#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
# This file is part of the `OmnipathR` R package
# Copyright
# 2018-2024
# Saez Lab, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, Heidelberg University
# File author(s): Alberto Valdeolivas
# Dénes Türei (turei.denes@gmail.com)
# Attila Gábor
# Distributed under the MIT (Expat) License.
# See accompanying file `LICENSE` or find a copy at
# https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Expat
# Website: https://r.omnipathdb.org/
# Git repo: https://github.com/saezlab/OmnipathR
ORTHO_SOURCE_COL <- 'omnipathr_orthology_source'
ORTHO_TARGET_COL <- 'omnipathr_orthology_target'
ORTHO_GROUP_COL <- 'omnipatr_orthology_group'
ORTHO_COMP_OTM_COL <- 'omnipathr_complex_onetomany'
#' Translate identifiers between organisms by orthologous gene pairs
#' Translates identifiers between organisms using orthology data from NCBI
#' HomoloGene.
#' @param data Data frame or character vector.
#' @param ... Column specification: from zero to up to three arguments, with
#' or without names. NSE is supported. Arguments beyond the third one
#' will be ignored.
#' \itemize{
#' \item{
#' The name of the arguments should be column names, the
#' values identifier types, either as character or as symbols.
#' }
#' \item{
#' Arguments without names assumed to be both column names and
#' identifier types, e.g. a column called "uniprot" containing
#' UniProt IDs.
#' }
#' \item{
#' The first column spefication describes the source column,
#' with identifiers of the source organism. This column must
#' exist in the data and this will be the input of the homology
#' translation. This column will be removed from the returned
#' data frame.
#' }
#' \item{
#' In case of "uniprot", the source column name can be anything,
#' if it contains only UniProt IDs it will be handled accordingly.
#' }
#' \item{
#' In case of "genesymbol", is enough if the source column name
#' contains the word "genesymbol", e.g. "ligand_genesymbol".
#' }
#' \item{
#' The second column spefication describes the target column,
#' with its name and identifier type. If not provided, both
#' the column name and type will be the same as the source
#' }
#' \item{
#' Optionally a third column can be specified with another
#' identifier type. This is convenient if you want, for example
#' also Gene Symbols along with UniProt IDs.
#' }
#' \item{
#' If no specification provided, the input assumed to have
#' a column named either "uniprot" or "genesymbol", or be
#' a character vector of UniProt IDs or Gene Symbols.
#' }
#' }
#' @param target Character or integer: name or identifier of the target
#' organism (the one we translate to). The default target organism is
#' mouse.
#' @param source Character or integer: name of identifier of the source
#' organism (the one the IDs in the input data belong to). The default
#' source organism is human.
#' @noRd
orthology_translate <- function(
target = 10090,
source = 9606
) {
# NSE vs R CMD check workaround
d <- NULL
UNIPROT_DEFAULTS <- c('uniprot', 'uniprot', 'genesymbol')
GENESYMBOL_DEFAULTS <- c('genesymbol')
HOMOLOGENE_ID_TYPES <- c('uniprot', 'genesymbol', 'entrez', 'refseq', 'gi')
ids <-
enquos(...) %>%
map(.nse_ensure_str) %>%
'uniprot' %in% colnames(data) || is_uniprot(data),
) %>%
set_names(names(.) %||% unlist(.)) %>%
set_names(ifelse(nchar(names(.)), names(.), unlist(.)))
id_cols <- names(ids)
id_types <- unlist(ids)
if(length(id_cols) == 1L || id_cols[2] == '.replace'){
id_cols[2] <- id_cols[1]
id_types[2] <- id_types[1]
target_col <- id_cols[2]
target_id_type <- id_types[2]
target2_col <- id_cols[3]
target2_id_type <- sym(id_types[3])
target2_col_tmp <- sym(sprintf('%s__tmp', target2_col))
source_col <- id_cols[1]
source_col_pos <- data %>% colnames %>% {which(. == source_col_str)}
# to handle single vectors as inputs, we convert them to data frames
vector_input <- !is.data.frame(data)
data <- tibble(!!sym(source_col) := data)
# have to keep these to move the new column
# to the position of the original column
before_col <-
data %>% colnames %>%
extract(source_col_pos - 1L) %>%
{`if`(length(.) == 0L, NULL, .)}
after_col <-
data %>% colnames %>%
extract(source_col_pos + 1L) %>%
if_null_len0(NA) %>% # this happens if the input is vector
{`if`(is.na(.) || !is.null(before_col), NULL, .)}
# trying to be smart: if the name is not a registered ID type, but
# "genesymbol" is in the name then we assume it's genesymbol, otherwise
# if the column contains UniProt IDs, we know it's uniprot, and finally
# we fall back to the provided value, it still might be a non registered
# ID type
source_id_type <-
id_types[1] %>%
str_detect(., 'genesymbol'),
source_ncbi <- ncbi_taxid(source)
target_ncbi <- ncbi_taxid(target)
# if we start from anything else than UniProt,
# first we have to translate it to UniProt:
if(source_id_type != 'uniprot'){
source_uniprot <- sprintf('%s_uniprot', source_col_str)
d %<>%
!!source_col := source_id_type,
!!sym(source_uniprot) := 'uniprot',
organism = source_ncbi
) %>%
source_col_str <- source_uniprot
source_col <- sym(source_col_str)
#' Translate a column of identifiers by orthologous gene pairs
#' @param data A data frame with the column to be translated.
#' @param column Name of a character column with identifiers of the source
#' organism of type `id_type`.
#' @param id_type Type of identifiers in `column`. Available ID types include
#' "uniprot", "entrez", "ensg", "refseq" and "swissprot" for OMA, and
#' "uniprot", "entrez", "genesymbol", "refseq" and "gi" for NCBI
#' HomoloGene. If you want to translate an ID type not directly available
#' in your preferred resource, use first \code{\link{translate_ids}}
#' to translate to an ID type directly available in the orthology resource.
#' If not provided, it is assumed the column name is the ID type.
#' @param target_organism Name or NCBI Taxonomy ID of the target organism.
#' @param source_organism Name or NCBI Taxonomy ID of the source organism.
#' @param resource Character: source of the orthology mapping. Currently
#' Orthologous Matrix (OMA) and NCBI HomoloGene are available, refer to
#' them by "oma" and "homologene", respectively.
#' @param replace Logical or character: replace the column with the translated
#' identifiers, or create a new column. If it is character, it will be
#' used as the name of the new column.
#' @param one_to_many Integer: maximum number of orthologous pairs for one
#' gene of the source organism. Genes mapping to higher number of
#' orthologues will be dropped.
#' @param keep_untranslated Logical: keep records without orthologous pairs.
#' If `replace` is TRUE, this option is ignored, and untranslated records
#' will be dropped. Genes with more than `one_to_many` orthologues will
#' always be dropped.
#' @param translate_complexes Logical: translate the complexes by translating
#' their components.
#' @param uniprot_by_id_type Character: translate NCBI HomoloGene to UniProt
#' by this ID type. One of "genesymbol", "entrez", "refseq" or "gi".
#' @return The data frame with identifiers translated to other organism.
#' @importFrom magrittr %<>% %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr inner_join left_join relocate mutate pull
#' @importFrom dplyr filter rename group_by select ungroup n join_by
#' @importFrom rlang sym !! := enquo
#' @importFrom tidyselect any_of
#' @export
orthology_translate_column <- function(
id_type = NULL,
target_organism = 'mouse',
source_organism = 'human',
resource = 'oma',
replace = FALSE,
one_to_many = NULL,
keep_untranslated = FALSE,
translate_complexes = FALSE,
uniprot_by_id_type = 'entrez'
) {
column <- .nse_ensure_str(!!enquo(column))
id_type <- .nse_ensure_str(!!enquo(id_type)) %>% if_null(column)
uniprot <- id_type == 'uniprot'
unirprot_by_id_type <- .nse_ensure_str(!!enquo(uniprot_by_id_type))
target_organism %<>% ncbi_taxid
source_organism %<>% ncbi_taxid
target_column <-
column %>%
sprintf('%s_%i', column, target_organism)
orthology_param <-
) %>%
resource == 'oma',
c('organism_a', 'organism_b'),
c('source', 'target')
)) %>%
resource == 'homologene',
list(by = uniprot_by_id_type),
list(id_type = id_type)
db_name <- `if`(
resource == 'oma',
`if`(uniprot, 'homologene_uniprot', 'homologene')
orthologous_pairs <-
get_db(db_name, param = orthology_param) %>%
select(-any_of('hgroup')) %>%
orthology = .,
identifiers = data %>% pull(!!sym(column)),
one_to_many = translate_complexes
join <- `if`(
!keep_untranslated || column == target_column,
data %>%
mutate(!!sym(ORTHO_GROUP_COL) := 1L:n()) %>%
by = join_by(!!sym(column) == !!sym(ORTHO_SOURCE_COL))
) %>%
relocate(ORTHO_TARGET_COL, .after = column) %>%
column == target_column,
select(., -!!sym(column)),
)} %>%
rename(!!sym(target_column) := !!sym(ORTHO_TARGET_COL)) %>%
group_by(., !!sym(ORTHO_GROUP_COL)) %>%
filter(n() <= one_to_many) %>%
)} %>%
#' Translate complexes by their members
#' @param orthology A data frame with the orthologous gene pairs.
#' @param identifiers A vector of identifiers, all or some of them are
#' complexes.
#' @param one_to_many Integer: maximum number of orthologous complexes
#' to derive from one complex in the source organism. To avoid
#' unpleasant surprises, by default one-to-many mapping is disabled.
#' To impose no limits on one-to-many mapping, set this argument to
#' `FALSE`.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% extract
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom tidyr separate_rows unnest_longer
#' @importFrom dplyr filter mutate left_join n pull group_by distinct rowwise
#' @importFrom dplyr ungroup mutate_all distinct c_across summarise_at
#' @importFrom tidyselect everything
#' @importFrom rlang set_names !! := sym
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect str_replace
#' @noRd
complex_orthology <- function(
one_to_many = 1L
) {
# NSE vs. R CMD check workaround
components <- complexes <- vars <- NULL
has_prefix <- identifiers %>% str_detect(CPLEX_PREFIX) %>% any
comp_prod <- function(comp) {
comp %>%
expand.grid %>%
mutate_all(as.character) %>%
rowwise %>%
complexes = paste(sort(c_across(everything())), collapse = '_')
) %>%
identifiers %>%
tibble(source = .) %>%
filter(str_detect(source, '_')) %>%
mutate(components = str_replace(source, CPLEX_PREFIX, '')) %>%
separate_rows(components, sep = '_') %>%
left_join(orthology, by = c('components' = ORTHO_SOURCE_COL)) %>%
group_by(source) %>%
filter(!any(is.na(!!sym(ORTHO_TARGET_COL)))) %>%
ungroup %>%
group_by(., source, components) %>%
mutate(!!sym(ORTHO_COMP_OTM_COL) := n()) %>%
ungroup %>%
group_by(source) %>%
filter(prod(!!sym(ORTHO_COMP_OTM_COL)) <= one_to_many) %>%
ungroup %>%
)} %>%
group_by(source, components) %>%
mutate(!!sym(ORTHO_TARGET_COL) := list(!!sym(ORTHO_TARGET_COL))) %>%
summarise_at(.vars = vars(!!sym(ORTHO_TARGET_COL)), .funs = extract, 1L) %>%
ungroup %>%
group_by(source) %>%
mutate(!!sym(ORTHO_TARGET_COL) := list(comp_prod(!!sym(ORTHO_TARGET_COL)))) %>%
unnest_longer(!!sym(ORTHO_TARGET_COL)) %>%
sprintf('%s%s', CPLEX_PREFIX, !!sym(ORTHO_TARGET_COL))
)} %>%
select(-components) %>%
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