#' Calculate frequency of cell groups present in object
#' Calculate the frequency of each cell label present in the provided meta.data
#' column. This is useful for comparing the proportion of cells belonging to
#' different samples, cell types, clonotypes, isotypes, etc.
#' @param input Single cell object or data.frame containing V(D)J data. If a
#' data.frame is provided, the cell barcodes should be stored as row names.
#' @param data_col meta.data column containing cell labels to use for
#' calculating frequency. To calculate clonotype frequencies, provide the column
#' containing clonotype IDs, to calculate isotype frequencies provide the column
#' containing cell isotypes. By default the clonotype_id is used for
#' calculations.
#' @param cluster_col meta.data column containing cluster IDs to use for
#' grouping cells when calculating clonotype abundance
#' @param prefix Prefix to add to new columns
#' @param return_df Return results as a data.frame. If set to `FALSE`, results
#' will be added to the input object.
#' @param per_chain If `TRUE` the frequency of each per-chain value will be
#' calculated. If `FALSE` per-chain data will not be parsed and the values
#' present in `data_col` will be used as is.
#' @param chain Chain(s) to use for calculating frequency. Set to `NULL` to
#' include all chains.
#' @param chain_col meta.data column(s) containing chains for each cell
#' @param sep Separator used for storing per-chain V(D)J data for each cell
#' @return Single cell object or data.frame with clonotype frequencies
#' @seealso [plot_frequency()], [plot_clone_frequency()]
#' @examples
#' # Calculate clonotype abundance using all cells
#' res <- calc_frequency(
#' vdj_sce,
#' data_col = "clonotype_id"
#' )
#' head(slot(res, "colData"), 1)
#' # Group cells based on meta.data column before calculating abundance
#' res <- calc_frequency(
#' vdj_sce,
#' data_col = "clonotype_id",
#' cluster_col = "orig.ident"
#' )
#' head(slot(res, "colData"), 1)
#' # Add a prefix to the new columns
#' # this is useful if multiple abundance calculations are stored in the
#' # meta.data
#' res <- calc_frequency(
#' vdj_sce,
#' data_col = "clonotype_id",
#' prefix = "bcr_"
#' )
#' head(slot(res, "colData"), 1)
#' # Return a data.frame instead of adding the results to the input object
#' res <- calc_frequency(
#' vdj_sce,
#' data_col = "clonotype_id",
#' return_df = TRUE
#' )
#' head(res, 1)
#' @export
calc_frequency <- function(input, data_col, cluster_col = NULL,
prefix = paste0(data_col, "_"), return_df = FALSE,
per_chain = FALSE,
chain = NULL,
chain_col = global$chain_col,
sep = global$sep) {
# Check that columns are present in object
input, data_col, cluster_col, chain = chain, chain_col = chain_col
# Check arguments
# Format input data
vdj_cols <- c(global$cell_col, data_col, cluster_col)
if (!is.null(chain)) vdj_cols <- c(vdj_cols, chain_col)
meta <- .get_meta(input)
vdj <- dplyr::select(meta, all_of(vdj_cols))
# Calculate frequency
vdj <- .calc_freq(
df_in = vdj,
data_cols = data_col,
cluster_col = cluster_col,
chain = chain,
chain_col = chain_col,
per_chain = per_chain,
prefix = prefix,
sep = sep
freq_clmn <- paste0(prefix, "freq")
grp_clmn <- paste0(prefix, "grp")
if (!per_chain) {
vdj <- dplyr::mutate(
vdj, !!sym(grp_clmn) := .calc_freq_grp(!!sym(freq_clmn))
# Format results
res <- dplyr::left_join(meta, vdj, by = global$cell_col)
if (return_df) input <- meta
res <- .add_meta(input, meta = res)
#' Calculate frequency of a cell label
#' @param df_in Input data.frame
#' @param data_cols Column containing data for calculating abundance
#' (e.g. clonotype IDs)
#' @param cluster_col Column(s) containing cluster IDs to use for grouping cells
#' @param chain Chain(s) to use for calculating frequency. Set to `NULL` to
#' include all chains.
#' @param chain_col meta.data column(s) containing chains for each cell
#' @param prefix Prefix to add to output columns
#' @param per_chain Calculate frequency for per-chain values
#' @param return_df Return a summary data.frame where each row is a group, if
#' `FALSE` each row will represent a cell
#' @param nest When `return_df` is `FALSE` should per-chain results be
#' concatenated using `sep`
#' @param sep Separator for storing per-chain data
#' @return data.frame containing clonotype abundances
#' @noRd
.calc_freq <- function(df_in, data_cols, cluster_col = NULL, chain = NULL,
chain_col = global$chain_col, prefix = "",
per_chain = FALSE, return_df = FALSE, nest = TRUE,
na_remove = TRUE, sep = global$sep) {
# Format input data
cluster <- !is.null(cluster_col)
multi_cluster <- cluster && length(cluster_col) > 1
include_zeros <- return_df && cluster
nest_results <- per_chain && !return_df && nest
filt_chains <- !is.null(chain)
if (filt_chains) vdj_cols <- c(data_cols, chain_col)
else vdj_cols <- data_cols
res <- df_in
if (na_remove) {
res <- df_in <- dplyr::filter(df_in, dplyr::if_all(
dplyr::all_of(data_cols), ~ !is.na(.x)
# Count total cells per cluster
if (cluster) {
clst_nm <- paste0(cluster_col, collapse = "_")
if (multi_cluster) {
res <- tidyr::unite(
res, !!sym(clst_nm), !!!syms(cluster_col), remove = FALSE
clst_key <- dplyr::select(res, -all_of(data_cols))
clsts <- pull(clst_key, clst_nm)
clst_key <- dplyr::distinct(clst_key, !!!syms(c(clst_nm, cluster_col)))
clst_counts <- table(clsts)
clsts <- unique(clsts)
res <- fetch_vdj(
data_cols = vdj_cols,
filter_cells = FALSE, # cells are already filtered
unnest = !filt_chains,
per_chain = per_chain,
sep = sep
# Filter by chain
if (filt_chains) {
res <- .filter_chains(
data_cols = data_cols,
chain = chain,
chain_col = chain_col,
col_names = "{.col}",
allow_dups = TRUE,
empty_val = "None"
res <- dplyr::select(res, -!!sym(chain_col))
res <- tidyr::unnest(res, dplyr::all_of(data_cols))
# Filter for unique rows, any duplicated rows are cells with the same
# gene for multiple chains
# this is NOT essential for calculations, but good practice
res <- dplyr::distinct(res)
# Count cells
grp_cols <- data_cols
if (cluster) grp_cols <- unique(c(grp_cols, clst_nm, cluster_col))
tot_cells <- dplyr::n_distinct(df_in[[global$cell_col]])
res <- dplyr::group_by(res, !!!syms(grp_cols))
res <- dplyr::mutate(
n_cells = tot_cells,
freq = dplyr::n_distinct(!!sym(global$cell_col))
res <- dplyr::ungroup(res)
# If returning summary data.frame remove cell ids
if (return_df) {
res <- dplyr::select(res, -global$cell_col)
res <- dplyr::distinct(res)
# Report zeros for missing groups
# Need to remove original cluster_col
# Need to make sure clst_nm is present, when cluster_col is length 1 it
# is the same as clst_nm
if (include_zeros) {
res <- dplyr::select(res, -all_of(cluster_col), dplyr::all_of(clst_nm))
res <- tidyr::complete(
!!!syms(c(data_cols, clst_nm)),
fill = list(freq = 0, n_cells = tot_cells),
explicit = FALSE
res <- dplyr::left_join(res, clst_key, by = clst_nm)
# Identify shared groups
if (cluster) {
res <- dplyr::group_by(res, !!!syms(data_cols))
res <- dplyr::mutate(res, shared = length(.data$freq[.data$freq > 0]) > 1)
res <- dplyr::ungroup(res)
# Calculate percentage used
if (cluster) {
res <- dplyr::mutate(
res, n_cells = as.numeric(clst_counts[as.character(!!sym(clst_nm))])
res <- dplyr::mutate(res, pct = (.data$freq / .data$n_cells) * 100)
res <- dplyr::arrange(res, desc(.data$pct), desc(.data$freq))
# Output columns
stat_cols <- c("freq", "pct")
if (cluster) stat_cols <- c(stat_cols, "shared")
# Nest per-chain data
# tidyr::chop() followed by .nest_vdj() is faster than dplyr::summarize()
if (nest_results) {
res <- tidyr::chop(res, dplyr::all_of(c(data_cols, stat_cols)))
res <- .nest_vdj(res, stat_cols)
# Columns to use for joining final results
# used when final result to user is a summary table
if (return_df) {
final_cols <- c(data_cols, cluster_col, "n_cells")
# used when plotting results
} else if (!nest_results) {
final_cols <- c(global$cell_col, "n_cells")
if (per_chain) final_cols <- c(final_cols, data_cols)
# used when adding results to object
} else {
final_cols <- global$cell_col
stat_cols <- purrr::set_names(stat_cols, paste0(prefix, stat_cols))
res <- dplyr::select(res, dplyr::all_of(final_cols), dplyr::all_of(stat_cols))
#' Divide clonotypes into groups based on frequency
#' @param x Numeric vector of clonotype frequencies
#' @param n_grps Number of groups to return
#' @return Named vector containing group labels
#' @noRd
.calc_freq_grp <- function(x, n_grps = 4) {
n_grps <- n_grps - 1
# Set unique clonotypes as their own group
uniq_x <- unique(x)
uniq_x <- uniq_x[uniq_x > 1]
uniq_x <- sort(uniq_x)
# Divide into groups
labs <- tibble::tibble(
x = uniq_x,
grp = dplyr::ntile(uniq_x, n_grps)
# Format labels
labs <- dplyr::group_by(labs, .data$grp)
labs <- dplyr::mutate(
lab = paste0(unique(range(x)), collapse = "-")
labs <- purrr::set_names(labs$lab, labs$x)
labs <- c("1" = "1", labs)
res <- unname(labs[as.character(x)])
lvls <- c(NA, unique(unname(labs)))
res <- factor(res, levels = lvls, exclude = NULL)
#' Fetch top clonotypes
#' WIP
#' @param input Single cell object or data.frame containing V(D)J data. If a
#' data.frame is provided, the cell barcodes should be stored as row names.
#' @param data_cols meta.data column(s) to use for identifying top clonotypes
#' @param cluster_col meta.data column containing cluster IDs to use for
#' grouping cells.
#' @param clones Number of top clonotypes to identify.
#' @param sep Separator used for storing per-chain V(D)J data for each cell
#' @return data.frame containing information for top clonotypes
#' @noRd
fetch_top_clones <- function(input, data_cols, cluster_col = NULL,
clones = 10, sep = global$sep) {
# Check that columns are present in object
.check_obj_cols(input, data_cols, cluster_col)
# Check input classes
#' Plot clonotype frequency
#' @param input Single cell object or data.frame containing V(D)J data. If a
#' data.frame is provided, the cell barcodes should be stored as row names.
#' @param data_col meta.data column containing clonotype IDs to use for
#' calculating clonotype abundance
#' @param cluster_col meta.data column containing cluster IDs to use for
#' grouping cells when calculating clonotype frequencies. Clonotypes will be
#' plotted separately for each cluster.
#' @param group_col meta.data column to use for grouping cluster IDs present in
#' cluster_col. This is useful when there are multiple replicates or patients
#' for each treatment condition. This is only applicable when `method` is
#' 'line'.
#' @param clones An integer specifying the number of clonotypes to show, or
#' a vector giving the names of clonotypes to include. If method
#' is set to 'line', this will specify the clonotypes to label.
#' @param method Method to use for plotting, possible values include:
#' - 'bar', create a bargraph
#' - 'line', create a rank-abundance plot
#' @param units Units to plot on the y-axis, either 'frequency' or 'percent'
#' @param plot_colors Character vector containing colors for plotting
#' @param plot_lvls Levels to use for ordering clusters
#' @param trans Transformation to use for plotting data, e.g. 'log10'. By
#' default values are not transformed, refer to [ggplot2::continuous_scale()]
#' @param panel_nrow The number of rows to use for arranging plot panels, use
#' this when separate bar graphs are created for each cell cluster
#' @param panel_scales Should scales for plot panels be fixed or free. This
#' passes a scales specification to ggplot2::facet_wrap, can be 'fixed', 'free',
#' 'free_x', or 'free_y'. 'fixed' will cause panels to share the same scales.
#' Use this when separate bar graphs are created for each cell cluster.
#' @param n_label Location on plot where n label should be added, this can be
#' any combination of the following:
#' - 'corner', display the total number of cells plotted in the top right
#' corner, the position of the label can be modified by passing `x` and `y`
#' specifications with the `label_params` argument
#' - 'legend', display the number of cells plotted for each group shown in the
#' plot legend
#' - 'none', do not display the number of cells plotted
#' @param label_params Named list providing additional parameters to modify
#' clonotype and n label aesthetics, e.g. list(size = 4, color = "red")
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to ggplot2, e.g. color, fill, size,
#' linetype, etc.
#' @return ggplot object
#' @seealso [calc_frequency()], [plot_frequency()]
#' @examples
#' # Plot clonotype abundance using all cells
#' plot_clone_frequency(
#' vdj_sce,
#' data_col = "clonotype_id"
#' )
#' # Plot clonotype abundance separately for each cell cluster
#' plot_clone_frequency(
#' vdj_sce,
#' cluster_col = "orig.ident"
#' )
#' # Plot the frequency of each clonotype instead of percentage
#' plot_clone_frequency(
#' vdj_sce,
#' cluster_col = "orig.ident",
#' units = "frequency"
#' )
#' # Specify colors to use for each cell cluster
#' plot_clone_frequency(
#' vdj_sce,
#' cluster_col = "orig.ident",
#' plot_colors = c(avid_1 = "blue", avid_2 = "red")
#' )
#' # Specify order to use for plotting cell clusters
#' plot_clone_frequency(
#' vdj_sce,
#' cluster_col = "orig.ident",
#' plot_lvls = c("avid_2", "avid_1")
#' )
#' # Specify the number of top clonotypes to plot
#' plot_clone_frequency(
#' vdj_sce,
#' clones = 5
#' )
#' #' # Create line graph
#' # use clones to set the number of clonotypes to label
#' plot_clone_frequency(
#' vdj_sce,
#' cluster_col = "orig.ident",
#' method = "line",
#' clones = 3
#' )
#' @export
plot_clone_frequency <- function(input, data_col = global$clonotype_col,
cluster_col = NULL, group_col = NULL,
clones = NULL, method = "bar",
units = "percent",
plot_colors = NULL,
plot_lvls = names(plot_colors),
trans = "identity", panel_nrow = NULL,
panel_scales = "free_x", n_label = "corner",
label_params = list(), ...) {
# Check that columns are present in object
.check_obj_cols(input, data_col, cluster_col, group_col)
# Check input classes
# Check input values
method = c("bar", "line"),
units = c("frequency", "percent")
clones <- clones %||% switch(method, bar = 10, line = 3)
if (identical(method, "bar") && is.numeric(clones) && clones <= 0) {
cli::cli_abort("`clones` must be >0")
if (identical(method, "line") && is.numeric(clones) && clones < 0) {
cli::cli_abort("`clones` must be >=0")
# For bargraph allow user to facet plot using cluster_col or group_col
if (identical(method, "bar")) {
cluster_col <- cluster_col %||% group_col
group_col <- NULL
.check_group_cols(cluster_col, group_col, uniq = FALSE)
abun_col <- switch(units, frequency = ".freq", percent = ".pct")
y_lab <- .get_axis_label(units)
# Calculate clonotype abundance
plt_dat <- calc_frequency(
input = input,
cluster_col = c(cluster_col, group_col),
data_col = data_col,
prefix = ".",
return_df = TRUE
plt_dat <- tibble::as_tibble(plt_dat, rownames = global$cell_col)
plt_dat <- dplyr::filter(plt_dat, !is.na(!!sym(data_col)))
# Save data for n label
n_lab_dat <- plt_dat
# Identify data columns that the user should have access to
keep_cols <- .get_matching_clmns(plt_dat, c(data_col, cluster_col, group_col))
keep_cols <- c(cluster_col, group_col, data_col, keep_cols)
plt_dat <- dplyr::distinct(plt_dat, !!!syms(keep_cols))
# Add and format label column for plotting
plt_dat <- dplyr::mutate(plt_dat, .lab = trim_lab(!!sym(data_col)))
# Rank by abundance
if (!is.null(cluster_col)) {
rnk_cols <- cluster_col
if (identical(method, "line")) rnk_cols <- c(rnk_cols, group_col)
plt_dat <- .set_lvls(plt_dat, cluster_col, plot_lvls)
plt_dat <- dplyr::group_by(plt_dat, !!!syms(rnk_cols))
plt_dat <- dplyr::mutate(
orig_data = !!sym(data_col),
!!sym(data_col) := paste0(!!sym(cluster_col), "_", !!sym(data_col))
plt_dat <- dplyr::mutate(
plt_dat, rank = dplyr::row_number(dplyr::desc(!!sym(abun_col)))
# Identify top clonotypes
if (is.numeric(clones)) {
top_clones <- dplyr::slice_min(
order_by = rank,
n = clones,
with_ties = FALSE
} else {
top_clones <- dplyr::filter(plt_dat, !!sym(data_col) %in% clones)
clones <- length(clones)
plt_dat <- dplyr::ungroup(plt_dat)
top_clones <- dplyr::ungroup(top_clones)
# Set plot arguments
gg_args <- list(
grp = cluster_col,
clrs = plot_colors,
nrow = panel_nrow,
scales = panel_scales,
n_label = n_label,
label_params = label_params,
label_data = n_lab_dat,
# Create bar graph
if (identical(method, "bar")) {
plt_labs <- purrr::set_names(top_clones$.lab, top_clones[[data_col]])
top_clones <- dplyr::arrange(top_clones, desc(!!sym(abun_col)))
lvls <- unique(top_clones[[data_col]])
top_clones <- .set_lvls(top_clones, data_col, lvls)
gg_args$df_in <- top_clones
gg_args$x <- data_col
gg_args$y <- abun_col
gg_args$y_ttl <- y_lab
gg_args$.fill <- gg_args$.color <- cluster_col
gg_args$x_ang <- 45
gg_args$x_hjst <- 1
gg_args$trans <- trans
res <- .lift(.create_bars)(gg_args)
# Format clonotype labels
res <- res +
ggplot2::scale_x_discrete(labels = plt_labs)
} else {
gg_args$df_in <- plt_dat
gg_args$fn <- ggplot2::geom_line
gg_args$x <- "rank"
gg_args$y <- abun_col
gg_args$.color <- cluster_col
gg_args$.fill <- FALSE # fill is not accepted aes for geom_line
gg_args$grp <- group_col
gg_args$trans_y <- trans
gg_args$linewidth <- gg_args$linewidth %||% 1
if (clones > 0) {
n_params <- .parse_label_params(label_params)$n
gg_args$label_params <- .get_uniq_text_args(n_params, "geom_text")
res <- .lift(.create_plot)(gg_args) +
ggplot2::labs(y = .get_axis_label(units))
# Add clonotype labels with ggrepel
label_params <- .parse_label_params(label_params)$clone
if (clones > 0) {
if (!all(n_label == "none")) {
label_params <- .get_uniq_text_args(label_params, "geom_text_repel")
label_params$mapping <- ggplot2::aes(label = .data$.lab)
label_params$data <- top_clones
label_params$nudge_x <- label_params$nudge_x %||% 10
label_params$direction <- label_params$direction %||% "y"
label_params$segment.colour <- label_params$segment.colour %||% "black"
label_params$segment.size <- label_params$segment.size %||% 0.2
label_params$segment.alpha <- label_params$segment.alpha %||% 0.2
label_params$segment.linetype <- label_params$segment.linetype %||% 2
label_params$show.legend <- label_params$show.legend %||% FALSE
if (!is.null(label_params$size)) {
label_params$size <- label_params$size / ggplot2::.pt
res <- res +
#' Plot frequency of cell groups present in object
#' Plot the frequency of each cell label present in the provided meta.data
#' column. This is useful for comparing the proportion of cells belonging to
#' different samples, cell types, clonotypes, isotypes, etc.
#' @param input Single cell object or data.frame containing V(D)J data. If a
#' data.frame is provided, the cell barcodes should be stored as row names.
#' @param data_col meta.data column containing cell labels to use for
#' calculating frequency, e.g. cell types, isotypes etc.
#' @param cluster_col meta.data column containing cluster IDs (or patients,
#' treatment conditions, etc.) to use when calculating frequency. Calculations
#' will be performed separately for each cluster.
#' @param group_col meta.data column to use for grouping cluster IDs present in
#' cluster_col. This is useful when there are multiple replicates or patients
#' for each treatment condition.
#' @param method Method to use for plotting when `group_col` is provided,
#' possible values are 'bar' or 'boxplot'
#' @param stack If `TRUE`, stacked bargraphs will be generated, otherwise grouped
#' bargraphs will be generated
#' @param units Units to plot on the y-axis, either 'frequency' or 'percent'
#' @param top To only show the top cell groups present in `data_col`, provide
#' one of the following, all other cells will be labeled using the value
#' provided to the `other_label` argument. If `NULL` this will be automatically
#' set.
#' - Integer specifying the number of top groups to show
#' - Vector specifying the names of cell groups to show
#' @param other_label Label to use for 'other' cells when `top` is specified, if
#' `NULL` all cell groups present in data_col will be displayed on the plot.
#' @param plot_colors Character vector containing colors for plotting
#' @param plot_lvls Levels to use for ordering clusters or groups
#' @param na_color Color to use for missing values
#' @param trans Transformation to use for plotting data, e.g. 'log10'. By
#' default values are not transformed, refer to [ggplot2::continuous_scale()]
#' for more options. Values can only be transformed when stack is `FALSE`
#' @param show_points If `TRUE` data points will be shown on boxplots, the point
#' size can be adjusted using the `point.size` parameter
#' @param show_zeros If `TRUE` cell labels that are missing from a cluster will
#' still be shown on the plot
#' @param n_label Location on plot where n label should be added, this can be
#' any combination of the following:
#' - 'corner', display the total number of cells plotted in the top right
#' corner, the position of the label can be modified by passing `x` and `y`
#' specifications with the `label_params` argument
#' - 'axis', display the number of cells plotted for each group shown on the
#' x-axis
#' - 'legend', display the number of cells plotted for each group shown in the
#' plot legend
#' - 'none', do not display the number of cells plotted
#' @param p_label Specification indicating how p-values should be labeled on
#' plot, this can one of the following:
#' - 'none', do not display p-values
#' - 'all', show p-values for all groups
#' - A named vector providing p-value cutoffs and labels to display,
#' e.g. `c('*' = 0.05, '**' = 0.01, '***' = 0.001)`. The keyword 'value' can
#' be used to display the p-value for those less than a certain cutoff,
#' e.g. `c(value = 0.05, ns = 1.1)` will show significant p-values, all others
#' will be labeled 'ns'.
#' @param p_method Method to use for calculating p-values, by default when
#' comparing two groups a t-test will be used.
#' When comparing more than two groups the Kruskal-Wallis test will be used.
#' With the exception of the edgeR method, p-values are adjusted for
#' multiple testing using Bonferroni correction. Possible methods include:
#' - 't', two sample t-test performed with `stats::t.test()`
#' - 'wilcox', Wilcoxon rank sum test performed with `stats::wilcox.test()`
#' - 'kruskal', Kruskal-Wallis test performed with `stats::kruskal.test()`
#' - 'edgeR', differential abundance calculated with the edgeR package
#' @param p_file File path to save table containing p-values for each
#' comparison.
#' @param label_params Named list providing additional parameters to modify
#' n label aesthetics, e.g. list(size = 4, color = "red")
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to ggplot2, e.g. color, fill, size,
#' linetype, etc.
#' @param per_chain If `TRUE` the frequency of each per-chain value will be
#' calculated. If `FALSE` per-chain data will not be parsed and the values
#' present in `data_col` will be used as is.
#' @param chain Chain(s) to use for calculating frequency. Set to `NULL` to
#' include all chains.
#' @param chain_col meta.data column(s) containing chains for each cell
#' @param sep Separator for storing per-chain data
#' @return ggplot object
#' @seealso [calc_frequency()], [plot_clone_frequency()]
#' @examples
#' # Plot frequency of different isotypes
#' plot_frequency(
#' vdj_sce,
#' data_col = "isotype"
#' )
#' # Plot frequency separately for cell clusters
#' plot_frequency(
#' vdj_sce,
#' data_col = "isotype",
#' cluster_col = "orig.ident"
#' )
#' # Create grouped bar graphs
#' plot_frequency(
#' vdj_sce,
#' data_col = "isotype",
#' cluster_col = "orig.ident",
#' stack = FALSE
#' )
#' # Plot number of cells on the y-axis
#' plot_frequency(
#' vdj_sce,
#' data_col = "seurat_clusters",
#' cluster_col = "orig.ident",
#' units = "frequency"
#' )
#' @export
plot_frequency <- function(input, data_col, cluster_col = NULL,
group_col = NULL, method = "bar",
stack = NULL, units = "percent",
top = NULL, other_label = "other",
plot_colors = NULL,
plot_lvls = NULL, na_color = "grey80",
trans = "identity", show_points = TRUE,
show_zeros = TRUE,
n_label = NULL, p_label = c(value = 0.05),
p_method = NULL, p_file = NULL,
label_params = list(),
per_chain = FALSE,
chain = NULL,
chain_col = global$chain_col, sep = global$sep) {
# Check that columns are present in object
.check_obj_cols(input, data_col, cluster_col, group_col)
# Check input classes
# Check input values
.check_group_cols(cluster_col, group_col, input)
.check_possible_values(units = c("frequency", "percent"))
if (!identical(trans, "identity") || per_chain) stack <- stack %||% FALSE
else stack <- stack %||% !is.null(cluster_col)
if (stack && !identical(trans, "identity")) {
cli::cli_abort("Values can only be transformed when `stack` is `FALSE`")
if (stack && per_chain) {
"Stacked bargraphs can only be created when `per_chain` is `FALSE`"
stack <- FALSE
abun_col <- switch(units, frequency = ".freq", percent = ".pct")
y_lab <- .get_axis_label(units)
# Set plot variables
if (!is.null(group_col)) x_col <- data_col
else if (!is.null(cluster_col)) x_col <- cluster_col
else if (stack) x_col <- NULL
else x_col <- data_col
clr_col <- group_col %||% data_col
# Calculate frequency
vdj_cols <- c(global$cell_col, data_col, cluster_col)
if (!is.null(chain)) vdj_cols <- c(vdj_cols, chain_col)
meta <- .get_meta(input)
plt_dat <- dplyr::select(meta, all_of(vdj_cols))
plt_dat <- .calc_freq(
df_in = plt_dat,
data_cols = data_col,
cluster_col = cluster_col,
chain = chain,
chain_col = chain_col,
per_chain = per_chain,
nest = !per_chain,
na_remove = FALSE,
return_df = FALSE,
prefix = ".",
sep = sep
freq_cols <- c("n_cells", ".freq", ".pct", ".shared")
# Format plot data
# When per_chain, data_col is included in .calc_freq output
# This is because we need the unnested data_col values to determine keep_cols
if (per_chain) meta <- dplyr::select(meta, -all_of(data_col))
meta <- dplyr::select(meta, -any_of(freq_cols))
plt_dat <- dplyr::left_join(meta, plt_dat, by = global$cell_col)
# Identify data columns that the user should have access to when plotting
# This should only include columns that do not split data_col or cluster_col
# i.e. variables that are not present in multiple groups found in data_col or
# cluster_col
keep_cols <- .get_matching_clmns(plt_dat, c(data_col, cluster_col))
keep_cols <- c(cluster_col, data_col, keep_cols)
plt_dat <- dplyr::distinct(plt_dat, !!!syms(keep_cols))
# Rank values in data_col
# Need to sum .freq so values for 'other' group are combined
plt_dat <- .set_other_grps(
plt_dat, data_col, abun_col, plot_lvls = plot_lvls, top = top,
other_label = other_label, method = max
keep_cols <- .get_matching_clmns(plt_dat, c(data_col, cluster_col))
keep_cols <- c(cluster_col, data_col, keep_cols)
keep_cols <- keep_cols[!keep_cols %in% freq_cols]
plt_dat <- dplyr::group_by(plt_dat, .data$n_cells, !!!syms(keep_cols))
plt_dat <- dplyr::summarize(
plt_dat, dplyr::across(all_of(c(".freq", ".pct")), sum),
.groups = "drop"
# Set plot colors
plot_colors <- .set_colors(
data_col = clr_col,
plot_colors = plot_colors,
plot_lvls = levels(plt_dat[[clr_col]]),
other_label = other_label
# Set n label data
# if cluster_col is NULL use data_col to calculate n,
# use .freq for cell counts
n_lab_dat <- list()
grp_cols <- cluster_col %||% data_col
n_col <- ifelse(is.null(cluster_col), ".freq", "n_cells")
grp_cols <- c(.n = n_col, grp_cols, group_col)
n_lab_dat$corner <- dplyr::distinct(plt_dat, !!!syms(grp_cols))
n_lab_dat$legend <- n_lab_dat$axis <- n_lab_dat$corner
if (!is.null(group_col)) {
n_lab_dat$axis <- dplyr::rename(plt_dat, .n = ".freq")
} else if (!is.null(cluster_col)) {
n_lab_dat$legend <- dplyr::rename(plt_dat, .n = ".freq")
# Plot arguments
gg_args <- list(
df_in = plt_dat,
x = x_col,
y = abun_col,
.color = clr_col,
.fill = clr_col,
clrs = plot_colors,
y_ttl = y_lab,
na_clr = na_color,
trans = trans,
n_label = n_label,
label_params = label_params,
label_data = n_lab_dat,
n_fn = sum,
# Create grouped boxplot
# Set edgeR as the default p_method unless per_chain is TRUE
# Do not use edgeR for per_chain since there will be more total 'counts' than
# the number of cells (i.e. multiple values get counted for each cell)
if (!is.null(group_col)) {
if (identical(p_method, "edgeR")) {
gg_args$p_y <- ".freq"
} else if (per_chain && identical(p_method, "edgeR")) {
"edgeR can not be used to calculate p-values when per_chain is `TRUE`."
p_method <- NULL # method will be automatically set later based on groups
gg_args$clst <- cluster_col
gg_args$grp <- group_col
gg_args$method <- method
gg_args$show_points <- show_points
gg_args$show_zeros <- show_zeros
gg_args$p_label <- p_label
gg_args$p_method <- p_method
gg_args$p_file <- p_file
res <- .lift(.create_grouped_plot)(gg_args)
# Create bar graph
} else {
gg_args$x_ang <- 45
gg_args$x_hjst <- 1
# Set bar position
# fill in missing values with 0s
if (stack) {
gg_pos <- ggplot2::position_stack()
} else {
if (show_zeros) {
plt_dat <- .add_missing_zeros(
dat_cols = abun_col,
expand_col = x_col,
clst_col = cluster_col,
grp_col = clr_col
gg_args$df_in <- plt_dat
gg_pos <- ggplot2::position_dodge2(preserve = "single")
gg_args$position <- gg_args$position %||% gg_pos
res <- .lift(.create_bars)(gg_args)
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