
Defines functions PlotOutliers AddAnnotation FlowSOMmary gg_color_hue AddStars AddPies AddScale AddBackground AddNodes AddLabels AddStarsPies AddMST AutoMaxNodeSize ScaleStarHeights ParseQuery ParseArcs ParseNodeSize ParseLayout ParseEdges PlotStarLegend PlotSD QueryMultiple QueryStarPlot Plot1DScatters Plot2DScatters PlotManualBars PlotDimRed PlotVariable PlotMarker PlotNumbers PlotLabels PlotPies PlotStars FlowSOM_colors PlotFlowSOM

Documented in AddAnnotation AddBackground AddLabels AddMST AddNodes AddPies AddScale AddStars AddStarsPies AutoMaxNodeSize FlowSOM_colors FlowSOMmary gg_color_hue ParseArcs ParseEdges ParseLayout ParseNodeSize ParseQuery Plot1DScatters Plot2DScatters PlotDimRed PlotFlowSOM PlotLabels PlotManualBars PlotMarker PlotNumbers PlotOutliers PlotPies PlotSD PlotStarLegend PlotStars PlotVariable QueryMultiple QueryStarPlot ScaleStarHeights

#' PlotFlowSOM 
#' Base layer to plot a FlowSOM result
#' Base layer of the FlowSOM plot, where you can choose layout (MST, grid or 
#' coordinates of your own choosing), background colors and node size. Can
#' then be extended by e.g. \code{\link{AddStars}}, \code{\link{AddLabels}},
#' \code{\link{AddPies}}, ...
#' @param fsom              FlowSOM object, as created by \code{\link{FlowSOM}}
#' @param view              Preferred view, options: "MST", "grid" or "matrix" 
#'                          with a matrix/dataframe consisting of coordinates. 
#'                          Default = "MST"  
#' @param nodeSizes         A vector containing node sizes. These will 
#'                          automatically be scaled between 0 and maxNodeSize 
#'                          and transformed with a sqrt. Default = fsom$MST$sizes
#' @param maxNodeSize       Determines the maximum node size. Default is 1.
#' @param refNodeSize       Reference for node size against which the nodeSizes 
#'                          will be scaled. Default = max(nodeSizes)
#' @param equalNodeSize     If \code{TRUE}, the nodes will be equal to 
#'                          maxNodeSize. If \code{FALSE} (default), the nodes  
#'                          will be scaled to the number of cells in each 
#'                          cluster
#' @param backgroundValues  Values to be used for background coloring, either
#'                          numerical values or something that can be made into
#'                          a factor (e.g. a clustering)
#' @param backgroundColors  Color palette to be used for the background coloring.
#'                          Can be either a function or an array specifying
#'                          colors.
#' @param backgroundSize    The size of the background. Will be multiplied by the 
#'                          size of the nodes.
#' @param equalBackgroundSize If you want the background sizes to be the same size.
#' @param backgroundLim     Only used when backgroundValues are numerical. 
#'                          Defaults to min and max of the backgroundValues.
#' @param alpha             Transparency of the backgroundColor.
#' @param title             Title of the plot
#' @return A ggplot object with the base layer of a FlowSOM plot
#' @seealso \code{\link{PlotStars}}, \code{\link{PlotVariable}},
#' \code{\link{PlotMarker}}, \code{\link{PlotLabels}}, 
#' \code{\link{PlotNumbers}}, \code{\link{PlotPies}}, 
#' \code{\link{QueryStarPlot}}, \code{\link{PlotSD}}
#' @examples 
#' # Locate file on file system
#' fcs_file <- system.file("extdata", "68983.fcs", package = "FlowSOM")
#' # Build FlowSOM model
#' flowSOM.res <- FlowSOM(fcs_file, 
#'                        scale = TRUE,
#'                        compensate = TRUE, 
#'                        transform = TRUE,
#'                        toTransform = 8:18, 
#'                        colsToUse = c(9, 12, 14:18),
#'                        nClus = 10,
#'                        seed = 1)
#' # Plot with background coloring
#' PlotFlowSOM(flowSOM.res,
#'             backgroundValues = flowSOM.res$metaclustering) %>% 
#'             AddLabels(seq(100))
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot coord_fixed theme_void ggtitle
#' @export
PlotFlowSOM <- function(fsom,
                        view = "MST",
                        nodeSizes = fsom$map$pctgs,
                        maxNodeSize = 1,
                        refNodeSize = max(nodeSizes),
                        equalNodeSize = FALSE,
                        backgroundValues = NULL,
                        backgroundColors = NULL,
                        backgroundSize = 1.5,
                        equalBackgroundSize = FALSE,
                        backgroundLim = NULL,
                        alpha = 0.4,
                        title = NULL)
  fsom <- UpdateFlowSOM(fsom)
  nNodes <- NClusters(fsom)
  isEmpty <- fsom$map$pctgs == 0
  if (length(nodeSizes) != nNodes){
    stop(paste0("Length of 'nodeSizes' should be equal to number of clusters ", 
                "in FlowSOM object (", nNodes, " clusters and ",
                length(nodeSizes), " node sizes)."))
  if (length(backgroundValues) != nNodes && !is.null(backgroundValues)){
    stop(paste0("Length of 'backgroundValues' should be equal to number of ",
                "clusters in FlowSOM object (", nNodes, " clusters and ",
                length(backgroundValues), " backgroundValues)."))
  if (deparse(substitute(backgroundColors)) == "backgroundColor"){
    warning(paste0("In the new FlowSOM version \"backgroundColors\"",
                   " is used instead of \"backgroundColor\""))
  #---- Layout----
  layout <- ParseLayout(fsom, view)
  if(is.matrix(view) || is.data.frame(view)) view <- "matrix"
  #---- Nodesize----
  autoNodeSize <- AutoMaxNodeSize(layout = layout, 
                                  overlap = ifelse(view %in% c("grid"),
                                                   -0.3, 1)) 
  maxNodeSize <- autoNodeSize * maxNodeSize
  if (equalNodeSize){
    scaledNodeSize <- rep(maxNodeSize, nNodes)
  } else {
    scaledNodeSize <- ParseNodeSize(nodeSizes, maxNodeSize, refNodeSize)
  if (any(isEmpty)) {scaledNodeSize[isEmpty] <- min(maxNodeSize, 0.05)}
  if (equalBackgroundSize | equalNodeSize){
    backgroundSize <- rep(maxNodeSize, nNodes) * backgroundSize
  } else {
    backgroundSize <- ParseNodeSize(nodeSizes, maxNodeSize, refNodeSize) * backgroundSize
  plot_df <- data.frame(x = layout$x,
                        y = layout$y,
                        size = scaledNodeSize,
                        bg_size = backgroundSize)
  p <- ggplot2::ggplot(plot_df) 
  # Add background
  if (!is.null(backgroundValues)){
    p <- AddBackground(p,
                       backgroundValues = backgroundValues, 
                       backgroundColors = backgroundColors,
                       backgroundLim = backgroundLim,
                       alpha = alpha)
  # Add MST
  if (view == "MST"){
    p <- AddMST(p, fsom)
  # Add nodes
  p <- AddNodes(p = p,
                values = as.character(isEmpty),
                colorPalette = c("TRUE" = "gray", "FALSE" = "white"),
                showLegend = FALSE)
  # Fix plotlayout
  p <- p + ggplot2::coord_fixed() + ggplot2::theme_void() 
  if (!is.null(title)){
    p <- p + ggplot2::ggtitle(title)

#' FlowSOM default colors
#' @param n Number of colors to generate
#' @return array of n colors
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @export
FlowSOM_colors <- function(n){

#' PlotStars 
#' Plot star charts
#' Plot FlowSOM grid or tree, where each node is represented by 
#' a star chart indicating median marker values
#' @param fsom FlowSOM object, as generated by \code{\link{BuildMST}}
#' @param markers Markers to plot (will be parsed by GetChannels)
#' @param colorPalette Color palette to use
#' @param list_insteadof_ggarrange If FALSE (default), the plot and the legend
#'                                 are combined by ggarrange. If TRUE, the
#'                                 separate elements are returned in a list,
#'                                 to allow further customization.
#' @param ...  Additional arguments to pass to \code{\link{PlotFlowSOM}}
#' @return Nothing is returned. A plot is drawn in which each node is 
#' represented by a star chart indicating the median fluorescence intensities.
#' Resets the layout back to 1 plot at the end.
#' @seealso \code{\link{PlotMarker}}, \code{\link{PlotVariable}},
#' \code{\link{PlotFlowSOM}}, \code{\link{PlotLabels}}, 
#' \code{\link{PlotNumbers}}, \code{\link{PlotPies}}, 
#' \code{\link{QueryStarPlot}}, \code{\link{PlotSD}}
#' @examples
#' # Read from file, build self-organizing map and minimal spanning tree
#' fileName <- system.file("extdata", "68983.fcs", package = "FlowSOM")
#' flowSOM.res <- FlowSOM(fileName, compensate = TRUE, transform = TRUE,
#'                        scale = TRUE, colsToUse = c(9, 12, 14:18))
#' # Plot stars indicating the MFI of the cells present in the nodes
#' PlotStars(flowSOM.res, backgroundValues = flowSOM.res$metaclustering)
#' newLayout <- igraph::layout_with_fr(flowSOM.res[["MST"]][["graph"]])
#' PlotStars(flowSOM.res, backgroundValues = flowSOM.res$metaclustering, 
#'           view = newLayout)
#' PlotStars(flowSOM.res, backgroundValues = flowSOM.res$metaclustering, 
#'           view = "grid")
#' @importFrom ggpubr get_legend ggarrange
#' @importFrom ggforce geom_circle
#' @export
PlotStars <- function(fsom,
                      markers = fsom$map$colsUsed,
                      colorPalette = FlowSOM_colors,
                      list_insteadof_ggarrange = FALSE,
  fsom <- UpdateFlowSOM(fsom)
  if (length(names(list(...))) > 0 && "backgroundColor" %in% names(list(...))){
    warning(paste0("\"backgroundColor\" is deprecated, ",
                   "please use \"backgroundColors\" instead."))
  channels <- GetChannels(fsom, markers)
  p <- PlotFlowSOM(fsom = fsom, 
  if(!is.null(names(colorPalette))) {
    names(colorPalette) <- GetChannels(fsom, names(colorPalette))
  p <- AddStars(p = p, 
                fsom = fsom, 
                markers = channels, 
                colorPalette = colorPalette)
  if(!is.null(names(colorPalette))) {
    names(colorPalette) <- fsom$prettyColnames[GetChannels(fsom, 
  l1 <- PlotStarLegend(fsom$prettyColnames[channels], 
  l2 <- ggpubr::get_legend(p)
  if (list_insteadof_ggarrange){
    p <- p + ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none")
    l2 <- ggpubr::as_ggplot(l2)
    return(list(tree = p, 
                starLegend = l1, 
                backgroundLegend = l2))
  } else {
    p <- ggpubr::ggarrange(p,
                           ggpubr::ggarrange(l1, l2,
                                             ncol = 1),
                           ncol = 3, widths = c(3, 1, 0.3),
                           legend = "none")

#' PlotPies 
#' Plot comparison with other clustering
#' Plot FlowSOM grid or tree, with pies indicating another clustering
#'    or manual gating result
#' @param fsom         FlowSOM object, as generated by \code{\link{FlowSOM}}
#' @param cellTypes    Array of factors indicating the celltypes
#' @param colorPalette Color palette to use.
#' @param ...          Additional arguments to pass to \code{\link{PlotFlowSOM}}
#' @return ggplot plot
#' @seealso \code{\link{PlotStars}}, \code{\link{PlotVariable}},
#' \code{\link{PlotFlowSOM}}, \code{\link{PlotLabels}}, 
#' \code{\link{PlotNumbers}}, \code{\link{PlotMarker}},
#'  \code{\link{QueryStarPlot}}, \code{\link{PlotSD}}
#' @examples 
#' # Identify the files
#' fcs_file <- system.file("extdata", "68983.fcs", package = "FlowSOM")
#' gating_file <- system.file("extdata", "gatingResult.csv", package = "FlowSOM")
#' # Specify the cell types of interest for assigning one label per cell
#' cellTypes <- c("B cells",
#'                "gd T cells", "CD4 T cells", "CD8 T cells",
#'                "NK cells", "NK T cells")
#' # Load manual labels (e.g. GetFlowJoLabels can be used to extract labels from
#' # an fcs file)
#' gatingResult <- as.factor(read.csv(gating_file, header = FALSE)[, 1])
#' # Build a FlowSOM tree
#' flowSOM.res <- FlowSOM(fcs_file,
#'                        scale = TRUE, 
#'                        compensate = TRUE, 
#'                        transform = TRUE,
#'                        toTransform = 8:18, 
#'                        colsToUse = c(9, 12, 14:18),
#'                        nClus = 10,
#'                        seed = 1)
#'  # Plot pies indicating the percentage of cell types present in the nodes
#'  PlotPies(flowSOM.res,
#'           gatingResult,
#'           backgroundValues = flowSOM.res$metaclustering)
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @export
PlotPies <- function(fsom,
                     colorPalette = grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("white",
  if(length(cellTypes) != nrow(fsom$data)){
    stop("There are ", nrow(fsom$data), " cells, while you provided ",
         length(cellTypes), " labels. These numbers should match.")
  p <- PlotFlowSOM(fsom = fsom, 
  p <- AddPies(p, 
               fsom = fsom,
               colorPalette = colorPalette,
               cellLabels = cellTypes)

#' PlotLabels 
#' Plot labels for each cluster
#' Plot FlowSOM grid or tree, with in each node a label. 
#' Especially useful to show metacluster numbers
#' @param fsom        FlowSOM object, as generated by \code{\link{FlowSOM}}
#' @param labels      A vector of labels for every node.
#' @param maxNodeSize Determines the maximum node size. Default is 0.
#' @param textSize    Size for geom_text. Default (=3.88) is from geom_text.
#' @param textColor   Color for geom_text. Default = black.
#' @param ...         Additional arguments to pass to \code{\link{PlotFlowSOM}}
#' @return Nothing is returned. A plot is drawn in which each node is 
#' represented by a label.
#' @seealso \code{\link{PlotStars}}, \code{\link{PlotVariable}},
#' \code{\link{PlotFlowSOM}}, \code{\link{PlotMarker}}, 
#' \code{\link{PlotNumbers}}, \code{\link{PlotPies}}, 
#' \code{\link{QueryStarPlot}}, \code{\link{PlotSD}}
#' @examples 
#' # Read from file, build self-organizing map and minimal spanning tree
#' fileName <- system.file("extdata", "68983.fcs", package="FlowSOM")
#' ff <- flowCore::read.FCS(fileName)
#' ff <- flowCore::compensate(ff, flowCore::keyword(ff)[["SPILL"]])
#' ff <- flowCore::transform(ff,
#'          flowCore::transformList(colnames(flowCore::keyword(ff)[["SPILL"]]),
#'                                 flowCore::logicleTransform()))
#' flowSOM.res <- FlowSOM(ff,
#'                        scale = TRUE,
#'                        colsToUse = c(9, 12, 14:18),
#'                        nClus = 10,
#'                        seed = 1)
#' # Plot the node IDs
#' PlotLabels( flowSOM.res, 
#'             flowSOM.res$metaclustering)
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @export
PlotLabels <- function(fsom,
                       maxNodeSize = 0,
                       textSize = 3.88,
                       textColor = "black",
  fsom <- UpdateFlowSOM(fsom)
  if(length(labels) != NClusters(fsom)) {
    stop(paste0("Length of 'labels' should be equal to number of clusters in ", 
                "FlowSOM object (", NClusters(fsom), " clusters, ", 
                length(labels), " labels)."))
  p <- PlotFlowSOM(fsom = fsom,
                   maxNodeSize = maxNodeSize, 
  p <- AddLabels(p,
                 labels = labels,
                 textSize = textSize,
                 textColor = textColor)

#' PlotNumbers 
#' Plot cluster ids for each cluster
#' Plot FlowSOM grid or tree, with in each node the cluster id.
#' @param fsom        FlowSOM object
#' @param level       Character string, should be either "clusters" or 
#'                    "metaclusters". Can be abbreviated.
#' @param maxNodeSize Determines the maximum node size. Default is 0. 
#'                    See \code{\link{PlotFlowSOM}} for more options.
#' @param ...         Additional arguments to pass to \code{\link{PlotLabels}} 
#'                    and to \code{\link{PlotFlowSOM}} 
#' @return Nothing is returned. A plot is drawn in which each node is 
#' labeled by its cluster id.
#' @seealso \code{\link{PlotStars}}, \code{\link{PlotVariable}},
#' \code{\link{PlotFlowSOM}}, \code{\link{PlotLabels}}, 
#' \code{\link{PlotMarker}}, \code{\link{PlotPies}},
#'  \code{\link{QueryStarPlot}}, \code{\link{PlotSD}}
#' @examples 
#' # Read from file, build self-organizing map and minimal spanning tree
#' fileName <- system.file("extdata", "68983.fcs", package = "FlowSOM")
#' ff <- flowCore::read.FCS(fileName)
#' ff <- flowCore::compensate(ff, flowCore::keyword(ff)[["SPILL"]])
#' ff <- flowCore::transform(ff, flowCore::estimateLogicle(ff,
#'                                                flowCore::colnames(ff)[8:18]))
#' flowSOM.res <- FlowSOM(ff,
#'                        scale = TRUE,
#'                        colsToUse = c(9, 12, 14:18),
#'                        nClus = 10,
#'                        seed = 1)
#' # Plot the node IDs
#' PlotNumbers(flowSOM.res)
#' PlotNumbers(flowSOM.res, "metaclusters")
#' PlotNumbers(flowSOM.res,
#'             view = "grid")
#' PlotNumbers(flowSOM.res,
#'             maxNodeSize = 1,
#'             equalNodeSize = TRUE)
#' @export
PlotNumbers <- function(fsom,
                        level = "clusters",
                        maxNodeSize = 0,
  level <- pmatch(level, c("clusters", "metaclusters"))
  if (any(is.na(level)) | length(level) > 2){
    stop("level should be \"clusters\" or \"metaclusters\"")
  } else {
    level <- c("clusters", "metaclusters")[level]
    if (level == "clusters"){
      numbers <- seq_len(NClusters(fsom))
    } else if (level == "metaclusters") {
      numbers <- fsom$metaclustering
  p <- PlotLabels(fsom =  fsom,
                  labels = numbers, 
                  maxNodeSize = maxNodeSize,

#' PlotMarker 
#' Plot comparison with other clustering
#' Plot FlowSOM grid or tree, colored by node values for a specific marker
#' @param fsom         FlowSOM object
#' @param marker       A vector of markers/channels to plot.
#' @param refMarkers  Is used to determine relative scale of the marker 
#'                     that will be plotted. Default are all markers used in the
#'                     clustering.
#' @param title        A vector with custom titles for the plot. Default is 
#'                     the marker name.
#' @param colorPalette Color palette to use. Can be a function or a vector.
#' @param lim          Limits for the scale
#' @param ...     Additional arguments to pass to \code{\link{PlotFlowSOM}},
#'                e.g. view, backgroundValues, equalNodeSize ...
#' @return A ggplot figure is returned in which every cluster is colored
#'         according to the MFI value for the specified marker
#' @seealso \code{\link{PlotStars}}, \code{\link{PlotVariable}}
#' @examples 
#' # Build FlowSOM model
#' fileName <- system.file("extdata", "68983.fcs", package = "FlowSOM")
#' flowSOM.res <- FlowSOM(fileName, 
#'                        compensate = TRUE, transform = TRUE, scale = FALSE,
#'                        colsToUse = c(9, 12, 14:18),
#'                        nClus = 10,
#'                        seed = 1)
#' # Plot one marker
#' PlotMarker(flowSOM.res, 
#'            "CD19")
#' PlotMarker(flowSOM.res, 
#'            "CD19",
#'            colorPalette = c("gray", "red"))
#' # Plot all markers
#' PlotMarker(flowSOM.res,
#'            c(9, 12, 14:18))
#' # Use specific limits if the ones from the columns used for clustering
#' # are not relevant for  your marker of choice
#' PlotMarker(flowSOM.res, 
#'            "FSC-A",
#'             lim = c(55000, 130000))
#' # Example with additional FlowSOM plotting options
#' PlotMarker(flowSOM.res, 
#'            "CD19",
#'            view = "grid",
#'            equalNodeSize = TRUE,
#'            backgroundValues = 1:100 == 27,
#'            backgroundColors = c("white", "red"))
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggtitle
#' @export
PlotMarker <- function(fsom,
                       refMarkers = fsom$map$colsUsed,
                       title = GetMarkers(fsom, marker),
                       colorPalette = FlowSOM_colors,
                       lim = NULL,
  fsom <- UpdateFlowSOM(fsom)
  # Get median values to visualise
  mfis <- GetClusterMFIs(fsom)
  # Get column names
  channels <- GetChannels(fsom, marker)
  # Compute limits based on all reference markers
  ref_channels <- GetChannels(fsom, refMarkers)
  if (is.null(lim)) lim <- c(min(mfis[, ref_channels]), 
                             max(mfis[, ref_channels]))
  plotList <- lapply(seq_along(channels), function(channelI){
    # Use MFI values as variable to plot
    p <- PlotVariable(fsom, 
                      variable = mfis[, channels[channelI]],
                      variableName = "MFI",
                      colorPalette = colorPalette,
                      lim = lim,
    # Add title
    if (is.na(title[channelI])) title[channelI] <- ""
    p <- p + ggplot2::ggtitle(title[channelI])
  p <- ggpubr::ggarrange(plotlist = plotList, common.legend = TRUE, 
                         legend = "right")

#' PlotVariable 
#' Plot a variable for all nodes
#' Plot FlowSOM grid or tree, colored by node values given in variable
#' @param fsom         FlowSOM object
#' @param variable     A vector containing a value for every cluster
#' @param variableName Label to show on the legend
#' @param colorPalette Color palette to use. Can be a function or a vector.
#' @param lim          Limits for the scale
#' @param ...     Additional arguments to pass to \code{\link{PlotFlowSOM}},
#'                e.g. view, backgroundValues, equalNodeSize ...
#' @seealso \code{\link{PlotStars}}, \code{\link{QueryStarPlot}},
#' \code{\link{PlotFlowSOM}}, \code{\link{PlotLabels}}, 
#' \code{\link{PlotNumbers}}, \code{\link{PlotMarker}}, 
#' \code{\link{PlotPies}}, \code{\link{PlotSD}}
#' @examples 
#' # Build FlowSOM model
#' fileName <- system.file("extdata", "68983.fcs", package = "FlowSOM")
#' flowSOM.res <- FlowSOM(fileName, 
#'                        compensate = TRUE, transform = TRUE, scale = FALSE,
#'                        colsToUse = c(9, 12, 14:18),
#'                        nClus = 10,
#'                        seed = 1)
#' # Plot some random values
#' rand <- runif(flowSOM.res$map$nNodes)
#' PlotVariable(flowSOM.res, 
#'              variable = rand,
#'              variableName = "Random")
#' PlotVariable(flowSOM.res, 
#'              variable = flowSOM.res$metaclustering,
#'              variableName = "Metaclustering") %>% 
#'   AddLabels(labels = flowSOM.res$metaclustering)             
#' @export
PlotVariable <- function(fsom,
                         variableName = "",
                         colorPalette = FlowSOM_colors,
                         lim = NULL,
  fsom <- UpdateFlowSOM(fsom)
  if (length(variable) != fsom$map$nNodes){
    stop(paste0("Length of 'variable' should be equal to number of clusters in", 
                " FlowSOM object (", fsom$map$nNodes, " clusters and ", 
                length(variable), " variables)."))
  # Base plot
  p <- PlotFlowSOM(fsom = fsom,
  p <- AddNodes(p = p, 
                values = variable,
                colorPalette = colorPalette,
                lim = lim,
                label = variableName)

#' PlotDimRed 
#' Plot a dimensionality reduction
#' Plot a dimensionality reduction of fsom$data
#' @param fsom            FlowSOM object, as generated by \code{\link{BuildMST}}
#' @param colsToUse       The columns used for the dimensionality reduction. 
#'                        Default = fsom$map$colsUsed.
#' @param colorBy         Defines how the dimensionality reduction will be 
#'                        colored. Can be "metaclusters" (default), "clusters" 
#'                        (or abbreviations) or a marker/channel/index.
#' @param colors          A vector of custom colors. Default returns ggplot
#'                        colors for categorical variables and the FlowSOM colors
#'                        for continuous variables. When using a categorical 
#'                        variable, the vector must be as long as
#'                        the levels of the categorical variable.
#' @param lim             Limits for the colorscale
#' @param cTotal          The total amount of cells to be used in the 
#'                        dimensionality reduction. Default is all the cells.
#' @param dimred          A dimensionality reduction function. 
#'                        Default = Rtsne::Rtsne. Alternatively, a data.frame or
#'                        matrix with either equal number of rows to the
#'                        fsom or an OriginalID column. Recommended to put
#'                        cTotal to NULL when providing a matrix (or ensuring
#'                        that the dimred corresponds to subsampling the
#'                        flowSOM data for cTotal cells with the same seed).
#' @param extractLayout   A function to extract the coordinates from the results
#'                        of the dimred default = \code{function(dimred){dimred$Y}}.
#' @param label           If label = TRUE (default), labels are added to plot.
#' @param returnLayout    If TRUE, this function returns a dataframe with 
#'                        the layout of dimred and the original IDs and the 
#'                        plot. Default = FALSE.                     
#' @param seed            A seed for reproducibility.
#' @param title           A title for the plot. 
#' @param ...             Additional arguments to pass to dimred.                  
#' @return A dimensionality reduction plot made in ggplot2
#' @examples 
#'    file <- system.file("extdata", "68983.fcs", package="FlowSOM")
#'    flowSOM.res <- FlowSOM(file, compensate = TRUE, transform = TRUE, 
#'                   scale = TRUE,
#'                   colsToUse = c(9, 12, 14:18), nClus = 10, silent = FALSE,
#'                   xdim = 7, ydim = 7)
#'    PlotDimRed(flowSOM.res, cTotal = 5000, seed = 1, title = "t-SNE")
#'    PlotDimRed(flowSOM.res, cTotal = 5000, colorBy = "CD3", seed = 1, 
#'               title = "t-SNE")
#' @import     ggplot2
#' @importFrom Rtsne Rtsne
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer
#' @export
PlotDimRed <- function(fsom,
                       colsToUse = fsom$map$colsUsed,
                       colorBy = "metaclusters",
                       colors = NULL,
                       lim = NULL,
                       cTotal = NULL,
                       dimred = Rtsne::Rtsne,
                       extractLayout  = function(dimred){dimred$Y},
                       label = TRUE,
                       returnLayout = FALSE,
                       seed = NULL,
                       title = NULL,
  dimred_data <- fsom$data
  colorBy_pmatch <- pmatch(colorBy, c("metaclusters", "clusters"))
  if (any(is.na(colorBy_pmatch))){
    if (all(colorBy %in% colnames(dimred_data)) ||
        all(colorBy %in% GetMarkers(fsom, colnames(dimred_data))) ||
        all(colorBy %in% seq_len(ncol(dimred_data)))){
      dimred_col <- fsom$data[, GetChannels(fsom, colorBy), drop = FALSE]
      colnames(dimred_col) <- GetMarkers(fsom, colnames(dimred_col))
      colorBy <- "marker"
    } else {
      stop(paste0("\"colorBy\" should be \"metaclusters\", \"clusters\" or a ",
                  "vector of channels, markers or indices"))
  } else {
    if (length(colorBy) > 1){
      stop(paste0("\"colorBy\" should be \"metaclusters\", \"clusters\" or a ",
                  "vector of channels, markers or indices"))
    colorBy <- c("metaclusters", "clusters")[colorBy_pmatch]
    if (length(colorBy) == 1 && colorBy == "metaclusters") {
      if (is.null(fsom$metaclustering)) stop("No metaclustering present")
      dimred_col <- as.data.frame(GetMetaclusters(fsom))
    } else if (length(colorBy) == 1 && colorBy == "clusters") {
      dimred_col <- as.data.frame(as.factor(GetClusters(fsom)))
  if (is.null(colors)){
    if (colorBy == "marker") colors <- FlowSOM_colors(9)
    else colors <- gg_color_hue(nlevels(dimred_col[, 1]))
  } else {
    if (length(colors) != nlevels(dimred_col[, 1]) && colorBy != "marker") {
      stop(paste0("Length of \"colors\" (", length(colors), ") should be ",
                  "equal to the amount of levels in \"", colorBy, "\" (", 
                  nlevels(dimred_col[, 1]), ")."))
  if (!is.null(colsToUse)) dimred_data <- dimred_data[, GetChannels(fsom, 
  if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
  if (!is.null(cTotal) && cTotal < nrow(dimred_data)) {
    downsample <- sample(seq_len(nrow(dimred_data)), cTotal)
    dimred_data <- dimred_data[downsample, , drop = FALSE]
    dimred_col <- dimred_col[downsample, , drop = FALSE]
  } else {
    downsample <- seq_len(nrow(dimred_data))
  if (is.function(dimred)){
    dimred_res <- dimred(dimred_data, ...)
    dimred_layout <- as.data.frame(extractLayout(dimred_res))
    if (nrow(dimred_layout) == 0 && ncol(dimred_layout) != 2) {
      stop("Please use the right extraction function in extractLayout")
  } else if((is.matrix(dimred) | is.data.frame(dimred)) & 
            (nrow(dimred) == nrow(dimred_data) | 
             any(colnames(dimred) == "Original_ID"))){
    id_col <- which(colnames(dimred) == "Original_ID")
    dimred_layout <- as.data.frame(dimred[,-id_col])
    if("Original_ID" %in% colnames(dimred)){
      dimred_data <- dimred_data[dimred[,"Original_ID"], , drop = FALSE]
      dimred_col <- dimred_col[dimred[,"Original_ID"], , drop = FALSE]
  } else stop("dimred should be a dimensionality reduction method or matrix")
  colnames(dimred_layout) <- c("dimred_1", "dimred_2")
  dimred_plot <- cbind(dimred_layout, dimred_col)
  if (colorBy == "marker"){
    dimred_plot <- dimred_plot %>% tidyr::pivot_longer(3:ncol(dimred_plot), 
                                                       names_to = "markers")
    if (requireNamespace("scattermore", quietly = TRUE)) {
      p <- ggplot2::ggplot(dimred_plot) + 
        scattermore::geom_scattermore(ggplot2::aes(x = .data$dimred_1, 
                                                   y = .data$dimred_2, 
                                                   col = .data$value), 
                                      pointsize = 1) 
    } else {
      message("For faster plotting with more datapoints, please install \"scattermore\"")
      p <- ggplot2::ggplot(dimred_plot) + 
        ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x = .data$dimred_1, 
                                         y = .data$dimred_2, 
                                         col = .data$value), 
                            size = 1) 
    p <- p + ggplot2::facet_wrap(~markers) +
      ggplot2::theme_minimal() +
      ggplot2::coord_fixed() +
      ggplot2::scale_color_gradientn(colors = colors, limits = lim)
  } else {
    colnames(dimred_plot) <- c("dimred_1", "dimred_2", "colors")
    median_x <- tapply(dimred_plot[,"dimred_1"], dimred_plot[,"colors"], median)
    median_y <- tapply(dimred_plot[,"dimred_2"], dimred_plot[,"colors"], median)
    if (requireNamespace("scattermore", quietly = TRUE)) {
      p <- ggplot2::ggplot(dimred_plot) +
        scattermore::geom_scattermore(ggplot2::aes(x = .data$dimred_1, 
                                                   y = .data$dimred_2, 
                                                   col = .data$colors), 
                                      pointsize = 1)
    } else {
      message("For faster plotting with more datapoints, please install \"scattermore\"")
      p <- ggplot2::ggplot(dimred_plot) +
        ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x = .data$dimred_1, 
                                         y = .data$dimred_2, 
                                         col = .data$colors), 
                            size = 1) 
    p <- p +  ggplot2::theme_minimal() + ggplot2::coord_fixed() + 
      scale_color_manual(values = colors)
    if (label){
      if (requireNamespace("ggrepel", quietly = TRUE)) {
        p <- p + ggrepel::geom_label_repel(ggplot2::aes(x = .data$x, 
                                                        y = .data$y, 
                                                        label = .data$label, 
                                                        color = .data$label),
                                           data = data.frame(x = median_x,
                                                             y = median_y,
                                                             label = names(median_x)),
                                           segment.color = "gray", force = 20, 
                                           segment.size = 0.2, point.padding = 0.5)
      } else {
        message("For better labels, please install \"ggrepel\"")
        p <- p + ggplot2::geom_label(ggplot2::aes(x = .data$x, 
                                                  y = .data$y, 
                                                  label = .data$label, 
                                                  color = .data$label),
                                     data = data.frame(x = median_x,
                                                       y = median_y,
                                                       label = names(median_x)))
      p <- p + labs(col = colorBy)
  if (!is.null(title)) p <- p + ggplot2::ggtitle(title)
  if (returnLayout) {
    if (!is.null(cTotal)){
      dimred_layout <- data.frame(dimred_layout, "Original_ID" = downsample)
    return(list("plot" = p, "layout" = dimred_layout))
  } else return(p)

#' PlotManualBars 
#' Function to plot the manual labels per FlowSOM (meta)cluster in a barplot
#' @param fsom          FlowSOM object, as generated by \code{\link{FlowSOM}} or 
#'                      by \code{\link{NewData}}. The clusters and metaclusters 
#'                      will be plotted in the order of the factor levels.
#' @param fcs           FCS file that should be mapped on the FlowSOM object.
#'                      Default is NULL. 
#' @param manualVector Vector with cell labels, e.g. obtained by manual gating
#' @param manualOrder  Optional vector with unique cell labels to fix in which
#'                      order the cell labels should be shown
#' @param colors        Optional color vector, should have the same length as
#'                      the number of unique cell labels 
#' @param list_insteadof_plots If \code{FALSE} (default), it returns multiple 
#'                             plots. If \code{TRUE}, it returns a list of 
#'                             ggplot objects
#' @return Either a plot or a ggplot objects list is returned.
#' @examples 
#' # Identify the files
#' fcs_file <- system.file("extdata", "68983.fcs", package = "FlowSOM")
#' gating_file <- system.file("extdata", "gatingResult.csv", package = "FlowSOM")
#' # Specify the cell types of interest for assigning one label per cell
#' cellTypes <- c("B cells",
#'                 "gd T cells", "CD4 T cells", "CD8 T cells",
#'                 "NK cells", "NK T cells")
#' # Load manual labels (e.g. GetFlowJoLabels can be used to extract labels from
#' # an fcs file)
#' gatingResult <- as.factor(read.csv(gating_file, header = FALSE)[, 1])
#' # Build a FlowSOM object
#' flowSOM.res <- FlowSOM(fcs_file,
#'                        scale = TRUE,
#'                        compensate = TRUE, 
#'                        transform = TRUE,
#'                        toTransform = 8:18, 
#'                        colsToUse = c(9, 12, 14:18),
#'                        nClus = 10,
#'                        seed = 1)
#' # Make the barplot of the manual labels
#' pdf("PlotManualBars.pdf")
#' PlotManualBars(fsom = flowSOM.res,
#'                fcs = fcs_file,
#'                manualVector = gatingResult,
#'                manualOrder = c(cellTypes, "Unlabeled"),
#'                colors = c("#F8766D", "#B79F00", "#00BA38", "#00BFC4", 
#'                           "#619CFF", "#F564E3", "#D3D3D3"))
#' dev.off()
#' @import     ggplot2
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @export
PlotManualBars <- function(fsom, fcs = NULL, 
                           manualVector, manualOrder = NULL, 
                           colors = NULL, list_insteadof_plots = FALSE){
  if (!is.null(manualOrder) & 
      !length(manualOrder) == length(unique(manualVector))){
    stop(paste0("Length of the manualOrder vector (", length(manualOrder), 
                ") should have the same length as the number of unique labels",
                "in manualVector (", length(unique(manualVector)), ")."))
  if (!is.null(colors) & !length(colors) >= length(unique(manualVector))){
    stop(paste0("Length of the colors vector (", length(colors),") should have",
                "at least the same length as the number of unique labels in ",
                "manualVector (", length(unique(manualVector)), ")."))
  #----Map FCS on fsom----
  if (!is.null(fcs)){
    fsom_tmp <- NewData(fsom, fcs)
  } else {
    fsom_tmp <- fsom
  df <- data.frame("Manual" = manualVector, 
                   "MC" = GetMetaclusters(fsom_tmp),
                   "C" = GetClusters(fsom_tmp), 
                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  if(is.null(manualOrder)) {
    manualOrder <- unique(manualVector)
  #----Relative barplots MC----
  df_s <- data.frame(table(df[, 1:2])) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate("Freq" = 100 * (.data$Freq / sum(.data$Freq))) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate("MC" = factor(.data$MC, levels = levels(fsom$metaclustering))) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate("Manual" = factor(.data$Manual, levels = manualOrder))
  p1 <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = df_s,
                        ggplot2::aes(fill = .data$Manual, 
                                     y = .data$Freq, 
                                     x = .data$MC)) +
    ggplot2::geom_bar(position = "stack", stat = "identity") +
    ggplot2::theme_minimal() +
    ggplot2::ggtitle("Manual labels per metacluster") +
    ggplot2::ylab("Percentage of cells") +
  if(!is.null(colors)) {
    p1 <- p1 + ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = colors)
  #----MC composition----
  df_s <- data.frame(table(df[, 1:2]))
  for (mc in levels(fsom$metaclustering)){
    df_s$Freq[df_s$MC == mc] <- 
      df_s$Freq[df_s$MC == mc] / sum(df_s$Freq[df_s$MC == mc])
  df_s <- df_s %>% 
    dplyr::mutate("MC" = factor(.data$MC, levels = levels(fsom$metaclustering))) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate("Manual" = factor(.data$Manual, levels = manualOrder))
  p2 <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = df_s, 
                        ggplot2::aes(fill = .data$Manual, 
                                     y = .data$Freq, 
                                     x = .data$MC)) +
    ggplot2::geom_bar(position = "stack", stat = "identity") +
    ggplot2::theme_minimal() +
    ggplot2::ylab("") +
    ggplot2::xlab("") +
    ggplot2::ggtitle("Manual labels per metacluster") +
    ggplot2::theme(axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_blank())
  if(!is.null(colors)) {
    p2 <- p2 + ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = colors)
  #----Relative barplots C----
  df_s <- data.frame(table(df[, c(1, 3)])) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate("Freq" = 100 * (.data$Freq / sum(.data$Freq))) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate("MC" = fsom$metaclustering[as.numeric(levels(.data$C))[.data$C]]) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate("MC" = factor(.data$MC, levels = levels(fsom$metaclustering))) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate("C" = factor(.data$C, levels = seq_len(NClusters(fsom)))) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate("Manual" = factor(.data$Manual, levels = manualOrder))
  p3 <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = df_s,
                        ggplot2::aes(fill = .data$Manual, 
                                     y = .data$Freq, 
                                     x = .data$C)) +
    ggplot2::geom_bar(position = "stack", stat = "identity") +
    ggplot2::theme_minimal() +
    ggplot2::ggtitle("Manual labels per cluster") +
    ggplot2::facet_wrap(~.data$MC, scales = "free_x") +
    ggplot2::ylab("Percentage of cells") +
    ggplot2::xlab("") + 
    ggplot2::theme(strip.text = ggplot2::element_text(color = "gray"))
  if(!is.null(colors)) {
    p3 <- p3 + ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = colors)
  #----C composition----
  df_s <- data.frame(table(df[, c(1, 3)]))
  for (c in seq_len(NClusters(fsom))){
    df_s$Freq[df_s$C == c] <- df_s$Freq[df_s$C == c]/sum(df_s$Freq[df_s$C == c])
  df_s <- df_s %>% 
    dplyr::mutate("MC" = fsom$metaclustering[as.numeric(levels(df_s$C))[df_s$C]]) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate("MC" = factor(.data$MC, levels = levels(fsom$metaclustering))) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate("C" = factor(.data$C, levels = seq_len(NClusters(fsom)))) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate("Manual" = factor(.data$Manual, levels = manualOrder))
  p4 <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = df_s, 
                        ggplot2::aes(fill = .data$Manual, 
                                     y = .data$Freq, 
                                     x = .data$C)) +
    ggplot2::geom_bar(position = "stack", stat = "identity") +
    ggplot2::theme_minimal() +
    ggplot2::ylab("") +
    ggplot2::xlab("") +
    ggplot2::ggtitle("Manual labels per cluster") +
    ggplot2::facet_wrap(~.data$MC, scales = "free_x") +
    ggplot2::theme(axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_blank())
  if(!is.null(colors)) {
    p4 <- p4 + ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = colors)
  #----Print plot or return list----
  if (!list_insteadof_plots) {
  } else {
    return(list(p1, p2, p3, p4))

#' Plot2DScatters 
#' Function to draw 2D scatter plots of FlowSOM (meta)clusters
#' Plot multiple 2D scatter plots in a png file. A subset of fsom$data is 
#' plotted in gray, and those of the selected clusters and metaclusters are 
#' plotted in color.
#' @param fsom              FlowSOM object, as created by \code{\link{FlowSOM}}
#' @param channelpairs      List in which each element is a pair of channel
#'                          or marker names
#' @param clusters          Vector or list (to combine multiple clusters in one
#'                          plot) with indices of clusters of interest
#' @param metaclusters      Vector or list (to combine multiple metaclusters in 
#'                          one plot) with indices of metaclusters of interest
#' @param maxBgPoints       Maximum number of background cells to plot
#' @param sizeBgPoints      Size of the background cells
#' @param maxPoints         Maximum number of (meta)cluster cells to plot
#' @param sizePoints        Size of the (meta)cluster cells
#' @param xLim              Optional vector of a lower and upper limit of the x-axis
#' @param yLim              Optional vector of a lower and upper limit of the y-axis
#' @param xyLabels          Determines the label of the x- and y-axis. Can be 
#'                         "marker" and\\or "channel" or abbrevations.
#'                          Default = "marker".
#' @param density           Default is \code{TRUE} to color the (meta)cluster 
#'                          points according to density. Set to \code{FALSE} to 
#'                          use a plain color
#' @param centers           Default is \code{TRUE} to show the cluster centers
#' @param colors            Colors for all the cells in the selected nodes 
#'                          (ordered list). First the clusters are colored, 
#'                          then the metaclusters. If \code{NULL}, the default 
#'                          ggplot colors, indexed by metacluster number, are used.
#' @param plotFile          If a filepath for a png is given (default = 
#'                          2DScatterPlots.png), the plots will be plotted in 
#'                          the corresponding png file. If \code{NULL}, a list 
#'                          of ggplot objects will be returned
#' @return If \code{plot} is \code{TRUE}, nothing is returned and a plot is 
#'         drawn in which background cells are plotted in gray and the cells of
#'         the selected nodes in color. If \code{plot} is \code{FALSE}, a ggplot
#'          objects list is returned.
#' @examples 
#' # Identify the files
#' fcs <- flowCore::read.FCS(system.file("extdata", "68983.fcs", 
#'                                       package = "FlowSOM"))
#' # Build a FlowSOM object
#' flowSOM.res <- FlowSOM(fcs, 
#'                        scale = TRUE,
#'                        compensate = TRUE, 
#'                        transform = TRUE,
#'                        toTransform = 8:18, 
#'                        colsToUse = c(9, 12, 14:18),
#'                        nClus = 10,
#'                        seed = 1)
#' # Make the 2D scatter plots of the clusters and metaclusters of interest
#' Plot2DScatters(fsom = flowSOM.res,
#'                channelpairs = list(c("PE-Cy7-A", "PE-Cy5-A"),
#'                                    c("PE-Texas Red-A", "Pacific Blue-A")),
#'                clusters = c(1, 48, 49, 82, 95),
#'                metaclusters = list(c(1, 4), 9),
#'                density = FALSE)
#' Plot2DScatters(fsom = flowSOM.res,
#'                channelpairs = list(c("PE-Texas Red-A", "Pacific Blue-A")),
#'                metaclusters = list(c(1, 4)),
#'                density = FALSE,
#'                colors = list(c("red", "green")))
#' @import     ggplot2
#' @importFrom colorRamps matlab.like2
#' @importFrom grDevices png dev.off
#' @importFrom ggpubr ggarrange
#' @export
Plot2DScatters <- function(fsom, 
                           clusters = NULL, 
                           metaclusters = NULL, 
                           maxBgPoints = 3000, 
                           sizeBgPoints = 0.5,
                           maxPoints = 1000, 
                           sizePoints = 0.5,
                           xLim = NULL,
                           yLim = NULL,
                           xyLabels = c("marker"),
                           density = TRUE, 
                           centers = TRUE, 
                           colors = NULL,
                           plotFile = "2DScatterPlots.png"){
    metacluster <- as.numeric(fsom$metaclustering)
    nMetaclusters <- NMetaclusters(fsom)
  } else {
    metacluster <- rep(1, NClusters(fsom))
    nMetaclusters <- 1
  medianValues <- fsom$map$medianValues
  cellCluster <- GetClusters(fsom)
  xyLabels <- pmatch(xyLabels, c("marker", "channel"))
  if (density == FALSE & 
      !is.null(colors) & 
      !((length(clusters) + length(metaclusters)) == length(colors))){
    stop("Length of colors list should be equal to the joined length ",
         "of the clusters and metaclusters")
  if (density == TRUE & !requireNamespace("ggpointdensity", quietly = TRUE)){
    message("\"ggpointdensity\" not available. Please install.")
    density <- FALSE
  #----Join the clusters and metaclusters of interest----
  i <- sample(nrow(fsom$data), 
              min(nrow(fsom$data), maxBgPoints))
  # loop over all subsets at once
  subsets <- list("Cluster" = as.list(clusters),
                  "Metacluster" = as.list(metaclusters)) 
  plots_list <- list()
  color_n <- 0
  if (any(is.na(xyLabels)) | length(xyLabels) > 2){
    stop("xyLabels should be \"marker\" and\\or \"channel\"")
  } else {
    xyLabels <- c("marker", "channel")[xyLabels]
  for (group in names(subsets)){
    for (subset in subsets[[group]]){
      color_n <- color_n + 1
      n <- as.numeric(unlist(subset))
      for (channelpair in channelpairs){
        channelpair <- GetChannels(fsom, channelpair)
        #----background dataframe----
        df_bg <- data.frame(fsom$data[i, c(channelpair[1], channelpair[2])]) 
        #----(meta)cluster dataframe----
        if(group == "Cluster") {
          # dataframe with cluster's points
          df_ss <- data.frame(fsom$data[cellCluster %in% n,
                                        c(channelpair[1], channelpair[2]),
                                        drop = FALSE],
                              "Population" = cellCluster[cellCluster %in% n])
          # dataframe with centers
          df_c <- data.frame(medianValues[n, 
                                          c(channelpair[1], channelpair[2]),
                                          drop = FALSE],
                             "Population" = factor(n, levels = n))
          col <- gg_color_hue(nMetaclusters)[metacluster[n]]
        } else {
          df_ss <- data.frame(fsom$data[which(metacluster[cellCluster] %in% n), 
                                        c(channelpair[1], channelpair[2]),
                                        drop = FALSE],
                              "Population" =
                                  which(metacluster[cellCluster] %in% n)]])
          df_c_Population <- metacluster[
            which(metacluster[1:nrow(medianValues)] %in% n),
            drop = FALSE]
          df_c <- data.frame(
            medianValues[which(metacluster[1:nrow(medianValues)] %in% n), 
                         c(channelpair[1], channelpair[2]),
                         drop = FALSE],
            "Population" = df_c_Population)
          col <- gg_color_hue(nMetaclusters)[n]
        df_ss <- data.frame(df_ss[sample(nrow(df_ss), 
                                         min(nrow(df_ss), maxPoints)), ])
        df_ss$Population <- factor(df_ss$Population, levels = subset)
        df_c$Population <- factor(df_c$Population, levels = subset)
        colnames(df_c) <- c("m1", "m2", "Population")
        colnames(df_ss)[1:2] <- colnames(df_bg) <- c("m1", "m2")
        cl_or_mcl <- paste0(group, ifelse(length(subset) > 1, "s", ""), ": ")
        subset_names <- ifelse(group == "Cluster", 
                               paste0(subset, collapse = ", "),
                                      collapse = ", "))
        title <- paste0(cl_or_mcl, subset_names)
        if ("marker" %in% xyLabels && length(xyLabels) == 1) {
          xyLabs <- GetMarkers(fsom, channelpair)
        } else if ("channel" %in% xyLabels && length(xyLabels) == 1){
          xyLabs <- GetChannels(fsom, channelpair)
        } else if (all(c("channel", "marker") %in% xyLabels) && length(xyLabels) == 2){
          channels <- GetChannels(fsom, channelpair)
          xyLabs <- paste0(GetMarkers(fsom, channelpair), " (", channels, ")")
        p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = df_ss, 
                             ggplot2::aes(x = .data$m1, 
                                          y = .data$m2)) +
          ggplot2::geom_point(data = df_bg, 
                              color = "gray", 
                              size = sizeBgPoints) + # background dot plot
          ggplot2::theme_classic() +
          ggplot2::ggtitle(title) +
          ggplot2::xlab(xyLabs[1]) +
          ggplot2::ylab(xyLabs[2]) + 
          ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none")
        if (!is.null(xLim)) p <- p + ggplot2::xlim(xLim)
        if (!is.null(yLim)) p <- p + ggplot2::ylim(yLim)
        if (density) {
          # subset density plot
          p <- p  + ggpointdensity::geom_pointdensity(size = sizePoints) + 
            ggplot2::scale_color_gradientn(colors = 
        } else {
          # if no colors are given, the default colors of ggplot are used
          if (is.null(colors)){ 
            p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(color = .data$Population),
                                         size = sizePoints) +
              ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = col) 
          } else {
            #subset plot, metacluster colors
            if (length(colors[[color_n]]) != nlevels(df_ss$Population)){
              stop(paste0("For \"", title, "\", we expect ",  
                          nlevels(df_ss$Population), " colors while only ",
                          length(colors[[color_n]]), " are given."))
            p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(color = .data$Population),
                                         size = sizePoints) +
              ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = colors[[color_n]])
        #----add cluster centers----
        if (centers) { 
          if (!density){
            if (!is.null(colors)){
              col_c <- colors[[color_n]]
            } else {
              col_c <- col
          } else {
            col_c <- rep("white", nrow(df_c))
          p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point(data = df_c, 
                                       shape = 21, 
                                       ggplot2::aes(fill = .data$Population), 
                                       color = "black", 
                                       size = 3,
                                       stroke = 1) +
            ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = col_c)
        plots_list[[length(plots_list) + 1]] <- p
  if (!is.null(plotFile)) {
                   width = 400 * length(channelpairs), 
                   height = 400 * (length(clusters) + length(metaclusters)))
    print(ggpubr::ggarrange(plotlist = plots_list, 
                            ncol = length(channelpairs), 
                            nrow = (length(clusters) + length(metaclusters)),
                            common.legend = FALSE))
  } else {

#' Plot1DScatters
#' Function to draw 1D scatter plots of FlowSOM (meta)clusters
#' Plot multiple 1D scatter plots in a png file. A subset of fsom$data is
#' plotted in gray, and those of the selected clusters and metaclusters are
#' plotted in color.
#' @param fsom              FlowSOM object, as created by \code{\link{FlowSOM}}
#' @param channels          Vector in which each element is a channel
#'                          or a marker 
#' @param clusters          Vector with indices of clusters of interest
#' @param metaclusters      Vector with indices of metaclusters of interest
#' @param maxBgPoints       Maximum number of background cells to plot
#' @param sizeBgPoints      Size of the background cells
#' @param colBgPoints       Color of background cells
#' @param maxPoints         Maximum number of (meta)cluster cells to plot
#' @param sizePoints        Size of the (meta)cluster cells
#' @param yLim              Optional vector of a lower and upper limit of the y-axis
#' @param xLabels           Determines the label of the x-axis. Can be 
#'                         "marker" and\\or "channel" or abbreviations.
#'                          Default = "marker".
#' @param centers           Add cluster centers to plot. Default = FALSE.
#' @param colors            Vector of colors for all the cells in the selected nodes. 
#'                          First the clusters are colored, then the metaclusters. 
#'                          If \code{NULL}, the default ggplot colors, are used.
#' @param ncol              Number of columns in the final plot, optional
#' @param nrow              Number of rows in the final plot, optional
#' @param width             Width of png file. By default NULL the width parameter is 
#'                          estimated based on the input.
#' @param height            Height of png file. By default NULL the width parameter is 
#'                          estimated based on the input.
#' @param plotFile          If a filepath for a png is given (default = 
#'                          1DScatterPlots.png), the plots will be plotted in 
#'                          the corresponding png file. If \code{NULL}, a list 
#'                          of ggplot objects will be returned
#' @return If \code{plot} is \code{TRUE}, nothing is returned and a plot is 
#'         drawn in which background cells are plotted in gray and the cells of
#'         the selected nodes in color. If \code{plot} is \code{FALSE}, a ggplot
#'          objects list is returned.
#' @examples
#' # Identify the files
#' fcs <- flowCore::read.FCS(system.file("extdata", "68983.fcs",
#'                                      package = "FlowSOM"))
#' # Build a FlowSOM object
#' flowSOM.res <- FlowSOM(fcs,
#'                       scale = TRUE,
#'                       compensate = TRUE,
#'                       transform = TRUE,
#'                       toTransform = 8:18,
#'                       colsToUse = c(9, 12, 14:18),
#'                       nClus = 10,
#'                       seed = 1)
#'# Make the 1D scatter plots of the clusters and metaclusters of interest
#'Plot1DScatters(fsom = flowSOM.res,
#'               channels = c("PE-Cy7-A", "PE-Cy5-A"),
#'               clusters = c(1, 48, 49, 82, 95),
#'               metaclusters = list(c(1, 4), 9),
#'               xLabels = c("marker", "channel"))
#'               metaclusters = 4, 
#'               clusters = c(1, 2),
#'               colors = c("red", "green", "blue"))                       
#' @import     ggplot2
#' @importFrom grDevices png dev.off
#' @importFrom ggpubr ggarrange
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer
#' @export
Plot1DScatters <- function(fsom,
                           channels = fsom$map$colsUsed,
                           clusters = NULL,
                           metaclusters = NULL,
                           maxBgPoints = 3000,
                           sizeBgPoints = 0.5,
                           colBgPoints = "gray",
                           maxPoints = 1000,
                           sizePoints = 0.5,
                           yLim = NULL,
                           xLabels = c("marker"),
                           centers = FALSE,
                           colors = NULL,
                           ncol = NULL,
                           nrow = NULL,
                           width = NULL,
                           height = NULL,
                           plotFile = "1DScatterPlots.png") {
    metacluster <- as.numeric(fsom$metaclustering)
    nMetaclusters <- NMetaclusters(fsom)
  } else {
    metacluster <- rep(1, NClusters(fsom))
    nMetaclusters <- 1
  medianValues <- fsom$map$medianValues
  cellCluster <- GetClusters(fsom)
  xLabels <- pmatch(xLabels, c("marker", "channel"))
  #---- Warnings ----
  if (!is.null(colors) & 
      !((length(clusters) + length(metaclusters)) == length(colors))){
    stop("Length of colors list should be equal to the joined length ",
         "of the clusters and metaclusters")
  if (any(is.na(xLabels)) | length(xLabels) > 2){
    stop("xLabels should be \"marker\" and\\or \"channel\"")
  } else {
    xLabels <- c("marker", "channel")[xLabels]
  #---- Join the clusters and metaclusters of interest ----
  i <- sample(nrow(fsom$data), 
              min(nrow(fsom$data), maxBgPoints))
  # loop over all subsets at once
  subsets <- list("Cluster" = as.list(clusters),
                  "Metacluster" = as.list(metaclusters)) 
  plots_list <- list()
  color_n <- 0
  for (group in names(subsets)){
    for (subset in subsets[[group]]){
      color_n <- color_n + 1
      n <- as.numeric(unlist(subset))
      channels <- GetChannels(fsom, channels)
      #---- background dataframe ----
      df_bg <- data.frame(fsom$data[i, channels]) 
      #---- (meta)cluster dataframe ----
      if(group == "Cluster") {
        # dataframe with cluster's points
        df_ss <- data.frame(fsom$data[cellCluster %in% n,
                                      drop = FALSE],
                            "Population" = cellCluster[cellCluster %in% n])
        # dataframe with centers
        df_c <- data.frame(medianValues[n, 
                                        drop = FALSE],
                           "Population" = factor(n, levels = n))
        col <- gg_color_hue(nMetaclusters)[metacluster[n]]
      } else {
        df_ss <- data.frame(fsom$data[which(metacluster[cellCluster] %in% n), 
                                      drop = FALSE],
                            "Population" =
                                which(metacluster[cellCluster] %in% n)]])
        df_c_Population <- metacluster[
          which(metacluster[1:nrow(medianValues)] %in% n),
          drop = FALSE]
        df_c <- data.frame(
          medianValues[which(metacluster[1:nrow(medianValues)] %in% n), 
                       drop = FALSE],
          "Population" = df_c_Population)
        col <- gg_color_hue(nMetaclusters)[n]
      df_ss <- data.frame(df_ss[sample(nrow(df_ss), 
                                       min(nrow(df_ss), maxPoints)), ])
      df_ss$Population <- factor(df_ss$Population, levels = subset)
      df_c$Population <- factor(df_c$Population, levels = subset)
      colnames(df_c) <- c(channels, "Population")
      colnames(df_ss)[1:length(channels)] <- colnames(df_bg) <- channels
      #---- ggplots ----
      cl_or_mcl <- paste0(group, ifelse(length(subset) > 1, "s", ""), ": ")
      subset_names <- ifelse(group == "Cluster", 
                             paste0(subset, collapse = ", "),
                                    collapse = ", "))
      title <- paste0(cl_or_mcl, subset_names)
      if ("marker" %in% xLabels && length(xLabels) == 1) {
        xLabs <- GetMarkers(fsom, channels)
      } else if ("channel" %in% xLabels && length(xLabels) == 1){
        xLabs <- GetChannels(fsom, channels)
      } else if (all(c("channel", "marker") %in% xLabels) && length(xLabels) == 2){
        channels <- GetChannels(fsom, channels)
        xLabs <- paste0(GetMarkers(fsom, channels), " (", channels, ")")
      colnames(df_c) <- c(xLabs, "Population")
      colnames(df_ss)[1:length(channels)] <- colnames(df_bg) <- xLabs
      bgData <- tidyr::pivot_longer(df_bg, cols = colnames(df_bg),
                                    names_to = "Channel",
                                    values_to = "Value")
      dataSs <- tidyr::pivot_longer(df_ss, cols = -.data$Population,
                                    names_to = "Channel",
                                    values_to = "Value")
      dataC <- tidyr::pivot_longer(df_c, cols = -.data$Population,
                                   names_to = "Channel",
                                   values_to = "Mean")
      p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = dataSs,
                           ggplot2::aes(x = .data$Channel,
                                        y = .data$Value)) +
        geom_point(data = bgData, 
                   ggplot2::aes(x = .data$Channel,
                                y = .data$Value),
                   col = colBgPoints, 
                   position = ggforce::position_jitternormal(sd_x = 0.07, sd_y = 0), 
                   size = sizeBgPoints) +
        ggplot2::theme_classic() +
        ggplot2::ggtitle(title) +
        ggplot2::ylab("Fluorescence") +
        ggplot2::xlab(NULL) +
        ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none",
                       axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, vjust = 1))
      if (!is.null(yLim)) p <- p + ggplot2::ylim(yLim)
      # if no colors are given, the default colors of ggplot are used
      if (is.null(colors)) {
        p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(color = .data$Population),
                                     position = ggforce::position_jitternormal(sd_x = 0.07, sd_y = 0),
                                     size = sizePoints) +
          ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = col)
      } else {
        # subset plot, metacluster colors
        if (length(colors[[color_n]]) != nlevels(df_ss$Population)){
          stop(paste0("For \"", title, "\", we expect ",  
                      nlevels(df_ss$Population), " colors while only ",
                      length(colors[[color_n]]), " are given."))
        p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(color = .data$Population),
                                     position = ggforce::position_jitternormal(sd_x = 0.07, sd_y = 0),
                                     size = sizePoints) +
          ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = colors[[color_n]])
      #----add cluster centers----
      if (centers) {
          if (!is.null(colors)) {
            col_c <- colors[[color_n]]
          } else {
            col_c <- col
        p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point(data = dataC,
                                     shape = 21,
                                     ggplot2::aes(x = .data$Channel,
                                                  y = .data$Mean,
                                                  fill = .data$Population),
                                     color = "black",
                                     size = 3,
                                     stroke = 1) +
          ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = col_c)
      plots_list[[length(plots_list) + 1]] <- p
  n_plots <- length(clusters) + length(metaclusters)
  if (!is.null(plotFile)) {
    if (is.null(nrow) & is.null(ncol)) {
      nrow <- floor(sqrt(n_plots))
      ncol <- ceiling(n_plots / nrow)
    } else if (!is.null(nrow) & !is.null(ncol)) {
      if(nrow * ncol < n_plots) (stop("Too few rows/cols to make plot"))
    } else if (is.null(nrow)) {
      nrow <- ceiling(n_plots / ncol)
    } else {
      ncol <- ceiling(n_plots / nrow)
    if (is.null(width)){
      width <-  ncol * (150 + 40 * length(channels))
    if (is.null(height)){
      height <-  400 * nrow
        width = width, 
        height = height)
    p <- ggpubr::annotate_figure(ggarrange(plotlist = plots_list,
                                           ncol = ncol, nrow = nrow))
  } else {

#' QueryStarPlot 
#' Query a certain cell type
#' Identify nodes in the tree which resemble a certain profile of "high"
#' or "low" marker expressions.
#' @param fsom            FlowSOM object, as generated by \code{\link{BuildMST}}
#' @param query           Array containing "high" or "low" (or abbreviations)
#'                        for the specified column names of the FlowSOM data.
#' @param plot            If true, a plot with a gradient of scores for the 
#'                        nodes is shown.
#' @param colorPalette    Color palette to be used for colors for "stars", 
#'                        "pies" or "marker". Can be either a function or an 
#'                        array specifying colors.
#' @param backgroundColors Color to use for nodes with a high score in the plot.
#'                         Default is red.
#' @param ...         Additional arguments to pass to \code{\link{PlotFlowSOM}}
#' @return A list, containing the ids of the selected nodes, the individual 
#'         scores for all nodes and the scores for each marker for each node
#' @seealso \code{\link{PlotStars}}, \code{\link{PlotVariable}},
#' \code{\link{PlotFlowSOM}}, \code{\link{PlotLabels}}, 
#' \code{\link{PlotNumbers}}, \code{\link{PlotMarker}}, 
#' \code{\link{PlotPies}}, \code{\link{PlotSD}}
#' @examples 
#'    file <- system.file("extdata", "68983.fcs", package="FlowSOM")
#'    flowSOM.res <- FlowSOM(file, compensate = TRUE, transform = TRUE, 
#'                   scale = TRUE, colsToUse = c(9, 12, 14:18), nClus = 10, 
#'                   silent = FALSE, xdim = 7, ydim = 7)
#'    query <- c("CD3" = "high", #CD3
#'               "CD4" = "low", #TCRb
#'               "CD8" = "high") #CD8
#'    query_res <- QueryStarPlot(flowSOM.res, query, equalNodeSize = TRUE)
#'    cellTypes <- factor(rep("Unlabeled", 49), 
#'                        levels = c("Unlabeled", "CD8 T cells"))
#'    cellTypes[query_res$selected] <- "CD8 T cells"
#'    PlotStars(flowSOM.res,
#'              backgroundValues = cellTypes,
#'              backgroundColors = c("#FFFFFF00", "#ca0020aa"))
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @importFrom ggpubr ggarrange
#' @export
QueryStarPlot <- function(fsom,
                          plot = TRUE,
                          colorPalette = FlowSOM_colors,
                          backgroundColors = "#CA0020",
  fsom <- UpdateFlowSOM(fsom)
  names(query) <- GetChannels(fsom, names(query))
  markers <- names(query)
  lowMarkers <- pmatch("l", query)
  query <- ParseQuery(fsom, query)
  if (plot){
    fP <- PlotStars(fsom = fsom,
                    markers = markers,
                    backgroundColors = 
                      grDevices::colorRampPalette(c(rep("#FFFFFF00", 3), 
                    backgroundValues = query$nodeScores,
                    list_insteadof_ggarrange = TRUE,
    nMarkers <- length(markers)
    starHeight <- rep(1, nMarkers)
    starHeight[lowMarkers] <- 0
    l <- PlotStarLegend(fsom$prettyColnames[markers], 
                        colors = colorPalette(nMarkers), 
                        starHeight = starHeight)
    p <- ggpubr::ggarrange(fP$tree, 
                           ggpubr::ggarrange(l, fP$backgroundLegend, ncol = 1), 
                           ncol = 3, 
                           widths = c(3, 1, 0.3), 
                           legend = "none")
    query$plot <- p

#' QueryMultiple
#' Function which takes a named list of multiple cell types, where every item is
#' a named vector with values "high"/"low" and the names correspond to the
#' markers or channels (e.g. as generated by parse_markertable).
#' @param fsom       FlowSOM object
#' @param cellTypes Description of the cell types. Named list, with one named
#'                   vector per cell type containing "high"/"low" values
#' @param plotFile   Path to a pdf file to save the plots (default is 
#'                   queryMultiple.pdf). If \code{NULL}, no plots will be 
#'                   generated
#' @param ...        Additional arguments to pass to \code{\link{QueryStarPlot}}
#' @return A label for every FlowSOM cluster (Unknown or one of the celltype
#'         names of the list, if selected by QueryStarPlot)
#' @examples
#'    file <- system.file("extdata", "68983.fcs", package = "FlowSOM")
#'    ff <- flowCore::read.FCS(file)
#'    # Use the wrapper function to build a flowSOM object (saved in flowSOM.res)
#'    # and a metaclustering (saved in flowSOM.res[["metaclustering"]])
#'    flowSOM.res <- FlowSOM(ff, compensate = TRUE, transform = TRUE, scale = TRUE,
#'                   colsToUse = c(9, 12, 14:18), nClus = 10, silent = FALSE,
#'                   xdim = 7, ydim = 7)
#'    cellTypes <- list("CD8 T cells" = c("PE-Cy7-A" = "high",
#'                                         "APC-Cy7-A" = "high",
#'                                         "Pacific Blue-A" = "high"),
#'                        "B cells" = c("PE-Cy5-A" = "high"),
#'                        "NK cells" = c("PE-A" = "high",
#'                                       "PE-Cy7-A" = "low",
#'                                       "APC-Cy7-A" = "low"))
#'    query_res <- QueryMultiple(flowSOM.res, cellTypes, "query_multiple.pdf")
#' @export
QueryMultiple <- function(fsom,
                          plotFile = "queryMultiple.pdf",
  fsom <- UpdateFlowSOM(fsom)
  labels <- rep("Unlabeled", fsom$map$nNodes)
  plotList <- list()
  plot <- ifelse(is.null(plotFile), FALSE, TRUE)
  for(cell_type in names(cellTypes)){
    query <- cellTypes[[cell_type]]
    query_res <- QueryStarPlot(fsom, 
                               equalNodeSize = TRUE,
                               query = query,
                               title = cell_type,
                               plot = plot,
    if (plot) plotList[[cell_type]] <- query_res$plot
    labels[query_res$selected] <- cell_type
  if (plot){
    pdf(plotFile, useDingbats = FALSE)
    for (p in plotList){

#' PlotSD 
#' Plot FlowSOM grid or tree, colored by standard deviation.
#' @param fsom      FlowSOM object, as generated by \code{\link{FlowSOM}}
#' @param marker    If a marker/channel is given, the sd for this marker is 
#'                  shown. Otherwise, the maximum ratio is used.
#' @param ...       Additional arguments to pass to \code{\link{PlotFlowSOM}}
#' @return Nothing is returned. A plot is drawn in which each node 
#'         is colored depending on its standard deviation
#' @seealso \code{\link{PlotStars}}, \code{\link{PlotVariable}},
#' \code{\link{PlotFlowSOM}}, \code{\link{PlotLabels}}, 
#' \code{\link{PlotNumbers}}, \code{\link{PlotMarker}}, 
#' \code{\link{PlotPies}}, \code{\link{QueryStarPlot}}
#' @examples 
#' # Read from file, build self-organizing map and minimal spanning tree
#' fileName <- system.file("extdata", "68983.fcs", package  = "FlowSOM")
#' flowSOM.res <- ReadInput(fileName, compensate  = TRUE, transform  = TRUE,
#'                          scale  = TRUE)
#' flowSOM.res <- BuildSOM(flowSOM.res, colsToUse  = c(9, 12, 14:18))
#' flowSOM.res <- BuildMST(flowSOM.res)
#' PlotSD(flowSOM.res)
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @export
PlotSD <- function(fsom,
                   marker = NULL,
  fsom <- UpdateFlowSOM(fsom)
  if(!is.null(marker)) marker <- GetChannels(fsom, marker)
  SDs <- ParseSD(fsom, marker)
  PlotVariable(fsom = fsom, 
               variable = SDs,
               variableName = "SD", 

#' PlotStarLegend 
#' Plots star legend
#' Function makes the legend of the FlowSOM star plot
#' @param markers           Vector of markers used in legend
#' @param colors            Color palette for the legend. Can be a vector or a 
#'                          function.
#' @param starHeight        Star height. Default = 1.
#' @return Returns nothing, but plots a legend for FlowSOM star plot
#' @seealso \code{\link{PlotFlowSOM}}
#' @examples 
#' PlotStarLegend(c("CD3", "CD4", "CD8"),
#'                FlowSOM_colors(3))
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom dplyr count
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @export
PlotStarLegend <- function(markers, 
                           starHeight = 1){
  markers <- factor(markers, levels = markers)
  nMarkers <- length(markers)
  circularCoords <- seq(from = 2 * pi / (nMarkers * 2), 
                        by = 2 * pi / nMarkers, 
                        length.out = nMarkers)
  dfSegments <- data.frame(Markers = markers,
                           x = sin(circularCoords),
                           y = cos(circularCoords),
                           xend = 1.1 *  ifelse(sin(circularCoords) >= 0, 
                                                1, -1),
                           yend = NA)
  nLeftRight <- dplyr::count(dfSegments, .data$x >= 0)
  if (nrow(nLeftRight) != 1){
    by <- ifelse(nMarkers <= 8, 1, 0.65)
    left <- seq(from = 0, by = by, length.out = nLeftRight[1, 2])
    right <- -seq(from = 0, by = by, length.out = nLeftRight[2, 2])
    dfSegments[which(dfSegments$x < 0), ]$yend <- left - mean(left)
    dfSegments[which(dfSegments$x >= 0), ]$yend <- right - mean(right)
  } else {
    dfSegments$yend <- -2
  horizontalLines <- data.frame(Markers = dfSegments$Markers,
                                x = dfSegments$xend, y = dfSegments$yend,
                                xend = dfSegments$xend + 
                                  ifelse(dfSegments$xend >= 0, 0.5, -0.5),
                                yend = dfSegments$yend, 
                                stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  dfSegments <- rbind(dfSegments, horizontalLines)
  dfLabels <- data.frame(x = horizontalLines$xend + 
                           ifelse(horizontalLines$xend >= 0, 0.3, -0.3),
                         y = horizontalLines$yend)
  markers_tmp <- rep(1, nMarkers)
  names(markers_tmp) <- markers
  dfStar <- ParseArcs(0, 0, markers_tmp, starHeight)
  dfStar$Markers <- factor(dfStar$Marker, levels = markers)
  l <- ggplot2::ggplot() + 
    ggplot2::xlim(c(-6, 6)) + 
    ggplot2::coord_fixed(clip = "off") + 
    ggplot2::theme_void() + 
    ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none")
  l <- AddStarsPies(l, 
  l <- AddScale(p = l,
                values = markers,
                colors = colors,
                showLegend = FALSE,
                type = "color")
  l <- l + 
    ggplot2::geom_segment(data = dfSegments, 
                          ggplot2::aes(x = .data$x, y = .data$y, 
                                       xend = .data$xend, 
                                       yend = .data$yend, 
                                       color = .data$Markers), 
                          linewidth = 0.6)
  l <- AddLabels(l, 
                 labels = markers, 
                 layout = dfLabels, 
                 hjust = ifelse(horizontalLines$xend >= 0, 0, 1))

#' ParseEdges 
#' Parses edges
#' Function that parses the graph edges of the FlowSOM object into a dataframe
#' @param fsom  FlowSOM object, as generated by \code{\link{FlowSOM}}
#' @return A dataframe consisting of start and end coordinates of edges
#' @seealso \code{\link{PlotFlowSOM}}, \code{\link{ParseNodeSize}},
#' \code{\link{ParseArcs}}, \code{\link{ParseQuery}},
#' \code{\link{ParseSD}}, \code{\link{AddMST}}
#' @importFrom igraph as_edgelist
ParseEdges <- function(fsom){
  edgeList <- as.data.frame(igraph::as_edgelist(fsom$MST$g),
                            stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  coords <- fsom$MST$l
  segmentPlot <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(edgeList)), function(row_id){
    node_ids <- as.numeric(edgeList[row_id, ])
    row <- c(coords[node_ids[1], 1],
             coords[node_ids[1], 2],
             coords[node_ids[2], 1],
             coords[node_ids[2], 2])
  segmentPlot <- do.call(rbind, segmentPlot)
  colnames(segmentPlot) <- c("x", "y", "xend", "yend")

#' ParseLayout
#' @param fsom FlowSOM object
#' @param layout "MST", "grid" or a matrix/dataframe with 2 columns and 1 row
#'               per cluster
#' @return dataframe with 2 columns and 1 row per cluster
ParseLayout <- function(fsom, layout){
  if (is.matrix(layout) || is.data.frame(layout)){
    if (nrow(layout) == NClusters(fsom) && 
        ncol(layout) == 2){
      layout <- as.data.frame(layout)
    } else {
      stop(paste0("Number of rows should be equal to number of clusters (", 
                  NClusters(fsom), " clusters) and number of columns should be equal ",
                  "to two."))
  } else if (layout == "grid"){
    layout <- as.data.frame(fsom$map$grid)
  } else if (layout == "MST"){
    layout <- as.data.frame(fsom$MST$l)
  } else {
    stop(paste0("The layout should be 'MST', 'grid' or a matrix/dataframe ",
                "with 2 columns and 1 row per cluster."))
  colnames(layout) <- c("x", "y")

#' ParseNodeSize 
#' Parses node size
#' Function that parses the mapping of the FlowSOM object into node sizes 
#' relative to the abundances of cells per cluster
#' Scales node size relative to the abundances of cells per cluster
#' @param nodeSizes         A vector with node sizes
#' @param maxNodeSize       Determines the maximum node size. 
#' @param refNodeSize       Reference for node size against which the nodeSizes 
#'                          will be scaled. Default = max(nodeSizes)
#' @return A vector is returned consisting of node sizes
#' @seealso \code{\link{PlotFlowSOM}}, \code{\link{ParseEdges}}, 
#' \code{\link{AutoMaxNodeSize}}, \code{\link{ParseArcs}},
#' \code{\link{ParseQuery}}, \code{\link{ParseSD}}
#' @importFrom dplyr count mutate pull
#' @export
ParseNodeSize <- function(nodeSizes, maxNodeSize, refNodeSize){
  if(any(is.na(nodeSizes))) nodeSizes[is.na(nodeSizes)] <- 0
  nNodes <- length(nodeSizes)
  if (length(unique(nodeSizes)) == 1){
    return(rep(maxNodeSize, nNodes))
  scaledNodeSize <- data.frame(size = nodeSizes) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(scaled = (.data$size / refNodeSize) * maxNodeSize ^ 2) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(sqrt_scaled = sqrt(.data$scaled)) %>% 

#' ParseArcs 
#' Parses stars
#' Function that parses the FlowSOM object into a dataframe for the star values 
#' for ggplot
#' @param x              x coordinate of node
#' @param y              y coordinate of node
#' @param arcValues      A named vector with the frequency of how the node 
#'                       should be divided
#' @param arcHeights     The heights of the arcs
#' @return A dataframe ready to use with ggplot, consisting of the coordinates 
#'         of centers, the radius and angles of the star values
#' @seealso \code{\link{PlotFlowSOM}}, \code{\link{ParseEdges}}, 
#' \code{\link{ParseNodeSize}},
#' \code{\link{ParseQuery}}, \code{\link{ParseSD}}
ParseArcs <- function(x, y, arcValues, arcHeights){
  markers <- names(arcValues)
  arcValues <- c(0, (arcValues / sum(arcValues)) * (2 * pi))
  arcValues <- cumsum(arcValues)
  resDf <- data.frame(Markers = markers, x0 = x, y0 = y, 
                      start = arcValues[-length(arcValues)], 
                      end = arcValues[-1], value = arcHeights)

#' ParseQuery 
#' Parses query
#' Identify nodes in the tree which resemble a certain profile of "high" 
#' or "low" marker expressions.
#' @param fsom   FlowSOM object, as generated by \code{\link{FlowSOM}}
#' @param query  Array containing "high" or "low" for the specified 
#'               column names of the FlowSOM data
#' @return A list, containing the ids of the selected nodes, the individual  
#'         scores for all nodes and the scores for each marker for each node
#' @seealso \code{\link{PlotFlowSOM}}, \code{\link{ParseEdges}}, 
#' \code{\link{ParseNodeSize}}, \code{\link{ParseArcs}},
#' \code{\link{QueryStarPlot}}, \code{\link{ParseSD}}
ParseQuery <- function(fsom, query){
  scores <- matrix(NA, ncol = length(query), nrow = nrow(fsom$map$medianValues),
                   dimnames = list(NULL, names(query)))
  for (marker in names(query)) {
    data <- fsom$map$medianValues[, marker]
    highOrLow <- pmatch(query[marker], c("high", "low"))
    if (any(is.na(highOrLow)) | length(highOrLow) > 1){
      stop("Only high or low marker expressions are supported at the moment")
    } else {
      highOrLow <- c("high", "low")[highOrLow]
      if (highOrLow == "high") {
        scores[, marker] = (max(data, na.rm = TRUE) - data) ^ 2
      } else if (highOrLow == "low") {
        scores[, marker] = (data - min(data, na.rm = TRUE)) ^ 2
  scores <- apply(scores, 2, function(x) {
    1 - ((x - min(x, na.rm = TRUE))/ (max(x, na.rm = TRUE) - 
                                        min(x, na.rm = TRUE)))
  nodeScores <- apply(scores, 1, mean)
  nodeScores[is.na(nodeScores)] <- 0
  cutoff <- max(nodeScores) * 0.95
  scoresCutoff <- nodeScores > cutoff
  return(list(selected = which(scoresCutoff), nodeScores = nodeScores, 
              fullScores = scores))

#' ParseSD 
#' Parses SD in FlowSOM object
#' Calculates the  standard deviation of a FlowSOM object
#' @param fsom    FlowSOM object, as generated by \code{\link{FlowSOM}}
#' @param marker  If a marker is given, the standard deviation for this marker 
#'                is shown. Otherwise, the maximum ratio is used.
#' @return A vector containing the SDs
#' @seealso \code{\link{PlotFlowSOM}}, \code{\link{ParseEdges}}, 
#' \code{\link{ParseNodeSize}}, \code{\link{ParseArcs}},
#' \code{\link{ParseQuery}}, \code{\link{PlotSD}}
#' @importFrom stats median
ParseSD <-function (fsom, marker = NULL){
  stdevs <- fsom$map$sdValues[, fsom$map$colsUsed]
  stdev_medians <- apply(stdevs, 2, stats::median)
  if (is.null(marker)) {
    variable <- apply(stdevs, 1, function(x) {
  } else {
    variable <- stdevs[, marker]/stdev_medians[marker]

#' ScaleStarHeights 
#' Scales starheights
#' Function that scales the star values between 0 and the node size
#' @param data              Median values of relevant markers extracted from 
#'                          FlowSOM object 
#' @param nodeSizes    A vector that is returned from \code{ParseNodeSize}
#' @return A dataframe consisting of the scaled values of the stars. 
#'         The stars are scaled between 0 and the maximum of all stars
#' @seealso \code{\link{PlotFlowSOM}}, \code{\link{ParseNodeSize}}, 
#' \code{\link{AutoMaxNodeSize}}
ScaleStarHeights <- function(data, nodeSizes){
  nNodes <- length(nodeSizes)
  maxAllNodes <- max(data)
  minAllNodes <- min(data)
  for (i in 1:(nNodes)){
    maxRowNodeSize <- nodeSizes[i]
    scaledRow <- ((data[i, ] - minAllNodes) * maxRowNodeSize) / 
      (maxAllNodes - minAllNodes)
    data[i, ] <- scaledRow

#' AutoMaxNodeSize 
#' Calculate node size
#' Function that calculates the minimum distance between the nodes
#' to use this to adapt the maxNodeSize for better plotting
#' @param layout            Coordinates of nodes
#' @param overlap           Parameter that determines how much overlap there 
#'                          will be. If negative the nodes will be smaller
#' @return Returns the maxNodeSize with some overlap
#' @seealso \code{\link{PlotFlowSOM}}, \code{\link{ScaleStarHeights}}, 
#' \code{\link{ParseNodeSize}}
#' @importFrom stats dist
AutoMaxNodeSize <- function(layout, overlap){
  overlap <- 1 + overlap
  minDistance <- min(stats::dist(layout[, c(1, 2)]))
  return(minDistance / 2 * overlap)

#' AddMST 
#' Function plots the MST
#' @param p     ggplot object
#' @param fsom  FlowSOM object, as generated by \code{\link{FlowSOM}}
#' @return Returns nothing, but plots the MST for FlowSOM MST view
#' @seealso \code{\link{PlotFlowSOM}}, \code{\link{ParseEdges}}, 
#' \code{\link{AddStarsPies}}, \code{\link{AddLabels}}, \code{\link{AddNodes}},
#' \code{\link{AddBackground}}, \code{\link{AddPies}}, \code{\link{AddStars}}
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
AddMST <- function(p, 
  fsom <- UpdateFlowSOM(fsom)
  edges <- ParseEdges(fsom)
  p <- p + ggplot2::geom_segment(data = edges, 
                                 ggplot2::aes(x = .data$x, 
                                              y = .data$y, 
                                              xend = .data$xend, 
                                              yend = .data$yend),
                                 linewidth = 0.2)

#' AddStarsPies 
#' Function plots stars or pies 
#' @param p            ggplot object
#' @param arcs         Dataframe that contains all the data for the plotting 
#'                     the pies or stars
#' @param colorPalette A vector of colors or a color function
#' @param showLegend   Boolean on whether to show the legend
#' @return Returns nothing, but plots the stars or pies
#' @seealso \code{\link{PlotFlowSOM}}, \code{\link{AddLabels}},
#' \code{\link{AddNodes}}, \code{\link{AddBackground}}, \code{\link{AddPies}},
#' \code{\link{AddStars}}, \code{\link{ParseArcs}}, \code{\link{PlotStars}}
#' \code{\link{PlotPies}}
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom ggforce geom_arc_bar
#' @export
AddStarsPies <- function(p, arcs, colorPalette, showLegend = TRUE){
  p <- AddScale(p = p, 
                values = arcs$Markers, 
                colors = colorPalette, 
                showLegend = showLegend)
  p <- p + ggforce::geom_arc_bar(data = arcs, 
                                 ggplot2::aes(x0 = .data$x0, 
                                              y0 = .data$y0, 
                                              r0 = 0, 
                                              r = .data$value, 
                                              start = .data$start, 
                                              end = .data$end, 
                                              fill = .data$Markers),
                                 linewidth = 0.2)

#' AddLabels 
#' @param p      ggplot object
#' @param labels Labels to be added to each node
#' @param hjust  Horizontal adjust for labels. Default is centered.
#' @param layout Dataframe with x and y columns. If null, the dataframe from
#'               the ggplot object will be reused.
#' @param textSize  Size for geom_text. Default (=3.88) is from geom_text.  
#' @param textColor Color for geom_text. Default = black.   
#' @param ...    Additional parameters to pass to geom_text
#' @return Returns the ggplot object with labels added
#' @seealso \code{\link{PlotLabels}}, \code{\link{PlotNumbers}}
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
AddLabels <- function(p, labels, hjust = 0.5, layout = NULL, 
                      textSize = 3.88, textColor = "black", ...){
  if(is.null(layout)) layout <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(p)$plot$data
  p <- p + ggplot2::geom_text(data = layout,
                              ggplot2::aes(x = .data$x, 
                                           y = .data$y, 
                                           label = labels),
                              fontface = "bold", 
                              hjust = hjust,
                              size = textSize,
                              col = textColor,

#' AddNodes 
#' Function plots the nodes
#' @param p            ggplot object
#' @param nodeInfo    Dataframe with for every node an x, y and size value,
#'                     if null the dataframe from the ggplot object will be 
#'                     reused.
#' @param values       Values used for coloring the nodes. Default = NULL,
#'                     in which case all nodes are filled in fillColor.
#' @param lim          The limits of the color scale, not used if values = NULL.
#' @param colorPalette Color palette for color in nodes, not used if values = 
#'                     NULL. A vector of colors or a color function.
#' @param fillColor    Fixed fill for node colors, default = white.
#' @param showLegend   Boolean, default = TRUE.
#' @param label        Title for the legend.
#' @param ...          Additional arguments to pass to geom_circle
#' @return Returns nothing, but plots the nodes
#' @seealso \code{\link{PlotFlowSOM}}, \code{\link{PlotMarker}},
#' \code{\link{PlotVariable}}, \code{\link{AddLabels}}, 
#' \code{\link{AddBackground}}, \code{\link{AddPies}}, 
#' \code{\link{AddStars}}, \code{\link{AddStarsPies}}
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot_build
#' @importFrom ggforce geom_circle
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @export
AddNodes <- function(p,
                     nodeInfo = NULL,
                     values = NULL, 
                     lim = NULL,
                     colorPalette = NULL, 
                     fillColor = "white",
                     showLegend = TRUE,
                     label = "",
  if(is.null(nodeInfo)) nodeInfo <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(p)$plot$data
  if (is.null(values)){
    p <- p + ggforce::geom_circle(data = nodeInfo,
                                  ggplot2::aes(x0 = .data$x,
                                               y0 = .data$y,
                                               r =  .data$size),
                                  fill = fillColor,
                                  linewidth = 0.2,
  } else {
    if(is.character(values) | is.logical(values)) values <- factor(values)
    p <- AddScale(p, 
                  values = values,
                  colors = colorPalette,
                  limits = lim,
                  labelLegend = label,
                  showLegend = showLegend)
    p <- p + ggforce::geom_circle(ggplot2::aes(x0 = .data$x, 
                                               y0 = .data$y, 
                                               r =  .data$size,
                                               fill = values),
                                  linewidth = 0.2,

#' AddBackground 
#' Function plots the background
#' @param p                 ggplot object
#' @param backgroundValues  Vector of values to be plotted as background for 
#'                          the nodes
#' @param backgroundColors  Color palette to be used for the background coloring.
#'                          Can be either a function or an array specifying
#'                          colors.
#' @param backgroundLim     Background limits (can be used to ensure consistent
#'                          Color palette between plots). If NULL (default), will
#'                          be automatically adapted to the data.
#' @param alpha             Transparency of the backgroundColor.
#' @return Returns nothing, but plots the background
#' @seealso \code{\link{PlotFlowSOM}}, \code{\link{AddLabels}},
#' \code{\link{AddNodes}}, \code{\link{AddPies}}, \code{\link{AddStars}}
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom ggforce geom_circle
#' @importFrom ggnewscale new_scale
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @export
AddBackground <- function(p,
                          backgroundColors = NULL, 
                          backgroundLim = NULL,
                          alpha = 0.4){
  if(is.character(backgroundValues)) {
    backgroundValues <- factor(backgroundValues)
  p <- AddScale(p,
                labelLegend = "background")
  p <- p + ggforce::geom_circle(ggplot2::aes(x0 = .data$x, 
                                             y0 = .data$y, 
                                             r =  .data$bg_size,
                                             fill = backgroundValues),
                                col = NA, 
                                alpha = alpha)

#' AddScale
#' @param p           ggplot object
#' @param values      Values used for the fill
#' @param colors      Colors to use (can be a vector or a function)
#' @param limits      Limits to use in the scale
#' @param showLegend  Boolean on whether to show the legend
#' @param labelLegend Label to show as title of the legend
#' @param type        fill (default) or color
#' @return ggplot object with scale added
AddScale <- function(p, 
                     values = NULL,
                     colors = NULL,
                     limits = NULL,
                     showLegend = TRUE,
                     labelLegend = "",
                     type = "fill"){
  p <- p + ggnewscale::new_scale(type)
  if(is.character(values) | is.logical(values)) values <- factor(values)
  if (!is.null(limits) &&  is.null(colors)){
    args <- list()
    args[[type]] <- limits
    p <- p + do.call(ggplot2::lims, args)
    # Discrete values
    if (is.factor(values)){ 
      # If a function: make into the right amount of values
        colors <- colors(nlevels(values))
      # Check color names vs backgroundValues
      colorNames <- names(colors)
      levels <- levels(values)
      # If no names available, use levels
        colorNames <- levels[seq_along(colors)]
      # If any names missing, show warning
      notAvailable <- ! levels %in% colorNames
        warning("You did not provide a color for ",
                paste(levels[notAvailable], collapse =", "))
        colors <- c(colors,
                    rep("#FFFFFF", sum(notAvailable)))
        names(colors) <- c(colorNames,
      scale_function <- eval(parse(text = paste0("ggplot2::scale_",
      if(showLegend) {
        p <- p + scale_function(values = colors)
      } else {
        p <- p + scale_function(values = colors,
                                guide = "none")
    } else if (is.numeric(values)){ # Continuous values
      if (is.function(colors)){
        colors <- colors(100)
      } else {
        colors <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(colors)(100)
      scale_function <- eval(parse(text = paste0("ggplot2::scale_",
      if(showLegend) {
        p <- p + scale_function(colors = colors, 
                                limits = limits)
      } else {
        p <- p + scale_function(colors = colors, 
                                limits = limits,
                                guide = "none")
  p <- p + ggplot2::labs(fill = labelLegend)

#' AddPies 
#' Function plots the pies
#' @param p             ggplot object
#' @param fsom          FlowSOM object, as generated by \code{\link{BuildMST}}
#' @param cellLabels   Array of factors indicating the cell labels
#' @param layout        Coordinates of nodes. Uses dataframe of the ggplot 
#'                      object if NULL.
#' @param colorPalette  Color palette to be used for colors. Can be either a 
#'                      function or an array specifying colors.
#' @return ggplot object with the pies added
#' @seealso \code{\link{PlotFlowSOM}}, \code{\link{AddLabels}},
#' \code{\link{AddNodes}}, \code{\link{AddBackground}}, \code{\link{PlotPies}},
#' \code{\link{AddStars}}, \code{\link{ParseArcs}}
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @export
AddPies <- function(p, 
                    layout = NULL, 
                    colorPalette = NULL){
  fsom <- UpdateFlowSOM(fsom)
  if (is.null(layout)) layout <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(p)$plot$data
  if (!is.factor(cellLabels)) cellLabels <- as.factor(cellLabels)
  nNodes <- NClusters(fsom)
  count <- table(factor(GetClusters(fsom), levels = seq_len(nNodes)), 
                 factor(cellLabels, levels = c(levels(cellLabels), "Empty")))
  count[rowSums(count) == 0, "Empty"] <- 1
  pieValues <- lapply(seq_len(nNodes), function(cl){
    nodeData <- ParseArcs(layout[cl, "x"], 
                          layout[cl, "y"], 
                          count[cl, ], 
                          layout[cl, "size"])
  pieValues <- do.call(rbind, pieValues)
  pieValues$Markers <- factor(pieValues$Markers, 
                              levels = c(levels(cellLabels), "Empty"))
  p <- AddStarsPies(p, pieValues, colorPalette)

#' AddStars 
#' Function plots the stars
#' @param p             ggplot object
#' @param fsom          FlowSOM object, as generated by \code{\link{BuildMST}}
#' @param markers       Determines which markers to plot. 
#'                      Default = "fsom$map$colsUsed"
#' @param colorPalette  Color palette to be used for colors. Can be either a 
#'                      function or an array specifying colors.
#' @return ggplot object with the stars added
#' @seealso \code{\link{PlotFlowSOM}}, \code{\link{AddLabels}},
#' \code{\link{AddNodes}}, \code{\link{AddBackground}}, \code{\link{PlotStars}},
#' \code{\link{AddPies}}, \code{\link{ParseArcs}}
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @export
AddStars <- function(p, 
                     markers = fsom$map$colsUsed,
                     colorPalette = NULL){
  markers <- GetChannels(fsom, markers)
  fsom <- UpdateFlowSOM(fsom)
  nNodes <- NClusters(fsom)
  nMarkers <- length(markers)
  isEmpty <- which(fsom$map$pctgs == 0)
  nodeInfo <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(p)$plot$data
  nodeInfo$size[isEmpty] <- 0
  data <- fsom$map$medianValues[, markers, drop = FALSE]
  data[is.na(data)] <- 0
  data <- ScaleStarHeights(data, 
  markers_tmp <- rep(1, ncol(data))
  names(markers_tmp) <- colnames(data)
  starValues <- lapply(seq_len(nNodes), function(cl){
    nodeData <- ParseArcs(x = nodeInfo$x[cl], 
                          y = nodeInfo$y[cl], 
                          arcValues = markers_tmp, 
                          arcHeights = data[cl, ])
  starValues <- do.call(rbind, starValues)
  starValues$Markers <- factor(starValues$Markers, 
                               levels = colnames(data))
  p <- AddStarsPies(p, starValues, colorPalette, showLegend = FALSE)

#' gg_color_hue 
#' Helper function to get the ggplot colors
#' @param n Number of colors
#' @return array with hexadecimal color values
#' @importFrom grDevices hcl
gg_color_hue <- function(n) {
  hues = seq(15, 375, length = n + 1)
  hcl(h = hues, l = 65, c = 100)[1:n]

#' FlowSOMmary 
#' This functions plots a summary of a flowSOM object. It includes a table of 
#' (meta)cluster data, the flowSOM trees and grid view, the (meta)cluster 
#' labels, the markers expression, the file distribution if present,
#' the cluster per metacluster percentage, a t-SNE plot,
#' and the MFI per metacluster.
#' @param fsom          FlowSOM object, as generated by \code{\link{FlowSOM}}
#' @param plotFile      Name of the pdf file that will be generated (default is 
#'                      FlowSOMmary.pdf). If \code{NULL}, a list of ggplots will 
#'                      be returned.
#' @return Returns a summary of the FlowSOM object
#' @examples 
#' # Identify the files
#' fcs <- flowCore::read.FCS(system.file("extdata", "68983.fcs", 
#'                                       package = "FlowSOM"))
#' # Build a FlowSOM object
#' flowSOM.res <- FlowSOM(fcs, 
#'                        scale = TRUE,
#'                        compensate = TRUE, 
#'                        transform = TRUE,
#'                        toTransform = 8:18, 
#'                        colsToUse = c(9, 12, 14:18),
#'                        nClus = 10,
#'                        seed = 1)
#' FlowSOMmary(flowSOM.res)
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom ggpubr ggarrange ttheme ggtexttable
#' @importFrom dplyr count mutate group_by filter pull arrange
#' @importFrom grDevices pdf
#' @export
FlowSOMmary <- function(fsom, plotFile = "FlowSOMmary.pdf"){
  #----Initializing ----
  fsom <- UpdateFlowSOM(fsom)
  metaclustersPresent <- !is.null(fsom$metaclustering)
  if (metaclustersPresent){
    mfis <- GetMetaclusterMFIs(fsom, colsUsed = TRUE)
    metaclusters <- GetMetaclusters(fsom)
    nMetaclusters <- NMetaclusters(fsom)
  clusters <- GetClusters(fsom)
  nNodes <- seq_len(NClusters(fsom))
  filePresent <- "File" %in% colnames(fsom$data)
  plotList <- list()
  #----Plot fsom trees and grids----
  message("Plot FlowSOM trees")
  for(view in c("MST", "grid")){
    plotList[[paste0("stars_", view)]] <- 
      PlotStars(fsom, view = view, backgroundValues = fsom$metaclustering, 
                title = paste0("FlowSOM ", view))
    if (metaclustersPresent){
      if(all(as.character(as.numeric(fsom$metaclustering)) == as.character(fsom$metaclustering))){
        values_to_annotate <- fsom$metaclustering 
      } else {
        values_to_annotate <- paste(as.numeric(fsom$metaclustering), ": ", fsom$metaclustering) 
      p2.1 <- PlotFlowSOM(fsom, view = view, title = "FlowSOM Clusters",
                          equalNodeSize = TRUE) %>% 
        AddNodes(values = values_to_annotate, 
                 showLegend = TRUE,
                 label = "Metaclusters") %>% 
        AddLabels(labels = seq_len(NClusters(fsom)))
      p2.2 <- PlotFlowSOM(fsom, view = view, equalNodeSize = TRUE,
                          title = "FlowSOM Metaclusters") %>% 
        AddNodes(values = values_to_annotate, showLegend = TRUE,
                 label = "Metaclusters") %>% 
        AddLabels(labels = as.numeric(fsom$metaclustering))
    } else {
      p2.1 <- PlotNumbers(fsom, view = view, title = "FlowSOM Clusters", 
                          maxNodeSize = "auto", equalNodeSize = TRUE)
      p2.2 <- NULL
    plotList[[paste0("labels_",view)]] <- 
      ggpubr::ggarrange(p2.1, p2.2, 
                        common.legend = TRUE, legend = "right")
  #----Plot Markers----
  plotList[["p5"]] <- PlotMarker(fsom, marker = fsom$map$colsUsed, 
                                 refMarkers = fsom$map$colsUsed, 
                                 equalNodeSize = TRUE)
  #----File distribution----
  if (filePresent){
    message("Plot file distribution")
    file_cols <- fsom$data[,rev(grep("File[0-9]*$", colnames(fsom$data), 
                                     value = TRUE)), drop = FALSE]
    if(file_cols[1,1] != round(file_cols[1,1])){ # In case of scaled data
      file_cols <- apply(file_cols, 2, function(x) as.numeric(factor(x)))
    file_label <- apply(file_cols, 1, paste, collapse = " ")
    p6 <- PlotPies(fsom, cellTypes = factor(file_label), 
                   equalNodeSize = TRUE, view = "grid", 
                   title = "File distribution per cluster", 
                   colorPalette = FlowSOM_colors)
    filesI <- as.character(unique(fsom$data[, "File"]))
    expectedDistr <- c(table(file_label))
    names(expectedDistr) <- filesI
    arcsDf <- ParseArcs(0, 0, expectedDistr, 0.7)
    arcsDf$Markers <- factor(arcsDf$Markers, levels = filesI)
    plotList[["p6"]] <- AddStarsPies(p6, arcsDf, colorPalette = FlowSOM_colors(
      length(filesI) + 1), showLegend = FALSE) +
      ggplot2::annotate("text", x = 0, y = -1, label = "Expected distribution")
  message("Calculate t-SNE")
  dimred_res <- PlotDimRed(fsom, cTotal = 5000, colorBy = fsom$map$colsUsed,
                           seed = 1, returnLayout = TRUE,
                           title = paste0("t-SNE with markers used in FlowSOM ",
                                          "call (perplexity = 30, cells = 5000)"),
                           check_duplicates = FALSE)
  if (metaclustersPresent){
    plotList[["p7"]] <- PlotDimRed(fsom, dimred = dimred_res$layout, seed = 1,
                                   title = paste0("t-SNE with markers used in FlowSOM ",
                                                  "call (perplexity = 30, cells = 5000)"))
  plotList[["p8"]] <- dimred_res$plot
  #----Cluster Per Metacluster----
  if (metaclustersPresent){
    message("Plot cluster per metacluster distribution")
    clusterPerMetacluster <- data.frame(metaclusters, clusters) %>%
      dplyr::group_by(metaclusters) %>%
      dplyr::count(clusters) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(Percentage = .data$n / sum(.data$n) * 100) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(LabelPos = cumsum(.data$Percentage) - 1) %>%
    clusterPerMetacluster$clusters <- factor(clusterPerMetacluster$cluster)
    plotList[["p9"]] <- ggplot2::ggplot(clusterPerMetacluster,
                                        ggplot2::aes(x = metaclusters)) +
      ggplot2::geom_bar(ggplot2::aes(y = .data$Percentage, fill = metaclusters),
                        stat = "identity", col = "black") +
      ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(y = .data$LabelPos, label = clusters)) +
      ggplot2::theme_minimal() +
      ggplot2::theme(panel.grid.major.x = ggplot2::element_blank(),
                     panel.grid.minor.x = ggplot2::element_blank(),
                     legend.position = "none") +
      ggplot2::ggtitle("Percentages clusters per metacluster")
    #----Median expression per metacluster----
    message("Plot heatmap")
    colnames(mfis) <- fsom$prettyColnames[colnames(mfis)]
    rownames(mfis) <- levels(metaclusters)
    mfis_scaled <- scale(mfis)
    mfis_scaled[is.na(mfis_scaled)] <- 0
    plotList[["empty"]] <- ggplot2::ggplot() + ggplot2::theme_minimal()
    if (requireNamespace("pheatmap", quietly = TRUE)) {
      plotList[["p10"]] <-
        pheatmap::pheatmap(mfis_scaled, scale = "none",
                           display_numbers = round(mfis, 2),
                           main = "Median expression per metacluster",
                           silent = TRUE)
    } else {
      message("Please install \"pheatmap\" to add a heatmap to the FlowSOMmary")
  message("Make tables")
  datatable1 <- data.frame("Total number of cells" = nrow(fsom$data), 
                           check.names = FALSE)
  rownames(datatable1) <- "FlowSOMmary"
  if (metaclustersPresent) {
    datatable1[, "Total number of metaclusters"] <- nMetaclusters
  markersInFlowSOM <- split(fsom$prettyColnames[fsom$map$colsUsed], 
                              each = 5)[seq_len(length(fsom$prettyColnames[
                                fsom$map$colsUsed]))]) %>% 
    sapply(paste, collapse =", ") %>% 
    paste(collapse = ",\n")
  datatable1 <- cbind(datatable1, 
                      "Total number of clusters" = fsom$map$nNodes,
                      "Markers used for FlowSOM" = markersInFlowSOM)
  datatable1 <- format(datatable1, digits = 2)
  t1 <- ggpubr::ggtexttable(t(datatable1), theme = ggpubr::ttheme("minimal"))
  if (metaclustersPresent){
    freqMetaclusters <- data.frame(metaclusters = 
                                     as.character(metaclusters)) %>%
      dplyr::count(.data$metaclusters) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(percentage = .data$n / sum(.data$n) * 100) %>%
    datatable2 <- data.frame("Metacluster" = levels(metaclusters),
                             "Number of cells" = 0,
                             "Percentage of cells" = 0,
                             "Number of clusters" = 0,
                             "Clusters" = "",
                             check.names = FALSE)
    rownames(datatable2) <- datatable2$Metacluster
    datatable2[freqMetaclusters[,"metaclusters"], "Number of cells"] <- 
    datatable2[freqMetaclusters[,"metaclusters"], "Percentage of cells"] <- 
    datatable2[, "Number of clusters"] <- 
      sapply(levels(metaclusters), function(x){
        which(fsom$metaclustering == x) %>% length()})
    datatable2[, "Clusters"] <- 
      sapply(levels(metaclusters), function(x){
        cl_selected <- which(fsom$metaclustering == x)
        clusters_string <- split(cl_selected, 
                                     each = 25)[seq_len(length(cl_selected))]) %>% 
          sapply(paste, collapse =", ") %>% 
          paste(collapse = ",\n")
    datatable2 <- format(datatable2, digits = 2)
    split_datatable2 <- split(datatable2, rep(seq_len(
      ceiling(nrow(datatable2) / 30)), each = 30, 
  freqClusters <- as.data.frame(clusters) %>%
    dplyr::count(.data$clusters) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(freq = .data$n / sum(.data$n) * 100) %>% 
  datatable3 <- data.frame("Cluster" = factor(nNodes),
                           "Number of cells" = 0,
                           "Percentage of cells" = 0,
                           check.names = FALSE)
  datatable3[freqClusters[, "clusters"], "Number of cells"] <- 
    freqClusters[, "n"]
  datatable3[freqClusters[, "clusters"], "Percentage of cells"] <- 
    freqClusters[, "freq"]
  if (metaclustersPresent){
    datatable3 <-  cbind(datatable3, 
                         "Belongs to metacluster" = fsom$metaclustering,
                         "Percentage in metacluster" = 0)
               "Percentage in metacluster"] <-
      clusterPerMetacluster[, "Percentage"]
  datatable3 <- format(datatable3, digits = 2)
  split_datatable3 <- split(datatable3, rep(seq_len(
    ceiling(nrow(datatable3) / 30)), each = 30, 
    length.out = nrow(datatable3)))
  if (!is.null(plotFile)){
    grDevices::pdf(plotFile, width = 17, height = 10)
    if (metaclustersPresent){
      for (table2 in split_datatable2) {
        print(ggpubr::ggtexttable(table2, theme = ggpubr::ttheme("minimal"), 
                                  rows = NULL))
    for (table3 in split_datatable3){
      print(ggpubr::ggtexttable(table3, theme = ggpubr::ttheme("minimal"), 
                                rows = NULL))
    for (plot in plotList){
  } else {

#' AddAnnotation
#' Add annotation to a FlowSOM plot
#' @param p        Plot to add annotation to. When using \code{\link{PlotStars}},
#'                 please use list_insteadof_ggarrange = TRUE.
#' @param fsom     FlowSOM object that goes with the plot.
#' @param toAnnotate A named list with "metaclusters" and/or "clusters" as names
#'                 and a vector with the (meta)clusters that need to be 
#'                 annotated. Names can be abbreviated. Use a named vector with 
#'                 the old names as values and new labels as names for custom 
#'                 labeling.
#' @param prefix   Prefix to be added to labels. Default is "MCL " and "CL " for
#'                 metaclusters and clusters respectively.
#' @param ...      Arguments passed to geom_text_repel.
#' @return The updated plot
#' @examples
#' # Identify the files
#' fcs <- flowCore::read.FCS(system.file("extdata", "68983.fcs", 
#'                                       package = "FlowSOM"))
#' # Build a FlowSOM object
#' flowSOM.res <- FlowSOM(fcs, 
#'                        scale = TRUE,
#'                        compensate = TRUE, 
#'                        transform = TRUE,
#'                        toTransform = 8:18, 
#'                        colsToUse = c(9, 12, 14:18),
#'                        nClus = 10,
#'                        seed = 1)
#' p <- PlotStars(flowSOM.res, backgroundValues = flowSOM.res$metaclustering,
#'                list_insteadof_ggarrange = TRUE)
#' annotationList <- list("metaclusters" = c("CD8 T cells" = "1", "B cells" = "8"),
#'                    "clusters" = c(97))
#' AddAnnotation(p, flowSOM.res, toAnnotate = annotationList, 
#'               prefix = list("metaclusters" = "", clusters = "CL "))
#' @import ggplot2 
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by filter slice
#' @importFrom ggpubr ggarrange
#' @export
AddAnnotation <- function(p, 
                          toAnnotate = NULL, 
                          prefix = list("metaclusters" = "MCL ", "clusters" = "CL "), 
  # Initialize
  if (is.null(toAnnotate)) stop("Please add a named list to \"toAnnotate\"")
  if (is(p, "ggarrange")){
    stop(paste0("Please set \"list_insteadof_ggarrange = TRUE\" when using this",
                " function in combination with PlotStars"))
  listOrGGplot <- "tree" %in% names(p)
  if (listOrGGplot) {
    l1 <- p[["starLegend"]]
    l2 <- p [["backgroundLegend"]]
    p <- p[["tree"]]
  abb_toAnnotate <- abb_prefix <- NULL
  fsom <- UpdateFlowSOM(fsom)
  for (toAnnotate_prefix in c("toAnnotate", "prefix")){
    toCheck <- get(toAnnotate_prefix)
    abbreviations <- pmatch(names(toCheck), c("clusters", "metaclusters"))
    assign(paste0("abb_", toAnnotate_prefix), abbreviations)
    if (any(is.na(abbreviations))){
      stop(paste0("Please use \"clusters\" and/or \"metaclusters\" or abbrevations",
                  " as names of the \"", toAnnotate_prefix,"\" list"))
  names(toAnnotate) <- c("clusters", "metaclusters")[abb_toAnnotate]
  names(prefix) <- c("clusters", "metaclusters")[abb_prefix]
  oldClNames <- toAnnotate$clusters
  if (any(!oldClNames %in% seq(NClusters(fsom)))){
    stop("Cluster name is not present in the fsom object")
  oldMclNames <- toAnnotate$metaclusters
  layout <- as.data.frame(ggplot2::ggplot_build(p)$plot$data)[, seq(2)]
  colnames(layout) <- c("V1", "V2")
  clusterLabels <- data.frame(layout, 
                              cl = as.character(seq_len(fsom$map$nNodes)), 
                              metacl = as.character(fsom$metaclustering))
  labels <- list()
  if (!is.null(oldMclNames)){
    metaclusterLabels <- clusterLabels %>% 
      dplyr::group_by(.data$metacl) %>% 
      dplyr::slice(1) %>% 
      as.data.frame() %>% 
      mutate(label = .data$metacl)
    newMCLNames <- names(oldMclNames)
    oldMclNames <- match(oldMclNames, metaclusterLabels$metacl)
    if (any(is.na(oldMclNames))){
      stop("Old metacluster name is not present in the fsom object")
    if (!is.null(newMCLNames)){
      names(oldMclNames) <- newMCLNames
      metaclusterLabels$label[oldMclNames] <- newMCLNames
    metaclusterLabels$label <- paste0(prefix$metaclusters, metaclusterLabels$label)
    labels[["metaclusters"]] <- metaclusterLabels[oldMclNames, ]
  if (!is.null(oldClNames)){
    clusterLabels <- clusterLabels %>% mutate(label = .data$cl)
    newCLNames <- names(oldClNames)
    if (!is.null(newCLNames)){
      clusterLabels$label[as.numeric(oldClNames)] <- newCLNames
    clusterLabels$label <- paste0(prefix$clusters, clusterLabels$label)
    labels[["clusters"]] <- clusterLabels[oldClNames, ]
  labels <- do.call(rbind, labels) %>% as.data.frame() 
  emptyString <- clusterLabels %>% mutate(label = "") 
  labels <- rbind(labels, emptyString)
  if (requireNamespace("ggrepel", quietly = TRUE)) {
    p <- p + ggrepel::geom_text_repel(data = labels, 
                                      ggplot2::aes(x = .data$V1, y = .data$V2, 
                                                   label = .data$label), 
                                      segment.color = "gray", force = 20, 
                                      segment.size = 0.2, point.padding = 0.5, size = 5,
  } else {
    p <- p + ggplot2::geom_text(data = labels, 
                                ggplot2::aes(x = .data$V1, y = .data$V2, 
                                             label = .data$label), nudge_y = 0.5,
                                nudge_x = 0.5, ...)
    message("Please install \"ggrepel\" for more clear annotation.")
  if (listOrGGplot){
    p <- ggpubr::ggarrange(p, ggpubr::ggarrange(l1, l2, ncol = 1), NULL,
                           ncol = 3, widths = c(3, 1, 0.3), legend = "none")

#' PlotOutliers
#' Visual overview of outliers
#' @param fsom     FlowSOM object.
#' @param outlierReport Outlier overview as generated by TestOutliers()
#' @return Plot
#' @examples
#' # Identify the files
#' fcs <- flowCore::read.FCS(system.file("extdata", "68983.fcs", 
#'                                       package = "FlowSOM"))
#' # Build a FlowSOM object
#' flowSOM.res <- FlowSOM(fcs, 
#'                        scale = TRUE,
#'                        compensate = TRUE, 
#'                        transform = TRUE,
#'                        toTransform = 8:18, 
#'                        colsToUse = c(9, 12, 14:18),
#'                        nClus = 10,
#'                        seed = 1)
#' outlierReport <- TestOutliers(flowSOM.res)
#' p <- PlotOutliers(flowSOM.res, outlierReport)                       
#' @import ggplot2 
#' @importFrom ggpubr ggarrange
#' @export
PlotOutliers <- function(fsom, outlierReport){
  xdim <- fsom$map$xdim
  ydim <- fsom$map$ydim
  plotList <- lapply(seq_len(xdim * ydim), function(i) {
    ids <- which(GetClusters(fsom) == i)
    values <- fsom$map$mapping[ids, 2]
    if (length(values) > 1) {
      nOutliers <- sum(values > outlierReport$Threshold[i])
      p <- suppressMessages(ggplot2::ggplot() + 
                                                      fill = "grey90", 
                                                      col = "black", 
                                                      size = 0.2) + 
                              ggplot2::geom_vline(ggplot2::aes(xintercept = outlierReport$Median_distance[i]), 
                                                  col = "black") + 
                              ggplot2::geom_vline(ggplot2::aes(xintercept = outlierReport$Threshold[i]), 
                                                  col = "red") + 
                                                      " (", nOutliers, ")")) + 
                              ggplot2::theme_minimal() + 
                              ggplot2::theme(axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_blank()) + 
  p <- suppressMessages(ggpubr::ggarrange(plotlist = plotList))
saeyslab/FlowSOM documentation built on July 6, 2024, 10:59 a.m.