
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## :pkg, :pkg/:version, :pkg/all

#' Metadata about a CRAN package
#' @param name Name of the package.
#' @param version The package version to query. If `NULL`, the latest
#'   version if returned.
#' @return The package metadata, in a named list.
#' @examplesIf identical(Sys.getenv("IN_PKGDOWN"), "true")
#' cran_package("pkgsearch")
#' @export

cran_package <- function(name, version = NULL) {

    is.null(version) || is_package_version(version) || (is_string(version) && version == "all")

  ept <- name
  if (! is.null(version)) ept <- paste0(ept, "/", utils::URLencode(version, reserved = TRUE))
  rst <- crandb_query(ept)
  crst <- remove_special(rst)
  add_class(crst, "cran_package")

#' Metadata about multiple CRAN packages
#' @param names Package names. May also contain versions, separated by a
#'   `@@` character.
#' @return A data frame of package metadata, one package per row.
#' @examplesIf identical(Sys.getenv("IN_PKGDOWN"), "true")
#' # Get metadata about one package
#' cran_packages("rhub")
#' # Get metadata about two packages
#' cran_packages(c("rhub", "testthat"))
#' # Get metadata about two packages at given versions
#' cran_packages(c("rhub@1.1.1", "testthat@2.2.1", "testthat@2.2.0"))
#' # If a version does not exist nothing is returned
#' cran_packages("rhub@notaversion")
#' @export

cran_packages <- function(names) {
  names <- sub("@", "-", names, fixed = TRUE)
  ept <- paste0(
    paste0("\"", names, "\"", collapse = ","),

  resp <- crandb_query(ept)


## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## /-/pkgreleases, /-/archivals, /-/events

#' List of all CRAN events (new, updated, archived packages)
#' @param releases Whether to include package releases.
#' @param archivals Whether to include package archivals.
#' @param limit Number of events to list.
#' @param from Where to start the list, for pagination.
#' @return List of events.
#' @export
#' @examplesIf identical(Sys.getenv("IN_PKGDOWN"), "true")
#' cran_events()
#' cran_events(limit = 5, releases = FALSE)
#' cran_events(limit = 5, archivals = FALSE)
#' summary(cran_events(limit = 10))

cran_events <- function(releases = TRUE, archivals = TRUE, limit = 10,
                        from = 1) {

    releases || archivals,

  mode <- if (releases && archivals) {
  } else if (releases) {
  } else {

  ept <- paste0(
    "/-/", mode,
    "?limit=", limit,
    "&skip=", from - 1L

    crandb_query(ept, simplifyDataFrame = FALSE),
    "mode" = mode,
    class = "cran_event_list"

#' Trending R packages
#' Trending packages are the ones that were downloaded at least 1000 times
#' during last week, and that substantially increased their download
#' counts, compared to the average weekly downloads in the previous 24
#' weeks. The percentage of increase is also shown in the output.
#' @return Data frame of trending packages.
#' @export
#' @examplesIf identical(Sys.getenv("IN_PKGDOWN"), "true")
#' cran_trending()

cran_trending <- function() {
  ept <- ""
  resp <- http_stop_for_status(http_get(ept))
  cnt <- rawToChar(resp$content)
  Encoding(cnt) <- "UTF-8"
  tb <- jsonlite::fromJSON(cnt, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
  colnames(tb) <- c("package", "score")

#' Top downloaded packages
#' Last week.
#' @return Data frame of top downloaded packages.
#' @details You can use the [`cranlogs` package](
#' to get more flexibility into what is returned.
#' @export
#' @examplesIf identical(Sys.getenv("IN_PKGDOWN"), "true")
#' cran_top_downloaded()

cran_top_downloaded <- function() {
  ept <- ""
  resp <- http_stop_for_status(http_get(ept))
  cnt <- rawToChar(resp$content)
  Encoding(cnt) <- "UTF-8"
  tb <- jsonlite::fromJSON(cnt, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)$downloads
  names(tb) <- c("package", "count")

#' New CRAN packages
#' List the latest new CRAN packages.
#' @param from Start of the time interval to query. Possible values:
#' * `"last-week"`
#' * `"last-month"`
#' * A [Date] object to be used as a start date.
#' * A [POSIXt] object to be used as the start date.
#' * A [difftime] object to used as the time interval until now.
#' * An integer scalar, the number of days until today.
#' * A character string that is converted to a start date using
#'   [as.POSIXct()].
#' @param to End of the time interval to query. It accepts the same kinds
#' of values as `from`, and additionally it can also be the string `"now"`,
#' to specify the current date and time.
#' @param last Integer to limit the number of returned packages.
#' @return Data frame of package descriptions.
#' @export
#' @examplesIf identical(Sys.getenv("IN_PKGDOWN"), "true")
#' # Last week
#' cran_new("last-week")
#' # Last month
#' cran_new("last-month")
#' # Last 5 days
#' cran_new(from = 5)
#' # From a given date, but at most 10
#' cran_new(from = "2021-04-06", last = 10)
#' # March of 2021
#' cran_new(from = "2021-03-01", to = "2021-04-01")

cran_new <- function(from = "last-week", to = "now", last = Inf) {

  from <- interpret_date(from, "from")
  if (identical(to, "now")) {
    to <- NULL
  } else {
    to <- interpret_date(to, "to")

  param <- c(
    end_key = paste0('"', format_iso_8601(from), '"'),
    start_key = if (!is.null(to)) paste0('"', format_iso_8601(to), '"'),
    limit = if (is.finite(last)) last,
    descending = "true"

  url <- paste0(
    paste0(names(param), "=", param, collapse = "&")

  rsp <- http_get(url)
  cnt <- rawToChar(rsp$content)
  Encoding(cnt) <- "UTF-8"
  rst <- jsonlite::fromJSON(cnt, simplifyVector = FALSE)

  pkgs <- lapply(rst$rows, function(r) r$value$package)
  dsc <- rectangle_packages(pkgs)

  dpc <- "Date/Publication"
  if (dpc %in% colnames(dsc)) {
    dsc <- dsc[, c(dpc, setdiff(colnames(dsc), dpc))]
  } else {
    pub <- data_frame(
      "Date/Publication" = map_chr(rst$rows, "[[", "key")
    dsc <- cbind(pub, dsc)


interpret_date <- function(d, arg = "from") {

  if (inherits(d, "Date") || inherits(d, "POSIXt")) {
    d <- as.POSIXct(d)

  } else if (inherits(d, "difftime")) {
    d <- Sys.time() - d

  } else if (identical(d, "last-week")) {
    d <- Sys.time() - as.difftime(7, units = "days")

  } else if (identical(d, "last-month")) {
    d <- Sys.time() - as.difftime(30, units = "days")

  } else if (is.numeric(d)) {
    d <- Sys.time() - as.difftime(d, units = "days")

  } else if (is.character(d)) {
    d <- as.POSIXct(d)

  } else {
    stop("Invalid '", arg, "' argument, please see the docs.")


crandb_query <- function(url, error = TRUE, ...) {

  rst <- url0 <- paste0(couchdb_uri(), url)
  rsp <- http_get(url0)
  cnt <- rawToChar(rsp$content)
  Encoding(cnt) <- "UTF-8"
  rst <- jsonlite::fromJSON(cnt, ...)

  if (error && ("error" %in% names(rst))) {
    throw(new_error("crandb query: ", rst$reason, call. = FALSE))


do_crandb_query <- function(from, limit,
                            format = c("short", "latest", "full"),
                            archived) {

  format <- match.arg(format)

  ept <- switch(
    "short" = "/-/desc",
    "latest" = "/-/latest",
    "full" = "/-/all")

  if (archived) ept <- "/-/allall"

  ept <- sprintf("%s?start_key=\"%s\"&limit=%d", ept, from, limit)
  resp <- crandb_query(ept)
  remove_special(resp, level = 2)

#' Query the history of a package
#' @param package Package name.
#' @return A data frame, with one row per package version.
#' @export
#' @examplesIf identical(Sys.getenv("IN_PKGDOWN"), "true")
#' cran_package_history("igraph")

cran_package_history <- function(package) {

  ept <- paste0(package, "/all")
  resp <- crandb_query(ept)

  df_list <- list(rectangle_packages(resp$versions))
  df_list <- make_col_compatible(df_list)
  res <-"rbind", df_list)

  if (nrow(res) == 0 || res$Package[1] != package) {
    throw(new_no_package_error("Package not found: ", package))


add_names <- function(df, all_names) {
  if(any(! all_names %in% names(df))) {

    df[all_names[! all_names %in% names(df)]] <- NA


make_col_compatible <- function(df_list) {
  all_names <- unique(unlist(lapply(df_list, names)))
  lapply(df_list, add_names, all_names)

dep_types <- function() {
  c("Depends", "Imports", "Suggests", "Enhances", "LinkingTo")

rectangle_packages <- function(list) {

  df_list <- lapply(list, rectangle_description)
  df_list <- make_col_compatible(df_list)
  df <-"rbind", df_list)

  drop <- c("revdeps", "archived")
  df <- df[, setdiff(colnames(df), drop)]


rectangle_description <- function(description_list) {

  description_list$releases <- NULL

  description_list$dependencies <- list(idesc_get_deps(description_list))

  description_list[dep_types()] <- NULL


idesc_get_deps <- function(description_list) {

  types <- intersect(names(description_list)[lengths(description_list) > 0],
  res <- lapply(
    function(type) parse_deps(type, description_list[type])

  empty <- data.frame(
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
    type = character(),
    package = character(),
    version = character()
  ), c(list(empty), res))

parse_deps <- function(type, deps) {
  res <- data.frame(
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
    type = type,
    package = names(deps[type][[1]]),
    version = as.character(deps[[1]])

r-lib/pkg documentation built on Sept. 26, 2024, 11:41 p.m.