#' @rdname generalf
#' @import tm
#' @import bugsigdbr
#' @import wordcloud
#' @import igraph
#' @import ggraph ggplot2
#' @importFrom XML xmlParse xpathSApply xmlTreeParse xmlElementsByTagName xmlValue
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom stats dist
#' @importFrom grDevices palette
#' @importFrom tidygraph tbl_graph
#' @importFrom stats as.dendrogram cor dhyper p.adjust
#' @importFrom igraph graph.adjacency graph_from_edgelist
#' @importFrom cowplot as_grob
#' @importFrom NLP ngrams words
#' @importFrom ggplotify as.ggplot
#' @examples
#' mbList <- c("Veillonella dispar")
#' \dontrun{
#' bugsigdb(mbList, plotType="wc")
#' }
#' @export
bugsigdb <- function (mbList,
excludeFreq=1000, exclude="frequency",
excludeType=">", normalize=FALSE, takeMean=FALSE,
additionalRemove=NA, tfidf=FALSE,
target="title", apiKey=NULL, takeMax=FALSE,
pre=FALSE, pvclAlpha=0.95, numOnly=TRUE,
madeUpper=c("dna","rna"), redo=NULL, fontFamily="sans",
pal=c("blue","red"), numWords=15, preserve=FALSE,
metab=NULL, metThresh=0.2, curate=TRUE,
abstArg=list(), tagPalette=NULL, metCol=NULL,
scaleRange=c(5,10), showLegend=FALSE, ecPlot=FALSE,
edgeLabel=FALSE, mbPlot=FALSE, onlyTDM=FALSE,
ecFile=NULL, upTaxFile=NULL, filterMax=FALSE, mbColor="grey",
useUdpipe=FALSE, colorize=FALSE, cooccurrence=FALSE,
udpipeModel="english-ewt-ud-2.5-191206.udpipe", scaleFreq=NULL,
ngram=1, plotType="network", disPlot=FALSE, onWholeDTM=FALSE,
naEdgeColor="grey50", useggwordcloud=TRUE, wcScale=10,addFreqToMB=FALSE,
catColors=NULL, useSeed=42,discreteColorWord=FALSE,
colorText=FALSE, corThresh=0.2, tag="none", tagWhole=FALSE, stem=FALSE,
layout="nicely", edgeLink=TRUE, deleteZeroDeg=TRUE, cl=FALSE,
autoThresh=TRUE, argList=list(), docsum=FALSE, absolute=TRUE,
corOption=list(), cache=TRUE) {
if (useUdpipe) {
qqcat("Using udpipe mode\n")
ngram <- 1
udmodel_english <- udpipe::udpipe_load_model(file = udpipeModel)
ret <- new("biotext")
ret@query <- mbList
ret@type <- paste0("BSDB_",target)
addNet <- list()
if (pre) {additionalRemove <- c(additionalRemove, "microbiota",
if (is.null(redo)) {
qqcat("Input microbes: @{length(mbList)}\n")
tb <- importBugSigDB(cache=cache)
subTb <- c()
for (m in mbList) {
tmp <- tb[grepl(m, tb$`MetaPhlAn taxon names`,
fixed = TRUE),]
if (dim(tmp)[1]>0) {
qqcat(" Found @{length(unique(tmp$PMID))} entries for @{m}\n")
tmp$query <- m
subTb <- rbind(subTb, tmp)
qqcat("Including @{dim(subTb)[1]} entries\n")
titles <- unique(subTb$Title)
titles <- titles[!is.na(titles)]
fil <- c()
for (title in titles){
tmp <- subset(subTb, subTb$Title==title)
if (dim(tmp)[1]>1){
## Duplicated entry is deleted based on query and paper title
tmp$title2 <- paste0(tmp$Title,"_",tmp$query)
tmp2 <- tmp[!duplicated(tmp$title2),]
fil <- rbind(fil, c(paste(tmp2$query, collapse=","),
unique(tmp2$Title), unique(tmp2$PMID)))
} else {
fil <- rbind(fil, c(tmp$query, tmp$Title, tmp$PMID))
fil <- data.frame(fil)
colnames(fil) <- c("query","text","ID")
fil <- fil[!is.na(fil$ID),] # Some PMIDs have NA
# returnList[["filterWords"]] <- filterWords
ret@pmids <- fil$ID
ret@rawTextBSDB <- subTb
} else {
qqcat("Redoing abstract query for microbes\n")
ret <- redo
target <- "abstract"
if (curate) {
if (target=="abstract"){
qqcat("Target is abstract\n")
if (is.null(redo)) {
pmids <- unique(fil$ID)
# pmids <- pmids[!is.na(pmids)]
qqcat(" Querying PubMed for @{length(pmids)} pmids\n")
queryUrl <- paste0("https://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/",
paste(pmids, collapse=","))
if (!is.null(apiKey)){
queryUrl <- paste0(queryUrl, "&api_key=", apiKey)
} else {
qqcat(" Querying without API key\n")
onequery <- url(queryUrl, open = "rb", encoding = "UTF8")
xmlString <- readLines(onequery, encoding="UTF8")
parsedXML <- xmlParse(xmlString)
obtainText <- function(pmid) {xpathSApply(parsedXML,
PMIDs <- as.numeric(xpathSApply(parsedXML,
abstDf <- NULL
for (pmid in PMIDs) {
if (length(obtainText(pmid))!=0) {
for (text in obtainText(pmid)) {
tax <- unique(subset(fil, fil$ID==pmid)$query)
abstDf <- rbind(abstDf, c(pmid, text, tax))
abstDf <- data.frame(abstDf) |> `colnames<-`(c("ID","text","query"))
# abstset <- xmlElementsByTagName(parsedXML$doc$children$PubmedArticleSet,
# "Abstract",
# recursive = TRUE)
# absttext <- as.character(xmlValue(abstset))
ret@rawText <- abstDf
} else {
abstDf <- ret@rawText
filterWords <- ret@filtered
subTb <- ret@rawTextBSDB
## TODO: ask taking unique text or not?
docs <- VCorpus(VectorSource(abstDf$text))
} else {
docs <- VCorpus(VectorSource(fil$text))
} else {
abstArg[["queries"]] <- mbList
abstArg[["quote"]] <- TRUE
abstArg[["target"]] <- target
abstArg[["onlyDf"]] <- TRUE
abstDf <- do.call(pubmed, abstArg)
ret@rawText <- abstDf
ret@type <- paste0("BSDB_PubMed_",target)
docs <- VCorpus(VectorSource(abstDf$text))
## Make corpus
## Filter high frequency words if needed
if (exclude=="frequency") {
pref = "BSDB_Freq"
} else {
pref = "BSDB_TfIdf"
if (filterMax) {
pref <- paste0(pref, "_Max")
filterWords <- retFiltWords(useFil=pref, filType=excludeType, filNum=excludeFreq)
qqcat("Filtering @{length(filterWords)} words (frequency and/or tfidf)\n")
if (preserve) {
pdic <- preserveDict(docs, ngram, numOnly, stem)
ret@dic <- pdic
docs <- makeCorpus(docs, filterWords, additionalRemove, numOnly, stem)
if (length(filterWords)!=0 | length(additionalRemove)!=0){
allfils <- c(filterWords, additionalRemove)
allfils <- allfils[!is.na(allfils)]
if (length(allfils)!=0) {
ret@filtered <- allfils
ret@corpus <- docs
ret@tag <- tag
## Make additional network
if (disPlot & plotType=="network") {## This does not need to be deduplicated
dis <- NULL
for (i in seq_len(nrow(subTb))){
dis <- rbind(dis,
c(subTb[i, "Condition"], subTb[i, "query"]))
dis <- dis[!is.na(dis[,1]),]
dis <- dis[!is.na(dis[,2]),]
vtx <- data.frame(cbind(c(dis[,1], dis[,2]), c(rep("Diseases",length(dis[,1])),
rep("Microbes",length(dis[,2]))))) |> `colnames<-`(c("name","type"))
vtx <- vtx[!duplicated(vtx),]
dmg <- tbl_graph(nodes=vtx, edges=data.frame(dis), directed=FALSE)
addNet[["Diseases"]] <- dmg
## Add metab if present
## TODO: somehow show edge weights other than
## correlation between words
if (!is.null(metab) & plotType=="network") {
if (is.null(metCol)) {
stop("No column names specified")
qqcat("Checking metabolites\n")
metabGraph <- NULL
for (sp in mbList) {
tmp <- metab[grepl(sp,metab[[metCol[1]]]),]
tmp <- tmp[abs(tmp[[metCol[3]]])>metThresh,]
if (dim(tmp)[1]!=0) {
for (met in tmp[[metCol[2]]]) {
metabGraph <- rbind(metabGraph, c(sp, met))
} else {
qqcat(" Found no metabolites for @{sp}\n")
if (!is.null(metabGraph)) {
vtx <- data.frame(
cbind(c(metabGraph[,1], metabGraph[,2]),
rep("Metabolites",length(metabGraph[,2]))))) |> `colnames<-`(c("name","type"))
vtx <- vtx[!duplicated(vtx),]
metabGraph <- tbl_graph(nodes=vtx, edges=data.frame(metabGraph), directed=FALSE)
addNet[["Metabolites"]] <- metabGraph
## Add EC if present
if (ecPlot & plotType=="network") {
mbPlot <- TRUE
if (is.null(ecFile)) {stop("Please provide EC file")}
if (is.null(upTaxFile)) {stop("Please provide UniProt taxonomy file")}
ecDf <- enzyme(file=ecFile, ecnum="all", taxec=TRUE,
taxFile=upTaxFile, candTax=mbList)
if (!is.null(ecDf)) {
ecDf <- ecDf[,c("desc","query")]
vtx <- data.frame(
cbind(c(ecDf[,1], ecDf[,2]),
rep("Microbes",length(ecDf[,2]))))) |>
vtx <- vtx[!duplicated(vtx),]
ecGraph <- tbl_graph(nodes=vtx,
addNet[["Enzymes"]] <- ecGraph
# ecg <- simplify(graph_from_data_frame(,
# directed=FALSE))
# addNet[["Enzymes"]] <- as_tbl_graph(ecg)
if (useUdpipe) {
if (curate & target!="abstract") {
abstDf <- fil
ret <- retUdpipeNet(ret=ret,texts=abstDf,udmodel_english=udmodel_english,
orgDb=NULL, filterWords=filterWords, additionalRemove=additionalRemove,
colorText=colorText,edgeLink=edgeLink,queryPlot=mbPlot, layout=layout,
pal=pal,showNeighbors=NULL, showFreq=NULL, nodePal=tagPalette,addNet=addNet,
## Set parameters for correlation network
if (is.na(corThresh)){corThresh<-0.6}
if (is.na(numWords)){numWords<-10}
if (ngram!=1){
NgramTokenizer <- function(x)
unlist(lapply(ngrams(words(x), ngram),
paste, collapse = " "),
use.names = FALSE)
if (tfidf) {
docs <- TermDocumentMatrix(docs,
control = list(tokenize = NgramTokenizer,
weighting = weightTfIdf))
} else {
docs <- TermDocumentMatrix(docs,
control = list(tokenize = NgramTokenizer))
} else {
if (tfidf) {
docs <- TermDocumentMatrix(docs,
control = list(weighting = weightTfIdf))
} else {
docs <- TermDocumentMatrix(docs)
mat <- as.matrix(docs)
if (docsum) {
mat <- apply(mat, 2, function(x) ifelse(x>0, 1, 0))
if (normalize) {
mat <- sweep(mat, 2, colSums(mat), `/`)
if (takeMax & takeMean) {stop("Should either of specify takeMax or takeMean")}
if (takeMax) {
perterm <- apply(mat, 1, max, na.rm=TRUE)
} else {
if (takeMean) {
perterm <- apply(mat,1,mean)
} else {
perterm <- rowSums(mat)
matSorted <- sort(perterm, decreasing=TRUE)
ret@wholeFreq <- matSorted
if (numWords > length(matSorted)){
numWords <- length(matSorted)
ret@numWords <- numWords
if (onlyTDM) {
# returnList[["rawfrequency"]] <- matSorted
ret@TDM <- docs
if (plotType=="network"){
matSorted <- matSorted[1:numWords]
freqWords <- names(matSorted)
DTM <- t(as.matrix(docs))
returnDf <- data.frame(word = names(matSorted),freq=matSorted) |>
ret@freqDf <- returnDf
if (tag=="tdm") {# Needs rework
if (!is.null(redo)){
if (!is.null(redo@pvpick)) {
pvcl <- ret@pvpick
} else {
if (tagWhole){
pvc <- pvclust(as.matrix(dist(t(DTM))),parallel=cl, method.dist=tag)
} else {
pvc <- pvclust(as.matrix(dist(
DTM[,colnames(DTM) %in% freqWords]
)), parallel=cl, method.dist=tag)
pvcl <- pvpick(pvc, alpha=pvclAlpha)
ret@pvclust <- pvc
ret@pvpick <- pvcl
} else {
if (tagWhole){
pvc <- pvclust(as.matrix(dist(t(DTM))),parallel=cl, method.dist=tag)
} else {
pvc <- pvclust(as.matrix(dist(
DTM[,colnames(DTM) %in% freqWords]
)),parallel=cl, method.dist=tag)
pvcl <- pvpick(pvc, alpha=pvclAlpha)
ret@pvclust <- pvc
ret@pvpick <- pvcl
## mbPlot: plot associated mbs
if (disPlot) {mbPlot <- TRUE}
if (!is.null(metab)) {mbPlot <- TRUE}
if (ecPlot) {mbPlot <- TRUE}
if (mbPlot) {
if (target=="abstract") {
row.names(DTM) <- abstDf$query
} else {
if (curate) {
row.names(DTM) <- fil$query
} else {
row.names(DTM) <- abstDf$query
matrixs <- obtainMatrix(ret, FALSE, NULL, DTM, freqWords,
corThresh, cooccurrence, onWholeDTM, numWords, autoThresh, absolute, corOption)
coGraph <- matrixs$coGraph
ret <- matrixs$ret
if (tag=="cor") {
ret <- tag_words(ret, cl,
pvclAlpha, whole=tagWhole,
pvc <- ret@pvclust
pvcl <- ret@pvpick
ret@igraphRaw <- coGraph
## Subset to frequent-words
coGraph <- induced.subgraph(coGraph, names(V(coGraph)) %in% freqWords)
V(coGraph)$Freq <- matSorted[V(coGraph)$name]
if (deleteZeroDeg){
coGraph <- induced.subgraph(coGraph, degree(coGraph) > 0)
nodeName <- V(coGraph)$name
# dtmCol <- colnames(DTM)
# for (i in madeUpper) {
# dtmCol[dtmCol == i] <- toupper(i)
# nodeName[nodeName == i] <- toupper(i)
# }
# V(coGraph)$name <- nodeName
# colnames(DTM) <- dtmCol
if (mbPlot) {
mbmap <- c()
for (rn in nodeName){
tmp <- DTM[ ,rn]
for (nm in names(tmp[tmp!=0])){
if (grepl(",", nm, fixed = TRUE)) {
for (microbe in unlist(strsplit(nm, ","))){
mbmap <- rbind(mbmap, c(rn, microbe))
} else {
mbmap <- rbind(mbmap, c(rn, nm))
mbmap <- mbmap[mbmap[,2]!="",]
gcnt <- table(mbmap[,2])
if (length(mbList)!=1) {
gcnt <- gcnt[order(gcnt, decreasing=TRUE)]
if (is.table(gcnt)) {
ret@geneCount <- gcnt
incGene <- names(gcnt)[1:length(mbList)]
mbmap <- mbmap[mbmap[,2] %in% incGene,]
ret@geneMap <- mbmap
vtx <- data.frame(cbind(c(mbmap[,1], mbmap[,2]), c(rep("Words",length(mbmap[,1])),
rep("Microbes",length(mbmap[,2]))))) |> `colnames<-`(c("name","type"))
vtx <- vtx[!duplicated(vtx),]
## It is possible not to distinguish between query microbe name
## and words as in `pubmed()`, as the words are lowercases here,
## and altered to titlecase after
mbmap <- tbl_graph(nodes=vtx, edges=data.frame(mbmap), directed=FALSE)
V(coGraph)$type <- "Words"
coGraph <- graph_join(as_tbl_graph(coGraph),
coGraph <- coGraph |> activate("nodes") |>
## If present, add additional graphs
if (length(addNet)!=0) {
for (netName in names(addNet)) {
tmpAdd <- addNet[[netName]]
coGraph <- graph_join(as_tbl_graph(coGraph),
coGraph <- coGraph |> activate("nodes") |>
## Set edge weight
## Probably set to NA would be better.
E(coGraph)$edgeColor <- E(coGraph)$weight
tmpW <- E(coGraph)$weight
if (corThresh < 0.1) {corThreshMbPlot <- 0.01} else {
corThreshMbPlot <- corThresh - 0.1
tmpW[is.na(tmpW)] <- corThreshMbPlot
E(coGraph)$weight <- tmpW
} else {
coGraph <- as_tbl_graph(coGraph) |> activate("nodes") |>
E(coGraph)$edgeColor <- E(coGraph)$weight
nodeN <- (coGraph |> activate("nodes") |> data.frame())$type
V(coGraph)$nodeCat <- nodeN
names(nodeN) <- names(V(coGraph))
if (tag!="none") {
netCol <- tolower(names(V(coGraph)))
for (i in seq_along(pvcl$clusters)){
for (j in pvcl$clusters[[i]])
netCol[netCol==j] <- paste0("cluster",i)
netCol[!startsWith(netCol, "cluster")] <- "not_assigned"
V(coGraph)$tag <- netCol
## Add disease and other labs
if (!is.null(nodeN)) {
addC <- V(coGraph)$tag
for (nn in seq_along(names(V(coGraph)))) {
if (names(V(coGraph))[nn] %in% names(nodeN)) {
addC[nn] <- nodeN[names(V(coGraph))[nn]]
} else {
V(coGraph)$tag <- addC
if (preserve) {
nodeDf <- coGraph |> as_tbl_graph() |>activate("nodes") |> data.frame()
V(coGraph)$name <- apply(nodeDf,
function(x) {ifelse(x["type"]=="Words",
ifelse(is.na(pdic[x["name"]]), x["name"], pdic[x["name"]]),
# coGraph <- set.vertex.attribute(coGraph, "name", value=newGname)
nodeName <- V(coGraph)$name
for (i in madeUpper) {
nodeName[nodeName == i] <- toupper(i)
V(coGraph)$name <- nodeName
if (colorize) {addFreqToMB <- TRUE}
if (addFreqToMB) {
## Set pseudo freq based on min value of freq
fre <- V(coGraph)$Freq
fre[is.na(fre)] <- min(fre, na.rm=TRUE)
V(coGraph)$Freq <- fre
## Define colors
if (tag!="none") { ## Obtain tag coloring
if (is.null(tagPalette)) {
cols <- V(coGraph)$tag |> unique()
if (length(cols)>2) {
tagPalette <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(8, "Dark2")
tagPalette <- colorRampPalette(tagPalette)(length(cols))
} else {
tagPalette <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(3,"Dark2")[seq_len(length(cols))]
names(tagPalette) <- cols
tagPalette["Microbes"] <- mbColor
if (is.null(catColors)) { ## Obtain category coloring
catLen <- length(unique(V(coGraph)$nodeCat))
if (catLen>2) {
catColors <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(catLen, "Dark2")
} else {
catColors <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(3,"Dark2")[seq_len(catLen)]
names(catColors) <- unique(V(coGraph)$nodeCat)
catColors["Microbes"] <- mbColor
if (!is.tbl_graph(coGraph)) {
ret@igraph <- coGraph
} else {
ret@igraph <- as.igraph(coGraph)
## Main plot
netPlot <- ggraph(coGraph, layout=layout)
netPlot <- appendEdges(netPlot, FALSE, edgeLink,
edgeLabel, showLegend, fontFamily)
netPlot <- appendNodesAndTexts(netPlot,tag,colorize,tagPalette,
useSeed, ret, tagColors=tagPalette, discreteColorWord=discreteColorWord)
netPlot <- netPlot +
scale_size(range=scaleRange, name="Frequency")+
scale_edge_width(range=c(1,3), name = "Correlation")+
name = "Correlation", na.value=naEdgeColor)+
ret@net <- netPlot
} else {
## WC
matSorted <- matSorted[1:numWords]
returnDf <- data.frame(word = names(matSorted),freq=matSorted) |>
if (tag!="none") {
freqWords <- names(matSorted)
freqWordsDTM <- t(as.matrix(docs[Terms(docs) %in% freqWords, ]))
if (!is.null(redo)){
if (!is.null(redo@pvpick)) {
pvcl <- ret@pvpick
} else {
if (tagWhole){
pvc <- pvclust(as.matrix(dist(t(freqWordsDTM))),parallel=cl, method.dist=tag)
} else {
pvc <- pvclust(as.matrix(dist(
freqWordsDTM[,colnames(freqWordsDTM) %in% freqWords]
)), parallel=cl, method.dist=tag)
pvcl <- pvpick(pvc, alpha=pvclAlpha)
ret@pvclust <- pvc
ret@pvpick <- pvcl
} else {
if (tagWhole){
pvc <- pvclust(as.matrix(dist(t(freqWordsDTM))),parallel=cl, method.dist=tag)
} else {
pvc <- pvclust(as.matrix(dist(
freqWordsDTM[,colnames(freqWordsDTM) %in% freqWords]
)),parallel=cl, method.dist=tag)
pvcl <- pvpick(pvc, alpha=pvclAlpha)
ret@pvclust <- pvc
ret@pvpick <- pvcl
if (is.null(tagPalette)) {
tagPalette <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(length(unique(pvcl$clusters)), "Dark2")
wcCol <- returnDf$word
for (i in seq_along(pvcl$clusters)){
for (j in pvcl$clusters[[i]])
wcCol[wcCol==j] <- tagPalette[i]
wcCol[!wcCol %in% tagPalette] <- "grey"
for (i in madeUpper) {
# returnDf$word <- str_replace(returnDf$word, i, toupper(i))
returnDf[returnDf$word == i,"word"] <- toupper(i)
if (preserve) {
for (nm in unique(returnDf$word)) {
if (nm %in% names(pdic)) {
returnDf[returnDf$word == nm, "word"] <- pdic[nm]
if (!is.null(scaleFreq)) {
showFreq <- returnDf$freq*scaleFreq
} else {
showFreq <- returnDf$freq
if (tag!="none"){
argList[["words"]] <- returnDf$word
argList[["freq"]] <- showFreq
argList[["family"]] <- fontFamily
argList[["colors"]] <- wcCol
argList[["random.order"]] <- FALSE
argList[["ordered.colors"]] <- TRUE
if (useggwordcloud) {
wc <- do.call(ggwordcloud::ggwordcloud, argList)+
scale_size_area(max_size = wcScale)+
theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill="transparent",
colour = NA))
} else {
wc <- as.ggplot(as_grob(~do.call("wordcloud", argList)))
} else {
argList[["words"]] <- returnDf$word
argList[["freq"]] <- showFreq
argList[["family"]] <- fontFamily
if (useggwordcloud) {
wc <- do.call(ggwordcloud::ggwordcloud, argList)+
scale_size_area(max_size = wcScale)+
theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent",
colour = NA))
} else {
wc <- as.ggplot(as_grob(~do.call("wordcloud", argList)))
ret@freqDf <- returnDf
ret@wc <- wc
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