#' @title Remove margin events of flow cytometry data
#' @description \code{RemoveMargins} will remove margin events from the
#' flowframe based on the internal description of the fcs file.
#' @usage RemoveMargins(ff, channels,
#' channel_specifications=NULL, output="frame")
#' @param ff A flowframe that contains flow cytometry data.
#' @param channels The channel indices or channel names that have to be checked
#' for margin events
#' @param channel_specifications A list of vectors with parameter specifications
#' for certain channels. This parameter should only be used if the values in
#' the internal parameters description is too strict or wrong for a number or
#' all channels. This should be one list per channel with first a minRange and
#' then a maxRange value in a vector. This list should have the channel name
#' found back in \code{colnames(flowCore::exprs(ff))}. If a channel is not
#' listed in this parameter, its default internal values will be used. The
#' default of this parameter is NULL.
#' @param output If set to "full", a list with the filtered flowframe and the
#' indices of the margin event is returned. If set to "frame", only the
#' filtered flowframe is returned. The default is "frame".
#' @examples
#' # Read in raw data
#' fileName <- system.file("extdata", "111.fcs", package="PeacoQC")
#' ff <- flowCore::read.FCS(fileName)
#' # Define channels where the margin events should be removed
#' channels <- c(1, 3, 5:14, 18, 21)
#' # Remove margins
#' ff_cleaned <- RemoveMargins(ff, channels)
#' # If an internal value is wrong for a channels (e.g. FSC-A)
#' channel_specifications <- list("FSC-A"=c(-111, 262144),
#' "SSC-A"=c(-111, 262144))
#' ff_cleaned <- RemoveMargins(
#' ff,
#' channels,
#' channel_specifications=channel_specifications)
#' @return This function returns either a filtered flowframe when the
#' \code{output} parameter is set to "frame" or a list containing the filtered
#' flowframe and a TRUE/FALSE list indicating the margin events. An extra column
#' named "Original_ID" is added to the flowframe where the cells are given their
#' original cell id.
#' @importFrom flowWorkspace pData
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
RemoveMargins <- function(
output="frame") {
if (!is(ff, "flowFrame"))
stop("ff should be a flowframe.")
if (!is(channel_specifications, "list") &
stop("channel_specifications should be a list of lists.")
if(!all(lengths(channel_specifications) == 2) &
stop(StrMessage("channel_specifications should be a list of lists.
Every list should have the channel name and should contain a
minRange and maxRange value."))
if(is.null(names(channel_specifications)) &
stop(StrMessage("channel_specifications should be a list of named lists.
Make sure that the names correspond with the channel names."))
if(!all(names(channel_specifications) %in% colnames(flowCore::exprs(ff))) &
stop(StrMessage("channel_specifications should be a list of named lists.
Make sure that the names correspond with the channel names."))
if(!is.numeric(channels) & !all(channels%in% colnames(flowCore::exprs(ff)))|
stop(StrMessage("Make sure that you use indices or the colnames in the
expression matrix in the flowframe to indicate which channels you
want to use."))
meta <- flowWorkspace::pData(flowCore::parameters(ff))
rownames(meta) <- meta[, "name"]
c("minRange", "maxRange")] <- do.call(rbind, channel_specifications)
# Initialize variables
selection <- rep(TRUE, times=dim(ff)[1])
e <- flowCore::exprs(ff)
channels <- colnames(flowCore::exprs(ff))[channels]
# Make selection
for (d in channels) {
selection <- selection &
e[, d] > max(min(meta[d, "minRange"], 0), min(e[, d])) &
e[, d] < min(meta[d, "maxRange"], max(e[, d]))
if ((length(flowCore::keyword(ff)$FILENAME) > 0) &&
!is.na(flowCore::keyword(ff)$FILENAME)) {
filename <- basename(flowCore::keyword(ff)$FILENAME)
} else if ((length(flowCore::keyword(ff)[["$FIL"]]) > 0) &&
!is.na(flowCore::keyword(ff)[["$FIL"]])) {
filename <- basename(flowCore::keyword(ff)[["$FIL"]])
if (length(which(selection == FALSE))/length(selection) > 0.1) {
warning(StrMessage(c("More than ",
round(length(which(selection == FALSE))/length(selection) * 100, 2),
"% is considered as a margin event in file ",
". This should be verified.")))
new_ff <- ff[selection, ]
if (!("Original_ID" %in% colnames(flowCore::exprs(new_ff)))){
new_ff <- AppendCellID(new_ff, which(selection))}
if (output == "full"){
"indices_margins"=which(selection == FALSE)))
} else if (output == "frame"){
#' @title Remove doublet events from flow cytometry data
#' @description \code{RemoveDoublets} will remove doublet events from the
#' flowframe based on two channels.
#' @usage RemoveDoublets(ff, channel1="FSC-A", channel2="FSC-H", nmad=4,
#' verbose=FALSE, output="frame")
#' @param ff A flowframe that contains flow cytometry data.
#' @param channel1 The first channels that will be used to determine the
#' doublet events. Default is "FSC-A"
#' @param channel2 The second channels that will be used to determine the
#' doublet events. Default is "FSC-H"
#' @param nmad Bandwidth above the ratio allowed (cells are kept if their
#' ratio is smaller than the median ratio + \code{nmad} times the median
#' absolute deviation of the ratios). Default is 4.
#' @param verbose If set to TRUE, the median ratio and width will be printed.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @param output If set to "full", a list with the filtered flowframe and the
#' indices of the doublet event is returned. If set to "frame", only the
#' filtered flowframe is returned. The default is "frame".
#' @examples
#' # Read in data
#' fileName <- system.file("extdata", "111.fcs", package="PeacoQC")
#' ff <- flowCore::read.FCS(fileName)
#' # Remove doublets
#' ff_cleaned <- RemoveDoublets(ff)
#' @return This function returns either a filtered flowframe when the
#' \code{output} parameter is set to "frame" or a list containing the filtered
#' flowframe and a TRUE/FALSE list indicating the margin events. An extra column
#' named "Original_ID" is added to the flowframe where the cells are given their
#' original cell id.
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
RemoveDoublets <- function(ff,
if (!is(ff, "flowFrame"))
stop("ff should be a flowframe.")
# Calculate the ratios
ratio <- flowCore::exprs(ff)[,channel1] /
(1e-10+ flowCore::exprs(ff)[,channel2])
# Define the region that is accepted
r <- stats::median(ratio)
r_m <- stats::mad(ratio)
if(verbose) message(paste0("Median ratio: ", r,", width: ", nmad*r_m))
# Make selection
selection <- ratio < r+nmad*r_m
new_ff <- ff[selection, ]
if (!("Original_ID" %in% colnames(flowCore::exprs(new_ff)))){
new_ff <- AppendCellID(new_ff, which(selection))}
if (output == "full"){
"indices_doublets"=which(selection == FALSE)))
} else if (output == "frame"){
#' @title Peak-based detection of high quality cytometry data
#' @description \code{PeacoQC} will determine peaks on the channels in the
#' flowframe. Then it will remove anomalies caused by e.g. clogs, changes in
#' speed etc. by using an IsolationTree and/or the MAD method.
#' @usage
#' PeacoQC(ff, channels, determine_good_cells="all",
#' plot=20, save_fcs=TRUE, output_directory=".",
#' name_directory="PeacoQC_results", report=TRUE,
#' events_per_bin=FindEventsPerBin(remove_zeros, ff, channels,
#' min_cells, max_bins, step), min_cells=150, max_bins=500, step=500,
#' MAD=6, IT_limit=0.6, consecutive_bins=5, remove_zeros=FALSE,
#' suffix_fcs="_QC", force_IT=150, peak_removal = (1/3),
#' min_nr_bins_peakdetection = 10, time_channel_parameter = "Time",
#' ...)
#' @param ff A flowframe or the location of an fcs file. Make sure that the
#' flowframe is compensated and transformed. If it is mass cytometry data, only
#' a transformation is necessary.
#' @param channels Indices or names of the channels in the flowframe on which
#' peaks have to be determined.
#' @param determine_good_cells If set to FALSE, the algorithm will only
#' determine peaks. If it is set to "all", the bad measurements will be
#' filtered out based on the MAD and IT analysis. It can also be put to "MAD"
#' or "IT" to only use one method of filtering.
#' @param min_cells The minimum amount of cells (nonzero values) that should be
#' present in one bin. Lowering this parameter can affect the robustness of the
#' peak detection. Default is 150.
#' @param max_bins The maximum number of bins that can be used in the cleaning
#' process. If this value is lowered, larger bins will be made. Default is 500.
#' @param step The step in events_per_bin to which the parameter is reduced to.
#' Default is 500.
#' @param plot When PeacoQC removes more than the specified percentage, an
#' overview plot will be made of all the selected channels and the deleted
#' measurements. If set to TRUE, the \code{PlotPeacoQC} function is
#' run to make an overview plot of the deleted measurements, even when
#' nothing is removed. Default is set to 20. If an increasing or decreasing
#' trend is found, a figure will also be made except if plot is set to FALSE.
#' @param save_fcs If set to TRUE, the cleaned fcs file will be saved in the
#' \code{output_directory} as: filename_QC.fcs. The _QC name can be altered with
#' the \code{suffix_fcs} parameter. An extra column named "Original_ID" is added
#' to this fcs file where the cells are given their original cell id.
#' Default is TRUE.
#' @param output_directory Directory where a new folder will be created that
#' consists of the generated fcs files, plots and report. If set to NULL,
#' nothing will be stored.The default folder is the working directory.
#' @param name_directory Name of folder that will be generated in
#' \code{output_directory}. The default is "PeacoQC_results".
#' @param report Overview text report that is generated after PeacoQC is run.
#' If set to FALSE, no report will be generated. The default is TRUE.
#' @param events_per_bin Number of events that are put in one bin.
#' Default is calculated based on the rows in \code{ff}
#' @param MAD The MAD parameter. Default is 6. If this is increased, the
#' algorithm becomes less strict.
#' @param IT_limit The IsolationTree parameter. Default is 0.55. If this is
#' increased, the algorithm becomes less strict.
#' @param consecutive_bins If 'good' bins are located between bins that are
#' removed, they will also be marked as 'bad'. The default is 5.
#' @param remove_zeros If this is set to TRUE, the zero values will be removed
#' before the peak detection step. They will not be indicated as 'bad' value.
#' This is recommended when cleaning mass cytometry data. Default is FALSE.
#' @param suffix_fcs The suffix given to the new fcs files. Default is "_QC".
#' @param force_IT If the number of determined bins is less than this number,
#' the IT analysis will not be performed. Default is 150 bins.
#' @param peak_removal During the peak detection step, peaks are only kept if
#' they are \code{peak_removal} percentage of the maximum height peak. Default is
#' 1/3
#' @param min_nr_bins_peakdetection The percentage of number of bins in which
#' the maximum number of peaks has to be present. Default is 10.
#' @param time_channel_parameter Name of the time channel in ff if present.
#' Default is "Time".
#' @param ... Options to pass on to the \code{PlotPeacoQC} function
#' (display_cells, manual_cells, prefix)
#' @return This function returns a \code{list} with a number of items. It will
#' include "FinalFF" where the transformed, compensated and cleaned flowframe is
#' stored. It also contains the starting parameters and the information
#' necessary to give to \code{PlotPeacoQC} if the two functions are run
#' seperatly. The GoodCells list is also given where 'good' measurements are
#' indicated as TRUE and the to be removed measurements as FALSE.
#' @examples
#' # General pipeline for preprocessing and quality control with PeacoQC
#' # Read in raw fcs file
#' fileName <- system.file("extdata", "111.fcs", package="PeacoQC")
#' ff <- flowCore::read.FCS(fileName)
#' # Define channels where the margin events should be removed
#' # and on which the quality control should be done
#' channels <- c(1, 3, 5:14, 18, 21)
#' ff <- RemoveMargins(ff=ff, channels=channels, output="frame")
#' # Compensate and transform the data
#' ff <- flowCore::compensate(ff, flowCore::keyword(ff)$SPILL)
#' ff <- flowCore::transform(ff,
#' flowCore::estimateLogicle(ff,
#' colnames(flowCore::keyword(ff)$SPILL)))
#' #Run PeacoQC
#' PeacoQC_res <- PeacoQC(ff, channels,
#' determine_good_cells="all",
#' save_fcs=TRUE)
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
PeacoQC <- function(ff,
events_per_bin=FindEventsPerBin(remove_zeros, ff,
channels, min_cells,
max_bins, step),
min_cells = 150,
max_bins = 500,
step = 500,
force_IT = 150,
peak_removal = (1/3),
min_nr_bins_peakdetection = 10,
time_channel_parameter = "Time",
CheckInputSignalStability(ff, channels, determine_good_cells, plot,
save_fcs, output_directory, report,
# Make a new directory where all results will be stored
suppressWarnings(dir.create(output_directory, recursive = TRUE))
storing_directory <- file.path(output_directory, name_directory)
if (save_fcs){
fcs_directory <- file.path(storing_directory, "fcs_files")
if (report & determine_good_cells %in% c("all", "IT", "MAD")){
# Make initial percentages in case only one analysis is used
perc_IT <- "Not_used"
perc_MAD <- "Not_used"
report_location <- file.path(storing_directory,
paste0("PeacoQC_report", ".txt"))
if (!file.exists(report_location)) {
"Nr. Measurements before cleaning",
"Nr. Measurements after cleaning",
"% Full analysis", "Analysis by",
"% IT analysis", "% MAD analysis",
"% Consecutive cells",
"MAD", "IT limit", "Consecutive bins",
"Events per bin",
"Increasing/Decreasing channel")),
report_location, sep="\t",
quote=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
} else { # If the directory is NULL, no things can be saved in any location
plot <- FALSE
save_fcs <- FALSE
report <- FALSE
# Searching for the name of the ff
if ((length(flowCore::keyword(ff)$FILENAME) > 0) &&
!is.na(flowCore::keyword(ff)$FILENAME)) {
filename <- basename(flowCore::keyword(ff)$FILENAME)
} else if ((length(flowCore::keyword(ff)[["$FIL"]]) > 0) &&
!is.na(flowCore::keyword(ff)[["$FIL"]])) {
filename <- basename(flowCore::keyword(ff)[["$FIL"]])
if (length(filename)>0){
message("Starting quality control analysis for ",
# Make an empty list for the eventual results
results <- list()
results$Analysis <- determine_good_cells
results$Channels <- channels
if (is.numeric(channels)){
channels <- colnames(flowCore::exprs(ff))[channels]}
# Make the breaks for the entire flowframe
res_breaks <- MakeBreaks(events_per_bin, nrow(ff))
breaks <- res_breaks$breaks
results$nr_bins <- length(res_breaks$breaks)
results$EventsPerBin <- res_breaks$events_per_bin
# Check if there is an increasing or decreasing trend in the channels
list_weird_channels <- FindIncreasingDecreasingChannels(breaks,
ff, channels,
plot <- list_weird_channels$plot
results$WeirdChannels <- list_weird_channels[1:3]
all_peaks_res <- DeterminePeaksAllChannels(ff, channels,
breaks, remove_zeros, results,
peak_removal, min_nr_bins_peakdetection)
results <- all_peaks_res$results
outlier_bins <- rep(TRUE, nrow(all_peaks_res$all_peaks))
names(outlier_bins) <- seq_along(outlier_bins)
# ------------------------ Isolation Tree --------------------------------
if (determine_good_cells == "all" || determine_good_cells == "IT"){
if (length(res_breaks$breaks) >= force_IT ){
IT_res <- isolationTreeSD(x = all_peaks_res$all_peaks,
IT_cells <- RemovedBins(breaks, !IT_res$outlier_bins, nrow(ff))
outlier_bins <- IT_res$outlier_bins
results$IT <- IT_res$res
results$OutlierIT <- IT_cells$cells
results$ITPercentage <- (length(IT_cells$cell_ids)/nrow(ff))* 100
message("IT analysis removed ", round(results$ITPercentage, 2),
"% of the measurements" )
} else {
warning(StrMessage("There are not enough bins for a robust isolation tree
results$ITPercentage <- NA
# ------------------------ Outliers based on mad --------------------------
if (determine_good_cells == "all" || determine_good_cells == "MAD"){
MAD_results <- MADOutlierMethod(all_peaks_res$all_peaks, outlier_bins,
MAD, breaks, nrow(ff))
mad_cells <- RemovedBins(breaks, MAD_results$MAD_bins, nrow(ff))
results$OutlierMads <- mad_cells$cells
results$ContributionMad <- MAD_results$Contribution_MAD
results$MADPercentage <- (length(mad_cells$cell_ids)/nrow(ff))*100
outlier_bins[outlier_bins] <- !MAD_results$MAD_bins
message("MAD analysis removed ", round(results$MADPercentage, 2),
"% of the measurements")
# ------------------------- indicate bad cells ----------------------------
if (determine_good_cells %in% c("all", "IT", "MAD")){
results <- RemoveShortRegions(ff, outlier_bins, consecutive_bins,
breaks, results)
message("The algorithm removed ",
round(results$PercentageRemoved, 2),
"% of the measurements")
if(results$PercentageRemoved > 70){
warning(StrMessage("More than 70% was removed from file ",
if(plot != FALSE &
(results$PercentageRemoved >= plot | plot %in% c(TRUE, "all"))){
plot <- TRUE
} else {plot <- FALSE}
new_ff <- ff[results$GoodCells, ]
if (!("Original_ID" %in% colnames(new_ff@exprs))){
new_ff <- AppendCellID(new_ff, which(results$GoodCells))
results$FinalFF <- new_ff
# ----------------- Does the file need to be saved in an fcs? ---------
if (save_fcs & !is.null(output_directory)){
message("Saving fcs file")
paste0(suffix_fcs, ".fcs"))))
# ----------------- Does an overview file need to be generated? --------
if (report & !is.null(output_directory)){
determine_good_cells, results$ITPercentage,
results$MADPercentage, results$ConsecutiveCellsPercentage,
MAD, IT_limit, consecutive_bins,
events_per_bin, list_weird_channels$Changing_channel)),
report_location, sep="\t", append=TRUE, row.names=FALSE,
quote=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
#---------------- Does the file need to be plotted? ------------------------
if (!is.null(output_directory)){
if(determine_good_cells %in% c("all", "IT", "MAD")){
title_FR <- paste0(round(results$PercentageRemoved, 3),
"% of the data was removed.")
} else {
title_FR <- ""
message("Plotting the results")
#' @title Visualise deleted cells of PeacoQC
#' @description \code{PlotPeacoQC} will generate a png file with on overview of
#' the flow rate and the different selected channels. These will be annotated
#' based on the measurements that were removed by PeacoQC. It is also possible
#' to only display the quantiles and median or only the measurements without
#' any annotation.
#' @usage
#' PlotPeacoQC(ff, channels, output_directory=".", display_cells=2000,
#' manual_cells=NULL, title_FR=NULL, display_peaks=TRUE,
#' prefix="PeacoQC_", time_unit=100, time_channel_parameter="Time",
#' ...)
#' @param ff A flowframe
#' @param channels Indices of names of the channels in the flowframe that have
#' to be displayed
#' @param output_directory Directory where the plots should be generated. Set
#' to NULL if no plots need to be generated. The default is the working
#' directory.
#' @param display_cells The number of measurements that should be displayed.
#' (The number of dots that are displayed for every channel) The default is
#' 2000.
#' @param manual_cells Give a vector (TRUE/FALSE) with annotations for each cell
#' to compare the automated QC with. The default is NULL.
#' @param title_FR The title that has to be displayed above the flow rate
#' figure. Default is NULL.
#' @param display_peaks If the result of \code{PeacoQC} is given, all the
#' quality control results will be visualised. If set to TRUE: \code{PeacoQC}
#' will be run and only the peaks will be displayed without any quality control.
#' If set to FALSE, no peaks will be displayed and only the events will be
#' displayed. Default is TRUE.
#' @param prefix The prefix that will be given to the generated png file.
#' Default is "PeacoQC_".
#' @param time_unit The number of time units grouped together for visualising
#' event rate. The default is set to 100, resulting in events per second for
#' most flow datasets. Suggested to adapt for mass cytometry data.
#' @param time_channel_parameter Name of the time channel in ff if present.
#' Default is "Time".
#' @param ... Arguments to be given to \code{PeacoQC} if \code{display_peaks}
#' is set to TRUE.
#' @return This function returns nothing but generates a png file in the
#' output_directory
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @examples
#' ## Plotting the results of PeacoQC
#' # Read in transformed and compensated data
#' fileName <- system.file("extdata", "111_Comp_Trans.fcs", package="PeacoQC")
#' ff <- flowCore::read.FCS(fileName)
#' # Define channels on which the quality control should be done and the
#' # plots should be made
#' channels <- c(1, 3, 5:14, 18, 21)
#' # Run PeacoQC
#' PeacoQC_res <- PeacoQC(ff,
#' channels,
#' determine_good_cells="all",
#' plot=FALSE,
#' save_fcs=TRUE)
#' # Run PlotPeacoQC
#' PlotPeacoQC(ff, channels, display_peaks=PeacoQC_res)
#' ## Plot only the peaks (No quality control)
#' PlotPeacoQC(ff, channels, display_peaks=TRUE)
#' ## Plot only the dots of the file
#' PlotPeacoQC(ff, channels, display_peaks=FALSE)
#' @export
PlotPeacoQC <- function(ff,
...) {
input_res <- CheckInputPlot(ff, channels, output_directory,
display_cells, display_peaks, ...)
display_cells <- input_res$display_cells
peaks <- input_res$peaks
plot_directory <- input_res$plot_directory
# Initiate empty lists for all plots
plot_list <- list()
# Check for time channel
if (!is.null(time_channel_parameter)){
if (all(!grepl(time_channel_parameter,
time_channel <- NULL
} else{
time_channel <- grep(time_channel_parameter,
} else(time_channel <- NULL)
if (is.numeric(channels)){
channels <- colnames(flowCore::exprs(ff))[channels]
# Plot acc score if one is listed in given arguments
if (!is.null(title_FR)) {
scores_time <- title_FR
} else {
scores_time <- ""
if ((length(flowCore::keyword(ff)$FILENAME) > 0) &&
!is.na(flowCore::keyword(ff)$FILENAME)) {
filename <- basename(flowCore::keyword(ff)$FILENAME)
} else if ((length(flowCore::keyword(ff)[["$FIL"]]) > 0) &&
!is.na(flowCore::keyword(ff)[["$FIL"]])) {
filename <- basename(flowCore::keyword(ff)[["$FIL"]])
# Name to put on plotfile
name <- sub(".fcs", "", filename)
if (is(display_peaks, "list") && display_peaks$Analysis != FALSE){
blocks <- MakeOverviewBlocks(ff, peaks, time_channel)
} else {
blocks <- NULL
if (!is.null(manual_cells)){
manual_blocks <- MakeManualBlocks(manual_cells)
} else {
manual_blocks <- NULL
if (!is.null(time_channel)){
if (is(display_peaks, "list") && display_peaks$Analysis != FALSE){
p_time <- BuildTimePlot(ff, blocks$overview_blocks_time,
scores_time, time_unit,
time_id = time_channel)
} else{ p_time <- BuildTimePlot(ff, scores_time=scores_time,
time_id = time_channel) }
plot_list[["Time"]] <- p_time
plot_list <- BuildChannelPlots(channels, peaks, display_peaks,
display_cells, manual_cells, manual_blocks,
ff, blocks, plot_list)
MakeNicePlots(display_peaks, plot_list, channels, plot_directory,
prefix, name)
#' @title Make overview heatmap of quality control analysis
#' @description \code{PeacoQCHeatmap} will make a heatmap to display all the
#' results generated by \code{PeacoQC}. It will include the percentages of
#' measurements that are removed in total, by the IT method and by the MAD
#' method. It will also show the parameters that were used during the
#' quality control.
#' @usage
#' PeacoQCHeatmap(report_location, show_values=TRUE, show_row_names=TRUE,
#' latest_tests=FALSE, title="PeacoQC report", ...)
#' @param report_location The path to the PeacoQC report generated by
#' \code{PeacoQC}.
#' @param show_values If set to TRUE, the percentages of removed values
#' will be displayed on the heatmap. Default is TRUE.
#' @param show_row_names If set to FALSE, the filenames will not be displayed
#' on the heatmap. Default is TRUE.
#' @param latest_tests If this is set to TRUE, only the latest quality control
#' run will be displayed in the heatmap. Default is FALSE.
#' @param title The title that should be given to the heatmap. Default is
#' "PeacoQC_report".
#' @param ... Extra parameters to be given to the \code{Heatmap} function
#' (eg. row_split)
#' @return This function returns nothing but generates a heatmap that can be
#' saved as pdf or png
#' @import ComplexHeatmap
#' @importFrom utils read.delim write.table
#' @importFrom grDevices png dev.off
#' @importFrom circlize colorRamp2
#' @importFrom grid grid.text gpar
#' @examples
#' # Find path to PeacoQC report
#' location <- system.file("extdata", "PeacoQC_report.txt", package="PeacoQC")
#' # Make heatmap overview of quality control run
#' PeacoQCHeatmap(report_location=location)
#' # Make heatmap with only the runs of the last test
#' PeacoQCHeatmap(report_location=location, latest_tests=TRUE)
#' # Make heatmap with row annotation
#' row_split=c(rep("r1",7), rep("r2", 55)))
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @export
PeacoQCHeatmap <- function(
title="PeacoQC report",
if (!file.exists(report_location))
stop(StrMessage("The path specified in the report_location parameter
is wrong or incomplete."))
if(show_row_names == FALSE & latest_tests == FALSE)
warning(StrMessage("If there are duplicates in the report file,
they will be displayed on the heatmap without their filename."))
report_table <- utils::read.delim(report_location,
report_table[report_table == "Not_used"] <- NA
if (latest_tests){
report_table <- report_table[!duplicated(report_table$Filename,
fromLast=TRUE), ]
rownames(report_table) <- report_table$Filename
} else {
table_names <- report_table$Filename
y <- table(table_names) > 1
tmp <- !duplicated(table_names) & (table_names %in% names(which(y)))
unique_table_names <- make.unique(table_names)
unique_table_names[tmp] <- paste0(unique_table_names[tmp], ".0")
unique_table_names <- sub("(.*.fcs)(\\.)(.*)",
"\\1_\\3", unique_table_names)
rownames(report_table) <- unique_table_names
annotation_frame <- data.frame(
"Consecutive bins"=factor(report_table$`Consecutive bins`),
"IT limit"=factor(report_table$`IT limit`),
"Events per bin" = report_table$`Events per bin`,
rownames(annotation_frame) <- rownames(report_table)
t1 <- colorRampPalette(c("#8D99AE", "#2B2D42"))
col_cons <- t1(length(unique(annotation_frame$`Consecutive bins`)))
t2 <- colorRampPalette(c("#EBB9DF", "#7D1D3F"))
col_MAD <- t2(length(unique(annotation_frame$MAD)))
t3 <- colorRampPalette(c("#B2CEDE", "#AD7A99"))
col_IT <- t3(length(unique(annotation_frame$`IT limit`)))
col_events <- colorRamp2(c(0, max(annotation_frame$`Events per bin`)/2,
max(annotation_frame$`Events per bin`)),
c("#5AAA95", "white", "#474973"))
col_events <- colorRamp2(c(0, max(annotation_frame$`Events per bin`)),
c("#5AAA95", "#474973"))
# t4 <- colorRampPalette(c("#5AAA95", "#474973"))
# col_events <- t4(length(unique(annotation_frame$`Events per bin`)))
names(col_cons) <- unique(annotation_frame$`Consecutive bins`)
names(col_MAD) <- unique(annotation_frame$MAD)
names(col_IT) <- unique(annotation_frame$`IT limit`)
# names(col_events) <- unique(annotation_frame$`Events per bin`)
analysis <- report_table$`Analysis by`
if("all" %in% analysis | all(c("IT", "MAD") %in% analysis)){
ha <- rowAnnotation(df=annotation_frame,
col=list("Consecutive bins"=col_cons,
"IT limit"=col_IT,
"Events per bin"=col_events),
annotation_legend_param =
list("IT limit" = list(ncol = 1),
"MAD" = list(ncol = 1),
"Consecutive bins" = list(ncol = 1),
"Events per bin" = list(direction = "horizontal")))
} else if(length(unique(analysis)) == 1 & unique(analysis) == "IT"){
ha <- rowAnnotation(
"Consecutive bins"=annotation_frame$`Consecutive bins`,
"IT limit"=annotation_frame$`IT limit`,
col=list("Consecutive bins"=col_cons,
"IT limit"=col_IT,
"Events per bin"=col_events),
annotation_legend_param = list(
"IT limit" = list(ncol = 1),
"Consecutive bins" = list(ncol = 1),
"Events per bin" = list(direction = "horizontal")))
} else if(length(unique(analysis)) == 1 & unique(analysis) == "MAD"){
ha <- rowAnnotation(
"Consecutive bins"=annotation_frame$`Consecutive bins`,
col=list("Consecutive bins"=col_cons,
"Events per bin"=col_events),
annotation_legend_param = list(
"MAD" = list(ncol = 1),
"Consecutive bins" = list(ncol = 1),
"Events per bin" = list(direction = "horizontal")))
col_incr_decr_channel <- c()
if("No increasing or decreasing effect" %in%
report_table$`Increasing/Decreasing channel`){
col_incr_decr_channel <- c(col_incr_decr_channel,
"No increasing or decreasing effect"="#26C485")
if ("Increasing channel" %in% report_table$`Increasing/Decreasing channel`){
col_incr_decr_channel <- c(col_incr_decr_channel,
"Increasing channel"="#AF3800")
if ("Decreasing channel" %in% report_table$`Increasing/Decreasing channel`){
col_incr_decr_channel <- c(col_incr_decr_channel,
"Decreasing channel"="#721817")
if ("Increasing and decreasing channel" %in%
report_table$`Increasing/Decreasing channel`){
col_incr_decr_channel <- c(col_incr_decr_channel,
"Increasing and decreasing channel"="#A50104")
annotation_right <- rowAnnotation(
"Increasing/Decreasing channel"]),
report_matrix <- data.matrix(report_table[, c(4, 6, 7, 8)])
cell_fun=function(j, i, x, y, width, height, fill)
grid.text(sprintf("%.1f", report_matrix[i, j]), x, y,
} else{
ph <- Heatmap(report_matrix,
col=circlize::colorRamp2(c(0, 20, 100), c("#EBEBD3", "#FFD151", "red")),
name="Removed percentage",
draw(ph, annotation_legend_side="bottom", heatmap_legend_side="bottom")
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