#' Class chac
#' S3 class for Constrained Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering results
#' Methods for class 'chac'
#' @name chac
#' @param x,object,tree an object of class 'chac'
#' @param y not used
#' @param ... for \code{\link{plot}}, arguments passed to the function
#' \code{\link{plot.dendrogram}}. Default values for \code{type} and
#' \code{leaflab} are respectively set to \code{"triangle"} and \code{"none"}
#' @rdname chac
#' @aliases as.hclust.chac
#' @importFrom stats as.hclust
#' @export
as.hclust.chac <- function(x, ...) {
res <- x
class(res) <- "hclust"
#' @rdname chac
#' @aliases print.chac
#' @export
print.chac <- function(x, ...) {
x <- as.hclust(x)
#' @rdname chac
#' @aliases head.chac
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @export
head.chac <- function(x, ...) {
sapply(x, head)
#' @rdname chac
#' @aliases summary.chac
#' @export
summary.chac <- function(object, ...) {
#' @rdname chac
#' @aliases plot.chac
#' @param mode type of dendrogram to plot (see Details). Default to
#' \code{"standard"}
#' @details When \code{\link{plot.chac}} is called with
#' \code{mode = "standard"}, the standard dendrogram is plotted, even though,
#' due to contingency constrains, some branches are reversed (decreasing
#' merges). When \code{\link{plot.chac}} is called with
#' \code{mode = "corrected"}, a correction is applied to original heights so as
#' to have only non decreasing merges). It does not change the result of the
#' clustering, only the look of the dendrogram for easier interpretation.\cr\cr
#' Other modes are provided that correspond to different alternatives
#' described in Grimm (1987): \itemize{
#' \item in \code{mode = "within-disp"}, heights correspond to within-cluster
#' dispersion, \emph{i.e.}, for a corresponding cluster, its height is
#' \deqn{I(C) = \sum_{i \in C} d(i,g_C)} where \eqn{d} is the dissimilarity
#' used to cluster objects and \eqn{g_C} is the center of gravity of cluster
#' \eqn{C}. In this case, heights are always non decreasing;
#' \item in \code{mode = "total-disp"}, heights correspond to the total
#' within-cluster dispersion. It is obtained from \code{mode = "standard"} by
#' the cumulative sum of its heights. In this case, heights are always
#' non decreasing;
#' \item in \code{mode = "average-disp"}, heights correspond to the
#' within-cluster dispersion divided by the cluster size. In this case, there
#' is no guaranty that the heights are non decreasing. When reversals are
#' detected, a warning is printed to advice the user to change the mode of the
#' representation.}
#' Grimm (1987) indicates that heights as provided by
#' \code{mode = "within-disp"} are highly dependent on cluster sizes and that
#' the most advisable representation is the one provided by
#' \code{mode = "total-disp"}. Further details are provided in the vignette
#' "Notes on CHAC implementation in adjclust".
#' @param nodeLabel (logical) whether the order of merging has to be displayed
#' or not. \code{nodeLabel=TRUE} prints orders of fusion at corresponding
#' nodes. Default to \code{FALSE}
#' @references { Grimm, E.C. (1987) CONISS: a fortran 77 program for
#' stratigraphically constrained analysis by the method of incremental sum of
#' squares. \emph{Computer & Geosciences}, \strong{13}(1), 13-35. }
#' @return The function \code{plot.chac} displays the dendrogram and
#' additionally invisibly returns an object of class
#' \code{\link[stats]{dendrogram}} with heights as specified by the user through
#' the option \code{mode}.
#' @export
#' @importFrom graphics plot segments
#' @importFrom stats as.dendrogram cutree
plot.chac <- function(x, y, ...,
mode = c("standard", "corrected", "total-disp",
"within-disp", "average-disp"),
nodeLabel = FALSE) {
mode <- match.arg(mode)
args <- list(...)
if (is.null(args$type)) args$type <- "triangle"
if (is.null(args$leaflab)) args$leaflab <- "none"
if (mode == "corrected")
res_diagnose <- diagnose(x, graph = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
x <- dendro_for_mode(x, mode)
if (is.null(args$ylim)) args$ylim <- range(x$height)
if (mode != "standard") {
args$ylab <- switch(mode,
"corrected" = "corrected",
"total-disp" = "total dispersion",
"within-disp" = "within-cluster dispersion",
"average-disp" = "average dispersion")
if (nodeLabel) {
args$x <- alt.as.dendrogram(as.hclust(x))
do.call(alt.plot, args)
} else {
args$x <- as.dendrogram(as.hclust(x))
do.call(plot, args)
# for "mode='corrected'", show the corrections
if (mode == "corrected") {
x0 <- rep(0, nrow(res_diagnose))
x1 <- rep(0, nrow(res_diagnose))
y1 <- x$height[res_diagnose$number]
y0 <- y1 - (res_diagnose$pheight - res_diagnose$height) * 1.0001
segments(x0, y0, x1, y1, col = "darkred", lwd = 2)
segments(rep(-0.25, length(x0)), y0, rep(0.25, length(x0)), col = "darkred")
segments(rep(-0.25, length(x0)), y1, rep(0.25, length(x0)), col = "darkred")
#' @rdname chac
#' @aliases diagnose
#' @aliases diagnose.chac
#' @param graph (logical) whether the diagnostic plot has to be displayed or
#' not. Default to \code{TRUE}
#' @param verbose (logical) whether to print a summary of the result or not.
#' Default to \code{TRUE}
#' @return \code{\link{diagnose}} invisibly exports a data frame with the
#' numbers of decreasing merges described by the labels of the clusters being
#' merged at this step and at the previous one, as well as the corresponding
#' merge heights.
#' @importFrom graphics axis points
#' @export
diagnose <- function(x, graph = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) {
#' @export
diagnose.chac <- function(x, graph = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) {
diff_heights <- diff(x$height)
if (any(diff_heights < 0)) {
if (verbose)
cat(sum(diff_heights < 0), "merges with decreasing heights:", "\n")
# extract decreasing merges with the previous merge
where_decrease <- which(diff_heights < 0)
res <- sapply(where_decrease, function(adec) {
out <- c(adec+1, x$merge[adec+1, ], x$height[adec+1], x$merge[adec, ],
names(out) <- c("number", "x1", "x2", "height", "px1", "px2", "pheight")
res <- data.frame(t(res))
if (verbose) {
if (nrow(res) > 6) cat("...", nrow(res) - 6, "remaining rows...", "\n")
# if requested, plot
if (graph) {
plot(x$height, type = "b", pch = "+", axes = FALSE, xlab = "Merge number",
ylab = "height of merge")
axis(1, at = where_decrease + 1, cex = 0.7)
axis(2, tick = FALSE)
axis(2, at = x$height[where_decrease + 1], labels = FALSE,
col.ticks = "red")
points(where_decrease + 1, x$height[where_decrease + 1], col = "red",
pch = "+")
} else {
message("All merges have non decreasing heights.")
#' @rdname chac
#' @aliases correct
#' @aliases correct.chac
#' @return The function \code{\link{correct}} returns a \code{chac} objects with
#' modified heights so as they are increasing. The new heights are calculated in
#' an way identical to the option \code{mode = "corrected"} of the function
#' \code{plot.chac} (see Details). In addition, the \code{chac} object has its
#' field \code{method} modified from \code{adjClust} to
#' \code{adjClust-modified}.
#' @export
correct <- function(x) {
#' @export
correct.chac <- function(x) {
if (any(diff(x$height) < 0)) {
res_diagnose <- diagnose(x, graph = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
to_add <- data.frame(res_diagnose$number,
add = res_diagnose$pheight - res_diagnose$height)
to_add$add <- 1.0001 * to_add$add
value <- rep(0, length(x$height))
value[to_add[, 1]] <- to_add[,2]
x$height <- x$height + cumsum(value)
x$method <- "adjClust-corrected"
} else {
warning("No reversal. Returned nothing.")
#' @rdname chac
#' @aliases cuttree_chac
#' @param k an integer scalar or vector with the desired number of groups
#' @param h numeric scalar or vector with heights where the tree should be cut.
#' Only available when the heights are increasing
#' @return The function \code{\link{cutree_chac}} returns the clustering with
#' \code{k} groups or with the groups obtained by cutting the tree at height
#' \code{h}. If the heights are not increasing, the cutting of the tree is based
#' on the corrected heights as provided by the function \code{correct}.
#' @export
cutree_chac <- function(tree, k = NULL, h = NULL) {
if (!inherits(tree, "chac")) stop("'tree' must be of class 'chac'")
if (any(diff(tree$height) < 0)) {
if (is.null(k)) {
stop("With decreasing heights, 'k' must be provided.")
} else {
tree <- correct(tree)
tree <- as.hclust(tree)
res <- cutree(tree, k = k, h = h)
#' @name select
#' @aliases select.chac
#' @title Clustering selection
#' @description Clustering selection from a chac object with the slope heuristic
#' or the broken stick heuristic
#' @param x an object of class 'chac'
#' @param type model selection approach between slope heuristic
#' (\code{"capushe"}) and broken stick approach (\code{"bstick"})
#' @param k.max maximum number of clusters that can be selected. Default to
#' \code{NULL}, in which case it is set to
#' \eqn{\min(\max(100, \frac{n}{\log(n)}), \frac{n}{2})} where \eqn{n} is the
#' number of objects to be clustered for capushe and to \eqn{n} for the broken
#' stick model
#' @param graph logical. Whether the diagnostic plot for the capushe selection
#' is displayed or not. Default to \code{FALSE}
#' @param pct minimum percentage of points for the plateau selection in
#' capushe selection. See \code{\link[capushe]{DDSE}} for further details
#' @return The function returns the clustering selected by the slope heuristic,
#' as implemented in the R package \code{capushe}.
#' @importFrom capushe DDSE
#' @importFrom capushe Djump
#' @importFrom graphics lines
#' @references Baudry J.P., Maugis C., and Michel B. (2012). Slope heuristics:
#' overview and implementation. \emph{Statistics and Computing}, \strong{22}(2),
#' 355-470.
#' MacArthur, R.H. (1957) On the relative abundance of bird species.
#' \emph{Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences}, \strong{43}, 293-295.
#' @examples \dontrun{if (require("HiTC", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' load(system.file("extdata", "hic_imr90_40_XX.rda", package = "adjclust"))
#' res <- hicClust(hic_imr90_40_XX, log = TRUE)
#' selected.capushe <- select(res)
#' table(selected.capushe)
#' selected.bs <- select(res, type = "bstick")
#' table(selected.bs)
#' }}
#' res <- adjClust(dist(iris[, 1:4]))
#' select.clust <- select(res, "bs")
#' table(select.clust)
#' @export
select <- function(x, type = c("capushe", "bstick"), k.max = NULL,
graph = FALSE, pct = 0.15) {
#' @export
select.chac <- function(x, type = c("capushe", "bstick"), k.max = NULL,
graph = FALSE, pct = 0.15) {
type <- match.arg(type)
n <- length(x$labels)
if (x$correction != 0) {
message(paste("Note: Your data have been preprocess with the addition of ",
"a positive number on the diagonal to ensure positivity.\n",
"Results of the `select` method are affected by this",
"preprocessing and might be spurious."))
if (type == "capushe") {
if (is.null(k.max)) {
k.max <- round(min(max(100, n/log(n)), n/2))
in_capushe <- data.frame(name = 1:k.max,
pen.shape = lchoose(n - 1, 0:(k.max-1)),
complexity = 1:k.max,
contrast = cumsum(x$height)[(n-1):(n-k.max)])
KC <- try(DDSE(in_capushe, pct = pct), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(KC, "try-error")) KC <- Djump(in_capushe)
if (graph)
res <- cutree_chac(x, k = as.integer(KC@model))
} else if (type == "bstick") {
if (is.null(k.max)) k.max <- n
disp <- rev(x$height)
tot.disp <- sum(disp)
disp <- abs(disp)
bs <- tot.disp * rev(cumsum(1/((n-1):1))/(n-1))
cdt <- which(disp[1:(k.max-1)] <= bs[1:(k.max-1)])
if (length(cdt) > 0) {
KC <- min(cdt)
} else {
KC <- k.max
if (graph) {
plot(bs, type = "l", xlab = "number of clusters", ylab = "broken stick")
lines(seq_along(bs)[1:KC], disp[1:KC], type = "b", pch = "+",
col = "darkgreen")
lines(seq_along(bs)[KC:length(bs)], disp[KC:length(bs)], type = "b",
pch = "+", col = "red")
res <- cutree_chac(x, k = KC)
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