#' The central class of the biodb package.
#' The main class of the \code{biodb} package.
#' In order to use the biodb package, you need first to create an instance of
#' this class.
#' The constructor takes a single argument, \code{autoloadExtraPkgs}, to enable
#' (\code{TRUE} or default) or disable (\code{FALSE}) autoloading of extra
#' biodb packages.
#' Once the instance is created, some other important classes
#' (\code{BiodbFactory}, \code{BiodbPersistentCache}, \code{BiodbConfig}, ...)
#' are instantiated (just once) and their instances are later accessible through
#' get*() methods.
#' @seealso \code{\link{BiodbFactory}}, \code{\link{BiodbPersistentCache}},
#' \code{\link{BiodbConfig}}, \code{\link{BiodbEntryFields}},
#' \code{\link{BiodbDbsInfo}}.
#' @examples
#' # Create an instance:
#' mybiodb <- biodb::newInst()
#' # Get the factory instance
#' fact <- mybiodb$getFactory()
#' # Terminate instance.
#' mybiodb$terminate()
#' mybiodb <- NULL
#' @import R6
#' @import yaml
#' @import plyr
#' @export
BiodbMain <- R6::R6Class("BiodbMain",
#' @description
#' New instance initializer. The BiodbMain must not be instantiated directly.
#' Instead use the newInst() global method.
#' @param autoloadExtraPkgs Set to TRUE to allow automatic loading of extension
#' packages. Set to FALSE to forbid it. If left to NULL, the default,
#' autoload.extra.pkgs configuration value will be used.
#' @return Nothing.
initialize=function(autoloadExtraPkgs=NULL) {
chk::chk_null_or(autoloadExtraPkgs, vld=chk::vld_flag)
private$observers <- list()
private$config <- NULL
private$persistentCache <- NULL
private$dbsinfo <- NULL
private$factory <- NULL
private$entry.fields <- NULL
private$request.scheduler <- NULL
# Load biodb definitions
# Load definitions from extra biodb packages
pkgs <- private$listBiodbPkgsToLoad(autoloadExtraPkgs)
# Check locale
logDebug('Created successfully new BiodbMain instance.')
logDebug('This is biodb version %s.', packageVersion('biodb'))
#' @description
#' Closes \\code{BiodbMain} instance. Call this method when you are done with
#' your \\code{BiodbMain} instance.
#' @return Nothing.
terminate=function() {
logInfo('Closing BiodbMain instance...')
# Terminate factory
if ( ! is.null(private$factory))
# Terminate observers
notifyObservers(private$observers, 'terminate')
#' @description
#' Loads databases and entry fields definitions from YAML file.
#' @param file The path to a YAML file containing definitions for
#' \\code{BiodbMain} (databases, fields or configuration keys).
#' @param package The package to which belong the new definitions.
#' @return Nothing.
loadDefinitions=function(file, package='biodb') {
logDebug('Load definitions from file "%s".', file)
# Load file
def <- yaml::read_yaml(file)
# Define config properties
if ('config' %in% names(def))
# Define databases
if ('databases' %in% names(def))
self$getDbsInfo()$define(def$databases, package=package)
# Define fields
if ('fields' %in% names(def))
#' @description
#' Returns the single instance of the \\code{BiodbConfig} class.
#' @return The instance of the \\code{BiodbConfig} class attached to
#' this BiodbMain instance.
getConfig=function() {
if (is.null(private$config))
private$config <- BiodbConfig$new(parent=self)
#' @description
#' Returns the single instance of the BiodbPersistentCache class.
#' @return The instance of the BiodbPersistentCache class attached to
#' this BiodbMain instance.
getPersistentCache=function() {
if (is.null(private$persistentCache)) {
impl <- self$getConfig()$get('persistent.cache.impl')
if (impl == 'bioc')
private$persistentCache <-
BiodbBiocPersistentCache$new(cfg=self$getConfig(), bdb=self)
else # custom
private$persistentCache <-
BiodbCustomPersistentCache$new(cfg=self$getConfig(), bdb=self)
#' @description
#' Returns the single instance of the \\code{BiodbDbsInfo} class.
#' @return The instance of the \\code{BiodbDbsInfo} class attached to
#' this BiodbMain instance.
getDbsInfo=function() {
if (is.null(private$dbsinfo))
private$dbsinfo <- BiodbDbsInfo$new(cfg=self$getConfig())
#' @description
#' Returns the single instance of the \\code{BiodbEntryFields} class.
#' @return The instance of the \\code{BiodbEntryFields} class
#' attached to this BiodbMain instance.
getEntryFields=function() {
if (is.null(private$entry.fields))
private$entry.fields <- BiodbEntryFields$new(parent=self)
#' @description
#' Returns the single instance of the \\code{BiodbFactory} class.
#' @return The instance of the \\code{BiodbFactory} class attached to
#' this BiodbMain instance.
getFactory=function() {
if (is.null(private$factory))
private$factory <- BiodbFactory$new(bdb=self)
#' @description
#' Returns the single instance of the \\code{BiodbRequestScheduler}
#' class.
#' @return The instance of the \\code{BiodbRequestScheduler} class
#' attached to this BiodbMain instance.
getRequestScheduler=function() {
if (is.null(private$request.scheduler))
private$request.scheduler <- BiodbRequestScheduler$new(bdb=self)
#' @description
#' Adds new observers. Observers will be called each time an event
#' occurs. This is the way used in biodb to get feedback about what is going
#' inside biodb code.
#' @param observers Either an object or a list of objects.
#' @return Nothing.
addObservers=function(observers) {
# Make sure that input is a list
if ( ! is.list(observers))
observers <- list(observers)
# Add observers to current list (insert at beginning)
old_obs <- private$observers
private$observers <- if (is.null(private$observers)) observers
else c(observers, private$observers)
# Notify of new observers
notifyObservers(old_obs, 'notifyNewObservers', obs=observers)
#' @description
#' Gets the list of registered observers.
#' @return The list or registered observers.
getObservers=function() {
#' @description
#' Gets the database class name corresponding to an entry ID field.
#' @param entry.id.field The name of an ID field. It must end with \".id\".
convertEntryIdFieldToDbClass=function(entry.id.field) {
db.name <- NULL
# Does it end with '.id'?
m <- stringr::str_match(entry.id.field, '^(.*)\\.id$')[1, 2]
if ( ! is.na(m) && self$getDbsInfo()$isDefined(m))
db.name <- m
#' @description
#' Extracts the value of a field from a list of entries. Returns either a
#' vector or a list depending on the type of the field.
#' @param entries A list of \\code{BiodbEntry} instances.
#' @param field The name of a field.
#' @param flatten If set to \\code{TRUE} and the field has a cardinality
#' greater than one, then values be converted into a vector of class
#' character in which each entry values are collapsed.
#' @param compute If set to \\code{TRUE}, computable fields will be
#' output.
#' @param limit The maximum number of values to retrieve for each entry.
#' Set to 0 to get all values.
#' @param withNa If set to TRUE, keep NA values. Otherwise filter out NAs
#' values in vectors.
#' @return A vector if the field is atomic or flatten is set to
#' \\code{TRUE}, otherwise a list.
entriesFieldToVctOrLst=function(entries, field, flatten=FALSE, compute=TRUE,
limit=0, withNa=TRUE) {
val <- NULL
# Vector
if (self$getEntryFields()$get(field)$isVector()
&& (flatten || self$getEntryFields()$get(field)$hasCardOne())) {
field.class <- self$getEntryFields()$get(field)$getClass()
if (length(entries) > 0) {
val <-lapply(entries,
function(e) e$getFieldValue(field, flatten=flatten,
compute=compute, limit=limit, withNa=withNa))
val <- unlist(val)
val <- vector(mode=field.class, length=0)
# List
else {
if (length(entries) > 0)
val <- lapply(entries, function(e) e$getFieldValue(field,
compute=compute, limit=limit, withNa=withNa))
val <- list()
#' @description
#' Converts a list of entries or a list of list of entries
#' (\\code{BiodbEntry} objects) into a data frame.
#' @param entries A list of \\code{BiodbEntry} instances or a list of list of
#' \\code{BiodbEntry} instances.
#' @param only.atomic If set to \\code{TRUE}, output only atomic fields, i.e.:
#' the fields whose value type is one of integer, numeric, logical or
#' character.
#' @param null.to.na If set to \\code{TRUE}, each \\code{NULL} entry in the
#' list is converted into a row of NA values.
#' @param compute If set to \\code{TRUE}, computable fields will be output.
#' @param fields A character vector of field names to output. The data frame
#' output will be restricted to this list of fields.
#' @param limit The maximum number of field values to write into new columns.
#' Used for fields that can contain more than one value. Set it to 0 to get all
#' values.
#' @param drop If set to \\code{TRUE} and the resulting data frame has only one
#' column, a vector will be output instead of data frame.
#' @param sort.cols Sort columns in alphabetical order.
#' @param flatten If set to \\code{TRUE}, then each field with a cardinality
#' greater than one, will be converted into a vector of class character whose
#' values are collapsed.
#' @param only.card.one Output only fields whose cardinality is one.
#' @param own.id If set to TRUE includes the database id field named
#' `<database_name>.id` whose values are the same as the `accession` field.
#' @param prefix Insert a prefix at the start of all field names.
#' @return A data frame containing the entries. Columns are named
#' according to field names.
entriesToDataframe=function(entries, only.atomic=TRUE, null.to.na=TRUE,
compute=TRUE, fields=NULL, limit=0, drop=FALSE, sort.cols=FALSE,
flatten=TRUE, only.card.one=FALSE, own.id=TRUE, prefix='') {
entries.df <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
if (length(entries) > 0 && (is.null(fields) || length(fields) > 0)) {
logDebug("%d entrie(s) to convert in data frame.", length(entries))
# Convert list of entries to a list of data frames.
df.list <- private$entriesToListOfDataframes(entries=entries,
only.atomic=only.atomic, compute=compute, fields=fields,
flatten=flatten, limit=limit, only.card.one=only.card.one,
own.id=own.id, null.to.na=null.to.na)
# Build data frame of all entries
if ( ! is.null(df.list)) {
logDebug0("Merging data frames with a single",
"entry each into a single data frame with all entries.")
entries.df <- plyr::rbind.fill(df.list)
if (is.null(colnames(entries.df)))
colnames(entries.df) <- character()
# Sort columns
if (sort.cols && ncol(entries.df) > 1)
entries.df <- entries.df[sort(colnames(entries.df))]
# Add prefix
if (ncol(entries.df) > 1 && ! is.na(prefix) && prefix != '') {
fct <- function(x) substr(x, 1, nchar(prefix)) != prefix
noprefix <- vapply(colnames(entries.df), fct, FUN.VALUE=TRUE)
colnames(entries.df)[noprefix] <- paste0(prefix,
# Drop
if (drop && ncol(entries.df) == 1)
entries.df <- entries.df[[1]]
#' @description
#' Construct a data frame using entry IDs and field values of the
#' corresponding entries.
#' @param ids A character vector of entry IDs or a list of character vectors of
#' entry IDs.
#' @param db The biodb database name for the entry IDs, or a connector ID, as a
#' sinle character value.
#' @param fields A character vector containing entry fields to add.
#' @param limit The maximum number of field values to write into new columns.
#' Used for fields that can contain more than one value. Set it to 0 to get all
#' values.
#' @param own.id If set to TRUE includes the database id field named
#' `<database_name>.id` whose values are the same as the `accession` field.
#' @param prefix Insert a prefix at the start of all field names.
#' @param A data frame containing in columns the requested field
#' values, with one entry per line, in the same order than in `ids` vector.
entryIdsToDataframe=function(ids, db, fields=NULL, limit=3, prefix='',
own.id=FALSE) {
# Get connector
conn <- if (is.character(db)) self$getFactory()$getConn(db) else
chk::chk_is(db, 'BiodbConn')
# Get entries
if (is.character(ids))
entries <- conn$getEntry(ids)
else if (is.list(ids)) {
entries <- list()
for (i in ids) {
e <- if (length(i) > 0) conn$getEntry(i) else list()
entries <- c(entries, list(e))
error(paste("Input parameter `ids` must be either a",
"character vector or a list of character vectors."))
# Convert to data frame
x <- self$entriesToDataframe(entries, fields=fields, limit=limit,
prefix=prefix, drop=FALSE, own.id=own.id)
#' @description
#' Add values from a database to an existing data frame using a column
#' containing entry identifiers.
#' @param x A data frame containing at least one column with Biodb entry IDs
#' identified by the parameter `id.col`.
#' @param id.col The name of the column containing IDs inside the input data
#' frame.
#' @param db The biodb database name for the entry IDs, or a connector ID, as a
#' single character value.
#' @param fields A character vector containing entry fields to add.
#' @param limit The maximum number of field values to write into new columns.
#' Used for fields that can contain more than one value. Set it to 0 to get all
#' values.
#' @param prefix Insert a prefix at the start of all field names.
#' @return A data frame containing `x` and new columns appended for the fields
#' requested.
addColsToDataframe=function(x, id.col, db, fields, limit=3, prefix='') {
chk::chk_is(x, 'data.frame')
if (ncol(x) > 0) {
if ( ! id.col %in% colnames(x))
error('Column "%s" was not found inside data frame.', id.col)
# Get ids
ids <- as.character(x[[id.col]])
# Get data frame of fields
y <- self$entryIdsToDataframe(ids, db=db, fields=fields, limit=limit,
# Merge data frames
if (is.data.frame(y) && nrow(y) > 0)
x <- cbind(x, y)
#' @description
#' Converts a list of \\code{BiodbEntry} objects into JSON. Returns a vector of
#' characters.
#' @param entries A list of \\code{BiodbEntry} instances. It may contain NULL
#' elements.
#' @param compute If set to \\code{TRUE}, computable fields will added to JSON
#' too.
#' @return A list of JSON strings, the same length as entries list.
entriesToJson=function(entries, compute=TRUE) {
chk::chk_all(entries, chk::chk_null_or, vld=chk::vld_is, class='BiodbEntry')
fct <- function(e) {
if (is.null(e))
json <- vapply(entries, fct, FUN.VALUE='')
#' @description
#' Collapses rows of a data frame, by looking for duplicated values in the
#' reference columns (parameter `cols`). The values contained in the reference
#' columns are supposed to be ordered inside the data frame, in the sens that
#' all duplicated values are supposed to directly follow the original values.
#' For all rows containing duplicated values, we look at values in all other
#' columns and concatenate values in each column containing different values.
#' @param x A data frame.
#' @param cols The indices or the names of the columns used as reference.
#' @param sep The separator to use when concatenating values in collapsed rows.
#' @return A data frame, with rows collapsed."
collapseRows=function(x, sep='|', cols=1L) {
if (is.null(x))
chk::chk_is(x, 'data.frame')
if (nrow(x) == 0)
if (is.numeric(cols))
cols <- as.integer(cols)
if ( ! is.integer(cols) && ! all(cols %in% colnames(x)))
error('The data frame does not contain columns "%s".',
paste(cols, collapse=', '))
y <- NULL
# Get duplicated rows
na.row <- apply(is.na(x[, cols, drop=FALSE]), 1, function(v) Reduce("|", v))
dup.row <- ( ! na.row) & duplicated(x[, cols])
# Loop on all rows
i <- 1
while (i <= length(dup.row)) {
# Find end of block
j <- i
while (j < length(dup.row) && dup.row[[j + 1]])
j <- j + 1
# Collapse gathered lines
one.line <- x[i, , drop=FALSE]
if (j > i)
for (col in colnames(x)) {
if (( ! all(is.na(x[i:j, col]))
&& any(is.na(x[i:j, col])))
|| ( ( ! is.na(one.line[[col]]))
&& any(x[i:j, col] != one.line[[col]])))
one.line[[col]] <- paste(x[i:j, col], collapse=sep)
# Append collapsed line to output data frame
y <- rbind(y, one.line)
i <- j + 1
#' @description
#' Extract all values of a field from a list of entries.
#' @param entries A list of BiodbEntry objects.
#' @param field The field for which to extract values.
#' @param sortOutput Set to TRUE to sort the values.
#' @param uniq Set to TRUE to remove duplicates.
#' @return The values of the field as a vector.
entriesToSingleFieldValues=function(entries, field, sortOutput=FALSE,
uniq=TRUE) {
# Get values
fct <- function(e) {
values <- unlist(lapply(entries, fct))
# Remove duplicates
if (uniq)
values <- unique(values)
# Sort
if (sortOutput)
values <- sort(values)
#' @description
#' Extract all values of a field from a list of entries.
#' @param ids A list of entry identifiers.
#' @param db The database ID or connector ID where to find the entries.
#' @param field The field for which to extract values.
#' @param sortOutput Set to TRUE to sort the values.
#' @param uniq Set to TRUE to remove duplicates.
#' @return The values of the field as a vector.
entryIdsToSingleFieldValues=function(ids, db, field, sortOutput=FALSE,
uniq=TRUE) {
# Get connector
conn <- self$getFactory()$getConn(db)
# Get entries
entries <- conn$getEntry(ids)
# Call other method
return(self$entriesToSingleFieldValues(entries, field=field,
sortOutput=sortOutput, uniq=uniq))
#' @description
#' Computes missing fields in entries, for those fields that are
#' comptable.
#' @param entries A list of \\code{BiodbEntry} instances. It may contain NULL
#' elements.
#' @return Nothing.
computeFields=function(entries) {
chk::chk_all(entries, chk::chk_null_or, vld=chk::vld_is, class='BiodbEntry')
# Loop on all entries
for (e in entries)
if ( ! is.null(e))
#' @description
#' Saves a list of entries in JSON format. Each entry will be saved in a
#' separate file.
#' @param entries A list of \\code{BiodbEntry} instances. It may contain NULL
#' elements.
#' @param files A character vector of file paths, the same length as entries
#' list.
#' @param compute If set to \\code{TRUE}, computable fields will be saved too.
#' @return Nothing.
saveEntriesAsJson=function(entries, files, compute=TRUE) {
chk::chk_all(entries, chk::chk_null_or, vld=chk::vld_is, class='BiodbEntry')
chk::chk_length(entries, length(files))
# Save
for (i in seq_along(entries))
if ( ! is.null(entries[[i]])) {
json <- entries[[i]]$getFieldsAsJson(compute=compute)
writeChar(json, files[[i]], eos=NULL)
#' @description
#' Copies all entries of a database into another database. The connector of the
#' destination database must be editable.
#' @param conn.from The connector of the source datababase to copy.
#' @param conn.to The connector of the destination database.
#' @param limit The number of entries of the source database to copy. If set to
#' \\code{NULL}, copy the whole database.
#' @return Nothing.
copyDb=function(conn.from, conn.to, limit=0) {
# Get all entry IDs of "from" database
ids <- conn.from$getEntryIds(max.results=limit)
# Get entries
entries <- conn.from$getEntry(ids)
# Loop on all entries
prg <- Progress$new(biodb=self, msg='Copying entries.',
for (entry in entries) {
# Clone entry
clone <- entry$cloneInstance(conn.to$getDbClass())
# Add new entry
# Progress message
#' @description
#' Prints object information.
#' @return Nothing.
print=function() {
# Print version
v <- as.character(packageVersion('biodb'))
cat("BiodbMain instance, version ", v, ".\n", sep='')
# List loaded connectors
ids <- sort(self$getDbsInfo()$getIds())
cat("Available connectors are: ", paste(ids, collapse=", "), ".\n", sep='')
# List disabled connectors
dbs <- self$getDbsInfo()$getAll()
fct <- function(x) x$getPropertyValue('disabled')
disabled <- vapply(dbs, fct, FUN.VALUE=TRUE)
if (any(disabled)) {
fct <- function(x) x$getPropertyValue('name')
dbnames <- vapply(dbs[disabled], fct, FUN.VALUE='')
cat("The following connectors are disabled: ",
paste(dbnames, collapse=', '), ".\n", sep='')
#' @description
#' DEPRECATED method to test if a field is an atomic field. The new
#' method is \\code{BiodbEntryField :isVector()}."
#' @param field The name of the field.
#' @return TRUE if the field's value is atomic.
fieldIsAtomic=function(field) {
lifecycle::deprecate_warn('1.0.0', 'fieldIsAtomic()',
#' @description
#' DEPRECATED method to get the class of a field. The new method is
#' \code{BiodbMain :getEntryFields()$get(field)$getClass()}.
#' @param field The name of the field.
#' @return The class of the field.
getFieldClass=function(field) {
lifecycle::deprecate_warn('1.0.0', 'getFieldClass()',
listBiodbPkgsToLoad=function(autoloadExtraPkgs=NULL) {
if (is.null(autoloadExtraPkgs))
autoloadExtraPkgs <- self$getConfig()$get('autoload.extra.pkgs')
if (autoloadExtraPkgs) {
pkgs <- installed.packages()[, 'Version']
pkgs <- pkgs[grep('^biodb[A-Z]', names(pkgs))]
pkgs <- pkgs[unique(names(pkgs))] # Having twice the library name may
# happen while building vignettes.
} else
pkgs <- character()
loadBiodbPkgsDefinitions=function(pkgs) {
for (pkg in sort(names(pkgs))) {
logInfo('Loading definitions from package %s version %s.',
pkg, pkgs[[pkg]])
file <- system.file("definitions.yml", package=pkg)
self$loadDefinitions(file, package=pkg)
checkLocale=function() {
# Get locale
locale <- Sys.getlocale()
locale.split <- strsplit(strsplit(Sys.getlocale(), ';')[[1]], '=')
if (length(locale.split) == 1)
LC_CTYPE <- locale.split[[1]][[1]]
else {
keys <- vapply(locale.split, function(x) x[[1]], FUN.VALUE='')
locale.values <- vapply(locale.split, function(x) x[[2]],
names(locale.values) <- keys
LC_CTYPE <- locale.values[['LC_CTYPE']]
# Check LC_CTYPE
if (length(grep('\\.utf-8$', tolower(LC_CTYPE))) == 0) {
if (private$config$isEnabled('force.locale'))
tryCatch(expr={Sys.setlocale(locale='en_US.UTF-8')}, # Force locale
warning=function(w) { NULL })
warn0("LC_CTYPE field of locale is set to ", LC_CTYPE,
". It must be set to a UTF-8 locale like",
entriesToListOfDataframes=function(entries, only.atomic, compute, fields,
flatten, limit, only.card.one, own.id, null.to.na, progress=TRUE) {
df.list <- list()
# Loop on all entries
prg <- Progress$new(biodb=self, msg='Converting entries to data frame.',
for (e in entries) {
e.df <- NULL
# Send progress message
if (progress)
# List of entries
if (is.list(e)) {
# Get the list of data frames for those entries
x <- private$entriesToListOfDataframes(e, only.atomic, compute,
fields, flatten, limit, only.card.one, own.id, null.to.na,
# Reduce these data frames to one data frame with one row.
sep <- self$getConfig()$get('entries.sep')
y <- plyr::rbind.fill(x)
e.df <- y[c(), , drop=FALSE]
for (k in colnames(y))
e.df[1, k] <- paste(y[[k]], collapse=sep)
# Single entry
else if (methods::is(e, "BiodbEntry")) {
e.df <- e$getFieldsAsDataframe(only.atomic=only.atomic,
compute=compute, fields=fields, flatten=flatten, limit=limit,
only.card.one=only.card.one, own.id=own.id)
logTrace("Entry converted to data frame: %s.", df2str(e.df))
df.list <- c(df.list, list(e.df))
# Replace NULL items with a data frame (empty or with NA values)
nulls <- vapply(df.list, is.null, FUN.VALUE=TRUE)
if (any(nulls)) {
if (all(nulls) || ! null.to.na)
x <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
else {
x <- df.list[ ! nulls][[1]]
x[,] <- NA
df.list[nulls] <- rep(list(x), sum(nulls))
logDebug("Converted %d entry/ies to data frame(s).", length(df.list))
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