
Defines functions SPADE.annotateMarkers SPADE.markerMedians SPADE.layout.arch SPADE.annotateGraph SPADE.write.graph

Documented in SPADE.annotateGraph SPADE.annotateMarkers SPADE.layout.arch SPADE.markerMedians SPADE.write.graph

SPADE.annotateMarkers <- function(files, cols=NULL, arcsinh_cofactor=5.0) {
	warning("Deprecated: Use SPADE.markerMedians instead")
	SPADE.markerMedians(files, cols=cols, arcsinh_cofactor=arcsinh_cofactor)

SPADE.markerMedians <- function(files, num.clusters, cols=NULL, arcsinh_cofactor=NULL, transforms=flowCore::arcsinhTransform(a=0, b=0.2), cluster_cols=NULL, comp=TRUE) {

	if (!is.null(arcsinh_cofactor)) {
		warning("arcsinh_cofactor is deprecated, use transform=flowCore::arcsinhTransform(...) instead")
		transforms <- flowCore::arcsinhTransform(a=0, b=1/arcsinh_cofactor)

	data  <- c()
	files <- as.vector(files)
	for (f in files) {
		# Load in FCS file
		in_fcs  <- SPADE.read.FCS(f,comp=comp);
		in_data <- exprs(in_fcs);

		params <- parameters(in_fcs);
		pd     <- pData(params);
		# Select out the desired columns
		if (is.null(cols)) {
			cols <- as.vector(pd$name) 
		if (!"cluster" %in% cols) {
			cols <- c(cols,"cluster")

		idxs <- match(cols,pd$name)
		if (any(is.na(idxs))) { 
			stop("Invalid column specifier") 

		data <- rbind(data, in_data[, idxs,drop=FALSE])


	clst <- data[,"cluster"]
	data <- data[,colnames(data)!="cluster",drop=FALSE]
	data_t <- SPADE.transform.matrix(data, transforms) 

	# TODO: Weird things were being done to the naming, and this breaks that so we can do the transforms cleanly...
	colnames(data) <- sapply(colnames(data),function(x) { 
		if (x %in% cluster_cols)
			x <- paste(x,"clust",sep="_")
	colnames(data_t) = colnames(data)

	ids  <- 1:num.clusters
	if (any(is.na(match(unique(clst),ids)))) {
		stop("More clusters in FCS files than indicated")

	count   <- matrix(0,  nrow=num.clusters, ncol=1, dimnames=list(ids, "count"))
	medians <- matrix(NA, nrow=num.clusters, ncol=ncol(data), dimnames=list(ids,colnames(data)))
	raw_medians <- matrix(NA, nrow=num.clusters, ncol=ncol(data), dimnames=list(ids,colnames(data)))
	cvs     <- matrix(NA, nrow=num.clusters, ncol=ncol(data), dimnames=list(ids,colnames(data)))
	for (i in ids) {
		data_s  <- subset(data, clst == i)
		data_s_t <- subset(data_t, clst == i)
		count[i,1]  <- nrow(data_s_t)
		medians[i,] <- apply(data_s_t, 2, median)
		raw_medians[i,] <- apply(data_s, 2, median)
		cvs[i,]     <- apply(data_s_t, 2, function(d) { 100*sd(d)/abs(mean(d)) })
	percenttotal <- matrix((count / sum(count)) * 100.0, nrow=num.clusters, ncol=1, dimnames=list(ids, "percenttotal"))
	list(count=count, medians=medians, raw_medians=raw_medians, cvs=cvs, percenttotal=percenttotal)

SPADE.layout.arch <-  function(mst_graph) {
	if (!is.igraph(mst_graph)) {
		stop("Input has to be igraph object")
	if (!is.connected(mst_graph)) {	
		stop("Cannot handle graph that has disjoint components")
	# Make sure it is a tree, no circles
	if (girth(mst_graph)$girth > 0) {
		stop("Cannot handle graphs with cycles");
	# Find the distance between nodes measured in "hops"
	hops <- c()
	for (v in V(mst_graph)) {
		hops <- rbind(hops, unlist(lapply(get.shortest.paths(mst_graph,v)$vpath, length)))

	# Compute the positions for each vertices
	# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	v_pos <- array(0,c(vcount(mst_graph),2))

	# The longest path is the backbone arch
	terminals <- which(hops == max(hops), arr.ind=TRUE)[1,]
	back_bone <- unlist(get.shortest.paths(mst_graph, from=terminals["row"], to=terminals["col"]))
	# Layout the backbone arch along an arc
	bb_span <- pi * .55  # span in radians of back bone arch
	bb_unit <- 50.0  # unit distance bewteen nodes
	angles  <- seq(pi/2-bb_span/2, pi/2+bb_span/2, length.out=length(back_bone)) 
	v_pos[back_bone,] <- bb_unit*length(back_bone)*cbind(cos(angles),-sin(angles))

	# Layout the side chains as trees normal to the backbone
	for (v in back_bone) {
		# Find subset of vertices that compose side chain by deleting links between current
		# backbone vertex and rest of the backbone and then performing subcomponent
		# Note: E(mst_graph,P=c(mapply(c,v,n))) == E(mst_graph)[v %--% n] but is much faster
		n <- intersect(neighbors(mst_graph, v), back_bone)
		side_v <- sort(subcomponent(delete.edges(mst_graph,E(mst_graph,P=c(mapply(c,v,n)))),v))

		# Compute layout for side chains and integrate it into overall layout 
		# Note: Relies on side_v being in sorted order
		if (length(side_v) > 1) {
			# Convert side chains to directed graph, deleting edges with decreasing hop distance
			side_h <- hops[v, side_v]  # hops between back_bone node and side chain
			sg <- induced_subgraph(mst_graph, as.vector(side_v))
			side_g <- as.directed(sg, mode="mutual")
			e <- get.edges(side_g,E(side_g))  # edges as a matrix
			side_g <- delete.edges(side_g,subset(E(side_g),side_h[e[,1]] > side_h[e[,2]]))	   

			# Layout side chain
			# -----------------------------------------------------------------
			root <- which.min(side_h)
			layout <- layout.reingold.tilford(side_g,root=root)

			# rotate tree to be normal to back bone
			polar <- cbind(atan2(layout[,2],layout[,1]), sqrt(rowSums(layout^2)))
			polar[,1] <- polar[,1] + angles[back_bone==v] - pi/2
			layout <- bb_unit*polar[,2]*cbind(cos(polar[,1]),-sin(polar[,1]))	    
			# translate layout to back_bone 	    
			layout <- layout + matrix(v_pos[v,] - layout[root,], nrow=nrow(layout), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
			v_pos[side_v,] <- layout

SPADE.annotateGraph <- function(graph, layout=NULL, anno=NULL) {
	if (!is.igraph(graph)) {
		stop("Not a graph object")

	if (!is.null(layout) && is.matrix(layout)) {
		if (nrow(layout) != vcount(graph) || ncol(layout) != 2) {
			stop("Ill-formated layout matrix, must 2 columns (x,y) and as many rows as vertices")
		# Over write non-struct graphics attributes if they exist
		v_attr <- list.vertex.attributes(graph)
		for (i in grep("^graphics$",v_attr))
			graph <- remove.vertex.attribute(graph, v_attr[i])
		graph <- set.vertex.attribute(graph, "graphics.x", value=layout[,1])
		graph <- set.vertex.attribute(graph, "graphics.y", value=layout[,2])

	if (is.null(anno)) {
	} else if (!is.list(anno)) {
		stop("anno must be a list with named entries");
	for (i in seq_len(length(anno))) {
		l <- anno[[i]]
		if (!is.matrix(l)) {
			stop(paste("Argument:",quote(l),"must be a matrix"))
		vt <- V(graph)[match(rownames(l),V(graph)$name)]  # Vertex IDS are 1 indexed
		for (c in colnames(l)) {
			graph <- set.vertex.attribute(graph,ifelse(names(anno)[i] == c,c,paste(names(anno)[i],c,sep="")),index=vt, value=l[,c])

SPADE.write.graph <- function(graph, file="", format = c("gml")) {
	if (!is.igraph(graph)) {
		stop("Not a graph object")
	if (file == "") {
		file <- stdout()
	} else if (is.character(file)) {
		file <- file(file, "w")
	} else if (!isOpen(file, "w")) {
		open(file, "w")
	if (!inherits(file, "connection")) {
		stop("'file' must be a character string or a connection")

	write.gml <- function(graph,file) {
		write.attr <- function(name, attr) {
			# Strip out non-alphanumeric characters to avoid Cytoscape parsing errors
			name <- gsub("[^A-Za-z0-9_]","",name)
			if (length(grep("^[0-9]",name))) {
				name <- paste("spade",name,sep="")
			if (is.na(attr) || is.nan(attr))
				stop("Unexpected NA or NaN attribute")
			else if (is.character(attr) && nchar(attr) > 0)
				paste(name," \"",attr,"\"",sep="")
			else if (is.integer(attr))
		writeLines(c("graph [", paste("directed",ifelse(is.directed(graph),1,0))),con=file)

		# Identify known "structs"	
		v_attr <- list.vertex.attributes(graph)
		v_attr_g <- v_attr[grep("graphics[.]",v_attr)]  # graphics attributes
		v_attr <- setdiff(v_attr, c(v_attr_g, "id"))  
		for (v in V(graph)) {
			writeLines("node [",con=file)
			for (a in v_attr) {
				val <- get.vertex.attribute(graph,a,index=v)
				if (!is.na(val) && !is.nan(val))

			if (length(v_attr_g) > 0) {
				writeLines("graphics [",con=file)
				for (a in v_attr_g) {
					parts <- unlist(strsplit(a,"[.]"))
					val <- get.vertex.attribute(graph,a,index=v)
					if (!is.na(val) && !is.nan(val))
		# Identify known "structs"	
		e_attr <- list.edge.attributes(graph)
		if (length(grep("[.]",e_attr)) > 0) {
			stop("Unsupported struct in edge attributes")

		for (e in E(graph)) {
			writeLines("edge [",con=file)
			pts <- get.edges(graph,e)
			writeLines(c(paste("source",pts[1]), paste("target",pts[2])),con=file)
			for (a in e_attr) {
				val <- get.edge.attribute(graph,a,index=e)
				if (!is.na(val) && !is.nan(val))


	res <- switch(format,   
		gml = write.gml(graph,file), 
		stop(paste("Unsupported output format:",format)))
nolanlab/spade documentation built on May 23, 2019, 9:32 p.m.