.df2sf_check <- function(df, spatialCoordsNames, geometryType,
group_col = "group", id_col = "ID", subid_col = "subID") {
# For anything other than points
if (geometryType == "MULTIPOINT") {
id_col <- group_col # should be the same
} else if (!id_col %in% names(df)) {
stop("Column ", id_col, " for individual geometries is absent.")
if (grepl("MULTI", geometryType) && !group_col %in% names(df)) {
stop("Column", group_col, " to identify MULTI geometries is abesent.")
df <- unique(df)
n_vertices <- table(df[[id_col]])
ids <- names(n_vertices)
min_vertices <- switch(geometryType,
ids_rm <- names(n_vertices[n_vertices < min_vertices])
if (length(ids_rm)) {
"Removed ", length(ids_rm),
" items that have fewer than the minimum of ",
min_vertices, " vertices for geometry type ", geometryType
df <- df[!df[[id_col]] %in% ids_rm, ]
if (!nrow(df)) {
"All geometries have fewer than ", min_vertices, " vertices. ",
"Cannot construct ", geometryType
# Only keep other attributes with one value per geometry
cols_keep <- c(group_col, id_col, subid_col,
"sample_id", spatialCoordsNames)
cols_check <- setdiff(names(df), c(group_col, id_col, subid_col,
"sample_id", spatialCoordsNames))
col_geo <- if (group_col %in% names(df)) group_col else id_col
n_geos <- length(unique(df[[col_geo]]))
if_keep <- vapply(cols_check,
function(x) {
if (is.data.table(df))
df_check <- df[,c(x, col_geo), with=FALSE]
else df_check <- df[,c(x, col_geo)]
nrow(unique(df_check)) == n_geos
}, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
cols_use <- c(cols_check[if_keep], intersect(names(df), cols_keep))
# To work around data.table's nicer column subsetting with symbols
# and to remain compatible with base data frames
if (!is.data.table(df)) ..cols_use <- cols_use
.use_z <- function(spatialCoordsNames) {
if (length(spatialCoordsNames) > 2L) spatialCoordsNames[3] else NULL
.use_subid <- function(df, subid_col) {
if (subid_col %in% names(df)) subid_col else NULL
.df2sf_point <- function(df, spatialCoordsNames, spotDiameter, multi,
group_col = "group", check = TRUE, ...) {
# Case 1: centroids, use POINT
if (!is.na(spotDiameter)) {
if (spotDiameter <= 0) {
stop("spotDiameter must be a positive number.")
if (multi) {
if (check) df <- .df2sf_check(df, spatialCoordsNames, "MULTIPOINT",
group_col = group_col)
if (!is.data.table(df)) ..group_col <- group_col
df <- df[order(df[,..group_col]),]
out <- sf_multipoint(df, x = spatialCoordsNames[1],
y = spatialCoordsNames[2],
z = .use_z(spatialCoordsNames),
multipoint_id = group_col,
keep = TRUE)
rownames(out) <- out[[group_col]]
} else {
rns <- rownames(df)
out <- sf::st_as_sf(df, coords = spatialCoordsNames, crs = NA,
row.names = rns) # in this case faster than sf_point
if (!is.na(spotDiameter)) {
st_geometry(out) <- st_buffer(st_geometry(out), spotDiameter / 2, ...)
.df2sf_polygon <- function(df, spatialCoordsNames, multi,
group_col = "group", id_col, subid_col,
check = TRUE) {
gt <- if (multi) "MULTIPOLYGON" else "POLYGON"
if (check) df <- .df2sf_check(df, spatialCoordsNames, gt,
group_col, id_col, subid_col)
if (multi) {
out <- sf_multipolygon(df, x = spatialCoordsNames[1],
y = spatialCoordsNames[2],
z = .use_z(spatialCoordsNames),
polygon_id = id_col,
multipolygon_id = group_col,
linestring_id = .use_subid(df, subid_col),
keep = TRUE)
rownames(out) <- out[[group_col]]
} else {
out <- sf_polygon(df, x = spatialCoordsNames[1],
y = spatialCoordsNames[2],
z = .use_z(spatialCoordsNames),
polygon_id = id_col,
linestring_id = .use_subid(df, subid_col),
keep = TRUE)
rownames(out) <- out[[id_col]]
.df2sf_linestring <- function(df, spatialCoordsNames, multi,
group_col = "group", id_col, check = TRUE) {
gt <- if (multi) "MULTILINESTRING" else "LINESTRING"
if (check) df <- .df2sf_check(df, spatialCoordsNames, gt,
group_col, id_col)
if (multi) {
out <- sf_multilinestring(df, x = spatialCoordsNames[1],
y = spatialCoordsNames[2],
z = .use_z(spatialCoordsNames),
multilinestring_id = group_col,
linestring_id = id_col,
keep = TRUE)
rownames(out) <- out[[group_col]]
} else {
out <- sf_linestring(df, x = spatialCoordsNames[1],
y = spatialCoordsNames[2],
z = .use_z(spatialCoordsNames),
linestring_id = id_col,
keep = TRUE)
rownames(out) <- out[[id_col]]
.is_de_facto_point <- function(df, group_col, id_col) {
(!id_col %in% names(df) || !anyDuplicated(df[[id_col]])) && !group_col %in% names(df)
#' From ordinary data frame to sf to construct SFE object
#' While the \code{SpatialFeatureExperiment} constructor and \code{*Geometry}
#' replacement methods can convert properly formatted ordinary data frames into
#' \code{sf} objects which are used to store the geometries internally, the user
#' might want to do the conversion, check if the geometry is valid, and inspect
#' and fix any invalid geometries.
#' @inheritParams SpatialFeatureExperiment
#' @inheritParams BiocParallel::bplapply
#' @param df An ordinary data frame, i.e. not \code{sf}. Or a matrix that can be
#' converted to a data frame.
#' @param spatialCoordsNames Column names in \code{df} that specify spatial
#' coordinates.
#' @param geometryType Type of geometry to convert the ordinary data frame to.
#' If the geometry in \code{df} is de facto points, then this argument will be
#' ignored and the returned \code{sf} will have geometry type POINT.
#' @param group_col Column to indicate which coordinates for which MULTI
#' geometry, such as to identify which MULTIPOLYGON or MULTIPOINT.
#' @param id_col Column to indicate coordinates for which geometry, within a
#' MULTI geometry if applicable, such as to identify which POLYGON or which
#' polygon within a MULTIPOLYGON.
#' @param check Logical, whether to check the input data frame for issues
#' related to constructing the geometry of interese such as number of vertices
#' per geometry. If \code{FALSE}, it will save a bit of time, which is useful
#' when the input is already known to be good.
#' @param subid_col Column to indicate coordinates for holes in polygons.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to `sf::st_buffer`, mainly to make polygon shapes,
#' eg Visium spot `endCapStyle = "ROUND"` and VisiumHD bin `endCapStyle = "SQUARE"`
#' @return An \code{sf} object.
#' @export
#' @concept Utilities
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply SerialParam
#' @importFrom sfheaders sf_multipoint sf_polygon sf_multipolygon sf_linestring
#' sf_multilinestring
#' @examples
#' # Points, use spotDiameter to convert to circle polygons
#' # This is done to Visium spots
#' pts_df <- readRDS(system.file("extdata/pts_df.rds",
#' package = "SpatialFeatureExperiment"
#' ))
#' sf_use <- df2sf(pts_df, geometryType = "POINT", spotDiameter = 0.1)
#' # Linestring
#' ls_df <- readRDS(system.file("extdata/ls_df.rds",
#' package = "SpatialFeatureExperiment"
#' ))
#' sf_use <- df2sf(ls_df, geometryType = "LINESTRING")
#' # Polygon
#' pol_df <- readRDS(system.file("extdata/pol_df.rds",
#' package = "SpatialFeatureExperiment"
#' ))
#' sf_use <- df2sf(pol_df,
#' geometryType = "POLYGON",
#' spatialCoordsNames = c("V1", "V2")
#' )
#' # Multipolygon
#' mpol_df <- readRDS(system.file("extdata/mpol_df.rds",
#' package = "SpatialFeatureExperiment"
#' ))
#' sf_use <- df2sf(mpol_df,
#' geometryType = "MULTIPOLYGON",
#' spatialCoordsNames = c("V1", "V2")
#' )
#' # Multiple sample_ids present
#' multipts_df <- readRDS(system.file("extdata/multipts_df.rds",
#' package = "SpatialFeatureExperiment"
#' ))
#' sf_use <- df2sf(multipts_df, geometryType = "MULTIPOINT")
df2sf <- function(df, spatialCoordsNames = c("x", "y"), spotDiameter = NA,
geometryType = c(
group_col = "group",
id_col = "ID",
subid_col = "subID", check = TRUE, ...) {
if (is.matrix(df)) df <- as.data.frame(df)
if (any(!spatialCoordsNames %in% names(df))) {
cols_absent <- setdiff(spatialCoordsNames, names(df))
if (length(cols_absent) > 1L) {
stop("Columns ", paste(cols_absent, collapse = ", "), " are absent.")
} else {
stop("Column ", cols_absent, " is absent.")
if (.is_de_facto_point(df, group_col, id_col)) geometryType <- "POINT"
geometryType <- match.arg(geometryType)
out <- switch(geometryType,
POINT = .df2sf_point(df, spatialCoordsNames, spotDiameter, multi = FALSE, ...),
MULTIPOINT = .df2sf_point(df, spatialCoordsNames, spotDiameter, multi = TRUE,
group_col = group_col, check = check, ...),
LINESTRING = .df2sf_linestring(df, spatialCoordsNames, multi = FALSE,
id_col = id_col, check = check),
MULTILINESTRING = .df2sf_linestring(df, spatialCoordsNames, multi = TRUE,
group_col = group_col, id_col = id_col,
check = check),
POLYGON = .df2sf_polygon(df, spatialCoordsNames, multi = FALSE,
id_col = id_col, subid_col = subid_col, check = check),
MULTIPOLYGON = .df2sf_polygon(df, spatialCoordsNames, multi = TRUE,
group_col = group_col, id_col = id_col,
subid_col = subid_col, check = check)
# Call in SFE constructor and *Geometries replacement methods
.df2sf_in_list <- function(x, spatialCoordsNames = c("x", "y"),
spotDiameter = NA, geometryType = "POLYGON",
group_col = "group", id_col = "ID", subid_col = "subID",
check = TRUE) {
if (!is.null(x) && !inherits(x, "sf") && !is.data.frame(x) && !is.matrix(x)) {
"Each element of the list for *Geometry must be an ",
"sf object or a data frame or a matrix."
if (inherits(x, "sf") || is.null(x)) {
} else if (is.data.frame(x) || is.matrix(x)) {
return(df2sf(x, spatialCoordsNames, spotDiameter, geometryType,
group_col, id_col, subid_col, check = check))
.df2sf_list <- function(x, spatialCoordsNames = c("x", "y"),
spotDiameter = NA, geometryType = "POLYGON",
group_col = "group", id_col = "ID", subid_col = "subID",
check = TRUE) {
x_is_sf <- vapply(x, function(t) inherits(t, "sf"), FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
if (all(x_is_sf)) {
if (length(geometryType) == 1L) {
geometryType <- rep(geometryType, length(x))
} else if (length(geometryType) != length(x)) {
"geometryTypes must be either length 1 or the same length ",
"as the input list."
x = x, geometryType = geometryType,
MoreArgs = list(
spatialCoordsNames = spatialCoordsNames,
spotDiameter = spotDiameter,
group_col = group_col, id_col = id_col, subid_col = subid_col,
check = check
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