.normalizeQuantiles2 <- function(A) {
# Abridged function of limma::normalizeQuantiles, cuts function
# after the sort. Strictly used to generate quantiles.
# A = a matrix
n <- dim(A)
if(is.null(n)) return(A)
if(n[2]==1) return(A)
O <- S <- array(,n)
nobs <- rep(n[1],n[2])
i <- (0:(n[1]-1))/(n[1]-1)
for (j in 1:n[2]) {
Si <- sort(A[,j], method="quick", index.return=TRUE)
nobsj <- length(Si$x)
if(nobsj < n[1]) {
nobs[j] <- nobsj
isna <- is.na(A[,j])
S[,j] <- approx((0:(nobsj-1))/(nobsj-1), Si$x, i, ties="ordered")$y
O[!isna,j] <- ((1:n[1])[!isna])[Si$ix]
} else {
S[,j] <- Si$x
O[,j] <- Si$ix
m <- rowMeans(S)
output <- list(m, i)
.impose <- function(matrix, quan){
# Other half of normalizeQuantiles, assumes ties = TRUE
# Used to fill in a given matrix, according to quantiles determined by quan
# matrix = matrix such as those obtained by betas(object)
# quan = a list of 4 vectors corresponding to quantiles, names, intervals
# and probe design specific to IlluminaDNAMethylationMicro-arrays.
ot <- quan[['onetwo']]
quantiles <- quan[['quantiles']]
names(ot) <- quan[['rn']]
inter <- quan[['inter']]
blank <- matrix(NA, length(ot), ncol(matrix))
rownames(blank) <- names(ot)
share <- intersect(rownames(blank), rownames(matrix))
blank[share,] <- matrix[share, ]
for(z in 1:ncol(matrix)){
isna <- is.na(blank[,z])
r <- rep(0, length(ot))
r[ot=='I'] <- rank(blank[ot=='I', z])
r[ot=='II'] <- rank(blank[ot=='II', z])
blank[ot == 'I' & (!isna), z] <- approx(inter[ot == 'I'],
quantiles[ot == 'I'],
(r[ot=='I'&(!isna)] - 1) /(sum(ot == 'I')-1), ties = "ordered")$y
blank[ot == 'II' & (!isna),z] <- approx(inter[ot == 'II'],
quantiles[ot == 'II'],
(r[ot=='II'&(!isna)] - 1)/(sum(ot == 'II')-1), ties = "ordered")$y
b2 <- na.omit(blank)
b2 <- b2[share,]
estimateCellCounts.wmln <- function(
referencePlatform = c("IlluminaHumanMethylation450k", "IlluminaHumanMethylationEPIC", "IlluminaHumanMethylation27k"),
mn = NULL,
un = NULL,
bn = NULL,
perc = 1,
compositeCellType = "Blood",
probeSelect = "auto",
cellTypes = c("CD8T","CD4T","NK","Bcell","Mono","Gran"),
returnAll = FALSE,
meanPlot = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE,
...) {
# Mostly a copy of minfi::estimateCellCounts with partial optimisation
# to make use of some improvements that improve speed at a marginal cost of
# accuracy. Particularly useful for big data where normalising biological
# and reference data _together_ is as important.
referencePlatform <- match.arg(referencePlatform)
rgPlatform <- platform <- gsub('IlluminaHumanMethylation', '', referencePlatform)
# Sanity Checking from minfi...
if((compositeCellType == "CordBlood") && (!"nRBC" %in% cellTypes)){
message("[estimateCellCounts] Consider including 'nRBC' in argument 'cellTypes' for cord blood estimation.\n")
referencePkg <- sprintf("FlowSorted.%s.%s", compositeCellType, rgPlatform)
if(!require(referencePkg, character.only = TRUE)){
stop(sprintf("Could not find reference data package for compositeCellType '%s' and referencePlatform '%s' (inferred package name is '%s')",
compositeCellType, rgPlatform, referencePkg))
if(platform == 'EPIC'){
# This is actually worse than the original grok...
if(require('ExperimentHub', character.only = TRUE)){
hub <- ExperimentHub::ExperimentHub()
query(hub, "FlowSorted.Blood.EPIC")
referenceRGset <- hub[["EH1136"]]
} else {
stop('Could not find ExperimentHub R package - please install')
cellTypes <- gsub('Gran', 'Neu', cellTypes)
} else {
data(list = referencePkg)
referenceRGset <- get(referencePkg)
if(! "CellType" %in% names(colData(referenceRGset)))
stop(sprintf("the reference sorted dataset (in this case '%s') needs to have a phenoData column called 'CellType'"),
if(sum(colnames(object) %in% colnames(referenceRGset)) > 0)
stop("the sample/column names in the user set must not be in the reference data ")
if(!all(cellTypes %in% referenceRGset$CellType))
stop(sprintf("all elements of argument 'cellTypes' needs to be part of the reference phenoData columns 'CellType' (containg the following elements: '%s')",
paste(unique(referenceRGset$cellType), collapse = "', '")))
if(length(unique(cellTypes)) < 2)
stop("At least 2 cell types must be provided.")
# Here is where things get different.
if(is.null(mn)) mn <- methylated(object)
if(is.null(un)) un <- unmethylated(object)
if(is.null(bn)) bn <- betas(object)
referencePd <- colData(referenceRGset)
referenceMset <- preprocessRaw(referenceRGset)
mrn <- intersect(rownames(referenceMset), rownames(mn))
referenceMset <- referenceMset[mrn,]
M <- mn[mrn,]
U <- un[mrn,]
#ot <- getProbeType(referenceMset)
pri <- rbind(
cbind(getProbeInfo(referenceMset, type='I')[,1], type='I'),
cbind(getProbeInfo(referenceMset, type='II')[,1], type='II')
ot <- pri[,2]
names(ot) <- pri[,1]
ot <- ot[mrn]
colsel <- sample(seq_len(ncol(M)), max(2, min(ncol(M),round(ncol(M)*perc))), replace = FALSE)
sMI <- .normalizeQuantiles2(M[ot=='I', colsel])
sMII <- .normalizeQuantiles2(M[ot=='II', colsel])
sUI <- .normalizeQuantiles2(U[ot=='I', colsel])
sUII <- .normalizeQuantiles2(U[ot=='II', colsel])
mquan <- list(quantiles = rep(0, nrow(M)),
inter = rep(0, nrow(M)),
onetwo = ot
mquan[['quantiles']][ot == 'I'] <- sMI[[1]]
mquan[['inter']][ot == 'I'] <- sMI[[2]]
mquan[['quantiles']][ot == 'II'] <- sMII[[1]]
mquan[['inter']][ot == 'II'] <- sMII[[2]]
uquan <- list(quantiles = rep(0, nrow(M)),
inter = rep(0, nrow(M)),
onetwo = ot)
uquan[['quantiles']][ot == 'I'] <- sUI[[1]]
uquan[['inter']][ot == 'I'] <- sUI[[2]]
uquan[['quantiles']][ot == 'II'] <- sUII[[1]]
uquan[['inter']][ot == 'II'] <- sUII[[2]]
mquan[['rn']] <- uquan[['rn']] <- rownames(M)
nmet <- .impose(getMeth(referenceMset), mquan)
nume <- .impose(getUnmeth(referenceMset), uquan)
# Everything else continues as normal.
referenceMset <- minfi::MethylSet(Meth=na.omit(nmet), Unmeth=na.omit(nume), colData=referencePd, annotation(referenceMset))
if(verbose) message("[estimateCellCounts] Picking probes for composition estimation.\n")
compData <- minfi:::pickCompProbes(referenceMset, cellTypes = cellTypes, compositeCellType = compositeCellType, probeSelect = probeSelect)
coefs <- compData$coefEsts
if(verbose) message("[estimateCellCounts] Estimating composition.\n")
coefdat <- bn[rownames(coefs),]
rownames(coefdat) <- rownames(coefs)
counts <- minfi:::projectCellType(coefdat, coefs)
# calculate deconvolution error
getErrorPerSample = function(applyIndex,
predictedIN = counts,
coefDataIN = coefs,
betasBulkIN = coefdat){
trueBulk = matrix(ncol = 1, nrow = nrow(coefDataIN), data = 0)
RMSE = function(m, o){
sqrt(mean((m - o)^2))
for (i in 1:ncol(coefDataIN)){
trueBulk[,1] = trueBulk[,1] + coefDataIN[,i]*predictedIN[applyIndex,i]
betasBulkIN = t(apply(betasBulkIN, 1, function(x){x[is.na(x)] = 0; return(x)}))
error = RMSE(trueBulk, betasBulkIN[,applyIndex])
CellTypePredictionError = sapply(1:nrow(counts), getErrorPerSample)
counts = cbind(counts, CellTypePredictionError)
if (meanPlot) {
smeans <- compData$sampleMeans
smeans <- smeans[order(names(smeans))]
sampleMeans <- c(colMeans(bn[rownames(coefs),]), smeans)
sampleColors <- c(rep(1, ncol(coefdat)), 1 + as.numeric(factor(names(smeans))))
plot(sampleMeans, pch = 21, bg = sampleColors)
legend("bottomleft", c("blood", levels(factor(names(smeans)))),
col = 1:7, pch = 15)
if(returnAll) {
list(counts = counts, compTable = compData$compTable)
} else {
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