#' Tidy Bioconductor build report results
#' The online Bioconductor build reports
#' are great for humans to look at, but
#' they are not easily computable. This function
#' scrapes HTML and text files available
#' from the build report online pages to generate
#' a tidy data frame version of the build report.
#' @param version character(1) the character version number
#' as used to access the online build report. For
#' example, "3.14". The default is the "current version"
#' as given by \code{BiocManager::version()}. Note
#' that this is a character vector of length one and not a number.
#' @param stage.timings logical(1) Whether to include the start, end, and
#' elapsed time for each build, check, install stage from each building in
#' the result (default: FALSE)
#' @inheritParams biocBuildStatusDB
#' @return A \code{tbl_df} object with columns pkg, version,
#' author, commit, date, node, stage, and result.
#' @importFrom readr read_lines
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @importFrom rvest html_text html_text2 html_nodes
#' @importFrom xml2 read_html
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join
#' @importFrom BiocManager version
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @examples
#' # Set the stage--what version of Bioc am I using?
#' BiocManager::version()
#' latest_build <- biocBuildReport()
#' head(latest_build)
#' @export
biocBuildReport <- function(
version = BiocManager::version(),
pkgType = c(
"software", "data-experiment", "data-annotation", "workflows"
stage.timings = FALSE
) {
stopifnot(is.logical(stage.timings), is.character(pkgType))
if (version %in% c("release", "devel"))
version <- BiocManager:::.version_bioc(version)
z <- biocBuildStatusDB(version, pkgType)
if (version >= package_version("3.14")) {
y <- biocBuildReportDB(version, pkgType)
if (stage.timings) {
typeTimings <- lapply(attr(y, "dcf_folder"), .read_summary_dcfs)
timings <- do.call(rbind, unname(typeTimings))
z <- merge(
z, timings,
by.x = c("pkg", "node", "stage"),
by.y = c("Package", "node", "stage")
} else {
warning("Only 'software' provided for Bioconductor < 3.14")
url <- .get_build_report_url(version, pkgType = "bioc")
dat <- xml2::read_html(url)
rowspan <- length(html_text(html_nodes(
if(rowspan > 5L || rowspan < 2L){
warning("Detected an unusual number of builders == ",rowspan," ... ")
res <- html_nodes(dat,
xpath = '/html/body/table[@id="THE_BIG_GCARD_LIST"]') %>%
html_nodes("tr") %>% html_nodes("td") %>% html_nodes("b") %>%
pkgnames <- html_text(res)
versions <- html_nodes(dat,
xpath = '/html/body/table[@id="THE_BIG_GCARD_LIST"]') %>%
html_nodes(xpath = "//td[@rowspan=3]") %>% html_nodes("b") %>%
versions <- vapply(strsplit(versions, "\\s"), `[`, character(1L), 2L)
maints <- html_nodes(dat,
xpath = '//*[@id="THE_BIG_GCARD_LIST"]/tbody/tr/td[@rowspan=3]/text()'
) |> html_text2()
# Account for packages with malformed maintainer fields in page
idx <- which(rle(maints)$lengths > 1)
if (length(idx)) {
off_set <- seq(0, length(idx) - 1)
idx <- idx + off_set
for (i in off_set) {
maints <- append(maints, values = " ", after = idx[i+1] + 1)
maints <- maints[c(FALSE, TRUE)]
stopifnot(identical(length(pkgnames), length(maints)))
meta <- html_nodes(dat,
xpath = '//*[@id="THE_BIG_GCARD_LIST"]/tbody/tr/td[@rowspan=3]')
values <- meta %>% html_nodes("table") %>% html_text2()
if (version >= package_version("3.13")) {
values <- trimws(gsub("[\n]*git_last_commit[_date]*:", "", values))
splitter <- "\\s"
} else {
values <- trimws(gsub("Last.Commit:|.Last.Changed.Date", "", values))
splitter <- ": "
commitdate <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, strsplit(values, splitter))
names(commitdate)[1:2] <- c("git_last_commit", "git_last_commit_date")
commitdate[["git_last_commit_date"]] <-
y <- data.frame(
pkg = pkgnames,
author = maints,
version = versions,
commitdate[, 1:2]
y <- y[!is.na(y$pkg),]
depdf <- get_deprecated_status_df(version)
isEmpty <- all(
vapply(depdf, function(x) identical(length(x), 0L), logical(1L))
if (!isEmpty)
y <- merge(y, depdf, by.x = "pkg", by.y = "Package")
df <- suppressMessages(left_join(y, z)) # just suppress "Joining by...."
df <- as_tibble(df)
if (!nrow(df)) {
warning("No Bioconductor build report found.")
df[['bioc_version']] <- as.character(version)
attr(df,'git_last_commit_date') <- as.POSIXct(df[['git_last_commit_date']][1])
attr(df,'class') = c('biocBuildReport',class(df))
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