
Defines functions dataServer createDataTab prepareDatatablePlots prepareDatatableSettingsTable tabDataset dataUI subjectInfoFileInput sampleInfoFileInput junctionQuantFileInput ASquantFileInput geneExprFileInput fileBrowserInfoInput processDatasetNames loadedDataModal plotRowStatsShiny plotRowStats calculateAxisStats contextUI

Documented in ASquantFileInput createDataTab dataServer dataUI fileBrowserInfoInput geneExprFileInput junctionQuantFileInput loadedDataModal plotRowStats processDatasetNames sampleInfoFileInput subjectInfoFileInput tabDataset

## TODO(NunoA): should default columns be a perfect match or just a partial
## match? A partial match would be better for certain situations

## TODO(NunoA): render UI for each data table instead of rendering UI for all
## so there's no refresh

contextUI <- function(id) {
    tags$span(class="pull-right", tags$small(textOutput(id, inline=TRUE)))

#' Set attributes to an object
#' @param object Object
#' @param ... Named parameters to convert to attributes
#' @param replace Boolean: replace an attribute if already set?
#' @return Object with attributes set
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' ll <- list(a="hey", b="there")
#' psichomics:::addObjectAttrs(ll, "words"=2, "language"="English")
addObjectAttrs <- function (object, ..., replace=TRUE) {
    args <- list(...)
    if (length(args) == 1 && is.list(args[[1]])) args <- args[[1]]
    if (length(args) > 0) {
        for (k in seq(args)) {
            attrName <- names(args[k])
            # Attribute is not set if it is not NULL and replace=TRUE
            if (is.null(attr(object, attrName)) || replace) {
                attr(object, attrName) <- args[[k]]

calculateAxisStats <- function(data, x, y=NULL,
                               stats=c("range", "var", "median", "mean"),
                               cache=NULL, verbose=FALSE) {
    names(stats) <- stats
    input <- lapply(stats, grepl, c(x, y))

    x <- y <- NULL
    vars <- list()
    for (stat in stats) {
        if (any(input[[stat]])) {
            # Check if summary statistic was previously cached
            if (!is.null(cache[[stat]])) {
                vars[[stat]] <- cache[[stat]]
                if (verbose) {
                    message(sprintf("Loaded %s per row from cache", stat))
            } else {
                if (verbose) message(sprintf("Calculating %s per row...", stat))
                FUN <- switch(stat,
                vars[[stat]]  <- FUN(data, na.rm=TRUE, fast=TRUE)
                cache[[stat]] <- vars[[stat]]
    vars <- data.frame(vars, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    return(list(vars=vars, cache=cache))

#' Plot row-wise statistics
#' Scatter plot to compare between the row-wise mean, median, variance or range
#' from a data frame or matrix. Also supports transformations of those
#' variables, such as \code{log10(mean)}. If \code{y = NULL}, a density plot is
#' rendered instead.
#' @param data Data frame or matrix containing samples per column and, for
#' instance, gene or alternative splicing event per row
#' @param x,y Character: statistic to calculate and display in the plot per row;
#' choose between \code{mean}, \code{median}, \code{var} or \code{range}
#' (or transformations of those variables, e.g. \code{log10(var)}); if
#' \code{y = NULL}, the density of \code{x} will be plot instead
#' @param subset Boolean or integer: \code{data} points to highlight
#' @param xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax Numeric: minimum and maximum X and Y values to
#' draw in the plot
#' @param xlim,ylim Numeric: X and Y axis range
#' @param cache List of summary statistics for \code{data} previously calculated
#'   to avoid repeating calculations (output also returns cache in attribute
#'   named \code{cache} with appropriate data)
#' @param verbose Boolean: print messages of the steps performed
#' @param data2 Same as \code{data} argument but points in \code{data2} are
#'   highlighted (unless \code{data2 = NULL})
#' @param legend Boolean: show legend?
#' @param legendLabels Character: legend labels
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_vline geom_hline xlim ylim ggtitle geom_density
#'   scale_fill_manual scale_colour_manual
#' @family functions for gene expression pre-processing
#' @family functions for PSI quantification
#' @return Plot of \code{data}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' # Plotting gene expression data
#' geneExpr <- readFile("ex_gene_expression.RDS")
#' plotRowStats(geneExpr, "mean", "var^(1/4)") +
#'     ggtitle("Mean-variance plot") +
#'     labs(y="Square Root of the Standard Deviation")
#' # Plotting alternative splicing quantification
#' annot <- readFile("ex_splicing_annotation.RDS")
#' junctionQuant <- readFile("ex_junctionQuant.RDS")
#' psi <- quantifySplicing(annot, junctionQuant, eventType=c("SE", "MXE"))
#' medianVar <- plotRowStats(psi, x="median", y="var", xlim=c(0, 1)) +
#'     labs(x="Median PSI", y="PSI variance")
#' medianVar
#' rangeVar  <- plotRowStats(psi, x="range", y="log10(var)", xlim=c(0, 1)) +
#'     labs(x="PSI range", y="log10(PSI variance)")
#' rangeVar
plotRowStats <- function(data, x, y=NULL, subset=NULL, xmin=NULL, xmax=NULL,
                         ymin=NULL, ymax=NULL, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL,
                         cache=NULL, verbose=FALSE, data2=NULL, legend=FALSE,
                         legendLabels=c("Original", "Highlighted")) {
    stats <- c("range", "var", "median", "mean")
    isValidX <- any(sapply(stats, grepl, x))
    isValidY <- !is.null(y) && any(sapply(stats, grepl, y))
    if (!isValidX && !isValidY) {
        stop("Arguments 'x' and 'y' must contain one of the strings: ",
             paste(stats, collapse=", "), " (alternatively, y may be NULL)")

    subsetCol <- "orange"
    remainCol <- ifelse(!is.null(subset) || !is.null(data2),
                        "darkgrey", "orange")
    res   <- calculateAxisStats(data, x, y, stats, cache=cache, verbose=verbose)
    cache <- res$cache

    vars <- cbind(res$vars, colour=remainCol)
    if (!is.null(subset)) {
        vars <- rbind(vars, cbind(vars[subset], colour=subsetCol))
    if (!is.null(data2)) {
        vars2 <- calculateAxisStats(data2, x, y, stats, verbose=verbose)$vars
        vars  <- rbind(vars, cbind(vars2, colour=subsetCol))

    if (verbose) message("Preparing plot...")
    if (isValidY) {
        plot <- ggplot(vars, aes_string(x, y, colour="colour")) +
            geom_point(size=1, na.rm=TRUE, alpha=0.5, show.legend=legend) +
            labs(x=x, y=y)
    } else {
        plot <- ggplot(vars, aes_string(x, colour="colour", fill="colour")) +
            geom_density(na.rm=TRUE, adjust=0.5, alpha=0.1,
                         show.legend=legend) +

    values <- c("black"="black", "darkgrey"="darkgrey", "orange"="orange")
    legend.position <- ifelse(legend, "bottom", "none")
    plot <- plot +
        scale_fill_manual(name="", labels=legendLabels, values=values) +
        scale_colour_manual(name="", labels=legendLabels, values=values) +

    if (!is.null(xlim)) plot <- plot + xlim(xlim)
    if (!is.null(ylim)) plot <- plot + ylim(ylim)

    # Intercept lines
    if (!is.null(xmin)) plot <- plot + geom_vline(xintercept=xmin, colour="red")
    if (!is.null(xmax)) plot <- plot + geom_vline(xintercept=xmax, colour="red")
    if (!is.null(ymin)) plot <- plot + geom_hline(yintercept=ymin, colour="red")
    if (!is.null(ymax)) plot <- plot + geom_hline(yintercept=ymax, colour="red")

    attr(plot, "cache") <- cache

plotRowStatsShiny <- function(x, y, data, data2) {
    stats  <- getPSIsummaryStats()
    xLabel <- names(stats[stats == x])

    if (y == "none") {
        y <- NULL
        yLabel <- "Density"
    } else {
        yLabel <- names(stats[stats == y])

    legendLabels <- c("Original", "Filtered in")
    cache <- isolate(getInclusionLevelsSummaryStatsCache())
    res <- plotRowStats(data, x, y, data2=data2, cache=cache,
                        legend=TRUE, legendLabels=legendLabels,
                        verbose=TRUE) +
        theme_light(14) +
        theme(legend.position="bottom") +
        labs(x=xLabel, y=yLabel)

    cache <- attr(res, "cache")
    if (!is.null(cache)) setInclusionLevelsSummaryStatsCache(cache)

#' Warn user about loaded data
#' @param modalId Character: identifier of the modal
#' @param replaceButtonId Character: identifier of the button to replace data
#' @param keepButtonId Character: identifier of the button to append data
#' @param session Shiny session
#' @return HTML elements for a warning modal reminding data is loaded
#' @keywords internal
loadedDataModal <- function(session, modalId, replaceButtonId, keepButtonId) {
    ns <- session$ns
    warningModal(session, "Data already loaded",
                 "Would you like to", tags$b("replace"), "the loaded data or",
                 tags$b("keep"), "both the previous and new data?",
                 footer = tagList(
                     actionButton(ns(keepButtonId), "data-dismiss"="modal",
                                  label="Keep both"),
                     actionButton(ns(replaceButtonId), class="btn-warning",
                                  "data-dismiss"="modal", label="Replace")),

#' Process dataset names
#' @details Avoid duplicated names and append the technology used for junction
#' quantification
#' @param data List of lists of data frames
#' @return Processed list of lists of data frames
#' @keywords internal
processDatasetNames <- function(data) {
    newData <- data
    # Avoid duplicate names in categories
    names(newData) <- renameDuplicated(names(data),

    ns <- lapply(newData, names)
    for (each in names(ns)) {
        nse <- names(newData[[each]])

        # For read quantification, add the respective sequencing technology
        index <- nse %in% c("Junction quantification", "Gene expression")
        for (k in seq_along(nse)) {
            if (index[[k]]) {
                file <- attr(newData[[each]][[k]], "filename")
                if (is.null(file)) next

                if (grepl("illuminahiseq", file, fixed=TRUE))
                    names(newData[[each]])[[k]] <- paste(
                        names(newData[[each]])[[k]], "(Illumina HiSeq)")
                else if (grepl("illuminaga", file, fixed=TRUE))
                    names(newData[[each]])[[k]] <- paste(
                        names(newData[[each]])[[k]], "(Illumina GA)")

        # Avoid duplicate names in datasets from the same category
        nse <- names(newData[[each]])
        names(newData[[each]]) <- renameDuplicated(nse, nse[duplicated(nse)])

# Molecular data file input ----------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname fileBrowserInput
#' @importFrom shinyBS bsPopover
#' @importFrom shiny fileInput
fileBrowserInfoInput <- function(id, label, infoContent=NULL, clearable=FALSE) {
    if (!getOption("psichomics.shinyproxy", FALSE)) {
        input <- fileBrowserInput(
            id, label, placeholder="No file selected", clearable=clearable,
            info=TRUE, infoFUN=bsPopover, infoTitle=label,
    } else {
        input <- fileBrowserShinyproxyInput(
            id, label, clearable=FALSE, info=TRUE, infoFUN=bsPopover,
            infoTitle=label, infoContent=infoContent)

#' File input for molecular data
#' @param id Character: identifier for gene expression input
#' @inheritParams fileBrowserInput
#' @return HTML elements
#' @keywords internal
geneExprFileInput <- function(id, clearable=FALSE) {
    info <- paste(
            tags$li("Tab-separated values (TSV)"),
            tags$li("Read counts of genes (rows) across sample (columns)"),
            tags$li("The first column must contain gene symbols and be",
                    "named", tags$kbd("Gene ID"))),
        tags$hr(), helpText("Example:"), tags$table(
            class="table table-condensed",
                tableRow("Gene ID", "SMP-18", "SMP-03", "SMP-54",
                tableRow("AMP1", "24", "10", "43"),
                tableRow("BRCA1", "38", "46", "32"),
                tableRow("BRCA2", "43", "65", "21"))))
    input <- fileBrowserInfoInput(id, "Gene expression", clearable=clearable,

#' @rdname geneExprFileInput
#' @importFrom shiny tags
ASquantFileInput <- function(id, clearable=FALSE){
    info <- paste(
            tags$li("Tab-separated values (TSV)"),
            tags$li("PSI values of alternative splicing events (rows)",
                    "across samples (columns)"),
                "The first column must contain alternative splicing event",
                "identifiers and be named", tags$kbd("AS Event ID")),
                "PSI values must be between 0 and 1 or between 0 and 100;",
                "if the latter, values are scaled between 0 and 1")),
        tags$hr(), helpText("Example:"), tags$table(
            class="table table-condensed",
                tableRow("AS Event ID", "SMP-18", "SMP-03", th=TRUE)),
                tableRow("someASevent001", "0.71", "0.30"),
                tableRow("anotherASevent653", "0.63", "0.37"),
                tableRow("yeatAnother097", "0.38", "0.62"))))
    input <- fileBrowserInfoInput(id, "Alternative splicing quantification",
                                  clearable=clearable, infoContent=info)

#' @rdname geneExprFileInput
#' @importFrom shinyBS bsPopover
#' @importFrom shiny tags
junctionQuantFileInput <- function(id, clearable=FALSE) {
    info <- paste(
            tags$li("Tab-separated values (TSV)"),
            tags$li("Read counts of exon-exon junctions (rows) across",
                    "samples (columns)"),
            tags$li("The first column must contain junction identifiers",
                    "and be named", tags$kbd("Junction ID")),
            tags$li("Only chromosome number and capital letters X, Y, Z, W",
                    "and M, followed by the genomic regions are supported;",
                    "acceptable junction identifiers include:",
                    tags$kbd("10_18748_21822"), ",",
                    tags$kbd("chromosome 10 (18748 to 21822)"), "and",
            tags$li("Optionally, indicate the strand with", tags$kbd("+"), "or",
                    "at the end of the junction identifier; e.g.",
                    tags$kbd("10:3213:9402:+"), "and",
                    tags$kbd("chr10:3213-9402 -")),
            tags$li("Rows whose junction identifiers contain",
                    tags$kbd("alt"), ",", tags$kbd("random"), "or",
                    tags$kbd("Un"), "in chromosome names are discarded")),
        tags$hr(), helpText("Example:"), tags$table(
            class="table table-condensed",
            tags$thead(tableRow("Junction ID", "SMP-18", "SMP-03", th=TRUE)),
            tags$tbody(tableRow("10:6752-7393", "4", "0"),
                       tableRow("10:18748-21822", "8", "46"),
                       tableRow("10:24257-25325", "83", "65"))))
    input <- fileBrowserInfoInput(id, "Exon-exon junction read counts",
                                  clearable=clearable, infoContent=info)

#' @rdname geneExprFileInput
#' @importFrom shinyBS bsPopover
#' @importFrom shiny tags
sampleInfoFileInput <- function(id, clearable=FALSE) {
    info <- paste(
            tags$li("Tab-separated values (TSV)"),
                "Sample identifiers (rows) and their attributes (columns)"),
            tags$li("The first column must contain sample identifiers",
                    "and be named", tags$kbd("Sample ID")),
            tags$li("Optionally, indicate the subject associated to",
                    "each sample in a column named",
                    tags$kbd("Subject ID"))),
        tags$hr(), helpText("Example:"), tags$table(
            class="table table-condensed",
                tableRow("Sample ID", "Type", "Tissue", "Subject ID",
                tableRow("SMP-01", "Tumour", "Lung", "SUBJ-03"),
                tableRow("SMP-02", "Normal", "Blood", "SUBJ-12"),
                tableRow("SMP-03", "Normal", "Blood", "SUBJ-25"))))
    input <- fileBrowserInfoInput(id, "Sample information",
                                  clearable=clearable, infoContent=info)

#' @rdname geneExprFileInput
#' @importFrom shinyBS bsPopover
#' @importFrom shiny tags
subjectInfoFileInput <- function(id, clearable=FALSE) {
    info <- paste(
            tags$li("Tab-separated values (TSV)"),
            tags$li("Subject identifiers (rows) and their attributes",
            tags$li("The first column must contain subject identifiers and",
                    "be named", tags$kbd("Subject ID"))),
        helpText("Example:"), tags$table(
            class="table table-condensed",
            tags$thead(tableRow("Subject ID", "Age", "Gender", "Race",
            tags$tbody(tableRow("SUBJ-01", "34", "Female", "Black"),
                       tableRow("SUBJ-02", "22", "Male", "Black"),
                       tableRow("SUBJ-03", "58", "Female", "Asian"))))
    input <- fileBrowserInfoInput(id, "Subject information",
                                  clearable=clearable, infoContent=info)

# Other ------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname appUI
#' @importFrom shinyjs hidden
dataUI <- function(id, tab) {
    ns <- NS(id)
    uiList <- getUiFunctions(
        ns, "data", bsCollapsePanel,
        priority=paste0(c("localData", "firebrowse", "gtexData", "recountData",
                          "inclusionLevels", "inclusionLevelsFilter",
                          "geNormalisationFiltering"), "UI"))

    tcga <- tags$abbr(title="The Cancer Genome Atlas", "TCGA")
    gtex <- tags$abbr(title="Genotype-Tissue Expression project", "GTEx")
    sra  <- tags$abbr(title="Sequence Read Archive", "SRA")

    analysesDescription <- tagList(
            column(3, style="padding: 5px !important;",
                   h4("Dimensionality reduction"),
                       tags$li("Principal Component Analysis (PCA)"),
                       tags$li("Independent Component Analysis (ICA)")))),
            column(3, style="padding: 5px !important;",
                   h4("Differential splicing and expression analysis"),
                   helpText("Based on variance and median statistical tests")),
            column(3, style="padding: 5px !important;",
                   h4("Survival analysis"),
                       tags$li("Analyse survival based on clinical attributes",
                               "(e.g. tumour stage, gender and race)"),
                       tags$li("Study the impact of a single alternative",
                               "splicing event or gene on subject survival")))),
            column(3, style="padding: 5px !important;",
                   h4("Gene, transcript and protein information"),
                   helpText("Check available annotation for splicing events",
                            "and genes including related research articles"))))

    customDataTutorial <- paste0("https://nuno-agostinho.github.io/psichomics/",
    welcome <- div(
        h1("Welcome to psichomics"),
        "Integrative analyses of alternative splicing and gene expression",
        "based on transcriptomic and sample-associated data from multiple",
        "sources, including:",
            tags$li(tags$a(href=customDataTutorial, target="_blank",
                           "User-provided data")),
            tags$li("The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) via Firebrowse"),
            tags$li("Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) project"),
            tags$li("Sequence Read Archive (SRA) via recount2")),
                "Load gene expression values, alternative splicing ",
                "junction quantification and/or sample-associated data ",
                "from ", tcga, ", ", gtex, ", ", sra, " or user-provided data."
            tags$li("Import or quantify alternative splicing. Alternative",
                    "splicing is calculated using the percent spliced-in (PSI)",
                    tags$br(), tags$small(
                        style="color: gray;",
                        "Note: retained intron (RI) events are not",
                        "calculated in psichomics.")),
            tags$li("Explore statistically significant and specific genes",
                    "and alternative splicing events using:")),
                   target="_blank", "Disease Transcriptomics Lab, iMM"),
                   "Nuno Saraiva-Agostinho", icon("envelope")),
            sprintf("psichomics %s, 2015-2025", packageVersion("psichomics"))))

    tab(title="Data", icon="table",
            sidebar( do.call(bsCollapse, c(id=ns("accordion"), uiList)) ),
            mainPanel( welcome, uiOutput(ns("tablesOrAbout")) ) ))

#' Creates a \code{tabPanel} template for a \code{datatable} with a title and
#' description
#' @param ns Namespace function
#' @param title Character: tab title
#' @param tableId Character: id of the \code{datatable}
#' @param columns Character: column names of the \code{datatable}
#' @param visCols Boolean: visible columns
#' @param data Data frame: dataset of interest
#' @param description Character: description of the table (optional)
#' @param icon Character: list containing an item named \code{symbol}
#' (FontAwesome icon name) and another one named \code{colour} (background
#' colour)
#' @importFrom shinyBS bsTooltip bsCollapse bsCollapsePanel
#' @importFrom DT dataTableOutput
#' @importFrom shiny hr br tabPanel selectizeInput column fluidRow p mainPanel
#' downloadButton
#' @return HTML elements
#' @keywords internal
tabDataset <- function(ns, title, tableId, columns, visCols, data,
                       description=NULL, icon=NULL) {
    tablename <- ns(paste("table", tableId, sep="-"))

    downloadId <- paste(tablename, "download", sep="-")
    download <- downloadButton(downloadId, "Save table",
                               class="pull-right btn-info")

    if(!is.null(description)) {
        description <- p(tags$strong("Table description:"), description)
        download <- fluidRow(column(10, description), column(2, download))

    # Get class of each column
    colType <- sapply(seq(ncol(data)), function(i) class(data[[i]]))
    colType[colType == "character"] <- "string"

    # Show class of each column
    choices <- columns
    names(choices) <- sprintf("%s (%s class)", columns, colType)

    visColsId <- paste(tablename, "columns", sep="-")
    visibleColumns <- suppressWarnings(selectizeInput(
        visColsId, label="Visible columns",  choices=choices, selected=visCols,
        multiple=TRUE, width="auto",
        options=list(plugins=list('remove_button', 'drag_drop'), render=I(
            "{ item: function(item, escape) {
            return '<div>' + escape(item.value) + '</div>'; } }"))))

    # Add a common HTML container to allow for multiple Highcharts plots
    multiPlotId        <- paste(tablename, "multiPlot", sep="-")
    multiHighchartsPlots <- fluidRow(column(12, uiOutput(multiPlotId)))

    if (is.null(icon)) {
        name <- title
    } else {
        colour <- switch(icon$colour,
        name <- tags$div(
            tags$span(class=paste("badge", colour), icon(icon$symbol)), title)

    tabPanel(title=name, value=title, br(), download, br(), bsCollapse(
        bsCollapsePanel(tagList(icon("table"), "Data table"),
                        value="Data table", visibleColumns, hr(),
        bsCollapsePanel(tagList(icon("chart-pie"), "Summary"), value="Summary",

prepareDatatableSettingsTable <- function(filename, settings) {
    if (!is.null(filename)) {
        filename <- prepareWordBreak(filename)
        filename <- tags$small(tags$b("Loaded based on file:"),

    if (!is.null(settings)) {
        settingsDf <- data.frame(names(settings), sapply(
            sapply(settings, paste, collapse=", "), prepareWordBreak))
        colnames(settingsDf) <- c("Attribute", "Item")
        settings <- table2html(settingsDf, rownames=FALSE, thead=TRUE,
                               class="table table-condensed table-striped")
        settings <- tags$small(tagList(tags$b("Dataset settings"), settings))
        settings <- gsub("&lt;", "<", settings, fixed=TRUE)
        settings <- gsub("&gt;", ">", settings, fixed=TRUE)
        settings <- HTML(settings)

    extra <- NULL
    if ( !is.null(filename) || !is.null(settings) ) {
        extra <- tagList(
            tags$hr(), filename,
            if (!is.null(filename) && !is.null(settings))
                tagList(tags$br(), tags$br()),

prepareDatatablePlots <- function(table, output, ns) {
    plots <- NULL
    if (is.null(attr(table, "plots"))) {
        isGeneExpr <- !is.null(attr(table, "dataType")) &&
            attr(table, "dataType") == "Gene expression"
        isPSI <- !is.null(attr(table, "dataType")) &&
            attr(table, "dataType") == "Inclusion levels"
        if (isGeneExpr) {
            if (is(table, "EList")) table <- table$E
            geneExprPerSamplePlot <- plotGeneExprPerSample(
                table, sortByMedian=TRUE,
                title="Gene expression distribution per sample")
            librarySizePlot <- plotLibrarySize(table)
            plots <- list(
        } else if (isPSI) {
            cache     <- isolate(getInclusionLevelsSummaryStatsCache())
            medianVar <- plotRowStats(table, x="median", y="var",
                                      xlim=c(0,1 ), cache=cache, verbose=TRUE) +
                labs(x="Median PSI", y="PSI variance") +
                ggtitle(paste("Scatterplot of alternative splicing",
                              "quantification per event")) +
            cache <- attr(medianVar, "cache")

            rangeVar  <- plotRowStats(table, x="range", y="log10(var)",
                                      xlim=c(0, 1), cache=cache, verbose=TRUE) +
                labs(x="PSI range", y="log10(PSI variance)") +
                ggtitle(paste("Scatterplot of alternative splicing",
                              "quantification per event")) +
            cache <- attr(rangeVar, "cache")

            plots <- list(plot=medianVar, plot=rangeVar)
        attr(table, "plots") <- plots
    tablename <- attr(table, "tablenameID")
    plots     <- attr(table, "plots")

    renderedPlots <- lapply(seq(plots), function(i) {
        type <- names(plots)[[i]]
        FUN <- switch(type, highchart=renderHighchart, plot=renderPlot)
        res <- FUN(plots[[i]])
        attr(res, "type") <- type

    plotList <- tagList(NULL)
    for (each in seq(renderedPlots)) {
        plot <- renderedPlots[[each]]
        type <- attr(plot, "type")
        id   <- paste0(gsub(" ", "_", tablename), "-", type, each)
        output[[id]] <- plot

        FUN  <- switch(type, highchart=highchartOutput, plot=plotOutput)
        item <- tagList(FUN(ns(id)))
        plotList <- tagAppendChild(plotList, item)

#' Render a specific data tab (including data table and related interface)
#' @param index Integer: index of the data to load
#' @param data Data frame: data with everything to load
#' @param name Character: name of the dataset
#' @param session Shiny session
#' @param input Shiny session input
#' @param output Shiny session output
#' @importFrom shiny tags HTML
#' @importFrom DT renderDataTable
#' @importFrom shiny downloadHandler br
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @importFrom shinyjs show hide
#' @importFrom ggplot2 labs ggtitle theme_light
#' @inherit psichomics return
#' @keywords internal
createDataTab <- function(index, data, name, session, input, output) {
    ns <- session$ns
    tablename <- paste("table", name, index, sep="-")

    table <- data[[index]]
    # Only show default columns if they are defined (don't cause problems)
    if (is(table, "EList")) table <- table$E
    subsetToShow <- table

    visCols <- input[[paste(tablename, "columns", sep="-")]]
    if (!is.null(visCols)) {
        match <- visCols %in% colnames(table)
        subsetToShow <- subset(table, select=visCols[match])

    output[[tablename]] <- renderDataTable(
        subsetToShow, style="bootstrap", selection='none', filter="top",

    downloadId <- paste(tablename, "download", sep="-")
    output[[downloadId]] <- downloadHandler(
        filename = paste(name, attr(table, "tablename")),
        content = function(file) {
            res <- cbind(rownames(table), table)
            names(res)[1] <- attr(table, "dataType")
            write.table(res, file, quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, sep="\t")

    multiPlotId        <- paste(tablename, "multiPlot", sep="-")
    createInfoInterface <- function(output, table) {
        rows     <- attr(table, "rows")
        rows     <- ifelse(!is.null(rows), rows, "rows")
        cols     <- attr(table, "columns")
        cols     <- ifelse(!is.null(cols), cols, "columns")
        settings <- prepareDatatableSettingsTable(attr(table, "filename"),
                                                  attr(table, "settings"))
        plotList <- prepareDatatablePlots(table, output, ns)

        tags$div(tags$h4(paste(ncol(table), cols)),
                 tags$h4(paste(nrow(table), rows)),

    attr(table, "tablenameID") <- tablename
    output[[multiPlotId]] <- renderUI(createInfoInterface(output, table))

prepareSubjectSampleMatch <- reactive({
    samples  <- getSampleId()
    subjects <- getSubjectId()
    match <- getSubjectFromSample(samples, subjects, sampleInfo=getSampleInfo())
    setClinicalMatchFrom("Inclusion levels", match)

#' @rdname appServer
#' @importFrom shiny selectInput tabsetPanel tags h1 h2 HTML fluidRow column
#' tagList
#' @importFrom shinyjs show hide
dataServer <- function(input, output, session) {
    ns <- session$ns

    # Show welcome screen when there's no data loaded
    output$tablesOrAbout <- renderUI({
        if(is.null(getData())) {
            show("welcome", anim=TRUE, animType="fade")
        } else {
            hide("welcome", anim=TRUE, animType="fade")

    # Render tables when data changes
        data <- getData()
        if (!is.null(data)) {
            for (category in names(data)) {
                categoryData <- data[[category]]
                # Create data tab for each dataset in a data category
                lapply(seq_along(categoryData), createDataTab,
                       data=categoryData, category, session, input, output)

    # Render tabs with data tables
    output$datatabs <- renderUI({
        categoryData <- getCategoryData()
        category <- getCategory()

        dataTablesUI <- lapply(
            seq_along(categoryData), function(i) {
                data <- categoryData[[i]]
                if (is(data, "EList")) data <- data$E

                # Display at most 100 columns if no visible columns are set
                visCols <- attr(data, "show")
                if (is.null(visCols) && ncol(data) > 100)
                    visCols <- colnames(data)[seq(100)]

                name <- names(categoryData)[i]
                if (grepl("Gene expression", name)) {
                    attr(data, "icon") <- list(symbol="dna", colour="orange")
                } else if (grepl("Junction quantification", name)) {
                    attr(data, "icon") <- list(symbol="dna", colour="orange")
                } else if (grepl("Sample metadata", name)) {
                    attr(data, "icon") <- list(symbol="vial", colour="blue")
                } else if (grepl("Clinical data", name)) {
                    attr(data, "icon") <- list(symbol="vial", colour="blue")
                    ns, name, icon=attr(data, "icon"),
                    paste(category, i, sep="-"), colnames(data), visCols, data,
                    description=attr(data, "description"))
        do.call(tabsetPanel, c(id=ns("datasetTab"), dataTablesUI))

    # Change the active dataset
    observe( setActiveDataset(input$datasetTab) )

    # Match clinical data with sample information
        if ( !is.null(getSubjectId()) && !is.null(getSampleId()) ) {


    # Run server logic from the scripts
    getServerFunctions("data", priority=paste0(
        c("localData", "firebrowse", "gtexData",
          "inclusionLevels", "inclusionLevelsFilter",
          "geNormalisationFiltering"), "Server"))

attr(dataUI, "loader") <- "app"
attr(dataServer, "loader") <- "app"
nuno-agostinho/psichomics documentation built on Jan. 2, 2025, 4:10 a.m.