#' @title Run a set of tests
#' @description Runs a set of tests to check if \code{ggqualimap} is working
#' correctly.
#' @details Runs a series of tests. These can be used to see features and
#' examples of usage, too. Running \code{test_ggqualimap} will tell you the full
#' location of the test file(s) to open.
#' @param verbose If \code{TRUE} sets \code{ggqualimap_verbose} to \code{TRUE} for
#' the duration of the tests.
#' @param pkg Root directory name under which all package content
#' (ex: \code{DESCRIPTION}, \code{src/}, \code{R/}, \code{inst/} etc..)
#' resides.
#' @param silent Logical, default \code{FALSE}. When \code{TRUE} it will not
#' raise error on in case of test fails.
#' @return When silent equals to \code{TRUE} it will return \code{TRUE} if
#' all tests were successful. \code{FALSE} otherwise. If silent equals to
#' \code{FALSE} it will return \code{TRUE} if all tests were successful. Error
#' otherwise.
#' @aliases test_ggqualimap
#' @seealso \code{\link{qualimap}} \code{\link{plot_read_alignment}}
#' \code{\link{plot_bias_profile}} \code{\link{plot_coverage_profile}}
#' \code{\link{plot_junction_analysis}} \code{\link{plot_genomic_origin}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ggqualimap:::test_ggqualimap()
#' }
test_ggqualimap <- function(verbose=FALSE, pkg="pkg", silent=FALSE) {
if (exists("test_ggqualimap", .GlobalEnv, inherits=FALSE)) { # package developer
if ("package:ggqualimap" %in% search()) stop("ggqualimap package loaded")
if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
d = path.expand("~/Documents/oa-git/ggqualimap/inst/tests")
} else { # user
d = paste(getNamespaceInfo("ggqualimap", "path"), "/tests", sep="")
olddir = setwd(d)
envirs <- list()
for (fn in file.path(d, 'tests.Rraw')) { # not testthat
cat("Running", fn, "\n")
oldverbose = getOption("ggqualimap_verbose")
if (verbose) options(ggqualimap_verbose=TRUE)
envirs[[fn]] = new.env(parent=.GlobalEnv)
try(sys.source(fn, envir=envirs[[fn]]), silent=silent)
} else {
sys.source(fn, envir=envirs[[fn]])
invisible(sum(sapply(envirs, `[[`, "nfail"))==0)
# Define test() and its globals here, for use in dev
# But primarily called by test_ggqualimap() calling inst/tests/tests.Rraw
# Initialized at the top of tests.Raw ...
# nfail = ntest = lastnum = 0
# whichfail = NULL
# .devtesting = TRUE
compactprint <- function(DT, topn=2) {
cn = paste(" [Key=", paste(key(DT), collapse=","), " Types=",
paste(substring(gsub("integer64", "i64", sapply(DT, class)), 1, 3),
collapse=","), "]", sep="")
print(copy(DT)[, (cn):=""], topn=topn)
test <- function(num, x, y, error=NULL, warning=NULL, output=NULL) {
# Usage:
# 1. tests that x equals y when both x and y are supplied, the most
# common usage
# 2. tests that x is TRUE when y isn't supplied
# 3. if error is supplied, y should be missing and x is tested to result
# in an error message matching the pattern
# 4. if warning is supplied, y (if supplied) is checked to equal x, and
# x should result in a warning message matching the pattern
# 5. if output is supplied, x is evaluated and printed and the output is
# checked to match the pattern
# At most one of error, warning or output may be supplied, all single
# character strings (passed to grep)
# num just needs to be numeric and unique. We normally increment integers
# at the end, but inserts can be made using decimals e.g. 10, 11, 11.1,
# 11.2, 12, 13,...
# Motivations:
# 1. we'd like to know all tests that fail not just stop at the first.
# This often helps by revealing a common feature across a set of
# failing tests
# 2. test() tests more deeply than a diff on console output and uses a
# ggqualimap appropriate definition of "equals" different
# from all.equal and different to identical related to row.names and
# unused factor levels
# 3. each test has a unique id which we refer to in commit messages,
# emails etc.
# to cater for both test_ggqualimap() and stepping through tests in dev
nfail = get("nfail", parent.frame())
whichfail = get("whichfail", parent.frame())
assign("ntest", get("ntest", parent.frame())+1L, parent.frame(),
inherits=TRUE) # bump number of tests run
assign("lastnum", num, parent.frame(), inherits=TRUE)
v = getOption("ggqualimap_verbose")
i = interactive()
if (v || i) {
cat(if (i) "\r" else "\n\n", "Running test id ", num, " ", sep="")
# TODO: every line that could possibly fail should ideally be
# inside test()
xsub = substitute(x)
ysub = substitute(y)
if (is.null(output)) err <<- try(x, TRUE)
else out = gsub("NULL$", "", paste(capture.output(print(err<<-try(x,
TRUE))), collapse=""))
if (!is.null(output)) {
output = gsub("[[]", "<LBRACKET>", output)
output = gsub("[]]", "<RBRACKET>", output)
output = gsub("<LBRACKET>", "[[]", output)
output = gsub("<RBRACKET>", "[]]", output)
output = gsub("[(]", "[(]", output)
output = gsub("[)]", "[)]", output)
if (!length(grep(output, out))) {
cat("Test", num, "didn't produce correct output:\n")
cat(">", deparse(xsub), "\n")
cat("Expected: '", output, "'\n", sep="")
cat("Observed: '", out, "'\n", sep="")
assign("nfail", nfail+1, parent.frame(), inherits=TRUE)
assign("whichfail", c(whichfail, num), parent.frame(),
if (!is.null(error) || !is.null(warning)) {
type = ifelse(!is.null(error), "error", "warning")
patt = txt = ifelse(!is.null(error), error, warning)
patt = gsub("[(]", "[(]", patt)
patt = gsub("[)]", "[)]", patt)
patt = gsub("\\^", "\\\\^", patt)
observedtype = ifelse(length(grep("converted from warning", err)),
"warning", "error")
if (! (inherits(err, "try-error") &&
length(grep(patt, err)) &&
type==observedtype)) {
cat("Test", num, "didn't produce correct", type, ":\n")
cat(">", deparse(xsub), "\n")
cat("Expected ", type, ": '", txt, "'\n", sep="")
if (!inherits(err, "try-error"))
cat("Observed: no error or warning\n")
cat("Observed ", observedtype, ": '",
gsub("^[(]converted from warning[)] ", "",
gsub("\n$", "",
gsub("^Error.* : \n ", "", as.character(err)))),
"'\n", sep="")
assign("nfail", nfail+1L, parent.frame(), inherits=TRUE)
# Not the same as nfail <<- nfail + 1, it seems
# (when run via R CMD check)
assign("whichfail", c(whichfail, num), parent.frame(),
if (type=="warning")
err <- if (is.null(output)) x<-try(suppressWarnings(x), TRUE)
else out <- paste(capture.output(x<-try(suppressWarnings(
x), TRUE)), collapse="")
else return()
if (inherits(err, "try-error") || (!missing(y) && inherits(err<-try(y,
TRUE), "try-error"))) {
cat("Test", num, err)
assign("nfail", nfail+1, parent.frame(), inherits=TRUE)
assign("whichfail", c(whichfail, num), parent.frame(), inherits=TRUE)
if (missing(y)) {
if (!is.null(output)) return()
if (isTRUE(as.vector(x))) return()
cat("Test", num, "expected TRUE but observed:\n")
cat(">", deparse(xsub), "\n")
if (is.data.table(x)) compactprint(x) else print(x)
assign("nfail", nfail+1, parent.frame(), inherits=TRUE)
assign("whichfail", c(whichfail, num), parent.frame(), inherits=TRUE)
} else {
if (identical(x, y)) return()
if (is.data.table(x) && is.data.table(y)) {
# TO DO: test 166 doesn't pass with these :
# if (!selfrefok(x)) stop("x selfref not ok")
# if (!selfrefok(y)) stop("y selfref not ok")
yc=copy(y) # so we don't affect the original data which
# may be used in the next test
# drop unused levels in factors
if (length(x)) for (i in which(sapply(x, is.factor))) {
xc[, (i):=factor(.xi)]
if (length(y)) {
for (i in which(sapply(y, is.factor))) {
yc[, (i):=factor(.yi)]
setattr(xc, "row.names", NULL)
setattr(yc, "row.names", NULL)
setattr(xc, "index", NULL)
setattr(yc, "index", NULL)
if (identical(xc, yc) && identical(key(x), key(y))) return()
if (isTRUE(all.equal(xc, yc)) && identical(key(x), key(y)))
if (is.factor(x) && is.factor(y)) {
x = factor(x)
y = factor(y)
if (identical(x, y)) return()
if (is.atomic(x) && is.atomic(y) && isTRUE(all.equal(x, y)))
cat("Test", num, "ran without errors but failed check that x equals y:\n")
cat("> x =", deparse(xsub), "\n")
if (is.data.table(x)) compactprint(x) else if (length(x)>6) {
cat("First 6 of", length(x), ":")
} else print(x)
cat("> y =", deparse(ysub), "\n")
if (is.data.table(y)) compactprint(y) else if (length(y)>6) {
cat("First 6 of", length(y), ":")
} else print(y)
assign("nfail", nfail+1L, parent.frame(), inherits=TRUE)
assign("whichfail", c(whichfail, num), parent.frame(), inherits=TRUE)
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