
Defines functions getScCOTANSlots getCOTANSlots COTAN emptySymmetricMatrix emptySparseMatrix

Documented in COTAN

#' @title emptySparseMatrix
#' @description Useful to default initialize `COTAN` slots
#' @returns an empty matrix of type `dgCMatrix`
#' @importClassesFrom Matrix dgCMatrix
#' @noRd
emptySparseMatrix <- function() {
  return(as(as(as(matrix(0.0, 0L, 0L), "dMatrix"),
               "generalMatrix"), "CsparseMatrix"))

#' @title emptySymmetricMatrix
#' @description Useful to default initialize `COTAN` slots
#' @returns an empty matrix of type `dspMatrix`
#' @importClassesFrom Matrix dspMatrix
#' @noRd
emptySymmetricMatrix <- function() {
  return(as(as(as(matrix(0.0, 0L, 0L), "dMatrix"),
               "symmetricMatrix"), "packedMatrix"))

#---------- COTAN class --------------

#' Definition of the `COTAN` class
#' @slot raw `dgCMatrix` - the raw UMI count matrix \eqn{n \times m} (gene
#'   number × cell number)
#' @slot genesCoex `dspMatrix` - the correlation of `COTAN` between genes,
#'   \eqn{n \times n}
#' @slot cellsCoex `dspMatrix` - the correlation of `COTAN` between cells,
#'   \eqn{m \times m}
#' @slot metaDataset `data.frame`
#' @slot metaCells `data.frame`
#' @slot clustersCoex a `list` of `COEX` `data.frames` for each clustering in
#'   the metaCells
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @importFrom methods validObject
#' @importClassesFrom Matrix dgCMatrix
#' @importClassesFrom Matrix dspMatrix
  slots = c(
    raw          = "dgCMatrix",
    genesCoex    = "dspMatrix",
    cellsCoex    = "dspMatrix",
    metaDataset  = "data.frame",
    metaGenes    = "data.frame",
    metaCells    = "data.frame",
    clustersCoex = "list" # of data.frames
  prototype = list(
    raw          = emptySparseMatrix(),
    genesCoex    = emptySymmetricMatrix(),
    cellsCoex    = emptySymmetricMatrix(),
    metaDataset  = data.frame(),
    metaGenes    = data.frame(),
    metaCells    = data.frame(),
    clustersCoex = vector(mode = "list")
  validity = function(object) {
    if (is_empty(object@raw)) {
      stop("'raw' is empty")
    } else if (is_empty(object@metaGenes)) { #run the test only at the beginning
      if (anyNA(object@raw)) {
        stop("Input 'raw' data contains NA!")
      if (isFALSE(all.equal(object@raw, round(object@raw), tolerance = 0.0))) {
        stop("Input 'raw' data contains non integer numbers.")
      if (any(object@raw < 0.0)) {
        stop("Input 'raw' data must contain only non negative integers.")

    numGenes <- nrow(object@raw)
    numCells <- ncol(object@raw)

    if (length(rownames(object@raw)) != numGenes) {
      stop("Input 'raw' data must have row names")
    if (length(colnames(object@raw)) != numCells) {
      stop("Input 'raw' data must have column names")

    if (!is_empty(object@genesCoex)) {
      if (!isa(object@genesCoex, "dspMatrix")) {
        stop("'genesCoex' must be of type 'dspMatrix.")
      if (nrow(object@genesCoex) != numGenes) {
        stop("'genesCoex' sizes should match the number of genes.")

    if (!is_empty(object@cellsCoex)) {
      if (!isa(object@cellsCoex, "dspMatrix")) {
        stop("'cellsCoex' must be of type 'dspMatrix.")
      if (nrow(object@cellsCoex) != numCells) {
        stop("'cellsCoex' sizes should match the number of cells.")

    # metaDataset has no required fields as of now

    if (!is_empty(object@metaGenes) && nrow(object@metaGenes) != numGenes) {
      stop("The number of rows [", nrow(object@metaGenes), "] of 'metaGenes'",
           " must be the same as the number of rows [", numGenes, "] of 'raw'",
           " when not empty.")

    if (!is_empty(object@metaCells) && nrow(object@metaCells) != numCells) {
      stop("The number of rows [", nrow(object@metaCells), "] of 'metaCells'",
           " must be the same as the number of cols [", numCells, "] of 'raw'",
           " when not empty.")

    for (name in names(object@clustersCoex)) {
      if (!startsWith(name, "CL_")) {
        stop("The clusterization name '", name, "' does not start",
             " with 'CL_' as per conventions")
      if (!name %in% colnames(object@metaCells)) {
        stop("The clusterization name '", name, "', found in 'clustersCoex',",
             " must be one of the column names of 'metaCells'.")
      coexDF <- object@clustersCoex[[name]]
      if (!is_empty(coexDF)) {
        if (!isa(coexDF, "data.frame")) {
          stop("'clusterCoex' is supposedly composed of data.frames.",
               " A '", class(coexDF), "' was given instead.")
        if (!identical(rownames(coexDF), rownames(object@raw))) {
          stop("The row-names of the non-empty data.frames in 'clustersCoex'",
               " must be the same as those of the raw data.")
        if (!all(colnames(coexDF) %in% object@metaCells[[name]])) {
          badClustersTags <- colnames(coexDF)[!colnames(coexDF) %in%
          stop("The column names of the data.frames in 'clustersCoex' must be",
               " a subset of the tags in the clusterization.",
               " The data.frame for clusterization '", name, "' does not",
               " satisfy this condition with the names [",
               paste(badClustersTags, collapse = ","), "] vs cluster tags [",
               paste(unique(object@metaCells[[name]]), collapse = ","), "].")

    for (name in colnames(object@metaCells)) {
      if (startsWith(name, "CL_")) {
        if (!inherits(object@metaCells[[name]], "factor")) {
          # ensure the clusters are factors
          object@metaCells[[name]] <- factor(object@metaCells[[name]])
        if (!name %in% names(object@clustersCoex)) {
          stop("The clusterization name '", name, "' does not have",
               " an element in the 'clusterCoex' list")
      } else if (startsWith(name, "COND_")) {
        if (!inherits(object@metaCells[[name]], "factor")) {
          # ensure the clusters are factors
          object@metaCells[[name]] <- factor(object@metaCells[[name]])

) #end class COTAN

#' @title `COTAN` shortcuts
#' @description These functions create a [COTAN-class] object and/or also run
#'   all the necessary steps until the genes' `COEX` matrix is calculated.
#' @name COTAN_ObjectCreation

#' @details Constructor of the class `COTAN`
#' @param raw any object that can be converted to a matrix, but with row (genes)
#'   and column (cells) names
#' @returns a `COTAN` object
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importClassesFrom Matrix dgCMatrix
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("test.dataset")
#' obj <- COTAN(raw = test.dataset)
#' @rdname COTAN_ObjectCreation
COTAN <- function(raw = "ANY") {
  raw <- as(as(raw, "Matrix"), "sparseMatrix")

  assert_that(!is_empty(rownames(raw)), !is_empty(colnames(raw)),
              msg = "Inputs must have both row and column names!")

  new("COTAN", raw = raw)

#' @title Handle legacy `scCOTAN`-class and related symmetric matrix <-> vector
#' conversions
#' @description A class and some functions related to the `V1` version of the
#'   `COTAN` package
#' @name COTAN_Legacy

#' @details Define the legacy `scCOTAN`-class
#' @slot raw `ANY`. To store the raw data matrix
#' @slot raw.norm `ANY`. To store the raw data matrix divided for the cell
#'   efficiency estimated (nu)
#' @slot coex `ANY`. The coex matrix
#' @slot nu `vector`.
#' @slot lambda `vector`.
#' @slot a `vector`.
#' @slot hk `vector`.
#' @slot n_cells `numeric`.
#' @slot meta `data.frame`.
#' @slot yes_yes `ANY`. Unused and deprecated. Kept for backward compatibility
#'   only
#' @slot clusters `vector`.
#' @slot cluster_data `data.frame`.
#' @returns a `scCOTAN` object
#' @export
#' @rdname COTAN_Legacy
  slots = c(
    raw = "ANY",
    raw.norm = "ANY",
    coex = "ANY",
    nu = "vector",
    lambda = "vector",
    a = "vector",
    hk = "vector",
    n_cells = "numeric",
    meta = "data.frame",
    yes_yes = "ANY", # Unused and deprecated: for backward compatibility only
    clusters = "vector",
    cluster_data = "data.frame"

#' @description Helper function to be shared by coerce() and replace()
#' @param a `scCOTAN` object
#' @returns a `list` with all non trivially converted slots of the equivalent
#'   `COTAN` class
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @importFrom stringr str_remove
#' @importFrom stringr fixed
#' @importClassesFrom Matrix dgCMatrix
#' @importClassesFrom Matrix dspMatrix
#' @importFrom Matrix forceSymmetric
#' @importFrom Matrix pack
#' @noRd
getCOTANSlots <- function(from) {
  if (!is_empty(from@yes_yes)) {
    warning("scCOTAN as COTAN: non-empty yes_yes member found -",
            " Will be discarded!",
            call. = FALSE)

  if (from@n_cells != ncol(from@raw)) {
    warning("scCOTAN as COTAN: n_cells member misaligned",
            " with raw matrix member - Will be ignored!",
            call. = FALSE)

  if (is_empty(from@raw)) {
    raw <- emptySparseMatrix()
  } else if (isa(from@raw, "dgCMatrix")) {
    raw <- from@raw
  } else {
    raw <- as(as(as(as.matrix(from@raw), "dMatrix"),
                 "generalMatrix"), "CsparseMatrix")

  genesCoex <- emptySymmetricMatrix()
  if (!is_empty(from@coex)) {
    if (isa(from@coex, "list")) {
      genesCoex <- vec2mat_rfast(from@coex)
    } else if (isa(from@coex, "dMatrix")) {
      genesCoex <- as.matrix(from@coex)
    } else if (isa(from@coex, "matrix")) {
      genesCoex <- from@coex
    } else {
      warning("scCOTAN as COTAN: unsupported coex type '", class(from@coex),
              "' - genes' coex will be discarded!", call. = FALSE)
      genesCoex <- emptySymmetricMatrix()
    # now 'coex' is of type 'matrix'
    genesCoex <- pack(forceSymmetric(genesCoex))

  cellsCoex <- emptySymmetricMatrix()

  metaGenes <- data.frame()

  if (!is_empty(from@hk)) {
    metaGenes <- setColumnInDF(metaGenes, rownames(from@raw) %in% from@hk,
                               "feGenes", rownames(from@raw))

  if (!is_empty(from@lambda)) {
    metaGenes <- setColumnInDF(metaGenes, from@lambda,
                               "lambda", rownames(from@raw))

  if (!is_empty(from@a)) {
    metaGenes <- setColumnInDF(metaGenes, from@a,
                               "dispersion", rownames(from@raw))

  metaCells <- data.frame()

  if (!is_empty(from@nu)) {
    metaCells <- setColumnInDF(metaCells, from@nu,
                               "nu", colnames(from@raw))

  clustersCoex <- vector(mode = "list")

  hasClusters <- !is_empty(from@clusters) && !all(is.na(from@clusters))
  if (hasClusters) {
    metaCells <- setColumnInDF(metaCells, factor(from@clusters),
                               "CL_clusters", colnames(from@raw))

  if (TRUE) {
    clusterData <- from@cluster_data

    if (!hasClusters && !is_empty(clusterData)) {
      warning("scCOTAN as COTAN: cannot have 'cluster_data' along",
              " empty 'clusters' - genes' coex will be discarded!",
              call. = FALSE)
      clusterData <- data.frame()

    if (!is_empty(clusterData) &&
          !all(rownames(clusterData) %in% rownames(from@raw))) {
      warning("scCOTAN as COTAN: 'cluster_data' refers to unknown genes",
              " - clusters' coex will be discarded!", call. = FALSE)
      clusterData <- data.frame()

    if (!is_empty(clusterData)) {
      if (!all(colnames(clusterData) %in% from@clusters)) {
        # It might be possible that the column names have the old extra
        # prefix 'cl.'. It will be remove in such cases.
        colnames(clusterData) <- str_remove(colnames(clusterData),
                                            pattern = fixed("cl."))

      if (!all(colnames(clusterData) %in% from@clusters)) {
        warning("scCOTAN as COTAN: 'cluster_data' refers to unknown",
                " clusters - clusters' coex will be discarded!",
                call. = FALSE)
        clusterData <- data.frame()

    if (!is_empty(clusterData) &&
          !all(rownames(from@raw) %in% union(rownames(clusterData), from@hk))) {
      warning("scCOTAN as COTAN: 'cluster_data' has no information",
              " on some genes that are not fully-expressed",
              " - clusters' coex will be discarded!", call. = FALSE)
      clusterData <- data.frame()

    if (!is_empty(clusterData)) {
      missingGenes <- setdiff(rownames(from@raw), rownames(clusterData))
      if (!is_empty(missingGenes)) {
        # missing genes are fully-expressed thus have all zero coex!
        missingData <- matrix(0.0, nrow = length(missingGenes),
                              ncol = ncol(clusterData),
                              dimnames = c(missingGenes, colnames(clusterData)))
        clusterData <- rbind(clusterData, as.data.frame(missingData))
        # reorder the rows to match original data
        clusterData <- clusterData[rownames(from@raw)]
      clustersCoex <- list(CL_clusters = clusterData)
    } else if (hasClusters) {
      # keep aligned
      clustersCoex <- list("CL_clusters" = data.frame())

  return(list(raw, genesCoex, cellsCoex, metaGenes, metaCells, clustersCoex))

#' @details Automatically converts an object from class `scCOTAN` into `COTAN`
#' @importFrom zeallot %<-%
#' @importFrom zeallot %->%
#' @importFrom methods setIs
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @name scCotan_coerce_to_COTAN
#' @rdname COTAN_Legacy
  coerce = function(from) {
    c(raw, genesCoex, cellsCoex,
      metaGenes, metaCells, clustersCoex) %<-% getCOTANSlots(from)

          raw          = raw,
          genesCoex    = genesCoex,
          cellsCoex    = cellsCoex,
          metaDataset  = from@meta,
          metaGenes    = metaGenes,
          metaCells    = metaCells,
          clustersCoex = clustersCoex)
  # 'from' arg-name is convention: it is actually a destination!
  replace = function(from, value) {
    c(raw, genesCoex, cellsCoex,
      metaGenes, metaCells, clustersCoex) %<-% getCOTANSlots(value)

    # Update the existing scCOTAN object in place
    from@raw          <- raw
    from@genesCoex    <- genesCoex
    from@cellsCoex    <- cellsCoex
    from@metaDataset  <- value@meta
    from@metaGenes    <- metaGenes
    from@metaCells    <- metaCells
    from@clustersCoex <- clustersCoex

    # Return the modified object

#' @description Helper function to be shared by coerce() and replace()
#' @param a `COTAN` object
#' @returns a `list` with all non trivially converted slots of the equivalent
#'   `scCOTAN` class
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @importFrom rlang set_names
#' @importClassesFrom Matrix dgCMatrix
#' @importClassesFrom Matrix dspMatrix
#' @importFrom Matrix forceSymmetric
#' @importFrom Matrix pack
#' @noRd
getScCOTANSlots <- function(from) {
  lambda <- vector(mode = "numeric")
  if (!is_empty(from@metaGenes[["lambda"]])) {
    lambda <- set_names(from@metaGenes[["lambda"]], rownames(from@metaGenes))

  a <- vector(mode = "numeric")
  if (!is_empty(from@metaGenes[["dispersion"]])) {
    a <- set_names(from@metaGenes[["dispersion"]], rownames(from@metaGenes))

  nu <- vector(mode = "numeric")
  if (!is_empty(from@metaCells[["nu"]])) {
    nu <- set_names(from@metaCells[["nu"]], rownames(from@metaCells))

  hk <- vector(mode = "character")
  if (!is_empty(from@metaGenes[["feGenes"]])) {
    hk <- rownames(from@raw)[from@metaGenes[["feGenes"]]]

  rawNorm <- emptySparseMatrix()
  if (!is_empty(nu)) {
    rawNorm <- t(t(from@raw) * (1.0 / nu))

  if (!is_empty(from@clustersCoex)) {
    if (length(from@clustersCoex) > 1L) {
      warning("COTAN as scCOTAN: more than one clusterization found:",
              "picking up the last one as likely to be the most relevant")
    clName <- names(from@clustersCoex)[length(from@clustersCoex)]
    clusterData <- from@clustersCoex[[clName]]
  } else {
    clName <- "CL_clusters"
    clusterData <- data.frame()

  if (!is_empty(from@metaCells[[clName]])) {
    clusters <- from@metaCells[[clName]]
    clusters <- set_names(levels(clusters)[clusters], rownames(from@metaCells))
  } else {
    # ensure non-empty vector
    clusters <- set_names(rep(NA, ncol(from@raw)), colnames(from@raw))

  if (!is_empty(from@cellsCoex)) {
    warning("COTAN as scCOTAN: 'cellsCoex' is not empty:",
            " will be lost in conversion")

  return(list(rawNorm, nu, lambda, a, hk, clusters, clusterData))

#' @details Explicitly converts an object from class `COTAN` into `scCOTAN`
#' @importFrom zeallot %<-%
#' @importFrom zeallot %->%
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importFrom methods setAs
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @name COTAN_coerce_to_scCOTAN
#' @rdname COTAN_Legacy
  function(from) {
    c(rawNorm, nu, lambda, a,
      hk, clusters, clusterData) %<-% getScCOTANSlots(from)

          raw          = from@raw,
          raw.norm     = rawNorm,
          coex         = from@genesCoex,
          nu           = nu,
          lambda       = lambda,
          a            = a,
          hk           = hk,
          n_cells      = ncol(from@raw),
          meta         = from@metaDataset,
          clusters     = clusters,
          cluster_data = clusterData)
  # 'from' arg-name is convention: it is actually a destination!
  replace = function(from, value) {
    # Extract the slots needed for updating the scCOTAN object
    c(rawNorm, nu, lambda, a,
      hk, clusters, clusterData) %<-% getScCOTANSlots(value)

    # Update the existing scCOTAN object in place
    from@raw          <- value@raw
    from@raw.norm     <- rawNorm
    from@coex         <- value@genesCoex
    from@nu           <- nu
    from@lambda       <- lambda
    from@a            <- a
    from@hk           <- hk
    from@n_cells      <- ncol(value@raw)
    from@meta         <- value@metaDataset
    from@clusters     <- clusters
    from@cluster_data <- clusterData

    # Return the modified object

#---------- Transcript Uniformity Check --------------

#' @title Definition of the **Transcript Uniformity Checker** classes
#' @description A hierarchy of classes to specify the method for checking
#'   whether a **cluster** has the *Uniform Transcript* property. It also
#'   doubles as result object.
#' @name UniformTranscriptCheckers

#' @details `BaseUniformityCheck` is the base class of the check methods
#' @slot isUniform Logical. Output. The result of the check
#' @slot clusterSize Integer. Output. The number of cells in the checked
#'   cluster. When zero implies no check has been run yet
#' @importFrom rlang is_logical
#' @importFrom rlang is_integer
#' @rdname UniformTranscriptCheckers
  slots = c(
    isUniform = "logical",
    clusterSize = "integer"
  prototype = list(
    isUniform   = FALSE,
    clusterSize = 0L
  validity = function(object) {
    if (!is_logical(object@isUniform, n = 1L)) {
      stop("Given 'isUniform' data must be a Boolean")
    if (!is_integer(object@clusterSize, n = 1L) || object@clusterSize < 0L) {
      stop("Given 'clusterSize' data must be a positive number")
) # end Base Uniformity Check

#' @details `GDICheck` represents a single unit check using `GDI` data. It
#'   defaults to an *above* check with threshold \eqn{1.4} and ratio \eqn{1\%}
#' @slot isCheckAbove Logical. Determines how to compare quantiles against given
#'   thresholds. It is deemed passed if the relevant quantile is above/below the
#'   given threshold
#' @slot GDIThreshold Numeric. The level of `GDI` beyond which the **cluster**
#'   is deemed not uniform. Defaults
#' @slot maxRatioBeyond Numeric. The maximum fraction of the empirical `GDI`
#'   distribution that sits beyond the `GDI` threshold
#' @slot maxRankBeyond Integer. The minimum rank in the empirical `GDI`
#'   distribution for the `GDI` threshold
#' @slot fractionBeyond Numeric. Output. The fraction of genes whose `GDI` is
#'   above the threshold
#' @slot thresholdRank Integer. Output. The rank that the `GDI` threshold would
#'   have in the genes' `GDI` `vector`
#' @slot quantileAtRatio Numeric. Output. The quantile in the genes' `GDI`
#'   corresponding at the given ratio
#' @slot quantileAtRatio Numeric. Output. The quantile in the genes' `GDI`
#'   corresponding at the given rank
#' @importFrom rlang is_logical
#' @importFrom rlang is_integer
#' @importFrom rlang is_double
#' @rdname UniformTranscriptCheckers

  slots = c(
    isCheckAbove    = "logical",
    GDIThreshold    = "numeric",
    maxRatioBeyond  = "numeric",
    maxRankBeyond   = "integer",
    fractionBeyond  = "numeric",
    thresholdRank   = "integer",
    quantileAtRatio = "numeric",
    quantileAtRank  = "numeric"
  prototype = list(
    isCheckAbove    = FALSE,
    GDIThreshold    = 1.4,
    maxRatioBeyond  = 0.01,
    maxRankBeyond   = 0L,
    fractionBeyond  = NaN,
    thresholdRank   = 0L,
    quantileAtRatio = NaN,
    quantileAtRank  = NaN
  validity = function(object) {
    # deal with input parameters
    if (!is_double(object@GDIThreshold, n = 1L, finite = TRUE) ||
        object@GDIThreshold <= 1.0) {
      stop("Input 'GDIThreshold' must be a finite number above 1.0")
    if (!is_double(object@maxRatioBeyond, n = 1L) ||
        (is.finite(object@maxRatioBeyond) &&
         (object@maxRatioBeyond <= 0.0 || object@maxRatioBeyond >= 1.0))) {
      stop("Input 'maxRatioBeyond' must be a finite number",
           " between 0.0 and 1.0 if given")
    if (!is_integer(object@maxRankBeyond, n = 1L)
        || object@maxRankBeyond < 0L) {
      stop("Input check `rank` must be a non-negative integer")
    if (is.finite(object@maxRatioBeyond) && object@maxRankBeyond > 0L) {
      stop("Cannot specify both a 'max ratio' and a 'max rank'")

    # deal with output parameters
    if (!is_double(object@fractionBeyond, n = 1L) ||
        (is.finite(object@fractionBeyond) &&
         (object@fractionBeyond < 0.0 || object@fractionBeyond > 1.0))) {
      stop("Output 'fractionBeyond' must be a finite number",
           " between 0.0 and 1.0 if given")
    if (!is_integer(object@thresholdRank, n = 1L)
        || object@thresholdRank < 0L) {
      stop("Output check `rank` must be a non-negative integer")
    if (!is_double(object@quantileAtRatio, n = 1L) ||
        (is.finite(object@quantileAtRatio) && object@quantileAtRatio <= 0.0)) {
      stop("Output 'quantileAtRatio' must be a finite positive number",
           " if given")
    if (!is_double(object@quantileAtRank, n = 1L) ||
        (is.finite(object@quantileAtRank) && object@quantileAtRank <= 0.0)) {
      stop("Output 'quantileAtRank' must be a finite positive number",
           " if given")

#' @details `SimpleGDIUniformityCheck` represents the simplified (and legacy)
#'   mechanism to determine whether a cluster has the *Uniform Transcript*
#'   property
#'   The method is based on checking whether the fraction of the genes' `GDI`
#'   below the given *threshold* is less than the given *ratio*
#' @slot check `GDICheck`. The single threshold check used to determine whether
#'   the **cluster** is deemed not *uniform*. Threshold defaults to \eqn{1.4},
#'   `maxRatioBeyond` to \eqn{1\%}
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom methods validObject
#' @rdname UniformTranscriptCheckers
  contains = "BaseUniformityCheck",
  slots = c(
    check = "GDICheck"
  prototype = list(
    check = new("GDICheck")
  validity = function(object) {
    if (object@check@isCheckAbove) {
      stop("Given check direction must be below")
    if (object@check@maxRankBeyond > 0L) {
      stop("Input check `rank` not supported for this case")
) # end class SimpleGDIUniformityCheck

#' @details `AdvancedGDIUniformityCheck` represents the more precise and
#'   advanced mechanism to determine whether a cluster has the *Uniform
#'   Transcript* property
#'   The method is based on checking the genes' `GDI` against three
#'   *thresholds*: if a cluster fails the first **below** check is deemed not
#'   *uniform*. Otherwise if it passes either of the other two checks (one above
#'   and one below) it is deemed *uniform*.
#' @slot firstCheck `GDICheck`. Single threshold below check used to determine
#'   whether the **cluster** is deemed not *uniform*. Threshold defaults to
#'   \eqn{1.297}, `maxRatioBeyond` to \eqn{5\%}
#' @slot secondCheck `GDICheck`. Single threshold above check used to determine
#'   whether the **cluster** is deemed *uniform*. Threshold defaults to
#'   \eqn{1.307}, `maxRatioBeyond` to \eqn{2\%}
#' @slot thirdCheck `GDICheck`. Single threshold below check used to determine
#'   whether the **cluster** is deemed *uniform*. Threshold defaults to
#'   \eqn{1.4},   `maxRatioBeyond` to \eqn{1\%}
#' @slot fourthCheck `GDICheck`. Single threshold below check used to determine
#'   whether the **cluster** is deemed *uniform*. Threshold defaults to
#'   \eqn{1.4},   `maxRankBeyond` to \eqn{2}
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom methods validObject
#' @rdname UniformTranscriptCheckers
  contains = "BaseUniformityCheck",
  slots = c(
    firstCheck  = "GDICheck",
    secondCheck = "GDICheck",
    thirdCheck  = "GDICheck",
    fourthCheck = "GDICheck"
  prototype = list(
    firstCheck  = new("GDICheck",
                      isCheckAbove   = FALSE,
                      GDIThreshold   = 1.297,
                      maxRatioBeyond = 0.05,
                      maxRankBeyond  = 0L),
    secondCheck = new("GDICheck",
                      isCheckAbove   = TRUE,
                      GDIThreshold   = 1.307,
                      maxRatioBeyond = 0.02,
                      maxRankBeyond  = 0L),
    thirdCheck  = new("GDICheck",
                      isCheckAbove   = FALSE,
                      GDIThreshold   = 1.4,
                      maxRatioBeyond = 0.01,
                      maxRankBeyond  = 0L),
    fourthCheck = new("GDICheck",
                      isCheckAbove   = FALSE,
                      GDIThreshold   = 1.4,
                      maxRatioBeyond = NaN,
                      maxRankBeyond  = 2L)
  validity = function(object) {
    if (object@firstCheck@isCheckAbove   ||
        !object@secondCheck@isCheckAbove ||
        object@thirdCheck@isCheckAbove   ||
        object@fourthCheck@isCheckAbove) {
      stop("The given checks' directions must be 'below, above, below, below'")
  }) # end class AdvancedGDIUniformityCheck
seriph78/COTAN documentation built on Jan. 30, 2025, 4:20 a.m.