.sample_data_links <- function(x, name = character()) {
if (length(name))
x@sampleDataLinks[names(x@sampleDataLinks) %in% name]
else x@sampleDataLinks
#' Check that a *link* matrix is in the correct format:
#' - matrix
#' - integer
#' - two columns
#' - values within 1:length
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @noRd
.valid_link <- function(x, nfrom = 0L, nto = 0L) {
if (!is.matrix(x) || !is.integer(x[1, 1]))
stop("'x' needs to be an 'integer' 'matrix'")
if (ncol(x) != 2)
stop("A link matrix is expected to have 2 columns")
if (any(x[, 1] > nfrom))
stop("indices in the first column need to be <= ", nfrom)
if (any(x[, 2] > nto))
stop("indices in the second column need to be <= ", nto)
if (any(x < 1))
stop("indices can not be smaller than 1")
#' The validity of the link matrix is evaluated only when adding the link. Also,
#' possibly existing links between the same entities will be **overwritten**.
#' @param x `LinkedMsExperiment`.
#' @param link two-column `integer` `matrix` with the link.
#' @param with `character(1)` with the definition of the element to which the
#' link was established (e.g. `"spectra.dataOrigin"` or
#' `experimentFiles.raw_files`. See also `.get_element` for details.
#' @param subsetBy `integer(1)` defining on which dimension (for `with` with
#' dimensions > 0) the subsetting should be done.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @importMethodsFrom S4Vectors mcols<- mcols
#' @noRd
.add_sample_data_link <- function(x, link = matrix(), with, subsetBy = 1L) {
nfrom <- nrow(sampleData(x))
if (nrow(link) == 0 || nfrom == 0)
nto <- .nelements(.get_element(x, with), subsetBy) # support link to column
if (nto == 0)
stop("'", with, "' is empty. Can not link to empty data")
.valid_link(link, nfrom, nto)
if (any(names(.sample_data_links(x)) == with))
warning("Overwriting previously present link '", with, "'")
x@sampleDataLinks[[with]] <- unname(link)
mcols(x@sampleDataLinks)[with, "subsetBy"] <- subsetBy
#' Helper function to return an element (slot or
#' The convention to name an element in a slot is `<slot name>.<field name>`. If
#' field name is missing the slot is returned.
#' Note that this fails if the object stored in slot is not a `matrix` or does
#' not have the `$` method implemented. It will work for `data.frame`,
#' `DataFrame`, `list`, `Spectra`.
#' @param x any `S4Object` with slots.
#' @param name `character(1)` defining the element name.
#' @return the requested element which can be a slot or a column in slot.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @importFrom methods slotNames slot slot<-
#' @noRd
.get_element <- function(x, name = "sampleData") {
name <- unlist(strsplit(name[1L], split = ".", fixed = TRUE))
slt <- name[1L]
if (!any(slotNames(x) == slt))
stop("No slot named '", slt, "' available in 'x'")
res <- slot(x, slt)
if (length(name) > 1) {
el <- paste0(name[-1L], collapse = ".")
if (is.matrix(res))
res <- res[, el]
res <- do.call("$", args = list(res, el))
#' Setting/replacing an element within a slot of an `LinkedMsExperiment`. This
#' function does **not** perform any checks except for the presence of a slot.
#' @importFrom methods slot slot<-
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' ## Add a new spectra variable to a Spectra
#' .set_element(mse, "spectra.new.value", 1:3)
#' ## Add a new metadata element
#' .set_element(mse, "metadata.new_entry", data.frame(1:3))
.set_element <- function(x, name = character(), value = NULL) {
if (length(name) == 0)
name <- unlist(strsplit(name[1L], split = ".", fixed = TRUE))
slt <- name[1L]
if (!any(slotNames(x) == slt))
stop("No slot named '", slt, "' available in 'x'")
if (length(name) == 1)
slot(x, slt, check = FALSE) <- value
else {
el <- paste0(name[-1L], collapse = ".")
if (length(dim(slot(x, slt))))
slot(x, slt)[, el] <- value
slot(x, slt) <- do.call("$<-", list(slot(x, slt), el, value))
#' @param x `character` similar to a join statement, e.g.
#' `"sampleData.mzML = spectra.dataOrigin"`
#' @return `character` with slot from, column from, slot to, column to.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' x <- "sampleData.mzml_file = spectra.dataOrigin"
#' .parse_join_string(x)
#' .parse_join_string("sampleData.mzml.file= spectra.dataOrigin")
.parse_join_string <- function(x) {
parts <- unlist(strsplit(gsub(" ", "", x, fixed = TRUE), "="))
if (length(parts) != 2)
stop("unsupported format for the link description. ",
"Please see ?linkSampleData")
a <- unlist(strsplit(parts[1L], ".", fixed = TRUE))
b <- unlist(strsplit(parts[2L], ".", fixed = TRUE))
if (length(a) < 2 | length(b) < 2)
stop("unsupported format for the link desciption. ",
"Please see ?linkSampleData")
c(a[1L], paste(a[-1L], collapse = "."),
b[1L], paste0(b[-1L], collapse = "."))
#' Create a link matrix for specified vectors.
#' @return `integer` `matrix` with the indices of the matches.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @importFrom S4Vectors findMatches from to
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' .link_matrix(1:3, 2:20)
#' .link_matrix(c("a", "a", "b", "d", "b", "c"), c("g", "a", "b", "e"))
.link_matrix <- function(from = integer(), to = integer()) {
res <- findMatches(from, to)
cbind(from(res), to(res))
#' @description
#' Subset a `LinkedMsExperiment` by sample also subsetting and updating all
#' linked data:
#' Subsetting with `[i, j]`:
#' - support re-ordering (`j = c(4, 2, 3)`).
#' - support duplication (`j = c(1, 1, 2)`). -> make that a special case?
#' - keep only elements matching a sample after subsetting - and any unlinked
#' element.
#' @note
#' how could we improve the performance of this subsetting? Copying over the
#' whole object sounds like not an ideal thing to do.
#' Maybe have helper functions `splitBySample` to avoid repeatedly copying the
#' original data. Parameter `newx` might help here - but not sure if that's
#' indeed the case.
#' @param x `LinkedMsExperiment`.
#' @param i `integer`
#' @param newx `LinkedMsExperiment`. Result objects. Might help avoiding
#' repeatedly copying the object if `.extractSamples` is called within
#' a loop. Also, providing `newx = new("LinkedMsExperiment")` would perform
#' a *lightweight* extraction, dropping anything which is not linked.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @importFrom methods slot<- callNextMethod
#' @noRd
.extractSamples <- function(x, i, newx = x) {
if (!nrow(sampleData(x)))
slot(newx, "sampleData", check = FALSE) <- x@sampleData[i, , drop = FALSE]
for (link in names(slot(x, "sampleDataLinks"))) {
lmat <- slot(x, "sampleDataLinks")[[link]]
subsetBy <- mcols(slot(x, "sampleDataLinks"))[link, "subsetBy"]
idxs <- split(lmat[, 2], as.factor(lmat[, 1]))
idxs <- idxs[as.character(i)]
ls <- lengths(idxs)
idxs <- unlist(idxs, use.names = FALSE)
element <- .get_element(x, link)
newx <- .set_element(newx, link, .subset_dim(element, idxs, subsetBy))
newx@sampleDataLinks[[link]] <- cbind(rep(seq_along(ls), ls),
## Note: keeping also empty lmat - to keep info that there was a link
#' @export
#' @param object An instance of class `MsExperiment`
#' @rdname MsExperiment
experimentFiles <- function(object) {
stopifnot(inherits(object, "MsExperiment"))
#' @export
#' @param value An object of the appropriate class for the slot to be
#' populated.
#' @rdname MsExperiment
"experimentFiles<-" <- function(object, value) {
stopifnot(inherits(value, "MsExperimentFiles"))
stopifnot(inherits(object, "MsExperiment"))
object@experimentFiles <- value
#' @export
#' @param object An instance of class `MsExperiment`
#' @rdname MsExperiment
sampleData <- function(object) {
stopifnot(inherits(object, "MsExperiment"))
#' @export
#' @param value An object of the appropriate class for the slot to be
#' populated.
#' @rdname MsExperiment
"sampleData<-" <- function(object, value) {
stopifnot(inherits(value, "DataFrame"))
stopifnot(inherits(object, "MsExperiment"))
object@sampleData <- value
#' Simple helper function that returns the number of elements (for the selected
#' dimension).
#' @noRd
.nelements <- function(x, dim = 1L) {
dims <- dim(x)
if (length(dims))
else length(x)
#' Helper to subset `x` to elements `i` on dimension `subsetBy`. If `x` has
#' no dimensions `x[i]` is returned, if it has dimensions and `subsetBy == 1L`
#' `x[i, ]` is returned and if `subsetBy == 2L` `x[, i]` is returned.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @noRd
.subset_dim <- function(x, i, subsetBy = 1L) {
if (length(dim(x))) {
if (subsetBy == 1L)
x <- x[i, , drop = FALSE]
if (subsetBy == 2L)
x <- x[, i, drop = FALSE]
} else x <- x[i]
#' @export
#' @rdname MsExperiment
qdata <- function(object) {
stopifnot(inherits(object, "MsExperiment"))
#' @export
#' @rdname MsExperiment
"qdata<-" <- function(object, value) {
stopifnot(inherits(object, "MsExperiment"))
object@qdata <- value
.ms_experiment_is_empty <- function(object) {
if (length(object@experimentFiles)) return(FALSE)
if (length(object@spectra)) return(FALSE)
if (length(object@qdata)) return(FALSE)
if (length(object@otherData)) return(FALSE)
if (length(object@sampleData)) return(FALSE)
#' @title Import MS spectra data of an experiment
#' @description
#' Read/import MS spectra data of an experiment from the respective (raw)
#' data files into an [MsExperiment()] object. Files provided with the
#' `spectraFiles` parameter are imported as a `Spectra` object and each
#' file is automatically *linked* to rows (samples) of a `sampleData`
#' data frame (if provided).
#' @param spectraFiles `character` with the (absolute) file names of the MS
#' data files that should be imported as a [Spectra::Spectra()] object.
#' @param sampleData `data.frame` or `DataFrame` with the sample annotations.
#' Each row is expected to contain annotations for one file (sample). The
#' order of the data frame's rows is expected to match the order of the
#' provided files (with parameter `spectraFiles`).
#' @param ... additional parameters for the [Spectra::Spectra()] call to
#' import the data.
#' @return `MsExperiment`.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra Spectra
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Define the files of the experiment to import
#' fls <- c(system.file("microtofq/MM14.mzML", package = "msdata"),
#' system.file("microtofq/MM8.mzML", package = "msdata"))
#' ## Define a data frame with some sample annotations
#' ann <- data.frame(
#' injection_index = 1:2,
#' sample_id = c("MM14", "MM8"))
#' ## Import the data
#' library(MsExperiment)
#' mse <- readMsExperiment(spectraFiles = fls, ann)
#' mse
#' ## Access the spectra data
#' spectra(mse)
#' ## Access the sample annotations
#' sampleData(mse)
#' ## Import the data reading all MS spectra directly into memory
#' mse <- readMsExperiment(spectraFiles = fls, ann,
#' backend = Spectra::MsBackendMemory())
#' mse
readMsExperiment <- function(spectraFiles = character(),
sampleData = data.frame(), ...) {
spectraFiles <- normalizePath(spectraFiles)
if (!nrow(sampleData))
sampleData <- data.frame(sample_index = seq_along(spectraFiles))
if (nrow(sampleData) != length(spectraFiles))
stop("Number of rows in 'sampleData' have to match the number of ",
"files in parameter 'spectraFiles'")
sampleData$spectraOrigin <- spectraFiles
if (!inherits(sampleData, "DataFrame"))
sampleData <- DataFrame(sampleData)
x <- MsExperiment()
sampleData(x) <- sampleData
spectra(x) <- Spectra(spectraFiles, ...)
linkSampleData(x, with = "sampleData.spectraOrigin = spectra.dataOrigin")
#' @title Consolidate links between samples and spectra after filtering
#' @description
#' If @spectra got filtered possibly present *links* between them and samples
#' will no longer be valid and need to be updated/fixed. This function
#' consolidates these links using a spectra variable `"._SPECTRA_IDX"` in
#' `@spectra` that needs to represent/contain the index of the spectra
#' **before** filtering.
#' @param x `MsExperiment`
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @noRd
.update_sample_data_links_spectra <- function(x) {
sdl <- .sample_data_links(x, "spectra")[[1L]]
idx <- match(sdl[, 2L], x@spectra$._SPECTRA_IDX)
keep <- !is.na(idx)
sdl <- sdl[keep, , drop = FALSE]
sdl[, 2L] <- idx[keep]
x@sampleDataLinks[["spectra"]] <- sdl
#' @export
#' @rdname MsExperiment
spectraSampleIndex <- function(x, duplicates = c("first", "keep")) {
duplicates <- match.arg(duplicates)
if (duplicates == "first") {
} else {
#' Return an `integer` vector with the sample index for each spectrum. If
#' a spectrum is assigned to more than one sample, the index of the first
#' is returned and a warning shown. For spectra without a sample assignment
#' `NA_integer_` is returned.
#' @param x 2 column `matrix`, first column being sample index, second
#' spectra index.
#' @param nspectra length of the object's `Spectra` object
#' @return `integer` of length equal to the number of spectra.
#' @noRd
.spectra_sample_index_first <- function(x, nspectra) {
if (length(x)) {
if (anyDuplicated(x[, 2L])) {
warning("Found at least one spectrum that is assigned to more ",
"than one sample. Will return the first sample for these. ",
"Consider using 'duplicates = \"all\"' to retrieve all ",
res <- x[match(seq_len(nspectra), x[, 2L]), 1L]
} else {
res <- rep(NA_integer_, nspectra)
res[x[, 2L]] <- x[, 1L]
} else res <- rep(NA_integer_, nspectra)
#' Return an `list` of integer vectors with the sample indices for each
#' spectrum. For spectra without a sample assignment `integer()` is returned.
#' @param x 2 column `matrix`, first column being sample index, second
#' spectra index.
#' @param nspectra length of the object's `Spectra` object
#' @return `list` of length equal to the number of spectra.
#' @noRd
.spectra_sample_index_all <- function(x, nspectra) {
if (length(x)) {
res <- split(x[, 1L], f = factor(x[, 2L], levels = seq_len(nspectra)))
} else res <- replicate(nspectra, integer())
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