#' Get all unique sample IDs
#' The title is self-explanatory.
#' @param sfe A \code{SpatialFeatureExperiment} object.
#' @return A character vector of all unique entries of the \code{sample_id}
#' column in \code{colData(x)}.
#' @export
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment colData colData<- rowData
#' @concept Utilities
#' @examples
#' library(SFEData)
#' sfe <- McKellarMuscleData(dataset = "small")
#' sampleIDs(sfe)
sampleIDs <- function(sfe) unique(colData(sfe)$sample_id)
.translate_value <- function(x, translate, value, sample_id = NULL) {
if (translate && !is.null(int_metadata(x)$orig_bbox)) {
if (anyNA(value$sample_id) || is.null(value$sample_id)) {
if (nrow(value) == ncol(x))
value$sample_id <- colData(x)$sample_id
else if (nrow(value) == nrow(x))
value$sample_id <- .check_sample_id(x, sample_id)
orig_bbox <- int_metadata(x)$orig_bbox
# Don't translate if already translated
curr_bbox <- st_bbox(value)
samples <- unique(value$sample_id) %||% sample_id
if (length(samples) > 1L) {
value$ID_ <- seq_len(nrow(value)) # Unlikely name
df <- value[,c("ID_", "sample_id", "geometry")]
df_split <- split(df, value$sample_id)
df_split <- lapply(samples, function(s) {
out <- df_split[[s]]
og <- out$geometry - orig_bbox[c("xmin", "ymin"), s]
bb <- st_bbox(og)
if ((bb["xmin"] < 0 || bb["ymin"] < 0) || anyNA(bb)) return(out)
out$geometry <- og
df <- do.call(rbind, df_split)
df <- df[match(value$ID_, df$ID_),]
value$geometry <- df$geometry
value$ID_ <- NULL
} else {
if (curr_bbox["xmin"] - orig_bbox["xmin", samples] < 0 ||
curr_bbox["ymin"] - orig_bbox["ymin", samples] < 0) {
value$geometry <- value$geometry - orig_bbox[c("xmin", "ymin"), samples]
.path_valid2 <- function(x) {
all(c(length(x) == 1, is.character(x), file.exists(x)))
#' Find center of bounding box
#' Get x-y coordinates of the center of any bounding box
#' @param bbox A numeric vector of length 4 with names xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax,
#' in any order.
#' @return A numeric vector of length 2.
#' @concept Utilities
#' @examples
#' bbox <- c(xmin = 0, xmax = 100, ymin = 0, ymax = 80)
#' bbox_center(bbox)
#' @export
bbox_center <- function(bbox) {
c(mean(bbox[c("xmin", "xmax")]),
mean(bbox[c("ymin", "ymax")]))
#' Get physical size of pixels
#' This function gets physical size of pixels in each resolution of a OME-TIFF
#' pyramid in \code{\link{BioFormatsImage}}.
#' @param file Path to an OME-TIFF file.
#' @param resolution Which resolution to query; 1 means the highest resolution.
#' The pixels will be larger for the lower resolutions.
#' @return Numeric vector of length 2 of pixel size in x and y. Usually they're
#' the same.
#' @export
#' @concept Utilities
#' @examples
#' library(SFEData)
#' fp <- tempfile()
#' dir_use <- XeniumOutput("v1", file_path = fp)
#' # RBioFormats null pointer error
#' try(getPixelSize(file.path(dir_use, "morphology_focus.ome.tif")))
#' getPixelSize(file.path(dir_use, "morphology_focus.ome.tif"))
#' unlink(dir_use, recursive = TRUE)
getPixelSize <- function(file, resolution = 1L) {
check_installed(c("xml2", "RBioFormats"))
xml_meta <- RBioFormats::read.omexml(file) |>
xml2::read_xml() |> xml2::as_list()
psx <- attr(xml_meta$OME$Image$Pixels, "PhysicalSizeX") |> as.numeric()
psy <- attr(xml_meta$OME$Image$Pixels, "PhysicalSizeY") |> as.numeric()
if (resolution == 1L) return(c(psx, psy))
else {
m <- RBioFormats::read.metadata(file)
coreMetadata <- RBioFormats::coreMetadata
meta <- coreMetadata(m, series = resolution)
meta1 <- coreMetadata(m, series = 1L)
sizeX_full <- meta1$sizeX
sizeY_full <- meta1$sizeY
fct_x <- sizeX_full/meta$sizeX
fct_y <- sizeY_full/meta$sizeY
fct_round <- round(fct_x) # Should be the same for x and y
fctx2 <- fct_x/fct_round
fcty2 <- fct_y/fct_round
sfx2 <- meta$sizeX*fctx2/sizeX_full # Multiply to get from full res pixel to low res pixel
sfy2 <- meta$sizeY*fcty2/sizeY_full
psx_out <- psx/sfx2
psy_out <- psy/sfy2
return(c(psx_out, psy_out))
#' Aggregate bounding boxes
#' To find the bounding box of multiple bounding boxes.
#' @param bboxes Either a matrix with 4 rows whose columns are the different
#' bounding boxes, with row names "xmin", "xmax", "ymin", and "ymax" in any order,
#' or a list of bounding boxes which are named numeric vectors.
#' @return A named numeric vector for the total bounding box.
#' @export
#' @concept Utilities
#' @examples
#' bboxes <- list(c(xmin = 5, xmax = 10, ymin = 2, ymax = 20),
#' c(xmin = 8, xmax = 18, ymin = 0, ymax = 15))
#' bbox_all <- aggBboxes(bboxes)
aggBboxes <- function(bboxes) {
if (is.list(bboxes)) {
bboxes <- lapply(bboxes, function(x) x[c("xmin", "ymin", "xmax", "ymax")])
bboxes <- do.call(rbind, bboxes)
xmin = min(bboxes[, "xmin"], na.rm = TRUE),
ymin = min(bboxes[, "ymin"], na.rm = TRUE),
xmax = max(bboxes[, "xmax"], na.rm = TRUE),
ymax = max(bboxes[, "ymax"], na.rm = TRUE)
#' Show all image_ids in the SFE object
#' The title is self-explanatory. Some functions require \code{image_id} to get
#' or set images.
#' @inheritParams sampleIDs
#' @return A character vector of \code{image_ids}.
#' @export
#' @concept Utilities
#' @examples
#' fp <- system.file(file.path("extdata", "sample01"),
#' package = "SpatialFeatureExperiment")
#' sfe <- read10xVisiumSFE(fp, type = "sparse")
#' imageIDs(sfe)
imageIDs <- function(sfe) imgData(sfe)$image_id
#' Check if Parquet GDAL driver is available
#' The GeoParquet files for geometries are typically written and read with the
#' \code{sfarrow} package, but to add only a select few genes to the SFE object
#' say for visualization purposes, the Parquet GDAL driver is required in order
#' to use GDAL's SQL to query the GeoParquet file to only load the few genes
#' requested. The transcript spots from a large dataset can take up a lot of
#' memory if all loaded.
#' The Parquet driver has been supported since GDAL 3.5.0. The \code{arrow} C++
#' library must be installed in order to make the Parquet driver available. When
#' arrow is installed, newer versions of GDAL installed from Homebrew (Mac)
#' should have the Parquet driver. For Linux, the binary from \code{apt-get}'s
#' default repo is 3.4.1 (as of April 2024). To use the Parquet driver, GDAL may
#' need to be installed from source. See script from the \href{https://github.com/rocker-org/rocker-versioned2/blob/master/scripts/experimental/install_dev_osgeo.sh}{geospatial rocker}.
#' A Voyager docker container with the Parquet driver will soon be provided.
#' @return Logical, indicating whether the Parquet driver is present.
#' @export
#' @concept Utilities
#' @examples
#' gdalParquetAvailable()
gdalParquetAvailable <- function() {
"Parquet" %in% rownames(sf::st_drivers())
.get_XOA_version <- function(data_dir) {
experiment <- fromJSON(file = file.path(data_dir, "experiment.xenium"),
simplify = TRUE)
xoa_version <- experiment$analysis_sw_version
major_version <- substr(xoa_version, 8, 8) |> as.integer()
minor_version <- substr(xoa_version, 10, 10) |> as.integer()
instrument_version <- experiment$instrument_sw_version
c(xoa = xoa_version, major = major_version, minor = minor_version,
instrument = instrument_version)
.no_raw_bytes <- function(data_dir) {
c(xoa_version, major_version, minor_version, instrument_version) %<-%
(major_version == 1L && minor_version > 4L) || major_version == 2L
#' Get relevant fields and file paths for transcript spots
#' Get column names for x, y, and z coordinates, gene IDs, and cell IDs from the
#' transcript file and get file paths for transcript spot coordinates given
#' technology.
#' @param tech Name of the commercial technology, must be one of Vizgen, Xenium,
#' and CosMX.
#' @param data_dir Top level directory of the output.
#' @return A named list with elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{spatialCoordsNames}}{A character vector for column names for the
#' xyz coordinates of the transcript spots.}
#' \item{\code{gene_col}}{Column name for gene IDs.}
#' \item{\code{cell_col}}{Column name for cell IDs.}
#' \item{\code{fn}}{File path of the transcript spot file.}
#' }
#' @export
getTechTxFields <- function(tech, data_dir = NULL) {
spatialCoordsNames <- switch(
Vizgen = c("global_x", "global_y", "global_z"),
Xenium = c("x_location", "y_location", "z_location"),
CosMX = c("x_global_px", "y_global_px", "z")
gene_col <- switch(
CosMX = "target",
Xenium = "feature_name",
Vizgen = "gene"
cell_col <- switch(
Vizgen = "barcode_id",
Xenium = "cell_id",
CosMX = "cell_ID"
if (is.null(data_dir)) fn <- NULL
else {
fn <- switch(
Vizgen = .check_vizgen_fns(data_dir, "detected_transcripts.csv"),
CosMX = grep("tx_file.csv",
list.files(data_dir, pattern = "\\.csv.*$", full.names = TRUE),
value = TRUE)[1],
Xenium = .check_xenium_fns(data_dir, "transcripts", .no_raw_bytes(data_dir))
list(spatialCoordsNames = spatialCoordsNames,
gene_col = gene_col,
cell_col = cell_col,
fn = fn)
.id2symbol <- function(x, ids, swap_rownames) {
if (!is.null(swap_rownames) && swap_rownames %in% names(rowData(x))) {
inds <- match(ids, rownames(x))
features <- rowData(x)[[swap_rownames]][inds]
} else features <- ids
.check_tx_file <- function(file, spatialCoordsNames, gene_col, phred_col,
min_phred, flip, BPPARAM = SerialParam()) {
if (is.character(file)) {
ext <- file_ext(file)
if (!ext %in% c("csv", "gz", "tsv", "txt", "parquet")) {
stop("The file must be one of csv, gz, tsv, txt, or parquet")
if (ext == "parquet") {
mols <- arrow::read_parquet(file)
# convert cols with raw bytes to character
# NOTE: can take a while.
mols <- .rawToChar_df(mols, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
# sanity, convert to data.table
if (!inherits(mols, "data.table")) {
mols <- data.table::as.data.table(mols)
} else {
mols <- fread(file)
} else mols <- file
names(mols)[names(mols) == gene_col] <- "gene"
gene_col <- "gene"
ind <- !spatialCoordsNames[1:2] %in% names(mols)
if (any(ind)) {
col_offending <- setdiff(spatialCoordsNames[1:2], names(mols))
ax <- c("x", "y")
stop(paste(ax[ind], collapse = ", "), " coordinate column(s) ",
paste(col_offending, collapse = ", "), " not found.")
spatialCoordsNames <- intersect(spatialCoordsNames, names(mols))
if (flip) {
y_name <- spatialCoordsNames[2]
if (!is.data.table(mols)) ..y_name <- y_name
mols[,y_name] <- -mols[,..y_name]
if (phred_col %in% names(mols) && !is.null(min_phred)) {
mols <- mols[mols[[phred_col]] >= min_phred,]
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