function(object) {
valid <- TRUE
if (graph::edgemode(object@g) != "undirected")
valid <- "currently only undirected Gaussian graphical models are supported and 'g' is not undirected."
if (class(valid) == "logical" && length(object@mean) != object@p)
valid <- "'mean' should contain 'p' real numbers corresponding to the mean vector parameter."
if (class(valid) == "logical" && graph::numNodes(object@g) != object@p)
valid <- "the number of vertices in 'g' should equal the length of the 'mean' vector."
p <- (d <- dim(object@sigma))[1]
if (class(valid) == "logical" && p != d[2])
valid <- "'sigma' should be a squared matrix."
if (class(valid) == "logical" && p != object@p)
valid <- "the dimension of sigma should match the length of the mean vector."
if (class(valid) == "logical" && !isSymmetric(as(object@sigma, "matrix")))
valid <- "'sigma' should be symmetric."
## constructor methods
setMethod("UGgmm", signature(g="missing"),
function(g, verbose) {
g <- graphBAM(, nrow=0, ncol=3,
dimnames=list(NULL, c("from", "to", "weight")))),
nodes=sprintf("%d", 1:5))
mean <- rep(0, graph::numNodes(g))
sigma <- diag(graph::numNodes(g))
UGgmm(g, mean, sigma, verbose)
setMethod("UGgmm", signature(g="matrix"),
function(g, mean, sigma, verbose) {
p <- (d <- dim(g))[1]
if (p != d[2] && d[2] != 2)
stop("If 'g' is a matrix it should be either a squared symmetric adjacency matrix or a two-column matrix with un-ordered vertex pairs in the rows defining the edge set of an undirected graph.")
df <-, nrow=0, ncol=3, dimnames=list(NULL, c("from", "to", "weight"))),
vlabels <- NULL
if (p == d[2]) {
if (!isSymmetric(g))
stop("'g' is not a symmetric matrix\n")
vlabels <- colnames(g)
if (is.null(vlabels))
vlabels <- sprintf("%d", 1:p)
from <- vlabels[row(g)[upper.tri(g) & g]]
to <- vlabels[col(g)[upper.tri(g) & g]]
df <- rbind(df, data.frame(from=from, to=to, weight=rep(1, length(from)), stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
} else {
if (class(g[1, 1]) == "character")
df <- rbind(df, data.frame(from=g[, 1], to=g[, 2], weight=rep(1, nrow(g)), stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
else {
vlabels <- sprintf("%d", sort(unique(as.vector(g))))
df <- rbind(df, data.frame(from=vlabels[g[, 1]], to=vlabels[g[, 2]], weight=rep(1, nrow(g)), stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
UGgmm(graphBAM(df), mean, sigma, verbose)
setMethod("UGgmm", signature(g="graphBAM"),
function(g, mean=rep(0, graph::numNodes(g)),
sigma=diag(graph::numNodes(g)), verbose=FALSE) {
new("UGgmm", p=length(mean), g=g, mean=mean,
sigma=as(as(as(sigma, "dMatrix"), "symmetricMatrix"), "packedMatrix"))
## constructor simulation methods
setMethod("rUGgmm", signature(n="graphParam", g="missing"),
function(n, g, rho=0.5, tol=0.001, verbose=FALSE) {
rUGgmm(n=1L, g=n, rho, tol, verbose)
setMethod("rUGgmm", signature(n="missing", g="graphParam"),
function(n, g, rho=0.5, tol=0.001, verbose=FALSE) {
rUGgmm(n=1L, g, rho, tol, verbose)
setMethod("rUGgmm", signature(n="numeric", g="graphParam"),
function(n=1, g, rho=0.5, tol=0.001, verbose=FALSE) {
rUGgmm(as.integer(n), g, rho, tol, verbose)
setMethod("rUGgmm", signature(n="integer", g="graphParam"),
function(n=1L, g, rho=0.5, tol=0.001, verbose=FALSE) {
p <- g@p
if (rho <= -1/(p-1) || rho >= 1)
stop("'rho' should be a real number such that -1/(p-1) < 'rho' < 1.")
sim <- list()
for (i in 1:n) {
sim.g <- rgraphBAM(g)
sim.sigma <- qpG2Sigma(sim.g, rho=rho, tol=tol, verbose=verbose)
sim[[i]] <- UGgmm(g=sim.g, mean=rep(0, p), sigma=sim.sigma)
if (n == 1)
sim <- sim[[1]]
setMethod("rUGgmm", signature(n="matrix", g="missing"),
function(n, g, rho=0.5, tol=0.001, verbose=FALSE) {
rUGgmm(n=1L, g=n, rho, tol, verbose)
setMethod("rUGgmm", signature(n="missing", g="matrix"),
function(n, g, rho=0.5, tol=0.001, verbose=FALSE) {
rUGgmm(n=1L, g, rho, tol, verbose)
setMethod("rUGgmm", signature(n="numeric", g="matrix"),
function(n=1, g, rho=0.5, tol=0.001, verbose=FALSE) {
rUGgmm(as.integer(n), g, rho, tol, verbose)
setMethod("rUGgmm", signature(n="integer", g="matrix"),
function(n=1L, g, rho=0.5, tol=0.001, verbose=FALSE) {
p <- (d <- dim(g))[1]
if (p != d[2] && d[2] != 2)
stop("If 'g' is a matrix it should be either a squared symmetric adjacency matrix or a two-column matrix with un-ordered vertex pairs in the rows defining the edge set of an undirected graph.")
df <-, nrow=0, ncol=3, dimnames=list(NULL, c("from", "to", "weight"))),
vlabels <- NULL
if (p == d[2]) {
if (!isSymmetric(g))
stop("'g' is not a symmetric matrix\n")
if (class(g[1, 1]) == "integer" || class(g[1, 1]) == "numeric") {
if (verbose)
warning("coercing input numeric adjacency matrix 'g' to a logical adjacency matrix\n")
g <- g != 0
vlabels <- colnames(g)
if (is.null(vlabels))
vlabels <- sprintf("%d", 1:p)
from <- vlabels[row(g)[upper.tri(g) & g]]
to <- vlabels[col(g)[upper.tri(g) & g]]
df <- rbind(df, data.frame(from=from, to=to, weight=rep(1, length(from)), stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
} else {
if (class(g[1, 1]) == "character")
df <- rbind(df, data.frame(from=g[, 1], to=g[, 2], weight=rep(1, nrow(g)), stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
else {
vlabels <- sprintf("%d", sort(unique(as.vector(g))))
df <- rbind(df, data.frame(from=vlabels[g[, 1]], to=vlabels[g[, 2]], weight=rep(1, nrow(g)), stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
rUGgmm(n=n, g=graphBAM(df, nodes=vlabels), rho, tol, verbose)
setMethod("rUGgmm", signature(n="graphBAM", g="missing"),
function(n, g, rho=0.5, tol=0.001, verbose=FALSE) {
rUGgmm(n=1L, g=n, rho, tol, verbose)
setMethod("rUGgmm", signature(n="missing", g="graphBAM"),
function(n, g, rho=0.5, tol=0.001, verbose=FALSE) {
rUGgmm(n=1L, g, rho, tol, verbose)
setMethod("rUGgmm", signature(n="numeric", g="graphBAM"),
function(n=1, g, rho=0.5, tol=0.001, verbose=FALSE) {
rUGgmm(as.integer(n), g, rho, tol, verbose)
setMethod("rUGgmm", signature(n="integer", g="graphBAM"),
function(n=1L, g, rho=0.5, tol=0.001, verbose=FALSE) {
p <- graph::numNodes(g)
if (rho <= -1/(p-1) || rho >= 1)
stop("'rho' should be a real number such that -1/(p-1) < 'rho' < 1.")
sim <- list()
for (i in 1:n) {
sim.sigma <- qpG2Sigma(g, rho=rho, tol=tol, verbose=verbose)
sim[[i]] <- UGgmm(g=g, mean=rep(0, p), sigma=sim.sigma)
if (n == 1)
sim <- sim[[1]]
## names method
setMethod("names", signature(x="UGgmm"),
function(x) {
c("X", "p", "g", "mean", "sigma")
## $ accessor operator
setMethod("$", signature(x="UGgmm"),
function(x, name) {
stop("unknown UGgmm slot or parameter. Use names() to find out which are the valid ones.")
## dim method
setMethod("dim", signature(x="UGgmm"),
function(x) {
## dimnames method
setMethod("dimnames", signature(x="UGgmm"),
function(x) {
## show method
setMethod("show", signature(object="UGgmm"),
function(object) {
cat(sprintf("\n Undirected Gaussian graphical Markov model\n with %d r.v. and %d edges.\n\n",
graph::numNodes(object@g), graph::numEdges(object@g)))
## summary method
setMethod("summary", signature(object="UGgmm"),
function(object) {
ne <- graph::numEdges(object@g)
den <- (100*ne) / choose(object@p, 2)
deg <- as.integer(graph::degree(object@g))
ed <- matrix(match(unlist(graph::edges(object@g), use.names=FALSE), graph::nodes(object@g)), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
adjm <- as(object@g, "matrix") == 1
macor <- Matrix::cov2cor(object@sigma)[upper.tri(adjm) & adjm]
pacor <- Matrix::cov2cor(Matrix::solve(object@sigma))[upper.tri(adjm) & adjm]
new("UGgmmSummary", model=object, density=den, degree=deg, macor=macor, pacor=pacor)
## plot method
setMethod("plot", signature(x="UGgmm"),
function(x, ...) {
Rgraphviz::plot(x@g, ...)
## overload rmvnorm() from the mvtnorm package to sample multivariate normal observations from an UGgmm
rmvnorm <- function(n, mean, ...) UseMethod("rmvnorm", mean)
rmvnorm.default <- function(n, mean, ...) mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n, mean, ...)
rmvnorm.numeric <- function(n, mean, ...) mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n, mean, ...)
setMethod("rmvnorm", c(n="numeric", mean="numeric"), rmvnorm.numeric)
setMethod("rmvnorm", c(n="integer", mean="numeric"), rmvnorm.numeric)
rmvnorm.UGgmm <- function(n, mean, ...) {
X <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n=n, mean=mean$mean, sigma=as.matrix(mean$sigma), ...)
colnames(X) <- graph::nodes(mean$g)
setMethod("rmvnorm", signature=c(n="numeric", mean="UGgmm"), rmvnorm.UGgmm)
## show method for summary
setMethod("show", signature(object="UGgmmSummary"),
function(object) {
cat(sprintf("\n Undirected Gaussian graphical Markov model\n with %d r.v. and %d edges.\n\n",
object@model@p, graph::numEdges(object@model@g)))
denstr <- ifelse(object@density < 1, sprintf("%.g%%", object@density), sprintf("%.0f%%", object@density))
cat(sprintf(" Graph density: %s\n", denstr))
cat("\n Degree distribution of the undirected graph:\n")
cat("\n Distribution of marginal correlations for present edges:\n")
if (length(object@macor) > 0) print(summary(object@macor)) else cat("NA\n")
cat("\n Distribution of partial correlations for present edges:\n")
if (length(object@pacor) > 0) print(summary(object@pacor)) else cat("NA\n")
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