#' Get GTEx data information
#' @family functions associated with GTEx data retrieval
#' @return GTEx data information
#' @export
#' @examples
#' getGtexDataTypes()
getGtexDataTypes <- function() {
c("Sample attributes"="sampleInfo",
"Subject phenotypes"="subjectInfo",
"Gene expression"="geneExpr",
"Junction quantification"="junctionQuant")
#' @rdname getGtexDataTypes
#' @export
#' @examples
#' getGtexReleases()
getGtexReleases <- function() {
release <- c(8, 7, 6, 4)
n <- max(release) + 1
getReleaseIfNotNull <- function(n) if (!is.null(getGtexDataURL(n))) n
release <- c(release, getReleaseIfNotNull(n), getReleaseIfNotNull(n + 1))
#' @rdname appUI
#' @importFrom shinyBS bsCollapse bsCollapsePanel
#' @importFrom shiny helpText
#' @importFrom shinyjs hidden
gtexDataUI <- function(id, panel) {
ns <- NS(id)
panel(style="info", title=list(icon("plus-circle"), "GTEx data loading"),
value="Automatically load GTEx data",
helpText("GTEx data downloaded from",
a(href="http://www.gtexportal.org", target="_blank",
"GTEx Data Portal")),
selectizeInput(ns("release"), "Version release", width="100%",
getGtexReleases(), selected=8),
selectizeInput(ns("dataTypes"), "Data type", multiple=TRUE,
width="100%", getGtexDataTypes(),
selected=getGtexDataTypes(), options=list(
placeholder="Select data types",
title=tagList(icon("lungs"), "Tissues to load",
value="Load by tissue",
div(id=ns("loadingAvailableTissues"), class="progress",
div(class="progress-bar progress-bar-striped active",
role="progressbar", style="width:100%",
"Loading tissues from sample attributes...")),
selectizeInput(ns("tissues"), label=NULL, width="100%",
choices=c("Select one or more tissues"=""),
multiple=TRUE, options=list(
processButton(ns("load"), "Load data"))
#' Get GTEx tissues from given GTEx sample attributes
#' @inheritParams loadGtexData
#' @family functions associated with GTEx data retrieval
#' @return Character: available tissues
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' getGtexTissues()
#' }
getGtexTissues <- function(folder=getDownloadsFolder(),
release=getGtexReleases()[[1]]) {
metadata <- loadGtexData(folder, "sampleInfo", release=release,
freq <- table(metadata[["Tissue Type (area of retrieval)"]])
tissues <- names(freq)
names(tissues) <- sprintf("%s (%s samples)", names(freq), as.vector(freq))
if (!is.na(match("", tissues))) tissues <- tissues[-match("", tissues)]
#' Load GTEx file
#' @param path Character: path to file
#' @param pattern Character: pattern of the format type to load file
#' @param samples Character: samples to filter datasets
#' @return Loaded file as a data frame
#' @keywords internal
loadGtexFile <- function(path, pattern, samples=NULL) {
if (!is.null(path)) {
if (!is.character(path) && !is.null(path$datapath))
path <- path$datapath
path <- path
} else {
# Retrieve correct format to load GTEx file
formats <- loadFileFormats()
filterFormats <- function(i, pattern) {
if (!is.null(i$filename)) {
grepl(pattern, i$filename, fixed=TRUE) &&
grepl("GTEx", i$filename, fixed=TRUE)
} else {
format <- formats[sapply(formats, filterFormats, pattern)]
select <- NULL
if (pattern %in% c("junction", "gene") && !is.null(samples)) {
# Parse all columns instead of specific ones
customFormat <- format
for (i in seq(customFormat)) customFormat[[i]]$ignoreCols <- NULL
# Load GTEx data exclusively for matching samples
allSamples <- colnames(loadFile(path, customFormat, nrows=0))
select <- c(1, # Retrieve junction identifier
which(allSamples %in% samples))
parsed <- loadFile(path, format, select=select)
if (!is.null(samples)) {
if (pattern == "Sample") {
# Retrieve samples based on tissues
parsed <- parsed[samples, ]
} else if (pattern == "Subject") {
# Retrieve subjects for which samples are available
subjects <- getSubjectFromSample(samples, rownames(parsed))
subjects <- subjects[!is.na(subjects)]
subjects <- sort(unique(subjects))
parsed <- parsed[subjects, ]
downloadGtexFiles <- function(link, folder) {
type <- names(link)
filepath <- file.path(folder, basename(link))
names(filepath) <- type
toDownload <- !file.exists(gsub("\\.gz$", "", filepath))
if (sum(toDownload) > 0) {
updateProgress("Downoading data...", divisions=sum(toDownload))
for (i in which(toDownload)) {
updateProgress("Downloading file", detail=type[i])
download.file(link[i], filepath[i])
toDecompress <- grepl("\\.gz$", filepath) & file.exists(filepath)
if (sum(toDecompress) > 0) {
updateProgress("Extracting files...", divisions=sum(toDecompress))
for (each in which(toDecompress)) {
updateProgress("Extracting file", detail=type[each])
#' Get links to download GTEx data
#' @param release Numeric: GTEx data release
#' @param domain Character: GTEx data storage domain
#' @param offline Boolean: simulate offline behaviour
#' @importFrom XML xmlParse xmlToDataFrame
#' @importFrom httr GET http_error
#' @return Character with URLs to download GTEx data
#' @keywords internal
getGtexDataURL <- function(release, domain="https://storage.googleapis.com",
offline=FALSE) {
path <- "adult-gtex"
date <- NULL
if (release == 8) {
res <- c(
date <- as.Date("2019-08-26")
} else if (release == 7) {
res <- c(
date <- as.Date("2017-09-05")
} else if (release == 6) {
res <- c(
date <- as.Date("2017-04-25")
} else if (release == 4) {
res <- c(
date <- as.Date("2017-04-24")
} else if (release == 3) {
res <- c(
date <- as.Date("2017-04-24")
} else {
res <- NULL
if (!is.null(res)) {
res <- file.path(domain, path, res)
names(res) <- getGtexDataTypes()
attr(res, "date") <- date
#' Download and load GTEx data
#' @param data Character: data types to load (see \code{getGtexDataTypes})
#' @param folder Character: folder containing data
#' @param tissue Character: tissues to load (if \code{NULL}, load all); tissue
#' selection may speed up data loading
#' @param release Numeric: GTEx data release to load
#' @param progress Boolean: display progress?
#' @importFrom tools file_path_sans_ext
#' @importFrom R.utils gunzip
#' @family functions associated with GTEx data retrieval
#' @family functions to load data
#' @return List with loaded data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Download and load all available GTEx data
#' data <- loadGtexData()
#' # Download and load only junction quantification and sample info from GTEx
#' getGtexDataTypes()
#' data <- loadGtexData(data=c("sampleInfo", "junctionQuant"))
#' # Download and load only data for specific tissues
#' getGtexTissues()
#' data <- loadGtexData(tissue=c("Stomach", "Small Intestine"))
#' # Download and load data from a specific GTEx data release
#' data <- loadGtexData(tissue=c("Stomach", "Small Intestine"), release=7)
#' }
loadGtexData <- function(folder=getDownloadsFolder(), data=getGtexDataTypes(),
tissue=NULL, release=getGtexReleases()[[1]],
progress=TRUE) {
stopifnot("Argument 'data' cannot be NULL" = !is.null(data),
"Argument 'folder' cannot be NULL" = !is.null(folder))
link <- getGtexDataURL(release)[data]
if (is.null(link)) stop("No data available for GTEx V", release)
folder <- file.path(folder, paste0("GTEx_V", release))
if (!dir.exists(folder)) dir.create(folder)
filepath <- downloadGtexFiles(link, folder)
if (progress) updateProgress("Loading files...", divisions=length(data))
loadThisGtexFile <- function(path, pattern, release, samples=NULL) {
name <- ifelse(is.character(path), basename(path), path$name)
if (progress) updateProgress("Processing file", detail=name)
loaded <- loadGtexFile(path, pattern, samples)
attr(loaded, "description") <- gsub(
"GTEx", paste0("GTEx V", release), attr(loaded, "description"),
filepath <- gsub("\\.gz$", "", filepath)
sampleMetadata <- filepath["sampleInfo"]
clinical <- filepath["subjectInfo"]
geneExpr <- filepath["geneExpr"]
junctionQuant <- filepath["junctionQuant"]
loaded <- list()
samples <- NULL
if (!is.na(sampleMetadata)) {
sampleAttrs <- loadThisGtexFile(sampleMetadata, "Sample", release)
if (!is.null(tissue)) {
# Filter which samples match desired tissues
tissue <- tolower(unique(tissue))
tissueCol <- "Tissue Type (area of retrieval)"
sampleTissues <- tolower(sampleAttrs[[tissueCol]])
matchedTissues <- sampleTissues %in% tissue
samples <- rownames(sampleAttrs)[matchedTissues]
if (length(samples) == 0) {
noMatch <- paste(tissue[-length(tissue)], collapse=", ")
if (noMatch == "") {
noMatch <- tissue
} else {
noMatch <- paste(noMatch, tissue[length(tissue)],
sep=" or ")
stop("No tissues match ", noMatch, ". Run the function ",
"`getGtexTissues` to check available tissues.")
sampleAttrs <- sampleAttrs[samples, ]
loaded[[1]] <- sampleAttrs
if (!is.na(clinical)) {
loaded[[2]] <- loadThisGtexFile(clinical, "Subject", release, samples)
if (!is.na(junctionQuant)) {
loaded[[3]] <- loadThisGtexFile(junctionQuant, "junction", release,
if (!is.na(geneExpr)) {
loaded[[4]] <- loadThisGtexFile(geneExpr, "gene", release, samples)
names(loaded) <- sapply(loaded, attr, "tablename")
loaded <- Filter(length, loaded)
attr(loaded, "source") <- paste0("GTEx v", release)
gtex <- setNames(list(loaded), paste0("GTEx_V", release))
gtex <- processDatasetNames(gtex)
if (progress) closeProgress()
#' Shiny wrapper to load GTEx data
#' @param session Shiny session
#' @inheritParams appServer
#' @param replace Boolean: replace loaded data?
#' @inherit psichomics return
#' @keywords internal
loadGtexDataShiny <- function(session, input, replace=TRUE) {
dataTypes <- input$dataTypes
folder <- input$folder
tissue <- input$tissues
release <- input$release
time <- startProcess("load")
data <- loadGtexData(folder, dataTypes, tissue, release)
if (!is.null(data)) {
if (!replace) data <- c(getData(), data)
data <- processDatasetNames(data)
endProcess("load", time)
#' @rdname appServer
#' @importFrom shinyjs show hide
gtexDataServer <- function(input, output, session) {
prepareFileBrowser(session, input, "folder", directory=TRUE)
observeEvent(input$load, {
dataTypes <- input$dataTypes
folder <- input$folder
release <- input$release
if (is.null(dataTypes)) {
errorModal(session, "No data types selected",
"Please, select one or more data types.",
caller="Load GTEx data")
} else if (is.null(folder) || folder == "") {
errorModal(session, "No folder selected",
"Please, select a folder.",
caller="Load GTEx data")
} else if (is.null(release) || release == "") {
errorModal(session, "No GTEx release version selected",
"Please, select a GTEx release.",
caller="Load GTEx data")
} else if (!is.null(getData())) {
loadedDataModal(session, "modal", "replace", "append")
} else {
loadGtexDataShiny(session, input)
# Select available tissues from GTEx
showAvailableTissues <- reactive({
folder <- input$folder
release <- input$release
progressBar <- "loadingAvailableTissues"
tissueSelect <- "tissues"
fadeIn <- function(id, ...) show(id, anim=TRUE, ...)
fadeOut <- function(id, ...) hide(id, anim=TRUE, ...)
tissues <- tryCatch(getGtexTissues(folder, release),
error=return, warning=return)
fadeIn(tissueSelect, animType="fade")
tissues <- c(tissues, "Select one or more tissues"="")
if (!identical(input$filterCollapse, "Load by tissue")) return(NULL)
tissues <- showAvailableTissues()
updateSelectizeInput(session, "tissues", choices=tissues)
# Update number of tissues selected in context
output$filterText <- renderText({
tissues <- input$tissues
if (is.null(tissues) || length(tissues) == 0) {
text <- "Load all tissues"
} else {
len <- length(tissues)
text <- sprintf("Load %s tissue%s", len, ifelse(len == 1, "", "s"))
# Replace or append data to existing data
observeEvent(input$replace, loadGtexDataShiny(session, input, replace=TRUE))
observeEvent(input$append, loadGtexDataShiny(session, input, replace=FALSE))
attr(gtexDataUI, "loader") <- "data"
attr(gtexDataServer, "loader") <- "data"
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