# is.SeekDeepDat
# not exported
is.SeekDeepDat <- function(x){inherits(x, "SeekDeepDat")}
#' @title skdp_filter_simplifier
#' @description filters
#' @param skdpclustinfo_df from seekdeep
#' @export
SeekDeepOutput2SeekDeepDat <- function(input, readcountcutoff = 0){
# Drops clusters without a lot of read support and recalculates haplotype/cluster fractions.
# Args:
# skdpclustinfo_df: From SeekDeep Process Clusters -- selectedClustersInfo.tab.txt
# readcountcutoff: Read Depth Cutoff
# Returns:
# simplier and filtered df
# Filter
input_simp <- input[input$c_ReadCnt > readcountcutoff, ] # filter at the cluster level (which is the within sample haplotype)
# Error handling
if(nrow(input_simp) > 0){
filtered_c_ReadCnt_sum <- aggregate(input_simp$c_ReadCnt ~ input_simp$s_Sample, function(x){sum(x)}, data = input_simp) # get denominator
colnames(filtered_c_ReadCnt_sum) <- c("s_Sample", "filtered_c_ReadCnt_denom")
input_simp <- dplyr::left_join(input_simp, filtered_c_ReadCnt_sum, by=c("s_Sample"))
input_simp$c_AveragedFrac_adj <- input_simp$c_ReadCnt/input_simp$filtered_c_ReadCnt_denom # adjusted average fraction by cluster
input_simp <- input_simp[, c("s_Sample", "c_AveragedFrac_adj", "h_popUID", "c_Consensus", "filtered_c_ReadCnt_denom", "c_ReadCnt")] # keep specific columns
} else{
stop("There was an error filtering the reads. Contact the developer")
class(input_simp) <- append( class(input_simp) , "SeekDeepDat" )
#' @title SeekDeepDat2HapPlotter
#' @description plots
#' @param input from skdp_filter_simplifier
#' @export
SeekDeepDat2HapPlotter <- function(input, target="Target"){
# error handle
stop("Input must be of class SeekDeepDat See the SeekDeepOutput2SeekDeepDat function.")
# Color setup
# stackoverflow, # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15282580/how-to-generate-a-number-of-most-distinctive-colors-in-r
n <- length(unique(input$h_popUID))
qual_col_pals = brewer.pal.info[brewer.pal.info$category == 'qual',] # pul out qualitative paletes
col_vector = unlist(mapply(brewer.pal, qual_col_pals$maxcolors, rownames(qual_col_pals)))
col=sample(col_vector, n)
# Drops clusters without a lot of read support and recalculates haplotype/cluster fractions.
# Args:
# skdpclustinfo_df_simp: Plots output from above
# Returns:
# stacked ggplot
input %>%
ggplot() +
geom_bar(aes(y = c_AveragedFrac_adj, x = s_Sample, fill = h_popUID), stat="identity") +
ggtitle(paste("Haplotype (Cluster) Frequencies by s_Sample", target)) +
xlab("Sample") +
ylab("Haplotype/Cluster Frequency") +
guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Haplotyper (Cluster)")) +
theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90,hjust=1, vjust=0.5, family = "Helvetica", face = "bold", size=14)) +
theme(axis.text.y=element_text(family = "Helvetica", face = "bold", size=8)) +
theme(axis.title.x=element_text(family = "Helvetica", face = "bold", size=10)) +
theme(axis.title.y=element_text(family = "Helvetica", face = "bold", size=10)) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, family = "Helvetica", face = "bold", size=18)) +
theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
panel.background = element_blank(), axis.line = element_line(colour = "black")) +
scale_fill_manual(values = col)
#' @title SeekDeepDat2ExonAnnotation
#' @description annotates exons
#' @param skdpclustinfo_df_simp from skdp_filter_simplifier
#' @export
SeekDeepDat2ExonAnnotation <- function(input,
gff, geneid,
ampliconrefseqpath, forwardprimerpath, reverseprimerpath,
# IMPORTANT -- this function assumes that after you have trimmed your primers, you are only in an exonic region
# i.e. we are only reading genes from gff
# Args:
# skdpclustinfo_df: From SeekDeep Process Clusters -- selectedClustersInfo.tab.txt
# gffpath: path to reference gff
# ampliconrefseqpath: seekdeep will provide this after extraction under targetRefSeqs
# forwardprimerpath: seekdeep will provide this after extraction under targetRefSeqs
# reverseprimerpath: seekdeep will provide this after extraction under targetRefSeqs
# Returns:
# annotated df
# error handle
stop("Input must be of class SeekDeepDat See the SeekDeepOutput2SeekDeepDat function.")
geneid.end <- grep('##FASTA',readLines(gff))
geneid.gff <- read.delim(file = gff,
nrows = geneid.end-1, comment= "#", header=F)
colnames(geneid.gff) <- c("seqname", "source", "feature", "start", "end", "score", "strand", "frame", "info")
geneid.gff <- subset(geneid.gff, geneid.gff$feature == "gene") # subset to only genes, don't want the other mRNA, etc data
##### EXTRACT GENEID from GFF INFO #######
geneid.gff$GeneID <- stringr::str_split_fixed(geneid.gff$info, ";", n=2)[,1] # give it to columns to parse on
geneid.gff$GeneID <- gsub("ID=", "", geneid.gff$GeneID, fixed=T)
# These are the gene identifiers that we care about
##### Subset Gene from GFF #######
geneid.gff <- data.frame(geneid.gff[geneid.gff$GeneID == geneid, ], stringsAsFactors = F)
# read in gff fasta
gffseq <- seqinr::read.fasta(file=gff, seqtype = c("DNA"), forceDNAtolower = F, strip.desc = T) # of note this is a hacky solution...review it and improve
# subset
gffseq <- gffseq[names(gffseq) %in% c(geneid)]
##### REFERNET FASTA #######
ampliconrefseq <- Biostrings::readDNAStringSet(filepath = ampliconrefseqpath, format="fasta")
ampliconrefseq <- ampliconrefseq[grepl("pf3d7", tolower(names(ampliconrefseq)))]
#### Now Trim Forward and Reverse Primer ##
Lprimer <- Biostrings::readDNAStringSet(filepath=forwardprimerpath, format = "fasta")
Rprimer <- Biostrings::reverseComplement(Biostrings::readDNAStringSet(filepath=reverseprimerpath, format = "fasta"))
Pf3D7haplotypeRef <- Biostrings::trimLRPatterns(Lpattern = Lprimer[[1]],
Rpattern = Rprimer[[1]],
subject = ampliconrefseq) # trim off primers
ampliconfull <- ampliconrefseq@ranges@width
ampliconprimertrim <- ampliconfull - Rprimer@ranges@width - Lprimer@ranges@width
if(ampliconprimertrim != Pf3D7haplotypeRef@ranges@width){
stop("The amplicon and haplotype are of different lengths. There was an issue in primer triming. Check your primers.")
#### THIS IS NOW THE REFERENT HAPLOTYPE (primers trimmed that we can compare/align to for variants)
#### Make a Dataframe of Variants ###
skdpconsens_dnalist <- split(input, factor(input$h_popUID))
compare_DNA <- function(input,dnastringobject){
x <- as.integer(Biostrings::DNAString(input$c_Consensus[1]))
y <- as.integer(Biostrings::DNAString(dnastringobject))
SNPpos <- which(x != y) #https://www.biostars.org/p/16880/
SNP <- seqinr::s2c(input$c_Consensus[1])[which(x != y)] # nucleotide bp that are associated with snps
SNPdf <- data.frame(h_popUID=rep(input$h_popUID[1], length(SNPpos)),
return(SNPdf) # a single consensus cluster may have several variants -- need to account for this --> will do left_join
# find snps
skdpconsens_SNPlist <- lapply(X=skdpconsens_dnalist, FUN=compare_DNA, Pf3D7haplotypeRef[[1]])
# call snps
skdpconsens_SNP <- do.call("rbind", skdpconsens_SNPlist)
if(nrow(skdpconsens_SNP) !=0){ # error handling if no snps in amplicon
# Identify First base in Amplicon from "global" Gene Fasta
RefSeqGenePos <- Biostrings::matchPattern(pattern = Pf3D7haplotypeRef[[1]],
subject = DNAString(seqinr::c2s(gffseq[[1]]))) # find pos of amplicon in gene
# find starting gene pos
skdpconsens_SNP$GenePos <- skdpconsens_SNP$SNPpos + RefSeqGenePos@ranges@start - 1 # minus one here so the first base doesn't get counted twice in our amp count and our vcf count
# Referent Amplicon w/in Gene (from the GFF gene-specific fasta sequence, the strand orientation is already taken care of)
AArefseq <- seqinr::translate(gffseq[[1]], sens="F", numcode=ncbigeneticcode)
# Make Mutant Amplicon Haplotype
haplist <- split(skdpconsens_SNP, f=factor(skdpconsens_SNP$h_popUID))
mutatehap_possense <- function(haplistobj){
mutseq <- gffseq[[1]]
mutseq[haplistobj$GenePos] <- as.character(haplistobj$SNP) # make mutation seq by putting in all SNPs
AAmutseq <- seqinr::translate(mutseq, sens="F", numcode=ncbigeneticcode) # translate
haplistobj$CODON <- ceiling(haplistobj$GenePos/3) # ceiling will so that 1/3, 2/3, 3/3 all got to #1 CODON
haplistobj$AAREF <- AArefseq[haplistobj$CODON]
haplistobj$AAALT <- AAmutseq[haplistobj$CODON]
haplistobj$MUT_Type <- ifelse(haplistobj$AAREF == haplistobj$AAALT, "Syn", "Nonsyn")
skdpconsens_SNP <- do.call("rbind", lapply(haplist, mutatehap_possense))
# return
skdpvcf <- dplyr::left_join(input, skdpconsens_SNP, by=c("h_popUID"))
} else {
skdpvcf <- dplyr::left_join(input, skdpconsens_SNP)
skdpvcf$GenePos <- NA
skdpvcf$CODON <- NA
skdpvcf$AAREF <- NA
skdpvcf$AAALT <- NA
skdpvcf$MUT_Type <- NA
} # will just return empty AA change table
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