
Defines functions firebrowseMergeClinicalFormat

firebrowseMergeClinicalFormat <- function() {
        tablename   = "Clinical data",      # Name of the created table
        filename    = "clin.merged.txt",    # Name of the file
        description = "Clinical data of the patients",
        dataType    = "Clinical data",      # General category for the data
        # Transpose data? Occurs before parsing: after transposing data, be
        # careful with what is a row/column in the following options
        transpose   = TRUE,
        # Format checker information
        rowCheck    = TRUE,  # Check format using row (TRUE) or column (FALSE)
        checkIndex  = 1,     # Index of row/column to check the format
        # File string to check
        check = c("admin.batch_number", "admin.bcr", "admin.day_of_dcc_upload",
                  "admin.disease_code", "admin.file_uuid",
        # Parsing information
        delim       = "\t",   # Delimiter used to separate fields
        colNames    = 1,      # Row to use for column names
        rowNames    = "patient.bcr_patient_barcode",  # Column for row names
        ignoreCols  = NULL,   # Columns to ignore
        ignoreRows  = seq(2), # Rows to ignore
        commentChar = NULL,   # String to identify comments (which are ignored)
        # Remove duplicated rows
        unique = FALSE,
        # Identity of rows and columns
        rows    = "patients",
        columns = "attributes",
        # Default columns to show (NULL to show all)
        show = c(
            # breast cancer-specific information
            # patient information
            # maybe include all columns with history in the name?
            # tumour information
                   "pathologic_categories.pathologic_", c("m", "n", "t")),
        process = function(data) {
            # Modify column name to be more suggestive
            col <- grep("stage.*pathologic_stage", colnames(data))
            colnames(data)[col] <- paste0(colnames(data)[col], "_tumor_stage")
            # Transform subject identifiers to upper case
            rownames(data) <- toupper(rownames(data))
            # Remove columns only containing missing values
            onlyNA <- colSums(is.na(data)) == nrow(data)
            data <- data[ , !onlyNA]
            # Replace smoking history numeric values with respective description
            smkCol <- grep("patient.tobacco_smoking_history", colnames(data))
            if (length(smkCol) == 1) {
                smk <- data[ , smkCol]
                smk[smk == 1] <- "Lifelong Non-Smoker"
                smk[smk == 2] <- "Current Smoker"
                smk[smk == 3] <- "Reformed Smoker for > 15 years"
                smk[smk == 4] <- "Reformed Smoker for <= 15 years"
                smk[smk == 5] <- "Reformed Smoker, Unspecified Duration"
                smk[smk == 6] <- "Smoker at Diagnosis"
                smk[smk == 7] <- "Smoking history not documented"
                data[ , smkCol] <- smk

attr(firebrowseMergeClinicalFormat, "loader") <- "formats"
nuno-agostinho/psichomics documentation built on Jan. 2, 2025, 4:10 a.m.