##' This is the main function for fitting functional kinetics to hdx-ms data.
##' Fitting is performed using the minpack library. By default the model will fit
##' a Weibull type model but it is possible to provide a formula for more flexibility.
##' The method using regular expresions to extract the design from the column names
##' or these can be provided.
##' @param object An object of class `QFeatures`
##' @param feature The feature name of which to fit the model
##' @param design A character vector indicating replicates, conditions,
##' chargestates, timepoints ete. Default is NULL and design is extract from column names
##' @param formula The nonlinear formula used. Default is NULL, in which a weibull model is used.
##' @param start The initial guess for the parameters
##' @param mycolours A colour palette default uses `brewer.pal`.
##' @return Returns an instance of class `HdxStatmodel`
##' @md
##' @rdname hdxstat-functions
differentialUptakeKinetics <- function(object,
feature = NULL,
design = NULL,
formula = NULL,
start = list(a = NULL, b = 0.001, d = NULL, p = 1),
mycolours = brewer.pal(n = 8, name = "Set2"),
maxAttempts = 5){
.out <- NULL
if (!is.null(design)){
colnames(object)[[1]] <- design
## move object to Long Format
ldf <- longFormat(object)
## add time points using regex
ldf$timepoint <- as.numeric(str_match(ldf$colname, "X\\s*(.*?)\\s*rep")[, 2])
## add replicate number using regex
ldf$replicates <- as.numeric(str_match(ldf$colname, "rep\\s*(.*)\\s*cond")[, 2])
#add charge number using regex
ldf$chargestate <- as.numeric(str_match(ldf$rowname, "_\\s*(.*)")[, 2])
#add conditions using regex
ldf$condition <- as.factor(str_match(ldf$colname, "cond\\s*(.*)")[, 2])
if (length(feature) ==1){
if (!is.null(feature)){
if (is.null(formula)){
formula <- value ~ a * (1 - exp(-b*(timepoint)^p)) + d
data <- data.frame(ldf[ldf$rowname == feature, ])
data <- data[,!colSums(is.na(data)) == nrow(data)]
data <- na.omit(data)
if (nrow(data) < 3) {
print("too few data points to fit model")
if (is.null(start$a)){
start$a <- max(data$value)
if (is.null(start$d) & length(start) > 2){
start$d <- min(data$value)
nonlin_mod <- vector(mode = "list", length = maxAttempts)
for(j in seq_len(maxAttempts)){
if (is.null(start$b) & maxAttempts > 1){
start$b <- 10^(j - maxAttempts)
nonlin_mod[[j]] <- try(nlsLM(data = data,
formula = formula,
start = start,
control = nls.lm.control(maxiter = 500, ftol = 10^{-8}),
trace = FALSE,
lower = rep(0, length(start)), algorithm = "LM", na.action = na.exclude), silent = TRUE)
# reset b
start$b <- NULL
# find best starting parameters for analysis
jj <- which.min(as.numeric(sapply(nonlin_mod, function(x) try(deviance(x), silent = TRUE))))
# if all models fail.
if (length(jj) == 0){
jj <- maxAttempts
if (is.null(start$b) & maxAttempts > 1){
start$b <- 10^{jj - maxAttempts} # best start
# take best null model
nonlin_mod <- nonlin_mod[[jj]]
if(inherits(nonlin_mod, "try-error")){
print("model fit failed, likely exessive missing values")
myPredict1 <- expand.grid(timepoint = seq(min(data$timepoint, 0), max(data$timepoint), 0.5))
#expand.grid here in case your model has more than one variable
#Caution, extrapolating well beyond the data
myPredict1$fit <- predict(nonlin_mod, newdata = myPredict1)
datalist <- group_split(data, condition)
nlmod <- lapply(datalist, function(x){nonlin_mod <-
try(nlsLM(data = x,
formula = formula,
start = start,
control = nls.lm.control(maxiter = 500, ftol = 10^{-8}),
trace = FALSE,
lower = rep(0, length(start)), algorithm = "LM", na.action = na.exclude))})
if (any(sapply(nlmod, function(x) inherits(x, "try-error")))){
print("Could not fit model, likely exessive missing values")
myPredict <- lapply(1:length(nlmod), function(j)
expand.grid(timepoint = seq(min(data$timepoint, 0), max(data$timepoint), 0.5)))
#expand.grid here in case your model has more than one variable
#Caution, extrapolating well beyond the data
myPredict <- lapply(1:length(nlmod), function(j){
myPredict[[j]] <- predict(nlmod[[j]], newdata = myPredict[[j]])
myPredictjoin <- do.call(cbind, myPredict)
colnames(myPredictjoin) <- sapply(datalist, function(x) x$condition[1])
myPredictjoin <- data.frame(myPredictjoin)
myPredictjoin$timepoint <- unlist(expand.grid(timepoint = seq(min(data$timepoint, 0), max(data$timepoint), 0.5)))
myPredict_long <- myPredictjoin %>% pivot_longer(cols = 1:length(datalist))
colnames(myPredict_long) <- c("timepoint", "condition", "fit")
df <- data.frame(myPredict_long)
df$condition <- gsub("X", "", df$condition)
gg <- ggplot(data, aes(y = value,
x = timepoint,
color = condition)) + geom_point(size = 4) + theme_classic() +
geom_line(data = myPredict1, aes(x = timepoint, y = fit),
inherit.aes = FALSE, size = 2, col = mycolours[2]) +
geom_line(data = df, aes(x = timepoint, y = fit, color = condition), inherit.aes = FALSE, size = 2) +
labs(x = "Exposure", y = "Deuterium Incoperation", color = "condition",
title = paste0(data$rowname[1])) +
scale_color_viridis(alpha = 0.7, discrete = TRUE)
# Construct a HdxStatmodel
.nlmod <- .nlsList(nlsmodels = nlmod)
.out <- .hdxstatmodel(nullmodel = nonlin_mod,
alternative = .nlmod,
vis = gg,
method = "Functional Model",
formula = formula)
##' Computes the residual sum of squares for an `HdxStatModel`
##' @param object An instance of class `HdxStatModel`
##' @return A list containing degrees of freedom and residual sums of squares
##' @md
##' @rdname hdxstat-functions
computeRSS <- function(object){
# checks
stopifnot("Object is not an instance of HdxStatModel"=class(object) == "HdxStatModel")
# extract
nlmod_null <- object@nullmodel
nlmod_alt <- object@alternative@nlsmodels
# compute residual sum of squares
RSS0 <- sum(resid(nlmod_null)^2)
RSS1 <- sum(unlist(sapply(nlmod_alt, function(x) resid(x)))^2)
# compute number of parameters
p_null <- length(summary(nlmod_null)$parameters[,1])
p_alt <- 2 * p_null
# compute first degree of freedom
d1 <- p_alt - p_null
# compute second degrees of freedom
d2 <- stats::nobs(nlmod_null) - p_alt
.res <- list(RSS0 = RSS0, RSS1 = RSS1, d1 = d1, d2 = d2)
##' Compute the F statistics
##' @param RSS0 Residual sum of squares for null model
##' @param RSS1 Residual sum of squares for altenative model
##' @param d1 The first degrees of freedom for the F-test
##' @param d2 The second degrees of freedom for the F-test
##' @return A list of the relevent statistics
##' @md
##' @rdname hdxstat-functions
computeFstat <- function(RSS0,
numerator <- (RSS0 - RSS1)/d1
denomenator <- RSS1/d2
Fstat <- numerator/denomenator
return(list(Fstat = Fstat, numerator = numerator, denomenator = denomenator))
##' Compute p-value based on the F-test
##' @param Fstat The f-statistic
##' @param d1 The 1st degree of freedom
##' @param d2 The 2nd degree of freedom
##' @return A p-value according to the F-test
##' @md
##' @rdname hdxstat-functions
computePval <- function(Fstat,
res <- pf(q = Fstat, df1 = d1, df2 = d2, lower.tail = FALSE)
##' Empirical Bayes computations
##' @param RSS0 Residual sum of squares for null model
##' @param RSS1 Residual sum of squares for altenative model
##' @param d1 The first degrees of freedom for the F-test
##' @param d2 The second degrees of freedom for the F-test
##' @return p-values and FDR from empirical Bayes method
##' @md
##' @rdname hdxstat-functions
hdxEbayes <- function(RSS0,
numerator <- (RSS0 - RSS1)/d1
denomenator <- RSS1/d2
# squeeze variances
newvar <- limma::squeezeVar(var = denomenator, df = d2)
# compute moderated F statistic
modFstat <- numerator/newvar$var.post
# compute pvalues
pvalues <- pf(q = modFstat, df1 = d1, df2 = d2, lower.tail = FALSE)
# compute FDR
fdr <- p.adjust(pvalues, method = "BH")
return(list(pvalues = pvalues, fdr = fdr))
##' This is the main function for using t-tests for hdx-ms data.
##' The method using regular expresions to extract the design from the column names
##' or these can be provided.
##' @param object An object of class `QFeatures`
##' @param feature The feature name of which to fit the model
##' @param design A character vector indicating replicates, conditions,
##' chargestates, timepoints ete. Default is NULL and design is extract from column names
##' @param formula The formula used. Default is NULL.
##' @return Returns an instance of class `HdxStatmodel`
##' @md
##' @rdname hdxstat-functions
ttestUptakeKinetics <- function(object,
feature = NULL,
design = NULL,
formula = NULL){
.out <- NULL
if (!is.null(design)){
colnames(object)[[1]] <- design
## move object to Long Format
ldf <- longFormat(object)
## add time points using regex
ldf$timepoint <- as.numeric(str_match(ldf$colname, "X\\s*(.*?)\\s*rep")[, 2])
## add replicate number using regex
ldf$replicates <- as.numeric(str_match(ldf$colname, "rep\\s*(.*)\\s*cond")[, 2])
#add charge number using regex
ldf$chargestate <- as.numeric(str_match(ldf$rowname, "_\\s*(.*)")[, 2])
#add conditions using regex
ldf$condition <- as.factor(str_match(ldf$colname, "cond\\s*(.*)")[, 2])
datalist <- group_split(data.frame(ldf), c(rowname))
tres <- list()
for (j in seq_along(datalist)){
data <- na.omit(datalist[[j]]) %>% group_by(timepoint) %>% filter(n() > 3)
if (nrow(data) > 0){
tres[[j]] <- na.omit(datalist[[j]]) %>% group_by(timepoint) %>% filter(n() > 3) %>% do(tidy(t.test(value ~ condition, data = .)))
tres[[j]]$rownames <- datalist[[j]]$rowname[1]
res <- do.call(rbind, tres)
res$fdr <- p.adjust(res$p.value, method = "BH")
.out <- DataFrame(tres = res)
.res <- .hdxstatres(results = .out, method = "t-test")
##' This is the main function for using linear mixed models for hdx-ms data.
##' The method using regular expresions to extract the design from the column names
##' or these can be provided.
##' @param object An object of class `QFeatures`
##' @param feature The feature name of which to fit the model
##' @param design A character vector indicating replicates, conditions,
##' chargestates, timepoints ete. Default is NULL and design is extract from column names
##' @param formula The formula used. Default is NULL.
##' @return Returns an instance of class `HdxStatmodel`
##' @md
##' @rdname hdxstat-functions
lmUptakeKinetics <- function(object,
feature = NULL,
design = NULL,
formula = NULL){
.out <- NULL
if (!is.null(design)){
colnames(object)[[1]] <- design
## move object to Long Format
ldf <- longFormat(object)
## add time points using regex
ldf$timepoint <- as.numeric(str_match(ldf$colname, "X\\s*(.*?)\\s*rep")[, 2])
## add replicate number using regex
ldf$replicates <- as.numeric(str_match(ldf$colname, "rep\\s*(.*)\\s*cond")[, 2])
#add charge number using regex
ldf$chargestate <- as.numeric(str_match(ldf$rowname, "_\\s*(.*)")[, 2])
#add conditions using regex
ldf$condition <- as.factor(str_match(ldf$colname, "cond\\s*(.*)")[, 2])
## convert timepoitn to factor
ldf$timepoint <- factor(ldf$timepoint)
datalist <- group_split(data.frame(ldf), c(rowname))
lmres <- list()
for (j in seq_along(datalist)){
lmres[[j]] <- data.frame(summary(datalist[[j]] %>% group_by(timepoint) %>%
lmerTest::lmer(value ~ condition + timepoint + condition:timepoint + (1|replicates), data = .))$coefficients)
colnames(lmres[[j]])[5] <- "p.value"
lmres[[j]]$rownames <- datalist[[j]]$rowname[1]
pvals <- lapply(lmres, function(x) x[,"p.value"])
pvals <- sapply(pvals, '[', seq(max(sapply(pvals, length))))
id <- min(which(sapply(lmres, function(x) nrow(x) == nrow(pvals))))
rownames(pvals) <- rownames(lmres[[id]])
colnames(pvals) <- sapply(lmres, function(x) x$rownames[1])
fdr <- matrix(p.adjust(c(pvals), method = "BH"), nrow = nrow(pvals))
rownames(fdr) <- rownames(pvals)
colnames(fdr) <- colnames(pvals)
.res <- DataFrame(t(fdr))
.out <- .hdxstatres(results = .res, method = "Linear mixed model")
##' This function process the functional fits for hdx-ms data.
##' @param object An object of class `QFeatures`
##' @param params An object of class `HdxStatModels`
##' @return An instance of class `HdxStatRes` which contains p-values and important
##' quantities
##' @md
##' @rdname hdxstat-functions
processFunctional <- function(object,
stopifnot("Object in not an instance of Qfeatures"=class(object) == "QFeatures")
stopifnot("Object is not an insance of HdxStatModels"=class(params) == "HdxStatModels")
# object compute from running non-linear models models
res <- lapply(1:length(params),
function(z) try(computeRSS(object = params@statmodels[[z]])))
# get rownames
#rw <- rownames(object)[[1]][which(!sapply(res, function(x) class(x)) == "try-error")]
rw <- sapply(params@statmodels, function(xx) xx@vis$data$rowname[1])
rw <- rw[which(!sapply(res, function(x) class(x)) == "try-error")]
# remove data with error
res_filtered <- res[which(!sapply(res, function(x) class(x)) == "try-error")]
# Compute F Statistics
Fstats <- lapply(1:length(res_filtered),
function(z) computeFstat(RSS0 = res_filtered[[z]]$RSS0,
RSS1 = res_filtered[[z]]$RSS1,
d1 = res_filtered[[z]]$d1,
d2 = res_filtered[[z]]$d2))
# Compute p-values
pvals <- lapply(1:length(Fstats), function(z) computePval(Fstat = Fstats[[z]]$Fstat,
d1 = res_filtered[[z]]$d1,
d2 = res_filtered[[z]]$d2))
# fdr correction
fdr <- p.adjust(unlist(pvals), method = "BH")
# empirical Bayes analysis
ebayesres <- hdxEbayes(RSS0 = sapply(res_filtered, function(x) x$RSS0),
RSS1 = sapply(res_filtered, function(x) x$RSS1),
d1 = sapply(res_filtered, function(x) x$d1),
d2 = sapply(res_filtered, function(x) x$d2))
# get names for emprical bayes
names(ebayesres$fdr) <- names(ebayesres$pvalues) <- rw
Fstatres <- lapply(Fstats, unlist)
names(Fstatres) <- rw
names(pvals) <- rw
names(ebayesres$pvalues) <- rw
.out <- DataFrame(Fstat = do.call("rbind", Fstats),
pvals = unlist(pvals),
fdr = fdr,
ebayes.pvals = ebayesres$pvalues,
ebayes.fdr = ebayesres$fdr,
fitcomplete = which(!sapply(res, function(x) class(x)) == "try-error"), row.names = rw)
.res <- .hdxstatres(results = .out, method = "Functional model")
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