelevance <- matrix(nrow = length(secondaryMarkers),
ncol = length(groupMarkers),
dimnames = list(secondaryMarkers, names(groupMarkers)))
for (name in names(groupMarkers)) {
SMRelevance[, name] <- rowSums(rankGenes[, groupMarkers[[name]],
drop = FALSE])
SMRelevance[groupMarkers[[name]], name] <- 1L
tempCoex <-
getGenesCoex(objCOTAN, genes = primaryMarkers)[secondaryMarkers, ,
drop = FALSE]
for (name in names(groupMarkers)) {
antiCorrelated <- tempCoex[, groupMarkers[[name]], drop = FALSE] < 0.0
toChange <- rownames(tempCoex)[rowSums(antiCorrelated) > 0L]
SMRelevance[toChange, name] <- 100000.0
posLink <- set_names(vector("list", length(groupMarkers)),
for (g in secondaryMarkers) {
w <- which(SMRelevance[g, ] == min(SMRelevance[g, ]))
if (length(w) != 1L) {
posLink[[w]] <- c(posLink[[w]], g)
plotEigen <- screeplot(GCSPca)
coexDist <- parDist(as.matrix(GCS), method = distance)
hcNorm <- hclust(coexDist, method = hclustMethod)
dend <- as.dendrogram(hcNorm)
pca1 <- as.data.frame(GCSPca[["rotated"]])
pca1 <- pca1[order.dendrogram(dend), ]
highlight <- rep("not_marked", nrow(pca1))
for (n in names(posLink)) {
highlight[rownames(pca1) %in% posLink[[n]]] <-
paste0("Genes related to ", n)
pca1[["highlight"]] <- highlight
hClust <- cutree(hcNorm, k = kCuts)[rownames(pca1)]
pca1[["hclust"]] <- hClust
pca1[["sec_markers"]] <- 0.0
pca1[["sec_markers"]][rownames(pca1) %in% secondaryMarkers] <- 1.0
colors <- rep("#B09C85FF", nrow(pca1))
c <- 1L
for (to.color in unique(highlight)) {
if (to.color == "not_marked") {
colors[highlight == to.color] <- colVector[c]
c <- c + 1L
pca1[["colors"]] <- colors
pca1 <- pca1[labels(dend), ]
colBranches <- rep("#B09C85FF", nrow(pca1))
groupLabels <- hClust
for (cl in unique(hClust)) {
clPos <- (hClust == cl)
for (groupName in names(groupMarkers)) {
for (marker in groupMarkers[[groupName]]) {
if (!marker %in% rownames(pca1[clPos, ])) {
colBranches[clPos] <- colors[rownames(pca1) %in% marker]
groupLabels[clPos] <- groupName
pca1[["col_branches"]] <- colBranches
pca1[["groupLabels"]] <- groupLabels
uniquePos <- !duplicated(hClust)
dend <- color_branches(dend, k = kCuts,
col = colBranches[uniquePos],
groupLabels = groupLabels[uniquePos])
dend <- color_labels(dend, labels = rownames(pca1), col = colors)
relPos <- rownames(pca1) %in% colnames(GCS)
dend <- dend %>%
ifelse(labels(dend) %in% rownames(pca1)[relPos],
labels(dend), ""))
logThis("Establishing gene clusters - DONE", logLevel = 2L)
return(list("g.space" = GCS, "plot.eig" = plotEigen,
"pca_clusters" = pca1, "tree_plot" = dend))
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