
Defines functions infoServer plotSplicingEventHelper parseSpeciesAssembly prepareExternalLinks renderProteinInfo articleUI renderGeneticInfo plotTranscripts plotASeventRegion plotBand plottableXranges plotProtein parseUniprotXML infoUI pubmedUI ensemblToUniprot queryPubMed queryUniprot queryEnsemblByEvent queryEnsemblByGene queryEnsembl

Documented in articleUI ensemblToUniprot infoServer infoUI parseUniprotXML plotProtein plottableXranges plotTranscripts pubmedUI queryEnsembl queryEnsemblByEvent queryEnsemblByGene queryPubMed queryUniprot renderGeneticInfo renderProteinInfo

## TODO: check if API is alive before querying data

#' Query the Ensembl REST API
#' @param path Character: API path
#' @param query Character: API query
#' @param grch37 Boolean: query the Ensembl GRCh37 API? if \code{FALSE}, query
#' the most recent API
#' @importFrom httr GET timeout
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @return Parsed response or \code{NULL} if no response
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' path  <- "overlap/region/human/7:140424943-140624564"
#' query <- list(feature = "gene")
#' psichomics:::queryEnsembl(path, query, grch37 = TRUE)
#' path  <- "lookup/symbol/human/BRCA2"
#' query <- list(expand=1)
#' psichomics:::queryEnsembl(path, query, grch37 = TRUE)
queryEnsembl <- function(path, query, grch37 = TRUE) {
    url <- paste0("http://", if(grch37) "grch37.", "rest.ensembl.org")
    resp <- tryCatch(GET(url, path=path, query=query, config=timeout(10)),

    if (is(resp, "error") || http_error(resp) || is.null(resp)) # Time out
        return(NULL) # for instance, time out
    r <- content(resp, "text", encoding = "UTF8")

#' Query information from Ensembl
#' @param gene Character: gene
#' @param species Character: species (may be \code{NULL} for an Ensembl
#' identifier)
#' @param assembly Character: assembly version (may be NULL for an Ensembl
#' identifier)
#' @family functions to retrieve external information
#' @return Information from Ensembl
#' @export
#' @examples
#' queryEnsemblByGene("BRCA1", "human", "hg19")
#' queryEnsemblByGene("ENSG00000139618")
queryEnsemblByGene <- function(gene, species=NULL, assembly=NULL) {
    if ( grepl("^ENSG", gene) ) {
        path   <- paste0("lookup/id/", gene)
        info <- queryEnsembl(path, list(expand=1))
    } else {
        if (is.null(species) || is.null(assembly))
            stop("Species and assembly need to be non-NULL")
        grch37  <- assembly == "hg19"
        species <- gsub(" ", "_", species)
        path    <- paste0("lookup/symbol/", species, "/", gene)
        info    <- queryEnsembl(path, list(expand=1), grch37=grch37)

#' @rdname queryEnsemblByGene
#' @param event Character: alternative splicing event
#' @inheritParams parseSplicingEvent
#' @export
#' @examples
#' event <- "SE_17_-_41251792_41249306_41249261_41246877_BRCA1"
#' queryEnsemblByEvent(event, species="human", assembly="hg19")
queryEnsemblByEvent <- function(event, species=NULL, assembly=NULL, data=NULL) {
    gene <- parseSplicingEvent(event, data=data)$gene[[1]]
        "Could not parse AS event to identify cognate gene"=!is.null(gene),
        "AS event has no associated gene"=gene != "Hypothetical")
    return(queryEnsemblByGene(gene, species, assembly))

#' Query the UniProt REST API
#' @param molecule Character: protein or transcript to query
#' @param format Character: format of the response
#' @importFrom httr GET
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @return Parsed response
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' protein <- "P51587"
#' format <- "xml"
#' psichomics:::queryUniprot(protein, format)
#' transcript <- "ENST00000488540"
#' format <- "xml"
#' psichomics:::queryUniprot(transcript, format)
queryUniprot <- function(molecule, format="xml") {
    url <- "https://rest.uniprot.org"
    path <- paste0("uniprotkb/search?query=", molecule, "&format=", format)
    resp <- GET(url, path=path)
    r <- content(resp, "text", encoding = "UTF8")

#' Query the PubMed REST API
#' @param primary Character: primary search term
#' @param ... Character: other relevant search terms
#' @param top Numeric: number of articles to retrieve
#' @param field Character: field of interest where to look for terms
#' (\code{abstract} by default)
#' @param sort Character: sort by a given parameter (\code{relevance} by
#' default)
#' @importFrom httr GET
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @return Parsed response
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' psichomics:::queryPubMed("BRCA1", "cancer", "adrenocortical carcinoma")
queryPubMed <- function(primary, ..., top=3, field="abstract",
                        sort="relevance") {
    args  <- unlist(list(...))
    if (!is.null(args)) {
        terms <- sprintf("%s AND (%s)", primary, paste(args, collapse=" OR "))
    } else {
        terms <- primary
    url <- "https://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov"
    query <- list(db="pubmed", term=terms, retmax=top, tool="psichomics",
                  field=field, sort=sort,
                  email="nunodanielagostinho@gmail.com", retmode="json")
    resp <- GET(url, path="entrez/eutils/esearch.fcgi", query=query)
    search <- content(resp, "text", encoding = "UTF8")
    search <- fromJSON(search)[[2]]

    # Get summary information on the articles
    ids <- paste(search$idlist, collapse="+")
    query <- list(db="pubmed", tool="psichomics", id=ids,
                  email="nunodanielagostinho@gmail.com", retmode="json")
    resp <- GET(url, path="entrez/eutils/esummary.fcgi", query=query)
    metadata <- content(resp, "text", encoding = "UTF8")
    metadata <- fromJSON(metadata)[[2]][-1]
    return(c(search=list(search), metadata))

#' Convert from Ensembl to UniProt identifier
#' @param protein Character: Ensembl identifier
#' @family functions to retrieve external information
#' @return UniProt protein identifier
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gene <- "ENSG00000173262"
#' ensemblToUniprot(gene)
#' protein <- "ENSP00000445929"
#' ensemblToUniprot(protein)
ensemblToUniprot <- function(protein) {
    if(length(protein) != 1) stop("Only pass one Ensembl identifier")

    external <- queryEnsembl(paste0("xrefs/id/", protein),

    if (is.null(external)) return(NULL)

    db <- external[grepl("Uniprot", external$dbname), ]
    uniprot <- db$primary_id
    names(uniprot) <- sprintf("%s (%s)", db$display_id, db$db_display_name)

#' Return the interface of relevant PubMed articles for a given gene
#' @param ns Namespace function
#' @param gene Character: gene
#' @inheritDotParams queryPubMed -primary
#' @return HTML interface of relevant PubMed articles
#' @keywords internal
pubmedUI <- function(ns, gene, ...) {
    terms <- unlist(as.list(...))
    if (!is.null(gene)) gene <- setNames("gene", gene)
    terms <- c(gene, setNames(terms, terms))

    selectTerms <- selectizeInput(
        ns("articleTerms"), label=NULL, choices=terms, selected=terms,
        multiple=TRUE, width="auto", options=list(
            create=TRUE, createOnBlur=TRUE, persist=TRUE,
            plugins=list('remove_button'), placeholder="Add keywords..."))
    selectTerms[[2]]$style <- paste(selectTerms[[2]]$style, "margin-bottom: 0;")

    div(class="panel panel-default",
            tags$b("Relevant PubMed articles",
                   uiOutput(ns("articleSearch"), inline=TRUE))),
        div(class="list-group", tags$li(class="list-group-item", selectTerms),

#' @rdname appUI
#' @importFrom shiny uiOutput
#' @importFrom R.utils capitalize
infoUI <- function(id) {
    ns <- NS(id)

    species <- c(paste("Homo sapiens", c("hg19", "hg38")),
                 paste("Mus musculus", c("mm9", "mm10")),
                 "Rattus norvegicus rn6",
                 "Bos taurus bosTau6",
                 paste("Gallus gallus", c("galGal3", "galGal4")),
                 "Xenopus tropicalis xenTro3",
                 "Danio rerio danRer10",
                 "Branchiostoma lanceolatum braLan2",
                 "Strongylocentrotus purpuratus strPur4",
                 "Drosophila melanogaster dm6",
                 "Strigamia maritima strMar1",
                 "Caenorhabditis elegans ce11",
                 "Schmidtea mediterranea schMed31",
                 "Nematostella vectensis nemVec1",
                 "Arabidopsis thaliana araTha10")
    #setNames(paste(names(species), species),
    #         capitalize(sprintf("%s (%s assembly)", names(species), species)))

    onFocus    <- I('function() { this.clear(); }')
    selectSpecies <- selectizeInput(
        ns("selectedSpecies"), "Species", width="100%",
        choices=species, selected=species[[1]],
        options=list(placeholder="Search for a species...", highlight=FALSE,
                     create=TRUE, onFocus=onFocus,
                     render=I("{ option_create: renderAddSpecies,
                                 option: renderSpeciesSelection,
                                 item: renderSpeciesSelection }")))

    selectGene <- selectizeGeneInput(
        ns("selectedGene"), create=TRUE, createOnBlur=TRUE,
        render=I("{ option_create: renderAddGene }"),
        placeholder="Search for a gene symbol...")
            column(6, fluidRow(column(6, selectGene), column(6, selectSpecies)),
            column(6, pubmedUI(ns, gene=NULL, "cancer"))),

#' Parse XML from UniProt REST service
#' @param xml response from UniProt
#' @importFrom XML xmlTreeParse xmlRoot xmlAttrs xmlToList xmlName xmlChildren
#' @importFrom plyr ldply
#' @return List containing protein length and data frame of protein features
#' @keywords internal
parseUniprotXML <- function(xml) {
    doc <- xmlTreeParse(xml)
    root <- xmlRoot(doc)[[1]]

    # Extract protein name, length, function and features
    names         <- vapply(xmlChildren(root), xmlName, character(1))
    comments      <- root[names == "comment"]
    role          <- lapply(comments, xmlAttrs) == "function"
    role          <- tryCatch(toString(comments[role][[1]][[1]][[1]]),
                              error=function(cond) NULL)
    featureNodes  <- root[names == "feature"]
    length        <- as.numeric(xmlAttrs(
        root[names == "sequence"][[1]])["length"])
    proteinName   <- tryCatch(
        toString(root[names == "protein"][[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]]),
        error=function(cond) NULL)

    # Convert list of XMLNodes to list of characters
    l <- lapply(featureNodes, function(feat) {
        attrs <- xmlAttrs(feat)

        location  <- feat[[match("location", names(feat))]]
        start <- as.numeric(xmlAttrs(location[[1]]))
        # If there's no stop position, simply sum 1 to the start position
        stop  <- tryCatch(as.numeric(xmlAttrs(location[[2]])),
                          error=function(e) start+1)

        # Get original and variant aminoacid
        variant <- match("variation", names(feat))
        if (!is.na(variant) && !is.null(variant)) {
            original  <- xmlToList(feat[[match("original", names(feat))]])
            variation <- xmlToList(feat[[variant]])
            variant <- sprintf("%s>%s: ", original, variation)
        } else {
            variant <- NULL
        return(c(attrs, start=start, stop=stop, variant=variant))

    # Convert list of characters to data frame of characters
    feature <- ldply(l, rbind)
    if (ncol(feature) > 0) {
        for (col in seq(ncol(feature))) {
            feature[[col]] <- as.character(feature[[col]])
        feature$start <- as.numeric(feature$start)
        feature$stop <- as.numeric(feature$stop)

    return(list(name=proteinName, length=length, role=role, feature=feature))

#' Plot protein features
#' @param molecule Character: UniProt protein or Ensembl transcript identifier
#' @importFrom highcharter highchart hc_chart hc_xAxis hc_yAxis hc_tooltip
#' hc_add_series
#' @family functions to retrieve external information
#' @return \code{highcharter} object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' protein <- "P38398"
#' plotProtein(protein)
#' transcript <- "ENST00000488540"
#' plotProtein(transcript)
plotProtein <- function(molecule) {
    xml     <- queryUniprot(molecule, "xml")
    if (xml == "") return(NULL)
    parsed  <- parseUniprotXML(xml)
    name    <- parsed$name
    length  <- parsed$length
    role    <- parsed$role
    feature <- parsed$feature

    hc <- highchart() %>%
        hc_chart(type="area", zoomType="x") %>%
        hc_xAxis(title=list(text="Position (aminoacids)"), min=0,
                 max=length, allowDecimals=FALSE) %>%
        hc_yAxis(visible=FALSE) %>%
        hc_tooltip(pointFormat="<b>{series.name} {point.id}</b>
                   <br>{point.variant}{point.description}") %>%

    # The diverse types of features available
    types <- unique(feature$type)

    featureList <- NULL
    if (nrow(feature) == 0) {
        stop("No annotated domains were found for this protein in UniProt")

    # Reverse elements from features so the first ones (smaller Y) are above
    for (feat in nrow(feature):1) {
        feat <- feature[feat, ]

        # If there's no stop position, simply sum 1 to the start position
        stop <- ifelse(!is.na(feat$stop), feat$stop, feat$start + 1)
        y <- match(feat$type, types)

        # Create a list with two points based on this region
        temp <- list(NULL,
                     list(x=feat$start, y=y, description=feat$description,
                          id=feat$id, variant=feat$variant),
                     list(x=feat$stop,  y=y, description=feat$description,
                          id=feat$id, variant=feat$variant))

        # Either make a new list or append to existing
        if (is.null(featureList[feat$type])) {
            featureList[[feat$type]] <- temp[2:3]
        } else {
            featureList[[feat$type]] <- c(featureList[[feat$type]], temp)
    for (type in names(featureList))
        hc <- hc %>% hc_add_series(name=type, data=featureList[[type]])

    attr(hc, "protein") <- parsed

#' HTML code to plot a X-ranges series
#' @param hc \code{highcharter} object
#' @inheritParams plotTranscripts
#' @importFrom shiny tagList tags includeScript div
#' @importFrom htmltools browsable
#' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON
#' @return HTML elements
#' @keywords internal
plottableXranges <- function(hc, shiny=FALSE) {
    hc <- toJSON(hc$x$hc_opts, auto_unbox=TRUE)
    hc <- gsub('"---|---"', "", hc)

    extended <- includeScript(insideFile("shiny", "www", "highcharts.ext.js"))

    if (shiny) {
        # No need to load Highcharts in Shiny
        container <- tagList(extended, div(id="container"))
    } else {
        container <- tagList(
            extended, div(id="container", style="height: 100vh;"))

        tags$script(sprintf("Highcharts.chart('container', %s)", hc))))

plotBand <- function(colour, from, to, gradient=NULL, text=NULL) {
    coords <- sort(c(from, to))
    from   <- coords[[1]]
    to     <- coords[[2]]

    if (!is.null(text))
        label <- list(text=text, y=10, style=list(fontWeight="bold"))
        label <- list(y=10)

    if (is.null(gradient)) {
        res <- list(color=colour, from=from, to=to, label=label)
    } else {
        noColour <- "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)"
        if (gradient == "invert") {
            firstColour <- colour
            lastColour  <- noColour
        } else {
            firstColour <- noColour
            lastColour  <- colour

        res <- list(
                linearGradient=list(x1=1, x2=0, y1=1, y2=1),
                stops=list(c(0, firstColour), c(1, lastColour))),
            from=from, to=to, label=label)

plotASeventRegion <- function(hc, event, data=NULL) {
    parsed <- parseSplicingEvent(event, coords=TRUE, data=data)[1, , drop=FALSE]
    if (is.null(parsed)) return(NULL)

    con1 <- sort(parsed$constitutive1[[1]])
    alt1 <- sort(parsed$alternative1[[1]])
    alt2 <- sort(parsed$alternative2[[1]])
    con2 <- sort(parsed$constitutive2[[1]])
    if (length(c(con1, alt1, alt2, con2)) == 0) return(NULL)
    type <- parsed$type

    if (type %in% c("AFE exon", "ALE exon")) type <- gsub(" exon", "", type)
    pretty <- prettifyEventType(type)

    if (type %in% c("MXE", "A3SS", "A5SS", "AFE", "ALE")) {
        text <- paste(pretty, "(alternative regions in orange and blue)")
    } else if (type %in% c("SE")) {
        text <- paste(pretty, "(alternative region in orange)")

    orange <- "#ffb153cc"
    blue   <- "#7db6eccc"
    grey   <- "#d3d3d388"
    orangeBand <- blueBand <- greyBand <- NULL

    if (type == "SE") {
        orangeBand <- plotBand(orange, alt1[[1]], alt1[[2]])
        greyBand   <- plotBand(grey,   con1,      con2, text=text)
    } else if (type == "MXE") {
        orangeBand <- plotBand(orange, alt1[[1]], alt1[[2]])
        blueBand   <- plotBand(blue,   alt2[[1]], alt2[[2]])
        greyBand   <- plotBand(grey,   con1,      con2, text=text)
    } else if (type %in% c("A3SS", "A5SS", "AFE", "ALE")) {
        # Shift a given position
        shift <- function(pos, FUN, by=200) { FUN(as.numeric(pos), by) }

        if (type == "A3SS")      greyPos <- range(con1, alt1, alt2)
        else if (type == "A5SS") greyPos <- range(alt1, alt2, con2)
        else if (type == "AFE")  greyPos <- range(alt1, alt2, con2)
        else if (type == "ALE")  greyPos <- range(con1, alt1, alt2)

        plusStrand      <- parsed$strand == "+"
        downstreamMinus <- type %in% c("A3SS", "ALE") && !plusStrand
        downstreamPlus  <- type %in% c("A3SS", "ALE") && plusStrand
        upstreamPlus    <- type %in% c("A5SS", "AFE") && plusStrand
        upstreamMinus   <- type %in% c("A5SS", "AFE") && !plusStrand

        shiftBy <- min(abs(alt1 - alt2), 200)
        if (downstreamPlus || upstreamMinus) {
            gradient   <- "normal"
            orangePos <- c(alt1, shift(alt1, `+`, by=shiftBy))
            bluePos   <- c(alt2, shift(alt2, `+`, by=shiftBy))
        } else if (upstreamPlus || downstreamMinus) {
            gradient   <- "invert"
            orangePos <- c(shift(alt1, `-`, by=shiftBy), alt1)
            bluePos   <- c(shift(alt2, `-`, by=shiftBy), alt2)
        greyBand   <- plotBand(grey, greyPos[[1]], greyPos[[2]], text=text)
        orangeBand <- plotBand(orange, orangePos[[1]], orangePos[[2]], gradient)
        blueBand   <- plotBand(blue, bluePos[[1]], bluePos[[2]], gradient)
    # Ordered by stack order starting with the gray as background
    hc <- hc_xAxis(hc, plotBands=list(greyBand, blueBand, orangeBand))

#' Plot transcripts
#' @param info Information retrieved from Ensembl
#' @param eventPosition Numeric: coordinates of the alternative splicing event
#' (ignored if \code{event} is set)
#' @param event Character: identifier of the alternative splicing event to plot
#' @param eventData Object containing event information to be parsed
#' @param shiny Boolean: is the function running in a Shiny session?
#' @importFrom highcharter highchart hc_chart hc_title hc_legend hc_xAxis
#' hc_yAxis hc_plotOptions hc_tooltip hc_series
#' @family functions to retrieve external information
#' @inherit psichomics return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' event <- "SE_12_-_7985318_7984360_7984200_7982602_SLC2A14"
#' info  <- queryEnsemblByEvent(event, species="human", assembly="hg19")
#' \dontrun{
#' plotTranscripts(info, event=event)
#' }
plotTranscripts <- function(info, eventPosition=NULL, event=NULL,
                            eventData=NULL, shiny=FALSE) {
    data <- list()
    for (i in seq(nrow(info$Transcript))) {
        transcript <- info$Transcript[i, ]
        name    <- transcript$id
        display <- transcript$display_name
        strand  <- ifelse(transcript$strand == 1, "+", "-")
        chr     <- transcript$seq_region_name
        start   <- transcript$start
        end     <- transcript$end
        biotype <- gsub("_", " ", transcript$biotype)

        # Prepare exons
        elements <- list()
        exons <- transcript$Exon[[1]]
        for (k in seq(nrow(exons))) {
            exon  <- exons[k, ]
            start <- exon$start
            end   <- exon$end
            len   <- abs(end - start)
            elements <- c(elements, list(list(
                name="exon", x=start, x2=end, y=0, width=20, length=len)))

        if (nrow(exons) > 1) {
            # Prepare introns
            introns <- NULL
            introns$start <- head(sort(exons$end), length(exons$end) - 1)
            introns$end   <- sort(exons$start)[-1]
            for (j in seq(length(introns$start))) {
                start <- introns$start[[j]]
                end   <- introns$end[[j]]
                len   <- abs(end - start)
                elements <- c(elements, list(list(
                    name="intron", x=start, x2=end, y=0, width=5, length=len)))
        data <- c(data, list(list(name=name, borderRadius=0, pointWidth=10,
                                  display=display, strand=strand, chr=chr,
                                  biotype=biotype, data=elements)))

    # Plot transcripts
    hc <- highchart() %>%
        hc_chart(type="xrange", zoomType="x") %>%
        hc_title(text="") %>%
        hc_legend(enabled=FALSE) %>%
        hc_xAxis(title=list(text="Position (nucleotides)"), showFirstLabel=TRUE,
                 showLastLabel=TRUE) %>%
        hc_yAxis(title=list(text=""), visible=FALSE) %>%
        hc_plotOptions(series=list(borderWidth=0.5)) %>%
    hc <- do.call("hc_series", c(list(hc), data))

    if (!is.null(event)) {
        plotRegion <- plotASeventRegion(hc, event, eventData)
        if (!is.null(plotRegion)) hc <- plotRegion
    } else if (!is.null(eventPosition)) {
        # Draw region only if splicing event position is provided
        eventStart <- eventPosition[1]
        eventEnd   <- eventPosition[2]
        hc <- hc_xAxis(hc, plotBands=list(
            color="#7cb5ec50", from=eventStart,
            to=eventEnd, label=list(text="Splicing Event", y=10,

    if (shiny)
        hc <- hc %>% hc_plotOptions(series=list(cursor="pointer", events=list(
            click="---function(e) { setTranscript(this.name); }---")))
    plottableXranges(hc, shiny)

#' Render genetic information
#' @param output Shiny output
#' @param ns Namespace function
#' @param info Information as retrieved from Ensembl
#' @param species Character: species name
#' @param assembly Character: assembly version
#' @param grch37 Boolean: use version GRCh37 of the genome?
#' @param eventDiagram Diagram of selected alternative splicing event
#' @importFrom shiny renderUI h2 h3 plotOutput
#' @return HTML elements to render gene, protein and transcript annotation
#' @keywords internal
renderGeneticInfo <- function(output, info, species=NULL, assembly=NULL,
                              grch37=FALSE, eventDiagram=NULL, gene=NULL) {
    start <- as.numeric(info$start)
    end   <- as.numeric(info$end)

    item <- function(dt, dd, dtWidth="width: 80px;",
                     ddMargin="margin-left: 100px;",
                     ddStyle=NULL) {
        tagList(tags$dt(style=dtWidth, dt),
                tags$dd(style=ddMargin, style=ddStyle, dd))

    unavailableItem <- function(dt, dd, ...) {
        info <- tagList(icon("times-circle"), dd)
        return(item(dt, info, ddStyle="color: gray;"))

    if (is.null(info)) {
        msg <- "Information from Ensembl currently unavailable"
        genomicLocation <- unavailableItem("Location", msg)
        description     <- unavailableItem("Description", msg)
    } else {
        genomicLocation <- item(
            "Location", sprintf(
                "Chromosome %s: %s-%s (%s strand)",
                format(start, big.mark=",", scientific=FALSE),
                format(end, big.mark=",", scientific=FALSE),
                ifelse(info$strand == -1, "reverse", "forward")))
        description <- item("Description",
                            sprintf("%s (%s)", info$description, info$biotype))
    links <- prepareExternalLinks(info, species, assembly, grch37, gene)

        h2(style="margin-top: 0px;", info$display_name, tags$small(info$id)),
        tags$dl(class="dl-horizontal", style="margin-bottom: 0px;",
                item("AS diagram", eventDiagram),
                     tags$ul(class="list-inline", lapply(links, tags$li)))))

#' Return the interface to display an article
#' @param article PubMed article
#' @importFrom shiny tags h5
#' @return HTML to render an article's interface
#' @keywords internal
articleUI <- function(article) {
    authors <- article$authors$name
    if (length(authors) > 2) {
        authors <- paste(authors[1], "et al.")
    } else if (length(authors) == 2) {
        authors <- paste(authors, collapse=" and ")
    year <- strsplit(article$pubdate, " ")[[1]][[1]]
    description <- sprintf("%s (%s)", authors, year)

    source <- article$source
    if (source != "") description <- sprintf("%s. %s", description, source)

    volume <- article$volume
    issue <- article$issue
    if (volume != "" && issue != "")
        description <- sprintf("%s, %s(%s)", description, volume, issue)
    else if (volume != "")
        description <- sprintf("%s, %s", description, volume)

    description <- sprintf("%s.", description)
    pmid <- article$articleids$value[1]

    decodeHTMLentities <- function(char) {
        char <- gsub("&lt;", "<", char, fixed=TRUE)
        char <- gsub("&gt;", ">", char, fixed=TRUE)

    tags$a(href=paste0("http://pubmed.gov/", pmid), target="_blank",
           class="list-group-item", h5(class="list-group-item-heading",

#' Render protein information
#' @param protein Character: protein identifier
#' @param transcript Character: Ensembl identifier of the protein's respective
#' transcript
#' @param species Character: species
#' @param assembly Character: assembly
#' @return HTML elements
#' @keywords internal
renderProteinInfo <- function(protein, transcript, species, assembly) {
    if (!is.null(protein)) {
        # Prepare protein name and length
        name <- sprintf("%s (%s aminoacids)", protein$name, protein$length)
        name <- column(2, tags$label("Protein name"), tags$ul(
            class="list-inline", tags$li(style="padding-top: 7px;", name)))

        # Prepare protein role
        if (is.null(protein$role) || protein$role == "")
            role <- helpText("No annotated function", style="margin: 0;")
            role <- protein$role
        role <- column(5, tags$label("Protein function"),
                               tags$li(style="padding-top: 7px;", role)))

    # Prepare external links
    grch37      <- if (assembly == "hg19") "grch37." else ""
    href        <- sprintf("http://%sensembl.org/%s/Transcript/Summary?t=%s",
                           grch37, species, transcript)
    ensemblLink <- tags$a("Ensembl", icon("external-link-alt"), href=href,

    href        <- paste0("http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/?query=", transcript)
    uniprotLink <- tags$a("UniProt", icon("external-link-alt"), href=href,

    links <- column(2, tags$label("External links"),
                            tags$li(style="padding-top: 7px;", ensemblLink),
                            tags$li(style="padding-top: 7px;", uniprotLink)))
    if (!is.null(protein)) {
        res <- tagList(name, role, links)
    } else {
        res <- links

prepareExternalLinks <- function(info, species, assembly, grch37, gene) {
    linkTo <- function(title, href) {
        tags$a(title, icon("external-link-alt"), target="_blank", href=href)

    url <- list()
    if (!is.null(info)) {
        gene  <- info$id
        chr   <- info$seq_region_name
        start <- as.numeric(info$start)
        end   <- as.numeric(info$end)

        ucscPos <- sprintf("chr%s:%s-%s", chr, start, end)
        url$humanProteinAtlas <- sprintf(
            "http://www.proteinatlas.org/%s/pathology", gene)
        url$vastdb <- sprintf("http://vastdb.crg.eu/wiki/Gene:%s@Genome:%s",
                              gene, assembly)
    } else {
        ucscPos <- gene
        url$humanProteinAtlas <- sprintf(
            "http://www.proteinatlas.org/search/%s", gene)
        url$vastdb <- paste0("http://vastdb.crg.eu/wiki/search?query=", gene)
    url$ensembl   <- sprintf("http://%sensembl.org/%s/Gene/Summary?g=%s",
                             ifelse(grch37, "grch37.", ""), species, gene)
    url$ucsc      <- sprintf(
        assembly, ucscPos)
    url$geneCards <- paste0(
        "http://www.genecards.org/cgi-bin/carddisp.pl?gene=", gene)

    isHuman <- !is.null(species) &&
        tolower(species) %in% c("human", "homo sapiens", "homo")
    links <- tagList(
        if (!is.null(species) && species != "")
            linkTo("Ensembl", url$ensembl),
        linkTo("UCSC", url$ucsc),
        if (isHuman) linkTo("GeneCards", url$geneCards),
        if (isHuman) linkTo("Human Protein Atlas", url$humanProteinAtlas),
        linkTo("VastDB", url$vastdb))

parseSpeciesAssembly <- function(info) {
    info <- strsplit(info, " ")[[1]]
    if (length(info) == 1) {
        species <- info[[1]]
    } else if (length(info) >= 2) {
        species <- paste(info[[1]], info[[2]])
    } else {
    species <- tolower(species)

    if (length(info) >= 3) {
        assembly <- tolower(info[[3]])
    } else {
        assembly <- ""
    return(list(species=species, assembly=assembly))

plotSplicingEventHelper <- function(ASevent, data=NULL) {
    diagram <- suppressWarnings(plotSplicingEvent(ASevent, data=data)[[1]])
    if (diagram != "") {
        res <- HTML(diagram)
    } else {
        res <- NULL

#' @rdname appServer
#' @importFrom highcharter highchart %>%
#' @importFrom shiny fixedRow safeError
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom shinyjs hide show runjs
infoServer <- function(input, output, session) {
    ns <- session$ns

    # Update species/assembly according to the ones used for loading datasets
        species  <- getSpecies()
        assembly <- getAssemblyVersion()
        selected <- paste(species, assembly)

        if (is.null(selected) || selected == "" || length(selected) == 0) {
            selected <- "Homo sapiens hg19"
        updateSelectizeInput(session, "selectedSpecies", selected=selected)

    # Update gene according to selected splicing event
        ASevent <- getASevent()
        if (!is.null(ASevent)) {
            gene <- parseSplicingEvent(ASevent)$gene[[1]]
        } else {
            gene <- NULL
        # Update gene choices according to available genes
        updateSelectizeInput(session, "selectedGene", choices=getGenes(),
                             selected=gene, server=TRUE)

    output$eventDiagram <- renderUI({
        ASevent <- getASevent()
        if (!is.null(ASevent)) {
            res <- plotSplicingEventHelper(ASevent)
            if (is.null(res)) res <- "Diagram not supported"
        } else {
            res <- "No alternative splicing event selected or available"

    reactiveQueryPubMed <- reactive({
        terms <- input$articleTerms
        terms <- gsub("^gene_", "", terms)
        pubmed <- queryPubMed(terms[1], terms[-1])

    observeEvent(input$articleTerms, {
        pubmed <- tryCatch(reactiveQueryPubMed(), error=return)
        if (is(pubmed, "error")) return(NULL)

        articles <- pubmed[-1]
        if (length(articles) >= 1) {
            articleList <- lapply(articles, articleUI)
        } else {
            articleList <- helpText(class="list-group-item",
                                    "No articles match your search terms")
        output$articleList <- renderUI(articleList)

        search <- pubmed$search$querytranslation
        search <- gsub("[Abstract]", "[Title/Abstract]", search, fixed=TRUE)
        search <- paste0("http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=", search)
        link <- tags$a(href=search, target="_blank", class="pull-right",
                       "Show more articles", icon("external-link-alt"))
        output$articleSearch <- renderUI(link)

    # Update gene used in search
        gene <- input$selectedGene
        if (gene == "") return(NULL)
        terms <- isolate(input$articleTerms)

        genePrefix <- "gene_"
        terms <- terms[!startsWith(terms, genePrefix)]
        selected <- c(setNames(paste0(genePrefix, gene), gene), terms)
        updateSelectizeInput(session, "articleTerms", choices=selected,

        parsed   <- parseSpeciesAssembly(input$selectedSpecies)
        if (is.null(parsed)) return(NULL)
        species  <- parsed$species
        assembly <- parsed$assembly
        grch37   <- assembly == "hg19"
        gene     <- input$selectedGene

        if (gene == "") return(NULL)
        info <- tryCatch(queryEnsemblByGene(gene, species=species,
                                            assembly=assembly), error=return)

        if (is(info, "error") || is.null(info)) {
        } else {

        output$genetic <- renderUI({
            if (is(info, "error")) info <- NULL
            geneticInfo <- renderGeneticInfo(
                output, info, species, assembly, grch37,
                eventDiagram=uiOutput(ns("eventDiagram")), gene=gene)

            if (is.null(info)) {
                error <- errorDialog(
                    "No response from Ensembl", bigger=TRUE,
                    "Please select another gene or try again later.")
                res <- tagList(geneticInfo, error)
            } else {
                res <- geneticInfo

        output$info <- renderUI({
                h3("Protein domains"),
                highchartOutput(ns("plotProtein"), height="200px"))

        output$plotTranscripts <- renderUI({
            info <- queryEnsemblByGene(gene, species=species, assembly=assembly)
            plotTranscripts(info, event=isolate(getASevent()), shiny=TRUE)

        # Show NULL so it doesn't show previous results when loading
        output$selectProtein <- renderUI("Loading...")
        output$proteinError  <- renderUI(NULL)
        output$plotProtein   <- renderHighchart(NULL)

        output$selectProtein <- renderUI({
            transcripts <- info$Transcript$id
                    column(3, selectizeInput(ns("selectedTranscript"),
                                             label="Select a transcript",

    plotProteinReactive <- reactive({ plotProtein(input$selectedTranscript) })

    # Render UniProt protein domains and information
        transcript <- input$selectedTranscript
        parsed     <- parseSpeciesAssembly(input$selectedSpecies)
        if (is.null(parsed)) return(NULL)
        species    <- parsed$species
        assembly   <- parsed$assembly

        if (is.null(transcript) || transcript == "") {
            output$proteinInfo  <- renderUI(NULL)
            output$proteinError <- renderUI(NULL)
            output$plotProtein  <- renderHighchart(NULL)
        } else {
            hc <- tryCatch(plotProteinReactive(), error=return)
            output$proteinInfo  <- renderUI({
                if (is.null(species) || is.null(assembly)) return(NULL)

                if (!is(hc, "error") && !is.null(hc)) {
                    protein <- attr(hc, "protein")
                    renderProteinInfo(protein, transcript, species, assembly)
                } else {
                    renderProteinInfo(protein=NULL, transcript, species,
            output$proteinError <- renderUI({
                if (is(hc, "error"))
                else if (is.null(hc))
                    helpText("Protein information from UniProt for this",
                             "transcript not available")
            output$plotProtein <- renderHighchart(hc)

attr(infoUI, "loader") <- "analysis"
attr(infoUI, "name") <- "Gene, transcript and protein information"
attr(infoServer, "loader") <- "analysis"
nuno-agostinho/psichomics documentation built on Jan. 2, 2025, 4:10 a.m.