#' Check for secondary peaks in a sangerseq object
#' This function finds and reports secondary peaks in a sangerseq object.
#' It returns a table of secondary peaks, and optionally saves an annotated
#' chromatogram and a csv file of the peak locations.
#' @param s a sangerseq s4 object from the sangerseqR package
#' @param ratio Ratio of the height of a secondary peak to a primary peak. Secondary peaks higher than this ratio are annotated. Those below the ratio are not.
#' @param output.folder If output.folder is NA (the default) no files are written. If a valid folder is provided, two files are written to that folder: a .csv file of the secondary peaks (see description below) and a .pdf file of the chromatogram.
#' @param file.prefix If output.folder is specified, this is the prefix which will be appended to the .csv and the .pdf file. The default is "seq".
#' @param processors Number of processors to use, or NULL (the default) for all available processors
#' @return A list with two elements:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item {secondary.peaks}: a data frame with one row per secondary peak above the ratio, and three columns: "position" is the position of the secondary peak relative to the primary sequence; "primary.basecall" is the primary base call; "secondary.basecall" is the secondary basecall. \cr
#' \item {read}: the input sangerseq s4 object after having the makeBaseCalls() function from sangerseqR applied to it. This re-calls the primary and secondary bases in the sequence, and resets a lot of the internal data.
#' }
#' @rawNamespace import(Biostrings, except=c(collapse, union, intersect, setdiff, setequal))
#' @importFrom sangerseqR primarySeq makeBaseCalls secondarySeq chromatogram
#' @importFrom DECIPHER AlignSeqs
#' @importFrom stringr str_locate_all
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @examples
#' ## Read abif using sangerseqR package
#' s4_sangerseq <- sangerseqR::readsangerseq(
#' system.file("/extdata/sorted_sangerseq/E18_C1/A1_3_IgG_Inner.ab1",
#' package = "scifer"
#' )
#' )
#' ## Summarise using summarise_abi_file()
#' processed_seq <- scifer:::secondary_peaks(s4_sangerseq)
secondary_peaks <- function(
s, ratio = 0.33,
output.folder = NA,
file.prefix = "seq",
processors = NULL) {
basecalls <- makeBaseCalls(s, ratio = ratio)
primary <- primarySeq(basecalls, string = TRUE)
secondary <- secondarySeq(basecalls, string = TRUE)
comp <- compareStrings(primary, secondary)
diffs <- str_locate_all(pattern = "\\?", comp)[[1]][, 1]
primary.vector <- strsplit(primary, split = "")[[1]]
secondary.vector <- strsplit(secondary, split = "")[[1]]
primary.basecall <- primary.vector[diffs]
secondary.basecall <- secondary.vector[diffs]
r <- data.frame(
"position" = diffs,
"primary.basecall" = primary.basecall,
"secondary.basecall" = secondary.basecall
if (!is.na(output.folder)) {
if (dir.exists(output.folder)) {
chromname <- paste(file.prefix, "_", "chromatogram.pdf", sep = "")
chrom <- chromatogram(basecalls,
width = 50, height = 2, showcalls = "both",
filename = file.path(output.folder, chromname),
trim5 = 100,
trim3 = nchar(primary) - 150,
} else {
"Couldn't find directory '%s', no files saved",
return(list("secondary.peaks" = r, "read" = basecalls))
trim.mott <- function(abif.seq, cutoff = 0.0001) {
if (!is(cutoff, "numeric") | cutoff < 0) {
stop("cutoff must be a number of at least 0")
if (!is(abif.seq, "abif")) {
stop("abif.seq must be an 'abif'
object from the sangerseqR package")
abif.seq <- abif.seq@data
start <- FALSE ## flag for starting position of trimmed sequence
trim_start <- 0 ## init start index
seqlen <- nchar(abif.seq$PBAS.2)
qual <- abif.seq$PCON.2
## calculate base score
score_list <- cutoff - (10**(qual / -10.0))
## calculate cummulative score
## if cumulative value < 0, set it to 0
score <- score_list[1]
if (score < 0) {
score <- 0
} else {
trim_start <- 1
start <- TRUE
cummul_score <- c(score)
for (i in seq_along(score_list)[-1]) {
score <- cummul_score[length(cummul_score)] + score_list[i]
if (score <= 0) {
cummul_score <- c(cummul_score, 0)
} else {
cummul_score <- c(cummul_score, score)
if (start == FALSE) {
trim_start <- i
start <- TRUE
## trim_finish=index of highest cummulative score,
## marking the end of sequence segment with highest cummulative score
trim_finish <- which.max(cummul_score)
## fix an edge case, where all scores are worse than the cutoff
## in this case you wouldn't want to keep any bases at all
if (sum(cummul_score) == 0) {
trim_finish <- 0
return(list("start" = trim_start, "finish" = trim_finish))
fix.trims <- function(trims, seq.sanger, seq.abif, processors) {
if (trims$start == 0 & trims$finish == 0) {
## First we trim the original sequence
original.seq <- seq.abif@data$PBAS.2
original.trimmed <- substring(original.seq, trims$start, trims$finish)
## Align the original and recalled sequences
recalled <- primarySeq(seq.sanger, string = TRUE)
seqs <- DNAStringSet(c(original.trimmed, recalled))
pa <- AlignSeqs(seqs,
iterations = 0, refinements = 0,
verbose = FALSE, processors = processors
## Get the sequence out, and find the first and last gaps.
aligned.trimmed <- as.character(pa[[1]])
not.gaps <- str_locate_all(aligned.trimmed, pattern = "[^-]")[[1]][, 1]
start <- min(not.gaps)
finish <- max(not.gaps)
if (start < 1) {
start <- 1
if (finish > nchar(recalled)) {
finish <- nchar(recalled)
return(list("start" = start, "finish" = finish))
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