#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb
.spe_to_sfe <- function(spe, colGeometries, rowGeometries, annotGeometries,
spatialCoordsNames, annotGeometryType, spatialGraphs,
spotDiameter, unit, endCapStyle = "ROUND",
add_centroids = FALSE) {
if (is.null(colGeometries)) {
cg_name <- if (is.na(spotDiameter)) "centroids" else "spotPoly"
colGeometries <- list(foo = .sc2cg(spatialCoords(spe), spotDiameter,
endCapStyle = endCapStyle))
names(colGeometries) <- cg_name
if (add_centroids && cg_name != "centroids") {
colGeometries$centroids <- .sc2cg(spatialCoords(spe))
if (!is.null(rowGeometries)) {
rowGeometries <- .df2sf_list(rowGeometries, spatialCoordsNames,
spotDiameter = NA, geometryType = "MULTIPOINT"
if (!is.null(annotGeometries)) {
annotGeometries <- .df2sf_list(annotGeometries, spatialCoordsNames,
spotDiameter = NA,
geometryType = annotGeometryType
if (nrow(imgData(spe))) {
# Convert to SpatRaster
img_data <- imgData(spe)$data
new_imgs <- lapply(seq_along(img_data), function(i) {
img <- img_data[[i]]
is_sfe_img <- class(img)[1] %in% c("SpatRasterImage", "ExtImage", "BioFormatsImage")
if (is_sfe_img) {
im_new <- img
} else if (inherits(img, "LoadedSpatialImage")) {
im <- imgRaster(img)
rgb_v <- col2rgb(im)
nrow <- dim(im)[2]
ncol <- dim(im)[1]
r <- t(matrix(rgb_v["red",], nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol))
g <- t(matrix(rgb_v["green",], nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol))
b <- t(matrix(rgb_v["blue",], nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol))
arr <- simplify2array(list(r, g, b))
im_new <- rast(arr)
terra::RGB(im_new) <- seq_len(3)
} else if (inherits(img, "RemoteSpatialImage") || inherits(img, "StoredSpatialImage")) {
suppressWarnings(im_new <- rast(imgSource(img)))
if (packageVersion('terra') == as.package_version("1.7.83") ||
packageVersion('terra') >= as.package_version("1.8.10"))
im_new <- terra::flip(im_new)
} else {
warning("Don't know how to convert image ", i, " to SpatRaster, ",
"dropping image.")
im_new <- NULL
# Use scale factor for extent
if (!is.null(im_new) && !is_sfe_img) {
ext(im_new) <- as.vector(ext(im_new))/imgData(spe)$scaleFactor[i]
im_new <- new("SpatRasterImage", im_new)
inds <- !vapply(new_imgs, is.null, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
new_imgs <- new_imgs[inds]
imgData(spe) <- imgData(spe)[inds,]
if (length(new_imgs)) imgData(spe)$data <- new_imgs
sfe <- new("SpatialFeatureExperiment", spe)
colGeometries(sfe, withDimnames = FALSE) <- colGeometries
rowGeometries(sfe, withDimnames = FALSE) <- rowGeometries
annotGeometries(sfe) <- annotGeometries
spatialGraphs(sfe) <- spatialGraphs
int_metadata(sfe)$unit <- unit
int_metadata(sfe)$SFE_version <- packageVersion("SpatialFeatureExperiment")
#' SpatialFeatureExperiment coercion methods
#' The \code{SpatialFeatureExperiment} class inherits from
#' \code{SpatialExperiment}, which in turn inherits from
#' \code{SingleCellExperiment}. A \code{SpatialExperiment} object with
#' geometries in \code{colGeometries} in the \code{int_colData},
#' \code{rowGeometries} in the \code{int_elementMetadata}, or
#' \code{annotGeometries} in the \code{int_metadata} can be directly converted
#' to \code{SpatialFeatureExperiment} with \code{as(spe,
#' "SpatialFeatureExperiment")}. A \code{SpatialExperiment} object without the
#' geometries can also be converted; the coordinates in the \code{spatialCoords}
#' field will be used to make POINT geometries named "centroids" to add to
#' \code{colGeometries}. The geometries can also be supplied separately when
#' using \code{toSpatialFeatureExperiment}. Images are converted to \code{SpatRaster}.
#' @inheritParams SpatialFeatureExperiment
#' @inheritParams SpatialExperiment::toSpatialExperiment
#' @inheritParams readVizgen
#' @param x A \code{SpatialExperiment} or \code{Seurat} object to be coerced to a
#' \code{SpatialFeatureExperiment} object.
#' @param image_scalefactors # A \code{character}, choose between "lowres" or "hires".
#' Only for 10X Visium, image scaling factors are from `scalefactors_json.json` file.
#' @param unit # Default unit is \code{"micron"}. However for Visium one can choose
#' between \code{"micron"} or \code{"full_res_image_pixel"}.
#' @param BPPARAM Deprecated when coercing from \code{SpatialExperiment},
#' but is used when coercing from \code{Seurat} object.
#' @return A \code{SpatialFeatureExperiment} object
#' @importFrom S4Vectors make_zero_col_DFrame
#' @importFrom SpatialExperiment spatialCoords toSpatialExperiment
#' @importFrom methods slot<-
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment altExp<- reducedDim<-
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay<-
#' @name SpatialFeatureExperiment-coercion
#' @aliases toSpatialFeatureExperiment
#' @concept SpatialFeatureExperiment class
#' @examples
#' library(SpatialExperiment)
#' example(read10xVisium)
#' # There can't be duplicate barcodes
#' colnames(spe) <- make.unique(colnames(spe), sep = "-")
#' rownames(spatialCoords(spe)) <- colnames(spe)
#' sfe <- toSpatialFeatureExperiment(spe)
#' # For coercing Seurat to SFE see this -> ./vignettes/seurat_sfe_coerce.Rmd
.sc2cg <- function(coords_use, spotDiameter = NA, ...) {
if (is.null(colnames(coords_use)))
colnames(coords_use) <- paste0("V", seq_len(ncol(coords_use)))
cg_sfc <- df2sf(coords_use, spatialCoordsNames = colnames(coords_use),
spotDiameter = spotDiameter,
geometryType = "POINT",
... # this arg goes to `sf::st_buffer`, see `df2sf`
rownames(cg_sfc) <- rownames(coords_use)
from = "SpatialExperiment", to = "SpatialFeatureExperiment",
function(from) {
cg <- int_colData(from)[["colGeometries"]]
if (is.null(cg)) {
coords_use <- spatialCoords(from)
if (is.null(rownames(coords_use))) {
rownames(coords_use) <- colnames(from)
cg <- .sc2cg(coords_use) # add `endCapStyle = "SQUARE"` when VisiumHD?
int_colData(from)[["colGeometries"]] <-
int_colData(from)$colGeometries$centroids <- cg
.spe_to_sfe(from, int_colData(from)[["colGeometries"]],
spatialCoordsNames(from), "POLYGON",
spotDiameter = NA,
setAs(from = "SingleCellExperiment", to = "SpatialFeatureExperiment",
function(from) {
spe <- as(from, "SpatialExperiment")
as(spe, "SpatialFeatureExperiment")
#' @rdname SpatialFeatureExperiment-coercion
#' @export
"toSpatialFeatureExperiment", "SpatialExperiment",
function(x, colGeometries = NULL, rowGeometries = NULL,
annotGeometries = NULL, spatialCoordsNames = c("x", "y"),
annotGeometryType = "POLYGON",
spatialGraphs = NULL, spotDiameter = NA, unit = NULL) {
if (is.null(colGeometries)) {
colGeometries <- int_colData(x)$colGeometries
if (is.null(rowGeometries)) {
rowGeometries <- int_elementMetadata(x)$rowGeometries
if (is.null(annotGeometries)) {
annotGeometries <- int_metadata(x)$annotGeometries
if (is.null(spatialGraphs)) {
spatialGraphs <- int_metadata(x)$spatialGraphs
x, colGeometries, rowGeometries, annotGeometries,
spatialCoordsNames, annotGeometryType,
spatialGraphs, spotDiameter, unit
#' @rdname SpatialFeatureExperiment-coercion
#' @export
setMethod("toSpatialFeatureExperiment", "SingleCellExperiment",
function(x, sample_id="sample01",
spatialCoordsNames = c("x", "y"),
colGeometries = NULL, rowGeometries = NULL,
annotGeometries = NULL,
annotGeometryType = "POLYGON",
spatialGraphs = NULL, spotDiameter = NA,
unit = NULL) {
spe <- toSpatialExperiment(x, sample_id=sample_id,
toSpatialFeatureExperiment(spe, colGeometries = colGeometries,
rowGeometries = rowGeometries,
annotGeometries = annotGeometries,
spatialCoordsNames = spatialCoordsNames,
annotGeometryType = annotGeometryType,
spatialGraphs = spatialGraphs,
spotDiameter = spotDiameter,
unit = unit)
#..to get slot or layer names of a selected Assay
.GetSlotNames <- function(object_seu, assay_seu, fov_number) {
slot_n <-
Seurat::GetAssay(object_seu, assay_seu)
if (inherits(slot_n, "Assay")) {
# Seurat v4 based object
slot_n <- slotNames(x = slot_n)[1:2]
} else if (inherits(slot_n, "Assay5")) {
# Seurat v5 based object
slot_n <- slot(slot_n, name = slotNames(x = slot_n)[1]) |> names()
# sanity, check slot names, for cases like:
#c("counts.1", "counts.2", "data.1", "data.2")
ok_slots <- any(slot_n %in% c("counts", "data"))
if (!ok_slots) {
if (length(slot_n) > 2) {
slot_n <-
grep(as.character(fov_number), slot_n, value = TRUE)
} else if (length(slot_n) == 2) {
slot_n <- slot_n[fov_number]
return(list(slot_n = slot_n,
slots_ok = ok_slots))
# internal metadata getter for Seurat and SFE objects
.getMeta <- function(object = NULL) {
if (inherits(object, "Seurat")) {
return(slot(object, "meta.data"))
} else {
return(colData(object) |>
# Converter function from Seurat (v4 & v5) object to SpatialFeatureExperiment
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assays assayNames
#' @importFrom methods slot slotNames
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment SingleCellExperiment mainExpName altExp altExpNames reducedDim
.seu_to_sfe <-
function(seu_obj = NULL,
add_molecules = TRUE,
flip = c("geometry", "image", "none"),
image_scalefactors = c("lowres", "hires"),
unit = NULL,
BPPARAM = SerialParam())
# issue message for packages that need to be installed a priori
check_installed(c("dplyr", "tidyr", "Seurat", "SeuratObject"))
# checks which Seurat version is present
seu_version <-
Biobase::package.version("Seurat") |>
grep("5", x =_, value = TRUE)
# Internal getters for Seurat object:
#..to support LayerData if Seurat is v5
.GetCounts <-
ifelse(length(seu_version) != 0,
#..to get default or main Assay
.DefaultAssay <- SeuratObject::DefaultAssay
# Convert from Seurat to SFE ===== ####
# TODO (optional): support non-spatial Seurat to SFE as well? ----
if (!is.null(seu_obj)) {
flip <- match.arg(flip)
# use existing Assays
assays_name <- SeuratObject::Assays(seu_obj)
# Supports when Seurat has multiple FOVs/tissue sections ----
fov_names <- SeuratObject::Images(seu_obj)
if (length(fov_names) > 1) {
message(">>> ", length(fov_names),
" spatial FOVs are found, each will be used as `sample_id`: ",
"\n", paste0(fov_names, "\n"))
# loop for multiple FOVs/tissue sections ----
# TODO (enhancement): consider bplapply ----
#..ie, when looping over FOVs with large number of cells and molecules
obj_list <-
lapply(seq(fov_names), function(fov_section) {
# make sure the correct assay is used as Main assay
assay_master <-
if (length(assays_name) == length(fov_names))
else .DefaultAssay(seu_obj)
message(">>> Seurat Assays found: ", paste0(assays_name, collapse = ", "), "\n",
">>> ", assay_master, " -> will be used as 'Main Experiment'")
# Make `sf` df geometries
# get spatial S4 FOV object
fov_seu <- seu_obj[[fov_names[fov_section]]]
# get FOV main names
fovs <- names(fov_seu)
if(!is.null(fovs)) {
geoms <-
match.arg(fovs, c("centroids", "segmentation", "molecules", "boxes"),
several.ok = TRUE)
} else { geoms <- NULL }
# Support when Seurat object is Visium
is_Visium <- grep("Visium",
class(fov_seu), value = TRUE)
# Stop if FOVs or slot "images" are NOT found
if (is.null(geoms) && length(is_Visium) == 0) {
stop(">>> Spatial data is not found, ", "neither FOVs nor slot 'images' (for Visium)", "\n",
">>> Check input argument for Seurat object -> `seu_obj` ")
if (!length(is_Visium) == 0 && is_Visium == "VisiumV1") {
# get Visium spots coords
message(">>> Seurat spatial object found: ", is_Visium, "\n",
">>> 'full_res_image_pixel' units will be used ->", "\n",
"ie 'imagerow' & 'imagecol' without scaling factors", "\n",
">>> set `unit = 'micron'` to convert spot coordinates to micron space")
# get image/spots info
relevant_slots <- grep("coordinates|scale.factors",
slotNames(fov_seu), value = TRUE)
# sanity, make sure the relevant slots are present
if (length(relevant_slots) == 2) {
meta_df_image <- slot(fov_seu, "coordinates")
# get xy coords in "pixel" space
# NOTE: Seurat "spot_diameter_fullres" from `scalefactors_json.json`
# -> https://github.com/satijalab/seurat/blob/develop/R/preprocessing.R#L1175
spots <-
# select coords
meta_df_image[,grep("image", names(meta_df_image))] |>
colnames(spots)[grep("row", colnames(spots))] <- "pxl_row_in_fullres"
colnames(spots)[grep("col", colnames(spots))] <- "pxl_col_in_fullres"
spot_diameter <- slot(fov_seu, "scale.factors")[["spot"]]
spots <- .sc2cg(spots, spotDiameter = spot_diameter, endCapStyle = "ROUND")
# keep additional metadata
meta_df_image <-
meta_df_image[,grep("tissue|^row|^col", names(meta_df_image))]
colnames(meta_df_image)[grep("row", colnames(meta_df_image))] <- "array_row"
colnames(meta_df_image)[grep("col", colnames(meta_df_image))] <- "array_col"
meta_df_image$in_tissue <- ifelse(meta_df_image$tissue == 1, TRUE, FALSE)
meta_df_image$tissue <- NULL
} else { stop(">>> Only ",
paste0("'", relevant_slots,"'"),
" slot is present in VisiumV1, 'coordinates' and 'scale.factors' are both needed")
if (!is.null(geoms) && length(is_Visium) == 0)
message(">>> Seurat spatial FOVs found: ", paste0("\n", geoms))
message(">>> Generating `sf` geometries")
# Set cell IDs for each FOV/tissue section
cell_ids_fov <- SeuratObject::Cells(fov_seu)
# Get centroids, including VisiumHD
if (any(geoms == "centroids")) {
if (!length(is_Visium) == 0 && is_Visium == "VisiumV2") {
message(">>> Seurat spatial object found: ", is_Visium, " -> VisiumHD", "\n")
# get image/spots info
relevant_slots <- grep("boundaries|scale.factors",
slotNames(fov_seu), value = TRUE)
# sanity, make sure the relevant slots are present
if (length(relevant_slots) == 2) {
#meta_df_image <- slot(fov_seu, "coordinates")
# get xy coords in "pixel" space
spotsHD <- slot(fov_seu[["centroids"]], "coords")
rownames(spotsHD) <- cell_ids_fov
# get spot diameter in pixels
spot_diameter <- slot(fov_seu, "scale.factors")[["spot"]]
# get bin size, ie 2, 8 or 16 microns
bin_um <-
sapply(c("2","8","16"), function(i)
grep(i, slot(fov_seu, "assay")), USE.NAMES = TRUE) |>
unlist() |> names() |> as.integer()
# converting bins to squre polygons
message(">>> Making POLYGON geometry for bin size: ", bin_um, " \u03BCm with total of ",
length(cell_ids_fov), " cells, this can take some time!", "\n")
spotsHD <- .sc2cg(spotsHD, spotDiameter = spot_diameter, endCapStyle = "SQUARE")
cents <- NULL
} else { stop(">>> Only ",
paste0("'", relevant_slots,"'"),
" slot is present in VisiumV2, 'coordinates' and 'scale.factors' are both needed")
} else {
# centroids will be POINT geometry
cents <- as(object = fov_seu[["centroids"]], "sf")
rownames(cents) <- cell_ids_fov
} else { cents <- NULL }
# Get cell polygon geometries
if (any(geoms == "segmentation")) {
polys <-
} else if (!any(geoms == "segmentation") &&
any(geoms == "boxes")) {
# if no segs, use boxes if present
polys <-
} else { polys <- NULL }
if (!is.null(polys)) {
polys <- as(polys, "sf")
# add cell ids
polys$ID <- cell_ids_fov
rownames(polys) <- cell_ids_fov
# Get molecules if provided
if (add_molecules && any(geoms == "molecules")) {
mols <- fov_seu[["molecules"]]
mols <-
function(i) {
data.table::data.table(ID = names(mols)[i],
slot(mols[[i]], "coords"))
}, BPPARAM = BPPARAM) |> rbindlist()
mols <- df2sf(mols, geometryType = "MULTIPOINT", group_col = "ID")
} else { mols <- NULL }
# Get sparse count matrices
assay_master <-
if (length(assays_name) == length(fov_names))
else .DefaultAssay(seu_obj)
# get slot or layer names
slot_names <- .GetSlotNames(object_seu = seu_obj,
assay_seu = assay_master,
fov_number = fov_section)
# prepare assays
# TODO: this code is a bit clunky, make pretty later
assays_sfe <-
list(counts = .GetCounts(seu_obj,
cells = cell_ids_fov,
if (!slot_names[["slots_ok"]] &&
length(slot_names[["slot_n"]]) == 1)
else if (!slot_names[["slots_ok"]] &&
length(slot_names[["slot_n"]]) == 2)
else "counts",
assay = assay_master),
logcounts = .GetCounts(seu_obj,
cells = cell_ids_fov,
if (!slot_names[["slots_ok"]] && length(slot_names[["slot_n"]]) == 2)
else "data",
assay = assay_master),
scaledata = .GetCounts(seu_obj,
cells = cell_ids_fov,
assay = assay_master))
# remove empty elements, if eg "scale.data" is not present
assays_sfe <- assays_sfe[lapply(assays_sfe, length) > 0]
# remove this afterwards
#assays_sfe_out <<- assays_sfe
# Make SFE from Seurat ----
message("\n", ">>> Creating `SFE` object -> ", fov_names[fov_section])
sfe <- SpatialFeatureExperiment(assays = assays_sfe,
colData =
if (!length(is_Visium) == 0 && is_Visium == "VisiumV1")
else .getMeta(seu_obj)[cell_ids_fov,],
sample_id = gsub("_|-|[.]", "_",
x = fov_names[fov_section]),
colGeometries =
if (!length(is_Visium) == 0) {
if (is_Visium == "VisiumV2")
# square bin POLYGON for VisiumHD
list(spotPoly = spotsHD)
else if (is_Visium == "VisiumV1")
# circle spot POLYGON for Visium
list(spotPoly = spots)
} else if (!is.null(cents)) {
# centroids POINT
list(centroids = cents)},
unit =
if (!is.null(unit) && is.character(unit))
# for Visium
else if (is.null(unit) && !length(is_Visium) == 0)
"full_res_image_pixel" else "micron",
mainExpName = assay_master
# add sample_id to centroids
colGeometry(sfe, 1)$sample_id <- sampleIDs(sfe)
# remove this afterwards
#sfe_out <<- sfe
# flip geometry both for col & row geoms ----
if (flip == "geometry") {
# flip the coordinates
mat_flip <- matrix(c(1,0,0,-1), ncol = 2)
if (!is.null(polys))
st_geometry(polys) <- st_geometry(polys) * mat_flip
if (!is.null(mols))
st_geometry(mols) <- st_geometry(mols) * mat_flip
if (!is.null(cents) && length(is_Visium) == 0)
st_geometry(colGeometry(sfe , "centroids")) <-
st_geometry(colGeometry(sfe , "centroids")) * mat_flip
# add polygon geometries ----
if (!is.null(polys)) {
# sanity on geometries
polys <- .check_st_valid(polys)
cellSeg(sfe) <- polys
cellSeg(sfe)$sample_id <- sampleIDs(sfe)
# convert pixels to microns (Visium and VisiumHD only) ----
if (unit(sfe) == "micron" && !length(is_Visium) == 0) {
message(">>> Converting pixels to microns")
if (is_Visium == "VisiumV2")
# set scaling factor -> microns per pixel
scale_fct <- bin_um / spot_diameter
else {
df_coords <- as.data.frame(spatialCoords(sfe))
names(df_coords) <- c("pxl_col_in_fullres", "pxl_row_in_fullres")
scale_fct <- .pixel2micron(cbind(as.data.frame(colData(sfe)), df_coords))
cg <- spotPoly(sfe)
cg$geometry <- cg$geometry * scale_fct
spotPoly(sfe) <- cg
spotPoly(sfe)$sample_id <- sampleIDs(sfe)
# TODO (under construction): add Images to SFE from Seurat or from custom path ----
# optionally make arg to provide image path to add image, ie for Xenium, Vizgen &| Visium
if (FALSE) {
# if Seurat is Visium
# Scale factors for images
# note, scale_imgs is a value in, eg @scale.factors$lowres
scale_imgs <-
slot(seu_obj, "images")[[fov_section]] |>
slot("scale.factors") |> _[image_scalefactors]
scale_imgs <- scale_imgs / scale_fct
# eg image part
slot(seu_obj, "images")[[fov_section]] |>
slot("image") |> str()
# convert to image raster terra
# add to sfe
# eg
# Set up ImgData
img_fns2 <- file.path(dirs[i], "spatial", img_fns)
img_dfs <- lapply(seq_along(img_fns), function(j) {
.get_imgData(img_fns2[j], sample_id = sample_id[i],
image_id = names(img_fns)[j],
extent = NULL, scale_fct = scale_imgs[[j]],
flip = TRUE)
img_df <- do.call(rbind, img_dfs)
imgData(o) <- img_df
# add transcript coordinates ----
if (add_molecules && !is.null(mols)) {
# store molecules in rowGeometries
message(">>> Storing molecule coordinates in `rowGeometries`")
# sanity, if number of genes doesn't overlap, subset SFE to genes present in mols
genes_mols <- unique(mols$ID)
if (!all(genes_mols %in% rownames(sfe))) {
gene_indx <-
which(rownames(sfe) %in% genes_mols)
# genes/features that are removed
genes_rm <- rownames(sfe)[-gene_indx]
warning(">>> Total number of genes in SFE object does NOT overlap with `transcript` coordinates genes", "\n",
">>> Subsetting object and `transcript` coordinates to keep only matching genes", "\n",
"Total of ", length(genes_rm), " genes are removed")
# subset sfe
sfe <- sfe[gene_indx,]
# subset transcripts keep on
mols <- mols[mols$ID %in% rownames(sfe),]
if (inherits(mols, "sf")) {
rownames(mols) <- unique(mols$ID)
txSpots(sfe, withDimnames = TRUE) <- mols
# add sample id
txSpots(sfe)$sample_id <- sampleIDs(sfe)
# add dimensionality reduction if present ----
dimRed_names <- slot(seu_obj, "reductions") |> names()
if (!is.null(dimRed_names)) {
message(">>> Adding Dimensionality Reduction: ", paste0(dimRed_names, collapse = ", "))
dimRed <- slot(seu_obj, "reductions")
# sanity, make sure cell ids match between dim. reductions and sfe object
if (any(!rownames(dimRed[[1]]) %in% colnames(sfe)))
dimRed <-
function(i) base::subset(dimRed[[i]], colnames(sfe)))
for (i in seq(dimRed_names))
reducedDim(x = sfe, type = toupper(dimRed_names[i])) <-
dimRed[[dimRed_names[i]]] |> slot("cell.embeddings")
# PCA specifics
if (grep("PCA", reducedDimNames(sfe)))
# change naming, eg PC_1 to PC1
for (i in c("cell.embeddings", "feature.loadings"))
attr(slot(dimRed[["pca"]], i), "dimnames")[[2]] <-
gsub("_", replacement = "", dimnames(dimRed[["pca"]])[[2]])
# add PC variance
tot.var <- slot(dimRed[["pca"]], "misc") |> unlist()
varExplained <- slot(dimRed[["pca"]], "stdev")^2
percentVar <- (varExplained / tot.var) * 100
attr(reducedDim(sfe, type = "PCA"), "varExplained") <- varExplained
attr(reducedDim(sfe, type = "PCA"), "percentVar") <- percentVar
# add PC loadings
attr(reducedDim(sfe, type = "PCA"), "rotation") <-
dimRed[["pca"]] |> slot("feature.loadings")
# TODO (alternatively): use `MultiAssayExperiment` instead? ----
# Currently using `altExp` if > 1 Seurat Assays are present ----
if (length(assays_name) > 1) {
# keep other assays, minus the default one
assays_name <- setdiff(assays_name, .DefaultAssay(seu_obj))
# sanity, if default assay cell ids match those in any other assays
cells_passed <-
lapply(assays_name, function(i)
Seurat::GetAssay(seu_obj, i) |>
colnames() |>
match(x = _,
Seurat::GetAssay(seu_obj, .DefaultAssay(seu_obj)) |>
colnames()) |>
na.omit() |> any()) |> unlist()
if (all(cells_passed)) {
message(">>> Adding Seurat Assay(s) as Alternative Experiment(s): ",
paste0("\n", assays_name))
# loop and add multiple assays
for (a in seq(assays_name)) {
# get slot or layer names
slot_names <- .GetSlotNames(object_seu = seu_obj,
assay_seu = assays_name[a],
fov_number = fov_section)
# prepare assays
assays_add <-
list(counts = .GetCounts(seu_obj,
cells = cell_ids_fov,
if (!slot_names[["slots_ok"]] && length(slot_names) == 1)
else if (!slot_names[["slots_ok"]] && length(slot_names[["slot_n"]]) == 2)
else "counts",
assay = assays_name[a]),
logcounts = .GetCounts(seu_obj,
cells = cell_ids_fov,
if (!slot_names[["slots_ok"]] && length(slot_names[["slot_n"]]) == 2)
else "data",
assay = assays_name[a]),
scaledata = .GetCounts(seu_obj,
cells = cell_ids_fov,
assay = assays_name[a]))
# remove empty elements
assays_add <- assays_add[lapply(assays_add, length) > 0]
altExp(sfe, assays_name[a]) <-
SingleCellExperiment(assays = assays_add) |>
toSpatialExperiment(sample_id = gsub("_|-|[.]", "", x = fov_names[fov_section])) |>
toSpatialFeatureExperiment(x = _,
spatialCoordsNames = c("x", "y"),
colGeometries = list(centroids = colGeometry(sfe)),
unit = unit(sfe))
# remove this afterwards
#obj_list_test <<- obj_list
if (length(obj_list) > 1) {
message(">>> Combining ", length(obj_list),
" SFE object(s) with unique `sample_id`")
# Sanity on assays:
# the issue when different number of assays are present
# see this https://github.com/drisso/SingleCellExperiment/issues/44
# thus, we keep only identical assays present in all sfe objects
assays_n <-
lapply(obj_list, function(i) assayNames(i))
# check of assays are identical
ident_assays <- do.call(setdiff, arg = assays_n)
if (!length(ident_assays) == 0) {
message(">>> Only following assay(s) are identical and will be kept:",
paste0("\n", do.call(intersect, arg = assays_n)))
obj_list <-
lapply(obj_list, function(i) {
assay(i, do.call(setdiff, arg = assays_n)) <- NULL
# update objects
return(i) })
sfe <- do.call(cbind, obj_list)
} else if (length(obj_list) == 1) {
} else { stop("No Seurat object in `x` was found") }
message("\n", ">>> `SFE` object is ready!")
# Set formal method for Seurat to SFE
#' @rdname SpatialFeatureExperiment-coercion
#' @export
setMethod("toSpatialFeatureExperiment", "Seurat",
definition =
add_molecules = TRUE,
flip = c("geometry", "image", "none"),
image_scalefactors = c("lowres", "hires"),
unit = NULL,
BPPARAM = SerialParam()) {
.seu_to_sfe(seu_obj = x,
add_molecules = add_molecules,
flip = flip,
image_scalefactors = image_scalefactors,
unit = unit,
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