cache: Package cache utilities

cache_summaryR Documentation

Package cache utilities


Various utilities to inspect and clean the package cache. See the pkgcache package if you need for control over the package cache.








For cache_list() and cache_delete(), ... may contain filters, where the argument name is the column name. E.g. package, version, etc. Call cache_list() without arguments to see the available column names. If you call cache_delete() without arguments, it will delete all cached files.


cache_summary() returns a summary of the package cache.

cache_list() lists all (by default), or a subset of packages in the package cache.

cache_delete() deletes files from the cache.

cache_clean() deletes all files from the cache.


cache_summary() returns a list with elements:

  • cachepath: absolute path to the package cache

  • files: number of files (packages) in the cache

  • size: total size of package cache in bytes

cache_list() returns a data frame with the data about the cache.

cache_delete() returns nothing.

cache_clean() returns nothing.


#> $cachepath                                                              
#> [1] "/Users/gaborcsardi/Library/Caches/org.R-project.R/R/pkgcache/pkg"  
#> $files                                                                  
#> [1] 483                                                                 
#> $size                                                                   
#> [1] 654662486                                                           
#> # A data frame: 483 × 11                                                
#>    fullpath       path  package url   etag  sha256 version platf…¹ built
#>    <chr>          <chr> <chr>   <chr> <chr> <chr>  <chr>   <chr>   <int>
#>  1 /Users/gaborc… arch… NA      http… "\"1… 0c8f0… NA      NA         NA
#>  2 /Users/gaborc… bin/… evalua… http… "\"1… 08a39… 0.17    aarch6…    NA
#>  3 /Users/gaborc… bin/… crayon  http… "\"2… 1e6d5… 1.5.2   aarch6…    NA
#>  4 /Users/gaborc… bin/… common… http… "\"4… 47b4a… 1.8.1   aarch6…    NA
#>  5 /Users/gaborc… bin/… curl    http… "\"b… 7b8ba… 4.3.3   aarch6…    NA
#>  6 /Users/gaborc… bin/… tinytex http… "\"2… 7e9ba… 0.42    aarch6…    NA
#>  7 /Users/gaborc… bin/… jsonli… http… "\"1… 68e59… 1.8.2   aarch6…    NA
#>  8 /Users/gaborc… bin/… lifecy… http… "\"1… 7ce27… 1.0.3   aarch6…    NA
#>  9 /Users/gaborc… bin/… vctrs   http… "\"1… c3a69… 0.4.2   aarch6…    NA
#> 10 /Users/gaborc… src/… pkgcac… NA     NA   9b70a… NA      NA          0
#> # … with 473 more rows, 2 more variables: vignettes <int>,              
#> #   rversion <chr>, and abbreviated variable name ¹​platform            
cache_list(package = "recipes")
#> # A data frame: 1 × 11                                                  
#>   fullp…¹ path  package url   etag  sha256 version platf…² built vigne…³
#>   <chr>   <chr> <chr>   <chr> <chr> <chr>  <chr>   <chr>   <int>   <int>
#> 1 /Users… bin/… recipes http… "\"1… e281e… 1.0.2   aarch6…    NA      NA
#> # … with 1 more variable: rversion <chr>, and abbreviated variable      
#> #   names ¹​fullpath, ²​platform, ³​vignettes                           
cache_list(platform = "source")
#> # A data frame: 69 × 11                                                 
#>    fullpath       path  package url   etag  sha256 version platf…¹ built
#>    <chr>          <chr> <chr>   <chr> <chr> <chr>  <chr>   <chr>   <int>
#>  1 /Users/gaborc… src/… crayon  http… "\"9… 70a9a… 1.5.2   source     NA
#>  2 /Users/gaborc… src/… zip     http… "\"1… 14873… 2.2.1   source     NA
#>  3 /Users/gaborc… src/… curl    http… "\"a… 3567b… 4.3.3   source     NA
#>  4 /Users/gaborc… src/… rlang   http… "\"b… e6973… 1.0.6   source     NA
#>  5 /Users/gaborc… src/… openssl http… "\"1… 7cde9… 2.0.3   source     NA
#>  6 /Users/gaborc… src/… tinytex http… "\"8… 205f7… 0.42    source     NA
#>  7 /Users/gaborc… src/… evalua… http… "\"6… 49c74… 0.17    source     NA
#>  8 /Users/gaborc… src/… Rcpp    http… "\"2… 807ce… 1.0.9   source     NA
#>  9 /Users/gaborc… src/… knitr   http… "\"d… 9b8f9… 1.40    source     NA
#> 10 /Users/gaborc… src/… lpSolve http… "\"7… f7258… 5.6.17  source     NA
#> # … with 59 more rows, 2 more variables: vignettes <int>,               
#> #   rversion <chr>, and abbreviated variable name ¹​platform            
cache_delete(package = "knitr")
cache_delete(platform = "macos")

r-lib/pkg documentation built on Sept. 26, 2024, 11:41 p.m.