#' This function joins together data that come from biological replicates to
#' perform analysis
#' @title Joins together two GRange objects in a single containing all the
#' replicates
#' @param methylationData1 the methylation data stored as a \code{\link{GRanges}}
#' object with four metadata columns (see \code{\link{methylationDataList}}).
#' @param methylationData2 the methylation data stored as a \code{\link{GRanges}}
#' object with four metadata columns (see \code{\link{methylationDataList}}).
#' @param usecomplete Boolean, determine wheter, when the two dataset differ for
#' number of cytosines, if the smaller dataset should be added with zero reads
#' to match the bigger dataset.
#' @return returns a \code{\link{GRanges}} object containing multiple metadata
#' columns with the reads from each object passed as parameter
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # load the methylation data
#' data(methylationDataList)
#' # Joins the wildtype and the mutant in a single object
#' joined_data <- joinReplicates(methylationDataList[["WT"]],
#' methylationDataList[["met1-3"]], FALSE)
#' }
#' @author Alessandro Pio Greco and Nicolae Radu Zabet
#' @export
joinReplicates <- function(methylationData1, methylationData2, usecomplete = FALSE){
cat("Validating objects \n")
.validateMethylationData(methylationData1, "methylationData1")
.validateMethylationData(methylationData2, "methylationData2")
cat("Finding overlaps \n")
# Checking the elements of the objects
overlaps <- findOverlaps(methylationData1, methylationData2)
# checking that the two objects are the same length
if(queryLength(overlaps) != subjectLength(overlaps) & usecomplete == FALSE){
warning("The number of elements in each dataset is different,
non replicated data will be dropped")
} else if(queryLength(overlaps) != subjectLength(overlaps) & usecomplete == TRUE){
if(queryLength(overlaps) > subjectLength(overlaps)){
cx_2 <- methylationData1[which(methylationData1 %in% methylationData1[queryHits(overlaps)] == FALSE)]
mcols(cx_2)[which(grepl("reads", names(mcols(cx_2))))] <- 0
methylationData2 <- c(methylationData2, cx_2)
overlaps <- findOverlaps(methylationData1, methylationData2)
} else{
cx_1 <- methylationData2[which(methylationData2 %in% methylationData2[queryHits(overlaps)] == FALSE)]
mcols(cx_1)[which(grepl("reads", names(mcols(cx_1))))] <- 0
methylationData1 <- c(methylationData1, cx_1)
overlaps <- findOverlaps(methylationData1, methylationData2)
flag_multiple <- NULL
# Read if one of the two objects presents "union columns" already
# if not elements are just joined together
cat("Joining objects \n")
if(length(grep("readsM", names(mcols(methylationData1)))) == 1 &
length(grep("readsM", names(mcols(methylationData2)))) == 1){
result <- GRanges(seqnames = seqnames(methylationData1[queryHits(overlaps)]),
ranges = ranges(methylationData1[queryHits(overlaps)]),
strand = strand(methylationData1[queryHits(overlaps)]),
context = methylationData1$context[queryHits(overlaps)],
readsM1 = methylationData1$readsM[queryHits(overlaps)],
readsN1 = methylationData1$readsN[queryHits(overlaps)],
readsM2 = methylationData2$readsM[subjectHits(overlaps)],
readsN2 = methylationData2$readsN[subjectHits(overlaps)],
trinucleotide_context = methylationData1$trinucleotide_context[
} else{
if(length(grep("readsM", names(mcols(methylationData1)))) > 1 &
length(grep("readsM", names(mcols(methylationData2)))) > 1){
flag_multiple <- 1
result <- methylationData1
# bind together the reads (M & N)
mcols(result) <- cbind(mcols(result), mcols(methylationData2)[subjectHits(overlaps),
#generates col names
new_col_names_M <- paste0("readsM", 1:
length(grep("readsM", names(mcols(result)))))
new_col_names_N <- paste0("readsN", 1:
length(grep("readsN", names(mcols(result)))))
names(mcols(result))[grep("readsM", names(mcols(result)))] <- new_col_names_M
names(mcols(result))[grep("readsN", names(mcols(result)))] <- new_col_names_N
# reordering mcols indexes are 1 to (trinuc -1), (trinuc +1) to the total
# length, trinuc
mcols(result) <- mcols(result)[c((1:(which(names(mcols(result)) ==
"trinucleotide_context")-1)), (which(names(mcols(
result)) == "trinucleotide_context")+1):length(
names(mcols(result))), which(names(mcols(result)) ==
} else{
result <- methylationData1
# columns are selected according to overlaps
mcols(result) <- cbind(mcols(result), data.frame("readsM" = mcols(methylationData2)[
subjectHits(overlaps), which(grepl("readsM", names(mcols(methylationData2))))],
"readsN" = mcols(methylationData2)[subjectHits(overlaps),which(grepl("readsN",
# this selection allows to be generic and work all the time
new_col_names_M <- paste0("readsM", 1:
length(grep("readsM", names(mcols(result)))))
new_col_names_N <- paste0("readsN", 1:
length(grep("readsN", names(mcols(result)))))
names(mcols(result))[grep("readsM", names(mcols(result)))] <- new_col_names_M
names(mcols(result))[grep("readsN", names(mcols(result)))] <- new_col_names_N
# reordering mcols indexes are 1 to (trinuc -1), (trinuc +1) to the total
# length, trinuc
mcols(result) <- mcols(result)[c((1:(which(names(mcols(result)) ==
"trinucleotide_context")-1)), (which(names(mcols(
result)) == "trinucleotide_context")+1):length(
names(mcols(result))), which(names(mcols(result)) ==
#' Checks whether the passed parameter is the statistical test
#' @title Validate statistial test
#' @param test the statistical test used to call DMRs (\code{"betareg"} for
#' Beta regression.
#' @author Alessandro Pio Greco and Nicolae Radu Zabet
.validateStatisticalTestReplicates <- function(test){
.stopIfNotAll(c(!is.null(test), is.character(test), length(test) == 1, test %in% "betareg"),
" test needs to be one of the following \"betareg\" for beta regression")
#' Checks whether the passed parameter is a valid condition for the data
#' @title Validate the condition of the experiment
#' @param condition The vector containing the two conditions for the experiment.
#' @author Alessandro Pio Greco and Nicolae Radu Zabet
.validateConditionReplicates <- function(condition, methylationData){
.stopIfNotAll(c(!is.null(condition), is.character(condition), length(condition) ==
length(grep("readsM", names(mcols(methylationData))))),
" condition need to be a vector of characters and the length needs to much the number of replicates")
.stopIfNotAll(length(levels(as.factor(condition))) == 2,
" only two levels are allowed for the condition")
#' This function computes the differentially methylated regions between
#' replicates with two conditions.
#' @title Compute DMRs
#' @param methylationData the methylation data containing all the conditions
#' for all the replicates.
#' @param condition a vector of strings indicating the conditions for each
#' sample in \code{methylationData}. Two different values are allowed
#' (for the two conditions).
#' @param regions a \code{\link{GRanges}} object with the regions where to
#' compute the DMRs. If \code{NULL}, the DMRs are computed genome-wide.
#' @param context the context in which the DMRs are computed (\code{"CG"},
#' \code{"CHG"} or \code{"CHH"}).
#' @param method the method used to compute the DMRs \code{"neighbourhood"}
#' or \code{"bins"}). The \code{"neighbourhood"} method computates
#' differentially methylated cytosines. Finally, the \code{"bins"}
#' method partiones the genome into equal sized tilling bins and performs the
#' statistical test between the two conditions in each bin. For all three
#' methods, the cytosines or bins are then merged into DMRs without affecting
#' the inital parameters used when calling the differentiall methylated
#' cytosines/bins (p-value, difference in methylation levels, minimum number of
#' reads per cytosine).
#' @param binSize the size of the tiling bins in nucleotides. This parameter is
#' required only if the selected method is \code{"bins"}.
#' @param test the statistical test used to call DMRs (\code{"betareg"} for
#' Beta regression).
#' @param pseudocountM numerical value to be added to the methylated reads
#' before modelling beta regression.
#' @param pseudocountN numerical value to be added to the total reads
#' before modelling beta regression.
#' @param pValueThreshold DMRs with p-values (when performing the statistical
#' test; see \code{test}) higher or equal than \code{pValueThreshold} are
#' discarded. Note that we adjust the p-values using the Benjamini and
#' Hochberg's method to control the false discovery rate.
#' @param minCytosinesCount DMRs with less cytosines in the specified context
#' than \code{minCytosinesCount} will be discarded.
#' @param minProportionDifference DMRs where the difference in methylation
#' proportion between the two conditions is lower than
#' \code{minProportionDifference} are discarded.
#' @param minGap DMRs separated by a gap of at least \code{minGap} are not
#' merged. Note that only DMRs where the change in methylation is in the same
#' direction are joined.
#' @param minSize DMRs with a size smaller than \code{minSize} are discarded.
#' @param minReadsPerCytosine DMRs with the average number of reads lower than
#' \code{minReadsPerCytosine} are discarded.
#' @param cores the number of cores used to compute the DMRs.
#' @return the DMRs stored as a \code{\link{GRanges}} object with the following
#' metadata columns:
#' \describe{
#' \item{direction}{a number indicating whether the region lost (-1) or gain
#' (+1) methylation in condition 2 compared to condition 1.}
#' \item{context}{the context in which the DMRs was computed (\code{"CG"},
#' \code{"CHG"} or \code{"CHH"}).}
#' \item{sumReadsM1}{the number of methylated reads in condition 1.}
#' \item{sumReadsN1}{the total number of reads in condition 1.}
#' \item{proportion1}{the proportion methylated reads in condition 1.}
#' \item{sumReadsM2}{the number of methylated reads in condition 2.}
#' \item{sumReadsN2}{the total number reads in condition 2.}
#' \item{proportion2}{the proportion methylated reads in condition 2.}
#' \item{cytosinesCount}{the number of cytosines in the DMR.}
#' \item{regionType}{a string indicating whether the region lost (\code{"loss"})
#' or gained (\code{"gain"}) methylation in condition 2 compared to condition 1.}
#' \item{pValue}{the p-value (adjusted to control the false discovery rate with
#' the Benjamini and Hochberg's method) of the statistical test when the DMR was
#' called.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # starting with data joined using joinReplicates
#' data("syntheticDataReplicates")
#' # compute the DMRs in CG context with neighbourhood method
#' # creating condition vector
#' condition <- c("a", "a", "b", "b")
#' # computing DMRs using the neighbourhood method
#' DMRsReplicatesNeighbourhood <- computeDMRsReplicates(methylationData = methylationData,
#' condition = condition,
#' regions = NULL,
#' context = "CHH",
#' method = "neighbourhood",
#' test = "betareg",
#' pseudocountM = 1,
#' pseudocountN = 2,
#' pValueThreshold = 0.01,
#' minCytosinesCount = 4,
#' minProportionDifference = 0.4,
#' minGap = 200,
#' minSize = 50,
#' minReadsPerCytosine = 4,
#' cores = 1)
#' }
#' @author Alessandro Pio Greco and Nicolae Radu Zabet
#' @export
computeDMRsReplicates <- function(methylationData,
condition = NULL,
regions = NULL,
context = "CG",
method= "neighbourhood",
binSize = 100,
test = "betareg",
pseudocountM = 1,
pseudocountN = 2,
pValueThreshold = 0.01,
minCytosinesCount = 4,
minProportionDifference = 0.4,
minGap = 200,
minSize = 50,
minReadsPerCytosine = 4,
cores = 1) {
#Parameters checking
cat("Parameters checking ...\n")
.validateMethylationData(methylationData, variableName="methylationData")
.validateConditionReplicates(condition, methylationData)
regions <- .validateGRanges(regions, methylationData)
length(method) == 1,
all(method %in% c("neighbourhood","bins"))),
" method can be only neighbourhood or bins")
if(method == "bins"){
.stopIfNotAll(c(.isInteger(binSize, positive=TRUE)),
" the bin size used by the method is an integer higher than 0")
pValueThreshold > 0,
pValueThreshold < 1),
" the p-value threshold needs to be in the interval (0,1)")
.stopIfNotAll(c(.isInteger(minCytosinesCount, positive=TRUE)),
" the minCytosinesCount is an integer higher or equal to 0")
minProportionDifference > 0,
minProportionDifference < 1),
" the minimum difference in methylation needs to be in the interval (0,1)")
.stopIfNotAll(c(.isInteger(minGap, positive=TRUE)),
" the minimum gap between DMRs is an integer higher or equal to 0")
.stopIfNotAll(c(.isInteger(minSize, positive=TRUE)),
" the minimum size of a DMR is an integer higher or equal to 0")
.stopIfNotAll(c(.isInteger(minReadsPerCytosine, positive=TRUE)),
" the minimum average number of reads in a DMR is an integer higher or equal to 0")
.stopIfNotAll(c(.isInteger(cores, positive=TRUE)),
" the number of cores to used when computing the DMRs needs to be an integer hirger or equal to 1.")
computedDMRs <- GRanges()
if(method == "neighbourhood"){
computedDMRs <- .computeDMRsReplicatesNeighbourhood(methylationData = methylationData,
condition = condition,
regions = regions,
context = context,
pseudocountM = pseudocountM,
pseudocountN = pseudocountN,
pValueThreshold = pValueThreshold,
minCytosinesCount = minCytosinesCount,
minProportionDifference =minProportionDifference,
minGap = minGap,
minSize = minSize,
minReadsPerCytosine = minReadsPerCytosine,
cores = cores)
} else if(method == "bins"){
computedDMRs <- .computeDMRsReplicatesBins(methylationData = methylationData,
condition = condition,
regions = regions,
context = context,
binSize = binSize,
pseudocountM = pseudocountM,
pseudocountN = pseudocountN,
pValueThreshold = pValueThreshold,
minCytosinesCount = minCytosinesCount,
minProportionDifference =minProportionDifference,
minGap = minGap,
minSize = minSize,
minReadsPerCytosine = minReadsPerCytosine,
cores = cores)
} else{
cat("Unknown method: ",method," \n")
#' This function computes the differentially methylated regions between replicates
#' using the neighbourhood method.
.computeDMRsReplicatesNeighbourhood <- function(methylationData,
regions = NULL,
context = "CG",
pseudocountM = 1,
pseudocountN = 2,
pValueThreshold = 0.01,
minCytosinesCount = 4,
minProportionDifference = 0.4,
minGap = 200,
minSize = 50,
minReadsPerCytosine = 4,
cores = 1){
condition <- as.factor(condition)
regions <- reduce(regions)
regionsList <- .splitGRangesEqualy(regions, cores)
# extract the methylation data in the correct context
cat("Extract methylation in the corresponding context \n")
localContextMethylationData <- methylationData[methylationData$context%in%context]
localContextMethylationData <- localContextMethylationData[queryHits(findOverlaps(
localContextMethylationData, regions))]
# create dataframe row wise with proportions
m <- grep("readsM", names(mcols(localContextMethylationData)))
n <- grep("readsN", names(mcols(localContextMethylationData)))
# inner loop function for parallel::mclapply
.computeDMPsReplicatesNeighbourhoodLoop = function(i){
computedDMPs <- GRanges()
for(index in 1:length(regionsList[[i]])){
cat("Computing DMRs \n")
currentRegion <- regionsList[[i]][index]
overlapsCs <- findOverlaps(localContextMethylationData, currentRegion)
if(length(overlapsCs) > 0){
localMethylationData <- localContextMethylationData[queryHits(overlapsCs)]
proportions <-proportions <- (as.matrix(mcols(localMethylationData)[,m]) + pseudocountM) /
(as.matrix(mcols(localMethylationData)[,n]) + pseudocountN)
DMPs <- GRanges()
if(length(localMethylationData) > 0){
DMPs <- localMethylationData
DMPs$pValue <- .computeAdjuestedPValuesReplicates(proportions, condition, cores=1)
DMPs <- DMPs[!is.na(DMPs$pValue)]
if(length(DMPs) > 0){
DMPs$sumReadsM1 <- apply(mcols(DMPs)[m[which(condition == unique(condition)[1])]],1,sum)
DMPs$sumReadsN1 <- apply(mcols(DMPs)[n[which(condition == unique(condition)[1])]],1,sum)
DMPs$proportion1 <- DMPs$sumReadsM1 / DMPs$sumReadsN1
DMPs$sumReadsM2 <- apply(mcols(DMPs)[m[which(condition == unique(condition)[2])]],1,sum)
DMPs$sumReadsN2 <- apply(mcols(DMPs)[n[which(condition == unique(condition)[2])]],1,sum)
DMPs$proportion2 <- DMPs$sumReadsM2 / DMPs$sumReadsN2
DMPs$cytosinesCount <- 1
DMPs$direction <- sign(DMPs$proportion2 - DMPs$proportion1)
if(length(DMPs) > 0){
bufferIndex <- DMPs$pValue < pValueThreshold &
abs(DMPs$proportion2 - DMPs$proportion1) >= minProportionDifference &
DMPs$sumReadsN1 >=minReadsPerCytosine &
DMPs$sumReadsN2 >=minReadsPerCytosine
DMPs <- DMPs[bufferIndex]
strand(DMPs) <- "*"
DMPs <- GRanges()
# append current DMRs to the global list of DMRs
if(length(computedDMPs) == 0){
computedDMPs <- DMPs
} else{
computedDMPs <- c(computedDMPs,DMPs)
# compute the DMRs
if(cores > 1){
cat("Compute the DMRs using ", cores, "cores\n")
computedDMPs <- parallel::mclapply(1:length(regionsList), .computeDMPsReplicatesNeighbourhoodLoop, mc.cores = cores)
} else {
computedDMPs <- lapply(1:length(regionsList), .computeDMPsReplicatesNeighbourhoodLoop)
computedDMRs <- GRanges()
computedDMRs <- subset(computedDMPs, !sapply(computedDMPs, is.null))
if(length(computedDMRs) > 0){
computedDMRs <- unlist(GRangesList(computedDMRs))
if(length(computedDMRs) > 0){
cat("Merge adjacent DMRs\n")
computedDMRs <- computedDMRs[order(computedDMRs)]
computedDMRs$pValue <- .computeaAjustedPValuesInDMRsReplicates(localContextMethylationData ,computedDMRs, condition, cores, m, n, pseudocountM, pseudocountN)
cat("Merge DMRs iteratively\n")
# Get rid of small gaps between DMRs.
if(minGap > 0){
computedDMRs <- .smartMergeDMRsReplicates(computedDMRs,
minGap = minGap,
respectSigns = TRUE,
methylationData = localContextMethylationData,
minReadsPerCytosine = minReadsPerCytosine,
pseudocountM = pseudocountM,
pseudocountN = pseudocountN,
condition = condition,
m = m,
n = n,
cores = cores)
cat("Filter DMRs \n")
if(length(computedDMRs) > 0){
#remove small DMRs
computedDMRs <- computedDMRs[width(computedDMRs) >= minSize]
if(length(computedDMRs) > 0){
#remove DMRs with few cytosines
computedDMRs <- computedDMRs[computedDMRs$cytosinesCount >= minCytosinesCount]
#recompute the adjusted p-values
if(length(computedDMRs) > 0){
computedDMRs$pValue <- .computeaAjustedPValuesInDMRsReplicates(localContextMethylationData ,computedDMRs, condition, cores, m, n, pseudocountM, pseudocountN)
computedDMRs$regionType <- rep("loss", length(computedDMRs))
computedDMRs$regionType[which(computedDMRs$proportion1 < computedDMRs$proportion2)] <- "gain"
#' This function computes the differentially methylated regions between replicates
#' using the bins method.
.computeDMRsReplicatesBins <- function(methylationData,
condition = condition,
regions = NULL,
context = "CG",
binSize = 100,
pseudocountM = 1,
pseudocountN = 2,
pValueThreshold = 0.01,
minCytosinesCount = 4,
minProportionDifference = 0.4,
minGap = 200,
minSize = 50,
minReadsPerCytosine = 4,
cores = 1) {
condition <- as.factor(condition)
regions <- reduce(regions)
# extract the methylation data in the correct context
cat("Extract methylation in the corresponding context \n")
localContextMethylationData <- methylationData[methylationData$context%in%context]
localContextMethylationData <- localContextMethylationData[queryHits(findOverlaps(
localContextMethylationData, regions))]
regionsList <- .splitGRangesEqualy(regions, cores)
m <- grep("readsM", names(mcols(localContextMethylationData)))
n <- grep("readsN", names(mcols(localContextMethylationData)))
# inner loop function for parallel::mclapply
.computeDMRsReplicatesBinsLoop = function(i){
computedDMRs <- GRanges()
for(index in 1:length(regionsList[[i]])){
currentRegion <- regionsList[[i]][index]
cat("Computing DMRs at ",.printGenomicRanges(currentRegion),"\n")
seqs <- seq(start(currentRegion), (end(currentRegion)-binSize), by = binSize);
bins <- GRanges(seqnames(currentRegion), IRanges(seqs, (seqs+binSize-1)))
overlapsBins <- findOverlaps(localContextMethylationData, currentRegion)
if(length(overlapsBins) > 0){
localMethylationData <- localContextMethylationData[queryHits(overlapsBins)]
cat("Count inside each bin...\n")
#bins <- .analyseReadsInsideRegions(localMethylationData, bins, context, cores)
bins <- .analyseReadsInsideBinsReplicates(localMethylationData, bins, currentRegion, condition, pseudocountM, pseudocountN)
cat("Filter the bins...\n")
# Get rid of the bins with fewer than minCytosinesCount cytosines inside.
bins <- bins[bins$cytosinesCount >= minCytosinesCount]
# Get rid of the bins with fewer than minReadsPerCytosine reads per cytosine.
bins <- bins[(bins$sumReadsN1/bins$cytosinesCount >= minReadsPerCytosine) &
(bins$sumReadsN2/bins$cytosinesCount >= minReadsPerCytosine)]
# Get rid of the bins with small difference in proportion of methylation
bins <- bins[(abs(bins$proportion1 - bins$proportion2) >= minProportionDifference)]
proportions <- as.matrix(mcols(bins)[grep("proportionsR", names(mcols(bins)))])
if(nrow(proportions) > 0){
cat("Identifying DMRs...\n")
pValue <- .computeAdjuestedPValuesReplicates(proportions, condition, cores)
mcols(bins)[grep("proportionsR", names(mcols(bins)))] <- NULL
bins <- bins[!is.na(pValue) & pValue < pValueThreshold ]
if(length(bins) > 0){
bins$context <- rep(paste(context, collapse = "_"), length(bins))
bins$direction <- rep(NA, length(bins))
bins$direction <- sign(bins$proportion2 - bins$proportion1)
# Select the crude list of DMRs
DMRs <- bins[!is.na(bins$direction) & (bins$direction == 1 | bins$direction == -1)]
} else{
DMRs <- bins
DMRs <- GRanges()
# append current DMRs to the global list of DMRs
if(length(computedDMRs) == 0){
computedDMRs <- DMRs
} else{
computedDMRs <- c(computedDMRs,DMRs)
# compute the DMRs
if(cores > 1){
cat("Compute the DMRs using ", cores, "cores\n")
computedDMRs <- parallel::mclapply(1:length(regionsList), .computeDMRsReplicatesBinsLoop, mc.cores = cores)
} else {
computedDMRs <- lapply(1:length(regionsList), .computeDMRsReplicatesBinsLoop)
if(length(computedDMRs) > 0){
computedDMRs <- subset(computedDMRs, !sapply(computedDMRs, is.null))
if(length(computedDMRs) > 0){
computedDMRs <- unlist(GRangesList(computedDMRs))
} else{
computedDMRs <- GRanges()
if(length(computedDMRs) > 0){
cat("Merge adjacent DMRs\n")
computedDMRs <- computedDMRs[order(computedDMRs)]
computedDMRs$pValue <- .computeaAjustedPValuesInDMRsReplicates(localContextMethylationData ,computedDMRs, condition, cores, m, n, pseudocountM, pseudocountN)
cat("Merge DMRs iteratively\n")
# Get rid of small gaps between DMRs.
if(minGap > 0){
computedDMRs <- .smartMergeDMRsReplicates(computedDMRs,
minGap = minGap,
respectSigns = TRUE,
methylationData = localContextMethylationData,
minReadsPerCytosine = minReadsPerCytosine,
pseudocountM = pseudocountM,
pseudocountN = pseudocountN,
condition = condition,
m = m,
n = n,
cores = cores)
cat("Filter DMRs \n")
if(length(computedDMRs) > 0){
#remove small DMRs
computedDMRs <- computedDMRs[width(computedDMRs) >= minSize]
if(length(computedDMRs) > 0){
#remove DMRs with few cytosines
computedDMRs <- computedDMRs[computedDMRs$cytosinesCount >= minCytosinesCount]
#recompute the adjusted p-values
if(length(computedDMRs) > 0){
computedDMRs$pValue <- .computeaAjustedPValuesInDMRsReplicates(localContextMethylationData ,computedDMRs, condition, cores, m, n, pseudocountM, pseudocountN)
computedDMRs$regionType <- rep("loss", length(computedDMRs))
computedDMRs$regionType[which(computedDMRs$proportion1 < computedDMRs$proportion2)] <- "gain"
} else{
computedDMRs <- GRanges()
#' This function extracts the p-value for each cytosine from the betareg object
.convertResult <- function(x){
result <- NA
} else{
result <- summary(x)[[1]][[1]][,4][2]
# formula for eliminating extreme values (0,1) from the proportion matrix
.convertProportions <- function(x){
result <- (x *(length(x) - 1) + 0.5)/length(x)
#' This function computes the p-values of the beta regression test
#' @title Beta regression
#' @param y vector containing the proportions (readsM/readsN) for a single cytosine.
#' @param condition vector containing the conditions of the experiment.
#' @return The p-values of the beta regression test.
#' @author Alessandro Pio Greco and Nicolae Radu Zabet
.computeBetaRegSingle <- function(y, condition){
result <- NA
} else{
result <- betareg(.convertProportions(y) ~ condition, na.action = na.pass)
.suitableForBetaReg <- function(y){
} else if(length(unique(y)) < 4 | any(y==0) | any(y==1)){
#' This function applies the .computeBetaRegSingle to the entire dataset
.computeBetaReg <- function(y, condition, cores){
result <- .computeBetaRegSingle(y, condition)
result <- .convertResult(result)
} else {
suitableForBetaReg <- apply(y, 1, .suitableForBetaReg)
result <- rep(NA, nrow(y))
if(sum(suitableForBetaReg) >= 1){
ySuitable <- matrix(y[suitableForBetaReg,], ncol=length(condition))
#buffer <- mclapply(1:nrow(ySuitable), FUN = function(x) .computeBetaRegSingle(ySuitable[x,], condition), mc.cores = cores)
buffer <- apply(ySuitable, 1, .computeBetaRegSingle, condition=condition)
buffer <- vapply(buffer, FUN=.convertResult, FUN.VALUE = 0.0)
#buffer <- unlist(buffer)
result[suitableForBetaReg] <- buffer
#' This function computes the adjusted p-values (using Benjamini & Hochberg
#' method)
#' @title Compute adjusted p-values
#' @param conditions matrix containing the proportions (readsM/readsN) for all the cytosines.
#' @param condition vector containing the conditions of the experiment.
#' @param cores the number of cores to be used to fit the model.
#' @return The adjusted p-values of the statistical test.
#' @author Nicolae Radu Zabet and Alessandro Pio Greco
.computeAdjuestedPValuesReplicates <- function(proportions, condition, cores){
pValue <- .computeBetaReg(proportions, condition, cores)
# convert p-values to FDR
adjPValue <- rep(NA, times=length(pValue))
adjPValue[which(!is.na(pValue))] <- p.adjust(pValue[which(!is.na(pValue))], method="fdr")
#' This function computes the adjusted p-values (using Benjamini & Hochberg
#' method)
#' @title Compute adjusted p-values
#' @param conditions matrix containing the proportions (readsM/readsN) for all the cytosines.
#' @param condition vector containing the conditions of the experiment.
#' @param cores the number of cores to be used to fit the model.
#' @return The adjusted p-values of the statistical test.
#' @author Nicolae Radu Zabet and Alessandro Pio Greco
.computeaAjustedPValuesInDMRsReplicates <- function(methylationData,
M <- sapply(1:length(DMRs),
methylationData = methylationData,
col_indexes = indexM)})
N <- sapply(1:length(DMRs),
methylationData = methylationData,
col_indexes = indexN)})
proportions <- (M + pseudocountM) / (N + pseudocountN)
proportions <- t(proportions)
pValue <- .computeBetaReg(proportions, condition, cores)
# convert p-values to FDR
adjPValue <- rep(NA, times=length(pValue))
adjPValue[which(!is.na(pValue))] <- p.adjust(pValue[which(!is.na(pValue))], method="fdr")
#' This function recalculate proportions between methylated and total reads in a new region.
.computeProportionsInDMRs <- function(DMRs, methylationData,col_indexes){
regions <- methylationData[queryHits(findOverlaps(methylationData, DMRs))]
computedDMRsproportions <- apply(mcols(regions)[col_indexes], 2, sum)
#' Performs the analysis in equal width regions of an \code{\link{GRanges}}
#' object
#' @title Analyse reads inside regions
#' @param methylationData a \code{\link{GRanges}} object with five metadata
#' columns; see \code{\link{methylationDataList}}
#' @param currentRegion a \code{\link{GRanges}} object with the identified regions
#' @param condition The vector containing the two conditions for the experiment.
#' @param pseudocountM numerical value to be added to the methylated reads
#' before modelling beta regression.
#' @param pseudocountN numerical value to be added to the total reads
#' before modelling beta regression.
#' @return a \code{\link{GRanges}} object with eaual sized tiles of the regions.
#' The object consists of the following metadata
#' \describe{
#' \item{sumReadsM1}{the number of methylated reads in condition 1}
#' \item{sumReadsN1}{the total number of reads in condition 1}
#' \item{proportion1}{the proportion of methylated reads in condition 1}
#' \item{sumReadsM2}{the number of methylated reads in condition 2}
#' \item{sumReadsN2}{the total number of reads in condition 2}
#' \item{proportion2}{the proportion of methylated reads in condition 2}
#' \item{cytosinesCount}{the number of cytosines in the correct context}
#' }
#' @author Nicolae Radu Zabet and Alessandro Pio Greco
.analyseReadsInsideBinsReplicates <- function(methylationData, bins, currentRegion,
condition, pseudocountM, pseudocountN){
binSize <- min(unique(width(bins)))
m <- grep("readsM", names(mcols(methylationData)))
n <- grep("readsN", names(mcols(methylationData)))
readsM <- matrix(0, ncol = length(m), nrow=length(bins))
for(i in 1:length(m)){
test <- .movingSum(start(currentRegion), end(currentRegion), start(methylationData), mcols(methylationData)[[m[i]]], windowSize = binSize)
readsM[,i] <- test[seq(1,length(test)-binSize, by=binSize)]
readsN <- matrix(0, ncol = length(n), nrow=length(bins))
for(i in 1:length(n)){
test2 <- .movingSum(start(currentRegion), end(currentRegion), start(methylationData), mcols(methylationData)[[n[i]]], windowSize = binSize)
readsN[,i] <- test2[seq(1,length(test)-binSize, by=binSize)]
proportions <- (readsM + pseudocountM)/ (readsN + pseudocountN)
proportions <- as.data.frame(proportions)
names_prop <- paste0("proportionsR", 1:ncol(proportions))
colnames(proportions) <- names_prop
m1 <- m[which(condition == unique(condition)[1])]
n1 <- n[which(condition == unique(condition)[1])]
m2 <- m[which(condition == unique(condition)[2])]
n2 <- n[which(condition == unique(condition)[2])]
readsM1 <- readsM[,which(condition == unique(condition)[1])]
# readsM1 <- matrix(0, ncol = length(m1), nrow=length(bins))
# for(i in 1:length(m1)){
# test <- .movingSum(start(currentRegion), end(currentRegion), start(methylationData), mcols(methylationData)[[m1[i]]], windowSize = binSize)
# readsM1[,i] <- test[seq(1,length(test)-binSize, by=binSize)]
# }
sumReadsM1 <- apply(readsM1,1,sum)
readsN1 <- readsN[,which(condition == unique(condition)[1])]
# readsN1 <- matrix(0, ncol = length(n1), nrow=length(bins))
# for(i in 1:length(n1)){
# test <- .movingSum(start(currentRegion), end(currentRegion), start(methylationData), mcols(methylationData)[[n1[i]]], windowSize = binSize)
# readsN1[,i] <- test[seq(1,length(test)-binSize, by=binSize)]
# }
sumReadsN1 <- apply(readsN1,1,sum)
proportion1 <- (sumReadsM1 + pseudocountM)/ (sumReadsN1 + pseudocountN)
readsM2 <- readsM[,which(condition == unique(condition)[2])]
# readsM2 <- matrix(0, ncol = length(m2), nrow=length(bins))
# for(i in 1:length(m2)){
# test <- .movingSum(start(currentRegion), end(currentRegion), start(methylationData), mcols(methylationData)[[m2[i]]], windowSize = binSize)
# readsM2[,i] <- test[seq(1,length(test)-binSize, by=binSize)]
# }
sumReadsM2 <- apply(readsM2,1,sum)
readsN2 <- readsN[,which(condition == unique(condition)[2])]
# readsN2 <- matrix(0, ncol = length(n2), nrow=length(bins))
# for(i in 1:length(n2)){
# test <- .movingSum(start(currentRegion), end(currentRegion), start(methylationData), mcols(methylationData)[[n2[i]]], windowSize = binSize)
# readsN2[,i] <- test[seq(1,length(test)-binSize, by=binSize)]
# }
sumReadsN2 <- apply(readsN2,1,sum)
proportion2 <- (sumReadsM2 + pseudocountM)/ (sumReadsN2 + pseudocountN)
cytosines <- .movingSum(start(currentRegion), end(currentRegion), start(methylationData), rep(1, length(start(methylationData))), windowSize = binSize)
cytosinesCount <- cytosines[seq(1,length(cytosines)-binSize, by=binSize)]
bins$sumReadsM1 <- sumReadsM1
bins$sumReadsN1 <- sumReadsN1
bins$proportion1 <- proportion1
bins$sumReadsM2 <- sumReadsM2
bins$sumReadsN2 <- sumReadsN2
bins$proportion2 <- proportion2
bins$cytosinesCount <- cytosinesCount
mcols(bins) <- cbind(mcols(bins), proportions)
#' Performs the analysis in all regions in a \code{\link{GRanges}} object
#' @title Analyse reads inside regions
#' @param methylationData a \code{\link{GRanges}} object with five metadata
#' columns see \code{\link{methylationDataList}}
#' @param regions a \code{\link{GRanges}} object with the identified regions
#' @param condition The vector containing the two conditions for the experiment.
#' @param m indexes of methylated reads for creation of the proportions matrix
#' @param n indexes of total reads for creation of the proportions matrix
#' @return a \code{\link{GRanges}} object with eaual sized tiles of the regions.
#' The object consists of the following metadata
#' \describe{
#' \item{sumReadsM1}{the number of methylated reads in condition 1}
#' \item{sumReadsN1}{the total number of reads in condition 1}
#' \item{proportion1}{the proportion of methylated reads in condition 1}
#' \item{sumReadsM2}{the number of methylated reads in condition 2}
#' \item{sumReadsN2}{the total number of reads in condition 2}
#' \item{proportion2}{the proportion of methylated reads in condition 2}
#' \item{cytosinesCount}{the number of cytosines in the correct context}
#' }
#' @author Nicolae Radu Zabet and Alessandro Pio Greco
.analyseReadsInsideRegionsReplicates <- function(methylationData, regions, condition, m, n){
overlaps <- findOverlaps(methylationData, regions, ignore.strand = TRUE)
methylationDataContextList <- IRanges::splitAsList(methylationData[queryHits(overlaps)], subjectHits(overlaps))
regionsIndexes <- as.integer(names(methylationDataContextList))
# methylationDataContextList <-
# regions <- methylationData[queryHits(findOverlaps(methylationData, DMRs))]
regions$sumReadsM1 <- rep(0, times=length(regions))
regions$sumReadsN1 <- rep(0, times=length(regions))
regions$proportion1 <- rep(0, times=length(regions))
regions$sumReadsM2 <- rep(0, times=length(regions))
regions$sumReadsN2 <- rep(0, times=length(regions))
regions$proportion2 <- rep(0, times=length(regions))
regions$cytosinesCount <- rep(0, times=length(regions))
if(length(regionsIndexes) > 0){
regions$sumReadsM1[regionsIndexes] <- sum(apply(mcols(unlist(methylationDataContextList))[m[which(condition == unique(condition)[1])]],1,sum))
regions$sumReadsM2 <- sum(apply(mcols(unlist(methylationDataContextList))[m[which(condition == unique(condition)[2])]],1,sum))
regions$sumReadsN1 <- sum(apply(mcols(unlist(methylationDataContextList))[n[which(condition == unique(condition)[1])]],1,sum))
regions$sumReadsN2 <- sum(apply(mcols(unlist(methylationDataContextList))[n[which(condition == unique(condition)[2])]],1,sum))
regions$cytosinesCount[regionsIndexes] <- sapply(methylationDataContextList,length)
valid <- regions$cytosinesCount[regionsIndexes] > 0
regions$proportion1[regionsIndexes[valid]] <- regions$sumReadsM1[regionsIndexes[valid]]/regions$sumReadsN1[regionsIndexes[valid]]
regions$proportion2[regionsIndexes[valid]] <- regions$sumReadsM2[regionsIndexes[valid]]/regions$sumReadsN2[regionsIndexes[valid]]
.joinDMRsReplicates <- function(DMRs,
minGap = minGap,
respectSigns = TRUE,
methylationData = methylationData,
minReadsPerCytosine = 4,
pseudocountM = pseudocountM,
pseudocountN = pseudocountN,
condition = condition,
m = m,
n = n,
cores = 1
#are within the requeired distance
if(length(reduce(DMRs, drop.empty.ranges=TRUE, min.gapwidth=minGap,
ignore.strand=TRUE)) == 1){
#all have the same direction
if(!respectSigns | length(unique(DMRs$direction)) == 1){
direction <- unique(DMRs$direction)
if(length(unique(strand(DMRs))) == 1){
localDMR <- DMRs[1]
end(localDMR) <- max(end(DMRs))
start(localDMR) <- min(start(DMRs))
localDMR <- .analyseReadsInsideRegionsReplicates(methylationData, localDMR, condition, m, n)
localDMR$pValue <- .computeaAjustedPValuesInDMRsReplicates(methylationData, localDMR, condition, cores, m, n, pseudocountM, pseudocountN)
if(abs(localDMR$proportion1 - localDMR$proportion2) >= minProportionDifference &
localDMR$pValue <= pValueThreshold &
(localDMR$sumReadsN1 / localDMR$cytosinesCount) >= minReadsPerCytosine &
(localDMR$sumReadsN2 / localDMR$cytosinesCount) >= minReadsPerCytosine){
DMRs <- localDMR
.getLongestDMRsReplicates <- function(DMRs,
minGap = minGap,
respectSigns = TRUE,
methylationData = methylationData,
minReadsPerCytosine = 4,
pseudocountM = pseudocountM,
pseudocountN = pseudocountN,
condition = condition,
m = m,
n = n,
cores = 1){
newDMRs <-.joinDMRsReplicates(DMRs,
minGap = minGap,
respectSigns = respectSigns,
methylationData = methylationData,
minReadsPerCytosine = minReadsPerCytosine,
pseudocountM = pseudocountM,
pseudocountN = pseudocountN,
condition = condition,
m = m,
n = n,
cores = 1)
if(length(newDMRs) == 1){
result <- newDMRs
} else{
result <- .mergeDMRsIterativelyReplicates(DMRs,
minGap = minGap,
respectSigns = respectSigns,
methylationData = methylationData,
minReadsPerCytosine = minReadsPerCytosine,
pseudocountM = pseudocountM,
pseudocountN = pseudocountN,
condition = condition,
m = m,
n = n,
cores = 1)
#' This takes a list of DMRs and attempts to merge DMRs while keeping the new
#' DMRs statistically significant
.smartMergeDMRsReplicates <- function(DMRs,
respectSigns = TRUE,
minReadsPerCytosine = 4,
pseudocountM = 1,
pseudocountN = 2,
condition = condition,
m = m,
n = n,
cores = 1){
overlaps <- countOverlaps(DMRs, DMRs, maxgap = minGap, ignore.strand = TRUE)
notToJoin <- DMRs[overlaps == 1]
DMRsToJoin <- DMRs[overlaps > 1]
if(length(DMRsToJoin) > 0){
overlaps <- findOverlaps(DMRsToJoin,
reduce(DMRsToJoin, min.gapwidth = minGap,
maxgap = minGap, ignore.strand = TRUE)
DMRsList <- IRanges::splitAsList(DMRsToJoin[queryHits(overlaps)],
if(cores > 1){
bufferDMRs <- parallel::mclapply(1:length(DMRsList), function(i){ .getLongestDMRsReplicates(DMRsList[[i]],
minGap = minGap,
respectSigns = respectSigns,
methylationData = methylationData,
minReadsPerCytosine = minReadsPerCytosine,
pseudocountM = pseudocountM,
pseudocountN = pseudocountN,
condition = condition,
m = m,
n = n,
cores = 1)},
mc.cores = cores)
bufferDMRs <- unlist(GRangesList(bufferDMRs))
} else{
bufferDMRs <- GRanges()
for(i in 1:length(DMRsList)){
bufferDMRs <- c(bufferDMRs, .getLongestDMRsReplicates(DMRsList[[i]],
minGap = minGap,
respectSigns = respectSigns,
methylationData = methylationData,
minReadsPerCytosine = minReadsPerCytosine,
pseudocountM = pseudocountM,
pseudocountN = pseudocountN,
condition = condition,
m = m,
n = n,
cores = 1))
joinedDMRs <- c(bufferDMRs, notToJoin)
} else{
joinedDMRs <- notToJoin
joinedDMRs <- joinedDMRs[order(joinedDMRs)]
.mergeDMRsIterativelyReplicates <- function(DMRs,
respectSigns = TRUE,
minReadsPerCytosine = 4,
pseudocountM = pseudocountM,
pseudocountN = pseudocountN,
condition = condition,
m = m,
n = n,
cores = 1){
overlaps <- countOverlaps(DMRs, DMRs, maxgap = minGap, ignore.strand = TRUE)
notToJoin <- DMRs[overlaps == 1]
DMRs <- DMRs[overlaps > 1]
joinedAny <- TRUE
iteration <- 1
joinedAny <- FALSE
bufferDMRs <-GRanges()
index <- 1
localIndex <- index
joinedCount <- 0
while(localIndex < length(DMRs)){
localDMRs <- DMRs[index]
canJoin <- TRUE
localIndex <- localIndex + 1
newDMRs <-.joinDMRsReplicates(c(localDMRs, DMRs[localIndex]),
minGap = minGap,
respectSigns = respectSigns,
methylationData = methylationData,
minReadsPerCytosine = minReadsPerCytosine,
pseudocountM = pseudocountM,
pseudocountN = pseudocountN,
condition = condition,
m = m,
n = n,
cores = 1)
if(length(newDMRs) == 1){
joinedCount <- joinedCount + 1
localDMRs <- newDMRs
joinedAny <- TRUE
if(localIndex == length(DMRs)){
canJoin <- FALSE
bufferDMRs <- c(bufferDMRs, newDMRs)
} else{
bufferDMRs <- c(bufferDMRs, localDMRs)
canJoin <- FALSE
index <- localIndex
if(localIndex == length(DMRs)){
bufferDMRs <- c(bufferDMRs, DMRs[localIndex])
DMRs <- bufferDMRs
iteration <- iteration + 1
DMRs <- c(DMRs, notToJoin)
DMRs <- DMRs[order(DMRs)]
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