
Defines functions `annotGraph<-` `rowGraph<-` `colGraph<-` .sg_r annotGraph rowGraph colGraph .dgr_key `annotGraphNames<-` `rowGraphNames<-` `colGraphNames<-` annotGraphNames rowGraphNames colGraphNames `annotGraphs<-` `rowGraphs<-` `colGraphs<-` .set_graphs .initialize_spatialGraphs .fill_missing annotGraphs rowGraphs colGraphs .get_graphs .margin_name

Documented in annotGraph annotGraphNames annotGraphs colGraph colGraphNames colGraphs rowGraph rowGraphNames rowGraphs

# Spatial graphs Another item in int_metadata. Since I used spdep a lot, I'll
# use spdep's nb and listw. Burning question: Shall I store the nb or listw? The
# listw actually contains nb, and normally the W style is used (I haven't used
# any other style). So I think I'll store listw. Also, what to do with
# singletons? And the graph will be reconstructed when the SFE object is
# subsetted. Then I need to store sufficient info about how the graph was
# constructed. I think, to do so, I need to write wrappers of all the spatial
# graph functions in spdep to easily store the construction info, which would be
# unavailable if the user calls those functions separately. I'll issue a warning
# if such info is unavailable because the wrappers were not used.

#' Spatial graph methods
#' Spatial neighborhood graphs as \code{spdep}'s \code{listw} objects are stored
#' in the \code{int_metadata} of the SFE object. The \code{listw} class is used
#' because \code{spdep} has many useful methods that rely on the neighborhood
#' graph as \code{listw}.
#' @param x A \code{SpatialFeatureExperiment} object.
#' @param value A \code{listw} object (\code{*Graph}), or a named list of list
#'   of \code{listw} objects (\code{*Graphs}) where the names of the top level
#'   list are \code{sample_id}s when adding graphs for all samples in the margin
#'   of interest, or a list of \code{listw} objects when adding graphs for one
#'   sample in one margin.
#' @param type An integer specifying the index or string specifying the name of
#'   the *Graph to query or replace. If missing, then the first item in the
#'   *Graph will be returned or replaced.
#' @param name Name of the graphs to add to each sample_id; used in the
#'   \code{spatialGraphs} replacement method as it must be character while
#'   \code{type} can be either an integer index or a name.
#' @param MARGIN As in \code{\link{apply}}. 1 stands for rows and 2 stands for
#'   columns. In addition, 3 stands for spatial neighborhood graphs that
#'   correspond to \code{annotGeometries}.
#' @param sample_id Name of the sample the graph is associated with. This is
#'   useful when multiple pieces of tissues are in the same SFE object (say for
#'   a joint dimension reduction and clustering) and the spatial neighborhood is
#'   only meaningful within the same piece of tissue. See the \code{sample_id}
#'   argument in \code{\link{SpatialExperiment}}.
#' @name spatialGraphs
#' @concept Getters and setters
#' @return Getters for multiple graphs return a named list. Getters for
#'   names return a character vector of the names. Getters for single graphs
#'   return a \code{listw} object. Setters return an SFE object.
#' @aliases rowGraphs rowGraphs<- spatialGraph spatialGraph<- spatialGraphNames
#'   colGraphs colGraphs<- spatialGraphNames<- spatialGraphs<- annotGraphs
#'   annotGraphs<-
#' @importFrom methods as validObject show
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @docType methods
#' @examples
#' library(SFEData)
#' sfe <- McKellarMuscleData(dataset = "small")
#' g1 <- findVisiumGraph(sfe)
#' g2 <- findSpatialNeighbors(sfe)
#' # Set all graphs of a margin by a named list
#' spatialGraphs(sfe, MARGIN = 2L, sample_id = "Vis5A") <-
#'     list(tri2nb = g2, visium = g1)
#' # Or equivalently
#' colGraphs(sfe, sample_id = "Vis5A") <- list(tri2nb = g2, visium = g1)
#' # Get all graphs of a margin, returning a named list
#' gs <- spatialGraphs(sfe, MARGIN = 2L)
#' # Or equivalently
#' gs <- colGraphs(sfe)
#' # Set graph of the same name and same margin for multiple samples
#' # Each sample has a separate graph
#' sfe2 <- McKellarMuscleData("small2")
#' sfe_combined <- cbind(sfe, sfe2)
#' colGraphs(sfe_combined, name = "visium", sample_id = "all") <-
#'     findVisiumGraph(sfe_combined, sample_id = "all")
#' # Get graph names
#' spatialGraphNames(sfe, MARGIN = 2L, sample_id = "Vis5A")
#' # Or equivalently (sample_id optional as only one sample is present)
#' colGraphNames(sfe)
#' # Set graph names
#' spatialGraphNames(sfe, MARGIN = 2L) <- c("foo", "bar")
#' colGraphNames(sfe) <- c("tri2nb", "visium")
#' # MARGIN = 1 means rowGraphs; MARGIN = 3 means annotation graphs (annotGraphs)
#' # for both getters and setters
#' # Set single graph by
#' # Spatial graph for myofibers
#' g_myofiber <- findSpatialNeighbors(sfe,
#'     type = "myofiber_simplified",
#'     MARGIN = 3L
#' )
#' spatialGraph(sfe, type = "myofiber", MARGIN = 3L) <- g_myofiber
#' # Or equivalently
#' annotGraph(sfe, "myofiber") <- g_myofiber
#' # Get a specific graph by name
#' g <- spatialGraph(sfe, "myofiber", MARGIN = 3L)
#' g2 <- spatialGraph(sfe, "visium", MARGIN = 2L)
#' # Or equivalently
#' g <- annotGraph(sfe, "myofiber")
#' g2 <- colGraph(sfe, "visium")

.margin_name <- function(MARGIN) {

.get_graphs <- function(x, type = c("all", "sample_all", "margin_all", "one"),
                        which = NA) {
    gss <- int_metadata(x)$spatialGraphs
    if (is.null(gss)) {
    gss <- gss[c("row", "col", "annot"), , drop = FALSE]
        all = as.list(gss),
        sample_all = as.list(gss[, which]),
        # Get rid of the layer of list indicating margin
        margin_all = lapply(as.list(gss[which, ]), function(o) o[[1]]),
        one = {
            out <- gss[which[[1]], which[[2]]]
            if (length(which[[2]]) > 1L) {
                # Multiple samples
                lapply(as.list(out), function(o) o[[1]])
            } else {

# For lists of listw objects--------
#' @rdname spatialGraphs
#' @export
setMethod("spatialGraphs", "SpatialFeatureExperiment",
          function(x, MARGIN = NULL, sample_id = "all", name = "all") {
              if (is.null(MARGIN)) {
                  if (name != "all")
                      stop("Cannot get graphs of the same name across different margins")
                  if (identical(sample_id, "all")) {
                      return(.get_graphs(x, "all"))
                  } else {
                      sample_id <- .check_sample_id(x, sample_id, one = FALSE)
                      return(.get_graphs(x, "sample_all", sample_id))
              } else {
                  if (!is.numeric(MARGIN) && (MARGIN %in% c(1L, 2L, 3L))) {
                      stop("MARGIN must be an integer, 1L, 2L, or 3L")
                  if (name == "all" && identical(sample_id, "all"))
                      return(.get_graphs(x, "margin_all", MARGIN))
                  sample_id <- .check_sample_id(x, sample_id, one = FALSE)
                  if (name == "all") {
                      return(.get_graphs(x, "one", list(MARGIN, sample_id)))
                  } else {
                      out <- .get_graphs(x, "one", list(MARGIN, sample_id))
                      # Get rid of the layer of list indicating name as it's known
                      if (length(sample_id) > 1L) {
                          out <- lapply(out, function(o) o[[name]])
                          out <- out[vapply(out,
                                            function(o) {
                                            FUN.VALUE = logical(1)
                      } else {
                          out <- setNames(list(out[[name]]), sample_id)

#' @rdname spatialGraphs
#' @export
colGraphs <- function(x, sample_id = "all", name = "all")
    spatialGraphs(x, 2L, sample_id, name)

#' @rdname spatialGraphs
#' @export
rowGraphs <- function(x, sample_id = "all", name = "all")
    spatialGraphs(x, 1L, sample_id, name)

#' @rdname spatialGraphs
#' @export
annotGraphs <- function(x, sample_id = "all", name = "all")
    spatialGraphs(x, 3L, sample_id, name)

.fill_missing <- function(l, names_use) {
    to_add <- setdiff(names_use, names(l))
    l2 <- vector("list", length = length(to_add))
    names(l2) <- to_add
    l <- c(l, l2)
    l <- l[names_use]

.initialize_spatialGraphs <- function(x) {
    empty_col <- list(row = NULL, col = NULL, annot = NULL)
    samples <- sampleIDs(x)
    args_init <- list(
        sample1 = I(empty_col),
        row.names = c("row", "col", "annot")
    # Deal with 0 cols, where samples has length 0
    if (length(samples)) {
        names(args_init)[1] <- samples[1]
        df <- do.call(DataFrame, c(args_init, list(check.names = FALSE)))
        if (length(samples) > 1) {
            for (i in 2:length(samples)) {
                df[[samples[i]]] <- empty_col
    } else {
        df <- make_zero_col_DFrame(3)
        rownames(df) <- c("row", "col", "annot")
.set_graphs <- function(x, type = c("all", "sample_all", "margin_all", "one"),
                        which = NA, value) {
    if (is.null(int_metadata(x)$spatialGraphs)) {
        df <- .initialize_spatialGraphs(x)
    } else {
        df <- int_metadata(x)$spatialGraphs[c("row", "col", "annot"), , drop = FALSE]
    if (type == "all") {
        if (is.null(value)) {
            df <- .initialize_spatialGraphs(x)
        } else if (!inherits(value, "DataFrame")) {
            value <- lapply(value, .fill_missing,
                names_use = c("row", "col", "annot")
            df <- DataFrame(lapply(value, I), row.names = c("row", "col", "annot"), check.names = FALSE)
        } else {
            df <- value[c("row", "col", "annot"), , drop = FALSE]
    } else if (type == "sample_all") {
        value <- .fill_missing(value, names_use = c("row", "col", "annot"))
        df[[which]] <- value[c("row", "col", "annot")]
    } else if (type == "margin_all") {
        df <- df[-which, , drop = FALSE]
        # which should be a number. rows have been reordered
        value <- .fill_missing(value, sampleIDs(x))
        value <- lapply(value, function(v) I(list(v)))
        new_row <- as(value, "DataFrame")
        rownames(new_row) <- .margin_name(which)
        new_row <- new_row[, names(df), drop = FALSE]
        df <- rbind(df, new_row)
        df <- df[c("row", "col", "annot"), , drop = FALSE]
    } else {
        df[which[[1]], which[[2]]] <- I(list(value))
    int_metadata(x)$spatialGraphs <- df
    if (!isTRUE(S4Vectors:::disableValidity())) {
        m <- .check_graphs(x)
        if (length(m)) stop(m)

#' @rdname spatialGraphs
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("spatialGraphs", "SpatialFeatureExperiment",
                 function(x, MARGIN = NULL, sample_id = "all", name = "all",
                          value) {
                     if (is.null(MARGIN)) {
                         if (name != "all")
                             stop("Cannot set graphs of the same name across different margins")
                         if (identical(sample_id, "all")) {
                             return(.set_graphs(x, "all", value = value))
                         } else {
                             sample_id <- .check_sample_id(x, sample_id, one = FALSE)
                             return(.set_graphs(x, "sample_all",
                                                which = sample_id,
                                                value = value
                     } else {
                         if (!is.numeric(MARGIN) && (MARGIN %in% c(1L, 2L, 3L))) {
                             stop("MARGIN must be an integer, 1L, 2L, or 3L")
                         if (name == "all" && identical(sample_id, "all"))
                             return(.set_graphs(x, "margin_all", which = MARGIN, value = value))
                         sample_id <- .check_sample_id(x, sample_id, one = FALSE)
                         if (name == "all") {
                             return(.set_graphs(x, "one",
                                                which = list(MARGIN, sample_id),
                                                value = value
                         } else {
                             sample_id <- .check_sample_id(x, sample_id, one = FALSE)
                             for (s in sample_id) {
                                              type = name, MARGIN = MARGIN,
                                              sample_id = s
                                 ) <- value[[s]]

#' @rdname spatialGraphs
#' @export
`colGraphs<-` <- function(x, sample_id = "all", name = "all", value) {
    spatialGraphs(x, 2L, sample_id, name) <- value

#' @rdname spatialGraphs
#' @export
`rowGraphs<-` <- function(x, sample_id = "all", name = "all", value) {
    spatialGraphs(x, 1L, sample_id, name) <- value

#' @rdname spatialGraphs
#' @export
`annotGraphs<-` <- function(x, sample_id = "all", name = "all", value) {
    spatialGraphs(x, 3L, sample_id, name) <- value

#' @rdname spatialGraphs
#' @export
    "spatialGraphNames", c("SpatialFeatureExperiment", "numeric", "ANY"),
    function(x, MARGIN, sample_id) {
        sample_id <- .check_sample_id(x, sample_id)
        names(spatialGraphs(x, MARGIN, sample_id))

#' @rdname spatialGraphs
#' @export
    "spatialGraphNames", c(
        "numeric", "ANY", "character"
    function(x, MARGIN, sample_id = 1L, value) {
        sample_id <- .check_sample_id(x, sample_id)
        names(spatialGraphs(x, MARGIN, sample_id)) <- value

#' @rdname spatialGraphs
#' @export
colGraphNames <- function(x, sample_id = 1L) {
    spatialGraphNames(x, 2L, sample_id)

#' @rdname spatialGraphs
#' @export
rowGraphNames <- function(x, sample_id = 1L) {
    spatialGraphNames(x, 1L, sample_id)

#' @rdname spatialGraphs
#' @export
annotGraphNames <- function(x, sample_id = 1L) {
    spatialGraphNames(x, 3L, sample_id)

#' @rdname spatialGraphs
#' @export
`colGraphNames<-` <- function(x, sample_id = 1L, value) {
    `spatialGraphNames<-`(x, 2L, sample_id, value)

#' @rdname spatialGraphs
#' @export
`rowGraphNames<-` <- function(x, sample_id = 1L, value) {
    `spatialGraphNames<-`(x, 1L, sample_id, value)

#' @rdname spatialGraphs
#' @export
`annotGraphNames<-` <- function(x, sample_id = 1L, value) {
    `spatialGraphNames<-`(x, 3L, sample_id, value)

.dgr_key <- function(MARGIN) {
    switch(MARGIN, "rowGraph", "colGraph", "annotGraph")

# For single listws, not in a list-------
#' @rdname spatialGraphs
#' @export
    "spatialGraph", "SpatialFeatureExperiment",
    function(x, type = 1L, MARGIN, sample_id = 1L) {
        sample_id <- .check_sample_id(x, sample_id)
        out <- spatialGraphs(x, MARGIN, sample_id)[[type]]
        if (is.null(out))
            stop(.dgr_key(MARGIN), " '", type, "' is absent.")

#' @rdname spatialGraphs
#' @export
colGraph <- function(x, type = 1L, sample_id = 1L) {
    spatialGraph(x, type, 2L, sample_id)

#' @rdname spatialGraphs
#' @export
rowGraph <- function(x, type = 1L, sample_id = 1L) {
    spatialGraph(x, type, 1L, sample_id)

#' @rdname spatialGraphs
#' @export
annotGraph <- function(x, type = 1L, sample_id = 1L) {
    spatialGraph(x, type, 3L, sample_id)

.sg_r <- function(x, type = 1L, MARGIN, sample_id = NULL, value) {
    sample_id <- .check_sample_id(x, sample_id)
    if (!is.null(value)) {
        if (!inherits(value, "listw")) {
            stop("value must be of class listw.")
        } else if (MARGIN == 1L && length(value$neighbours) != nrow(x)) {
                "The neighbours field of `value` must be the same as nrows of the",
                " gene count matrix."
        } else if (MARGIN == 2L) {
            right_length <- sum(colData(x)$sample_id %in% sample_id)
            if (length(value$neighbours) != right_length) {
                    "The neighbours field of `value` must be the same as number of",
                    " samples in this sample_id."
    if (is.null(int_metadata(x)$spatialGraphs)) {
        df <- .initialize_spatialGraphs(x)
        int_metadata(x)$spatialGraphs <- df
    existing <- int_metadata(x)$spatialGraphs[
    if (is.character(type)) {
        if (type %in% names(existing) || is.null(value)) {
            existing <- existing[names(existing) != type]
    } else if (is.numeric(type)) {
        existing <- existing[-type]
    if (!is.null(value)) {
        if (is.character(type))
            value <- setNames(list(value), type)
        else value <- list(value)
        replacement <- c(existing, value)
    } else {
        replacement <- existing
    int_metadata(x)$spatialGraphs[.margin_name(MARGIN), sample_id] <-

#' @rdname spatialGraphs
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("spatialGraph", "SpatialFeatureExperiment", .sg_r)

#' @rdname spatialGraphs
#' @export
`colGraph<-` <- function(x, type = 1L, sample_id = 1L, value) {
    `spatialGraph<-`(x, type, 2L, sample_id, value)

#' @rdname spatialGraphs
#' @export
`rowGraph<-` <- function(x, type = 1L, sample_id = 1L, value) {
    `spatialGraph<-`(x, type, 1L, sample_id, value)

#' @rdname spatialGraphs
#' @export
`annotGraph<-` <- function(x, type = 1L, sample_id = 1L, value) {
    `spatialGraph<-`(x, type, 3L, sample_id, value)
pachterlab/SpatialFeatureExperiment documentation built on Jan. 29, 2025, 10:32 p.m.