#' refseq, alliance, pubmed, manual, bugsigdb
#' @description Text mining RefSeq description, PubMed, BugSigDB
#' and the other manually curated textual data.
#' @details The main functions of the \pkg{biotextgraph} package. The functions accepts
#' a character vector of biological entities (such as gene identifiers)
#' and returns the summarized statistics and visualization
#' contained in \code{biotext} object.
#' @param geneList gene ID list
#' @param queries query ID list
#' @param mbList microbe ID list
#' @param df manual document data.frame (must have column `text`) or vector of text.
#' If `query` column and other columns are present, regards them as category related to the text on the same row.
#' @param alliancePath path to The Alliance of Genome Resources gene description file.
#' default to "GENE-DESCRIPTION-TSV_HUMAN.tsv"
#' @param plotType "wc" or "network", default to "network"
#' @param exclude "frequency" or "tfidf",
#' @param excludeFreq default to 5000
#' @param excludeType ">" or "<", combined with `exclude` and `excludeFreq`,
#' e.g. filter the words with the pre-calculated frequency > 5000
#' @param keyType default to SYMBOL
#' @param additionalRemove specific words to be excluded
#' @param madeUpper make these words uppercase in resulting plot,
#' default to c("rna" and "dna")
#' @param madeUpperGenes make genes upper case automatically (default to TRUE)
#' This uses the `SYMBOL` key in `orgDb`.
#' @param pre remove preset filtering words.
#' @param numWords the number of words to be shown in the plot.
#' When `autoThresh` is TRUE, the number of this value will be shown.
#' @param scaleRange scale for label and node size in the network.
#' @param autoScale scale the label and node size automatically for the large network.
#' @param cooccurrence default to FALSE, if TRUE, use cooccurrence instead of correlation.
#' @param corThresh the correlation (cooccurrence) threshold.
#' @param deleteZeroDeg delete zero degree node from plot in the network
#' @param orgDb the database used to convert identifiers, default to org.Hs.eg.db.
#' @param organism organism ID to use in `GeneSummary`
#' @param enrich currently, only 'reactome' and 'kegg' is supported.
#' @param topPath how many pathway descriptions are included in text analysis,
#' sorted by p-values in the results.
#' @param ora perform over-representation analysis or not (experimental)
#' @param ngram N-gram specification, default to 1.
#' @param genePlot plot associated genes (default: FALSE)
#' This option first calculates the high-frequent words, and subsequently calculates
#' the occurrences of these words in each gene, and prioritize the genes by them.
#' @param genePlotNum number of genes to be plotted (default: 10)
#' @param multiVals passed to mapIds function when converting ENTREZID to SYMBOL when
#' genePlot is on.
#' @param genePathPlot plot associated genes and pathways (default: NULL)
#' Must be "kegg" or "reactome", automatically set genePlot to TRUE.
#' @param genePathPlotSig threshold for adjusted p-values (default: 0.05)
#' @param filterMax Use pre-calculated filter based on max-values when excluding TfIdf
#' Otherwise take sum.
#' @param tag perform pvclust on words and colorlize them in wordcloud or network
#' argument of those accepted in pvclust `method.dist` option, like "correlation".
#' Default to "none", which performs no tagging.
#' @param tagWhole whether to perform pvclust on whole matrix or subset of the matrix.
#' @param pvclAlpha alpha value for pvpick()
#' @param onlyTDM return only TDM (tm).
#' @param onlyCorpus return only corpus (tm).
#' @param tfidf use TfIdf when making TDM, default to FALSE.
#' @param mergeCorpus specify multiple corpus if intend to combine them.
#' like PubMed information and RefSeq summary
#' @param numOnly delete number only (not deleting XXX123, but delete only the number)
#' @param onWholeDTM calculate correlation network
#' on whole dataset or top-words specified by numWords.
#' @param autoThresh automatically choose thresholding value to show the `numWords`,
#' when deleteZeroDeg (deleting no-connected words) is TRUE, which is default.
#' @param autoNumWords determine the number of words to be shown by ORA, default to FALSE.
#' @param useUdpipe use udpipe to make a dependency network.
#' @param udpipeModel udpipe model file name.
#' @param cl for parPvclust, parallel clustering can be performed
#' @param stem whether to use stemming when making corpus.
#' @param preserve Try to preserve original characters.
#' @param takeMax Take max values for each term in term-document matrix
#' @param collapse default to FALSE, collapse all the sentences.
#' @param normalize sum normalize the term frequency document-wise.
#' @param takeMean take mean values for each term in term-document matrix.
#' @param useSeed random seed
#' @param useggwordcloud default to TRUE, otherwise use `wordcloud` function.
#' @param wcScale scaling size for ggwordcloud
#' @param argList parameters to pass to wordcloud() or ggwordcloud()
#' @param layout the layout for the network, defaul to "nicely".
#' It can be one of the layouts implemented in `igraph` and `ggraph`, such as
#' `kk` (Kamada-Kawai), `nicely` (automatic selection of algorithm), `drl` (the force-directed DrL layout).
#' The options are available at: https://igraph.org/r/doc/layout_.html
#' @param edgeLink if FALSE, use geom_edge_diagonal. if TRUE, geom_edge_link. Default to TRUE.
#' @param edgeLabel if TRUE, plot the edge label (default: FALSE)
#' @param pal palette for color gradient in correlation network.
#' should be a vector of length two like c("red","blue").
#' @param showLegend whether to show legend in the network
#' @param colorText color text label based on frequency in the network
#' @param tagPalette tag palette when `tag` is TRUE. It is also used for dependency network
#' using udpipe, and tagging colorization for word cloud.
#' Default to NULL, which indicates automatically set.
#' @param naEdgeColor edge colors for NA values (linking query with the category other than text)
#' @param fontFamily font family to use, default to "sans".
#' @param addFreqToGene add pseudo frequency to gene in genePlot, default to FALSE.
#' @param colorize color the word nodes by their frequency, and the other nodes by their category.
#' if colorize=FALSE and addFreqToGene=TRUE, gene nodes are colorized according to the minimum frequency
#' of the words in the network
#' @param discreteColorWord colorize words by "Words" category, not frequency.
#' @param catColors colors for words and texts when colorize is TRUE and discreteColorWord is TRUE
#' @param geneColor color for associated genes with words (used when tag or colorize option is TRUE)
#' @param scaleFreq default to NULL, scale the value if specified
#' @param scaleEdgeWidth scale for edge width
#' @param splitByEA automatically split the genes based on significant enrichment analysis results,
#' and returns the list of object for each term. Default to NULL. Must be 'kegg' or 'reactome',
#' in which the function performs over-representation analysis by enrichKEGG or enrichPathway in
#' clusterProfiler and ReactomePA.
#' @param filterByGO filter the results to the words obtained from GO terms,
#' while preserving the number of words to be shown
#' @param docsum if TRUE, convert the term-document matrix to binary.
#' @param absolute calculate absolute correlation value
#' @param corOption passed to `cor` function, like list("method"="kendall")
#' @param useRawQuery if you would like to send the query as is, please set this option to TRUE.
#' @param redo if plot in other parameters, input the previous list
#' @param apiKey api key for eutilities
#' @param perQuery search for the queries one by one recursively, not using `delim`.
#' @param retMax how many items are to be retlieved?
#' @param quote whether to quote the queries
#' @param sortOrder sort order, passed to rentrez function
#' @param onlyGene plot only the gene symbol
#' (orgDb with SYMBOL key can be used)
#' @param distinguish_query if TRUE, distinguish query and returned texts
#' by appending (Q) on query
#' @param dateRange if specified, restrict the range of publication date.
#' Must be the two-length vector, like `c("2013/1/1", "2023/1/1")`
#' @param mbPlot plot microbe names
#' @param disPlot plot diseases
#' @param target "title" or "abstract"
#' @param metab tibble of metabolite - taxon association
#' @param metThresh threshold of association
#' @param metCol metabolite data frame column name in the order of
#' "candidate taxon", "metabolite", "quantitative values for thresholding"
#' @param curate include articles in bugsigdb
#' @param abstArg passed to PubMed function when using curate=FALSE
#' @param mbColor color for Microbes when tagPalette or catColors
#' is not specified
#' @param ecPlot plot link between enzyme and microbes
#' this option requires two files to be passed to enzyme() and getUPTax().
#' @param ecFile enzyme database file
#' @param upTaxFile UniProt taxonomy file
#' @param addFreqToMB add pseudo frequency to microbes in mbPlot
#' @param udpipeOnlyFreq when using udpipe, include only high-frequent words
#' @param udpipeOnlyFreqNB when using udpipe, include only the neighbors of
#' high-frequent words
#' @param useFil filter based on "GS_TfIdf" (whole gene summary tf-idf)
#' or "BSDB_TfIdf" (whole bugsigdb tf-idf)
#' @param filNum specify filter tfidf
#' @param filType "above" or "below"
#' @param useQuanteda use quanteda functions to generate
#' @param quantedaArgs list of arguments to be passed to tokens()
#' @param addFreqToNonWords add pseudo-frequency corresponding to minimum
#' frequency of the words to nodes other than words
#' @param delim delimiter for queries
#' @param onlyDf return only the raw data.frame of searching PubMed
#' @param addFreqToQuery add pseudo-frequency to query node
#' @param queryColor color for associated queries with words
#' @param queryPlot plot the query in the graph in relation with the words
#' @param cc0 effective only in `pubmed` function. The prefetched data in `pubmedMini`
#' package is used for gene query.
#' @param cache Caching when BugSigDB is downloaded (default to TRUE)
#' @return `biotext` class object
#' @name generalf
#' refseq
#' @rdname generalf
#' @import tm
#' @import GeneSummary
#' @import org.Hs.eg.db
#' @import wordcloud
#' @import igraph
#' @importFrom tidygraph graph_join as_tbl_graph activate is.tbl_graph
#' @import ggraph ggplot2
#' @importFrom pvclust pvclust pvpick
#' @import methods
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom stats dist na.omit
#' @importFrom grDevices palette
#' @importFrom stats as.dendrogram cor dhyper p.adjust
#' @importFrom igraph graph.adjacency
#' @importFrom cowplot as_grob
#' @importFrom NLP ngrams words
#' @importFrom ggplotify as.ggplot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' geneList <- c("DDX41","PNKP","ERCC1","IRF3","XRCC1")
#' refseq(geneList)
refseq <- function (geneList, keyType="SYMBOL",
excludeFreq=2000, exclude="frequency",
filterMax=FALSE, excludeType=">",
tfidf=FALSE, genePlotNum=10,
preserve=FALSE, takeMax=FALSE,
additionalRemove=NA, onlyCorpus=FALSE,
madeUpper=c("dna","rna"), organism=9606,
pal=c("blue","red"), numWords=30,
scaleRange=c(5,10), autoScale=FALSE,
orgDb=org.Hs.eg.db, edgeLabel=FALSE,
naEdgeColor="grey50", cooccurrence=FALSE,
pvclAlpha=0.95, cl=FALSE, multiVals="first",
ngram=1, plotType="network", onlyTDM=FALSE, stem=FALSE,
colorText=FALSE, corThresh=0.2, genePlot=FALSE,
autoThresh=TRUE, autoNumWords=FALSE,
genePathPlot=NULL, genePathPlotSig=0.05, tag="none",
layout="nicely", edgeLink=TRUE, deleteZeroDeg=TRUE,
enrich=NULL, topPath=10, ora=FALSE, tagWhole=FALSE,
mergeCorpus=NULL, numOnly=TRUE, madeUpperGenes=TRUE,
onWholeDTM=FALSE, pre=TRUE, takeMean=FALSE,
tagPalette=NULL, collapse=FALSE, addFreqToGene=FALSE,
useUdpipe=FALSE, normalize=FALSE, fontFamily="sans",
scaleFreq=NULL, colorize=FALSE, geneColor="grey",
argList=list(), useggwordcloud=TRUE, wcScale=10,
catColors=NULL, discreteColorWord=FALSE,
useSeed=42, scaleEdgeWidth=c(1,3), splitByEA=NULL,
filterByGO=FALSE, docsum=FALSE, absolute=TRUE,
corOption=list()) {
if (!is.null(splitByEA)) {
if (length(splitByEA)!=1) {
stop("Please specify kegg or reactome to splitByEA")}
if ((splitByEA=="kegg")|(splitByEA=="reactome")) {
} else {
stop("Please specify kegg or reactome to splitByEA")
if (useUdpipe) {
qqcat("Using udpipe mode\n")
udmodel_english <- udpipe::udpipe_load_model(file = udpipeModel)
if (madeUpperGenes){
madeUpper <- c(madeUpper, tolower(keys(orgDb, "SYMBOL")))
if (is.null(mergeCorpus)) {
if (!is.null(enrich)) { ## mining pathway enrichment analysis text
if (genePlot) {stop("genePlot can't be performed in enrichment analysis mode")}
ret <- obtain_enrich(geneList, keyType=keyType, enrich=enrich,
org_db=orgDb, top_path=topPath)
ret <- ret |> set_filter_words(exclude_by=exclude,
exclude_type=excludeType, exclude="GS",
exclude_number=excludeFreq, filterMax=filterMax,
pre=pre, pre_microbe=FALSE)
ret <- ret |> make_corpus(collapse=collapse,
stem=stem, preserve=preserve,
docs <- ret@corpus
} else { ## Mining RefSeq text
ret <- obtain_refseq(geneList, keyType=keyType, organism=organism, org_db=orgDb)
ret <- ret |> set_filter_words(exclude_by=exclude,
exclude_type=excludeType, exclude="GS",
exclude_number=excludeFreq, filterMax=filterMax,
pre=pre, pre_microbe=FALSE)
fil <- ret@rawText
if (autoNumWords) {
if (keyType!="ENTREZID"){
geneList <- AnnotationDbi::select(orgDb,
keys = geneList, columns = c("ENTREZID"),
keytype = keyType)$ENTREZID
geneList <- geneList[!is.na(geneList)] |> unique()
sig <- textORA(geneList)
numWords <- names(sig)[p.adjust(sig, "bonferroni")<0.05] |> length()
if (numWords>50) {numWords <- 50}
qqcat("numWords is set to @{numWords}\n")
if (ora){
qqcat("Performing ORA\n")
if (!autoNumWords) {
if (keyType!="ENTREZID"){
geneList <- AnnotationDbi::select(orgDb,
keys = geneList, columns = c("ENTREZID"),
keytype = keyType)$ENTREZID
geneList <- geneList[!is.na(geneList)] |> unique()
sig <- textORA(geneList)
sigFilter <- names(sig)[p.adjust(sig, "bonferroni")>0.05]
qqcat("Filtered @{length(sigFilter)} words (ORA)\n")
ret@filtered <- c(ret@filtered, sigFilter)
ret@ora <- sig
ret <- ret |> make_corpus(collapse=collapse,
stem=stem, preserve=preserve,
docs <- ret@corpus
filterWords <- ret@filtered
## Udpipe mode can only be used with default RefSeq
if (useUdpipe) {
fil$text <- fil$Gene_summary
fil$ID <- fil$Gene_ID
ret <- retUdpipeNet(ret=ret, texts=fil,udmodel_english=udmodel_english,
orgDb=orgDb, filterWords=filterWords, additionalRemove=additionalRemove,
colorText=colorText, edgeLink=edgeLink, queryPlot=genePlot, layout=layout,
pal=pal, showNeighbors=NULL, showFreq=NULL, nodePal=tagPalette)
ret@type <- "udpipe"
if (onlyCorpus){
} else {
if (length(mergeCorpus)<2){
stop("Please provide multile corpus")
ret <- new("biotext")
ret@query <- geneList
ret@type <- "merged"
docs <- mergeCorpus
ret@tag <- tag
ret@corpus <- docs
pdic <- ret@dic
ret <- ret |> make_TDM(tfidf=tfidf,
matSorted <- ret@wholeFreq
if (numWords > length(matSorted)){
numWords <- length(matSorted)
docs <- ret@TDM
if (onlyTDM) {
## Set parameters for the network
if (!is.numeric(corThresh)){corThresh<-0.6}
if (!is.numeric(numWords)){numWords<-30}
## If filter by GO terms
if (filterByGO) {
qqcat("`filterByGO` option enabled. Filtering by GO terms ...\n")
data_env <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
load(system.file("extdata", "sysdata.rda", package = "biotextgraph"),
goWords <- data_env[["goWords"]]
goWords2gram <- data_env[["goWords2gram"]]
if (ngram==1) {
filtered_by_GO <- names(matSorted)[tolower(names(matSorted)) %in% goWords]
matSorted <- matSorted[filtered_by_GO]
} else if (ngram==2) {
filtered_by_GO <- names(matSorted)[tolower(names(matSorted)) %in% goWords2gram]
matSorted <- matSorted[filtered_by_GO]
} else {# Do nothing
## Subset to numWords
ret@numWords <- numWords
matSorted <- matSorted[1:numWords]
freqWords <- names(matSorted)
if (plotType=="network"){
incGene <- NULL
returnDf <- data.frame(word = names(matSorted),freq=matSorted) |>
for (i in madeUpper) {
returnDf[returnDf$word == i,"word"] <- toupper(i)
## TODO: Force all functions to return lower freqDf.
ret@freqDf <- returnDf
DTM <- t(as.matrix(docs))
if (tag!="none") {
ret <- tag_words(ret, cl, pvclAlpha, whole=tagWhole, num_words=ret@numWords, method=tag)
pvc <- ret@pvclust
pvcl <- ret@pvpick
## genePlot: plot associated genes
if (!is.null(genePathPlot)) {genePlot <- TRUE}
if (genePlot) {
if (!is.null(mergeCorpus)) {
stop("Cannot perform genePlot when merging corpus")
revID <- AnnotationDbi::mapIds(orgDb,
keys = as.character(fil$Gene_ID),
column = c("SYMBOL"), multiVals=multiVals,
keytype = "ENTREZID")
row.names(DTM) <- revID
## genePathPlot: plot associated genes and pathways
if (!is.null(genePathPlot)) {
if (keyType!="ENTREZID"){
geneList <- AnnotationDbi::select(orgDb,
keys = geneList, columns = c("ENTREZID"),
keytype = keyType)$ENTREZID
geneList <- geneList[!is.na(geneList)] |> unique()
# qqcat(" Converted input genes: @{length(geneList)}\n")
if (genePathPlot == "reactome") {
if (requireNamespace("ReactomePA")) {
pathRes <- ReactomePA::enrichPathway(geneList)
} else {
stop("Please install ReactomePA")
pathRes@result$Description <- gsub("Homo sapiens\r: ",
else if (genePathPlot == "kegg") {
pathRes <- clusterProfiler::enrichKEGG(geneList)
else {
stop("Please specify 'reactome' or 'kegg'")
if (dim(subset(pathRes@result, p.adjust<genePathPlotSig))[1]==0) {
stop("No enriched term found.")
} else {
qqcat("Found @{dim(subset(pathRes@result, p.adjust<genePathPlotSig))[1]} enriched term\n")
if (genePathPlot=="kegg"){pathRes@keytype <- "ENTREZID"}
ret@enrichResults <- pathRes@result
sigPath <- subset(clusterProfiler::setReadable(pathRes,
orgDb)@result, p.adjust<genePathPlotSig)
pathGraph <- c()
for (i in 1:nrow(sigPath)){
pa <- sigPath[i, "Description"]
for (j in unlist(strsplit(sigPath[i, "geneID"], "/"))){
pathGraph <- rbind(pathGraph, c(pa, j))
matrixs <- obtainMatrix(ret, FALSE, NULL, DTM, freqWords,
corThresh, cooccurrence, onWholeDTM, numWords, autoThresh, absolute)
coGraph <- matrixs$coGraph
ret <- matrixs$ret
# if (tag=="cor") {
# ret <- tag_words(ret, cl,
# pvclAlpha, whole=tagWhole,
# num_words=ret@numWords,
# corMat=TRUE, mat=matrixs$ret@corMat)
# pvc <- ret@pvclust
# pvcl <- ret@pvpick
# }
ret@igraphRaw <- coGraph
coGraph <- induced.subgraph(coGraph,
names(V(coGraph)) %in% freqWords)
V(coGraph)$Freq <- matSorted[V(coGraph)$name]
if (deleteZeroDeg){
coGraph <- induced.subgraph(coGraph,
degree(coGraph) > 0)
nodeName <- V(coGraph)$name
if (genePlot) {
genemap <- c()
for (rn in nodeName){
tmp <- DTM[, rn]
for (nm in names(tmp[tmp!=0])){
genemap <- rbind(genemap, c(rn, nm))
gcnt <- table(genemap[,2])
gcnt <- gcnt[order(gcnt, decreasing=TRUE)]
if (length(gcnt)!=1) {ret@geneCount <- gcnt}
incGene <- names(gcnt)[1:genePlotNum]
genemap <- genemap[genemap[,2] %in% incGene,]
ret@geneMap <- genemap
genemap <- simplify(igraph::graph_from_edgelist(genemap,
directed = FALSE))
coGraph <- tidygraph::graph_join(as_tbl_graph(coGraph),
as_tbl_graph(genemap), by="name")
coGraph <- coGraph |> activate("nodes") |>
# coGraph <- igraph::union(coGraph, genemap)
E(coGraph)$edgeColor <- E(coGraph)$weight
tmpW <- E(coGraph)$weight
if (corThresh < 0.1) {corThreshGenePlot <- 0.01} else {
corThreshGenePlot <- corThresh - 0.1}
tmpW[is.na(tmpW)] <- corThreshGenePlot
E(coGraph)$weight <- tmpW
} else {
coGraph <- as_tbl_graph(coGraph) |> activate("nodes") |>
E(coGraph)$edgeColor <- E(coGraph)$weight
if (!is.null(genePathPlot)) {
withinCoGraph <- intersect(pathGraph[,2], V(coGraph)$name)
withinCoGraphPathGraph <- pathGraph[
pathGraph[,2] %in% withinCoGraph,]
if (is.vector(withinCoGraphPathGraph)) {
withinCoGraphPathGraph <- data.frame(withinCoGraphPathGraph[1],
grp <- c()
for (i in V(coGraph)$name) {
if (i %in% withinCoGraphPathGraph[,2]){
tmpMap <- withinCoGraphPathGraph[
withinCoGraphPathGraph[,2] %in% i,]
if (is.vector(tmpMap)) {
grp <- c(grp, tmpMap[1])
} else {
tmpMap <- tmpMap[order(tmpMap[,1]),]
grp <- c(grp, paste(tmpMap[,1], collapse="\n"))
} else {
grp <- c(grp, NA)
V(coGraph)$grp <- grp
if (colorize) {addFreqToGene<-TRUE}
if (addFreqToGene) {
## Set pseudo freq as min value of freq
fre <- V(coGraph)$Freq
fre[is.na(fre)] <- min(fre, na.rm=TRUE)
V(coGraph)$Freq <- fre
## Assign node category
nodeN <- (coGraph |> activate("nodes") |> data.frame())$type
names(nodeN) <- names(V(coGraph))
V(coGraph)$nodeCat <- nodeN
if (tag!="none") {
## If tag=TRUE, significant words are assigned `cluster`
## The other words and gene nodes are assigned their category.
netCol <- tolower(names(V(coGraph)))
for (i in seq_along(pvcl$clusters)){
for (j in pvcl$clusters[[i]])
netCol[netCol==j] <- paste0("cluster",i)
netCol[!startsWith(netCol, "cluster")] <- "not_assigned"
V(coGraph)$tag <- netCol
if (!is.null(nodeN)) {
addC <- V(coGraph)$tag
for (nn in seq_along(names(V(coGraph)))) {
if (V(coGraph)$tag[nn]!="not_assigned"){next}
if (names(V(coGraph))[nn] %in% names(nodeN)) {
addC[nn] <- nodeN[names(V(coGraph))[nn]]
} else {
V(coGraph)$tag <- addC
if (preserve) {
nodeDf <- coGraph |> activate("nodes") |> data.frame()
V(coGraph)$name <- apply(nodeDf,
function(x) {ifelse(x["type"]=="Words",
ifelse(is.na(pdic[x["name"]]), x["name"], pdic[x["name"]]),
## Make uppercase (after preserve)
nodeName <- V(coGraph)$name
# dtmCol <- colnames(DTM)
for (i in madeUpper) {
# dtmCol[dtmCol == i] <- toupper(i)
nodeName[nodeName == i] <- toupper(i)
V(coGraph)$name <- nodeName
# colnames(DTM) <- dtmCol
if (!is.tbl_graph(coGraph)) {
ret@igraph <- coGraph
} else {
ret@igraph <- as.igraph(coGraph)
E(coGraph)$weightLabel <- round(E(coGraph)$weight, 3)
## Main plot (probably these functions should be moved to plotNet())
netPlot <- ggraph(coGraph, layout=layout)
netPlot <- appendEdges(netPlot, FALSE, edgeLink,
edgeLabel, showLegend, fontFamily)
if (tag!="none") { ## Obtain tag coloring
if (is.null(tagPalette)) {
cols <- V(coGraph)$tag |> unique()
if (length(cols)>2) {
tagPalette <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(8, "Dark2")
tagPalette <- colorRampPalette(tagPalette)(length(cols))
} else {
tagPalette <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(3,"Dark2")[seq_len(length(cols))]
names(tagPalette) <- cols
tagPalette["Genes"] <- geneColor
if (is.null(catColors)) { ## Obtain category coloring
catLen <- length(unique(V(coGraph)$nodeCat))
if (catLen>2) {
catColors <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(catLen, "Dark2")
} else {
catColors <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(3,"Dark2")[seq_len(catLen)]
names(catColors) <- unique(V(coGraph)$nodeCat)
catColors["Genes"] <- geneColor
netPlot <- appendNodesAndTexts(netPlot,tag,colorize,tagPalette,
useSeed, ret, tagColors=tagPalette,
if (autoScale) {
scaleRange <- c((500 * (1 / numWords))/2.5,
500 * (1 / numWords))
netPlot <- netPlot +
scale_size(range=scaleRange, name="Frequency")+
scale_edge_width(range=scaleEdgeWidth, name = "Correlation")+
name = "Correlation", na.value=naEdgeColor)+
if (!is.null(genePathPlot)) {
netPlot <- netPlot + ggforce::geom_mark_hull(
group = grp,
label=grp, fill=grp,
filter = !is.na(grp)),
concavity = 4,
expand = unit(2, "mm"),
alpha = 0.25,
na.rm = TRUE,
# label.fill="transparent",
show.legend = FALSE
ret@net <- netPlot
} else {
## WC
returnDf <- data.frame(word = names(matSorted),freq=matSorted) |>
wcCol <- NULL
returnDf$wcColor <- "black"
if (genePlot) {
## We need DTM with gene ID with row.names
DTM <- t(as.matrix(docs))
if (!is.null(mergeCorpus)) {
stop("Cannot perform genePlot when merging corpus")
revID <- AnnotationDbi::select(orgDb,
keys = as.character(fil$Gene_ID),
columns = c("SYMBOL"),
keytype = "ENTREZID")$SYMBOL
row.names(DTM) <- revID
genemap <- NULL
nodeName <- returnDf$word
for (rn in nodeName){
tmp <- DTM[, rn]
for (nm in names(tmp[tmp!=0])){
genemap <- rbind(genemap, c(rn, nm))
gcnt <- table(genemap[,2])
gcnt <- gcnt[order(gcnt, decreasing=TRUE)]
if (length(gcnt)!=1) {ret@geneCount <- gcnt}
ret@geneMap <- genemap
genemap <- data.frame(genemap) |> `colnames<-`(c("word","gene"))
collapsed_genemap <- genemap %>%
group_by(.data$word) %>%
summarise(gene_name=paste0(.data$gene, collapse=","))
returnDf <- merge(returnDf, collapsed_genemap, by="word")
if (tag!="none") {
freqWords <- names(matSorted)
freqWordsDTM <- t(as.matrix(docs[Terms(docs) %in% freqWords, ]))
if (tagWhole){
pvc <- pvclust(as.matrix(dist(as.matrix(docs))), method.dist=tag, parallel=cl)
} else {
pvc <- pvclust(as.matrix(dist(t(freqWordsDTM))), method.dist=tag, parallel=cl)
pvcl <- pvpick(pvc)
ret@pvclust <- pvc
ret@pvpick <- pvcl
wcCol <- returnDf$word
if (is.null(tagPalette)) {
tagPalette <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(11, "RdBu"))(length(pvcl$clusters |> unique()))
names(tagPalette) <- pvcl$clusters |> unique()
for (i in seq_along(pvcl$clusters)){
for (j in pvcl$clusters[[i]])
wcCol[wcCol==j] <- tagPalette[i]
wcCol[!wcCol %in% tagPalette] <- "grey"
returnDf$wcColor <- wcCol
for (i in madeUpper) {
# returnDf$word <- str_replace(returnDf$word, i, toupper(i))
returnDf[returnDf$word == i,"word"] <- toupper(i)
if (preserve) {
for (nm in unique(returnDf$word)) {
if (nm %in% names(pdic)) {
returnDf[returnDf$word == nm, "word"] <- pdic[nm]
## Probably better to scale if most of the words have frequency < 3
if (!is.null(scaleFreq)) {
showFreq <- returnDf$freq*scaleFreq
returnDf$freq <- returnDf$freq*scaleFreq
} else {
showFreq <- returnDf$freq
if (!("min.freq" %in% names(argList))) {
argList[["min.freq"]] <- 3
ret@freqDf <- returnDf
returnDf <- returnDf[returnDf$freq > argList[["min.freq"]], ]
if (tag!="none"){
argList[["words"]] <- returnDf$word
argList[["freq"]] <- returnDf$freq
argList[["family"]] <- fontFamily
argList[["colors"]] <- returnDf$wcColor
argList[["random.order"]] <- FALSE
argList[["ordered.colors"]] <- TRUE
if ("bg.color" %in% names(argList)) {
argList[["bg.colour"]] <- argList[["bg.color"]]
if (useggwordcloud) {
if (genePlot) {
argList[["label_content"]] <-
sprintf("%s<span style='font-size:7.5pt'><br>(%s)</span>",
returnDf$word, returnDf$gene_name)
wc <- do.call(ggwordcloud::ggwordcloud, argList)+
scale_size_area(max_size = wcScale)+
theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill="transparent",
colour = NA))
} else {
wc <- as.ggplot(as_grob(~do.call("wordcloud", argList)))
} else {
argList[["words"]] <- returnDf$word
argList[["freq"]] <- returnDf$freq
argList[["family"]] <- fontFamily
if ("bg.color" %in% names(argList)) {
argList[["bg.colour"]] <- argList[["bg.color"]]
if (useggwordcloud) {
if (genePlot) {
argList[["label_content"]] <-
sprintf("%s<span style='font-size:7.5pt'><br>(%s)</span>",
returnDf$word, returnDf$gene_name)
wc <- do.call(ggwordcloud::ggwordcloud, argList)+
scale_size_area(max_size = wcScale)+
theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent",
colour = NA))
} else {
wc <- as.ggplot(as_grob(~do.call("wordcloud", argList)))
ret@wc <- wc
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.