## Package: flowFP
## File: plot-fancy.R
## Author: Herb Holyst
## Copyright (C) 2009 by University of Pennsylvania,
## Philadelphia, PA USA. All rights reserved.
plotFancy <- function(x, y, highlight=NULL, parameters=NULL,
transformation=c("raw", "normalized", "log2norm"),
showbins=NULL, showfp=TRUE, alpha=.1, border='gray', linecols=NULL,
pch='.', cex=1, main="Fingerprints", ...) {
fp = x
nfp = nInstances(fp)
fs = y
transformation = match.arg(transformation)
check_plot_args(fp, fs=fs, highlight=highlight, showbins=showbins)
opar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
on.exit (par(opar))
if (showfp) {
layout( matrix(c(1,2), nrow=2, ncol=1), heights=c(1, 0.5))
## Figure out if the user wants to see the bin boundaries, and create vector
## for user short hand 'all'. Note if we are to show bins we plot all of the other
## points in black.
if(!is.null(showbins) ) {
if ( (is.logical(showbins) && showbins == TRUE) || showbins == 'all') {
showbins = 1:nFeatures(fp)
# create luts
semiSatLut = satLut
semiSatLut = binColorLut(nFeatures(fp), saturation=0.25)
dotcols = list()
if (is.numeric(showbins)) {
for(i in 1:nfp) {
dotcols[[i]] = "black"
} else {
tags = tags(fp)
for(i in 1:nfp) {
if (i %in% highlight) {
dotcols[[i]] = satLut[tags[[i]]]
} else {
dotcols[[i]] = semiSatLut[tags[[i]]]
zorder = c(which(!(1:nfp %in% highlight)), highlight)
parameters = getDefaultParameters(x, parameters)
# This is a work around, I truly don't understand.
# I think that the dispatcher should handle calling plot()
# with a 'flowFrame', and the 'parameter names' perfectly but it
# doesn't work. So instead I force the dispatcher to get me the specific
# plot function, and then call it.
ffplot = getMethod("plot", signature("flowFrame", "character"))
first_time = TRUE
for(i in zorder) {
if (first_time) {
ffplot(fs[[i]], colnames(fs[[i]])[parameters] , smooth=FALSE,
col=dotcols[[i]], main=main)
} else {
x = exprs(fs[[i]])[,parameters[1]]
y = exprs(fs[[i]])[,parameters[2]]
points(x, y , col=dotcols[[i]], pch='.')
first_time = FALSE
if(!is.null(showbins) ) {
if ( (is.logical(showbins) && showbins == TRUE) || showbins == 'all') {
showbins = 1:nFeatures(fp)
if (is.numeric(showbins)) {
plotBinBoundaries(fp, y=fs, parameters, alpha, border, showbins, pch=pch, cex=cex)
if (showfp) {
mar = par("mar")
mar[3] = 0.0
plotTangleFP(fp, transformation=transformation, linecols=linecols,
highlight=highlight, main="", ...)
usr = par("usr")
color_wedge_h = (usr[4] - usr[3]) * 0.05
ypos = seq(from=usr[3] - color_wedge_h, to=usr[3] + color_wedge_h, length.out=2)
xpos = seq(from=0.5, to=length(satLut) + .5, length.out=length(satLut) + 1)
wedge = matrix(rep(c(1:length(satLut)), 1), ncol=length(satLut), nrow=1, byrow=TRUE)
image(xpos, ypos, t(wedge), col=satLut, add=TRUE, xlab=NA, ylab=NA, yaxt="n" )
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