
Defines functions static_scatterplot plotly_scatterplot adjustLayout drawLines addTextLabels addPoints scatterplot scatterplotOutput scatterplotInput

Documented in addPoints addTextLabels adjustLayout drawLines plotly_scatterplot scatterplot scatterplotInput scatterplotOutput static_scatterplot

#' Input function for the scatterplot module
#' This module uses \href{https://plot.ly/}{Plotly} to create scatter plots
#' (see \code{\link[plotly]{plot_ly}}), of both 2D and 3D varieties.
#' Controls for this module are provided by the \code{scatterplotcontrols}
#' module, which is automatically called if reactives are not supplied to the
#' server function. This setup allows the same set of controls to power
#' multiple scatter plots.
#' @param id Module namespace
#' @return output An HTML tag object that can be rendered as HTML using
#' as.character()
#' @examples
#' scatterplotInput("pca")
scatterplotInput <- function(id) {
  ns <- NS(id)

#' Output function for the scatterplot module
#' This module uses \href{https://plot.ly/}{Plotly} to create scatter plots
#' (see \code{\link[plotly]{plot_ly}}), of both 2D and 3D varieties.
#' Controls for this module are provided by the \code{scatterplotcontrols}
#' module, which is automatically called if reactives are not supplied to the
#' server function. This setup allows the same set of controls to power
#' multiple scatter plots.
#' @param id Module namespace
#' @return output An HTML tag object that can be rendered as HTML using
#' as.character()
#' @examples
#' scatterplotOutput("pca")
scatterplotOutput <- function(id) {
  ns <- NS(id)

  list(plotlyOutput(ns("scatter"), height = "600px"))

#' Server function for the scatterplot module
#' This module uses \href{https://plot.ly/}{Plotly} to create scatter plots
#' (see \code{\link[plotly]{plot_ly}}), of both 2D and 3D varieties.
#' Controls for this module are provided by the \code{scatterplotcontrols}
#' module, which is automatically called if reactives are not supplied to the
#' server function. This setup allows the same set of controls to power
#' multiple scatter plots.
#' @param input Input object
#' @param output Output object
#' @param session Session object
#' @param getDatamatrix Reactive supplying a matrix. If using external controls
#' this should match the one supplied to \code{scatterplotcontrols}
#' @param getThreedee A reactive defining whether to plot in 3D. If set to NULL
#' (default), the \code{scatterplotcontrols} module will be called to create
#' a set of inputs to supply this value and the axes etc.
#' @param getXAxis NULL, or if \code{getThreedee} is a reactive, a reactive
#' supplying an integer specifying which column of the matrix supplied by
#' \code{getDatamatrix} should be used for this axis.
#' @param getYAxis NULL, or if \code{getThreedee} is a reactive, a reactive
#' supplying an integer specifying which column of the matrix supplied by
#' \code{getDatamatrix} should be used for this axis.
#' @param getZAxis NULL, or if \code{getThreedee} is a reactive, a reactive
#' supplying an integer specifying which column of the matrix supplied by
#' \code{getDatamatrix} should be used for this axis.
#' @param getShowLabels NULL, or if \code{getThreedee} is a reactive, a
#' reactive supplying a logical defining whether labels should be shown on
#' points.
#' @param getPointSize NULL, or if \code{getThreedee} is a reactive, a
#' reactive supplying an integer point size to pass to plotly.
#' @param getTitle A reactive expression supplying a title.
#' @param getLabels A reactive supplying a list of labels to use instead of row
#' names from \code{getDatamatrix()}
#' @param colorBy A reactive returning a factor definining the groups in which
#' points should be colored.
#' @param getPalette An optional palette of colors, one for each level of
#' colorBy.
#' @param allow_3d Passed to \code{\link{scatterplotcontrolsInput}} to dermine
#' if the user will be allowed to create 3D plots.
#' @param x Passed to \code{\link{scatterplotcontrolsInput}} to determine how
#' it produces an input field for selecting the x axis. A value supplied for
#' this parameter will cause a hidden field to be generated instead of a
#' select, useful for scatter plots that don't need the user to select axes
#' (default: NA).
#' @param y Passed to \code{\link{scatterplotcontrolsInput}} to determine how
#' it produces an input field for selecting the y axis. A value supplied for
#' this parameter will cause a hidden field to be generated instead of a
#' select, useful for scatter plots that don't need the user to select axes
#' (default: NA).
#' @param z Passed to \code{\link{scatterplotcontrolsInput}} to determine how
#' it produces an input field for selecting the z axis. A value supplied for
#' this parameter will cause a hidden field to be generated instead of a
#' select, useful for scatter plots that don't need the user to select axes
#' (default: NA).
#' @param getLines Reactive returning a data frame defining lines to be drawn.
#' Three columns required: name, x and y, with two rows for every value of
#' name. These two rows represent the start and end of a line.

scatterplot <- function(input, output, session, getDatamatrix, getThreedee = NULL, getXAxis = NULL, getYAxis = NULL, getZAxis = NULL, getShowLabels = NULL,
                        getPointSize = NULL, getPalette = NULL, colorBy = NULL, getTitle = reactive({
                        }), getLabels = reactive({
                        }), allow_3d = TRUE, x = NA, y = NA, z = NA, getLines = reactive({
                        })) {
  # If inputs are not provided, render controls to provide them

  ns <- session$ns

  # If no colors are provided, make our own if necessary. This will cause the 'getPalette' reactive to be passed back from scatterplotcontrols.

  getNumberColors <- reactive({
    make_colors <- is.null(getPalette) && !is.null(colorBy)
    if (make_colors) {
      cb <- colorBy()
    } else {

  # getThreedee used to determine whether the controls were provided.

  if (is.null(getThreedee)) {
    output$controls <- renderUI({
      make_colors <- !is.null(getNumberColors())
      controls <- list(scatterplotcontrolsInput(ns("scatter"), allow_3d = allow_3d, make_colors = make_colors))
    unpack.list(callModule(scatterplotcontrols, "scatter", getDatamatrix, x = x, y = y, z = z, makeColors = getNumberColors))

  # Axis data accessors

  xdata <- reactive({
    getDatamatrix()[, getXAxis()]

  ydata <- reactive({
    getDatamatrix()[, getYAxis()]

  zdata <- reactive({
    if (is.null(getZAxis())) {
    } else {
      getDatamatrix()[, getZAxis()]

  # Slight offset for labels on the y axis

  yLabData <- reactive({
    if (!getThreedee()) {
      label_offset_y <- (max(getDatamatrix()[[getYAxis()]]) - min(getDatamatrix()[[getYAxis()]])) / 40
      ydata() + label_offset_y
    } else {

  # Choose the right plot type

  plotType <- reactive({
    if (getThreedee()) {
    } else {

  # Only show a legend if we're coloring points

  showLegend <- reactive({
    if (is.null(colorBy)) {
    } else {

  # Chain the various steps together.

  output$scatter <- renderPlotly({
    withProgress(message = "Drawing scatter plot", value = 0, {
      if (!is.null(colorBy)) {
        cb = colorBy()
        # If a palette was supplied, or if we made our own...

        if (is.null(getPalette)) {
          palette <- getScatterPalette()
        } else {
          palette <- getPalette()
        cb = NULL

        x = xdata(), y = ydata(), z = zdata(), colorby = cb, plot_type = plotType(), title = getTitle(),
        xlab = colnames(getDatamatrix())[getXAxis()], ylab = colnames(getDatamatrix())[getYAxis()],
        zlab = colnames(getDatamatrix())[geZXAxis()], palette = palette, labels = getLabels(),
        show_labels = getShowLabels(), lines = getLines(), showlegend =showLegend(), 
        point_size = getPointSize()

#' Add points to a plotly object
#' @param p Previously generated plotly object
#' @param x Vector of numeric x values
#' @param y Vector of numeric y values
#' @param z Optional vector of numeric z values
#' @param colorby String vector or factor specifying value groups
#' @param name Name for the series
#' @param label Boolean- should points be colored and labelled?
#' @param plot_type Plot type: 'scatter' or 'scatter3d'
#' @param point_size Main point size
#' @param labels Vector of labels to apply (if 'label' is TRUE)
#' @param showlegend Boolean: show this set of points in the legend?
#' @return output Plotly plot object

addPoints <- function(p, x, y, z = NULL, colorby = NULL, name = NULL, label = FALSE, plot_type = "scatter", point_size = 5, labels = NULL, showlegend = FALSE) {
  plotargs <- list(
    x = x,
    y = y,
    z = z,
    mode = "markers",
    type = plot_type,
    showlegend = showlegend,
    name = name

  if (label) {
    plotargs$hoverinfo <- "text"
    plotargs$marker <- list(size = point_size)
    plotargs$text <- labels
  } else {
    plotargs$hoverinfo <- "none"
    plotargs$marker <- list(size = point_size - 2, color = "gray")

  if (!is.null(colorby)) {
    plotargs$color <- colorby

  do.call(plotly::add_trace, plotargs)

#' Add permanent text labels to points in a plotly graph
#' @param p Previously generated plotly object
#' @param x Vector of numeric x values
#' @param y Vector of numeric y values
#' @param z Optional vector of numeric z values
#' @param colorby String vector or factor specifying value groups
#' @param labels Vector of labels to apply
#' @param show_labels If false, simpy pass through input plot object
#' @param plot_type Plot type: 'scatter' or 'scatter3d'
#' @return output Plotly object

addTextLabels <- function(p, x, y, z, colorby = NULL, labels, plot_type, show_labels = TRUE) {
  if (show_labels) {
    labelargs <- list(
      x = x,
      y = y,
      z = z,
      mode = "text",
      text = labels,
      type = plot_type,
      hoverinfo = "none",
      showlegend = FALSE

    if (!is.null(colorby)) {
      labelargs$color <- colorby

    p <- do.call(add_trace, labelargs)

#' Overlay lines on a plotly-generated plot
#' @param p Previously generated plotly object
#' @param x X coordinates of points, used to determine x range
#' @param y Y coordinates of points, used to determine y range
#' @param lines 3 column data-frame (name, x, y) with two rows, one for the
#'   start and end of each named line
#' @param hline_thresholds Alternatively or in addition to 'lines', just specify
#'   a named list of y values at which to place hlines
#' @param vline_thresholds Alternatively or in addition to 'lines', just specify
#'   a named list of x values at which to place vlines
#' @return output Plotly object

drawLines <- function(p, x, y, lines = NULL, hline_thresholds = list(), vline_thresholds = list()) {
  line_coords <- list()
  if (!is.null(lines)) {
    line_coords[["specified"]] <- lines

  if (length(hline_thresholds) > 0) {
    line_coords$h <- do.call(rbind, lapply(names(hline_thresholds), function(hl) {
      data.frame(x = c(min(x[is.finite(x)]), max(x[is.finite(x)])), y = c(rep(hline_thresholds[[hl]], 2)), name = hl)
  if (length(vline_thresholds) > 0) {
    line_coords$v <- do.call(rbind, lapply(names(vline_thresholds), function(vl) {
      data.frame(x = rep(vline_thresholds[[vl]], 2), y = c(min(y[is.finite(y)]), max(y[is.finite(y)])), name = vl)

  if (length(line_coords) > 0) {
    lines <- group_by(do.call(rbind, line_coords), name)

    p <- add_lines(p, data = lines, x = ~x, y = ~y, linetype = ~name, line = list(color = "black"))

#' Apply layout adjustments to plotly object
#' @param p Previously generated plotly object
#' @param title Plot title
#' @param legend_title Legend title
#' @param xlab X axis label
#' @param ylab Y axis label
#' @param zlab Z axis label
#' @param plot_type Plot type: 'scatter' or 'scatter3d'
#' @return output Plotly object

adjustLayout <- function(p, title = "", legend_title = "", xlab = "x", ylab = "y", zlab = "z", plot_type = "scatter") {
  axis_layouts <- list(
    xaxis = list(title = xlab), yaxis = list(title = ylab),
    legend = list(title = list(text = legend_title), y = 0.8)

  layout_args <- c(list(p, hovermode = "closest", title = title), axis_layouts)

  if (plot_type == "scatter3d") {
    axis_layouts$zaxis <- list(title = ylab)
    layout_args$scene <- axis_layouts

  p <- do.call(plotly::layout, layout_args)

#' Make scatterplots with \code{plot_ly()}
#' @param x X coordinates
#' @param y Y coordinates
#' @param z Optional Z coordinates
#' @param colorby String vector or factor specifying value groups
#' @param plot_type Plot type: 'scatter' or 'scatter3d'
#' @param title Plot title
#' @param legend_title Legend title
#' @param xlab X label
#' @param ylab Y label
#' @param zlab Z label
#' @param palette Color palette correct for the number of groups in 'colorby'
#' @param point_size Main point size
#' @param labels Point labels
#' @param show_labels Permanently show labels for labelled points (default is just on hoverover)
#' @param lines 3 column data-frame (name, x, y) with two rows, one for the
#'   start and end of each named line
#' @param hline_thresholds Named list of horizontal lines with y coordinates
#' @param vline_thresholds Named list of vertical lines x coordinates
#' @param showlegend Boolean: show a legend?
#' @param palette_name Valid R color palette name
#' @return output Plotly plot object
#' @export

plotly_scatterplot <- function(x, y, z = NULL, colorby = NULL, plot_type = "scatter", title = "", legend_title = "",
                               xlab = "x", ylab = "y", zlab = "z", palette = NULL, point_size = 5, labels = NULL,
                               show_labels = FALSE, lines = NULL, hline_thresholds = NULL, vline_thresholds = NULL, 
                               showlegend = TRUE, palette_name = 'Set1') {
  # We'll only label and color points with non-NA labels

  if (is.null(labels)) {
    labelled <- rep(FALSE, length(x))
  } else {
    labelled <- !is.na(labels)

  if ((!is.null(colorby)) && !is.factor(colorby)) {
    colorby <- factor(colorby)

  if (is.null(palette)){
    if (any(labelled) && !is.null(colorby)) {
      palette <- makeColorScale(length(unique(colorby[labelled])), palette = palette_name)
      palette <- makeColorScale(1)

  plotargs <- list(
    type = plot_type,
    mode = "markers",
    colors = palette

  # Nudge to be used with text labels
  nudge_y <- (max(y) - min(y)) / 50

  do.call(plot_ly, plotargs) %>%
      x = x[!labelled],
      y = y[!labelled],
      z = z[!labelled],
      name = "unselected rows",
      label = FALSE,
      plot_type = plot_type,
      point_size = point_size,
      colorby = NULL,
      showlegend = showlegend
    ) %>%
      x = x[labelled],
      y = y[labelled],
      z = z[labelled],
      label = TRUE,
      plot_type = plot_type,
      point_size = point_size,
      labels = labels[labelled],
      colorby = colorby[labelled],
      showlegend = showlegend
    ) %>%
      x = x,
      y = y,
      lines = lines,
      hline_thresholds = hline_thresholds,
      vline_thresholds = vline_thresholds
    ) %>%
      x = x[labelled],
      y = y[labelled] + nudge_y,
      z = z[labelled],
      plot_type = plot_type,
      labels = labels[labelled],
      colorby = colorby[labelled],
      show_labels = show_labels
    ) %>%
      title = title,
      legend_title = legend_title,
      xlab = xlab,
      ylab = ylab,
      zlab = zlab
    ) %>%
    config(showLink = TRUE)

#' Make scatterplots with \code{ggplot()} or \code{scatterplot3d}
#' These are not used in the shinyngs UI, but are provided here to be fairly
#' consistent with the plotly-driven display, and provide a static alternative
#' for external users.
#' @param x X coordinates
#' @param y Y coordinates
#' @param z Optional Z coordinates
#' @param colorby String vector or factor specifying value groups
#' @param plot_type Plot type: 'scatter' (ggplot) or 'scatter3d' (scatterplot3d)
#' @param title Plot title
#' @param legend_title Legend title
#' @param xlab X label
#' @param ylab Y label
#' @param zlab Z label
#' @param palette Color palette correct for the number of groups in 'colorby'
#' @param point_size Main point size
#' @param labels Point labels
#' @param show_labels Permanently show labels for labelled points
#' @param hline_thresholds Named list of horizontal lines with y coordinates
#' @param vline_thresholds Named list of vertical lines x coordinates
#' @param showlegend Boolean: show a legend?
#' @param palette_name Valid R color palette name
#' @import scatterplot3d
#' @export
#' @return output Ouput object from ggplot or scatterplot3d.

static_scatterplot <- function(x, y, z = NULL, colorby = NULL, plot_type = "scatter", title = "", legend_title = NULL,
                               xlab = "x", ylab = "y", zlab = "z", palette = NULL, point_size = 1, labels = colorby,
                               show_labels = FALSE, hline_thresholds = NULL, vline_thresholds = NULL, showlegend = TRUE,
                               palette_name = 'Set1') {
  labelled <- !is.na(labels)

  if ((!is.null(colorby)) && !is.factor(colorby)) {
    colorby <- factor(colorby)
  if (is.null(palette)){
    if (any(labelled) && !is.null(colorby)) {
      palette <- makeColorScale(length(unique(colorby[labelled])), palette = palette_name)
      palette <- makeColorScale(1)
  if (plot_type == "scatter") {
    plotdata <- data.frame(
      x = x,
      y = y,
      colorby = colorby

    if (!is.null(labels)) {
      plotdata$label <- labels

    p <- ggplot(
        x = x,
        y = y,
        color = colorby,
        label = label
    ) +
      geom_point(size = point_size) +
      scale_color_manual(name = legend_title, values = palette)

    if (show_labels) {
      p <- p + geom_text(
        data = subset(plotdata, !is.na(labels)),
        hjust = "inward",
        show.legend = FALSE,
        nudge_y = (max(y) - min(y)) / 50

    if (!is.null(hline_thresholds)) {
      p <- p +
          data = data.frame(
            type = names(hline_thresholds),
            yintercept = unlist(hline_thresholds)
            yintercept = yintercept,
            linetype = type

    if (!is.null(vline_thresholds)) {
      p <- p +
          data = data.frame(
            type = names(vline_thresholds),
            xintercept = unlist(vline_thresholds)
            xintercept = xintercept,
            linetype = type

    if ((!is.null(vline_thresholds)) || !is.null(hline_thresholds)) {
      p <- p + guides(linetype = guide_legend(title = "Lines"))

    p + theme_bw(base_size = 16) +
      xlab(xlab) +
  } else if (plot_type == "scatter3d") {
    colorby_idx <- as.numeric(colorby)

    s3d <- scatterplot3d(
      x = x,
      y = y,
      z = z,
      xlab = xlab,
      ylab = ylab,
      zlab = zlab,
      pch = 16,
      color = unlist(lapply(colorby_idx, function(c) palette[c]))
    if (showlegend) {
      legend("topright", s3d$xyz.convert(18, 0, 12),
        pch = 16, yjust = 0, col = palette[unique(colorby_idx)],
        legend = c(unique(colorby)), cex = 1.1, title = legend_title
    if (show_labels) {
      s3d.coords <- s3d$xyz.convert(x, y, z)
        labels = labels,
        pos = 4
pinin4fjords/shinyngs documentation built on Jan. 18, 2025, 7:09 p.m.