#' Aggregate transcript spots from file
#' This function reads the transcript spot file from the standard output of the
#' commercial technologies (not GeoParquet) for spatial aggregation where the
#' spots are assigned to polygons such as cells or spatial bins. Presets for
#' Xenium, MERFISH, and CosMX are available. For Vizgen and Xenium, the images
#' can be added when \code{add_images = TRUE}.
#' @param df If the file is already loaded into memory, a data frame (sf) with
#' columns for the x, y, and optionally z coordinates and gene assignment of
#' each transcript spot. If specified, then argument \code{file} will be
#' ignored.
#' @param by A \code{sfc} or \code{sf} object for spatial aggregation.
#' @param new_geometry_name Name to give to the new \code{colGeometry} in the
#' output. Defaults to "bins".
#' @param flip_geometry Logical, whether to flip the transcript spot geometries
#' to match the images if added later.
#' @param image String, which image(s) to add to the output SFE object. Not
#' applicable to CosMX. See \code{\link{readVizgen}} and
#' \code{\link{readXenium}} for options and multiple images can be specified.
#' If \code{NULL}, then the default from the read function for the technology
#' will be used.
#' @param sparse Logical, whether the gene count matrix from aggregating
#' transcript spots should be sparse. When the bins are large, the matrix will
#' not be very sparse so using sparse matrix will not save memory, but when
#' the bins are small, sparsity is worth it.
#' @param BPPARAM bpparam object to specify parallel computing over genes. If a
#' lot of memory is used, then stick to `SerialParam()`.
#' @param .orig_nrows Only used internally in the SFE method of \code{aggregate}
#' @inheritParams formatTxTech
#' @inheritParams formatTxSpots
#' @inheritParams readXenium
#' @inheritParams sf::st_make_grid
#' @inheritParams SpatialFeatureExperiment
#' @note The resulting SFE object often includes geometries (e.g. grid cells)
#' outside tissue, because there can be transcript spots detected outside the
#' tissue. Also, bins at the edge of the tissue that don't fully overlap with
#' the tissue will have lower transcript counts; this may have implications to
#' downstream spatial analyses.
#' @return A SFE object with count matrix for number of spots of each gene in
#' each geometry. Geometries with no spot are removed.
#' @importFrom data.table as.data.table
#' @importFrom sf st_make_grid
#' @importFrom rlang %||%
#' @concept Geometric operations
#' @export
aggregateTx <- function(file, df = NULL, by = NULL, sample_id = "sample01",
spatialCoordsNames = c("X", "Y", "Z"),
gene_col = "gene",
phred_col = "qv", min_phred = 20, flip_geometry = FALSE,
cellsize = NULL, square = TRUE, flat_topped = FALSE,
new_geometry_name = "bins", unit = "micron", sparse = FALSE,
BPPARAM = SerialParam(), .orig_nrows = NULL) {
# This is only for one file, one sample
if (!is.null(df)) file <- df
mols <- .check_tx_file(file, spatialCoordsNames, gene_col, phred_col,
min_phred, flip_geometry)
if (inherits(mols, "data.table"))
mols <- mols[,c(spatialCoordsNames, "gene"), with=FALSE]
else mols <- mols[,c(spatialCoordsNames, "gene")]
mols <- df2sf(mols, spatialCoordsNames = spatialCoordsNames,
geometryType = "POINT")
if (is.null(by))
by <- st_make_grid(mols, cellsize = cellsize, square = square,
flat_topped = flat_topped)
else if (inherits(by, "sf")) by <- st_geometry(by)
mols <- split(st_geometry(mols), mols[["gene"]])
if (sparse) { # TODO: This uses a lot of memory. Try Arrow dataset, querying one gene at a time,
# then create TileDB right from the beginning
# Iterate over the genes, count number of transcripts in each bin for the gene
# Special case from .aggregate_SFE, where numeric L1 is used for genes
if (gene_col == "L1") {
ml <- bplapply(names(mols), function(i) {
x <- mols[[i]]
ll <- lengths(st_intersects(by, x))
j <- which(ll > 0) # When the spots fall outside all bins
if (!length(j)) return(NULL)
data.frame(i = as.integer(i), j = j, x = ll[j])
} else {
ml <- bplapply(seq_along(mols), function(i) {
x <- mols[[i]]
ll <- lengths(st_intersects(by, x))
j <- which(ll > 0)
data.frame(i = i, j = j, x = ll[j])
ml <- data.table::rbindlist(ml)
if (gene_col == "L1") {
nrows_use <- .orig_nrows %||% as.integer(tail(names(mols), 1))
new_mat <- sparseMatrix(i = ml$i, j = ml$j, x = ml$x, dims = c(nrows_use, length(by)),
dimnames = list(as.character(seq_len(nrows_use)), seq_along(by)))
} else {
new_mat <- sparseMatrix(i = ml$i, j = ml$j, x = ml$x, dims = c(length(mols), length(by)),
dimnames = list(names(mols), seq_along(by)))
} else {
ml <- bplapply(mols, function(x) {
inds <- st_intersects(by, x)
new_mat <- matrix(unlist(ml), nrow = length(by), ncol = length(mols),
dimnames = list(seq_along(by), names(mols)))
new_mat <- t(new_mat)
new_mat <- new_mat[,colSums(new_mat) > 0] # Remove empty grid cells
grid_sf <- st_sf(geometry = by)
cgs <- list(bins = grid_sf[colnames(new_mat), "geometry"])
names(cgs) <- new_geometry_name
SpatialFeatureExperiment(assays = list(counts = new_mat),
colGeometries = cgs, unit = unit, sample_id = sample_id)
#' @rdname aggregateTx
#' @export
aggregateTxTech <- function(data_dir, df = NULL, by = NULL,
tech = c("Vizgen", "Xenium", "CosMX"),
sample_id = "sample01",
image = NULL,
min_phred = 20, flip = c("geometry", "image", "none"),
max_flip = "50 MB",
cellsize = NULL, square = TRUE, flat_topped = FALSE,
new_geometry_name = "bins", sparse = FALSE,
BPPARAM = SerialParam()) {
tech <- match.arg(tech)
flip <- match.arg(flip)
c(spatialCoordsNames, gene_col, cell_col, fn) %<-%
getTechTxFields(tech, data_dir)
if (tech == "Xenium") {
c(xoa_version, major_version, minor_version, instrument_version) %<-%
img_choices <- image <- switch (
Vizgen = c("DAPI", "PolyT", "Cellbound"),
Xenium = if (major_version > 1L) "morphology_focus" else c("morphology_focus", "morphology_mip"),
if (is.null(image)) {
image <- img_choices
} else {
image <- match.arg(image, img_choices, several.ok = TRUE)
if (tech == "Xenium") {
c(img_df, flip) %<-% .get_xenium_images(data_dir, image, major_version,
flip, max_flip, sample_id)
} else if (tech == "Vizgen") {
c(img_df, flip) %<-% .get_vizgen_images(data_dir, image, flip, max_flip,
z = "all", sample_id = sample_id)
} else {
img_df <- NULL
flip <- "none"
sfe <- aggregateTx(file = fn, df = df, by = by, sample_id = sample_id,
spatialCoordsNames = spatialCoordsNames,
gene_col = gene_col,
phred_col = "qv", min_phred = min_phred,
flip_geometry = (flip == "geometry"),
cellsize = cellsize, square = square, flat_topped = flat_topped,
new_geometry_name = new_geometry_name, BPPARAM = BPPARAM,
sparse = sparse)
imgData(sfe) <- img_df
.aggregate_num <- function(mat, inds, FUN, fun_name, BPPARAM) {
if (fun_name %in% c("sum", "mean")) {
i <- unlist(inds) # cell index
ll <- lengths(inds) # bin index
j <- rep(seq_along(inds), times = ll)
if (fun_name == "sum")
mat_agg <- sparseMatrix(i = i, j = j, x = 1,
dims = c(ncol(mat), length(inds)))
else if (fun_name == "mean") {
mat_agg <- sparseMatrix(i = i, j = j,
x = rep(1/ll, times = ll),
dims = c(ncol(mat), length(inds)))
# mat has genes in rows and cells in columns
out_agg <- mat %*% mat_agg
# Variance and standard deviation can also be expressed with matrix
# algebra. Not implementing yet since most likely they're not commonly
# used for aggregation purposes.
} else if (fun_name %in% getNamespaceExports("sparseMatrixStats")) {
out_agg <- bplapply(inds, function(i) {
m <- mat[,i,drop = FALSE]
out_agg <- matrix(unlist(out_agg), ncol = length(inds))
rownames(out_agg) <- rownames(mat)
} else stop("Function ", fun_name, " not supported for aggregating SFE.")
if (inherits(out_agg, "dgeMatrix")) out_agg <- as.matrix(out_agg)
# For one sample
.aggregate_sample_cell <- function(x, by, FUN, fun_name, colGeometryName, join,
new_geometry_name, BPPARAM) {
cg <- colGeometry(x, type = colGeometryName)
# Preliminary check of overlap
if (!join(st_as_sfc(st_bbox(by)), st_as_sfc(st_bbox(cg)), sparse = FALSE))
stop("`by` does not overlap with this sample")
inds <- join(by, cg) # somewhat faster than join(cg, by) when by has fewer geometries than cg
not_empty <- which(lengths(inds) > 0L)
if (!length(not_empty)) stop("`by` does not overlap with this sample")
by <- by[not_empty]
inds <- inds[not_empty]
cnts <- counts(x)
# Aggregate the gene count matrix, only do the counts assay
# Express this as a matrix multiplication for sum. Use sweep to deal with mean
cnts_agg <- .aggregate_num(cnts, inds, FUN, fun_name, BPPARAM)
# Aggregate numeric columns of colData; logical are converted to numeric
df <- colData(x)
df$sample_id <- NULL
which_logical <- which(vapply(df, is.logical, FUN.VALUE = logical(1)))
for (i in which_logical) {
df[,i] <- as.integer(df[,i])
numeric_cols <- vapply(df, is.numeric, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
if (any(numeric_cols)) {
cd <- t(as.matrix(df[,numeric_cols, drop = FALSE]))
cd_agg <- .aggregate_num(cd, inds, FUN, fun_name, BPPARAM) |> Matrix::t()
cd_agg <- as(cd_agg, "DFrame")
} else cd_agg <- make_zero_col_DFrame(length(inds))
# Deal with anything that is neither numerical nor logical
# Primarily character and factor. What about list columns? I don't know.
# For now, the list columns will be split just like categorical variables
# and become nested lists
if (!all(numeric_cols)) {
df_bin <- data.frame(bin = rep(seq_along(inds), times = lengths(inds)),
index = unlist(inds))
df_bin <- df_bin[order(df_bin$index),]
names_not_num <- names(df)[!numeric_cols]
cat_agg <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(inds), ncol = length(names_not_num))
colnames(cat_agg) <- names_not_num
cat_agg <- data.frame(cat_agg)
if (nrow(df_bin) != nrow(df)) {
df_inds <- data.frame(index = seq_len(nrow(df)))
df_bin <- merge(df_inds, df_bin, all.x = TRUE, by = "index")
for (n in names_not_num)
cat_agg[[n]] <- split(df[[n]], df_bin$bin)
cd_agg <- cbind(cat_agg, cd_agg)
cgs <- list(bins = st_sf(geometry = by))
names(cgs) <- new_geometry_name
out <- SpatialFeatureExperiment(assays = list(counts = cnts_agg), colData = cd_agg,
sample_id = sampleIDs(x),
colGeometries = cgs)
colnames(out) <- seq_along(by)
rownames(out) <- rownames(x)
# Might turn this into an exported function
.aggregate_sample_tx <- function(x, by, rowGeometryName, new_geometry_name,
sparse = FALSE, BPPARAM = SerialParam(),
.orig_nrows = NULL) {
rg <- rowGeometry(x, rowGeometryName)
if (!is.null(st_z_range(rg)))
rg <- st_zm(rg)
if (st_geometry_type(rg, by_geometry = FALSE) == "GEOMETRY") {
# Happens after cropping and producing empty geometries
rg <- st_cast(rg, "MULTIPOINT") |> st_zm()
grid_sf <- st_sf(grid_id = seq_along(by), geometry = by)
tx_coords <- st_coordinates(rg) |> as.data.frame()
scn <- c("X", "Y")
out <- aggregateTx(df = tx_coords, spatialCoordsNames = scn,
gene_col = "L1", by = by, sparse = sparse,
BPPARAM = BPPARAM, .orig_nrows = .orig_nrows,
sample_id = sampleIDs(x))
rownames(out) <- rownames(x)
.aggregate_sample <- function(x, by = NULL, FUN = sum, fun_name,
colGeometryName = 1L, rowGeometryName = NULL,
join = st_intersects, new_geometry_name = "bins",
sparse = FALSE,
BPPARAM = SerialParam(), .orig_nrows = NULL) {
# Here x is an SFE object with one sample
# by is sfc
# Can't do S4 method with signature for `by` because the argument `by` isn't
# in the generic and I don't want to mess with the `aggregate` function in
# other packages
if (!is.null(rowGeometryName)) {
.aggregate_sample_tx(x, by, rowGeometryName, new_geometry_name,
sparse = sparse, BPPARAM = BPPARAM,
.orig_nrows = .orig_nrows)
} else {
.aggregate_sample_cell(x, by, FUN, fun_name, colGeometryName, join,
new_geometry_name, BPPARAM)
.aggregate_SFE <- function(x, by = NULL, FUN = sum, sample_id = "all",
colGeometryName = 1L, rowGeometryName = NULL,
cellsize = NULL, square = TRUE, flat_topped = FALSE,
new_geometry_name = "bins", join = st_intersects,
sparse = FALSE,
BPPARAM = SerialParam()) {
sample_id <- .check_sample_id(x, sample_id, one = FALSE)
if (is.null(by) && is.null(cellsize)) {
stop("Either `by` or `cellsize` must be specified.")
# Make grid for multiple samples if `by` is not specified
if (is.null(by)) {
by <- .make_grid_samples(x, sample_id,
cellsize, square, flat_topped)
if (is.list(by) && !inherits(by, "sfc") && !inherits(by, "sf")) {
if (!any(sample_id %in% names(by)))
stop("None of the geometries in `by` correspond to sample_id")
by <- by[intersect(sample_id, names(by))]
} else {
if (!inherits(by, "sfc") && !inherits(by, "sf"))
stop("`by` must be either sf or sfc.")
if (length(sample_id) > 1L) {
if (inherits(by, "sfc") || !"sample_id" %in% names(by))
stop("`by` must be an sf data frame with a column `sample_id`")
by <- split(st_geometry(by), by$sample_id)
} else if (inherits(by, "sf")) {
by <- st_geometry(by)
if (inherits(by, "sfc")) by <- setNames(list(by), sample_id)
fun_name <- as.character(substitute(FUN))
sfes <- splitSamples(x) # Output list should have sample IDs as names
if (!is.null(rowGeometryName)) {
any_empty <- vapply(sfes, function(x) any(st_is_empty(rowGeometry(x, rowGeometryName))),
FUN.VALUE = logical(1)) |> any()
if (any_empty) sparse <- TRUE
sfes <- lapply(sample_id, function(s) {
.aggregate_sample(sfes[[s]], by = by[[s]], FUN = FUN,
colGeometryName = colGeometryName,
rowGeometryName = rowGeometryName,
join = join, fun_name = fun_name,
new_geometry_name = new_geometry_name,
sparse = sparse, BPPARAM = BPPARAM,
.orig_nrows = nrow(sfes[[s]]))
out <- do.call(cbind, sfes)
# Add the original rowGeometries back
rowGeometries(out) <- rowGeometries(x, sample_id = sample_id)
# Keep imgData
id_orig <- imgData(x)
imgData(out) <- id_orig[id_orig$sample_id %in% sample_id,]
#' Aggregate data in SFE using geometry
#' Gene expression and numeric columns of \code{colData} will be aggregated with
#' the function specified in \code{FUN}, according to another geometry supplied
#' and a geometry predicate (such as \code{st_intersects}). For example, when
#' the predicate is \code{st_intersects} and a spatial grid is used to
#' aggregate, then the data associated with all cells that intersect with each
#' grid cell will be aggregated with \code{FUN}, such as \code{mean} or
#' \code{sum}. The categorical columns will be collected into list columns, and
#' logical columns will be converted into numeric before applying \code{FUN}.
#' For smFISH-based data where the transcript spots are available, the
#' transcript spots can be used instead of cells to aggregate the gene count
#' matrix, in which case all assays other than \code{counts} will be dropped and
#' \code{FUN} only applies to \code{colData} because the transcript spots are
#' simply counted.
#' What this function does is similar to
#' \href{https://github.com/JEFworks-Lab/SEraster}{SEraster} but more general
#' because any geometry and more aggregation function can be used, not just
#' regular grids, and the aggregation can be performed on the transcript spots.
#' @inheritParams sf::st_make_grid
#' @inheritParams sf::aggregate
#' @inheritParams aggregateTx
#' @param x An SFE object to be aggregated.
#' @param by A \code{sf} data frame whose geometry column is used for
#' aggregation or \code{sfc} or for multiple samples a list of \code{sfc}
#' whose names are the sample IDs. For multiple samples, the \code{sf} data
#' frame must have a column \code{sample_id} to indicate which geometry for
#' which sample. This argument is optional if \code{cellsize} is specified.
#' @param FUN Function to aggregate the numerical columns in \code{colData} and
#' the gene count matrix. This can be \code{sum}, \code{mean}, or any function
#' that takes a numeric matrix as input and returns a numeric vector whose
#' length is same as the number of rows in the input matrix, such as
#' \code{rowMedians}. See package \code{matrixStats}. Depending on the
#' function used for aggregation, numeric columns of \code{colData} may need
#' to be interpreted differently after aggregation. Aggregation is not done
#' when aggregating by transcript spots in \code{rowGeometry}. When it's sum
#' or mean, matrix multiplication is used for aggregation rather than calling
#' the sum or mean function itself; this is much faster than looping through
#' the bins and calling the function on each of them.
#' @param sample_id Which samples to aggregate, defaults to "all".
#' @param colGeometryName Which \code{colGeometry} to spatially aggregate the
#' data, by default the first one.
#' @param rowGeometryName Which \code{rowGeometry} to spatially aggregate
#' @param new_geometry_name Name to give to the new \code{colGeometry} in the
#' output. Defaults to "bins".
#' @param BPPARAM A \code{\link{BiocParallelParam}} object specifying parallel
#' computing when aggregating data with functions other than sum and mean when
#' aggregating cells. When aggregating transcript spots, this specifies
#' parallel computing over genes. Defaults to \code{SerialParam()}.
#' @return An SFE object with \code{colGeometry} the same as the geometry
#' specified in \code{by} or same as the grid specified in \code{cellsize}.
#' \code{rowGeometries} and \code{rowData} remain the same as in the input
#' \code{x}. \code{reducedDims}, \code{localResults}, \code{colFeatureData}
#' (and its \code{colGeometry}, \code{annotGeometry}, and \code{reducedDim}
#' counterparts), and \code{spatialGraphs} are dropped because those results
#' no longer apply after aggregation.
#' @note For developers: When debugging this function after calling
#' \code{devtools::load_all(".")}, you may get an error that comes from S3
#' dispatch of \code{aggregate.Vector} from the \code{S4Vectors} package. When
#' that happens, either restart the R session, or run
#' \code{setGeneric("aggregate", function(x, ...)
#' standardGeneric("aggregate"))} in the console to make an S4 generic as done
#' in the \code{terra} package to prioritize S4 dispatch.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats aggregate
#' @concept Geometric operations
#' @examples
#' # example code
setMethod("aggregate", "SpatialFeatureExperiment", .aggregate_SFE)
# Function to make grid for multiple samples
.make_grid_samples <- function(x, sample_id, cellsize, square,
flat_topped) {
bboxes <- .bbox2sf(bbox(x, sample_id = sample_id), sample_id)
out <- lapply(st_geometry(bboxes), st_make_grid, cellsize = cellsize,
square = square, flat_topped = flat_topped)
names(out) <- sample_id
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