#' Calculate V(D)J segment usage
#' Quantify the usage of different V(D)J segments for each cell cluster. The
#' usage of two V(D)J segments can also be calculated for a single chain.
#' For example, calc_gene_usage() can calculate the frequency that different
#' heavy chain V and J segments appear together.
#' @param input Object containing V(D)J data. If a data.frame is provided, the
#' cell barcodes should be stored as row names.
#' @param data_cols meta.data column(s) containing V(D)J genes identified for
#' each clonotype. If multiple columns are provided, paired usage of genes will
#' be calculated.
#' @param cluster_col meta.data column containing cell clusters to use when
#' calculating gene usage
#' @param chain Chain(s) to use for calculating gene usage. Set to `NULL` to
#' include all chains.
#' @param chain_col meta.data column containing chains for each cell
#' @param prefix Prefix to add to new columns
#' @param return_df Return results as a data.frame. If `FALSE`, results will be
#' added to the input object.
#' @param sep Separator used for storing per cell V(D)J data
#' @return data.frame containing gene usage summary
#' @seealso [plot_gene_usage()], [calc_gene_pairs()], [plot_gene_pairs()]
#' @examples
#' # Calculate V(D)J segment usage for all cells
#' calc_gene_usage(
#' vdj_sce,
#' data_cols = "v_gene"
#' )
#' # Calculate gene usage separately for cell clusters
#' calc_gene_usage(
#' vdj_sce,
#' data_cols = "v_gene",
#' cluster_col = "orig.ident"
#' )
#' # Calculate gene usage for a specific chain(s)
#' calc_gene_usage(
#' vdj_sce,
#' data_cols = "v_gene",
#' chain = c("IGK", "IGL")
#' )
#' # Calculate paired usage of V(D)J segments
#' calc_gene_usage(
#' vdj_sce,
#' data_cols = c("v_gene", "j_gene"),
#' )
#' @export
calc_gene_usage <- function(input, data_cols, cluster_col = NULL, chain = NULL,
chain_col = global$chain_col,
prefix = paste0(data_cols[1], "_"),
return_df = FALSE, sep = global$sep) {
# Check that columns are present in object
input, data_cols, cluster_col, chain = chain, chain_col = chain_col
# Check input classes
.check_args(cluster_col = list(allow_null = TRUE, len_one = FALSE))
# Format input data
sep_cols <- data_cols
if (!is.null(chain)) sep_cols <- c(sep_cols, chain_col)
vdj_cols <- c(global$cell_col, cluster_col, sep_cols)
meta <- .get_meta(input)
vdj <- dplyr::select(meta, all_of(vdj_cols))
# Calculate frequency
if (length(data_cols) > 1) return_df <- TRUE
if (return_df) prefix <- ""
vdj <- .calc_freq(
df_in = vdj,
data_cols = data_cols,
cluster_col = cluster_col,
chain = chain,
chain_col = chain_col,
per_chain = TRUE,
return_df = return_df,
prefix = prefix,
sep = sep
if (return_df) return(vdj)
# Format results
res <- dplyr::left_join(meta, vdj, by = global$cell_col)
res <- .add_meta(input, meta = res)
#' Calculate paired usage of V(D)J segments across chains
#' Quantify the paired usage of V(D)J segments across two chains. For example,
#' calc_gene_pairs() can calculate the frequency that different TRA and TRB V
#' segments appear together.
#' @param input Object containing V(D)J data. If a data.frame is provided, the
#' cell barcodes should be stored as row names.
#' @param data_col meta.data column containing V(D)J genes identified for each
#' clonotype.
#' @param chains Chains to use for calculating usage of different gene pairs.
#' This should be a character vector containing the two chains to use for
#' calculations, e.g. `c("IGH", "IGK")`.
#' @param cluster_col meta.data column containing cell clusters to use when
#' calculating gene usage
#' @param chain_col meta.data column containing chains for each cell
#' @param sep Separator used for storing per cell V(D)J data
#' @return data.frame containing gene pair summary
#' @seealso [plot_gene_pairs()], [calc_gene_usage()], [plot_gene_usage()]
#' @examples
#' # Calculate the frequency of different V genes for IGH and IGK chains
#' calc_gene_pairs(
#' vdj_sce,
#' data_col = "v_gene",
#' chains = c("IGH", "IGK"),
#' cluster_col = "orig.ident"
#' )
#' @export
calc_gene_pairs <- function(input, data_col, chains, cluster_col = NULL,
chain_col = global$chain_col, sep = global$sep) {
# Check that columns are present in object
input, data_col, cluster_col, chain = chains, chain_col = chain_col
# Check input classes
.check_args(cluster_col = list(allow_null = TRUE, len_one = FALSE))
# Format input data
vdj_cols <- c(global$cell_col, data_col, cluster_col, chain_col)
res <- fetch_vdj(
data_cols = c(data_col, chain_col),
filter_cells = TRUE,
unnest = FALSE,
per_chain = TRUE,
sep = sep
res <- dplyr::select(res, all_of(vdj_cols))
res <- .filter_chains(
data_cols = c(data_col, chain_col),
chain = chains,
chain_col = chain_col,
col_names = "{.col}",
allow_dups = FALSE
res <- dplyr::filter(res, !is.na(!!sym(data_col)))
res <- tidyr::pivot_wider(
names_from = !!sym(chain_col),
values_from = !!sym(data_col),
values_fill = "None"
# res <- dplyr::filter(res, dplyr::if_all(dplyr::all_of(chains), ~ !is.na(.x)))
# Calculate frequency
res <- .calc_freq(
df_in = res,
data_cols = chains,
cluster_col = cluster_col,
per_chain = FALSE,
return_df = TRUE,
sep = sep
#' Plot V(D)J segment usage
#' Plot the usage of different V(D)J segments for each cell cluster. The
#' usage of two V(D)J segments can also be plotted for a single chain.
#' @param input Object containing V(D)J data. If a data.frame is provided, the
#' cell barcodes should be stored as row names.
#' @param data_cols meta.data column containing genes for each clonotype,
#' provide a vector with two column names to plot paired usage of genes
#' @param cluster_col meta.data column containing cell clusters to use for
#' calculating gene usage
#' @param group_col meta.data column to use for grouping cluster IDs present in
#' cluster_col. This is useful when there are multiple replicates or patients
#' for each treatment condition.
#' @param genes An integer specifying the number of genes to plot, or
#' a vector giving the names of genes to include.
#' @param method Method to use for plotting, possible values are:
#' - 'bar', create a bargraph, this is the default when a single column is
#' passed to the data_cols argument
#' - 'boxplot', create boxplots, this can only be used when group_col is
#' provided
#' - 'heatmap', create a heatmap, this is the default when two columns are
#' passed to the data_cols argument
#' - 'circos', create a circos plot, this requires two columns to be provided
#' to the data_cols argument
#' @param units Units to plot on the y-axis, either 'frequency' or 'percent'
#' @param return_list Should a list of plots be returned, if FALSE plots will be
#' combined and arranged into panels
#' @param plot_colors Character vector containing colors to use for plot. If a
#' bar graph is created this will specify how to color cell clusters. For a
#' heatmap, these colors will be used to generate the color gradient.
#' @param plot_lvls Levels to use for ordering clusters
#' @param trans Transformation to use when plotting segment usage, e.g.
#' 'log10'. By default values are not transformed, refer to
#' [ggplot2::continuous_scale()] for more options.
#' @param rotate_labels Should labels on circos plot be rotated to reduce
#' overlapping text
#' @param panel_nrow The number of rows to use for arranging plots when
#' return_list is FALSE
#' @param show_points If `TRUE` data points will be shown on boxplots, the point
#' size can be adjusted using the `point.size` parameter
#' @param show_zeros If `TRUE` cell labels that are missing from a cluster will
#' still be shown on the plot
#' @param n_label Location on plot where n label should be added, this is only
#' applicable when `method` is 'bar' and can be any combination of the
#' following:
#' - 'corner', display the total number of cells plotted in the top right
#' corner, the position of the label can be modified by passing `x` and `y`
#' specifications with the `label_params` argument
#' - 'legend', display the number of cells plotted for each group shown in the
#' plot legend
#' - 'none', do not display the number of cells plotted
#' @param p_label Specification indicating how p-values should be labeled on
#' plot, this can one of the following:
#' - 'none', do not display p-values
#' - 'all', show p-values for all groups
#' - A named vector providing p-value cutoffs and labels to display,
#' e.g. `c('*' = 0.05, '**' = 0.01, '***' = 0.001)`. The keyword 'value' can
#' be used to display the p-value for those less than a certain cutoff,
#' e.g. `c(value = 0.05, ns = Inf)` will show significant p-values, all others
#' will be labeled 'ns'.
#' @param p_method Method to use for calculating p-values. By default when
#' comparing two groups a t-test will be performed, when comparing more than
#' two groups the Kruskal-Wallis test will be used. p-values are adjusted for
#' multiple testing using Bonferroni correction. Possible methods include:
#' - 't', two sample t-test performed with `stats::t.test()`
#' - 'wilcox', Wilcoxon rank sum test performed with `stats::wilcox.test()`
#' - 'kruskal', Kruskal-Wallis test performed with `stats::kruskal.test()`
#' @param p_file File path to save table containing p-values for each
#' comparison.
#' @param label_params Named list providing additional parameters to modify
#' n label aesthetics, e.g. list(size = 4, color = "red")
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to plotting function,
#' [ggplot2::geom_col()] for bargraph, [ggplot2::geom_tile()] for heatmap,
#' [circlize::chordDiagram()] for circos plot
#' @param chain Chain to use for calculating gene usage, set to NULL to include
#' all chains
#' @param chain_col meta.data column containing chains for each cell
#' @param sep Separator used for storing per-chain V(D)J data for each cell
#' @seealso [calc_gene_usage()], [calc_gene_pairs()], [plot_gene_pairs()]
#' @return ggplot object
#' @examples
#' # Plot V(D)J segment usage for all cells
#' plot_gene_usage(
#' vdj_sce,
#' data_cols = "v_gene"
#' )
#' # Plot gene usage separately for cell clusters
#' plot_gene_usage(
#' vdj_sce,
#' data_cols = "v_gene",
#' cluster_col = "orig.ident"
#' )
#' # Plot gene usage for a specific chain
#' plot_gene_usage(
#' vdj_sce,
#' data_cols = "v_gene",
#' chain = c("IGH", "IGK")
#' )
#' # Plot paired usage of V(D)J segments
#' plot_gene_usage(
#' vdj_sce,
#' data_cols = c("v_gene", "j_gene"),
#' type = "circos"
#' )
#' # Specify colors to use for each cell cluster
#' plot_gene_usage(
#' vdj_sce,
#' data_cols = "v_gene",
#' cluster_col = "orig.ident",
#' plot_colors = c(avid_2 = "blue", avid_1 = "green")
#' )
#' # Specify order to use for plotting cell clusters
#' plot_gene_usage(
#' vdj_sce,
#' data_cols = "v_gene",
#' cluster_col = "orig.ident",
#' plot_lvls = c("avid_2", "avid_1")
#' )
#' # Specify certain V(D)J genes to include in plot
#' plot_gene_usage(
#' vdj_sce,
#' data_cols = "v_gene",
#' vdj_genes = c("IGKV5-43", "IGLV1", "IGHV1-64")
#' )
#' # Specify the number of top V(D)J genes to include in plot
#' plot_gene_usage(
#' vdj_sce,
#' data_cols = "v_gene",
#' genes = 10
#' )
#' @export
plot_gene_usage <- function(input, data_cols, cluster_col = NULL,
group_col = NULL, method = NULL,
units = "percent", genes = 20,
return_list = FALSE,
plot_colors = NULL, plot_lvls = NULL,
trans = "identity", rotate_labels = FALSE,
panel_nrow = NULL, show_points = TRUE,
show_zeros = TRUE,
n_label = NULL, p_label = c(value = 0.05),
p_method = NULL, p_file = NULL,
label_params = list(),
chain = NULL,
chain_col = global$chain_col,
sep = global$sep) {
# Check that columns are present in object
data_cols, cluster_col, group_col, chain = chain, chain_col = chain_col
# Check input classes
.check_args(method = list(allow_null = TRUE))
# Check input values
paired <- length(data_cols) == 2
method <- method %||% ifelse(paired, "heatmap", "bar")
if (identical(method, "circos")) units <- "frequency"
.check_usage_args(method, data_cols, group_col, units, paired)
.check_group_cols(cluster_col, group_col, input)
# Set y-axis
usage_col <- switch(units, frequency = "freq", percent = "pct")
# Calculate gene usage
plt_dat <- calc_gene_usage(
input = input,
data_cols = data_cols,
cluster_col = c(cluster_col, group_col),
chain = chain,
chain_col = chain_col,
sep = sep,
return_df = TRUE
plt_dat <- dplyr::filter(plt_dat, dplyr::if_all(
dplyr::all_of(data_cols), ~ .x != "None"
# If vdj_genes provided check plt_dat
if (is.character(genes)) {
absent <- unlist(plt_dat[, data_cols], use.names = FALSE)
absent <- genes[!genes %in% absent]
if (identical(absent, genes)) {
cli::cli_abort("None of the provided genes were found")
} else if (!purrr::is_empty(absent)) {
cli::cli_warn("The following genes were not found: {absent}")
# if vdj_genes are provided and two data_cols are provided, gene pairs
# containing at least one of the specified genes will be included
plt_dat <- dplyr::filter(plt_dat, dplyr::if_any(
dplyr::all_of(data_cols), ~ .x %in% genes
# If vdj_genes not provided, identify top genes for each cluster based on
# usage
} else {
plt_dat <- .filter_top_genes(
dat_col = usage_col,
gn_col = data_cols,
clst_col = cluster_col,
n = genes
# Plotting arguments
gg_args <- list(
df_in = plt_dat,
gn_col = data_cols,
dat_col = usage_col,
clst_col = cluster_col,
method = method,
clrs = plot_colors,
lvls = plot_lvls,
trans = trans,
ttl = .get_axis_label(units),
n_row = panel_nrow,
# Create plot for paired usage
# heatmap and circos return invisibly
if (paired) {
gg_args$rotate_labels <- rotate_labels
gg_args$return_list <- return_list
res <- .lift(.plot_paired_usage)(gg_args)
# Create plot for single usage
gg_args$clst_col <- cluster_col
gg_args$grp_col <- group_col
gg_args$show_points <- show_points
gg_args$show_zeros <- show_zeros
gg_args$n_label <- n_label
gg_args$p_label <- p_label
gg_args$p_method <- p_method
gg_args$p_file <- p_file
gg_args$label_params <- label_params
res <- .lift(.plot_single_usage)(gg_args)
#' Plot paired usage of V(D)J segments across chains
#' Plot the paired usage of V(D)J segments across two chains. For example,
#' plot_gene_pairs() can be used to plot the frequency that different TRA and
#' TRB V segments appear together.
#' @param input Object containing V(D)J data. If a data.frame is provided, the
#' cell barcodes should be stored as row names.
#' @param data_col meta.data column containing V(D)J genes identified for each
#' clonotype.
#' @param chains Chains to use for calculating usage of different gene pairs.
#' This should be a character vector containing the two chains to use for
#' calculations, e.g. `c("IGH", "IGK")`.
#' @param cluster_col meta.data column containing cell clusters to use when
#' calculating gene usage
#' @param genes An integer specifying the number of genes to plot, or
#' a vector giving the names of genes to include.
#' @param chain_col meta.data column containing chains for each cell
#' @param method Method to use for plotting, possible values are:
#' - 'heatmap', create a heatmap, this is the default when two columns are
#' passed to the data_cols argument
#' - 'circos', create a circos plot, this requires two columns to be provided
#' to the data_cols argument
#' @param units Units to show on scale, either 'frequency' or 'percent'
#' @param return_list Should a list of plots be returned, if FALSE plots will be
#' combined and arranged into panels
#' @param sep Separator used for storing per-chain V(D)J data for each cell
#' @param plot_colors Character vector containing colors to use for plot. If a
#' bar graph is created this will specify how to color cell clusters. For a
#' heatmap, these colors will be used to generate the color gradient.
#' @param plot_lvls Levels to use for ordering clusters
#' @param trans Transformation to use when plotting segment usage, e.g.
#' 'log10'. By default values are not transformed, refer to
#' [ggplot2::continuous_scale()] for more options.
#' @param rotate_labels Should labels on circos plot be rotated to reduce
#' overlapping text
#' @param panel_nrow The number of rows to use for arranging plots when
#' return_list is FALSE
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to plotting function,
#' [ggplot2::geom_tile()] for heatmap, [circlize::chordDiagram()] for circos
#' plot
#' @seealso [calc_gene_pairs()], [calc_gene_usage()], [plot_gene_usage()]
#' @return ggplot object
#' @examples
#' # Plot the frequency of different V genes for IGH and IGK chains
#' plot_gene_pairs(
#' vdj_sce,
#' data_col = "v_gene",
#' chains = c("IGH", "IGK"),
#' cluster_col = "orig.ident"
#' )
#' @export
plot_gene_pairs <- function(input, data_col, chains, cluster_col = NULL,
genes = 20,
chain_col = global$chain_col,
method = "heatmap",
units = "percent",
return_list = FALSE,
sep = global$sep,
plot_colors = NULL, plot_lvls = NULL,
trans = "identity",
rotate_labels = FALSE,
panel_nrow = NULL, ...) {
# Check that columns are present in object
data_col, cluster_col, chain = chains, chain_col = chain_col
# Check input classes
.check_args(method = list(allow_null = TRUE))
# Check input values
if (identical(method, "circos")) units <- "frequency"
.check_usage_args(method, data_col, grp_col = NULL, units, paired = TRUE)
# Set y-axis
usage_col <- switch(units, frequency = "freq", percent = "pct")
# Calculate gene usage
plt_dat <- calc_gene_pairs(
input = input,
data_col = data_col,
chains = chains,
cluster_col = cluster_col,
chain_col = chain_col,
sep = sep
# If vdj_genes provided check plt_dat
if (is.character(genes)) {
absent <- unlist(plt_dat[, chains], use.names = FALSE)
absent <- genes[!genes %in% absent]
if (identical(absent, genes)) {
cli::cli_abort("None of the provided genes were found")
} else if (!purrr::is_empty(absent)) {
cli::cli_warn("The following genes were not found: {absent}")
# if vdj_genes are provided and two data_cols are provided, gene pairs
# containing at least one of the specified genes will be included
plt_dat <- dplyr::filter(plt_dat, dplyr::if_any(
dplyr::all_of(chains), ~ .x %in% genes
# If vdj_genes not provided, identify top genes for each cluster based on
# usage
} else {
plt_dat <- .filter_top_genes(
dat_col = usage_col,
gn_col = chains,
clst_col = cluster_col,
n = genes
# Plotting arguments
gg_args <- list(
df_in = plt_dat,
gn_col = chains,
dat_col = usage_col,
clst_col = cluster_col,
method = method,
clrs = plot_colors,
lvls = plot_lvls,
trans = trans,
ttl = .get_axis_label(units),
n_row = panel_nrow,
# Create plot for paired usage
# heatmap and circos return invisibly
gg_args$rotate_labels <- rotate_labels
gg_args$return_list <- return_list
#' Plot usage for single gene column
#' @param df_in data.frame
#' @param gn_col Column containing genes
#' @param dat_col Column containing gene usage metric
#' @param clst_col Column containing clusters
#' @param grp_col Column with IDs to use for grouping clusters
#' @param method Method to use for generating plot
#' @param clrs Plot colors
#' @param lvls Levels for ordering clusters
#' @param show_points If `TRUE` data points will be shown on boxplots, the point
#' size can be adjusted using the `point.size` parameter
#' @param show_zeros If `TRUE` cell labels that are missing from a cluster will
#' still be shown on the plot
#' @param n_label n label specification
#' @param p_label p label specification
#' @param p_method Method to calculate p-values
#' @param p_file File to save p-values
#' @param label_params List of parameters to modify label aesthetics
#' @param trans Method to use for transforming data
#' @param ttl Title for y-axis or legend depending on type of graph
#' @param order Should genes be ordered based on usage
#' @param n_row Number of rows to use for arranging plots
#' @param ... Additional parameters to pass to plotting function
#' @noRd
.plot_single_usage <- function(df_in, gn_col, dat_col, method, clst_col = NULL,
grp_col = NULL, lvls = NULL, show_points = TRUE,
show_zeros = TRUE, n_label = NULL,
p_label = c(value = 0.05), p_method = NULL,
p_file = NULL, label_params = list(), n_row = 1,
ttl = dat_col, order = TRUE, ...) {
# Order clusters based on plot_lvls
lvl_col <- grp_col %||% clst_col
df_in <- .set_lvls(df_in, lvl_col, lvls)
# Order plot levels
if (order) {
decr <- (!is.null(grp_col) && !identical(method, "heatmap")) ||
identical(method, "bar")
g_col <- sym(gn_col)
df_in <- dplyr::mutate(
!!g_col := .order_lvls(!!g_col, !!sym(dat_col), max, decreasing = decr)
# Set possible n label parameters
psbl_labs <- switch(
heatmap = c("none", "axis"),
bar = c("none", "corner")
if (identical(method, "bar") && !is.null(clst_col)) {
psbl_labs <- c(psbl_labs, "legend")
n_label <- n_label %||% psbl_labs
n_label <- n_label[n_label %in% psbl_labs]
# Set n label data
n_lab_dat <- list()
grp_cols <- c(.n = "n_cells", clst_col, grp_col)
n_lab_dat$corner <- dplyr::distinct(df_in, !!!syms(grp_cols))
n_lab_dat$legend <- n_lab_dat$axis <- n_lab_dat$corner
if (
(!is.null(grp_col) || !is.null(clst_col)) &&
(identical(method, "bar") || identical(method, "boxplot"))
) {
n_lab_dat$axis <- dplyr::rename(df_in, .n = "freq")
# Set common arguments
gg_args <- list(
df_in = df_in,
n_label = n_label,
label_data = n_lab_dat,
label_params = label_params,
n_fn = sum,
if (identical(method, "bar") || !is.null(grp_col)) {
gg_args$x <- gn_col
gg_args$y <- dat_col
# Create grouped boxplot
if (!is.null(grp_col) && !identical(method, "heatmap")) {
.check_possible_values(p_method = c("t", "wilcox", "kruskal"))
gg_args$grp <- gg_args$.color <- gg_args$.fill <- grp_col
gg_args$clst <- clst_col
gg_args$method <- method
gg_args$y_ttl <- ttl
gg_args$show_points <- show_points
gg_args$show_zeros <- show_zeros
gg_args$p_label <- p_label
gg_args$p_method <- p_method
gg_args$p_file <- p_file
res <- .lift(.create_grouped_plot)(gg_args)
# Create bargraph
} else if (identical(method, "bar")) {
# Remove zeros from data
if (!show_zeros) {
df_in <- dplyr::filter(df_in, !!sym(dat_col) > 0)
gg_args$df_in <- df_in
gg_args$.fill <- gg_args$.color <- clst_col
gg_args$y_ttl <- ttl
res <- .lift(.create_bars)(gg_args)
# Create heatmap
# heatmap can be generated for both grouped and ungrouped plots
gg_args$x <- clst_col
gg_args$y <- gn_col
gg_args$grp <- grp_col
gg_args$.fill <- dat_col
gg_args$lgd_ttl <- ttl
gg_args$nrow <- n_row
gg_args$scales <- "free_x"
res <- .lift(.create_gg_heatmap)(gg_args)
#' Plot paired usage for two gene columns
#' @param df_in data.frame
#' @param gn_col Columns containing genes
#' @param dat_col Column containing gene usage metric
#' @param clst_col Column containing clusters
#' @param method Method to use for generating plot
#' @param clrs Plot colors
#' @param lvls Levels for ordering clusters
#' @param trans Method to use for transforming data
#' @param ttl Legend title
#' @param order Should genes be ordered based on usage
#' @param return_list Should a list of plot be returned, if FALSE plots will be
#' combined
#' @param n_row Number of rows to use for arranging plots
#' @param ... Additional parameters to pass to plotting function
#' @noRd
.plot_paired_usage <- function(df_in, gn_col, dat_col, clst_col = NULL,
method, clrs = NULL, lvls = NULL,
trans = "identity", ttl = dat_col, order = TRUE,
rotate_labels = FALSE, return_list = FALSE,
n_row = NULL, ...) {
# Split input data into clusters and order based on lvls
res <- list(df_in)
if (!is.null(clst_col)) {
res <- .set_lvls(df_in, clst_col, lvls)
res <- split(res, df_in[[clst_col]])
if (!is.null(lvls)) res <- res[unique(lvls)]
# Format data for plotting
# sort level order, ascending order for y
res <- purrr::map(res, ~ {
.x <- dplyr::select(.x, dplyr::all_of(c(gn_col, dat_col)))
d <- tidyr::expand(.x, !!!syms(gn_col))
d <- dplyr::left_join(d, .x, by = gn_col)
d <- dplyr::mutate(
!!sym(dat_col) := tidyr::replace_na(!!sym(dat_col), 0)
if (order) {
d <- dplyr::mutate(d, dplyr::across(all_of(gn_col), ~ {
decr <- dplyr::cur_column() == gn_col[1]
.order_lvls(.x, !!sym(dat_col), max, decreasing = decr)
plt_args <- list(clrs = clrs, ...)
add_ttl <- !is.null(names(res))
# Set number of rows/columns for plots
nplts <- length(res)
sq <- sqrt(nplts)
nr <- floor(sq)
n_row <- n_row %||% nr
n_col <- ceiling(nplts / n_row)
# Create heatmap
if (identical(method, "heatmap")) {
plt_args$x <- gn_col[1]
plt_args$y <- gn_col[2]
plt_args$.fill <- dat_col
plt_args$lgd_ttl <- ttl
plt_args$trans <- trans
res <- purrr::imap(res, ~ {
plt_args$df_in <- .x
if (add_ttl) plt_args$plt_ttl <- .y
if (length(res) == 1) return(res[[1]])
if (return_list) return(res)
# Arrange multiple plots
wd <- 1 / n_col
ht <- 1 / n_row
purrr::iwalk(unname(res), ~ {
x <- (.y - 1) %% n_col + 1
x <- x / n_col - (wd / 2)
y <- n_row - (ceiling(.y / n_col))
y <- y / n_row + (ht / 2)
plt_vp <- grid::viewport(
height = grid::unit(ht, "npc"),
width = grid::unit(wd, "npc"),
x = grid::unit(x, "npc"),
y = grid::unit(y, "npc")
print(.x, vp = plt_vp)
# Create circos plot
# use lift to pass dots into walk
plt_args$symmetric <- FALSE
plt_args$rotate_labels <- rotate_labels
if (!return_list) graphics::par(mfrow = c(n_row, n_col))
purrr::iwalk(res, ~ {
d <- tidyr::pivot_wider(
names_from = gn_col[1],
values_from = dat_col
d <- tibble::column_to_rownames(d, gn_col[2])
d <- as.matrix(d)
plt_args$mat_in <- d
if (add_ttl) plt_args$plt_ttl <- .y
#' Filter genes based on top usage
#' @param df_in data.frame
#' @param dat_col Column containing gene usage metric
#' @param gn_col Columns containing genes
#' @param clst_col Column containing clusters
#' @param n Number of top genes to pull
#' @noRd
.filter_top_genes <- function(df_in, dat_col, gn_col, clst_col, n) {
gn_args <- list(
df_in = df_in,
dat_col = dat_col,
gn_col = gn_col,
n = n
# Filter for single gene column
if (length(gn_col) == 1) {
top <- .lift(.get_top_genes)(gn_args)
res <- dplyr::filter(df_in, !!sym(gn_col) %in% top)
# Filter for paired gene columns
# will return n top genes for column 1, for column 2 gene to be included
# must be a top gene or have the highest usage
gn_args$clst_col <- clst_col
top_genes <- purrr::map(gn_col, ~ {
gn_args$gn_col <- .x
gn_1 <- sym(gn_col[1])
gn_2 <- sym(gn_col[2])
top_1 <- top_genes[[1]]
top_2 <- top_genes[[2]]
if (is.null(clst_col)) {
res <- dplyr::ungroup(df_in)
res <- dplyr::filter(res, !!gn_1 %in% top_1)
} else {
res <- dplyr::group_by(df_in, !!sym(clst_col))
res <- dplyr::filter(
!!gn_1 %in% top_1[[dplyr::cur_group()[[clst_col]]]]
res <- dplyr::group_by(res, !!gn_1, .add = TRUE)
res <- dplyr::mutate(res, rnk = row_number(desc(!!sym(dat_col))))
if (is.null(clst_col)) {
res <- dplyr::filter(res, !!gn_2 %in% top_2 | .data$rnk == 1)
} else {
res <- dplyr::filter(
!!gn_2 %in% top_2[[dplyr::cur_group()[[clst_col]]]] | .data$rnk == 1
res <- dplyr::ungroup(res)
#' Get top genes based on usage
#' @param df_in data.frame
#' @param dat_col Column containing gene usage metric
#' @param gn_col Columns containing genes
#' @param clst_col Column containing clusters
#' @param n Number of top genes to pull
#' @noRd
.get_top_genes <- function(df_in, dat_col, gn_col, clst_col = NULL, n) {
grps <- c(gn_col, clst_col)
res <- dplyr::group_by(df_in, !!!syms(grps))
res <- dplyr::summarize(
!!sym(dat_col) := max(!!sym(dat_col)),
.groups = "drop"
res <- dplyr::arrange(res, dplyr::desc(!!sym(dat_col)))
if (!is.null(clst_col)) res <- dplyr::group_by(res, !!sym(clst_col))
res <- dplyr::slice_max(
order_by = !!sym(dat_col),
n = n,
with_ties = FALSE
res <- dplyr::ungroup(res)
# Pull gene lists
.pull_gns <- function(df_in, clmns) {
res <- unlist(df_in[, clmns], use.names = FALSE)
res <- unique(res)
if (!is.null(clst_col)) {
res <- split(res, res[[clst_col]])
res <- purrr::map(res, .pull_gns, gn_col)
} else {
res <- .pull_gns(res, gn_col)
#' Check plot_gene_usage arguments
#' @param typ type
#' @param gn_cols gene_cols
#' @param grp_col group_col
#' @param axis units
#' @param paired paired
#' @noRd
.check_usage_args <- function(method, gn_cols, grp_col, units, paired) {
method = c("heatmap", "bar", "boxplot", "circos"),
units = c("percent", "frequency")
mets <- c("heatmap", "circos")
if (paired && !method %in% mets) {
"`method` must be {.or {typs}} when two columns are passed to `data_cols`"
if (identical(method, "circos") && !paired) {
"A circos plot can only be generated when two columns
are passed to `data_cols`"
if (length(gn_cols) > 2) {
cli::cli_abort("Cannot specify more than two values for `data_cols`")
if (paired && !is.null(grp_col)) {
"`group_col` can only be used when a single column
is passed to `data_cols`"
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