## methods for estimating eQTL networks
## estimate parameters of the eQTLnetwork
setMethod("eQTLnetworkEstimate", signature=c(param="eQTLnetworkEstimationParam",
function(param, model, estimate, p.value=NA_real_, method=p.adjust.methods,
epsilon=NA_real_, alpha=NA_real_, verbose=TRUE,
BPPARAM=bpparam("SerialParam")) {
if (!is.na(p.value) || !is.na(epsilon))
stop("'p.value' or 'epsilon' cutoffs can only be specified without 'model'.")
clusterSize <- 1 ## this should change to use BiocParallel
if (!is(BPPARAM, "SerialParam")) {
if (!is(BPPARAM, "SnowParam"))
stop("At the moment parallelization only works with 'SnowParam' parallel backends.")
if (BPPARAM$.clusterargs$type != "MPI")
stop("At the moment the only type of parallel cluster available is 'MPI'")
if (BPPARAM$.clusterargs$spec > 0)
clusterSize <- BPPARAM$.clusterargs$spec
rhs <- .parseFormula(model, param)
pvaluesG0 <- nrr <- new("dspMatrix", x=numeric())
fix.Q <- restrict.Q <- NULL
qorders <- integer()
if (length(rhs$conditioning) > 0) {
maskq0 <- sapply(rhs$conditioning, function(x) all(x$q==0))
fix.Q <- unlist(lapply(rhs$conditioning[maskq0], '[[', "v"))
restrict.Q <- unlist(lapply(rhs$conditioning[!maskq0], '[[', "v"))
qorders <- lapply(rhs$conditioning[!maskq0], function(x) x$q)
## check that q-orders associated to different terms are identical
if (!all(sapply(qorders, function(x, r) identical(x, r), qorders[[1]])))
stop("q values should be identical throughout the given conditioning terms")
qorders <- sort(qorders[1][[1]]) ## the [1][[1]] notation handles list() and [[1]] alone does not
if (is.null(qorders))
qorders <- 0L
res <- NULL
if (length(rhs$conditioning) == 0 || any(qorders == 0)) {
message("Calculating pairwise (conditional) independence tests\n")
pvaluesG0 <- qpAllCItests(ggData(param), I=param@dVars, Q=fix.Q,
pairup.i=geneNames(param), pairup.j=rhs$explanatory,
long.dim.are.variables=FALSE, exact.test=TRUE,
return.type="p.value", clusterSize=clusterSize,
qorders <- qorders[qorders > 0]
if (length(rhs$conditioning) > 0) {
k <- 0
for (i in seq(along=qorders)) {
q <- qorders[i]
message(sprintf("Estimating non-rejection rates with q=%d\n", q))
nrr.q <- qpNrr(ggData(param), I=param@dVars, q=q, pairup.i=geneNames(param), pairup.j=rhs$explanatory,
long.dim.are.variables=FALSE, exact.test=TRUE,
restrict.Q=restrict.Q, fix.Q=fix.Q,
clusterSize=clusterSize, verbose=verbose)
if (i+k == 1)
nrr <- nrr.q
nrr <- (nrr.q + nrr*(i+k-1)) / (i+k)
g.0 <- graphBAM(df=data.frame(from=character(), to=character(), weight=integer()))
qpg <- new("qpGraph", p=0L, q=integer(), n=NA_integer_, epsilon=NA_real_, g=g.0)
new("eQTLnetwork", geneticMap=geneticMap(param),
physicalMap=physicalMap(param), organism=param@organism,
genome=param@genome, geneAnnotation=geneAnnotation(param),
geneAnnotationTable=param@geneAnnotationTable, dVars=param@dVars,
pvaluesG0=pvaluesG0, nrr=nrr, modelFormula=model, rhs=rhs,
qOrders=qorders, p.value=NA_real_, adjustMethod="none",
epsilon=NA_real_, alpha=NA_real_, qpg=qpg)
## estimate parameters of the eQTLnetwork given an existing estimate
setMethod("eQTLnetworkEstimate", signature=c(param="eQTLnetworkEstimationParam",
function(param, model, estimate, p.value=NA_real_, method=p.adjust.methods,
epsilon=NA_real_, alpha=NA_real_, verbose=TRUE,
BPPARAM=bpparam("SerialParam")) {
if (!is.na(p.value) || !is.na(epsilon) || !is.na(alpha))
stop("'p.value', 'epsilon' or 'alpha' cutoffs can only be specified without 'model'.")
clusterSize <- 1 ## this should change to use BiocParallel
if (!is(BPPARAM, "SerialParam")) {
if (!is(BPPARAM, "SnowParam"))
stop("At the moment parallelization only works with 'SnowParam' parallel backends.")
if (BPPARAM$.clusterargs$type != "MPI")
stop("At the moment the only type of parallel cluster available is 'MPI'")
if (BPPARAM$.clusterargs$spec > 0)
clusterSize <- BPPARAM$.clusterargs$spec
rhs <- .parseFormula(model, param)
pvaluesG0 <- nrr <- new("dspMatrix", x=numeric())
fix.Q <- restrict.Q <- NULL
qorders <- integer()
if (length(rhs$conditioning) > 0) {
maskq0 <- sapply(rhs$conditioning, function(x) all(x$q==0))
fix.Q <- unlist(lapply(rhs$conditioning[maskq0], '[[', "v"))
restrict.Q <- unlist(lapply(rhs$conditioning[!maskq0], '[[', "v"))
qorders <- lapply(rhs$conditioning[!maskq0], function(x) x$q)
## check that q-orders associated to different terms are identical
if (!all(sapply(qorders, function(x, r) identical(x, r), qorders[[1]])))
stop("q values should be identical throughout the given conditioning terms")
qorders <- sort(qorders[1][[1]]) ## the [1][[1]] notation handles list() and [[1]] alone does not
if (length(intersect(qorders, estimate@qOrders)) > 0)
stop("The provided eQTLnetwork was estimated using already some of the given q-orders\n")
if (is.null(qorders))
qorders <- 0L
if (any(qorders == 0)) {
if (nrow(pvaluesG0) > 0)
stop("The provided eQTLnetwork has already a G^0 estimate\n")
message("Calculating pairwise (conditional) independence tests\n")
if (!identical(rhs$explanatory, unlist(lapply(.expandTerms(estimate@rhs$explanatory, param), function(x) x$v))))
stop("Explanatory terms in the model formula do not match those of the given eQTLnetwork estimate\n")
if (nrow(estimate@pvaluesG0 > 0)) #### CHECK THIS
pvaluesG0 <- estimate@pvaluesG0
## take p-value, adjust method and qp-graph parameters from the estimate
p.value <- estimate@p.value
method <- estimate@adjustMethod
qpg <- estimate@qpg
if (nrow(estimate@nrr > 0)) #### CHECK THIS
nrr <- estimate@nrr
res <- NULL
if (length(rhs$conditioning) == 0 || any(qorders == 0)) {
if (nrow(pvaluesG0) > 0)
stop("The provided eQTLnetwork has already a G^0 estimate\n")
rhs$conditioning <- estimate@rhs@conditioning
message("Calculating pairwise (conditional) independence tests\n")
pvaluesG0 <- qpAllCItests(ggData(param), I=param@dVars, Q=NULL,
pairup.i=geneNames(param), pairup.j=rhs$explanatory,
long.dim.are.variables=FALSE, exact.test=TRUE,
return.type="p.value", clusterSize=clusterSize,
qorders <- qorders[qorders > 0]
if (length(rhs$conditioning) > 0) {
k <- length(estimate@qOrders)
for (i in seq(along=qorders)) {
q <- qorders[i]
message(sprintf("Estimating non-rejection rates with q=%d\n", q))
nrr.q <- qpNrr(ggData(param), I=param@dVars, q=q, pairup.i=geneNames(param), pairup.j=rhs$explanatory,
long.dim.are.variables=FALSE, exact.test=TRUE,
restrict.Q=restrict.Q, fix.Q=fix.Q,
clusterSize=clusterSize, verbose=verbose)
if (i+k == 1)
nrr <- nrr.q
nrr <- (nrr.q + nrr*(i+k-1)) / (i+k)
qorders <- sort(c(qorders, estimate@qOrders))
model <- .replaceFormulaQs(model, qorders)
## g.0 <- graphBAM(df=data.frame(from=character(), to=character(), weight=integer()))
## qpg <- new("qpGraph", p=0L, q=integer(), n=NA_integer_, epsilon=NA_real_, g=g.0)
new("eQTLnetwork", geneticMap=geneticMap(param),
physicalMap=physicalMap(param), organism=param@organism,
genome=param@genome, geneAnnotation=geneAnnotation(param),
geneAnnotationTable=param@geneAnnotationTable, dVars=param@dVars,
pvaluesG0=pvaluesG0, nrr=nrr, modelFormula=model, rhs=rhs,
qOrders=qorders, p.value=p.value, adjustMethod=method,
epsilon=epsilon, alpha=alpha, qpg=qpg)
## estimate the eQTLnetwork based on the estimated parameters and given cutoffs
setMethod("eQTLnetworkEstimate", signature=c(param="eQTLnetworkEstimationParam",
function(param, model, estimate, p.value=NA_real_, method=p.adjust.methods,
epsilon=NA_real_, alpha=NA_real_, verbose=TRUE,
BPPARAM=bpparam("SerialParam")) {
method <- match.arg(method)
if (!is.na(p.value) && nrow(estimate@pvaluesG0) < 1)
stop("argument 'estimate' has no pairwise (conditional) independence tests.")
if (!is.na(epsilon) && nrow(estimate@nrr) < 1)
stop("argument 'estimate' has no non-rejection rates.")
mNames <- markerNames(estimate)
if (!identical(mNames, markerNames(param)))
stop("Markers are different between 'param' and 'estimate'.")
gNames <- names(estimate@geneAnnotation)
if (!identical(gNames, geneNames(param)))
stop("Genes are different between 'param' and 'estimate'.")
qpg <- estimate@qpg
if (!is.na(p.value)) {
## here we assume that the diagonal is set to NA
p.adj <- estimate@pvaluesG0[upper.tri(estimate@pvaluesG0, diag=TRUE)]
p.adj[!is.na(p.adj)] <- p.adjust(p.adj[!is.na(p.adj)], method=method)
p.adj <- new("dspMatrix", Dim=dim(estimate@pvaluesG0),
Dimnames=dimnames(estimate@pvaluesG0), x=p.adj)
g.0 <- qpAnyGraph(p.adj, threshold=p.value, remove="above",
if (qpg@p > 0) {
if (nrow(ggData(param)) != qpg@n)
stop("The qp-graph in the given eQTL network was estimated from different data.")
g <- graphIntersect(qpg@g, g.0)
qpg <- new("qpGraph", p=numNodes(g), q=unique(sort(c(0L, qpg@q))),
n=qpg@n, epsilon=qpg@epsilon, g=g)
} else
qpg <- new("qpGraph", p=numNodes(g.0), q=0L, n=nrow(ggData(param)),
epsilon=NA_real_, g=g.0)
if (!is.na(epsilon)) {
if (nrow(estimate@nrr) < 1)
stop("non-rejection rates have not been calculated.")
if (is.na(p.value)) {
p.value <- estimate@p.value
method <- estimate@adjustMethod
g.q <- qpGraph(nrrMatrix=estimate@nrr, epsilon=epsilon, q=estimate@qOrders,
if (qpg@p > 0) {
g <- graphIntersect(qpg@g, g.q@g)
qpg <- new("qpGraph", p=numNodes(g), q=unique(sort(c(qpg@q, estimate@qOrders))),
n=qpg@n, epsilon=epsilon, g=g)
} else
qpg <- g.q
if (!is.na(alpha)) {
epsilon <- estimate@epsilon
if (is.na(p.value)) {
p.value <- estimate@p.value
method <- estimate@adjustMethod
if (numNodes(qpg@g) < 1 || nrow(estimate@nrr) < 1)
stop("forward selection with an 'alpha' cutoff requires non-rejection rates and a given 'epsilon' cutoff")
if (nrow(estimate@nrr) < 1)
stop("non-rejection rates have not been calculated.")
edg <- edges(qpg@g)[intersect(nodes(qpg@g), gNames)]
edg <- lapply(edg, function(x, I) intersect(x, I), mNames)
edg <- edg[sapply(edg, length) > 0]
edg <- mapply(function(m, g) c(g, m), edg, as.list(names(edg)),
SIMPLIFY=FALSE) ## add the gene before markers
edg <- bplapply(edg,
function(v, X, nrr, alpha) {
o <- order(nrr[cbind(rep(v[1], times=length(v)-1), v[-1])])
v[-1] <- v[-1][o]
dropMask <- rep(FALSE, times=length(v[-1]))
pv <- 0
i <- 1
while (i <= length(v[-1]) && pv <= alpha) { ## fwd selection
pv <- qpCItest(X, i=v[1], j=v[i+1], Q=Q, I=v[-1], long.dim.are.variables=FALSE)$p.value
dropMask[i] <- pv > alpha
Q <- c(Q, v[i+1])
i <- i + 1
if (i < length(v[-1]))
dropMask[i:length(v[-1])] <- TRUE
## NAs may occur when not sufficient data is available
v[-1][dropMask | is.na(dropMask)]
}, ggData(param), estimate@nrr, alpha=alpha, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
edg <- edg[sapply(edg, length) > 0]
if (length(edg) > 0) {
elen <- sapply(edg, length)
qpg@g <- removeEdge(from=rep(names(edg), times=elen), to=unlist(edg, use.names=FALSE), qpg@g)
## alledg <- extractFromTo(qpg@g)
## alledg$from <- as.character(alledg$from)
## alledg$to <- as.character(alledg$to)
## ggedg <- alledg[alledg$from %in% gNames & alledg$to %in% gNames, ]
## mgedg <- alledg[alledg$from %in% mNames | alledg$to %in% mNames, ]
## maskSwappedGenesMarkers <- mgedg$from %in% gNames
## if (any(maskSwappedGenesMarkers)) { ## put markers in 'from' and genes in 'to
## swappedGeneNames <- mgedg$from[maskSwappedGenesMarkers]
## mgedg$from[maskSwappedGenesMarkers] <- mgedg$to[maskSwappedGenesMarkers]
## mgedg$to[maskSwappedGenesMarkers] <- swappedGeneNames
## }
## elen <- sapply(edg, length)
## rmedg <- data.frame(from=unlist(edg, use.names=FALSE),
## to=rep(names(edg), times=elen))
## keepMask <- !paste(mgedg$from, mgedg$to, sep="__") %in% paste(rmedg$from, rmedg$to, sep="__")
## mgedg <- mgedg[keepMask, ]
## qpg@g <- graphBAM(rbind(ggedg, mgedg, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
new("eQTLnetwork", geneticMap=geneticMap(param),
organism=param@organism, genome=param@genome,
dVars=param@dVars, pvaluesG0=estimate@pvaluesG0,
nrr=estimate@nrr, modelFormula=estimate@modelFormula,
rhs=estimate@rhs, qOrders=estimate@qOrders,
p.value=p.value, adjustMethod=method,
epsilon=epsilon, alpha=alpha, qpg=qpg)
setMethod("varExplained", signature=c(param="eQTLnetworkEstimationParam",
function(param, estimate, BPPARAM=bpparam("SerialParam")) {
if (nrow(estimate@nrr) < 1)
stop("non-rejection rates are required at the moment to calculate the explained variance per gene\n")
eqtls <- alleQTL(estimate)
eqtls <- split(eqtls$QTL, eqtls$gene)
## add gene before markers
eqtls <- mapply(function(m, g) c(g, m), eqtls, as.list(names(eqtls)))
eta2xgene <- bplapply(eqtls,
function(qtls, X, nrr) {
o <- order(nrr[cbind(rep(qtls[1], times=length(qtls)-1), qtls[-1])])
qtls[-1] <- qtls[-1][o]
eta2 <- 0
for (i in 1:length(qtls[-1])) {
this.eta2 <- qpCItest(X, i=qtls[1], j=qtls[i+1], Q=Q, I=qtls[-1], long.dim.are.variables=FALSE)$estimate
eta2 <- eta2 + this.eta2
Q <- c(Q, qtls[i+1])
}, ggData(param), estimate@nrr, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
eta2xgene <- unlist(lapply(eta2xgene, as.vector))
df <- data.frame(eta2eQTLs=eta2xgene)
rownames(df) <- names(eta2xgene)
## private functions
.expandTerms <- function(termvec, param) {
varsnqs <- lapply(termvec,
function(x, param) {
y <- list(v=x, q=0)
m <- regexec("([^\\(]+)\\(q = ([0-9, ]+)\\)", x)
m <- regmatches(x, m)[[1]]
if (length(m) > 0) {
y$v <- m[2]
y$q <- as.integer(strsplit(m[3], ",")[[1]])
if (y$v == "marker")
y$v <- markerNames(param)
else if (y$v == "gene")
y$v <- geneNames(param)
else if (y$v %in% colnames(mcols(geneAnnotation(param)))) {
if (!is(geneAnnotation(param)[[y$v]], "logical"))
stop(sprintf("%s is not a column of logical values in the gene annotation", y$v))
y$v <- names(geneAnnotation(param))[geneAnnotation(param)[[y$v]]]
}, param)
.parseFormula <- function(f, param, expand=TRUE) {
rhs <- paste(deparse(f[[2]]), collapse="")
}, error=function(err) {
cat("Malformed model formula\n")
stop(conditionMessage(err), call.=FALSE)
rhs <- strsplit(rhs, " *\\| *")[[1]]
if (length(rhs) > 2)
stop("Conditioning operator '|' can only occur once in the model formula.")
rhs <- strsplit(rhs, " *\\+ *")
if (length(rhs) == 1)
rhs[[2]] <- character(0)
names(rhs) <- c("explanatory" ,"conditioning")
## we'll need this when we handle interactions in the future
## rhs[[1]] <- unlist(lapply(rhs[[1]], strsplit, " *\\* *| *: *"), recursive=FALSE)
## rhs[[2]] <- unlist(lapply(rhs[[2]], strsplit, " *\\* *| *: *"), recursive=FALSE)
if (expand) {
rhs$explanatory <- unlist(lapply(.expandTerms(rhs$explanatory, param), function(x) x$v))
if (length(rhs$conditioning) > 0)
rhs$conditioning <- .expandTerms(rhs$conditioning, param)
.replaceFormulaQs <- function(f, qorders) {
rhs <- deparse(f[[2]])
}, error=function(err) {
cat("Malformed model formula\n")
stop(conditionMessage(err), call.=FALSE)
rhs <- strsplit(rhs, " *\\| *")[[1]]
if (length(rhs) > 2)
stop("Conditioning operator '|' can only occur once in the model formula.")
if (length(rhs) < 2)
rhs <- strsplit(rhs, " *\\+ *")
if (length(rhs) == 1)
names(rhs) <- c("explanatory" ,"conditioning")
rhs$conditioning <- sapply(rhs$conditioning,
function(term, qorders) {
m <- regexec("([^\\(]+)\\(q = ([0-9, ]+)\\)", term)
m <- regmatches(term, m)[[1]]
if (length(m) > 0) {
term <- sprintf("%s(q = %s)", m[2], paste(qorders, collapse=", "))
}, qorders, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
formula(paste("~", paste(paste(rhs$explanatory, collapse="+"),
paste(rhs$conditioning, collapse="+"),
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